Visible signs of deficiency and excess of vitamins. How does a deficiency of B vitamins manifest: symptoms and treatment Vitamins and their deficiency in the body

Normalizes metabolism, is important for normal vision, protects the skin and mucous membranes from damage, which is why it protects against many infections. Signs of its deficiency are worsening vision at dusk, decreased immunity, acne on the skin, and in women, a feeling of dryness in the vagina.

B vitamins

There are more than a dozen of them. The condition of nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver, oral cavity, muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract, and brain function depends on them. And they work as a “team”, so the signs of their lack are most often complex. These are fatigue, frequent colds, disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system (irritability, insomnia), fat and carbohydrate balance, decreased hemoglobin levels, itchy skin, cracks in the corners of the mouth, inflammatory processes on the mucous membranes.

It is a powerful antioxidant that helps the body defend against infections, blocks toxic substances in the blood, increases the elasticity and strength of blood vessels, and performs many other functions. With its deficiency, immunity decreases (this is indicated by frequent colds and exacerbations of chronic diseases, general illness), lethargy, bleeding gums appear, wounds heal poorly, the skin becomes dry, and the condition of the hair worsens.

First of all, it is responsible for the condition of the bones. But he also has other “responsibilities”. It affects the condition of the thyroid, parathyroid and gonads, and is involved in the regulation of heart contractions. Deficiency of this vitamin often leads to osteoporosis. The first symptoms of its deficiency are spasms in the leg muscles, limb cramps, dental problems, and endocrine disorders.


This is element No. 1: the normal functioning of the thyroid gland depends on it. And the hormones that it produces ensure the normal functioning of all body systems - they regulate the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, the functioning of the nervous system, brain, etc. Iodine deficiency is very common. Its signs are irritability, drowsiness, lethargy, deterioration of memory and attention, weakened immunity, swelling, and in women - menstrual irregularities.

Necessary for hematopoiesis and intracellular metabolism. The first signs of its deficiency are pale skin, weakness, dizziness, frequent infectious diseases, and a decrease in hemoglobin levels, which can lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Participates in many metabolic processes and “nourishes” the heart. It “works” very closely with sodium, helping to remove excess fluid from the body. Symptoms of a lack of this mineral are spasms of the heart muscle, increased fatigue, frequent urination, and the appearance of erosions on the mucous membranes.

This mineral maintains bone density, affects blood clotting and the excitability of the heart muscle, which determines the rhythm of its contractions. A lack of this mineral can be noticed if there are problems with teeth, brittle nails, and hair loss. And the most alarming symptom is fractures.

Provides protein biosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism, participating in enzymatic processes. It has a vasodilator and diuretic effect, keeps the walls of blood vessels toned. What may indicate its deficiency? Muscle cramps, joint pain, feeling of loss of strength, increased nervousness, insomnia.

It is necessary for the normal functioning of all cells of the body, participates in the production of essential hormones, stimulates the production of immune blood cells that protect us from cancer, and ensures redox processes. The most obvious signs of its deficiency are skin problems, acne, etc., increased fatigue, irritability, brittle nails, baldness, as well as deterioration of appetite and sense of smell.

Head to the pharmacy soon?

Do not rush to draw conclusions when you discover certain symptoms. Firstly, some of them may not indicate a vitamin deficiency, but rather certain characteristics of the body. For example, the absorption of a particular vitamin may be affected by specific intestinal characteristics, and zinc may be poorly absorbed when taking birth control pills or corticosteroids.

Secondly, we rarely lack one thing, most often the deficit is “complex”. But in any case, symptoms that alarm you are a reason to consult a doctor and get examined. An objective picture can be revealed using blood and urine tests. For example, the level of B1 is determined by erythrocytes, B2 - by erythrocytes, leukocytes, blood serum and urine, A, D and E - by examining blood plasma, etc.

Monitoring vitamin levels is important if you have chronic diseases. For example, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, enteritis), diabetes mellitus, the processes of absorption of vitamins and minerals are disrupted. The absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, E, K and D is affected by the condition of the gallbladder and liver. In these cases, higher doses of vitamins and minerals are sometimes needed, but which ones and in what quantities must be decided with your doctor. Many people do not know that vitamins must work in conjunction with minerals and vice versa. For example, iron is actively absorbed only with the help of ascorbic acid, calcium - vitamins D, and so on.

About speculation and truth

Many people are very prejudiced towards, guided by the following considerations:

Argument one:

Chemical substances cannot be more useful than living ones - made from natural products.

In fact: All vitamins are organic substances, and “synthetic” ones are completely identical to natural ones both in chemical structure and biological activity. These are not surrogates, but the same compounds that are found in any plant and animal cell.

Argument two:

Artificial vitamins are less easily absorbed than those found in natural foods.

In fact: Everything is exactly the opposite. In products, vitamins are in bound form, and in preparations they are in “pure” form, so the body does not waste energy on releasing them from accompanying substances, but immediately puts them to work.

Argument three:

May cause allergic reactions.

In fact: It is natural products that provoke allergies more often. Firstly, because any product consists of a complex set of chemicals, each of which can become an allergen. Secondly, there is practically no “clean” food now: most products contain preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings and other substances that cause allergies. Vitamins are not substances foreign to the body, which means they cannot provoke allergic reactions.

Argument four:

Taking artificial vitamins can lead to hypervitaminosis.

In fact: There are only two vitamins - A and D, long-term use of which can cause an “overdose”. But for this they need to be taken in quantities exceeding the need hundreds (!) times. All other vitamins do not accumulate: their excess is excreted in the urine.

Even those of us who strive to eat healthy and nutritious foods face vitamin and nutrient deficiencies. Here are some clear signs that your body is lacking vitamins.

Brittle, discolored nails

Iron is an important and necessary mineral for the functioning of the body. Women lose more iron due to the menstrual cycle, and vegetarians often experience a lack of this element in the body. Men typically consume more iron than needed.

When the body lacks iron, it manifests itself in external signs, for example, nails, both on the fingers and toes, become pale and often break, and the inside of the eyelids also turn pale.

Women who have not reached menopause need 18 milligrams of iron per day, men - 8 milligrams. The body absorbs iron best from animal sources, such as red meat and fish, poultry, oysters and other seafood. Plant sources of iron include spinach and sweet peas. Vitamin C significantly improves the absorption of iron by the body.

High blood pressure

This condition may mean that the body is lacking vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiency is more common in dark-skinned, dark-skinned, and black people. A sufficient or increased amount of this substance leads to low blood pressure, and a deficiency contributes to its increase.

An adult, regardless of gender, needs 600 IU (action units) of vitamin D per day. Unfortunately, it is difficult to get enough of this nutrient through food consumption because it is found in few foods. It is best to get enough sunlight. However, if this is not possible, it is worth increasing your consumption of fat milk, red fish, oranges and natural mushrooms (grown in natural conditions).

Low blood pressure

This condition may indicate a vitamin B12 deficiency. Other symptoms of cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiency include unsteady gait, muscle weakness and frequent urination.

Any adult needs at least 2.4 micrograms of cobalamins per day. Excellent natural sources of vitamin B12 include the following foods: shellfish, trout, salmon, beef, eggs and milk. When deciding to use medicinal supplements and vitamins, it is best to choose sublingual tablets (dissolved under the tongue), because they are better and faster absorbed by the body.

Muscle cramp

One of the main blood electrolytes is potassium. Its deficiency in the body leads to the fact that protein is poorly absorbed and muscle mass is poorly formed. A decline in the level of potassium electrolytes leads to muscle cramps often being felt in the calf area.

The most common cause of a lack of potassium in the blood is loss of fluid: intense sweating, diarrhea, vomiting and other conditions that contribute to dehydration.

An adult needs about five thousand milligrams of potassium per day, and it is best to consume it through food. Rich sources of potassium include bananas, avocados, coconut, potatoes and legumes.

Increased fatigue

Increased fatigue may be a symptom of a lack of vitamin C in the body. In the 18th century, this condition could be fatal and cause such terrible diseases as scurvy. Today we do not face such an outcome, but a lack of vitamin C manifests itself in a weak immune system, fatigue, irritability, and sometimes bleeding gums and dry hair. Heavy smokers are especially prone to this condition. They need to consume a third more vitamin C per day to overcome its deficiency. The same applies to passive smokers.

Women need approximately 75 milligrams of vitamin C per day, men 90 mg, and smokers 125 mg. The best sources of vitamin C are citrus fruits, tomatoes, kiwi, pineapples, spinach, broccoli, cantaloupe and bell peppers.

Problems with the thyroid gland

The thyroid gland secretes thyroid hormones, which are necessary for the body to function effectively. Typically, a lack of these hormones is closely related to a lack of iodine in the body. Problems with the thyroid gland can only be detected through laboratory testing, but a lack of iodine in the body can lead to various effects. For example, decreased cognitive performance and memory problems, low energy, apathy and low body temperature may indicate a lack of thyroid hormones. Problems with the thyroid gland are especially dangerous during pregnancy, since a lack of hormones can lead to miscarriage.

Most adults need 150 micrograms of iodine per day, while pregnant women should take 220 micrograms. Iodine is found in most seafood, dairy products, as well as iodized salt and water.

Frequent bone damage

Lack of calcium in the body leads to a decrease in bone mass and makes bones brittle. The condition can develop into osteoporosis, leading to low bone density, changes in bone metabolism and, accordingly, to frequent fractures.

A person's bones reach their peak development around the age of 30, after which they begin to slowly weaken and lose useful minerals, especially calcium. Therefore, it is extremely important that the body receives the norm of this essential substance. However, this is not all: in addition to calcium, bones need activity and exercise, so it is very useful to go for walks, run, do yoga and/or aerobics.

An adult up to 45-50 years old needs about a thousand milligrams of calcium per day; after this age, the norm increases to 1200 milligrams. The highest amounts of calcium are found in dairy products, especially cheese and milk, collard greens, turnip leaves, lettuce, tofu, green peas and green beans. Pharmaceutical vitamins and supplements are best taken with food.

Cracks on the lips and corners of the mouth

This is how vitamin B6 deficiency sometimes manifests itself. Other symptoms may include a swollen tongue, depression and confusion. Symptoms begin to appear only when the lack of this group of vitamins in the body becomes critical. Sometimes a deficiency of vitamins B6 is caused by medications.

People under 50 years old need an average of one and a half milligrams of these components per day; after fifty, the norm increases to 1.7 milligrams. Foods containing vitamin B6: chickpeas, tuna, salmon, bananas and marinara sauce. It is best to treat vitamin B6 deficiency with medications prescribed by a doctor.

You have probably noticed more than once a condition when nothing seems to hurt, but you don’t have enough strength for anything. Or suddenly your nails begin to break or peel, or your hair falls out more than usual. There seems to be no reason to go to the doctor, but it’s still worth worrying. Thus, our body lets us know that it is missing something. And you don’t need to ignore such warnings; on the contrary, you need to learn, based on such prompts from the body, to understand what it needs right now and how to make up for it. Let's figure it out.

Determining vitamin deficiency by symptoms

If you have:

  • No appetite.
  • Acne and skin rashes.
  • You get colds more often.
  • Vision began to deteriorate.
  • Calluses began to form.

The problem is a lack of vitamin A .

How to replenish: Include yellow and orange vegetables and fruits, fatty fish (mackerel, horse mackerel, etc.), milk and butter in your diet.

And found in carrots and parsley.


  • I started having problems with my hair (it became dull).
  • Dandruff appeared.
  • Nails have become brittle and peeling.
  • There was an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • Sores began to form in the corners of my mouth.
  • Frequent dizziness and migraines.
  • Do not sleep well or suffer from insomnia.
  • Constipation is a concern.

Then we can say with complete confidence that your body urgently needs to make up for the lack of B vitamins .

How to replenish : consume more vegetables and nuts, grains. There is a lot of vitamin B3 in sea fish, legumes, and poultry. B12 – in milk, pork, beef.

Maximum amount of vitamins group B is found in bran, liver, brewer's yeast and sprouted wheat grains.


  • Wounds and scratches take longer than usual to heal.
  • Bruises remain on the skin, even from minor injuries.
  • You gain weight (without changing your diet or diet).
  • You get tired quickly.
  • Smoke.

The body desperately needs vitamin C . Especially those who are addicted to tobacco. The fact is that nicotine has an extremely negative effect on vitamin C and promotes its rapid removal from the body. Alcohol, by the way, has an even more destructive effect.

How to replenish : eat more citrus fruits (provided you are not allergic), broccoli, spinach, rosehip syrup, kiwi.

Maximum amount of vitamin C can be found (no, not in citrus fruits), but in black currants, sorrel and strawberries.


  • My teeth began to deteriorate sharply.
  • Joints hurt from time to time (provided that you have not previously suffered from any diseases of the musculoskeletal system).
  • You have become more susceptible and irritable.

The lack of vitamin D is obvious . This problem occurs especially often in winter due to the lack of natural receipt of this vitamin from the sun's rays. A lack of vitamin D interferes with the absorption of calcium in the body, which leads to deterioration of the condition of bones and teeth.

How to replenish : spend more time in the fresh air (even on a frosty day), regularly eat seafood, liver and yolks. Some people prefer to take this vitamin in tablets. Be careful! Do not prescribe the number of vitamin D tablets on your own - an overdose is dangerous!

Maximum amount of vitamin D is found in black caviar.


  • Symptoms of diabetes appear (thirst, increased appetite, itchy skin, etc.).
  • It takes longer for the blood to stop bleeding after a cut than before.

The cause of this condition will most likely be a lack of vitamin K. . A deficiency in the body of this vitamin occurs due to: consumption of carbonated drinks, sedatives, some antibiotics, alcohol and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

How to replenish : Include Brussels sprouts, spinach, bananas, kiwi and olive oil. Be sure to give up soda.

Maximum amount of vitamin K is found in cauliflower and white cabbage.


  • Frequent pain in the stomach bothers me.
  • After eating food, I suffer from heartburn.
  • An allergic reaction to common foods appeared.

Then you need to replenish your body's reserves of vitamin U . The fact is that this vitamin is not produced by our body, and we can get it by eating certain foods. It is not even exactly a vitamin, but rather a vitamin-like substance that prevents the appearance of stomach and duodenal ulcers, promotes wound healing, the production of antihistamines, and reduces the development of food allergies.

How to replenish : Eat bananas, onions, fresh tomatoes, parsley, sweet peppers, turnips and white cabbage.

The maximum amount of this vitamin found in asparagus and beets.

We determine the lack of vitamins by changes in taste

Quite often, we can determine that some bad changes are happening in the body and it (the body) requires immediate help, based on our culinary preferences. For example, if you want something sweet, but previously you could hardly be called a sweet tooth , then the body lacks vitamins A and E, magnesium, phosphorus and chromium. The result will be dry skin, brittle nails and sores (seizes) around the mouth.

It is possible and necessary to restore the lack of these components in the body by consuming more hard cheese, spinach, liver, pumpkin seeds and broccoli.

If you want fat , then the lack of calcium and D3 on the face. This will be followed by problems with teeth, bones, nails, and in children, growth retardation. It is necessary to include in the menu: dairy products, broccoli, legumes, as well as magnesium and vitamin D in tablets (after consultation with a doctor).

If you want something rich and floury ,

then a deficiency of nitrogen and fats is obvious. The consequences of this deficiency will be neuroses, depression, pain in the kidneys and muscles. Introduce eggs, cottage cheese, soy, vegetable and animal proteins into your diet.

Did you know that there are not only vitamins, but also antivitamins? These substances can destroy the beneficial effects of vitamins and even lead to vitamin deficiency. I’ll explain with a specific example: a cut apple. You ate one half now, and left the other half to eat later. After a short time, you see that the remaining half of the apple has begun to darken. “It’s okay,” you think, “it’s natural ascorbic acid!”

Nothing of the kind! In fact, there is practically no vitamin C there. The thing is that under the influence of light, ascorbinase begins to be produced in the apple - a substance similar in chemical structure to vitamin C, but having a completely opposite mechanism of influence on the body. It causes oxidation and actually destroys vitamin C. And all vitamins, without exception, have such antipodes. There are a lot of antivitamins in raw foods. Therefore, if you have prepared a vegetable or fruit salad, you should eat it immediately .

A few words in conclusion

Of course, it would be more correct if there are any malfunctions in the body to seek qualified help from a specialist, in this case a therapist.

Since some symptoms of vitamin deficiency are similar to the symptoms of the onset of serious diseases. Therefore, I would still recommend seeing a doctor. Especially if you haven't been to him for a long time.

It’s better to make sure once again that all the tests are normal and that the problem really is a lack of some vitamin, than to then reproach yourself for not seeing a doctor in a timely manner.

To avoid problems with a lack of any vitamin, it is advisable to take a course of a multivitamin complex in the autumn-winter period. And, of course, if possible, eat healthy and varied, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, walk a lot in the fresh air, “load” the body with exercise, sleep at least 8 hours a day. Take serious care of your health and give up bad habits once and for all .

Any lack of vitamins is expressed in symptoms, which cannot always be recognized at the initial stage. It is very important to carry out preventive measures to identify missing vitamins in the body and replenish their reserves with the help of vitamin complexes or healthy foods. Otherwise, a deficiency of one or another substance can lead to serious diseases and disruptions in the functioning of many organs and systems.

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency

Retinol acts as one of the main antioxidants, which is involved in chemical reactions in the body during the oxidation process. It also normalizes metabolism, takes part in protein synthesis, slows down the aging process and has a positive effect on the functioning of the visual organs.

Low retinol levels result in dry skin, cracked skin, lack of visual acuity and poor hair condition.

Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency Where is it contained?
In infants
  • Dry skin;
  • the appearance of peeling;
  • formation of cracks on the lips, on the heels.
  • Fatty fish;
  • high-fat dairy products;
  • liver;
  • chicken egg yolks;
  • avocado;
  • peaches;
  • bell pepper;
  • potato; carrot.
In children
  • Slow growth;
  • decreased activity;
  • anemia;
  • cracks on the feet, in the corners of the lips;
  • peeling, rash.
In adults
  • Dandruff formation;
  • hair loss;
  • the appearance of rashes and peeling on the skin;
  • decreased body tone;
  • weakened immunity.
In women
  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle;
  • decreased elasticity and firmness of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles;
  • deterioration of hair condition;
  • impaired reproductive function.

The consequences of a lack of retinol can be very dire - in a child this manifests itself in slow development of muscle and bone tissue and a decrease in mental abilities; in an adult, the condition of the skin sharply worsens, the level of vision decreases and premature aging occurs.

Signs of vitamin B deficiency

Representatives of group B are known primarily as vitamins of youth and beauty, keeping skin, hair and nails in good condition. They also regulate many processes in the brain and participate in metabolic reactions.

Deficiency in B vitamins can be caused not only by poor nutrition, but also by exacerbations of diseases of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, numerous stresses, heavy physical exertion, and pregnancy.

Symptoms of a lack of B vitamins can be detected by noting skin changes (redness, peeling, itching, cracks), increased fatigue and nervousness, decreased tone and more frequent migraines.

Symptoms of B vitamin deficiency Where are they kept?
In infants
  • Loss of appetite;
  • the appearance of red spots;
  • dry skin;
  • disturbing dream.
  • Cereal products;
  • fermented milk products;
  • fish;
  • green;
  • citrus fruit;
  • nuts.
In children
  • A sharp decrease in appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • frequent shortness of breath.
In an adult
  • Poor sleep;
  • migraines;
  • eating problems;
  • problems with urinary function;
  • stomach pain.
In women
  • Emotional instability during the premenstrual period;
  • feeling of nausea in the first stages of pregnancy;
  • formation of wrinkles, age spots and areas of redness on the extremities (photo);
  • nails become brittle;
  • hair loses its shine, breaks, and falls out.

A lack of B vitamins can lead to chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, increase the frequency of infectious diseases, and result from the development of diabetes and hepatitis.

Signs of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The main properties of B12 are its effect on the nervous system and normalization of blood circulation.

Vitamin deficiency, in which a pronounced lack of vitamin B 12 manifests itself in a sharp decrease in activity, the appearance of irritability and changes in the skin.

Most often, a lack of B12 is caused by an unbalanced diet, exacerbation of gastrointestinal and liver diseases, worms, or can occur during pregnancy. Deficiency can be determined by many symptoms.

Symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency Where is it contained?
In infants
  • Anxious sleep;
  • yellowing and dry skin;
  • impaired motor skills of the limbs.
  • Meat;
  • meat by-products;
  • fatty fish.
In children
  • Frequent headaches;
  • increased irritability;
  • retardation in mental and physical development.
In an adult
  • Darkening of the skin on the hands (most often the palms darken);
  • migraines;
  • tinnitus;
  • causeless fatigue and fatigue;
  • decrease in blood pressure.
In women
  • Menstruation is accompanied by pain.

At the first symptoms of cobalamin deficiency, you should try to carry out proper treatment, otherwise the consequences (especially in newborns) can be irreversible and lead to irreparable disorders of the nervous system and provoke anemia.

Symptoms of Vitamin E Deficiency

Tocopherol has a valuable property, which is expressed in the protection of the cell membrane, being a powerful antioxidant. It is involved in the processes of muscle tissue renewal and regulates the production of hormones.

The first among the reasons leading to a lack of tocopherol is an unbalanced diet. Vitamin deficiency is also often observed in people undergoing postoperative rehabilitation, with gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning.

First of all, the symptoms of deficiency are expressed in decreased performance, the appearance of irritability and a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin.

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency Where is it contained?
In infants
  • Dry skin;
  • increased tearfulness;
  • retardation in physical development;
  • impaired motor skills of the legs.
  • Vegetable oils;
  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • cereals;
  • green.
In children
  • High fatigue;
  • low physical activity;
  • memory impairment.
In an adult
  • Irritability, nervousness;
  • tingling in the arms and legs;
  • decreased vision;
  • deterioration in the quality of sexual life.
In women
  • The appearance of a large number of wrinkles;
  • dry skin with proper care;
  • increased nervousness during the premenstrual period.

A lack of tocopherol, as a rule, makes itself felt only in the later stages, so timely diagnosis is necessary. It is especially necessary to monitor vitamin E levels during pregnancy, since its lack can cause miscarriage, and subsequently infertility.

Symptoms of vitamin PP deficiency

Niacin has a direct effect on the functioning of the nervous system, heart, affects the protective functions of the immune system, and participates in redox processes.

A lack of nicotinic acid is characterized by weakness, decreased concentration in the early stages, and in advanced cases - diarrhea, memory loss and skin problems. Other symptoms include:

  • The appearance of inflammation and redness on the skin;
  • frequent colds;
  • high sensitivity to the sun;
  • weakness;
  • frequent nausea;
  • loss of muscle performance;
  • insomnia;
  • hallucinations.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency

Lack of vitamin D provokes rickets in children and leads to deformation of bone tissue, which entails modification of the skeleton in various areas. In addition, it promotes the absorption of calcium and magnesium, improves intestinal function, and vitamin D3 helps reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency Where is it contained?
In infants
  • Slow growth of the baby;
  • tearfulness;
  • delay in teething.
  • Liver;
  • seafood;
  • chicken egg yolk;
  • fatty fish;
  • milk.
In children
  • Excessive sweating;
  • constant fatigue;
  • restless sleep;
  • poor appetite.
In an adult
  • Migraine;
  • reduced performance;
  • painful sensations in the joints;
  • poor quality of tooth enamel and high susceptibility to dental diseases;
  • unreasonable mood swings.
In women
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation;
  • hair loss;
  • brittle nails.

To avoid a lack of vitamin D, you need to spend enough time in the fresh air, reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum and try to lead a healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary to monitor the lack of vitamins in the body by promptly diagnosing the whole body. Particular attention should be paid to symptoms in the autumn and winter seasons - it is at this time that the shortage is especially acute. At the first signs you should consult a doctor.

A complete, balanced diet can provide the full range of essential vitamins and minerals.

But in real life, keeping track of all the substances necessary for health is not at all easy. Knowing what you lack or what is present in excess in your body is already half the victory. Watch what your body is saying...

Sometimes we feel bad for no apparent reason and our performance is at zero. We often think that poor health is caused by a lack of vitamins, and therefore we go to the nearest pharmacy for a multivitamin preparation. But how do you understand which vitamins are missing?


Everyone knows that vitamins are special substances that have no calories and are not building materials for the body. But they perform a number of important functions of the body - they maintain metabolism at the proper level, monitor the work of enzymes, stimulate metabolic processes, the transmission of nerve impulses, and much more.

In a word, they bring a state of harmony to the body. But this is only when they enter the body in the required quantity. However, how do you understand that there is a vitamin deficiency in the body?

The most correct way

It's best to get tested. But we are usually busy at work or other things. The doctor can also determine the typical manifestations of hypovitaminosis based on your appearance and your complaints - this is what is called in medicine a state of vitamin deficiency. There are several typical external symptoms, based on which even a non-doctor can notice the problem.

Your hair

If the body is healthy, the hair looks shiny, it is elastic, literally flows over the shoulders and shimmers in the sun. If the hair begins to look like a tuft of straw, does not hold its shape in the hairstyle, becomes tangled, split ends, they have faded and even nourishing masks cannot save them - this is one of the signs of a lack of vitamins.

Dry and itchy scalp is a sign of vitamin E deficiency, and if dermatitis appears on the scalp, then also retinol (vitamin A); or a deficiency of B vitamins, which help nourish the scalp and conduct nerve impulses to the skin.

If your hair is excessively oily, you need to think about a riboflavin deficiency, and if it is severely falling out, you usually lack folic acid or vitamin C. Dandruff appears with a deficiency of vitamins B12 and B6 or unsaturated fatty acids.

In addition, hair suffers from a deficiency of minerals - especially iron and calcium.

Your nails

Healthy nails grow well and have an even color, smooth, and the skin of the periungual bed is pale pink, without cracks or hangnails.

If your nails bend, peel, crack across or along the nail, grow poorly and look pale, turn yellow - most likely this indicates a deficiency of vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Deep hangnails indicate a lack of vitamin A or vitamin E, and if your fingers are numb, most likely you should make up for the deficiency of B vitamins.

Your skin

The skin is generally a “mirror” of vitamin deficiency; it reflects manifestations of a deficiency of almost all substances classified in one way or another as vitamins.

  • Dry skin on the face, the appearance of wrinkles - small and larger, pale skin - is a consequence of a deficiency of vitamins E or A, nicotinic acid.
  • Oily skin and flaking may indicate a deficiency of vitamin B2; acne and red spots are a deficiency of fatty acids and, along with them, fat-soluble vitamins. If allergic and other types of dermatitis are frequent, this is a problem with B vitamins and vitamin H (biotin). If there is a deficiency, there may also be manifestations of hyperpigmentation on the skin - the appearance of brown spots and moles.
  • A yellowish tint to the skin indicates vitamin B12 deficiency.

The skin of the body also signals problems with vitamins - the appearance of dryness and goose bumps on the hips and shoulders indicates a lack of vitamins A and E, and long-term non-healing bruises, especially in the area of ​​​​the legs and forearms, indicate problems with the blood vessels of the skin due to rutin deficiency ( vitamin P) and vitamin C.

Itchy skin dermatoses with excessive dryness are caused by vitamin B deficiency, especially B3 or B6, in combination with a lack of iodine.

Your eyes

With a lack of vitamins, problems also occur with the eyes - common manifestations of a lack of vitamins are the flashing of flies before the eyes, especially with sudden movements. Vitamin D deficiency is usually to blame.

When twilight vision is weakened (when you have difficulty seeing and orienting yourself in the dark), there is usually a lack of vitamin A. In addition, symptoms of a deficiency of these same vitamins can be frequent eye inflammation and eyelids, feeling of sand and burning in the eyes, especially in the evening, frequent manifestation of styes. Circles under the eyes may also develop and blood vessels may appear - add vitamins P and B to your diet.

Your overall health

There are many more signs of vitamin deficiency that the body signals to us in one way or another:

  • lips become very dry or crack, pustules appear in the corners of the mouth,
  • the oral mucosa turns pale, the gums may bleed, a whitish coating forms on the tongue,
  • appetite suffers - it can be selective, or it can simply decrease,
  • a person with a lack of vitamins often gets sick, he has jumpslaziness, the tips of the fingers on the hands tremble, in the evening the legs hurt and swell, they can “hum”,
  • episodes occur frequently headache, insomnia, the person is irritable and picky towards people, has trouble remembering dates and events.

In such cases, we are not talking about a deficiency of a specific vitamin, since many of them take part in metabolic processes.

Let's sum it up...

Visible signs of deficiency and excess of vitamins


Cold hands: lack of magnesium, decreased thyroid function, chronic fatigue and decreased heart performance.


Stretch marks: zinc deficiency

keratinization: lack of vitamin A

Spontaneous bleeding: lack of vitamins C or K or platelets

Dry scaly skin with red rings around hair follicles: lack of vitamin C

Yellow palms: excess beta carotene

"Goose skin": lack of essential fatty acids


Sore calf muscles: magnesium deficiency

Brisk knee reflex: magnesium deficiency


Irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, cardiomegaly: magnesium and coferent Q deficiency or caffeine sensitivity


Thyroid enlargement: iodine deficiency, decreased thyroid function


White spots: lack of minerals, most often zinc

Wavy furrows: zinc deficiency

Soft brittle nails: magnesium deficiency

Crumbling nails: general lack of minerals in the body

Facial skin

Oily red flaky skin on the face and sides of the nose: lack of vitamin B2

Seborrheic dermatitis around the nose and acne-like rash on the forehead: lack of vitamin B6


Cataract: lack of chromium or excess free radicals

Bags and dark circles under the eyes: allergy or intolerance to some product

Bluish tint to the whites of the eyes and early graying of hair: lack of vitamin B12 or deficiency anemia

Oral cavity

Pale cracked tongue: iron deficiency

Painful cracked tongue: lack of vitamin B3

Painful tongue and burning sensation and peeling lips: lack of vitamin B2

Swollen tongue with dents from teeth: intolerance to some product

Smooth painful tongue: lack of folic acid

Chapped lips: lack of vitamin B2, stomatitis

And definitely

If such symptoms appear, it’s time to visit your general practitioner or family doctor, and only together with him, having weeded out some diseases that can manifest themselves in a similar way, choose a complex of vitamins for yourself and the form of taking them - tablets, capsules or even injections.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs