Veterinary clinic "Center" provides wide range ophthalmological services for animals, including: phacoemulsification of cataracts, intraocular prosthetics, corneal transplantation, etc.

The first signs of the majority systemic diseases are eye diseases. A timely trip to the veterinary clinic to see an ophthalmologist helps to identify early stage leukemia, viral peritonitis etc.

IN recent years cases have become more frequent arterial hypertension, which provokes hemorrhage in the anterior chamber of the eye, as well as in the retina. If you do not consult a specialist in a timely manner and do not undergo a special course of treatment at a veterinary ophthalmological center, the animal may become completely blind.

At the Center veterinary clinic, an ophthalmologist provides services for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases:

  • auxiliary organs of the eye;
  • choroid;
  • corneas;
  • retina;
  • sclera and lens.

Experts also carry out a wide range of laboratory research And ultrasound diagnostics eyeball. There is a hospital attached to the veterinary clinic.

What breeds are predisposed to developing eye pathologies?

Some breeds of cats and dogs have a particular predisposition to developing eye diseases, which can be treated by an ophthalmologist at a veterinary clinic. For example, at Central Asian Shepherds, French Dogues and Neapolitan mastiffs Prolapse of the third eyelid gland is common. This problem also often occurs in other breeds of dogs with loose type constitution and a large head.

The portal provides information about veterinary clinics ah Moscow, where you can find a specialist in the treatment of eye diseases in animals: an ophthalmologist. We collected contact numbers and addresses of clinics, the cost of visiting doctors, and presented all this in visual and easy-to-compare tables. Feedback from clients of veterinary clinics who have already entrusted their pets to specialists will also be useful.

Veterinary ophthalmology studies the structure and diseases of animal eyes. A veterinarian ophthalmologist faces a serious and difficult task - to promptly detect a pet’s illness and cure it. Unfortunately, many owners ignore such a symptom as suppuration of the eyes in dogs, cats or guinea pigs, believing that it will go away on its own. However, this is not always the right decision and the animal’s condition can worsen significantly over time.

When might a veterinary ophthalmologist be needed? Symptoms to watch out for

Avoid unpleasant consequences Due to lost time, attention to detail and the well-being of pets will help. Ophthalmological diseases of animals can manifest themselves in the form of the following symptoms:

In addition, an appointment with an ophthalmologist is required in the presence of eye injuries, even in the absence visible damage. Even the slightest doubt about the health of your pet’s eyes will be a reason to visit a veterinary clinic.

Ophthalmologist for animals - diagnosis and treatment

To make a correct diagnosis, the ophthalmologist and veterinarian must ask the pet owner about the approximate time of occurrence of the problems, their manifestations and the presence of attempts. self-treatment. Thus, he will be able to more accurately select best practices research and prescribe medications.

In small veterinary clinics and private doctors, the diagnosis can be made without serious research, since modern equipment is quite expensive and not every veterinary clinic can afford it. Of course, not every disease requires specific analyzes and tests; many problems can only be determined after visual inspection patient. But in some cases, eye diseases of cats, dogs, rodents and other animals can be determined only by changing intraocular pressure, ultrasound of the eye, performing full analysis blood or tear fluid by taking an x-ray. These procedures significantly increase the likelihood of rapid and full recovery favorites.

In some cases, the veterinary ophthalmologist may recommend referral to other doctors, as eye problems may indicate the presence of more serious illnesses other organs and systems. An illustrative example is clouding of the lens of the eye, which occurs as a result of increased blood sugar. Veterinary ophthalmology will not be able to select the correct dose of insulin, despite the fact that this problem affects the vision of animals. Therefore, it is great if the examination is carried out not only by an ophthalmologist, but also by a therapist or infectious disease specialist.

Need animal ophthalmology? Finding a veterinary clinic in Moscow is easy!

Eye diseases in cats and dogs are very common. Treatment prescribed on time helps to quickly cope with the problem and restore good health to pets. Our portal contains telephone numbers and addresses of veterinary clinics in Moscow, which provide the services of a veterinary ophthalmologist. Get more detailed information Reviews from patient owners, as well as posted prices for veterinary ophthalmologist services, will help. The cost largely depends on the procedures included in the service and the professionalism of the doctor.

Veterinary ophthalmology running. Effective treatment of eye diseases

Eye diseases - serious problem, which can occur at any age in any animal species, requiring immediate appeal to a specialist. If your dog or cat is festering, turning red, or - all this should be referred to a veterinary ophthalmologist. Infections, injuries, age-related changes significantly worsen the quality of life of the animal.

A veterinary ophthalmologist is a specialist who deals with eye diseases directly in animals. A specialist who knows the anatomy and physiology of animal eyes, pathologies found in animals, and methods of their treatment and prevention.

To diagnose diseases, we conduct the following studies:

  • biomicroscopy of the anterior segment of the eye with a Heine HSL150 slit lamp (examination of eye structures under magnification)
  • HD ophthalmoscopy using a direct ophthalmoscope RI-MINI Riester (examination of the retina)
  • tonometry intraocular pressure according to Maklakov (pressure measurement)
  • Schirmer Test (examination of the lacrimal gland)
  • Fluorescein Test (examines the patency of the nasolacrimal duct and the integrity of the cornea)
  • Lissamine Green Test (examines the patency of the nasolacrimal duct and the integrity of the cornea)
  • third century study

Eye diseases in animals

Currently, diseases of the visual organ in animals occupy one of the leading places among the number of common diseases. This is primarily due to the fact that various processes in the eyes occur unnoticed by the owners, and help is not provided in a timely manner. It is important for the owner to pay attention to changes in his animal’s eyes in a timely manner and contact our specialist ophthalmologist for advice or help. If you notice that the animal is squinting its eye, that the eye is red, or that a “sore” or “film” has formed on the eye, then you must immediately seek help from one of our centers.

What owners should pay attention to:

  • quality and quantity of discharge from the eyes (this can be the amount of tears, or mucous or purulent discharge)
  • condition of the eyelids (redness of the eyelids, baldness of the eyelids, narrowing of the palpebral fissure or the eyes do not open at all)
  • condition of the conjunctiva (hyperemia, redness)
  • dimensions eyeball
  • animal's reaction to light (hiding in dark places)
  • blue or cloudy eye
  • a brown opaque spot has formed
  • any neoplasms (pigmented, non-pigmented; on the eyelids, in the eye)
  • cilia, which can grow inside the eye (thereby irritating the cornea)

Diagnosis of eye diseases at MEDVET centers

Our centers always have the necessary ophthalmic diagnostic equipment and all the necessary tests in order to promptly determine the cause of the disease and provide assistance to your pet at the right time. It must be remembered that failure to diagnose an eye disease at the right time can lead to loss of vision, and in worst cases, to the loss of the eye as an organ.

If you notice changes in your pet's eyes, you must immediately consult a doctor, since any disease without the necessary treatment can lead to complications of this pathology.

There are emergency conditions when it is necessary to immediately provide assistance to an animal in order to preserve the eye as an organ and possibly preserve vision, such as loss of the eyeball, eye injuries. Sometimes the most harmless (at first glance) eye injury can lead to serious consequences.

In our veterinary center you can get a comprehensive diagnosis and qualified assistance for pathology of your animal's eye. If your pet is healthy, our specialist will conduct preventive examination.


At certain diseases sometimes necessary surgery. You can perform many operations, including microsurgical ones, with us. These include:

  • Inversion/inversion of eyelids
  • Removal of eyelid tumors by excision and cryodestruction
  • Reduction of lacrimal gland hyperplasia of the third eyelid
  • Corneal microsurgery
  • Dermoid removal
  • Eyeball prosthetics
  • Cartilage plastic surgery of the third eyelid

ALL Prices do not include the cost of calling a doctor and anesthesia

Service Note Price
Examination with an ophthalmoscope and fundus examination Included in the cost of the call
Subconjunctival administration of drugs One introduction 600 rub.
Schirmer test (Jones test 1) One eye/both eyes 800 rub./1600 rub.
Nasolacrimal duct obstruction test One head 700 rub.
Fluorescein staining of the cornea One eye/both eyes 650 rub. / 800 rub.
Measuring intraocular pressure One eye/both eyes 700 rub./1000 rub.
Corneal staining with lissamine green One eye/both eyes 650 rub./800 rub.
Corneal sensitivity test One head 300 rub.
Norn's Test One eye 800 rub.
Seidel test One eye/both eyes 600 rub./800 rub.
Washing the anterior chamber of the eye 2000 rub.
Point keratectomy (incisions on the cornea) One eye 1200 rub.
Extraction foreign body One eye from 500 rub.
Removal of pathological epithelium One eye 500 rub.
Intradermal suture for off. operations One eye 2000 rub.
Fixation of eyelids with temporary sutures 500-3000 rub.
Removal of PO sutures (except sutures from the cornea) One eye 600 rub.
Removing stitches from the cornea No anesthesia cost, one eye 2000 rub.
Plastic surgery on the eyelids (Price is for 1 eye) Dogs Entropion of the eyelids 3500-5500 rub.
Eversion of the eyelids 6500 rub.
Cats Entropion of the eyelids 2000-4000 rub.
Eversion of the eyelids 3000-5000 rub.
Removal of the 3rd eyelid gland (only if oncological diseases) One eye 4500 rub.
Suture of the 3rd eyelid gland One eye 5500-6000 rub.
Evisceration of the eyeball One eye 7000 rub.
Enucleation of the eyeball One eye 6500 rub.
Reduction of the eyeball One eye 6800 rub.
Reduction of the 3rd eyelid gland One eye 300 rub.
Lateral canthotomy One eye 1500-3000 rub.
Resection of a neoplasm of the eyelid One eye Up to 0.3 cm 3000 rub.
More than 0.3 cm 3500-6000 rub.
Eyelash epilation One eye mechanical 200 rub.-1000 rub.
cryoepilation 2000-4000 rub.
Drainage of the lacrimal system One eye 2500-4500 rub.
Surgical treatment corneal ulcers One eye 6000 -8000 rub.
Operation - symblepharon 2000-4000 rub.
Tarsography overlay One eye 1700-2500 rub.
Corneal shading One eye 500 rub.
Instillation eye drops One head 100 rub.
Taking a scraping from the cornea One eye 400 rub.
Atropine 150 rub.
Tropicamide 200 rub.
Inocaine 300 rub.
Suture material 550 rub./pack.

The Biovetel company offers ophthalmologist services for animals at a competitive price in Moscow. A veterinary ophthalmologist for cats and dogs performs all procedures at home so that you can save time and money.

Calling an ophthalmologist to your home: main advantages

  1. A home inspection relieves stress for both the pet and its owner. The animal does not worry, does not behave aggressively and does not interfere with the doctor. As a result, you are absolutely calm.
  2. Procedures carried out at home save your pets from contact with sick animals.
  3. The presence of the owner also becomes important. It has a positive effect on the animal's behavior.

A veterinary ophthalmologist in Moscow can come to you at any time. We work around the clock and are ready to send a specialist anywhere in the city, day or night.

During the examination, the veterinary ophthalmologist uses modern equipment. This allows you to check the condition of all elements of your animal's eye (iris, cornea, anterior chamber, optic nerve, lens and retina). The specialist also examines the fundus of the eye. Special tests determine eye pressure, patency of the nasolacrimal duct, etc.

During the first visit, an ophthalmologist for animals (cats and dogs) in Moscow can correctly diagnose and prescribe necessary treatment. This allows you to quickly begin to improve your pet’s health and relieve him of the discomfort associated with visual impairment.

Main animal eye diseases

Common eye diseases include:

  • cataract;
  • turning of the eyelids;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • abnormal development, eyelid position.

Almost all ailments are treatable. But it is important to contact a professional. Only he is able to accurately diagnose and determine a plan for getting rid of the disease. Only a professional ophthalmologist-veterinarian is ready to find an approach to each animal.

When do you need to urgently contact a specialist?

Then when the animal:

  • squints eyes;
  • afraid of bright light;
  • suffers from lacrimation.

Your pet's veterinary ophthalmologist should be one of the doctors whose visits should not be neglected. Eyes - important organ absolutely for every animal, because it is known that the vision of animals is more developed than humans and helps animals not only to distinguish between objects, but also to save their lives from all sorts of dangers. At our Bio-Vet clinic, experienced ophthalmologists will help with eye problems in your pets. Modern ophthalmological equipment, laboratories and the professionalism of veterinarians allow us to perform many procedures and operations in our clinic:

Ophthalmological diagnosis of eye diseases;

Treatment of conjunctivitis, blepharitis;

Plastic surgery on the eyelids, third eyelid;

Treatment of meibomites;

Treatment of keratitis;

Elimination of eyeball prolapse;

Removal of the eyeball, removal of the lens;

Treatment of ptosis;

Treatment of obstruction of the nasolacrimal duct and others.

Ophthalmologist: dog eye diseases

Eye diseases in dogs should not be taken for granted by owners as a phenomenon that goes away without the help of a veterinarian. Often, breeders themselves destroy their pets by not contacting the clinic in time, as a result of which the disease that began in the dog begins to progress, and complications occur, leading to irreversible consequences. Owners should start sounding the alarm and seek the help of a veterinary ophthalmologist if the dog exhibits the following symptoms:

Cloudiness of the eye;

Purulent and serous discharge;

The dog often rubs its eye;

The animal's vision deteriorates sharply;

The dog squints strongly, the eyes may be constantly half-open;

Redness of the white or membrane of the eye.

These symptoms are far from the only ones indicating eye disease in dogs. However, eye problems often reveal themselves precisely in external manifestations.

The most common eye diseases in dogs include:



Purulent conjunctivitis;



Adenoma of the third century;


inversion of eyelids;


Corneal ulcers;

Narrowing of the nasolacrimal duct and others.

Name of veterinary services

Unit of measurement

Cost of service, rub.

Initial appointment

Repeated appointment

One animal

One animal

Veterinarian consultation

Consultation with a doctor based on test results

Doctor's consultation, without pet

Clinical diagnosis:

Bone tissue examination

1 area

Bone tissue examination

1 sightseeing

Ultrasound ( Ultrasound examination) the entire abdominal cavity


1 area


Electrocardiography (ECG)

echocardiography, Doppler study blood flow internal organs and peripheral vessels

Tonometry of the eye

One animal

Small animals (hamsters, rats, ferrets, etc.) and birds

One animal per day

Cats and dogs (up to 5 kg)

One animal per day

Dogs up to 15 kg

One animal per day

Cats and dogs (over 15 kg)

One animal per day

Weighing animals

One animal

For free

Sanitary animal grooming:

Small animals (up to 5 kg)

One animal

One animal

Large animals

One animal

Sanitary washing of animals

Small animals (up to 5 kg)

One animal

Medium animals (over 5 kg to 15 kg)

One animal

Large animals

One animal

Ophthalmologist: cat eye diseases

Eye diseases in cats are not much different from those in dogs. In cats, the eyelids and eyeballs may also become swollen and red, and no animal is immune from foreign bodies or mechanical trauma to the eye, discharge from the eyes and other ailments. A veterinary ophthalmologist can help a cat when it has eye problems. Only with the help of special equipment and knowledge is it possible to stage correct diagnosis, and, accordingly, drawing up an effective treatment plan. This is extremely important because various diseases Treatment methods differ greatly, even the exact opposite. There is no need to explain how self-medication can end without determining the cause of the disease. Don’t delay going to the clinic when your cat’s eyes hurt: helping to maintain your pet’s vision and health is your direct responsibility.



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