Vedas about healthy eating. Determinations of your personality constitution according to Ayurveda

Horoscopes and predictions do not bypass the Sun and even impossible without taking into account the position of the Sun relative to the Earth. The sun is a nuclear reactor, a battery that powers our life. It will be natural for a person to live in rhythm with the source of life.

My personal experience of changing my daily routine shows obvious The advantages of this regime are when you go to bed early, no later than 21-00, and get up before sunrise.

What does it give

  • More vitality
  • Less conflicts with people and yourself
  • No incredible effort or tricky practices required
  • The feeling of happiness and fullness of life returns
  • Time is on your side

And other small advantages, of which there are many and cannot be listed all.

It is impossible to move the Sun or Moon either in the horoscope, much less in real life, but we can do something. We can be in rhythm with them - with the basic factors of our being. To be in rhythm with the power of life, which means to BE. (Or not BE, which is what we are used to doing during the years of technological progress.)

The Vedas say that our whole life, our body, reactions, behavior, health are connected with universal processes, planetary movements, solar and lunar cycles. For each type of activity, nature has established its own, most favorable period time. Compliance simple rules According to natural cycles, it makes a person cheerful, healthy and energetic. Vedic texts say that Time is the most powerful, indomitable and punishing force in our material world. Those who do not obey the laws of time will inevitably suffer. Their life will not be fulfilling.

Start of the day

According to the Vedas, a person should get up before dawn, between 4-00 and 6-00. It is said that approximately 48 minutes before sunrise, all functions in the body change to the opposite (the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain is replaced by another, the other nostril begins to breathe better, energy flows move more intensely on the other side, logic is replaced by intuition, etc.). Interestingly, this was recently confirmed by Japanese scientists who took all the indicators human body by using modern equipment. The Vedas say that at this moment a person should already be on his feet. Following this rule gives energy for the whole day.

From 3-00 to 4-00– the best time for spiritual practice (prayer, meditation, reading mantras), but performing such practice requires preparation and following a certain lifestyle, otherwise they may develop serious violations health.

During sleep, the body is filled with psychic energy (odes). This filling happens from 21-00 to 4-00 under the influence of the power of the Moon. Therefore, night work is considered an extremely unfavorable occupation.

Man getting up from 4-00 to 5-00, has greater cheerfulness, easily overcomes difficulties in life, has the potential of a leader and is able to achieve great material success. Such people most often have a feeling of Happiness throughout the day.

The one who gets up from 5-00 to 6-00, will also achieve some success, but not such outstanding ones. There will be no serious problems in life either.

About who gets up from 6-00 to 7-00, they say: his train has left. Here is an example: a rooster crows at 3-00, at 4-00, at 5-00, and the fourth crow is not counted - it’s just a farewell “bye” to those who are late. heard after 6-00.? Those who stand up from 6 to 7 mornings, lose the opportunity to be cheerful, often have decreased tone, and tend to be late.

People getting up from 8-00 to 9-00, are predisposed to chronic diseases, have reduced or severe increased tone, possible nausea, coffee addiction, mental weakness, depression, lack of self-confidence because it comes from the power of the Sun in the first hours of dawn.

Rising from 9-00 to 10-00 the person is prone to accidents. The Vedas say that such people often die prematurely.

Those who get up at 11:00 and later have no way to escape from the influence of the gun of ignorance. Such people are very selfish and unable to perceive the truth. 9:00 is the deadline to get up.

The Vedas say that in order to correct your destiny and negative karma, you need to get up only before 6-00. Otherwise it is impossible.

Anyone who gets up in the morning should take a cool shower with his head within 15 minutes (women do not need to wet their hair every day, use a waterproof hat). A cool shower allows you to cleanse the subtle body of the mind from the influence of the guna of ignorance that reigns at night. 70% of depressions are relieved simply by a cold shower (before 6 am).

Sleep and nutrition

Sleep is the filling of the body with psychic energy under the influence of the power of the Moon. The power of the Sun forces the body to waste energy and burns it. That is why the most productive period of the day is from 9-00 to 15-00.

According to the Vedas, the human mind rests and gains strength from 21-00 to 00-00. It is during this period that a person should fall asleep. If you take into account that you need to get up before 6-00, and the amount of sleep required for most people is 6-7 hours, then the optimal time for going to bed is 22-00.

If a person during long period life goes to bed after 00-00, mental fatigue accumulates. First of all, mental fatigue affects the eyes - the colors of life fade, everything becomes gray, a person does not notice many things around. The next stage of mental fatigue is when the rhythm of all organs begins to suffer (for the heart - arrhythmia), the body is unbalanced. Then the mind ceases to control the functioning of the organs. Nervousness and irritability appear, immune diseases, negativism, disrespectful attitude towards other people.
Often the result of going to bed late is bad habits– smoking and drinking coffee. This is a consequence of constant mental stress.
If a person does not sleep from 23-00 to 1-00, his vital energy decreases.
Anyone who does not sleep from 1-00 to 3-00 suffers from emotional strength.
During the day you can rest for 10-15 minutes. Sleep more than 20 minutes a day daytime takes a lot of energy, resulting in a heavy head and toxins in the blood.


For breakfast The ideal time is from 6-00 to 7-00. Morning is a time of happiness, so you need to eat foods that are under the guna of goodness: fruits (dates, bananas, figs, cherries, plums, mangoes) fresh in summer and dried in winter. For people with weak digestion, it is better to always eat fruits in dried form. In the morning you can drink kefir, eat sugar and honey. From 6-00 to 8-00, sugar is completely absorbed by the body. For those who have tense or severe physical work you can eat nuts. The only cereal you can eat for breakfast is buckwheat. Grain products (including bread) eaten in the morning take away the fiery energy of the mind. The result is irritability, nervousness, and lack of control in the brain. You can also eat cottage cheese and cheese for breakfast (cheese is preferable in winter). If a person does not have time to have breakfast from 6 to 7 am, it is better not to eat until lunch. You can drink a glass of boiled warm water– cleanses the psychic channels and esophagus well. If you eat from 7-00 to 8-00, then by 14-00 you will feel hungry, and lunch time has already passed.

Dinner. Perfect time for lunch – 12-00. In general, lunch meals are recommended from 11-00 to 13-00. At lunchtime you can eat any food at different combinations except milk (and what is not food). At 12-00, when the Sun is in highest point, people have the most active force of Fire, which digests food. That is why at this time grain products (including bread) are most easily digested, and milk curdles even in the stomach. Anyone who had lunch from 11-00 to 13-00 needs only 10-15 minutes to restore strength (spent on digestion). If you eat at 14-00 or later, dullness sets in (!))) and the body needs about 3 hours to restore energy. Food taken at 2 p.m. no longer has time to be digested by the body before sunset. Often the result of such nutrition is vitamin deficiency, because vitamins are absorbed by the body in last resort. In the case of a late lunch, vitamins are not absorbed and are pushed out of the body by dinner.))) At lunchtime, food cooked in oil is best absorbed. The Vedas highly recommend cooking with ghee butter, this is a product unique in its properties.

The Vedas say that any grain food except buckwheat taken after 14-00 (bread, rice, etc.) leads to intoxication of the body. As a result, you feel weak in the morning and don’t even have the strength to get up. In addition, late intake of grain foods leads to the formation phosphate stones in the kidneys and the main condition for their treatment is refusal to do so.

Dinner. Time for dinner is from 18-00 to 21-00. Dinner should be light. It is best to eat vegetables (except for root vegetables and tomatoes, since these vegetables are under the influence of the guna of passion and can overstimulate the psyche at night). After 21-00 it is advisable not to eat food; at this time, even at night, you can drink warm milk(from 3-00 to 6-00 it is better to drink milk cool). Milk, like children under 5-7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, is under the influence of the power of the Moon and is digested by the body at night. In addition, drinking milk at night clears the mind of ignorance, cleanses psychic channels, etc. The Vedas indicate several signs of the era of degradation (Kali Yuga), one of them is the denial of the usefulness of milk and declaring it harmful. Really, modern science often calls milk indigestible, heavy, causing a runny nose, etc., but you just need to know what time of day to eat it.

The difference between Vedic nutrition and many other systems is that it takes into account a very important and insurmountable factor - TIME. Let me remind you that the Vedas consider time the most powerful force in our world; in strength it is placed above even the three gunas.

Activities during the day

Time for meditation and spiritual practices is from 3-00 to 6-00. Prayer until 5-00. Daily prayer cleanses the mind and gives tremendous mental strength. Prayer is the most clean look selfless and beneficial activities. Everyone can pray according to the rules of their religion. Best position body for prayer: lotus pose, diamond pose (legs under you, sitting on your heels), sitting cross-legged. The best mantra for people who do not belong to any religion is “I wish everyone Happiness.” It is better to pray out loud, or in a whisper.

Until 6-00, a person’s mind works three times faster (“The morning is wiser than the evening”).

From 6-00 to 7-00 is the best time to remember.

From 7-00 to 9-00 is the best period for morning exercises.

From 8-00 to 9-00 logic and memorization work best.

From 9-00 to 10-00 is the ideal time to work with documents and statistics.

From 10-00 to 11-00 the ability for intellectual work is greatly reduced, so the process of studying and mental work It's better to finish before 11-00.

From 12-00 to 18-00 is the time of active physical or mental work (business, management, etc.).

From 18-00 a person should retire and prepare for rest. Working until too late is considered extremely harmful and causes severe mental stress and destruction of the body.
Twilight is considered extremely unfavorable for any activity and eating. It is best not to eat during sunset. The Vedas say that children conceived at this time will have a demonic character, and any business started at dusk is doomed to failure. Even battles in ancient times stopped as soon as the last ray of the Sun left the Earth.

Source -

The Vedas say that our whole life, our body, reactions, behavior, health are connected with universal processes, planetary movements, solar and lunar cycles. For each type of activity, nature has established its own, most favorable period of time. Following simple rules according to natural cycles makes a person cheerful, healthy and energetic. Vedic texts say that Time is the most powerful, indomitable and punishing force in our material world. Those who do not obey the laws of time will inevitably suffer. Their life will not be fulfilling.
Start of the day
According to the Vedas, a person should get up before dawn, between 4-00 and 6-00. It is said that approximately 48 minutes before sunrise, all functions in the body change to the opposite (the dominance of one hemisphere of the brain is replaced by another, the other nostril begins to breathe better, energy flows move more intensely on the other side, logic is replaced by intuition, etc.). Interestingly, this was recently confirmed by Japanese scientists who took all the indicators of the human body using modern equipment. The Vedas say that at this moment a person should already be on his feet. Following this rule gives energy for the whole day.

From 3-00 to 4-00– the best time for spiritual practice (prayer, meditation, reading mantras), but performing such practice requires preparation and following a certain lifestyle, otherwise serious health problems may develop.

During sleep, the body is filled with psychic energy (odes). This filling happens from 21-00 to 4-00 under the influence of the power of the Moon. Therefore, night work is considered an extremely unfavorable occupation.

Man getting up from 4-00 to 5-00, has greater cheerfulness, easily overcomes difficulties in life, has the potential of a leader and is able to achieve great material success. Such people most often have a feeling of Happiness throughout the day.

The one who gets up from 5-00 to 6-00, will also achieve some success, but not such outstanding ones. There will be no serious problems in life either.

About who gets up from 6-00 to 7-00, they say: his train has left. Here is an example: a rooster crows at 3-00, at 4-00, at 5-00, and the fourth crow is not counted - it’s just a farewell “bye” to those who are late. heard after 6-00.? Those who stand up from 6 to 7 mornings, lose the opportunity to be cheerful, often have decreased tone, and tend to be late.

People getting up from 8-00 to 9-00, predisposed to chronic diseases, have decreased or greatly increased tone, possible nausea, addiction to coffee, mental weakness, depression, lack of self-confidence because it comes from the power of the Sun in the first hours of dawn.

Rising from 9-00 to 10-00 the person is prone to accidents. The Vedas say that such people often die prematurely.

Those who get up at 11:00 and later have no way to escape from the influence of the gun of ignorance. Such people are very selfish and unable to perceive the truth. 9:00 is the deadline to get up.

The Vedas say that in order to correct your destiny and negative karma, you need to get up only before 6-00. Otherwise it is impossible.

Anyone who gets up in the morning should take a cool shower with their head within 15 minutes (women do not need to wet their hair every day, use a waterproof hat). A cool shower allows you to cleanse the subtle body of the mind from the influence of the guna of ignorance that reigns at night. 70% of depressions are relieved simply by a cold shower (before 6 am).
Sleep and nutrition
Sleep is the filling of the body with psychic energy under the influence of the power of the Moon. The power of the Sun forces the body to waste energy and burns it. That is why the most productive period of the day is from 9-00 to 15-00.

According to the Vedas, the human mind rests and gains strength from 21-00 to 00-00. It is during this period that a person should fall asleep. If you take into account that you need to get up before 6-00, and the amount of sleep required for most people is 6-7 hours, then the optimal time for going to bed is 22-00.

If a person goes to bed after 00-00 for a long period of life, mental fatigue accumulates. First of all, mental fatigue affects the eyes - the colors of life fade, everything becomes gray, a person does not notice many things around. The next stage of mental fatigue is when the rhythm of all organs begins to suffer (for the heart - arrhythmia), the body is unbalanced. Then the mind ceases to control the functioning of the organs. Nervousness and irritability, immune diseases, negativism, and disrespectful attitude towards other people appear.
Often the result of going to bed late is bad habits - smoking and drinking coffee. This is a consequence of constant mental stress.
If a person does not sleep from 23-00 to 1-00, his vital energy decreases.
Anyone who does not sleep from 1-00 to 3-00 suffers from emotional strength.
During the day you can rest for 10-15 minutes. Sleeping for more than 20 minutes during the day takes a lot of energy, resulting in a heavy head and toxins in the blood.

For breakfast The ideal time is from 6-00 to 7-00. Morning is a time of happiness, so you need to eat foods that are under the guna of goodness: fruits (dates, bananas, figs, cherries, plums, mangoes) fresh in summer and dried in winter. For people with weak digestion, it is better to always eat fruits in dried form. In the morning you can drink kefir, eat sugar and honey. From 6-00 to 8-00, sugar is completely absorbed by the body. Those who have stressful or hard physical work can eat nuts. The only cereal you can eat for breakfast is buckwheat. Grain products (including bread) eaten in the morning take away the fiery energy of the mind. The result is irritability, nervousness, and lack of control in the brain. You can also eat cottage cheese and cheese for breakfast (cheese is preferable in winter). If a person does not have time to have breakfast from 6 to 7 am, it is better not to eat until lunch. You can drink a glass of boiled warm water - it cleanses the psychic channels and esophagus well. If you eat from 7-00 to 8-00, then by 14-00 you will feel hungry, and lunch time has already passed.

Dinner. The ideal time for lunch is 12-00. In general, lunch meals are recommended from 11-00 to 13-00. At lunchtime, you can eat any food in different combinations except milk (and what is not food). At 12-00, when the Sun is at its highest point, people have the most active force of Fire, which digests food. That is why at this time grain products (including bread) are most easily digested, and milk curdles even in the stomach. Anyone who had lunch from 11-00 to 13-00 needs only 10-15 minutes to restore strength (spent on digestion). If you eat at 14-00 or later, dullness sets in (!))) and the body needs about 3 hours to restore energy. Food taken at 2 p.m. no longer has time to be digested by the body before sunset. Often the result of such nutrition is vitamin deficiency, because Vitamins are the last to be absorbed by the body. In the case of a late lunch, vitamins are not absorbed and are pushed out of the body by dinner.))) At lunchtime, food cooked in oil is best absorbed. The Vedas highly recommend cooking with melted butter; it is a product unique in its properties.

The Vedas say that any grain food except buckwheat taken after 14-00 (bread, rice, etc.) leads to intoxication of the body. As a result, weakness appears in the morning, and there is not enough strength to even get up. In addition, late intake of grain foods leads to the formation of phosphate stones in the kidneys and the main condition for their treatment is to avoid them.

Dinner. Time for dinner is from 18-00 to 21-00. Dinner should be light. It is best to eat vegetables (except for root vegetables and tomatoes, since these vegetables are under the influence of the guna of passion and can overstimulate the psyche at night). After 21-00 it is advisable not to eat; at this time, even at night, you can drink warm milk (from 3-00 to 6-00 it is better to drink cool milk). Milk, like children under 5-7 years of age, pregnant and lactating women, is under the influence of the power of the Moon and is digested by the body at night. In addition, drinking milk at night clears the mind of ignorance, cleanses psychic channels, etc. The Vedas indicate several signs of the era of degradation (Kali Yuga), one of them is the denial of the usefulness of milk and declaring it harmful. Indeed, modern science often calls milk indigestible, heavy, causing a runny nose, etc., but you just need to know what time of day to eat it.

The difference between Vedic nutrition and many other systems is that it takes into account a very important and insurmountable factor - TIME. Let me remind you that the Vedas consider time the most powerful force in our world; in strength it is placed above even the three gunas.

Activities during the day

Time for meditation and spiritual practices is from 3-00 to 6-00. Prayer until 5-00. Daily prayer cleanses the mind and gives enormous psychic strength. Prayer is the purest form of selfless and beneficial activity. Everyone can pray according to the rules of their religion. The best body position for prayer: lotus pose, diamond pose (legs under you, sitting on your heels), sitting cross-legged. The best mantra for people who do not belong to any religion is “I wish everyone Happiness.” It is better to pray out loud, or in a whisper.

Until 6-00, a person’s mind works three times faster (“The morning is wiser than the evening”).

From 6-00 to 7-00 is the best time to remember.

From 7-00 to 9-00 is the best period for morning exercises.

From 8-00 to 9-00 logic and memorization work best.

From 9-00 to 10-00 is the ideal time to work with documents and statistics.

From 10-00 to 11-00, the ability for intellectual work is greatly reduced, so it is better to finish the process of study and mental work before 11-00.

From 12-00 to 18-00 is the time of active physical or mental work (business, management, etc.).

From 18-00 a person should retire and prepare for rest. Working until too late is considered extremely harmful, causing severe mental stress and destruction of the body.
Twilight is considered extremely unfavorable for any activity and eating. It is best not to eat during sunset. The Vedas say that children conceived at this time will have a demonic character, and any business started at dusk is doomed to failure. Even battles in ancient times stopped as soon as the last ray of the Sun left the Earth.

Ayurvedic diet for women - a set of nutrition rules to increase your energy level.

Ayurvedic knowledge allows us to develop a deep understanding of the relationship between diseases and nutrition, evaluate food from the point of view of the doshas and overcome ignorance when choosing it.

Ayurvedic nutrition for women

Definitions of your personality constitution according to Ayurveda. What should representatives of different doshas eat?

There are 5 elements (elements) in the world that form our reality.

Each of them is important in to a large extent influences the processes occurring in and around a person.

These are: Earth, Water, Air, Ether and Fire. At the moment of conception, when the soul enters the fetus, the process of generation of personal characteristics (doshas) of the future person occurs.

They depend on the nature of the parents, their habits, nutritional rules, heredity and other things.

There are five elements in total, each of which includes a person: Earth, Water, Air, Ether, Fire

Few people can boast of an ideal balance of these qualities; usually there is a bias in one direction or another, on which health depends.

You have many elements of Earth - you are prone to obesity, Air - to anxiety and doubts, Water - to swelling, Fire - almost always guarantees heartburn or ulcers.

This, of course, is not a diagnosis, but an initial predisposition that can be overcome with a balanced diet.

Doshas (there are three in total) combine several elements at the same time: Vata = Air + Ether, Kapha = Water + Earth, Pitta = Fire and Water at the same time.

Knowing which class you belong to, you need to eat food with opposite properties and, as it were, balance yourself.

  1. Vata type. Such people are active, overly excitable individuals with a light, slender and agile body. Girls of this type do not tolerate laziness and are constantly inclined to act. They like to change their place of residence and travel, it keeps them on their toes. They have dry skin and hair and hiccup frequently. Tend to seek relationships simply to avoid loneliness. They prefer thick, sour, over-salted.

Personality traits: cold, sour, dry.

To calm this energy, you need to eat the opposite: hot, sweet, fatty (soups, dried fruits, cereals).

Vata-type women are advised to consume more cereals and dried fruits
  1. Pitta type. For the most part, this is fiery energy contained in a person, which is why their body temperature is often higher than normal. The digestive fire in such people is developed to high level, they love to eat, especially spicy, peppery foods. The physique in most cases is average, but they are able to gain or lose a lot of weight. These are smart, educated leaders who love luxury. They often go bald and this is a consequence of their wild mind. Maximalists prone to criticism. They have oily hair and skin, and fatty foods I often have a headache.

Pitta should drink plenty of fluids and dilute the acidity of the gastric juice.

Anything moist and cool (juice drinks, fruit and vegetable salads) is suitable for balancing.

Pitta-type women need to include more fruit and vegetable salads in their diet
  1. Kapha type. This is a living symbol of fertility (Earth + Water), therefore the physique is dense, large, and excess weight is possible. They are kind and responsive, their movements and way of thinking are calm. They can be compared to noble, majestic elephants with a warm heart; they strive to sow only goodness. They usually live longer than others. Women of this type are natural mothers and devoted spouses. They are leisurely, often lazy, and like to sit in peace and quiet. They have a craving for sweets, and therefore suffer from excess weight. Metabolism is too slow.

Kapha is slowness, moisture and cold.

For wellness It is important for them to eat everything hot and spicy: baked vegetables with spices, ginger tea with lemon or low-fat cereals.

Spices and ginger tea are recommended for kapha women.

Advice: several doshas can coexist in a person in different proportions. Determine your type or combination and try experimenting with all kinds of foods for a month. Write down your observations and decide on your personal menu.

Signs of poor digestion and habits to avoid

You should always listen carefully to your feelings own body. It's especially difficult at first.

This is due to the imposed habits of childhood, the opinions of others, and cultural characteristics.

By the way, a woman’s body always feels what it needs better than a man’s. It's all about an intuitive approach to many things.

You should not feel heaviness or apathy after eating.

A bad sign is drowsiness, irritability or laziness - it means that it does not suit the constitution and is harmful to you.

Although seemingly harmless, these ingredients can cause intoxication, bloating, pain, dizziness and even vomiting.

In this case it is worth urgently consult a doctor and remove them from your diet.

The urge to have a bowel movement ideally occurs the next morning after consumption; if earlier, they are toxic for you.

Another sign poor digestion: halitosis. It would seem that everything is so simple, but many do not always listen to the small clues of their own food reactions.

To improve your condition, avoid the common mistakes listed below.

In Ayurveda, compliance with nutritional rules is very important.

Bad habits that destroy the digestive process:

  1. Eat when you don't feel like it. Is it time for lunch? Who cares! Skip meals if you are not hungry.
  2. Wash down your meals with freshly squeezed juices or eat them with fruit desserts. Yes, they are healthy, but only as a separate portion.
  3. Pathological overeating(everything on the plate) or malnutrition. Moderation is needed in everything.
  4. Drinking ice water. Firstly, you can get sick; secondly, it is not useful. Find your fluid intake rate.
  5. "Seizing" psychological trauma and experiences. It’s better to feel the emotion fully (it’s given for a reason) and let it go.
  6. Incorrect timing of the feast(we'll talk about this a little later).
  7. Consuming incompatible dishes.
  8. Ayurveda against unbalanced snacking with incompatible foods.
  9. If you are constipated, fast. The body must solve this problem itself, do not make it worse.

Tip: Chew your food by example Indian yogis 108 times. To quickly get used to this, learn digestive mudras, this will help occupy a restless mind and hands (“Chadman’s Bowl”, “ Scallop", "Water Mudra").

Try to chew your food as thoroughly as yogis do.

List of products that increase female (lunar) energy. Healing properties of spices

The moon plays a special place in the life of the fair half of humanity.

Her energy is considered the basis of every homemaker; attractiveness depends on it, personal life, inner feeling rest, even physiological cycles.

Certain foods help maximize this amount, which leads to material and spiritual happiness:

  1. Milk. It should be consumed either early in the morning (6:00) or in the evening (18:00), only then will it be beneficial. In the first case, it is better to sweeten it and boil it, eat it hot with honey and spices. In the second - add sugar, fennel, cardamom. With this drink you will rest at night, gain fresh strength and awaken your inner self. hidden forces mind.
  2. Raisin. Will fill you up fresh forces in the morning, suitable for all doshas at the same time.
  3. Banana. Brings satisfaction with life, optimism, joy. Capable of having a strong impact on a person. Use if you lack these qualities.
  4. Pear. Need strong-willed people, leaders, bosses.
  5. Raspberry. Ideal food for Pitta, because it normalizes stomach acidity. It is best eaten fresh or dried in the sun. Otherwise, it will not bring any benefit.
  6. Plums. Normalize work cardiovascular system, especially help with pressure surges.
  7. Honey. According to Hindus, he is the personification of love. This women's product which gives tenderness. It is important to choose your variety. It's easy to do - just smell it. The type that suits you will smell fresh rather than sweet.

Vedic cuisine would not be so beneficial without spices carefully selected by generations of healers.

Asafoetida will help relieve headache and normalize nervous system, solve problems with the spine.

Ginger is a powerful blood circulation stimulant that successfully fights colds, anorexia, joint pain, restores the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Turmeric treats ulcers, kidney and liver diseases, relieves fatigue, and removes all kinds of allergic reactions.

Chili pepper - digestive pathologies, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis and hepatitis.

Cardamom cures bronchitis and ischemia, relieves pain, and has an antispasmodic effect.

Sesame is incredibly beneficial for our bones, and therefore our teeth. If you add a little water to it and lemon juice, they can remove acne on the skin.

A mixture of seeds, cardamom, camphor and cinnamon treats headaches. Spicy curry heals wounds, removes inflammation and cleanses the blood of infection. Cumin relieves microspasms of the skin.

Fennel treats myopia. Celery is good for pleurisy, blockages internal organs(liver, spleen), relieves fever.

Black pepper activates the action nutrients in the body. Swallow whole grains like yogis do.

Special significance in Ayurveda it is given as spices

Advice: Use foreign vegetables and fruits with caution. Ayurveda believes that fruits will only benefit the person in whose region they grew. A Hindu can get poisoned from simple beets, but we can feel sick from chayote or kohlrabi.

Good time to eat food


Many people who are not familiar with the laws of Ayurveda deliberately avoid this meal, because it immediately makes them sleepy.

They say: “I don’t eat breakfast. I have too much to do!”, referring to the drowsiness that inevitably comes from ignorant foods.

Forget once and for all about buns, sandwiches and porridge (everything except light buckwheat) and the morning will be good!

Wake up at six in the morning and try juicy, sweet fruits. Any dairy product, according to the Hindus, will be good for you.

This also includes milk (we wrote about it earlier). And for goodness sake, eat sweets!

A woman simply needs this to balance hormonal levels. Dried fruits, chocolate, and raw food candies are allowed.

Even if you're on a diet. Everything will be digested without consequences within 12 hours.

There is only one ban - cakes (because of the layers). Otherwise, you will eventually become an irritable, angry person, take pity on your man.


The ideal time for it is from 11:00 to 14:00. During these hours, digestion is most active, fueled by solar energy.

Get into the habit of cooking grains, legumes, fried vegetables in oil.

They will help nourish the mind and improve mental activity, the main thing is to adhere to the time frame and not overeat.

This reduces willpower and the ability to concentrate. Strenuous work should be avoided for the next hour.

Dinner is considered the most important meal of the day


Most important technique food. It will depend on it whether putrefactive processes will occur in your stomach or not.

Eat and feed your loved ones stewed vegetables or nuts.

Avoid butter and bread if possible. The fruits will help you relax after working day, take off nervous tension and prepare for a good night's sleep.

Avoid the fire-heavy digestion of potatoes. It is better to focus on above-ground vegetables (cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, herbs).

The only fermented milk allowed is heated milk with spices.

Indians generally have a particularly warm attitude towards this product. Even down to the rule: if after milk a person feels bad or has a nightmare, you drank too little of it.

You should accustom yourself to it gradually, starting with a teaspoon, slowly increasing the dose.

If it's still bad, avoid it completely, it doesn't suit your needs.

Advice: in summer, eat more fruits. In the fall, switch to cheese, sour cream, ghee, buckwheat porridge with sugar. In winter, continue to eat fats, add sweet spices, but avoid cooling ones (for example, mint). In spring, the use of fennel, cinnamon, and caraway is encouraged.

Hello friends, Ruslan Tsvirkun is with you and today we continue to consider the physical sphere of human life. In this article we will look at several basic principles, recommended by the Vedas, as well as mine personal experience, which lay the foundation healthy image life.

It's about key principles Vedic daily routine, such as the Laws of Time, sleep and wakefulness, diet.

Previously, I wrote about how to stay healthy by following the fundamental principles,

In this article I will tell you about specific recommendations of the Vedic daily regimen that I follow myself.

Laws of Time

The laws of nature and the laws of Time act in harmony with each other. In the Vedas, in Bhagavad Gita 11.32 it is said that Time is a manifestation of God, a manifestation of the Absolute in this material world.
Absolute Truth, connected to this world through time. If we respect the laws of time, we gain the benefits that Time bestows, but if we neglect, then we lose the protection of Time and suffer suffering.

Vedic daily routine

There is a wonderful Russian proverb: “He who gets up early, God helps him.” This folk wisdom perfectly reflects the principle of the law of time. Ayurveda, the ancient Vedic science of health, says that best hours for relaxation and deep sleep 21.00-3.00, at this time, if a person sleeps, he receives the maximum benefit from nature. Maximum recovery occurs during these hours physical body and Uma. The rhythms of nature are so arranged that they give maximum benefit those who live in accordance with them, and punish those who do otherwise. Those. if a person is awake at this time, he lays the foundation for both physical and psychological illnesses. Owls and larks, in essence, it is a habit that is formed. It is necessary to sleep at night so that the body is in the correct rhythm of life; if a person considers himself an Owl and is awake at night, and then sleeps for half a day, he will not see health.

The Vedas say that for ordinary people Night, for a sage, is day and vice versa. Therefore, any daily routine begins with a sleep and wakefulness routine. The time of rise is the foundation with which we lay all our rhythm of life.
The time of awakening may be different, depending on the level of consciousness, for example, for those who engage in deep spiritual practices, the Vedas recommend waking up two hours before sunrise (from about 3.00 to 5.00 in the morning). This morning time, is called Brahma-muhurta and is considered the most favorable for spiritual practice. For everyone else, it’s possible later (after 5.00 for example) but not later than sunrise.

At this time, nature itself gives you peace and tranquility, adjusts our Mind (about functions) and body to the correct rhythm of life.

If a person gets up later than sunrise, he is doomed to illness, depression, failure, etc.

Anyone who gets up later than sunrise is doomed to health problems, depression, decreased concentration during the day, eternal lack of time, etc.
Of course, it’s worth mentioning right away that there is one secret to getting up early. To do this you need to go to bed early. For most people, 6-8 hours of sleep is enough. If a Person sleeps longer, this indicates some serious problems in his mind or body. For some, even less than 6 hours of sleep is enough, but this cannot be simulated artificially, otherwise you can ruin your health.

Morning awakening

Having woken up, you need to continue to properly configure Your Consciousness and Body in the right way.

To trigger certain biorhythms in the body, I usually perform the Balasana exercise. This exercise was taught to me by a Yogi who has vast experience and excellent health. His recommendations have helped many people improve their health and even recover from chronic diseases.

Exercise helps to activate vital energy and launch the body’s self-cleansing processes.

Balasana exercise.

Roll over onto your stomach and pull your knees to your chest; your forehead can touch the pillow, but it’s better to do without it. Mentally express gratitude to God for giving you the opportunity to live another day.

This exercise is not just a ritual, it promotes natural self-regulation of the body, releases hormones into the blood and rejuvenates blood vessels and veins.

Stay in this pose for several minutes until you feel an inner impulse to finish it. Smoothly move into position, raising your body to vertical position. Stay a little longer in this position and observe your condition.

Cleansing the body

Drink one or two glasses clean water. (it is advisable to drink water after brushing your teeth and tongue) so that the toxins that have formed overnight do not get back into the body, but this is not so important, the main thing is to drink water. Water, entering the body, starts the work of the gastrointestinal tract. intestinal tract, which is important to empty the intestines in the morning.

Now let's move on to the cleaning procedures:

1. Wash your hands and face.

2. Clean your teeth and tongue (the tongue can be cleaned with a special tongue cleaner, or in its absence, with an ordinary metal spoon). It is very important to clean the tongue of the plaque that forms on it. These are toxins that need to be removed.

3. Clean your ears

4. We shave, trim our nails, empty our bowels and other procedures for our morning toilet, and after, Necessarily

5. Taking a full bath(shower)

Ideally, the water temperature is slightly warm, comfortable for the body; at the end, it is recommended to finish the ablution with slightly cool water. If the shower is hot in the morning, most likely, after it you will not feel cheerful, but in situations when you are cold, warming up a little is also good, but at the end you must have a procedure with cool water. It should be noted that for some people too cold water is contraindicated, so you should not overdo it. Everything must be adhered to common sense. Cold water Contraindicated for people with joint diseases and a number of other problems.

After a shower, you need to put on clean, washed clothes that you have not worn before.

This simple, daily morning procedure will bring your body and mind into a state of goodness and peace. Cleanliness is power!!!

Purification of Consciousness

Next, if you are engaged in spiritual practices, devote as much time as necessary to your spiritual life (prayer, meditation, study of scriptures, etc.) If you practice meditation, I recommend that you read about.

In my case, it takes about 2 hours.


To gain energy and a healthy rhythm of life, follow these steps: complex morning exercises. This is essential to bring working condition your body. If you don't do it physical exercise, the body gradually rusts and various chronic diseases appear.

It can be any, light physical activity. For example, Yoga exercises, I previously described a set of exercises, or other physical activities that you like.


Afterwards, rest a little (10-20 minutes) and finally lay the foundation for your health with a proper breakfast.

Approximate breakfast time 8.00 -10.00

At this time, the body is already fully awake and ready to take food.

To ensure that the body is able to function properly, do not overload it with heavy food in the morning.

Article update 08/27/2017

I used to think that ideal breakfast - fruit. But this is not entirely true, since in different times year, and for different types physique, and also depending on the state of health, the diet may differ. I periodically go through various clinics and for breakfast, “khichri” is most often prescribed (Indian peas (moong) and rice boiled together to form a thin porridge) This is a very light dish, suitable for all body types, easy to digest and balances all doshas (dosha is a concept from Ayurveda).

Some so-called modern popularizers of the Vedic lifestyle contain information that grain foods are poorly digested in the morning, but this is a misconception that has nothing to do with Ayurveda.

This breakfast will give you energy and good mood.

Snacking between main meals is not recommended. Snacking imbalances the digestive system and prevents it from working properly. You can overcome the feeling of hunger by drinking pure water (without gas and sugar)

If you really can’t stand it, eat some fresh fruit.

Cookies, sweets, etc. are highly undesirable!!!

You can and should drink. Drink when you're thirsty but remember, For good health, per day, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water.

Do not drink water immediately after meals and also limit your fluid intake during meals. It is recommended to drink before meals, if desired, or 45-60 minutes after.

Active labor

After breakfast, it's time to do active things: study, work, business, etc.

Around noon, when the Sun is at its zenith, is the best time for lunch.

Lunch can be quite hearty and contain grain foods (rice, cereals, bread), legumes, vegetables, salads, a little dessert, depending on the feeling of hunger.

There is one good rule in Ayurveda which states: “You should only eat when you are hungry” .

In other words, if you eat when you are not hungry, it is the same as trying to light a fire with damp wood. All food turns into toxins and is not digested properly.

Also, the amount of food eaten should not be too much and not too little. It is ideal to get up from the table when you feel a slight hunger, after 20 minutes it will pass and everything will be great. If you eat too much, toxins will accumulate in the body. Food should be distributed like this - mentally divide the stomach into 4 parts and fill one part with liquid, two parts with food and leave one part free. By eating this way, you will keep your body as healthy as possible.

Daytime Sleep

Daytime sleep also does not have a beneficial effect on a person’s well-being and energy. Of course, if you feel too sleepy, it’s better to rest, but no more than 15-30 minutes, otherwise it will big loss energy and strength. If a person sleeps for a long time during the day, he will be lazy and unfocused.

It is very unfavorable to sleep at sunset; at this time, instead of replenishing strength, the body will lose it even more.


Devote the evening to communicating with your family, reading spiritual literature, and also devote some time to meditation or prayer, depending on your preferences and beliefs. Before going to bed, you need to relax and calm the Mind. We worked actively all day and in the evening, if we let go of all problems, then our sleep will be strong and healthy. If in the evening we continue to overload ourselves with news, blockbusters, etc., our sleep will be restless, we will not rest properly and our efficiency will be reduced throughout the next day.


Before dinner, it is advisable to take a shower. In India, people traditionally bathe at least 2-3 times a day. Showering helps relieve fatigue, because if you eat while tired, food is not digested very well.

Don't eat too much for dinner. The ideal time for dinner is when the sun has not yet set. The sun stimulates the digestive fire. In any case, less than 2-3 hours before bedtime, you should not overeat) In the evening, the digestive fire is less strong than at lunch, so it is better to eat more light food than at lunch. From my own experience I can say, although I have been a vegetarian for many years, and even vegetarian heavy, fatty, legume foods are not digested very well, as well as sweets.

Evening procedures and going to bed

Before going to bed, it is imperative to brush your teeth and tongue, just as you did in the morning, to cleanse and prevent the formation of toxins that will enter the body. Sleep with fresh air, at least it’s worth ventilating the room, fresh air helps and improves sleep. Also, in order to completely relax the Mind, you can quietly turn on some spiritual music.

Balance and moderation are the key to success

In the Vedas, Bhagava Gita 6.16 it is said that if a person sleeps too much or sleeps not enough, eats too much or not enough, then he cannot be a yogi. The main qualification for yoga practice is a calm, focused mind. , and if a person is not moderate in food, work and rest, he will never be able to calm the mind. If the Mind is in constant worry How can such a person be happy?

By achieving moderation in the main areas of life, such as sleep, food and activity, a person can significantly improve the quality of life. Improve your health, performance, mental concentration, have a strong memory and a sober mind. This is a certain step, having taken which, you can begin the process of achieving harmony with yourself and with the world around you.

This was the regimen and recommendations from the point of view of the Vedic lifestyle. By adhering to these principles, you will be able to maintain Your health and correct Consciousness. This will allow you to be as effective as possible in everything else.

That's all for today, see you again.

Vedic cuisine is a vegetarian diet according to Vedic culture. This simple food, which is prepared with love for God. It carries positive energy, love and happiness.
The Vedas, the oldest scriptures in the world, state that in the heart of every living being lies dormant love of God and that true happiness can only be found by those who awaken this love within themselves. Having met Vedic cuisine , you will learn to cook and eat cooked food so that the source of this love will again flow in our parched heart.

Word " Vedic" comes from the Sanskrit word veda, which means " absolute knowledge". The ancient scriptures of India, written in Sanskrit, are called Vedas because they contain knowledge about the Absolute. Many people to this day follow the principles set forth in these scriptures, which form the basis of the Vedic culture of ancient India.

According to the Vedas, man's destiny is to realize his true nature, that is, to understand that he is an eternal servant of God.

The first step towards this is to understand that we are spirit souls residing in these bodies. By mistakenly identifying ourselves with the material body, we experience suffering, although by nature we are eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. Through the process of bhakti-yoga, or Krishna consciousness, we can revive our original, eternally blissful consciousness and awaken our dormant love for Godhead.

The name Krishna is a special name. Although God is one, people call Him different names(Buddha, Jesus, Allah, etc.), and each of them gives an idea of ​​one or another aspect of His personality. However, the Vedas give the name of God, which reflects all His countless qualities. This all-encompassing name is the name "Krishna" means "infinitely attractive."

The Vedas are a treasure trove of knowledge about Krishna and our eternal relationship with Him. To help a person awaken his love for God, Veda, unlike other sacred texts of the world, describe in detail the personal qualities of God and teach how to express this love in their daily activities. This is India’s priceless gift to the whole world - a cultural tradition that allows you to combine any kind of human activity with spiritual self-improvement, which is often considered the privilege of hermit yogis. In Vedic culture, Krishna consciousness permeates all spheres of life, from art, music, architecture and literature to cooking and food systems.

Fundamental the difference between Vedic cuisine and any other lies in the mind of the cook. A cook following the Vedic tradition prepares food in a state of spiritual concentration, thinking that these dishes will be offered to God.

Generally, people ask the Lord to give them “daily bread,” but a devotee of Krishna himself offers “daily bread” to God. Thus he expresses his love for Him, which the Lord always reciprocates. In Bhagavad-gita, one of the Vedic scriptures, Lord Krishna says that if anyone offers Him vegetarian food, be it just a leaf, fruit or water, with love and devotion, He will accept it. Out of His inconceivable mercy, the Lord tastes the food offered to Him and thereby spiritualizes it. Thus ordinary food becomes Krsna's prasadam, Lord Krsna's mercy, and ordinary food becomes a transcendental act of worshiping the Lord and communicating with Him.

The quality of prasadam is completely different from food prepared for sale or to satisfy one's own tongue. Usually, while preparing food, people think about anything other than pleasing the Lord, and their materialistic thoughts have a subtle influence on the one who eats food prepared this way. But when we eat prasadam, food prepared with love and devotion for the Lord and then offered to Him, our hearts become purified. Mukunda Goswami, one of the spiritual masters of the Krishna consciousness movement, once said: “If you eat ordinary food, then you only develop a passionate desire to enjoy this material world, but if you eat prasadam, then with every bite you eat, your love for God.

Important not the method of cooking, but devotion to Krishna, with which she is preparing.

Under the term " Indian cuisine"We mean Vedic cuisine here, and not just any modern school Indian culinary arts, which can offer you a dish like "chicken curry". People of Vedic culture practically did not eat meat. Eating meat spread to India only with the arrival of foreign conquerors: the Mongols who came from Persia in the sixteenth century, the Portuguese who ruled Goa for four centuries, and finally the British colonialists. However, despite the fact that India has been ruled by meat-eating people for many centuries, a huge number of Indians are still strict vegetarians.

From time immemorial, India has been a country of vegetarians (those who eat meat are called “non-vegetarians”), since, according to the Vedic view, the life of any creature is sacred and the unjustified killing of innocent creatures is a gross violation of the laws of God. All types of plants and animals follow only their instinct in choosing food, but man with his developed intellect When choosing food, one must be guided by the highest religious principles. In one of his books, Srila Prabhupada writes: “Although there is this law [of nature] that man must subsist at the expense of other living beings, there is also a law of common sense that he must follow the precepts of the scriptures. Animals are not capable of this” (Srimad-Bhagavatam, 1.13.47).

According to Vedic beliefs, a true vegetarian is one who does not eat meat, fish, or eggs. If a person refuses meat, but eats eggs or fish, he cannot be considered a vegetarian in the full sense of the word, since he eats flesh, although it may be hidden, as in eggs, under a calcareous shell. Someone who has become a vegetarian simply to avoid violence may see no reason to avoid eating unfertilized eggs. However, from the Vedic point of view, any flesh is unsuitable for humans, therefore, one who wants to be a vegetarian must also give up eggs, which, regardless of whether they are fertilized or not, are nothing more than building material for the bodies of future chickens. Devotees of Krishna are strict vegetarians in the Vedic sense of the word: they do not eat meat, fish, or eggs.

Some vegetarians, called vegans, abstain not only from meat, fish and eggs, but also from dairy products, thus protesting the cruel exploitation that cows are subjected to in meat and dairy farms. Krishna devotees also condemn such violence against innocent animals, but instead of giving up milk, which, according to the Vedas, is one of the essential products nutrition, they show their compassion for cows in other ways. They teach people about the Vedic principle of cow protection and drink milk mainly from the farms of the Krishna Consciousness Society, where the cows are given love and care.

Many people who become vegetarians later return to their old habits because they do not enjoy vegetarian food and are not very convinced of the need for vegetarianism. But if people knew about alternative system Vedic nutrition with her gourmet dishes, which is also perfect with scientific point view, many of them would give up meat forever. We hope that your acquaintance with Vedic cuisine will help you discover: no better food, I eat vegetarian dishes offered to Krishna, because they are not only healthy and very tasty, but also contribute to the spiritual development of a person. Preparing them is not at all difficult, and the result exceeds all expectations. And if at least once you experience the pleasure that comes from food prepared with the thought of pleasing Lord Krishna, you will understand what we mean when we talk about the highest taste. So, from the Vedic point of view, vegetarianism is not only a food system, it is an integral part of the lifestyle and philosophy of those who strive for spiritual perfection.

But whatever goal we pursue: to achieve spiritual perfection or simply develop the habit of clean and healthy food, - if we begin to follow the instructions of the Vedas, we will be happier ourselves and will stop causing unnecessary suffering to other living beings in the world around us.

A food product is suitable for you if:

1) the smell is pleasant, light, fresh, cool;

2) does not smell at all, neutral (when shaken and brought close to the nose, freshness appears);

3) it smells strong, but the smell is light, fresh, pleasant;

4) pleasant, cool (fresh) smell, but there are light shades of pungency, warmth, astringency, acidity, dustiness, sweetness, bitterness, earthiness.

The food product being identified is not suitable for you if:

1) the smell is pleasant and warm (there is no freshness or coolness), while it can be sweet, sour, bitter, salty, spicy, tart, dusty, earthy;

2) you don’t like the smell, it’s not pleasant;

3) the smell is neutral (dustiness appears when shaking).



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