Varicose eczema: manifestations of the disease and treatment methods. Causes of varicose eczema, effective treatment regimens

Eczema is one of the most common complications of varicose veins. Every 5 people over 70 years of age suffer from this disease.

Varicose eczema has very unpleasant manifestations, causes a lot of discomfort to the patient, and in the absence of adequate treatment, can lead to dangerous consequences.

Causes of eczema with varicose veins

With varicose veins of the lower extremities, blood circulation in the vessels of the legs is impaired. In this case, the blood exerts strong pressure on the walls of the veins, gradually weakening and stretching them.

Over time, fluid begins to penetrate through the affected vein wall into the surrounding tissues and accumulate in them. Later this leads to the occurrence of an inflammatory process.

Symptoms of varicose eczema

Among the first manifestations of this disease are:

  • dry skin on feet
  • itchy skin

Gradually they are joined by:

  • skin redness
  • swelling of the legs
  • peeling skin
  • dirty brown or rusty spots on the legs
  • blistering

All of these changes in the skin may be accompanied by pain and discomfort.

Constant itching forces the patient to scratch his legs, and further worsen the condition of the skin. When the bubbles and blisters burst, a clear liquid leaks out. This type of eczema is called weeping eczema.

At the site of the lesion, scars later form. Since most often the disease begins on the inner surface of the legs, the most scars can be observed in this area.

If left untreated, long-lasting trophic ulcers may form on the affected limbs. They are difficult to treat and can lead to serious life-threatening consequences.

Photo of eczema on feet

The photo below shows the classic manifestations of eczema with varicose veins. The symptoms may vary slightly, but the general picture is very similar for most people with eczema.

Treatment of varicose eczema

Therapy for venous eczema should be comprehensive and include the prevention of varicose veins of the legs.

  • normalization
  • reducing stress on the legs
  • normalization of body weight
  • resting with your feet elevated on a pillow
  • daily walks
  • wearing loose shoes and clothing


An essential part of treating eczema is moisturizing the skin on your feet. This is necessary to improve trophism and nutrition of the skin. You can use any moisturizer. However, you may need to try several products to find the one that works best for you.

Moisturizing cream or ointment must be applied to the skin of the feet at least 2 times a day. For severely damaged skin, it is recommended to moisturize the skin every 2 hours.

The cream must be applied generously, but not rubbed in very vigorously. It’s better if it absorbs itself, although it will take longer.


The next integral part of the treatment of varicose eczema is the use of corticosteroids. These drugs help quickly relieve inflammation and reduce the symptoms of eczema.

The most common drugs in this group are:

  • prednisolone
  • hydrocortisone
  • courtade
  • laticort

All of them come in the form of an ointment and have a similar effect. However, a doctor should prescribe corticosteroids after examining the patient and taking a medical history.

Compression underwear

Using compression garments for varicose veins helps reduce blood pressure on the walls of blood vessels and improve blood flow. Thanks to their use, the harmful effects on the skin are reduced and inflammation is reduced.

Creams for varicose veins

Today, there are several drugs that have a complex effect on varicose veins. Their use improves blood flow, relieves the manifestations of varicose veins, strengthens blood vessels and promotes a speedy recovery of the patient. You can get acquainted with such drugs on our website.

Additional treatment

If the above methods for treating eczema do not give good results, a dermatologist may be involved in the treatment and additional treatment may be prescribed.

If the patient has thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, or trophic ulcers, the doctor may prescribe surgical treatment.

Video: Stages and treatment options for eczema

Varicose eczema develops due to inflammation of the skin under the influence of external irritants. According to the classification, pathology refers to microbial types of eczema.

It occurs mainly in places of trophic disorders of the lower extremities (ankle, lower leg) in the area of ​​varicose veins or around trophic ulcers.

It has characteristic clinical manifestations in the form of skin redness and blistering. A characteristic sign of varicose eczema is a clear border of inflamed foci and moderate itching.

Causes of occurrence

The occurrence of eczema of the lower extremities with varicose veins is promoted by:

With trophic disorders, the skin on the legs becomes thinner, becomes dry and easily injured. It happens that under the bandages the skin rubs, maceration and itching appear.

Redness appears around abrasions or scratches, which with further irritation transforms into eczematous inflammation.

The leading role in the development of eczema belongs to the suppression of cellular immunity, exposure to infectious and allergic factors.

The presence of chronic foci of infection (trophic ulcers) contributes to the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the skin. If skin lesions start from the feet, it is possible that eczema is not associated with varicose veins, but is of mycotic etiology.

Clinical picture

Varicose eczema usually begins with an asymmetrical inflammatory process on the skin of the lower leg in the form of pustules. Foci of inflammation have clear boundaries, which often have a “fringe” of exfoliating layer of the epidermis.

At the beginning of the inflammatory process, spots appear on the legs that tend to merge.

Later, small nodules in diameter appear at the site of the spots, on the surface of which bubbles appear. The size of the bubbles can reach the size of a pinhead.

After the bubbles open, erosions form in their place. The boundaries of the affected areas can often be curved and have an accumulation of serous-purulent crusts or erosions.

Single papules may be located around the affected areas. Their number and distribution vary. The formation of papules and their peeling is accompanied by itching of the skin. When scratching, the inflammatory process can spread to healthy skin.

The surface of the skin free from crusts has a reddish color and bleeds easily when injured.

When the process begins acutely, papules with exudate appear along the periphery of trophic ulcers or in places where the skin is pressed with an elastic bandage.

At the borders of papules, an accumulation of purulent greenish crusts often occurs. In the acute process, the disease tends to grow peripherally. In such cases, eczema is called peri-wound eczema. Acute inflammation is accompanied by severe itching of the skin.

Consequences and complications

When a bacterial infection occurs, purulent foci appear on the skin of the lower extremities and merge with each other. If left untreated, eczema will cover the entire healthy surface of the skin on the lower leg.

A complication of eczema with varicose veins on the legs are allergens, which are large, swollen red spots. The rashes are characterized by polymorphism.

As inflammation progresses, the allergens merge and form large, weeping areas. In this case, the risk of degeneration of varicose eczema on the legs into the true form of the disease increases.


Treatment of eczema consists of a comprehensive prescription of external and internal medications. Patients are prescribed a hypoallergenic diet so as not to provoke an inflammatory process in the legs. Exclude from the diet:

Treatment is carried out with antihistamines for a course of 10 days.

Patients are prescribed Loratadine, calcium supplements, and Thiosulfate by injection.

Enterosobents (activated carbon, Enterosgel, Polyphepan, Regidron) are a mandatory element in therapy. Detoxification therapy removes allergens from the body that cause eczema on the feet.

In case of extensive skin lesions, systemic corticosteroid drugs (Diprospan, Prednisolone), hepatoprotectors (Esentiale, Livenciale, Artichoke, Karsil), vitamins B, A, E, C are prescribed.

Treatment includes correction of immunity. Patients are prescribed immunocorrective drugs (Imunofan, Plazmol, Timalin).

For skin itching and sleep disturbances, sedatives or antihistamines with a sedative effect (Doxepin) are prescribed. Enzymes are prescribed in courses (Pancreatin, Festal, Panzinorm, Enzistal).

For swelling, it is recommended to take diuretic decoctions or drink tea with lingonberries. Treatment includes the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen) and angioprotectors (Detralex, Endotelon).

Local treatment

Local treatment depends on the clinical manifestations of eczema. Local preparations must have a disinfectant, keratolytic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Dry peels can be treated with fucorcin or brilliant green.

To reduce exudation and protect the skin from external irritations, cool lotions with tannin, resorcinol, boric acid solution, and cindol are used.

The procedure should last about an hour. The lotion should be constantly cool. Pastes (zinc, tar, boric) are used for drying.

In acute cases, ointments with glucocorticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone, Methylprednisolone, Betasalic, Mometasone) are prescribed.

As the inflammation subsides, creams containing birch tar or naphthalan oil are used.

Antimicrobial agents are prescribed when a bacterial infection occurs. They use combination drugs that contain antibiotics and steroids (Triderm, Pimafucort, Flumethasone).

For microbial damage, ointments that contain only antibiotics are effective (Gentamicin, Clindamycin, Fluzidine, Mupriocin, Tetracycline)


Folk remedies help calm the inflammatory process and relieve itching.

It is useful to wash the affected areas with decoctions of medicinal herbs: burdock, nettle, birch buds, coltsfoot. Eliminate itching in a bath with a decoction of pine needles and juniper.


Treatment for varicose veins includes compression therapy. When applying an elastic bandage, you must ensure that the bandage does not excessively tighten the skin on your legs.

If maceration or scratches occur, the skin should be treated with antiseptics and dried with zinc pastes.

Sudocrem paste effectively dries and protects against bacterial and fungal infections.

To prevent eczema, it is recommended to wear clothes that do not cause overheating. Staying in one position for a long time can also cause trophic disorders and inflammation.

You need to walk or do physical therapy every day. If dry skin occurs, it is necessary to use nourishing creams.

Patient N., 53 years old

The patient was admitted with complaints of itchy spots on his legs. After examination, a diagnosis was made: varicose eczema of the lower third of the left leg in the acute stage.

The patient was prescribed treatment: regimen, anti-allergenic diet, systemic therapy (corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines), local drugs (Loratadine).

When visiting again a week later, there was an improvement: the severity of inflammation decreased, the itching stopped, and new rashes stopped appearing. Clinical recovery occurred on the 26th day from the start of treatment.

In contact with

It is a common disease and is accompanied by an unpleasant symptom in the form of itching. In medicine, the phenomenon is called “varicose eczema”. Burning and itching bring discomfort to a person’s life and pose a health hazard. The explanation is simple - the patient sometimes cannot tolerate when his legs itch and itch, and actively scratches the skin, attracting the formation of wounds on the skin. When pathogenic microbes enter damaged areas of the skin, an ulcer develops, which will already be required.

Itching can be a symptom of a number of other diseases; with varicose veins, it appears already at an advanced stage of the disease. In addition to burning, varicose veins are necessarily accompanied by veins that protrude above the surface of the skin and acquire a bluish tint. With varicose veins, frequent pain is felt in the legs, the skin changes color in the area of ​​​​the ankles and legs. Convulsions develop during night sleep. By the end of the day there is swelling and a strong feeling of heaviness.

If a burning sensation occurs when several of the listed symptoms are present, there is no doubt about the etiology of the disease - varicose veins are clearly evident. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe complex treatment. If you ignore varicose veins at the stage under discussion, you will not survive without surgical intervention.

The main reason why itching occurs with varicose veins is a disruption of the normal blood supply to the lower extremities. Blood vessels become blocked and blood clots form. As a result, the vein protrudes outward and blocks smaller vessels. Constant tension of the veins and blood vessels leads to itching.

An additional reason why burning legs occur is the accumulation of toxic components in stagnant blood. Carbon dioxide, lactic acid and other toxic components of “standing” blood do not have time to be eliminated from the body in time, which leads to stretching of the walls of blood vessels, dryness, and peeling. Later, a burning sensation appears, the legs itch so much that the person is unable to endure scratching until wounds appear. If left untreated, varicose eczema develops. Often varicose veins of the legs are accompanied by the appearance of trophic ulcers.

Systematic insufficient nutrition of tissues, deprivation of adequate blood supply, stagnation of blood in the veins and vessels is the main reason why the skin itches with varicose veins.

Treatment methods for varicose itching

Burning sensation with varicose veins cannot be treated separately, only in combination with the disease. Treatment includes a variety of methods that provide the best therapeutic effect if carried out comprehensively and systematically. It is important that treatment begins earlier to avoid serious consequences.

Doctors approach each case of varicose veins and eliminate symptoms individually; the choice of an effective method of therapy depends on the following indicators:

  • Age of the patient;
  • Presence of other diseases;
  • Pathologies caused by varicose veins;
  • Lifestyle;
  • Profession.

For varicose veins, symptomatic treatment is also carried out to eliminate any sign of the disease. The burning sensation is treated using the following methods:

  • Drug therapy;
  • Traditional methods of treatment;
  • Diet;
  • Lifestyle changes.

Treatment of itching itself helps to avoid many of the negative consequences associated with the phenomenon, without eliminating the causes of its occurrence. As a rule, symptomatic treatment can simply relieve a person of the discomfort that prevents him from living normally. When a person is unable to concentrate, he becomes irritable and aggressive. Not knowing what to do to eliminate the itching, the patient simply begins to scratch his legs, causing more discomfort.

Only by seeking help from doctors, it is possible to eliminate the itching and the cause of its appearance. Independent measures to treat varicose veins, unfortunately, often lead to a worsening of the overall picture of the disease.

Drug therapy for itching

The right course of action if itching of the lower extremities occurs is to see a phlebologist. In combination with the treatment of varicose veins, medical professionals prescribe medications to eliminate unpleasant itching sensations. These include groups of medications:

  • Sedatives;
  • Antihistamines;
  • Wound healing and antibacterial agents.

Sedatives can reduce the patient’s irritability and calm skin irritation. In the group of remedies, valerian root, motherwort, novopassit, megnium, and gelarium stand out.

Antihistamines directly relieve itching, reduce swelling and vascular permeability. These include: Aleron, Zyrtec, Fenistil, Lomilan, Diazolin, Cetrin, Clorotadin, Cetirizine, zinc.

Healing ointments allow you to create a protective layer on the skin that prevents microorganisms from entering open scratched wounds. Ointments help restore irritated epithelium. Ointments that work effectively: Panthenol, zinc ointment, “Rescuer”, Boro plus, Bepanten.

Folk remedies against itching

In folk therapy for itching, drugs are often used:

  • Chamomile decoction;
  • Series;
  • Mint tinctures;
  • Birch bud decoction.

Although folk recipes do not pose any particular danger when prepared and used independently, it is better to consult a doctor before taking them.

Useful methods when your feet itch severely and intensely are baths with herbal decoctions and contrast showers. Rubbing with tincture of Kalanchoe and birch buds is used. Foot masks, in addition to eliminating the feeling of itching, help strengthen blood vessels, providing a therapeutic effect on the cause of itching. Mint infusion helps soothe the skin and cools it. It is used for lotions and for oral use.

Diet for itching

Changing the quality of your diet and lifestyle will be an effective way to get rid of health problems. Doctors prescribe a special diet in combination with drug treatment.

To get rid of unbearable itching, it is useful to add to your diet foods containing zinc, magnesium, vitamins P, E, C and D. Egg yolk, boiled liver, onion, lemon, beans, garlic, parsley, bell pepper and other vegetables will be useful.

To achieve the maximum positive effect, it is important to maintain a drinking regime, which is why doctors recommend consuming 2 liters of water per day.


The best preventative method for itching is a healthy and active lifestyle, quality nutrition and drinking regimen. In addition to varicose veins and the itching associated with it, these measures warn against the occurrence of other diseases.

If varicose veins can no longer be avoided, the prevention of itching is a timely visit to a phlebologist, who will prescribe medications that reduce discomfort.

To neutralize the occurrence of itching, you should not wear tight and small shoes and very tight jeans, leggings, squat, cross your legs one on top of the other, hover your legs and warm your veins with a warm heating pad. Excessively active sports if you are prone to varicose veins are not recommended.

Timely contact with specialists is recognized as the main success in treating varicose veins and eliminating its symptoms.

Varicose eczema is a chronic skin disease that develops against the background of problems with venous circulation or deep vein thrombosis.

Dermatitis usually affects the epithelium over the veins, gradually spreading to the ankles and lower legs. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to normalize venous blood flow and keep the symptoms of the disease under control.

What it is

This is a chronic pathology that predominantly affects the skin of the lower extremities and is accompanied by venous insufficiency, severe swelling, and scratching.

Most often, the disease is detected in middle-aged and elderly women.

This is due to the influence of additional factors. These include deep vein thrombosis, excess weight, cardiac dysfunction, etc.


Varicose eczema of the lower extremities is most common. Its appearance is due to the presence of congestion in the vessels and a violation of the venous outflow of blood.

If the disease develops against the background of varicose veins, provoking factors may be:

  1. stress;
  2. neurotic conditions;
  3. infection with viral infections or fungal microorganisms.

The risk group includes people who lead an insufficiently active lifestyle, have a tendency to edema and are overweight.

So, the predisposing factors include the following:

  • being female;
  • age over 50 years;
  • a large number of pregnancies, their difficult course;
  • being overweight;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • traumatic leg injuries;
  • infectious and fungal diseases;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • problems in the nervous system;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • weakened immune system;
  • the presence of skin diseases.

There are certain factors that lead to increased manifestations and make this process irreversible:

  • consumption of food additives, dyes and preservatives;
  • house dust;
  • pet hair;
  • contact with woolen items;
  • wearing rubber shoes;
  • wrong choice of cosmetics;
  • aggressive influence of external factors;
  • animal and insect bites.


With the development of varicose veins, the reverse outflow of venous blood is disrupted. This is due to the weakness of the venous wall and increased load on the limbs.

With this disease, blood stagnation occurs, which leads to pathological processes in the veins and nearby tissues. the vessels become wider and protrude above the surface of the skin.

In this case, the liquid part of the blood leaks through the venous wall, which leads to local edema. At first it is transient in nature, but then becomes permanent.

As a result of these processes, hemoglobin breaks down in tissues.

When skin receptors are irritated by toxins, severe itching occurs, which leads to scratching and damage.

If there are problems with blood circulation, tissue oxygen starvation occurs.

The skin changes structure, is easily damaged, and is difficult to restore. In this case, the epithelium is susceptible to infections - mycoses and pyoderma.

With constant swelling, the fluid comes out, which causes wet areas to appear. This further reduces the protective functions of the skin.


With the development of varicose eczema, the skin in the area of ​​congestion begins to itch very much. At the same time, it is painted in red or purple shades.

The disease provokes the appearance of many vesicles in the affected area. After the blisters burst, itchy sores appear in their place.

At the same time, varicose eczema provokes pronounced swelling of the legs, since the degree of vascular patency decreases significantly.

A few weeks after the development of varicose eczema, the ulcers gradually dry out and become significantly smaller.

As a result of these processes, extensive dark brown pigment spots appear. Folds with flaky scales and many small wrinkles form on their surface.

Varicose eczema develops gradually. There are 4 main stages in the progression of the disease. Already at the second stage, a person experiences an acute disturbance in the outflow of blood, and a lot of fluid accumulates in the connective tissue.

With eczema, a person experiences general weakness, the appearance of convulsions, pain and itching, and rapid muscle fatigue.

The following factors lead to the development of a common form of the disease:

  • disruption of blood flow through the vessels;
  • problems in the functioning of vascular valves;
  • change in blood movement.

The unsatisfactory condition of the epidermis may be a consequence of infection with bacterial microorganisms, which are often localized in the area of ​​eczema.

As a result, the pressure in the blood vessels increases, the epidermis swells and eczema develops.

The common form of this disease is accompanied by the following manifestations:

  • pain in the limbs;
  • severe skin itching;
  • the appearance of open wounds on the skin;
  • thinning of the epidermis;
  • discoloration of the affected areas of the skin in a dark brown color;
  • the appearance of red spots and irritation on the skin.

If varicose eczema is not detected in time, the pathology becomes chronic.

In this case, the following symptoms occur:

  • the appearance of sclerotic formations;
  • development of trophic ulcers - are open wounds that heal with great difficulty.

Why do your legs suffer more often?

This eczema in most cases first affects the lower leg.

This is due to the fact that it is in this zone that the least amount of oxygen enters.

As a result of such processes, the blood flow is disrupted and it can change its direction. After a certain time, the leg swells.

With increased vascular pressure:

  1. the lumen in the capillaries increases;
  2. pathogenic microorganisms actively reproduce;
  3. purulent infections and ulcerative lesions appear in the vascular networks.

After some time, large swelling occurs in the legs, which leads to the development of varicose eczema.


It is quite easy to identify this pathology, since varicose eczema is caused by a violation of venous outflow during the development of varicose veins. To diagnose the disease, urine and blood tests are performed.

A study is also performed that helps determine the condition of varicose veins - Dopplerography of the veins.

Thanks to these procedures, the doctor can choose the most effective treatment.

Video: Consultation with a doctor

Treatment methods for varicose eczema

Treatment of varicose eczema on the legs is a rather lengthy process, as it is highly complex. First you need to determine the causes of the disease, and then begin therapy.

Treatment should solve the following problems:

  • improve blood circulation;
  • normalize the condition of affected skin areas using steroid creams;
  • restore the skin using emollients.


The main task of drug treatment is to eliminate provoking factors, combat swelling and soften the skin using special products.

Drug therapy consists of the use of phlebotonics and phleboprotectors. Such drugs are required for the treatment of the underlying disease.

To reduce the feeling of itching, your doctor may prescribe antihistamines:

  1. clemastine;
  2. erius;
  3. Loratadine.

At the same time, you can drink sedatives that help calm the nervous system.

It is useful to take hawthorn or valerian extract. Sometimes it becomes necessary to use tranquilizers.

In more complex cases, the doctor may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics. Typically, such drugs are used to treat affected areas of the skin.

Ointments and creams

Local treatment is selected depending on the nature of the skin lesion.

If a person has a weeping form of eczema, the use of drying creams that have a disinfectant effect is indicated. Emulsions and lotions can also be used.

If the patient has a dry form of the disease, an ointment that has a fatty base will help.

A specific drug should be prescribed by a phlebologist after consulting a dermatologist.

Steroid creams can be used to treat the affected areas to help reduce inflammation and relieve itching.

The most effective means include:

  1. elocom;
  2. advantan;
  3. locoid.

Zinc-based mixtures or Burov's liquid solution are also prescribed. With the help of such drugs you can also cope with the manifestations of eczema.

In addition, products that have a drying effect can be effective. Such drugs usually include:

  • ichthyol;
  • naftalan;
  • silver nitrate.

As an addition to the main therapy, emollients and moisturizers are prescribed. They help maintain normal skin condition and prevent cracks.

Such cosmetic products may contain:

  1. urea;
  2. salicylic acid;
  3. dexpanthenol.

Compression jersey

Depending on the characteristics of the disease, the doctor may prescribe therapy using special knitwear.

They produce a compressive effect and help improve blood circulation in the legs.

Products should be worn throughout the day, taking off only while taking a shower.

It is important to consider that at night the leg should be raised above the level of the hips so that fluid does not accumulate in the veins.

The use of compression hosiery can achieve good results and improve the patient’s condition with the development of varicose eczema.


In the arsenal of modern physiotherapy there are many effective remedies that help cope with varicose eczema. The choice of a specific technique is made by a phlebologist together with a physiotherapist.

The most common physiotherapeutic procedures include the following:

  • electrophoresis;
  • darsonvalization;
  • exposure to laser and magnetic fields;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • intermittent pneumocompression;
  • pulsed magnetic therapy using eddy currents;
  • balneotherapy;
  • oxygen baths;
  • ozone therapy;
  • ultraviolet irradiation;
  • phototherapy.

As a rule, physiotherapy is combined with conservative therapy and the use of folk remedies. Thanks to this, it is possible to restore the skin and blood vessels much faster.

Exercise therapy

To strengthen the muscle tissue of the legs and cope with congestion, you need to do therapeutic exercises.

The most effective exercises include the following:

  1. To begin with, you should walk in place without lifting your socks off the floor.
  2. Sit on a chair, tense your legs and press the floor with your foot, making maximum effort.
  3. Stand on the floor and roll from toe to heel.
  4. Stand on your toes and sharply move onto your heels, trying to hit them on the floor. Perform 20 movements, then take a 5-second break and repeat 20 times.
  5. Lie on your back. In this position, bend and straighten your legs at the ankle.
  6. Do the bicycle exercise. Perform in a horizontal position, while your legs should not rise too high from the floor.
  7. Lie on your back, while exhaling, raise your straight legs up, and while inhaling, lower them.
  8. Lie on your back. Using your hands, take turns pulling your knees to your chest.
  9. Lie on your back, place your arms along your body. Raise your legs straight above the floor and begin the “scissors” exercise. Do the movements until you feel a little tired.
  10. Lie on your back, place a cushion under your feet to achieve an angle of 20 degrees. Relax and lie down to rest your legs. Thanks to this, it will be possible to unload the veins and normalize the outflow of blood.

Exercises need to be done 2 times a day. The duration of the exercises is 15-20 minutes. In addition, it is useful to take walks every day and take a contrast shower for your feet.

Folk recipes

Treatment of varicose eczema can be carried out using folk remedies. However, the use of such recipes should be part of complex therapy.

The most effective means include the following:

  1. Foot baths with a decoction made from white willow bark. To do this, pour a couple of tablespoons of crushed raw materials into 500 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. The duration of the procedure is at least half an hour.
  2. Tincture of birch buds. To prepare the composition, fill 3/4 of a 0.5 liter bottle with birch buds, then fill to the top with vodka and leave to infuse for 1 week. To eliminate pain, treat your legs with the resulting product. This should be done 2-3 times a day and before bedtime.
  3. Cabbage leaf. It needs to be beaten a little and treated on one side with vegetable oil. Apply the resulting product to the affected areas and leave for at least a day. The course of therapy must be at least 1 month.
  4. Fresh potato gruel. This remedy is recommended for use as compresses applied to areas affected by ulcers. The composition is left for 4-5 hours during the day, as well as overnight.

The role of nutrition in recovery

To make treatment more effective, you need to limit your intake of fluids, salt and refined carbohydrates.

The basis of the diet should be vegetable and fermented milk dishes.

By improving bowel function, it is possible to cope with the symptoms of the disease. Also, the menu should not contain food allergens.

Therefore, it is worth avoiding the consumption of such products:

  • eggs;
  • whole milk;
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • spices;
  • mayonnaise;
  • bird;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • red wine;
  • seafood;
  • tomatoes.

Which doctor should I contact?

Most people with symptoms of eczema see a dermatologist.

However, in order to cope with the factors that provoked it, you need to consult a phlebologist.

This doctor will select the optimal therapy that will help improve the prognosis.


To prevent the development of this disease, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminate bad habits, eat right and observe personal hygiene rules.

Additional preventive measures include the following:

  • physical activity;
  • balanced diet;
  • proper skin care;
  • maintaining the functioning of the immune system;
  • complete rest;
  • refusal of synthetic and woolen clothing;
  • drinking enough water.

Varicose eczema is a fairly serious pathology that causes people a lot of inconvenience and is very difficult to treat.

For therapy to be effective, it is very important to eliminate the causes of the disease, and for this you need to consult an experienced doctor.

Varicose eczema is also called erythema, stasis dermatitis, scaly skin of the lower extremities. It refers to chronic skin diseases and develops against the background of impaired venous circulation or deep vein thrombosis. Venous dermatitis on the legs affects the skin exactly above the veins and in close proximity to them, spreading to the ankles and lower legs. Most often, this disease manifests itself in women, overweight people, and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. In treatment, it is important to normalize venous blood flow and control symptoms.

Mechanism of disease development

Venous dermatitis is a chronic disease manifested by swelling of the tissues of the lower extremities of a non-inflammatory nature. It is accompanied by itching and excoriation of the skin (injury when scratching), weeping. Often a secondary infection occurs. It develops on the skin in the area of ​​the ankle joints and lower legs. The true cause of varicose eczema is poor circulation and venous stasis, or rather, it is an advanced form of varicose veins.

Thrombosis of the vessels of the lower extremities and disruption of the venous valves leads to a deterioration in the outflow of blood, increased pressure on the walls of the veins and vessels, and their mechanical stretching. At the same time, the permeability of the vascular walls increases significantly, and blood elements enter beyond the bloodstream. Tissues experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

The most effective remedy for getting rid of varicose veins, according to our reader Ksenia Strizhenko, is Varius. Varius is considered an excellent remedy for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins. For you, it has become that “lifeline” that you should use first! Doctors' opinion...

Causes of venous dermatitis

Chronic non-inflammatory dermatitis of the lower extremities is a consequence of varicose veins. Therefore, the true causes of varicose eczema are:

  • stagnation of blood in the vessels;
  • vascular valve dysfunction;
  • excess pressure in the venous bed;
  • vasodilation.

Risk factors that may increase your chance of developing eczema include:

  • vein thrombosis;
  • leg injuries;
  • overweight;
  • elderly age;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • pregnancy;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • various vascular pathologies;
  • dermatitis and eczema of the skin of an allergic nature.

It is also possible that infectious agents may have a negative impact on the condition of the veins. Toxins produced by viruses or bacteria can also trigger the development of varicose veins and then eczema.

Diagnostic methods

It is impossible to identify this disease visually during examination. Each patient has a different set of symptoms. In addition, the manifestations of the disease change over time. There are no specific diagnostic methods either.

To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor conducts a physical examination and studies the anamnesis, and conducts a comparative analysis of all signs of the disease. Sometimes additional examination methods and laboratory tests (ultrasound of blood vessels, blood tests, etc.) are necessary.

Symptoms of the disease

Venous eczema develops over a long period. One stage replaces another. Some symptoms accompany the disease constantly, while others are characteristic only of a certain phase. This complicates diagnosis and requires a specific approach to treating the disease at different stages.

Clinical manifestations of varicose eczema:

  • fatigue and pain in the legs, worsening in the evening;
  • swelling of the tissues of the lower extremities;
  • purple, bluish or red tint to the skin in the area where the veins are located;
  • epidermal pigmentation;
  • itching and irritation;
  • open wounds on the skin of the legs;
  • peeling of the dermis;
  • formation of ulcers;
  • blistering rash;
  • detachment of skin and subcutaneous fat from underlying tissues;
  • tissue hardening.

The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the likelihood of preventing its progression to a chronic form. But this requires an integrated approach.

Features of treatment

Treatment of venous dermatitis on the legs should be carried out in two directions. First, it is necessary to relieve the unpleasant accompanying symptoms: itching, swelling, peeling, ulceration of the skin. Secondly, it is important to eliminate the true cause of the disease - treat varicose veins, normalize blood flow through the vessels and restore tissue nutrition. Therefore, complex treatment of varicose eczema does not exclude the combination of various methods of therapy.

Traditional methods of treatment

Venous dermatitis on the legs and varicose veins that provoke its development have been known to mankind for a long time. The treatment methods used by the people were adjusted and supplemented. Therefore, today there are many ways to treat this disease at home. Aloe, chamomile, wormwood, hop cones and other medicinal plants have long been used to treat venous eczema:

  • Various ointments and infusions are prepared from aloe juice, which have a moisturizing, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. They are often used to treat various skin diseases, including dermatitis, burns and peeling. You can also apply sections of the leaves of this plant to the affected skin or lubricate it with freshly squeezed juice. Aloe also helps with varicose veins
  • Chamomile decoctions and infusions have a drying and bacteristatic effect. They are recommended for use in weeping forms of eczema.
  • Turmeric paste perfectly relieves swelling and irritation during allergic skin reactions and severe itching.
  • Tea tree oil disinfects and soothes the skin. It cannot be used in pure concentrated form. For 50 ml of boiled water or herbal decoction, take 15-20 drops of oil. The resulting solution is used to treat the affected areas several times a day.
  • Raw grated potatoes help treat skin sores. The pulp from the root vegetable is placed in a gauze bag and applied to the leg for 20-30 minutes a day.
  • A strong decoction of wormwood or an infusion of wormwood powder in milk is applied to intact skin on the area of ​​veins affected by varicose veins. The procedure is repeated for 4 days, then a break of 10-15 days is taken.
  • A decoction of hop cones prepared in a water bath is recommended for external and internal use.

Traditional medicine does not deny the possibility of their use. But experts warn that all these methods should be used as an additional or supportive treatment, and in no case as the main and only correct one. Self-medication and ignoring medical recommendations can even lead to disability.

Drug treatment

The main goal of treatment is to improve the condition of the veins and normalize blood flow. At the same time, symptomatic treatment is carried out to relieve skin symptoms such as irritation, swelling, peeling, ulceration, inflammation, etc. The patient is prescribed ointments or emulsions, as well as preparations for internal use. Among them are antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial (in case of secondary infection), diuretics for the drainage of excess fluid from tissues.

For topical use, ointments containing zinc, camphor, benzocaine, and menthol are used. In the complex, drugs are prescribed to calm the nervous system: drops of hawthorn, valerian. For severe excruciating pain, it is advisable to use tranquilizers. At advanced stages of the disease, treatment is not complete without broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Compression underwear

Phlebologists recommend using compression garments for the treatment of varicose veins and venous erythema in the stage of epithelization (remission). Compressing the dilated veins helps normalize the pressure in the vessels and the speed of blood flow. The blood flow from pathologically dilated and damaged veins, during compression, is redistributed and transferred to healthy vessels. Tissue nutrition and fluid outflow are restored.

Previously, special elastic bandages were used for this. Modern underwear is created taking into account the physiological and anatomical characteristics of a person. The pressure in compression tights or stockings is evenly and correctly distributed to all areas of the skin. The pressure from the shin to the thigh decreases gradually. You just need to choose the right size.

You should select such underwear after consulting your doctor. This method of prevention and treatment has contraindications. It is not recommended to use the compression method for patients with atherosclerosis, arterial pathologies, people with sensitive skin and for dermatitis and eczema in the acute stage.


The exercises are very simple - you need to rise on your toes and lower yourself onto your entire foot in different positions:

  • sitting on a chair;
  • standing on your feet with support on your hands (you can lean on a chair or table);
  • standing on your feet, arms down;
  • standing on your feet, arms raised up;
  • standing on your feet, arms extended forward.

Slow walking is useful. It is important to ensure that the shoes on your feet are comfortable and do not restrict movement or squeeze. During periods of remission, when the skin is epithelialized and there is no damage on it, it is useful to visit the pool and do fitness.

Physiotherapeutic treatments

Alternative medicine suggests treating many diseases of the blood and veins with leeches. Hirudotherapy often saved and helped many patients. Modern physiotherapy has a whole arsenal of methods and devices for the treatment and prevention of varicose veins and varicose dermatitis. The choice of method should be made by a phlebologist and physiotherapist, since at different stages of the disease some methods are indicated, while others can even be harmful.

Physiotherapy methods:

  • electrophoresis;
  • darsonvalization (improves lymph flow and blood microcirculation);
  • pulsed magnetic therapy with eddy electric currents;
  • intermittent pneumocompression;
  • simultaneous exposure to magnetic and laser fields;
  • balneotherapy;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • oxygen baths;
  • ozone therapy;
  • PUVA therapy (irradiation with UV rays);
  • phototherapy.

The range of physiotherapeutic treatment options is constantly expanding. Some of the listed methods, in combination with proper conservative treatment and the use of folk remedies, can contribute to the rapid restoration of the skin and blood vessels.

Prevention of venous dermatitis on the legs

In order to prevent the disease for people prone to varicose veins and eczema-like skin manifestations, doctors recommend:

  • avoid skin injury;
  • in a sitting position, raise your legs on a small bench or stand so as not to load the vessels through which the blood flows;
  • lead an active lifestyle and walk so that the leg muscles are active and cause blood to circulate through the vessels;
  • if your skin is too dry, use moisturizing and nourishing creams;
  • avoid overheating and sweating feet;
  • it is important to wear high-quality and comfortable clothes made from natural fibers;
  • choose the right shoes, especially high boots.

It is equally important to follow a diet, give up alcohol and smoking, fatty and fried foods, salty and spicy foods. In the winter-spring period, it is recommended to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals with special balanced complexes. Those who have a stationary or standing job need to take breaks and do small exercises for their legs.

By following these simple prevention tips and following your doctor’s recommendations, you can avoid such serious complications as the formation of trophic ulcers, open bleeding wounds, tissue degeneration and malignancy, blood poisoning, the development of gangrene and subsequent amputation of a limb.

It is important to remember that without proper treatment, varicose eczema can develop from a cosmetic defect into a very serious disease, and at the first symptoms and suspicions, immediately consult a doctor.

Are you one of those millions of women who struggles with varicose veins?

Have all your attempts to cure varicose veins been unsuccessful?

Have you already thought about radical measures? This is understandable, because healthy legs are an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, this is at least human longevity. And the fact that a person protected from vein diseases looks younger is an axiom that does not require proof.

Ultrasound of the chest

Shepherd and teacher. Confessor of the Royal Family. Early years of the Saint