In what cases should a child be shown to a psychiatrist? Psychiatrist

The child lags behind his peers in psycho-speech or motor development. It is important to remember that if you have consulted a speech therapist and a delay has been diagnosed speech development(OND of any degree), stuttering, dysarthria, multiple defects in sound pronunciation - then this is already a reason to consult a doctor child psychiatrist or a neurologist to find out the causes of speech disorders.

Upon admission to kindergarten, at school there were difficulties with adaptation, behavior, academic performance, complaints were received from educators and teachers. There are different situations, including prejudice towards the child from caring, teaching adults, but one way or another this state of affairs negatively affects the psycho emotional state child, and it is better to figure everything out with the help of a specialist, without being afraid of the very fact of seeking help from a doctor with the prefix “psycho” in the title.

The child is already more than 3 years old, and he still often pees at night, sleeps in diapers or soils his panties. The child is about 2-2.5 years old, but he has not learned to go to the potty or the process of potty training is associated with some noticeable difficulties, causing fear and expressed protest in the child. Difficulties with physiological functions (eg frequent urination during the day, the fear of going to the toilet in a public place, known to everyone " bear disease" - urge to defecate, stool liquefaction in the background emotional stress) without a known somatic (physical) cause is also a reason to consult a child psychiatrist.

One of the most common problems in Russia is late breastfeeding, when breastfeeding lasts more than 1.3 -1.5 years. A common misconception, including among pediatricians, sounds something like this: “the longer you feed, the better.” Unfortunately, for the absence of colds and sound sleep at night after the next feeding, the already matured baby in the future has to pay with a variety of neuroses and adaptation disorders. Therefore, if you have problems weaning a child older than one year, consult not only your pediatrician, but also child psychotherapist.

Along with the protracted breastfeeding located co-sleeping with a child over one year old.

Cover the full range of problems that require the attention of a doctor child psychiatrist(psychotherapist) in one article is very difficult, so I will list a number of symptoms that are extremely important to pay attention to as early as possible:

  • Withdrawal, unusual preferences in food, clothing, stereotypical movements (shaking hands, swaying), lack of interest in other children.
  • Tics and/or vocalisms. Blinking, twitching of facial muscles, coughing, “huffing” (as if there is a sore throat all the time), any sounds involuntarily uttered by the child.
  • Sleepwalking, sleep talking, sleep disturbances, night terrors.

Medical specialists

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The branch of medicine known as child psychiatry is an important area, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. Many children are susceptible to various mental illnesses, so a specialist in this field has to deal with mental pathologies, their symptoms, causes, features of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the prevention of mental illnesses in children and adolescents. Special medical training helps the doctor diagnose, treat, prevent and rehabilitate mental disorders.

Often people turn to a psychiatrist to provide assistance in connection with an existing congenital pathology or hereditary disease. In addition to the manifestation of congenital anomalies, a psychiatrist working with children is faced with ailments and abnormalities acquired during the child’s growth. The cause of many problems is the upbringing of children, which often leads to the most serious violations V adolescence. Parents often come to see a psychiatrist when they realize that their child is suffering from developmental delays. The real reason pathologies may be changes in the body that arise during the transition period or lie in something completely different, but only a specialist can establish this.

By the nature of his activity, the doctor advises parents and teachers on issues of education, as well as creating a favorable environment in the family and children's team. In addition, a child psychiatrist deals with issues of referring the child to a specialized kindergarten or educational institution, determines whether the child should study individually, who needs exemption from exams, and who needs to register a disability.


Advice to take your child to a child psychiatrist is perceived by many parents as a personal insult. There are several explanations for this circumstance.

In our culture, mental disorders are still associated with something “indecent”; it is believed that a normal family does not give birth to a child suffering from a mental illness, so parents may be haunted for many years by feelings of guilt and their own inadequacy. This phenomenon is called stigmatization (“stigmatization” is a negative social impact diagnosis mental illness, associated with the stereotype that has developed in society to perceive it as shameful, rejecting, discriminatory).

I can say with all responsibility that mental disorders in children occur in a wide variety of families and there are many reasons for the occurrence of such disorders, some of them are still unknown to science.

Reasons for contacting a child psychiatrist

What should parents be wary of in their child’s condition when it makes sense to contact a child psychiatrist?

IN early age - general nervousness (irritability, excitability, decreased appetite, motor restlessness, tendency to causeless temperature fluctuations).

In preschool and early childhood school age - hyperactivity (after 3 years), lethargy, persistent monotonous games, especially with non-playing objects (with strings, sticks), obsessively repetitive movements or actions, pathological habits (biting nails, pulling out hair, irritation of the genitals, rocking before bedtime, excessive tendency to fantasize (when a child transforms into an image and does not come out of it for a long time), retardation in speech and mental development, daytime or nighttime (after 6 years) urinary and fecal incontinence (in the absence of spinal cord damage and urological diseases), stuttering, persistent recurring fears during the day and night, sleepwalking, sleep-talking, disruption of the development of school skills.

During adolescence- behavioral disorders (aggressiveness, cruelty, tendency to run away and wander, suicidal statements, hatred of loved ones, isolation), persistent restriction of food intake with the desire to lose weight, painful attitude towards the really insignificant physical disability(excessive fixation on it), excessive one-sided hobbies, which are devoted most of the time to the detriment of study and communication.

How should you prepare for a visit to a child psychiatrist?

Try not to focus your child's attention on this consultation. If possible, he should feel calm and confident.

What happens at an appointment with a child psychiatrist?

1. The doctor will listen to complaints, ask about previous diseases and lifestyle.
2. Conduct a conversation with the child and analyze the child’s condition, the development of the disease and its possible causes.
3. Prescribe medication or refer you to a clinical psychologist for psychocorrectional work, will give recommendations on lifestyle.
4. Solve the necessary social issues: referral to a specialized kindergarten or school, transfer of the child to individual education, exemption from school exams, registration of disability.

What additional examinations can a child psychiatrist prescribe?

1. Electroencephalography (EEG).
2. Ultrasound examination of the brain.
3. Computed tomography of the brain.
4. Consultations with other specialists.

Myths about psychiatry

Myth 1: Psychiatrist, psychotherapist and psychologist are one and the same thing

A psychologist is not a medical specialty; he deals with psychodiagnosis and psychocorrection, but does not prescribe treatment. Psychologists working in schools are, as a rule, educational psychologists who work with healthy children. And only clinical psychologists trained in medical universities, have an understanding of mental pathology and how to work with it. A psychiatrist is a doctor who makes a psychiatric diagnosis and prescribes the necessary additional examination and treatment. A psychotherapist is a psychiatrist who has specialized in psychotherapy. He's doing non-drug treatment mental pathology - using special methods it affects the psyche, and through the psyche - the entire body.

Myth 2: If you go to a psychiatrist, you will definitely be “registered.”

In our country, according to the Psychiatric Care Law, visiting a psychiatrist is a purely voluntary matter. Examination, observation, and treatment of a child under 15 years of age are carried out only with the consent of his legal representatives (parents, guardians), and from 15 years of age - with the consent of the teenager himself. An examination, observation, or treatment may be involuntary if the child is dangerous to himself or others, but this requires a court decision, which is made on the basis of the arguments of a psychiatrist.

After examining the child and identifying problems, the child psychiatrist explains to parents the need for certain measures:
for psychological problems or those related to improper upbringing in the family, refers to a psychologist or psychotherapist;
with unexpressed mental pathology, that is, neuroses, delays mental development, behavioral disorders - takes under supervision in an advisory group, that is, parents apply for an appointment as needed; if they do not apply within a year, then they are removed from observation; outpatient card goes to the archive;
in case of chronic mental disorders with severe frequent exacerbations, the child is taken under dispensary observation- he needs regular doctor's examinations and treatment.

Parents may refuse mental health care for their child by writing a written refusal.

Myth 3: If you go to a psychiatrist once with a child, they will find out about it in kindergarten, school, or at work.

According to the same “Law on Psychiatric Care”, information about treatment or observation is not disseminated - they are medical secrets protected by law. A psychiatrist can provide information only to the child’s legal representatives, investigative authorities or the court at their request.

Myth 4: If you went to a psychiatrist as a child, then when the child grows up, he will not be allowed to drive a car, will not sign a work permit, and will not be considered fit for military service.

If a person was observed by a psychiatrist as a child, and then was removed from observation, the outpatient card is kept in the archive for 25 years. When he comes to the commission to obtain a driver’s license or to work, then, as a rule, “childhood” diagnoses are not a contraindication either for driving a car, or for getting a job, or for serving in the army.

N.B. If a parent has doubts - this is an illness or a deviation, if there are no longer enough resources to help the child, of course, it is better to apply for qualified help. Caring for the well-being and health of the child is most important.

It happens that violations child behavior are not deviations at all, although they look like something terrible and wrong.

Oleg Roy, a writer, and not a psychologist or psychiatrist, said: “Very often, children’s restlessness, disobedience and desire to break rules are nothing more than an unconscious cry for help, an inept attempt to interest themselves, attract attention and get at least a drop of care and the warmth that they so lack.”

A reason to think.

Voronov Vitaly Andreevich - h Av. Department No. 1 of the Vologda Regional Psychoneurological Dispensary No. 1, psychiatrist, forensic psychiatric expert, consultant of the Family Counseling and family therapy charitable foundation "Road to Home".

Voronov Vitaly Andreevich

The branch of medicine known as child psychiatry is an important area, the importance of which cannot be overestimated. Many children are susceptible to various mental illnesses, so a specialist in this field has to deal with mental pathologies, their symptoms, causes, features of diagnosis and treatment, as well as the prevention of mental illnesses in children and adolescents. Special medical training helps the doctor diagnose, treat, prevent and rehabilitate mental disorders.

Often people turn to a psychiatrist to provide help in connection with an existing congenital pathology or hereditary disease. In addition to the manifestation of congenital anomalies, a psychiatrist working with children is faced with ailments and abnormalities acquired during the child’s growth. The cause of many problems is the upbringing of children, which often leads to the most serious problems in adolescence. Parents often come to see a psychiatrist when they realize that their child is suffering from developmental delays. The true cause of the pathology may be changes in the body that occur during the transition period or lie in something completely different, but only a specialist can establish this.

By the nature of his activity, the doctor advises parents and teachers on issues of education, as well as creating a favorable environment in the family and children's team. In addition, a child psychiatrist deals with issues of sending a child to a specialized kindergarten or educational institution, determines whether the child should be treated individually, who needs an exemption from exams, and who needs to register a disability.


Advice to take your child to a child psychiatrist is perceived by many parents as a personal insult. There are several explanations for this circumstance.

In our culture, mental disorders are still associated with something “indecent”; it is believed that a normal family does not give birth to a child suffering from a mental illness, so parents may be haunted for many years by feelings of guilt and their own inadequacy. This phenomenon is called stigmatization (“stigmatization” is a negative social consequence of the diagnosis of a mental illness, associated with the prevailing stereotype in society to perceive it as shameful, rejecting, discriminatory).

I can say with all responsibility that mental disorders in children occur in a wide variety of families and there are many reasons for the occurrence of such disorders, some of them are still unknown to science.

Reasons for contacting a child psychiatrist

What should parents be wary of in their child’s condition when it makes sense to contact a child psychiatrist?

At an early age- general nervousness (irritability, excitability, decreased appetite, restlessness, tendency to causeless temperature fluctuations).

In preschool and early school age- hyperactivity (after 3 years), lethargy, persistent monotonous games, especially with non-playing objects (with strings, sticks), obsessively repetitive movements or actions, pathological habits (biting nails, pulling out hair, irritation of the genitals, rocking before bedtime, excessive tendency to fantasize (when a child transforms into an image and does not come out of it for a long time), retardation in speech and mental development, daytime or nighttime (after 6 years) urinary and fecal incontinence (in the absence of spinal cord damage and urological diseases), stuttering, persistent recurring fears during the day and night, sleepwalking, sleep-talking, disruption of the development of school skills.

During adolescence- behavioral disorders (aggressiveness, cruelty, tendency to withdraw and wander, suicidal statements, hatred of loved ones, isolation), persistent restriction of food intake with the desire to lose weight, painful attitude towards a real minor physical defect (excessive fixation on it), excessive one-sided hobbies, which devote most of their time to the detriment of study and communication.

How should you prepare for a visit to a child psychiatrist?

Try not to focus your child's attention on this consultation. If possible, he should feel calm and confident.

What happens at an appointment with a child psychiatrist?

1. The doctor will listen to complaints, ask about previous diseases and lifestyle.
2. Conduct a conversation with the child and analyze the child’s condition, the development of the disease and its possible causes.
3. Prescribe medication, or refer you to a clinical psychologist for psychocorrectional work, and give recommendations on lifestyle.
4. Solve the necessary social issues: referral to a specialized kindergarten or school, transfer of the child to individual education, exemption from school exams, registration of disability.

What additional examinations can a child psychiatrist prescribe?

1. Electroencephalography (EEG).
2. Ultrasound examination of the brain.
3. Computed tomography of the brain.
4. Consultations with other specialists.

Myths about psychiatry

Myth 1: Psychiatrist, psychotherapist and psychologist are one and the same thing

A psychologist is not a medical specialty; he deals with psychodiagnosis and psychocorrection, but does not prescribe treatment. Psychologists working in schools are, as a rule, educational psychologists who work with healthy children. And only clinical psychologists trained in medical universities have an idea of ​​mental pathology and how to work with it. A psychiatrist is a doctor who makes a psychiatric diagnosis and prescribes the necessary additional examination and treatment. A psychotherapist is a psychiatrist who has specialized in psychotherapy. He deals with non-drug treatment of mental pathology - he uses special methods to influence the psyche, and through the psyche, the entire body.

Myth 2: If you go to a psychiatrist, you will definitely be “registered.”

In our country, according to the Psychiatric Care Law, visiting a psychiatrist is a purely voluntary matter. Examination, observation, and treatment of a child under 15 years of age are carried out only with the consent of his legal representatives (parents, guardians), and from 15 years of age - with the consent of the teenager himself. An examination, observation, or treatment may be involuntary if the child is dangerous to himself or others, but this requires a court decision, which is made on the basis of the arguments of a psychiatrist.

After examining the child and identifying problems, the child psychiatrist explains to parents the need for certain measures:
for psychological problems or those related to improper upbringing in the family, refers to a psychologist or psychotherapist;
in case of unexpressed mental pathology, that is, neuroses, mental retardation, behavioral disorders, he is taken under supervision in an advisory group, that is, parents apply for an appointment as needed; if they do not apply within a year, then they are removed from observation; the outpatient card is sent to the archive;
in case of chronic mental disorders with severe frequent exacerbations, the child is taken under dispensary observation - he needs regular doctor's examinations and treatment.

Parents may refuse mental health care for their child by writing a written refusal.

Myth 3: If you go to a psychiatrist once with a child, they will find out about it in kindergarten, school, or at work.

According to the same “Law on Psychiatric Care”, information about treatment or observation is not disseminated - they are medical secrets protected by law. A psychiatrist can provide information only to the child’s legal representatives, investigative authorities or the court at their request.

Myth 4: If you went to a psychiatrist as a child, then when the child grows up, he will not be allowed to drive a car, will not sign a work permit, and will not be considered fit for military service.

If a person was observed by a psychiatrist as a child, and then was removed from observation, the outpatient card is kept in the archive for 25 years. When he comes to the commission to obtain a driver’s license or to work, then, as a rule, “childhood” diagnoses are not a contraindication either for driving a car, or for getting a job, or for serving in the army.

N.B. If a parent has doubts - this is an illness or a deviation, if there are no longer enough resources to help the child, of course, it is better to seek qualified help. Caring for the well-being and health of the child is most important.

It happens that violations of children's behavior are not deviations at all, although they look like something terrible and wrong.

Oleg Roy, a writer, and not a psychologist or psychiatrist, said: “Very often, children’s restlessness, disobedience and desire to break rules are nothing more than an unconscious cry for help, an inept attempt to interest themselves, attract attention and get at least a drop of care and the warmth that they so lack.”

Thank you

Make an appointment with a Psychiatrist

Who is a psychiatrist?

Psychiatrist is a doctor who diagnoses and treats mental illness and behavioral disorders. The psychiatrist’s task is to identify the presence of mental disorders in the patient, and also try to determine the cause of their occurrence and the level of damage in the brain responsible for the occurrence of characteristic symptoms. Based on the data obtained, the doctor makes a diagnosis, which allows him to prescribe the most effective treatment.

What is the work ( responsibilities) local psychiatrist?

A local psychiatrist is engaged in providing assistance to the population in need of his consultation, that is, he diagnoses and treats mental illnesses, and also provides rehabilitation for patients who have suffered from these diseases. Most often, a local psychiatrist provides assistance to patients in outpatient setting (at the clinic). At the same time, if necessary, he can hospitalize patients who require constant supervision, as well as specific treatment.

In addition, the local psychiatrist is part of the commission that determines the patient’s temporary disability, and may also take part in compulsory ( involuntary) examination of persons suspected of any crimes ( in order to determine their sanity, adequacy, etc.).

What diseases does an adult psychiatrist treat?

As mentioned earlier, a psychiatrist deals with the treatment of diseases manifested by a violation of the patient’s mental state. It is worth noting that these pathologies can develop not only with damage to the psycho emotional sphere person, but also accompany some other diseases ( organic, characterized by damage to certain internal organs– central nervous system, liver, kidneys and so on). That is why, when examining a patient, a specialist should pay attention not only to assessing his mental state, but to identifying possible reasons mental disorders. If any somatic diseases which could manifest as mental disorders ( lesions of the central nervous system, liver failure or renal failure and so on) the psychiatrist must promptly refer the patient for consultations with appropriate specialists.

If during the examination the doctor did not identify any organic lesions in the patient, he must correctly assess the manifestations of the patient’s mental disorders, then make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.


Schizophrenia is a serious illness characterized by disruption of thinking processes and damage to the patient’s emotional activity. Manifestations of the disease can be extremely varied, from various violations speech to the point of delirium, auditory hallucinations ( people hear sounds that aren't really there) and so on. All this makes the process of diagnosing the disease extremely difficult and requires significant effort from the psychiatrist.

To treat the disease, your doctor may prescribe various medications that slow the progression of schizophrenia. As the patient's condition improves, psychotherapy and other techniques are also indicated to restore a normal emotional state and return the patient to his normal life.

It is worth noting that the possibility of a complete cure for schizophrenia has not been confirmed to date. In mild forms of the disease it is possible dispensary treatment with periodic examinations by a psychiatrist and correction of the treatment regimen. In more severe cases, the doctor may hospitalize the patient for constant monitoring and more intensive treatment, and after improvement of his condition ( development of remission) transfer to dispensary observation.

Personality disorders

These mental illnesses begin to manifest themselves in adolescence and persist into adulthood, characterized by pronounced disturbances in a person’s thinking and behavior. The resulting symptoms lead to disruption of the patient’s social life, as a result of which he loses the ability to get along with people and perform certain types activities and so on.

Personality disorders can have a wide variety of manifestations, and therefore several main types of this pathology have been identified.

Today psychiatrists distinguish:

  • Paranoid personality disorder– the patient is constantly anxious, tense, and has a negative attitude towards others.
  • Schizoid personality disorder– patients are withdrawn, uncommunicative, and not prone to showing any emotions.
  • Dissocial personality disorder– patients neglect all norms of behavior in society, behaving extremely aggressively ( in relation to others).
  • Emotionally unstable personality disorder– characterized by increased aggressiveness of the patient, who has virtually no control over his behavior in society, and therefore does not get along well in it.
  • Histrionic personality disorder– the patient is prone to excessive emotional manifestations, which, however, are expressed only in the presence of the public and allow the patient to attract the attention of others.
  • Anancastic personality disorder– characterized by a violation of the patient’s ability to make decisions, as a result of which he is constantly tormented by doubts that cause severe discomfort.
  • Anxious personality disorder– patients are withdrawn because they constantly consider themselves inferior and are afraid of negative criticism from others.
  • Dependent personality disorder– patients are extremely strongly attached to certain people, without whom they ( as they themselves think) are not capable of anything.
It is worth noting that sometimes a patient may exhibit manifestations of several disorders at once, which makes the psychiatrist’s task even more difficult. In this case, he must identify the most pronounced violations mental behavior patient, which will allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.

Treatment for personality disorders should be aimed at reducing external manifestations disease, which would allow the patient to return to normal social life. For this, a psychiatrist can prescribe various types of psychotherapy ( individual – when a doctor works with a patient one-on-one, group – when a doctor works with a group of people who have similar forms of the disease, and so on). Drug therapy at usual forms diseases are not welcome, since they have virtually no effect on the outcome of treatment. Special preparations can be used as a temporary measure to relieve extremely severe manifestations of pathology - psychosis, severe depression, and so on.

Anxiety disorder

Psychiatrists characterize this condition as feelings of anxiety and fear that are constantly present in the patient, the cause of which is patients) cannot explain. This pathology can manifest itself as psycho-emotional symptoms (nervousness, irritability, emotional instability), and somatic signs ( headaches, muscle tremors, increased fatigue, rapid heartbeat and so on).

Psychiatrists extremely rarely resort to drug treatment of anxiety disorders, only to normalize the patient’s general condition during short period time. For this purpose, sedatives, sleeping pills, antidepressants and other medications are prescribed. However, it is important to remember that exclusively medicinal treatment of this pathology is unacceptable.


Depression is a pathological condition in which the emotional, mental and motor activity patient. The patient is constantly in bad mood, is not able to experience joyful emotions, and is also prone to negative thinking regarding his personality ( considers himself helpless, incapable of anything, guilty of everything around him).

Today, depression is considered one of the most common mental illnesses, and the rate of suicide is significantly higher among people suffering from depression than among the healthy population. At the same time, it is worth noting that people suffering from depression quite often hide their illness. They may seem cheerful and cheerful, constantly joking and laughing in company, but at the same time their internal state may remain extremely difficult, progressing day by day and leading to the development of various complications.

The task of the psychiatrist in this case is to identify hidden signs of depression and prescribe appropriate treatment. Treatment should be comprehensive, including various techniques psychotherapy. Medicines (antidepressants) are prescribed for severe forms of the disease, when severe depression of psycho-emotional activity poses a risk to the health and life of the patient ( which can be manifested by a complete lack of appetite, thoughts of suicide, and so on).


This is a psychogenic disease that develops as a result of prolonged or severe psycho-emotional stress ( injuries) and manifested by deterioration general well-being patient, disturbance of the emotional sphere and ( Sometimes) dysfunctions of various internal organs. It is immediately worth noting that with neurosis there are no violations of the patient’s personality, which allows the psychiatrist to distinguish it from other similar diseases. With timely initiation and proper treatment ( including psychotherapy, antidepressants, etc.) all symptoms of the disease can be eliminated.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that with repeated exposure to the factors that led to the emergence of this pathology, neurosis can develop anew. That is why, during the treatment process, the psychiatrist must help the patient not only get rid of the symptoms of neurosis and return to a normal, familiar life, but also teach the patient methods of preventing neurosis. This is achieved by changing the attitude towards traumatic psycho-emotional factors and stress, through diet therapy, normalizing sleep, yoga, and so on.


This is a genetically determined disease in which there is intrauterine underdevelopment of certain areas of the child’s brain. This is manifested by a violation of the processes of social adaptation and communication. Children with autism are usually withdrawn and less amenable to learning than their peers. Even at an early age they begin to show characteristic behavioral disorders– stereotypical ( monotonous, often repetitive) movements, arrangement of toys in a strictly defined order, seizures, and so on.

It is worth noting that the first signs of the disease begin to appear in children during the first 2 to 3 years of life. It is extremely important to identify them in a timely manner and begin treatment as early as possible, since the future of the child largely depends on this.

Psychiatrists, psychologists, neurologists and many other specialists treat children with autism. Among the therapeutic measures, special methods of teaching the child and training of parents are used ( is extremely important stage treatment to help maintain normal family relationships) and so on. If necessary, the doctor may also prescribe certain medications ( antidepressants, antipsychotics and others), however, their use has virtually no effect on the prognosis, but only eliminates some symptoms of the disease.

Suicidal tendencies

According to statistics, suicide ( suicide) is the third leading cause of death in the world. Every 40 seconds, 1 person on the planet commits suicide. The reasons for suicide can be very different, but in most cases, people who attempt suicide have some kind of mental disorder ( the main one is depression).

The role of the psychiatrist in preventing suicide among the population is timely detection persons prone to suicide and providing them with appropriate assistance ( psycho-emotional, medicinal and so on). If a person has made several unsuccessful suicide attempts, he may be hospitalized against his will for observation and compulsory treatment in a specialized department psychiatric hospital. In the hospital, such patients are under constant ( 24/7) supervision until their condition is stabilized, thereby preventing them from harming themselves.

Consultation with a psychiatrist after a stroke

Stroke is dangerous disease, which affects the blood vessels of the brain. As a result, an acute disorder occurs cerebral circulation, which may be accompanied by the death of brain cells. If a person survives after this, he may experience certain neurological manifestations caused by dying nerve cells in certain areas of the brain. It could be movement disorders, loss of sensitivity, disturbances in the processes of speech, vision, hearing, swallowing and so on.

Treatment of strokes is carried out by neurologists, neurosurgeons and resuscitators ( in case of severe manifestations of the disease associated with dysfunction of vital organs). Consultation with a psychiatrist is usually not required in this case. However, if the patient had any mental health problems before the stroke, their treating psychiatrist may be part of the team involved in treatment. His task in this case is to determine which neurological disorders are associated with the patient’s mental illness, and which are caused by cerebrovascular accident. It may also include certain medications ( antidepressants, antipsychotics, sedatives, sleeping pills and so on) into the treatment regimen, if necessary ( for a normal stroke, such drugs are not prescribed).

Types of psychiatrists

As mentioned earlier, a psychiatrist provides assistance to people suffering from various mental disorders. At the same time, today in psychiatry there are more specialized specialists involved in identifying and treating mental disorders only in certain groups of the population, which has improved the quality of the services they provide.

What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a neurologist, psychologist, psychotherapist and psychoanalyst?

Unlike a psychiatrist, a neurologist is involved in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases and lesions of the central and peripheral nervous system. IN this group can be attributed to neuritis ( inflammatory lesions nerves), tumors, strokes ( acute disorders cerebral circulation) and so on. In all listed cases we're talking about about organic damage to the nervous system, while in mental disorders the disorders are most often functional in nature.

As for the psychologist, this specialist may not have a higher education degree at all. medical education. A psychologist does not diagnose or treat any diseases; he does not make diagnoses, prescribe medication, or hospitalize patients. Usually he studies the psychological manifestations of the human personality in certain circumstances or conditions, his psycho-emotional reactions and behavioral deviations. The task of this specialist is to provide support to people with severe psychological trauma and experiences, during family and professional conflicts, and so on. He can also teach patients many techniques and techniques to help overcome life difficulties and self-development.

A psychotherapist is a specialist who treats patients by influencing their mental state. The main working tool of a psychotherapist is speech ( talk), however, at the same time, the conversation between a psychotherapist and a client is fundamentally different from the usual conversation between a doctor and a patient. During psychotherapy sessions, the specialist enters into a trusting relationship with the client, after which, using various methods and techniques, he influences his thinking style, his perception of his “I”, his attitude towards problems and the world around him. By doing this, it helps improve the overall well-being of the patient, helping to find solutions to many problems and eliminating various diseases.

A psychoanalyst is even more narrow specialist, who worked as a psychotherapist for several years and underwent additional training in psychoanalysis. The principle of psychoanalysis is that absolutely all problems and internal conflicts of a person are based on his subconscious, hidden desires. During the patient’s conversation with the psychoanalyst, the doctor first gains his trust, after which, with guiding questions, he helps to open, “bring to the surface” those internal conflicts that the patient himself is not aware of, but which completely determine his thinking and behavior. According to the theory of psychoanalysis, only full awareness and recognition of one’s inner desires and aspirations will allow a person to adequately evaluate himself and get rid of many prejudices ( “driven” into his subconscious in childhood and adolescence) and start living a full life.

It is important to know that psychoanalysis is a rather long-term treatment method that can take several months or even years. It is also worth noting that only a psychotherapist who has undergone psychoanalysis can become a psychoanalyst ( from another, already practicing psychoanalyst) and got rid of his own hidden conflicts. Otherwise there is high risk that during the treatment process the doctor will not help the patient, but will only impose his own prejudices and prejudices on him.

Child and adolescent psychiatrist

This specialist deals with the correction of mental disorders and diseases in children and adolescents ( up to 18 years old). A child psychiatrist has certain knowledge and skills that allow him to communicate correctly and correctly with children and their parents, to promptly identify mental disorders in children of various age groups, as well as provide them with the necessary qualified assistance.

When working with teenagers, psychiatrists pay special attention to their psycho-emotional state, trying to gain their trust and bring them into a frank conversation. Quite often this helps to identify symptoms of certain disorders ( for example, depression, which suffers large number people aged 14 to 18 years), which the teenager diligently hides from everyone else, including his parents.

It is important to note that when treating children with mental disorders, attention should be paid not only to the sick child, but also to his parents. The doctor must explain to them everything about their baby’s illness and the methods of treating it, as well as teach them how to behave correctly in the family so as not to worsen the child’s condition.


A narcologist is a psychiatrist who is involved in identifying, treating and preventing various types of addiction.

You can see a narcologist:

  • Patients with alcohol dependence ( alcoholics) – people who abuse alcoholic beverages to such an extent that it impairs their social life, and also negatively affects mental and physical health.
  • Patients with drug addiction ( drug addicts) - those who use various narcotic drugs in any quantity, and in the absence of these drugs they begin to experience severe psycho-emotional and physical experiences.
  • Substance abusers– people who use various toxic substances ( solvents, adhesives, medicines but not drugs) in order to achieve a feeling of satisfaction.
It is worth noting that today there are other types of addictions for which you can see a psychiatrist ( internet addiction computer games and so on). After a detailed examination and assessment of the patient’s general condition, the doctor may prescribe various tests to confirm the diagnosis ( for example, to detect drug or drug residues in the blood toxic substances ). After the diagnosis is established, a individual scheme treatment, which may include both psychotherapeutic and medicinal methods. So, for example, on initial stages For the treatment of severe drug addiction, the patient is prescribed drugs that are similar in composition to the drugs previously taken, but do not have such a pronounced destructive effect on the body. This helps reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms ( "withdrawals"), and the subsequent reduction in dose contributes to the gradual “weaning” of the body from the drug.

Psychiatrist-criminologist ( forensic psychiatrist)

This doctor is a specialist who takes part in various legal proceedings. The task of a forensic psychiatrist is to study the state of mental health specific person (accused, defendant) and assessment of the nature of his actions. In other words, this doctor determines the patient’s sanity at the time he committed a crime and his adequacy in general. His conclusion often determines what punishment the person who committed the crime will suffer and whether he will suffer it at all. So, for example, if a psychiatrist determines that the defendant was insane at the time the crime was committed ( that is, he was not aware of the nature of his actions and the possible consequences), he may even be acquitted. At the same time, if in his conclusion the doctor indicates that the patient suffers from certain mental disorders and may pose a danger to others, he ( patient) may be sent for compulsory treatment to a special clinic.

It is also worth noting that not only defendants and defendants, but also other participants in the trial can be referred for examination to a psychiatrist ( witnesses, victims, etc.) if their testimony or mental health status is questioned.

Psychiatrist-sexologist ( sex therapist)

This specialist treats diseases and disorders of the sexual sphere in men and women. The causes of these pathologies can be very different. Some of them may be associated with organic diseases of the genital organs, while others may be due to mental disorders or psychological problems patient.

In any case, disruption of normal sexual life always affects the emotional state of a person, which is why he needs psychological support. The primary task of a sex therapist is to identify the cause of the disease. If it is organic ( genital damage), he must refer the patient for consultation with an appropriate specialist ( urologist, andrologist, gynecologist and so on). If the reason lies in psycho-emotional problems, the doctor can prescribe the necessary treatment to the patient ( psychotherapy, drug therapy), which can help improve his well-being and disappearance of existing problems.

Military psychiatrist in the army

This specialist diagnoses and treats mental disorders in soldiers undergoing military service in the army, as well as those in or returning from war zones. The tasks of a psychiatrist include examining a soldier, assessing his mental health and identifying possible mental disorders that may be associated with various factors taking place in times of peace or war. After examining the serviceman, the doctor issues a conclusion about whether the person can continue to serve in certain types of troops, determines whether he can be entrusted with weapons, and so on.

Family psychiatrist

This specialist is a psychiatrist who provides assistance not only to a person suffering from a mental disorder, but also to his entire family. He prescribes treatment for the patient himself, and also informs his relatives about the nature and course of the existing pathology, methods of its treatment and prevention. The psychiatrist also teaches relatives how to behave with the patient, what should and should not be said and done in his presence, in order to maintain a favorable environment in the family, speed up the recovery process and reduce the risk of complications.

Psychiatrist-gerontologist ( for the elderly)

Gerontology is a science that studies the aging process human body and related diseases and pathological conditions. A gerontological psychiatrist specializes in helping older people who suffer from certain mental disorders. This specialist knows how to communicate with older people, how to gain their trust and help them cope with certain difficulties at their age.

A gerontological psychiatrist can help:

  • At senile dementia. This disease is caused age-related changes in the brain of an elderly person, in particular by lesions blood vessels and disruption of the blood supply to brain tissue, which leads to the death of nerve cells in it. This can manifest itself as memory impairment, emotional disturbances, behavioral disorders, and so on.
  • For depression. Depression ( persistent depression of mood) in old age may be associated with many factors ( with the death of a spouse, children moving, and so on). In the absence timely assistance this pathology can progress, causing severe suffering to a person and often causing suicide.
  • For personality disorders and so on.
During the treatment process, the doctor may use various techniques ( psychotherapeutic, medication, etc.). If an elderly person suffers from a disease that requires constant care and observation, and he has no close relatives, he can be hospitalized in the appropriate department of the hospital or placed in a special center where he will be provided with the necessary care and support.

What symptoms should you consult a psychiatrist for?

A consultation with a psychiatrist may be necessary if a person has any deviations from normal behavior. It is worth noting that quite often the patient himself does not notice any problems in his mental state, so it is extremely important that his close people suspect something is wrong in time and seek help from a specialist.

The presence of mental disorders may be indicated by:

  • Depression– depressed mood that persists for several months in a row.
  • Sleep disorders– insomnia or, conversely, severe drowsiness ( a person sleeps more than 10–12 hours daily).
  • Emotional instability– a person suddenly becomes whiny or aggressive, irritable, and easily loses his temper.
  • Excessive anxiety– the patient is constantly anxious, afraid of something, although apparent reason no worries.
  • Hallucinations– visual ( the patient sees something that is not there), auditory ( hears what is not there), olfactory ( smells various non-existent odors).
  • Rave– a person develops incoherent speech that is not related to things or actions that are happening in reality.
  • Behavioral disorders– the patient begins to perform actions that do not correspond to the environment and time around him.
  • Abuse various substances – drugs, alcohol, toxins.
  • Violation of the processes of thinking, memorization, and so on.

Do I need to undergo a medical examination by a psychiatrist to get a job?

Today, when applying for any job, you need to undergo a medical examination, which includes several specialists ( therapist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, etc.). In some cases, the medical commission also includes a psychiatrist. This may be required when applying for a job that requires increased concentration, as well as associated with hazardous activities ( for example, if a person has to deal with weapons, public transport, airplanes, extremely dangerous chemicals and so on). The purpose of the examination by a psychiatrist will be to determine whether the job candidate is a mentally healthy person, that is, whether he can perform the actions required of him and whether he will not harm himself and others.

If a person is mentally healthy and stable, the psychiatrist issues a conclusion indicating that the patient is fit to perform a particular activity. If, during the examination, any mental abnormalities are revealed in the patient, the doctor may indicate in the conclusion that he ( to the patient) is prohibited from holding a particular position and special treatment is required.

How to get a certificate from a psychiatrist to carry a weapon?

In order to obtain permission to carry a weapon, you must first obtain a special medical certificate confirming that the person will be able to use the weapon correctly and will not harm himself or others.

To obtain a certificate to carry a weapon you need to go through:

  • Psychiatrist. This specialist determines the person’s mental state, that is, whether he is prone to excessive aggression, whether he suffers from depression or other mental illnesses. Also, at the time of the examination, the psychiatrist checks whether the individual has ever been registered for various mental disorders. If none of the above is detected in a person, the doctor issues a conclusion indicating that he ( examined patient) can own weapons.
  • Narcologist. This doctor checks whether the person is dependent on any drugs or toxic drugs, alcoholic drinks and so on. If it is revealed that a person suffers from alcoholism, is a drug addict or a substance abuser, the doctor will indicate in the conclusion that it is not recommended or completely prohibited to issue him a weapon.
  • Oculist. This doctor evaluates the patient's vision. If there is a significant decrease in visual acuity, the weapon may also not be issued to the person.
  • Therapist. The therapist evaluates the opinions of all of the above specialists. If everything is in order with the person, he issues him the necessary certificate, with which he must go to law enforcement agencies to undergo further procedures for obtaining weapons.

Certificate from a psychiatrist at the traffic police ( traffic police) to obtain a driver's license

To obtain a driver's license, you also need to undergo a medical examination, which includes a psychiatrist and a narcologist. The purpose of the examination by these specialists is to determine whether the person suffers from any mental illness that could affect the ability to drive. vehicle and thereby cause harm to the patient or others. So, for example, if the person being examined suffers from alcohol addiction, there is a high probability that when obtaining a driver’s license, he will drive while intoxicated, thereby putting people’s lives at risk. At the same time, if a person has any mental disorders ( for example, severe depression or suicidal tendencies), he can use the car to commit suicide.

If the person being examined has the listed or any other abnormalities, the psychiatrist will indicate in the conclusion that this individual is prohibited from driving a vehicle. In this case, the patient can try to undergo a re-examination only after a certain period of time, after receiving appropriate treatment. If his condition improves during this period, he may be given permission to obtain a driver's license.

Why do you need a certificate from a psychiatrist for kindergarten and school?

Before entering kindergarten and school, a psychiatrist examines the child to determine his level of development and psycho-emotional state, as well as to identify possible mental disorders. The fact is that already in the first years of life a child may develop some mental illnesses. However, parents for a long time do not turn to specialists, attributing existing symptoms to the child’s developmental characteristics or other circumstances. A preventive examination of a child before entering kindergarten will allow him to identify his existing disorders in a timely manner and begin treatment in a timely manner.

Before entering the 1st grade of school, the child also needs to be examined by a psychiatrist. During the consultation, the doctor also assesses the state of the child’s mental development, his ability to communicate, express his emotions, and so on. This allows you to determine whether the future student will be able to settle into the team normally. If the child has any pronounced deviations in behavior ( caused by mental illness), the doctor may recommend that he study in special schools.

How long is a certificate from a psychiatrist valid?

The validity period of a medical certificate from a psychiatrist and narcologist depends on the purpose for which the certificate was issued. For example, a certificate issued to obtain a permit to carry firearms is valid for six months. If during this period of time a person, for one reason or another, did not manage to obtain this permission, the certificate is considered invalid, that is, the examination by the listed specialists must be repeated.

Certificates issued to children for admission to kindergarten or school are also valid for 6 months. If the certificate is issued to future drivers to obtain a driving license, its validity period is 12 months from the date of issue.

Medical examination by a psychiatrist for the transaction

Today, cases of fraud have become more frequent when certain business transactions are concluded by persons with mental disabilities who ( in law) do not have the right to such actions. In this case, if a person, for example, buys an apartment from a mentally ill patient, transferring money to him, this transaction can be challenged in court, as a result of which the buyer will be left without money and without acquisition ( because the transaction was illegal).

To avoid such incidents and the risks associated with them, before making a transaction, both parties can undergo a medical examination by a psychiatrist. As a result of this examination, the doctor will determine whether the examined people are adequate and whether they are able to make independent decisions. After this, the psychiatrist will issue a special certificate ( certificate), confirming that at the time of the transaction the representatives of both parties were sane and did not suffer from any mental illness. Such a document will guarantee the legality of the transaction and will be able to protect the buyer and seller from any troubles in the future.

Are preventative visits to a psychiatrist necessary?

As mentioned earlier, examination by a psychiatrist is mandatory for a child to enter kindergarten and grade 1 of school, as well as for carrying weapons, driving a vehicle, and engaging in certain other activities. In the future ( for example, when extending the validity of a permit to carry a weapon) the person will have to undergo a re-examination by a psychiatrist in order to obtain a new certificate.

People who do not fall under the above criteria and do not suffer from any mental disorders do not require preventive examinations by a psychiatrist or narcologist. At the same time, persons who have suffered severe emotional shocks ( after any injuries, accidents, rapes and so on) may require periodic observation by a psychiatrist, since the trauma that has taken place may manifest itself at certain intervals in the form of various mental disorders. This is especially true for emotional, sensitive individuals. In this case, the specialist will be able to timely identify existing mental problems and provide qualified assistance to the victim.

Does a 1-year-old child need a psychiatrist?

According to the new standards of the Ministry of Health, every child aged 1 year must be examined by several specialists, one of whom is a psychiatrist. During the consultation, the psychiatrist asks certain questions to the baby’s mother ( how the child grows, how he eats, how many words he speaks, and so on). After this, the specialist assesses the condition of the child himself ( can he move independently, does he easily make contact, how does he react to certain stimuli, how often does he smile, cry, and so on?).

Based on the results obtained, the doctor issues a conclusion about the developmental state of the baby. The need for this procedure is due to the fact that some diseases ( for example autism) begin to appear during the first years of a child’s life, however, the symptoms of these pathologies may not be expressed, which is why parents who do not have special training, they may simply not notice them. At the same time, the success of treatment of these pathologies largely depends on the timeliness of its initiation ( the sooner the better). During the examination one year old baby a psychiatrist evaluates him general condition development, and also tries to identify symptoms and signs of certain diseases. If the child does not have any, he issues a conclusion in which he indicates that the patient is developing according to his age and does not have any mental disorders.

When is a medical check-up and outpatient treatment with a psychiatrist necessary?

According to current legislation, dispensary registration ( more precisely, dispensary observation) is established for patients suffering from severe, often exacerbating mental disorders that significantly affect their quality of life and may pose a danger to themselves and others. In this case, the patient must be regularly examined by a psychiatrist within strictly established periods, regardless of whether he wants it or not. During the examination, the doctor assesses his current mental state, after which he gives appropriate recommendations regarding further treatment.

The concept of outpatient treatment ( observation) from a psychiatrist is also defined by current legislation and applies to persons suffering from mental disorders who independently ( of one's own free will) turn to a specialist for help. This treatment ( observation) are subject to patients with light forms mental disorders that do not pose a danger to their health or the health of others. During a visit to a psychiatrist, such patients are examined, after which the specialist also gives them recommendations for further treatment and sets a date for the next examination. The patient decides whether to come for a second consultation or not, as well as whether or not to take the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Is it possible to call a psychiatrist at home?

Today, many paid clinics provide such a service as calling a psychiatrist at home. In this case, the specialist ( psychiatrist) consults the patient in his own home, in his usual environment. During the consultation, the doctor talks with the patient, trying to identify certain mental abnormalities. Also, the doctor has the opportunity to assess the situation in his home or room ( in particular, study the patient’s paintings, books, drawings, etc.), which is of no small importance in making a diagnosis. If a mental illness is detected, the doctor can prescribe treatment for the patient, and also recommend repeated consultations after a certain period of time.

It is also worth noting that calling a psychiatrist to your home is justified in the case of examining elderly people suffering from senile dementia or other disabilities ( Alzheimer's disease, depression and so on). Such people are extremely reluctant to leave their homes, as a result of which calling a doctor is often the only way help them. In this case, a trained specialist will be able to come into contact with the elderly person and try to establish friendly relations, after which he will conduct an examination and select the most effective treatment method.

What happens at an appointment with a psychiatrist?

A visit to a psychiatrist may be necessary if you undergo a medical examination, as well as if the patient has any mental abnormalities in behavior.

Who makes the referral to a psychiatrist?

No referral is required to see a psychiatrist. You just need to make an appointment with your local psychiatrist and come to him at the appointed time. The examination and treatment procedure is also free.

At the same time, a referral to a psychiatrist can be given by a therapist, pediatrician, neurologist, neurologist or family doctor, who, during the examination of the patient, suspected that he had any mental abnormalities or disorders. In this case, he issues a special referral letter, where he indicates the patient’s data, briefly describes the diseases he suffered and the examinations performed, and also notes where and which specialist he should contact for further examination and treatment.

Where do psychiatrists take place? in a hospital or clinic)?

As mentioned earlier, consultation with a psychiatrist may be necessary when applying for a job, when enrolling in studies, and under other circumstances. You can be examined by this specialist at the regional psychoneurological and narcological clinic, where you usually see a local psychiatrist. If the patient suffers from any mental disorders that require more detailed examination, constant monitoring or special treatment, he should also contact a psychiatric hospital. There, after preliminary consultation and examination, he may be hospitalized in the appropriate department ( depending on the nature of the disease), where he will receive adequate treatment.

Equipping a psychiatrist's office in a clinic

According to current legislation, a psychiatrist's office must have certain instruments and devices with which he can examine patients.

Any psychiatrist's office should have:

  • Couch. It examines the patient ( if necessary).
  • Thermometer ( mercury or electronic). Used to measure the patient's body temperature.
  • Stethoscope. A special device with which the doctor can listen pulmonary respiration or the patient's heart sounds.
  • Tonometer. A special device equipped with cuffs of various sizes that allows you to measure the patient’s blood pressure.
  • Neurological hammer. This hammer consists of a metal handle and a working ( hitting) surface, usually made of thick rubber fabric. Using a hammer, the doctor taps the various areas patient's body ( usually in the muscle tendon area), thereby checking the presence and severity of tendon reflexes ( knee, heel). This study in psychiatry can be extremely informative. The fact is that for some pathological conditions Strengthening or weakening of these reflexes may be observed, which can significantly help in making a diagnosis.
  • A set of special smelling substances. Used for evaluation olfactory function patient. Allows you to determine whether the patient distinguishes odors, how he reacts to them and what he associates them with.
  • Dictaphone. Designed to record a conversation between a doctor and a patient. This may be needed during medical examination drivers, when examining defendants or in other similar situations.
  • Breathalyzer. Allows you to measure the alcohol concentration in the patient's blood ( not necessary).
  • Experimental psychological methods. This term refers to a set of tests and studies that allow us to assess various aspects of the patient’s mental activity. According to the tests performed, the doctor can assess the mental, emotional and intellectual characteristics of a person, identify anxiety disorders, depression, hidden signs alcohol addiction and so on.

What questions does a psychiatrist ask when examining a patient?

During an examination by a psychiatrist, the doctor may ask the patient certain questions, the nature of which directly depends on the purpose of the examination. So, for example, if a person is being examined to obtain a permit to carry a weapon, the doctor may ask whether he has ever had attacks of sudden anger, rage or aggression towards others, whether he has ever wanted to harm himself or others, and so on. Based on the answers received, the doctor determines whether such a person can be trusted with a weapon.

However, if a person is being assessed for a mental illness, the nature of the questions asked may vary. First of all, the doctor clarifies ( from the patient or his relatives), when signs of the disease first appeared and how they manifested themselves ( in speech disorders, in strange behavior of the patient, in sleep disorders, appetite disorders, and so on). After this, the doctor can ask whether the patient took any treatment for the existing disease and whether it was effective. A further conversation is carried out with the patient himself. During the conversation, the doctor tries to identify various mental symptoms and signs characteristic of certain diseases ( incoherent speech, frequently repeated words, delusions, hallucinations, etc.).

It is worth noting that interviewing a mentally ill person is extremely difficult task, requiring the psychiatrist to have certain knowledge and extensive clinical experience. Quite often, patients try to deceive the doctor by inventing false symptoms or hiding some of them. The specialist’s task is to adequately perceive everything that the patient says, “weed out” the unnecessary and evaluate the real signs of mental disorders that will help him make a diagnosis.

When does a psychiatrist prescribe hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a special state of human consciousness in which a hypnotized person is immersed in a kind of trance. In this state, the patient feels his inner self more clearly, while at the same time maintaining a certain contact with the doctor ( hypnotist). This allows the specialist to identify many of the patient’s internal hidden problems, as well as to influence his psyche in a special way, thereby helping to improve his condition and treating some psychological disorders.

It is worth noting that hypnosis is usually carried out by a psychologist or psychotherapist who has been trained in this type of activity. A psychiatrist can prescribe hypnosis sessions to a patient if he suspects that the patient has any psycho-emotional traumas or problems hidden deep in the subconscious and causing the appearance of mental or psychological disorders. If such problems really exist, hypnosis sessions will help “bring” them to the surface, thereby contributing to their solution and disappearance.

At the same time, it is important to remember that hypnosis is not used to treat severe mental and neurological diseases associated with severe mental damage to the patient ( for example, with schizophrenia, with epilepsy and so on).

Why does a psychiatrist prescribe an EEG?

EEG ( electroencephalography) is a research method that allows you to study the bioelectrical activity of neurons ( nerve cells) brain. The data recorded in this case is recorded on special paper in the form of an encephalogram.

The value of EEG in psychiatry is that this technique makes it easy to identify organic lesions brain. For example, using an EEG, you can not only confirm the presence of epilepsy ( a condition in which a person suddenly experiences seizures), but also to determine the localization of the pathological focus in a particular area of ​​the brain. In addition, in many mental illnesses there are disturbances in the activity of neurons in the central nervous system, which can also be recorded using EEG. For example, a slowdown in activity on the encephalogram can be observed with brain tumors, with senile dementia, and with strokes. At the same time, violation normal structure on the EEG can be observed in depression or schizophrenia.

It is worth noting that the procedure EEG registration is simple and safe. 2 - 3 days before the study, it is recommended to go to bed no later than midnight and sleep at least 8 hours a day, and also avoid taking alcohol, drugs and psychotropic drugs. On the day of the study, it is recommended to avoid any stressful situations.

The procedure itself is carried out in a special room where the necessary equipment is available. The patient sits in a chair or lies down on a couch, after which electrodes are attached to certain areas of his head. The doctor then turns on the machine, which begins to record the electrical activity of the patient's brain. During the research ( which can last from 30 minutes to several hours) the patient may be shown bright flashes of light, turn on sharply loud sounds or conduct other techniques to assess the brain's response to external stimuli.

After the procedure is completed, the patient can immediately return to their daily activities.

Does the psychiatrist see you for a fee or free of charge?

Examination by a psychiatrist for a medical examination ( to obtain a driver's license, a permit to carry a weapon, etc.) is paid. There is also a fee for consultations with psychiatrists in various private medical institutions.

At the same time, consultations with patients suffering from any mental illness, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic measures aimed at treating these diseases ( including treatment of drug or alcohol addiction) are currently free in some government agencies.

Jokes about psychiatrists

One psychiatrist boasts to another:
- I love my job! Now, for example, I am treating a patient who suffers from dual personality disorder. So, both of his personalities pay me for treatment!

Two psychiatrists meet. One says to the other:
- I now have extremely interesting patient. He thought he was a car!
- Hmm, a really interesting case. And how are you treating him?
- Nothing. I drive it to and from work.


The main rule of a psychiatric hospital: whoever puts on the robe first is the doctor.


A psychiatrist sits in the office and fills out documentation. Suddenly the door opens, the patient comes in and says:
- Doctor, help, it seems to me that I am an invisible man!
The doctor, looking around in fear:
- Who's here?


What is the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychologist? If a person suffers from insomnia, the first will prescribe him sleeping pills, and the second will advise him to count the sheep jumping over the fence.


In a psychiatric hospital, a doctor enters a patient’s room and says:
- Congratulations! The results of the treatment are simply amazing!
- Delightful, doctor? Six months ago I was Napoleon, but now I’m just a pathetic mortal! I wouldn't call it amazing!

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Of course, every mother, every father loves and accepts their child for who he is. Any baby is the best, most beautiful, and smartest for its parents. We all want the child to grow up healthy, strong, so that he mental abilities meet all age requirements so that your son or daughter does well in school, enters a university and achieves success in life. That is why every caring mother, every loving father strives to develop the abilities and all the inclinations of the baby as actively as possible. If a child likes to draw, parents send him to an art school, a girl who has dancing skills is enrolled in a dance club, etc. However, just developing the baby’s abilities is not enough; you need to closely monitor his health, observe all changes in behavior in order to notice any deviations in time. However, there are situations when parents are overly concerned about the health of the child. Such mothers and fathers tend to find non-existent problems in their children. And this is due, first of all, to how little we know about child psychology and health.

You should always remember that any childhood illness, especially any psychological disorder, is quite easy to correct, but you need to diagnose it in time. But parents are often unable to do this. This means that if any suspicion arises, it is necessary to urgently consultation with a psychiatrist who can diagnose all abnormalities. If you have just recently become parents, you need to closely monitor your baby. This is especially true for those mothers whose pregnancy was complicated by any diseases.

If a child begins to hold his head up late, sits up late on his own, does not start walking for too long, does not want to talk at an already conscious age, you should contact a neurologist and psychiatrist. This also applies to those children who sleep very poorly, often wake up and cry in the middle of the night. A talented pediatrician with extensive experience can determine the cause himself, but he certainly will not ask questions about the family climate, the relationships of the parents, but the cause of the child’s anxiety may lie precisely in these relationships.

Older children should also be supervised by their parents. A child psychiatrist will help them if the child cannot sit in one place for some time, if he cannot concentrate on one task or subject. If a fairly older child cannot understand what should be done when a task involves several actions in a row, or how to organize his or her activity, this is also an alarming signal, as well as a reason to contact a child specialist. Parents whose children show increased aggressiveness should be especially careful. They cannot be in a children's group, they take away toys from other children, fight, sort things out, or simply quarrel for no particular reason.

There are often situations when a previously calm baby suddenly becomes completely uncontrollable, snaps at his parents, does not listen to them and does not fulfill any requests. In this case, parents should immediately visit a specialist who will conduct all the necessary tests, detect the problem, and give advice on how to eliminate it. After all, if you take it seriously, most of these situations are associated with the incorrect behavior of adults around the child.

If you notice all the problems in the baby’s development in time, it is quite possible to correct everything to such an extent that later neither you, nor especially your child, will remember that any deviations took place. Under no circumstances should you be afraid to visit a child psychiatrist. Don't think that his diagnosis is a death sentence. If you strictly follow all his recommendations, the disease will be defeated.



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