How long does it take for menstruation to resume after curettage? Natural process after curettage - discharge

Curettage is carried out for therapeutic, diagnostic purposes and as an abortion. In the latter case, menstruation may be absent for up to 2 months. Early return of menstruation is a sign of pathology.

How long does it take for menstruation to resume after curettage?

Discussions on the topic: “Menstruations after curettage” are a fairly common occurrence on women’s forums. Before we begin to consider this issue, we need to obtain a general understanding of curettage itself and the indications for it.

A woman's uterus is a multi-layered muscular organ. When curettage, the inner mucous layer of the endometrium is removed. There are two types of scraping:

  • separate;
  • hysteroscopy.

Separate cleaning is carried out blindly using tools. During this procedure, the uterus is cleansed and. During hysteroscopy, a special device is inserted into the uterus, and the doctor observes how the endometrium is detached.

The reasons why curettage may be performed are:

  • endometrial pathology;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • cervical diseases;
  • frozen pregnancy;
  • miscarriage.

Cleaning may also be prescribed after a normal birth if there are still pieces of the placenta in the uterus.

When will your period start after curettage? What is the norm and deviation? Why ? These questions should definitely be discussed with your doctor.

Discharge immediately after brushing

They don't appear right away. Within a week after cleansing, a woman may observe discharge, which decreases every day. They appear due to trauma to the inner layer of the uterus. Bloody discharge that smoothly turns brownish is normal.

The following situations are considered deviations:

  • discharge for more than 10 days;
  • copious discharge;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • sudden cessation of discharge;
  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • yellow or green discharge;
  • the appearance of an unpleasant odor of discharge.

If you detect at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

First menstruation after curettage

No one can answer for sure how long it will take to get your period. Returning the cycle to normal directly depends on the method of cleansing, the reason for which it was carried out, and the individual characteristics of the body.

After diagnostic curettage, the time when menstruation should begin should not exceed six weeks. The menstrual cycle and menstruation itself return to normal within three months.

When cleaning is carried out due to a miscarriage, medical abortion, or frozen pregnancy, menstruation may begin after 2 months. The reproductive system takes some time to restore normal functionality. The discharge itself may be more intense in nature and last much longer than usual.

Menstruation after curettage in the first three months is more painful than usual.

This is the norm. In this case, painkillers will come to the rescue. However, severe and sharp pain is already a reason to sound the alarm and go to the doctor. When your period begins with heavy discharge with an unpleasant odor, this is also a deviation from the norm.

Delayed menstruation after curettage

If the appointment for curettage was not due to pregnancy, and menstruation did not occur within seven weeks after the procedure, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. This can be either simply an individual characteristic of the body or a sign of a serious pathology. After cleaning, cervical spasm may occur. In this situation, the cervical canal does not allow blood and exfoliated endometrium to pass through.

Failure to provide assistance at the right time can lead to very serious consequences, including sepsis.

I would like to note that the onset of menstruation during the first two weeks after the procedure is also a reason to consult a doctor. This situation may indicate a serious hormonal imbalance.

Complications after curettage

Do not forget that curettage is a serious surgical intervention that can lead to many complications:

After cleaning, which was carried out blindly, a complication in the form of uterine perforation is possible. It poses a huge danger to a woman’s life. If this pathology is detected, the uterus is sutured; in more severe cases, it is extirpated (removed).

If the forceps come off during the procedure, a tear may form on the body of the uterus or cervix. In case of such damage, sutures are applied to the gap.

When, after curettage, bleeding occurs with great intensity, uterine bleeding can be suspected. With this pathology, the discharge will be abundant with the presence of clots. The cause may be damage to large vessels or remnants of the placenta or endometrial elements. Treatment consists of prescribing; it may be necessary to scrape it a second time.

After cleaning, the uterus remains an open wound, where infection can easily enter and an inflammatory process can develop. Symptoms of inflammation are:

  • hyperthermia;
  • pain in the lower abdomen, in most cases throbbing in nature;
  • foul odor of discharge;
  • color atypical for discharge;
  • a large number of discharges after their absence.

Treatment requires antibiotic therapy, and some cases may even result in repeated curettage.

The inflammatory process can also begin due to spasms of the cervix. Blood accumulates in the uterus, and the process of decay begins. You cannot cope with this situation without medical help.

A long-term consequence of complicated curettage is infertility. Scars form on the wall of the uterus, which will prevent the placenta from attaching in the future and functioning fully. Infertility can also occur due to obstruction of the fallopian tubes, which has developed due to prolonged inflammation. If you notice at least one of these symptoms, you should definitely come for help.


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Curettage, more commonly called scaling, is a common medical procedure. It is prescribed for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Doctors do not always explain to patients what the essence of the measure is, so the latter have concerns about such a diagnostic and treatment measure.

Most often, women wonder whether it is possible to get pregnant after curettage, for example, of a frozen pregnancy? Is it difficult to do? How is the recovery period going and what are the possible complications?

Every woman, if she is prescribed such a procedure, should ask the doctor in detail how it is performed and what its consequences are. It is worth noting that complications after such an event occur extremely rarely if it is performed by an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist.

Features of the procedure

The uterus is a muscular organ. In appearance it looks like a pear. A child grows and develops in it after the egg is fertilized. The uterine cavity is lined with a mucous layer called the endometrium. The latter undergoes change throughout the cycle. When there is no fertilization after ovulation, it is rejected and menstruation begins. Curettage involves removing the upper (functional) layer of the endometrium. After the procedure, the mucous membrane will recover from the germ layer.

There are two types of cleaning: separate and regular. In the first case, the cervical canal is cleaned first, and then the uterine cavity. The material obtained during the procedure is sent for histological examination.

The second type of cleaning is currently performed through hysteroscopy. This method is preferable, because it is much safer and more convenient than the standard one. During the procedure, a device is inserted into the uterus, which allows you to see the cleaning process. At the same time, standard curettage is performed blindly, which increases the risk of complications, for example, organ injuries. Hysteroscopy allows you to fully control the process of endometrial removal and monitor the results.

As a rule, the event is carried out several days before menstruation, because in this case the organ will recover much faster.

Pregnancy: when does it occur after hysteroscopy with curettage?

It is worth noting that pregnancy after curettage is possible within 2-3 weeks. In this case, the course of pregnancy and childbirth, as a rule, is not accompanied by complications. If you cannot conceive a baby within 9 months after the procedure, consultation with a specialist is required.

The ability to conceive is impaired quite rarely. In any case, if a woman wants to get pregnant, she first needs to see a gynecologist. The doctor will assess the situation and select a favorable time for conception.

Pregnancy after curettage in the presence of an endometrial polyp and other pathologies

Cleaning is prescribed for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Pathological changes in the endometrium identified by ultrasound. For example, with local formations or thickenings in the mucosal layer. When the thickness is too great, endometrial hyperplasia occurs. If a polyp is detected, it is also advisable to perform curettage, but for medicinal purposes. As a rule, it no longer grows after the procedure;
  • Menstrual irregularities. Indications include: heavy, prolonged periods, unexplained absence of pregnancy during regular sexual activity, intermenstrual bleeding, as well as spotting during menopause;
  • Pathologies of the cervix. Curettage is prescribed after a gynecological examination, during which the doctor identified anomalies, especially if they are suspected of being malignant. The material obtained during cleaning is sent for histological examination to exclude oncology;
  • Miscarriage. In this case, curettage is required to remove the remaining part of the placenta in the uterus;
  • If there is a frozen pregnancy;
  • Indications may be endometriosis, synechiae, remains of the fertilized egg after an abortion.

Pregnancy occurring immediately after curettage: what is the danger?

As for complications, the following conditions most often occur:

  • Cervical tear. This happens after the bullet forceps come off. Minor tears heal on their own, others require stitches;
  • Perforation of the uterus is through trauma to the organ with instruments. Large perforations require suturing;
  • Accumulation of blood in the organ cavity. In medicine, this phenomenon is called hematometra. The danger is that there is a high probability of infection;
  • Inflammation. Pathology occurs when the rules of asepsis are violated and there is no antibiotic treatment. First of all, inflammation is indicated by an increase in temperature;
  • Damage to the growth endometrium. This pathology is difficult to treat. There is a possibility that the mucous membrane will not recover at all after curettage;
  • The pathology, for example, a polyp, was partially removed or not excised at all. It is advisable to repeat the procedure. Sometimes a relapse occurs, for example, the polyp grows back. This situation also requires cleaning.

Restoration of the uterus and body after curettage of a frozen pregnancy: when will menstruation occur?

Your period will begin approximately 4 weeks after the procedure, but this largely depends on your health status.

A delay can occur after a medical abortion, as the body needs some time to restore reproductive function. Too much menstruation or, conversely, scanty menstruation is a cause for alarm, especially if there is pain in the lower abdomen and fever.

The cycle is fully restored in 2-3 months. If this does not happen, a gynecological examination is necessary.

After a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, or removal of polyps, periods are often quite long and heavy. If they are absent, a serious pathology may be suspected, so you should immediately consult a doctor.

Bleeding and vaginal discharge after cleaning

Blood is released over several days. This process is similar to standard periods. If the bleeding is prolonged, complications may be suspected. The discharge may be spotty or include blood clots. Deviation from the norm is either prolonged and heavy bleeding or too short and scanty bleeding.

Alarming symptoms are abdominal pain and temperature (acceptable - up to 37.5°).

  • A brownish secretion may be observed, which indicates blood clotting. This means that the bleeding will stop soon;
  • Severe bleeding, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and fever. The discharge may have an unpleasant odor. This indicates the development of complications;
  • Yellow secretion – there is an infection in the body, antibacterial therapy is required;
  • Standard vaginal leucorrhoea appears after the bleeding ends and there are no complications.

Pain syndrome after the procedure

When the effect of anesthesia wears off, you will immediately experience discomfort in the abdomen. Women claim that the pain syndrome resembles the sensations during menstruation. This can last from several hours to 2-3 days. No specific treatment is required in this case. Your doctor may prescribe pain medications during the postoperative period.

Medicines after curettage

During subsequent menstruation, pain may be present. It is worth noting that this phenomenon is very common among patients who have undergone cleansing. The doctor may prescribe antispasmodics (pr. No-shpa) to prevent the accumulation of blood clots in the uterine cavity and relieve pain. No-shpu is taken three times a day, one tablet.

Antibacterial drugs are often prescribed after the procedure. They help prevent infection from entering the body and speed up recovery.

Severe uterine bleeding can be treated with oxytocin injections. 14 days after the event, a preventive gynecological examination is required.

For 2 weeks from the date of the procedure, it is prohibited to douche, use vaginal tampons, or have sex. Heavy physical activity is strictly not recommended.

Curettage is a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure in which the inner layer of endometrial cells is removed from the uterine cavity. The percentage of complications after curettage is low. But every woman should know how to prevent and what symptoms may indicate an emerging complication after the procedure.


Abdominal curettage (curettage) in gynecology is performed for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, under anesthesia.

With an instrumental curettage procedure, the surface layer of the endometrium of the uterine cavity is removed, which is then examined to make a final diagnosis. Curettage is also used as an auxiliary method for the treatment of gynecological disorders.

As a diagnostic procedure, curettage is prescribed if a woman experiences prolonged heavy bleeding from the uterine cavity. In this case, the doctor usually examines the organ using a hysteroscope, takes a scraping for histological examination, and determines the possible cause of the pathology: fibroids, polyps, malignant neoplasms.

In case of heavy bleeding, this also serves as a necessary therapeutic procedure for a prolonged monthly cycle, when the endometrium of the uterine cavity occupies a large volume, and normal menstrual flow is not enough to “push out” it.

Therapeutic curettage is also prescribed after a frozen pregnancy, miscarriage, or ectopic pregnancy. This procedure is also known as abortion before 12 weeks, which can be performed according to indications, at the request of the woman.

During the period from 12 to 18 weeks of pregnancy, the procedure is carried out exclusively according to medical indications (frozen pregnancy, severe pathologies of the pregnant woman, fetal malformations).

In what cases is curettage of the uterine cavity also indicated:

  • To stop severe uterine bleeding.
  • If, after drug treatment, polyps and hyperplasia do not disappear.
  • For any bleeding after menopause.

Curettage is a minor gynecological operation and is not highly traumatic. But after it, the woman must undergo a recovery period, which includes several mandatory procedures.

Recovery period

After curettage, until the integrity of the vessels is completely restored, the uterine cavity will bleed. It is considered normal if spotting after curettage lasts from 3 to 10 days. To relieve pressure in the uterus, during the first three to four days it is better for a woman to stay in bed, avoid physical activity, and not sit for a long time.

During this period, a woman should use only pads. The use of tampons is prohibited.


For the first 5 days after the procedure, a woman may feel pain in the vagina and may be bothered by pain in the lower abdomen.

To relieve unpleasant symptoms in the first two days, a woman is recommended to apply an ice pack to her lower abdomen (for half an hour every two hours).

Discharge after curettage in the form of bloody clots should continue until the vessels damaged during the procedure are restored. Red clots normally turn brown after a few days, and by the 10th day they turn yellow or whitish. The day of intervention is equal to the first day of the menstrual cycle, which means that normal menstruation should begin in 24-32 days.

In women after a frozen pregnancy or abortion, the onset of menstruation is delayed. If menstruation does not occur for more than 2 months, a woman should urgently consult a doctor.

Maintenance therapy

Relieving pain, preventing infection and possible complications is the task of the next, recovery stage.

During the recovery period, the doctor may prescribe the following drug therapy:

  1. Analgesic drugs (Ibuprofen, Analgin). Relieves pain, reduces discharge after curettage. In the first two days, the drug is prescribed three times a day. From the third day, the analgesic can be taken only at night.
  2. Antispasmodic drugs (No-spa). Antispasmodics cause smooth muscle contraction, and discharge after curettage does not accumulate in the uterine cavity.
  3. A course of antibacterial drugs Antibiotics after curettage are indicated for prophylactic purposes. To prevent the development of infection, gentle drugs are prescribed: Metronidazole, Cefixime, Cedex, Ceftazidime.

Metronidazole is most often prescribed as monotherapy, but in some cases it is used in combination with other antibiotics.

During the recovery period, decoctions of stinging nettle and oregano are prescribed to contract the uterus.

You should not drink salicylates after curettage.

If by the tenth day the discharge after curettage does not decrease, the number of clots increases, and the pain persists, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor. The opposite condition, when the discharge after cleansing is very scanty, is also dangerous and indicates the onset of a complication.

After the curettage procedure, a woman should abstain from sexual intercourse, not take a bath, not swim in ponds, and not visit the pool or sauna.

What else you can't do:

  • Use vaginal suppositories, tablets, sprays without a doctor's prescription.
  • Douche.
  • Use any intimate hygiene products.
  • Lift weights.

After two weeks, the woman should visit her doctor. By this time, the results of the histological examination will be known. The doctor may prescribe a control ultrasound. Based on the collected data, repeat curettage may be prescribed.

Possible complications

If the discharge after curettage continues for a long time, more than two weeks, and the woman is bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, it can be assumed that complications have arisen.

Bleeding from the uterus

Severe bleeding after curettage usually develops in women with impaired blood clotting.

What are the signs that indicate bleeding has developed?

  1. There is no brown discharge.
  2. The blood after scraping is scarlet, with a large number of clots.
  3. In 1 hour, a large pad gets completely wet.
  4. The discharge is accompanied by severe or moderate pain in the lower abdomen.
  5. The skin is pale and may have a bluish tint.
  6. Dizziness, loss of consciousness.

This complication is considered an emergency, and the woman requires emergency hospitalization.


If the discharge after curettage is scanty or stops completely, the lower abdomen hurts - these are symptoms of hematometra. This is a complication caused by cervical spasm. The normal brown color of the discharge disappears and takes on an unnatural shade with an unpleasant odor. From the attached infection, as the complication progresses, the woman begins to develop a fever. The pain in the lower abdomen intensifies, radiating to the tailbone and lower back.

The woman needs urgent hospitalization, drug therapy with antispasmodic drugs, and repeated curettage.

Inflammation in the endometrium

After curettage, if pathogenic microorganisms enter the uterine cavity, another complication may develop - endometritis.

What are the signs of a developed ascending infection:

  1. Temperature rises to 39°C.
  2. Chills.
  3. Lower abdomen hurts.
  4. Weakness, general malaise.

For treatment, a course of antibacterial therapy is prescribed. What drugs are indicated: Metronidazole as a monocomponent, or in combination with Ampicillin, Doxycycline, Cefazolin, Clindamycin. In severe cases of the disease, Metronidazole is prescribed with intravenous Metrogyl.

Conception, pregnancy

If the curettage procedure goes without complications, after two to three weeks the uterus contracts and the mucous membrane returns to normal.

By this time, the hormonal levels have stabilized, and the woman can become pregnant again. Curettage does not affect pregnancy and labor in a healthy woman.

But if you cannot conceive a child within six months after the procedure, you need to consult a specialist. He will objectively assess the situation and tell you how to properly prepare for conception.

The procedure for curettage of the uterine cavity can be therapeutic and diagnostic. The technique for performing this procedure is similar to the technique for performing an abortion. Curettage is performed under anesthesia, so during this procedure the woman does not feel any pain. In order to reduce the risk of developing serious complications, a woman should know how to prepare for this procedure and how to behave correctly in the postoperative period.

Indications for curettage and preparation for it

Gynecological cleansing is carried out for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. During curettage, only the surface layer of the uterine cavity is removed, as a result of which it quickly recovers after a certain period of time. Therapeutic cleansing is used to remove polyps in the uterine cavity, remnants of the fertilized egg and a malignant tumor. In addition, the reason for curettage of the uterine cavity can be endometritis (inflammation of the endometrium) and uterine bleeding.

Approximately 20% of patients experience endometrial hyperplasia, the risk of which increases during menopause. Treatment in this case must be mandatory, since there is a possibility of degeneration of a benign tumor into a malignant one. Endometrial hyperplasia occurs against the background of metabolic disorders, frequent abortions and endocrine pathologies.

If a woman has endometrial hyperplasia, separate diagnostic curettage (SDC) is usually prescribed. The resulting material is sent for histological examination to exclude oncological pathology. is carried out using a hysteroscope, which allows you to monitor the actions of medical workers.

If there are emergency indications, no special preparation for surgery is required. If gynecological cleansing is carried out as planned, it is necessary to take a blood test, an electrocardiogram and a smear for flora. Usually cleaning is carried out on the eve of the start of menstruation. Three days before curettage, you must abstain from sexual intercourse. 12 hours before surgery, you should stop eating and reduce your fluid intake.

A contraindication to this procedure is the inflammatory processes occurring in the woman’s body (including in the uterus, except for those that became an indication for the purpose of cleaning).

Complications and treatment

In most cases, recovery after curettage of the uterine cavity is very quick. But in some cases, such treatment can have negative consequences. Complications of curettage include the following pathologies:

  • bleeding;
  • damage to the cervix;
  • inflammation;
  • intrauterine synechiae (adhesions).

Treatment is prescribed in each case individually, depending on the diagnosis and her general well-being. may pass in a few days if no negative consequences appear in the form of abdominal pain or fever.

If the patient had hyperplasia, then further treatment depends entirely on the examination result. Hormone therapy is usually prescribed in order to restore the disturbed hormonal balance. Endometrial hyperplasia is treated with combined oral contraceptives and a therapeutic intrauterine device. If frequent relapses occur, endometrial resection is recommended.

After gynecological surgery, some women experience heavy discharge, which is due to poor blood clotting. They occur as bleeding and can pose a threat to the patient’s health. Treatment includes taking medications to promote better blood clotting.

After cleaning, blood clots may accumulate in the uterine cavity, which increases the risk of developing infectious diseases. Treatment in this case consists of special injections and medications that relieve spasms and increase uterine contraction after curettage.

If gynecological surgery was performed during an exacerbation of inflammatory processes in the cervix or endometrium, the woman may experience unpleasant discharge. Endometritis forms, which is accompanied by high fever and abdominal pain. Treatment consists of a course of antibiotics.

Advice: You must take medications strictly as prescribed by your doctor. In this case, you must comply with all requirements and recommendations. This will help avoid complications and shorten the recovery period.

Postoperative period

In the absence of complications after gynecological cleansing of the uterine cavity, recovery usually does not take much time. In this case, physiological restoration of the body occurs (as after menstruation), but it occurs with some peculiarities.

During the first days of the postoperative period, women experience slight bleeding. This phenomenon is considered absolutely normal and should not be a concern. Over time, they may become brown or yellowish. The discharge is accompanied by pain similar to menstrual cramps, which can be relieved with the help of antispasmodics. The menstrual cycle is restored approximately 4 months after the gynecological cleansing, and the first menstruation begins after 3 weeks.

In order to reduce the risk of complications and negative consequences of surgical intervention, you must adhere to some rules:

  • lack of intimate life;
  • periodic examination by a gynecologist;
  • ban on physical activity.

You can avoid possible bleeding if you spend the first day after the procedure at home in bed. Avoiding sexual contact is necessary to completely close the cervix and prevent infection. If you experience pain during sex, you should definitely seek help from a medical facility. You can speed up the process of endometrial restoration with the help of various drugs, which are selected by the doctor individually for each patient.

It is prohibited to take any medications without a doctor's permission. You should also not visit saunas, take hot baths or engage in intense physical activity. Good rest, sleep and proper nutrition will help you recover faster.

The following symptoms should prompt you to see a doctor:

  • temperature more than 38 degrees;
  • from the uterus with an unpleasant odor;
  • absence of any discharge;
  • deterioration of general condition.

Advice: It is necessary to consult a doctor if, after gynecological surgery, a woman does not have any discharge, as this indicates the development of pathology.

Treatment of endometrial hyperplasia with gynecological cleansing helps prevent the degeneration of a benign pathology into a malignant one. Correct behavior in the postoperative period reduces the risk of complications to a minimum. Before planning a pregnancy after cleansing, you need to undergo a full examination and wait a certain time from the moment of this procedure.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for independent treatment. Be sure to consult your doctor!

Despite the fact that many women are familiar with the curettage procedure, few fully understand the recovery process. For some, it passes without problems, while others encounter complications. In any case, discharge after curettage of the uterine cavity is an inevitable phenomenon. Their character is an indicator of the internal state of the main reproductive organ.

The duration and frequency of discharge in the postoperative period helps the patient to notice the onset of any internal pathology. If for some reason there are deviations from the acceptable norm, you should seek help. Symptoms of complications will be expressed in the duration, consistency and color of the mucous discharge. In addition, the pain syndrome will be increased. In order to clearly understand the type of female secretion during this period, it is important to have an idea of ​​how curettage is carried out.

Simple surgery

In medical language, the scraping procedure is called abrasion. The essence of this process is to remove its contents from the uterus along with the inner mucous layer. The operation is performed in a hospital using special equipment. Manipulation is prescribed in the following cases:

  • unexpected termination of pregnancy;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • postpartum removal of placenta remnants;
  • for diagnostic purposes;
  • for polyps;
  • hyperplasia of the reproductive organ.

Uterus after curettage (click to view)

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, unless this is contraindicated for the patient. At the beginning of the procedure, the gynecologist enlarges the lumen of the cervix with a dilator, and then performs curettage. When pregnancy dies, the remains of the embryo and placenta are removed. If bleeding stops, the uterus is cleared of blood clots.

Diagnosis is prescribed for prolonged bleeding, irregular menstruation, identification of an endometrial polyp and other disorders in the uterine mucosa. During this manipulation, a scraping is taken and sent for analysis to the laboratory. The result of the study indicates the cause of pathological bleeding. After diagnostic curettage, vaginal secretion also appears.

The procedure is prescribed 2 or 3 days before the start of menstruation. If it is necessary to stop the bleeding, then the operation is performed during it.

The normal nature of discharge after abrasion

After surgery, you should monitor how much discharge occurs after curettage. This is due to the removal of living tissue from the uterus. In addition, vaginal secretion is affected by the complexity of surgical intervention, the individual nature of hormones, and blood clotting. Despite this, there is such a nature of normal discharge:

  • duration no more than 10 days;
  • bleeding gradually stops;
  • constant aching pain in the lower abdomen.

Research shows that women have their own monthly rhythm, which depends on the natural functioning of the ovaries. Carrying out the manipulation immediately before menstruation, the duration of discharge after curettage will be no more than 1 week. This approach relieves the woman of prolonged discomfort.

Depending on what kind of discharge there should be after curettage, the degree of recovery is determined. A good sign of the normal nature of female secretions is brown mucus. This indicates that the blood is beginning to clot and the recovery process is underway. Over time, the mucus becomes smearing and disappears completely after 7 days. In some cases, pink vaginal mucus is considered normal.

Alarming discharge

Sometimes after curettage, a woman’s discharge becomes unnatural
character, namely:

  • have a foul odor;
  • too liquid;
  • excessively abundant;
  • yellowish in color.

Bloody discharge after curettage indicates that the healing process is being delayed. They usually have an overly liquid consistency and come in large portions.

If there is no discharge after curettage, this indicates that blood clots have accumulated in the uterus. They, in turn, often cause an inflammatory process in the reproductive organ. An increase in temperature and nagging pain in the lower abdomen are the first symptoms of the disease. The woman should note how many days she has had this condition. In this case, repeated surgery and drug treatment may be required. It is very important for the patient to monitor her feelings. You should contact a specialist if:

  • body temperature above 38 degrees;
  • the discharge has stopped;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • copious amounts of female secretion;
  • the discharge lasts for a long time;
  • sudden change in mucus color;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • unnatural thickness;
  • feeling unwell (headache, general weakness in the body).

Pathological discharge after hysteroscopy may be yellow, which indicates infection. This outcome of surgical intervention is very dangerous. Only by taking antibiotics does the yellow vaginal mucus stop.

In addition, female secretions caused by complications often have an unpleasant odor. This fact shows that an infection has entered the uterine cavity.

The outcome of treatment depends on how long the patient observes abnormal vaginal mucus. The sooner she seeks help, the faster the organs will recover.

Possible consequences of scraping

When performing curettage to diagnose the uterine cavity, the following unpleasant consequences are possible:

  • heavy bleeding;
  • internal inflammation of the walls of the uterus and ovaries;
  • mechanical puncture of the wall;
  • cervical injury;
  • allergies after anesthesia;
  • infertility;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

Depending on what kind of discharge appeared after the operation, the patient’s further actions will be taken. The specialist will prescribe an additional examination using ultrasound and take an analysis to detect infection. Such steps help the gynecologist to establish the exact pathology in order to prescribe a course of treatment. In some cases, special exercises are suggested to contract the uterus. Listening to and applying the doctor’s advice is the key to rapid recovery of the body after curettage.

Heavy uterine bleeding is considered a dangerous consequence after curettage. It is caused by poor blood clotting or low hemoglobin levels.

Often, after abrasion, endometritis appears, caused by inflammation of the uterine mucosa. The microbe can get there in different ways, especially from the vagina. Then the discharge will have a yellow color and a foul odor. In addition, the patient will develop a fever and aching pain in the abdomen.

Although complications cause anxiety for women, they are treated. Therefore, constant monitoring of your discharge after curettage will help prevent many problems. And knowing the facts is half the battle against disease.



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