Umanskaya 9 points. Acupressure to improve immunity

Eastern medicine Since ancient times, acupressure has been used as a means to strengthen a person’s vitality, as an accessible and effective way recovery. After all, many points are associated with points on our skin internal organs, and when exposed to skin are activated vitality, the work of all body systems is improved.

If you have patience and are ready to devote 15-20 minutes a day to your immunity, then acupressure is for you!

How to do this massage? Press the points without rubbing with your middle or index finger. Start with 8-9 pressures clockwise and then counterclockwise and gradually increase their number to 16 per point.

Press lightly, slightly increasing the pressure in those points where pain is felt. Perform acupressure massage daily, maybe 2 times a day - after waking up and before bed, but you can do it more often. First, warm up your hands by rubbing them together and proceed, moving from point to point.

1. The first immunostimulating point is located in the middle between the eyebrows (in the East they believe that the third eye chakra is located there). Process this point.

2. Then process with both hands at the same time symmetrical points, located in the middle of the eyebrows, or rather, right above them. Acting on all symmetrical points, rotate clockwise with the finger of one hand and at the same time counterclockwise with the finger of the other hand, and then vice versa.

3. Now go to the points in the middle lower parts eye sockets, under the lower eyelids.

4. Act on points located symmetrically on the wings of the nose.

5. Press on the point directly under your nose.

6. Find a point located in the center of the chin, as if on the border of teeth and gums, and press on it.

7. Tilt your head and find the strongly protruding seventh vertebra. Exposure to this point also improves immunity.

8. Move on to the ears, walking along them from bottom to top. After acupressure of the ears, rub ears, pull them to the sides, down, up, twist them different sides, placing your palms on them.

9. There are also dozens of healing and general healing points on the foot. To make the effect on them effective, purchase any massage mat or pour, for example, pebbles or peas into a box. In the morning, while you wash your face, stomp on such a rug or on stones to properly massage your soles. This activates the huge reserves hidden in your body. And besides, you will finally wake up from such a massage and be ready to actively meet a new working day or day off!

The immune system is a set protective equipment, which the body uses to resist bacteria and viruses. As a result of the failure of this system, very serious diseases arise.

Lack of sleep poor nutrition and stress wreak havoc on your body's defenses, and you're at risk of getting sick when you're tired or anxious because your body's ability to fight infection is weakened. For the immune system to work effectively, it is necessary to get enough sleep and follow the principles of healthy balanced nutrition, that is, include it in your diet every day fresh vegetables and fruits.

Regular exercise also helps strengthen immune system because they improve blood circulation. Should also be avoided overuse alcohol and smoking. Alcoholic drinks and cigarettes introduce toxins into the body and force the excretory system to work harder.

Complementary therapy- massage, reflexology and acupressure are also designed to stimulate the immune system. Like physical exercise, all these methods improve blood circulation and, therefore, activate the body. Regular use any of them is the best way to maintain wellness. Reflexology and acupressure can also be used as ambulance, especially if you are tired or have a cold.

Useful essential oils

Essential oils enhance the strengthening effect on the immune system, especially eucalyptus. It is a natural antibiotic and can be added to steam inhalations to help get rid of cold cough or runny nose. Eucalyptus oil used for massage and added to foot baths. The oil is potent, so it must be used carefully - 1 drop per 10 ml (2 tsp) of base oil.
Frankincense oil provides strength and can also be used to stimulate the immune system. It also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, so it will help with severe cough. Good healing effect These oils also provide benefits when added to an aroma lamp.

If you feel like you have a cold or are just dead tired, try the acupressure techniques on the next page if you feel like you're coming down with a cold caused by stress or extreme fatigue. This will help nip the disease in the bud or make its symptoms less unpleasant. It’s also a good idea to use acupressure techniques as a preventive measure, especially if you know that you are systematically sleep-deprived or are under strong pressure At work.
The effect of acupressure will be stronger if you rub it essential oil into the feet and let it absorb into the skin.

Acupressure against infection

Acupressure works like acupuncture (acupuncture): by targeting specific points, you direct healing energy to the area that needs it. It is advisable to start the session with light massage stop - this will make them more susceptible to treatment.

Put right foot on the floor Click thumb hands on the indentation between the big and second toes and move along the indentation upward, then back to the toes. Repeat several times with fairly strong pressure. So you work with active point Liver 3, which will help cope with negative consequences stress.

Place your index finger and middle fingers on inner surface ankle between the supracalcaneus and the Achilles tendon. This is the point Kidney 3. By acting on it, you will feel better when you are weak or tired. Press and count to 20, then release and count to 30. Repeat twice more and move to the left foot. Exposure to these points is prohibited in the first three months of pregnancy.

Place your right foot on the outside lateral surface and with the fingers of your left foot, massage the inner edge of the foot, moving from the heel to the toes. Work the same way left foot. These points are influenced by beneficial influence to the liver and spleen.

Reflexology for health

At normal operation The body's immune system copes with infections even before they manifest themselves. We offer you a series of reflexology techniques to stimulate the immune system. Always start with your right foot.

Supporting your right foot with one hand, use the thumb of the other to pass across the sole from the inner to the outer edge. In this way, work the entire area from the base of the ball of the foot to the center of the arch of the foot (outlined with a marker in the picture). Repeat. Now, stepping with your thumb, reach reflex zone liver (that’s where your finger is in the picture) and with pressure, describe three circles.

There are more than 1000 bioactive points on our body associated with various structures and organs of our body. Every day we unconsciously influence them: when we wash ourselves, dry ourselves with a towel, comb our hair, when we think, we rub our forehead, etc. Each such impact activates the work of the organs associated with this point, forcing the body to once again pay attention to this organ.

  • What is the essence of this technique?

It is on this connection that the methodology of Dr. Alla Umanskaya is based, under whose editorship two volumes of the book “The Shield from All Diseases” were published.

What is the essence of this technique?

Of the 32 most important bioactive points, the author of the technique selected 9 most important (fundamental) points, by massaging which you can achieve improved health, increased protective functions body, getting rid of chronic inflammatory processes, as well as stimulation mental abilities person. As the author himself says: “Impact on 9 point zones is not a massage! Figuratively speaking, the area of ​​the sternum, neck and head is the body’s control panel, and 9 point zones are buttons on the remote control, by acting on which a person activates the main systems and organs responsible for the vital functions of the body.”

Zone 1 - Area (middle) of the chestZone 2 - Jugular fossa

Zone 3 - Front of the neckZone 4 - Upper posterior section neck
Place your fingers on both sides of the Adam's apple to clearly

Zone 5 - Depression between the 7th cervical and 1stZone 6 - Nose area

thoracic vertebraLocated on the edges wings of the nose,

With your head tilted forward, swipe back side above the fang teeth, where dimples are foundMore details on Medkrug.RU: More details on Medkrug.RU:

neck until you find a large protruding

vertebra is the 7th cervical vertebra.

The area between the 7th cervical and the next

vertebra is zone 5

Zone 7 - Area where eyebrow growth begins (slightly belowZone 8 - Ear area

Zone 9 - area of ​​the hands
If you press thumb to the palm, then upper part the resulting protrusion will be point 9

How many times a day should you massage bioactive zones?

For the prevention and improvement of the body, it is recommended to act on the points 5-6 times a day, and as often as possible during the period acute stage diseases. Impact on targeted areas should be carried out systematically, i.e. every day. A break of 1-2 days quickly leads to a decrease in efficiency. However, it is better to massage at least 1-3 times a day than not at all.

Additional Tips

In addition to influencing bioactive points, Alla Alekseevna Umanskaya advises performing daily sanitation of the oral cavity, nose, and pharynx. According to the doctor, such daily actions help the body fight bacteria, which frees up the body’s reserve forces to fight various chronic diseases and leads to more quick recovery. The first volume of the book “The Shield from All Diseases” is devoted to this topic.

Prevention is always better than cure. In order to prevent diseases from taking over the body, you need to know how to strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms - the immune system. There are three main ways to strengthen your immune system: eat right, keep your body in good shape, and hit points to strengthen your immune system. Also in this case, it is important to understand why the immune system weakens. This will help determine the most weak points in protection and strengthen the immune system. This article will tell you which factors are detrimental to the immune system, as well as stimulation of which points helps strengthen it.

The main reasons for weakening and points for strengthening immunity

If you notice that you get sick much more often than the people around you, you should identify the reason for the weakening of your immune system, which makes you more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Stimulating the points to strengthen the immune system will have a certain effect, but without eliminating the underlying problem, it will be difficult to restore the body’s defenses. Therefore, to strengthen the immune system you need:

  • firstly, find the reason why it is weakened and take appropriate measures;
  • secondly, develop the habit of stimulating the points to strengthen the immune system.

What factors contribute to a weakened immune system?

Before you start massaging immunity points, make sure that the factors described below are not the real reason weakening your body's defenses.

Stress – it is an integral part of the modern lifestyle. However, many people ignore its harmful effects on health. Increased levels cortisol leads to suppression of the production of the hormone prostaglandin, which maintains immune function.

Lack of sleep - not only a method of rejuvenation and replenishment of strength, it is necessary for the production of leukocytes. If you sleep less than 7 hours a day, your ability to protect yourself from viral infections reduced.

Lack of movement – almost any job is based on using a computer and being in sitting position for at least 8 hours. As a result, a person's blood circulation is impaired and, as a result, the flow of antibodies that fight infections.

Unbalanced diet (and obesity) – Foods loaded with preservatives, sugars and pesticides ultimately reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight off bacteria. Thus, the immune system is weakened.

Points for strengthening the immune system - how to activate protective functions

Reflexology helps get rid of:

  • migraines;
  • pain in various parts bodies4
  • indigestion;
  • stress;
  • vision problems;
  • asthma, etc.

Reflexology also suggests trying immune point massage, which will take your defenses to the next level.

    1. This point for immunity is located under the center sternum. Useful properties stimulation of this point consists of influencing the thymus, which regulates the function of mechanisms cellular immunity. It also helps combat stress and anxiety.
    2. The next point of interest to us is located under the collarbone, in the cavity of the sternum. It not only improves immune system function, but also helps relieve anxiety, nasal congestion and breathing problems.
    3. The next point we are considering is located in the middle between the very high point talus and Achilles tendon. Its stimulation on both legs helps strengthen the immune system, and also improves kidney function and helps with:
  • asthma;
  • sore throat;
  • headaches.
  1. Finding this point for immunity is simple: it is located on the top of the foot, near the junction of the big and “index” toe. Her massage on both legs stimulates blood circulation and regulates the flow of Qi. What else is this point useful for:
  • vision problems;
  • insomnia;
  • menstrual pain;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • headaches.
  1. Stimulation of the next point is prohibited during pregnancy. It is located at the intersection of the meridians of the spleen, liver and kidneys, which is why it is called the “intersection of three yins.” You can find it at a distance equal to the width of three fingers from the inside of the talus. Massaging this point helps:
  • renew energy;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • get rid of gynecological problems.
  1. A couple of minutes of exposure to this point for immunity (and not only) will help fill the body with energy and improve immune function. Its location: 4 fingers width down from the bottom edge kneecap, With outside tibia.

We believe that stimulation of immune points alone will not be enough to maximum effect. Therefore, if you decide to get serious about improving your work protective systems body, it is recommended to take other measures aimed at strengthening the immune system, namely: proper nutrition and adequate levels of physical activity.

There are more than 1000 bioactive points on our body, associated with various structures and organs of our body. Every day we unconsciously influence them: when we wash ourselves, dry ourselves with a towel, comb our hair, when we think, we rub our forehead, etc. Each such impact activates the work of the organs associated with this point, forcing the body to once again pay attention to this organ.

It is on this connection that the methodology of Dr. Alla Umanskaya is based, under whose editorship two volumes of the book “The Shield from All Diseases” were published.

WHAT IS THE ESSENCE OF THIS METHOD? Of the 32 most important bioactive points, the author of the method selected 9 of the most important (fundamental) points, by massaging which one can achieve improved health, increased protective functions of the body, relief from chronic inflammatory processes, as well as stimulation of human mental abilities. As the author himself says: “Influence on 9 point zones is not a massage! Figuratively speaking, the area of ​​the sternum, neck and head is the body’s control panel, and 9 point zones are buttons on the remote control, by acting on which a person activates the main systems and organs responsible for the vital functions of the body.”


  • Impact on point zones must be carried out in the exact sequence indicated in the figure, i.e. We start from the 1st point and end at the 9th.
  • The massage is performed with screwing movements with the fingertips 9 times clockwise and 9 times counterclockwise. Must do same amount once in one direction and the other.
  • Symmetrical zones must be affected simultaneously (3,4,6,7,8)
  • When massaging zone 2, do not apply too much pressure.
  • Massaging the first zone (chest) should be done with four fingertips at the same time.
  • Massaging the 3rd zone must be carried out with extreme caution, and use only light pressure so as not to disrupt the functioning of the carotid artery.
  • The effect on zone 4 differs from massaging other areas: instead of rotating movements, we make stroking movements from top to bottom.


Zone 1 - Region (middle) of the chest

Zone 2 - Jugular fossa

Zone 3 - Front of the neck
Place your fingers on both sides of your Adam's apple
so that the pulse can be clearly heard,
then raise your fingers 1 cm up

Zone 4 - Upper back of the neck

Zone 5 - Depression between the 7th cervical and
1st thoracic vertebra
Leaning your head forward, move along the back
side of the neck until you find a large
the protruding vertebra is the 7th cervical vertebra.
The area between the 7th cervical and the next vertebra
will be zone 5

Zone 6 - Nose area
Located along the edges of the wings of the nose, above
fang teeth where dimples are found

Zone 7 - Area where eyebrow growth begins
(a little lower)

Zone 8 - Ear area

Zone 9 - area of ​​the hands
If you press your thumb to your palm,
then the upper part of the resulting protrusion
will be point 9

HOW MANY TIMES A DAY SHOULD I MASSAGE BIOACTIVE ZONES? For prevention and healing of the body, it is recommended to act on the points 5-6 times a day, and as often as possible during the acute stage of the disease. Impact on point zones should be carried out systematically, i.e. every day. A break of 1-2 days quickly leads to a decrease in efficiency. However, it is better to massage at least 1-3 times a day than not at all.

ADDITIONAL TIPS In addition to influencing bioactive points, Alla Alekseevna Umanskaya advises performing daily sanitation of the oral cavity, nose, and pharynx. According to the doctor, such daily actions help the body fight bacteria, which frees up the body's reserve forces to fight various chronic diseases and leads to a faster recovery. The first volume of the book “The Shield from All Diseases” is devoted to this topic.



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