The child's red eyes do not fester. Redness of the whites of the eyes in a child

Natural causes why red eyes in infants can serve various factors. Viruses and bacterial infections are no exception, as well as other diseases associated with complex labor(i.e. consequences of birth injuries). Red eyes in newborns are also a sign of burst blood vessels in the sclera.

The appearance of red spots in the corners of the eyes or around them is a reason to immediately call a doctor. First of all, he will explain to you what is the provoking factor, and if necessary, prescribe drug treatment(sometimes they do without medicines). The main causes of red eyes in infants are:

  • entry of a foreign body;
  • conjunctivitis (in this case the eye begins to fester and stick together);
  • eye fatigue;
  • manifestation of a cold (“blown by the wind”);
  • the impact of viruses, bacteria, chlamydia, as well as the impact of other infections on the eyes;
  • blockage of the tear duct;
  • birth injuries (if red spots are visible around the lens);
  • blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids in the eyelash area);
  • uveitis (inflammation of the choroid of the eye);
  • glaucoma in infants (increased intraocular pressure). We recommend about the details of this disease;

After defining negative factor The specialist will tell you how to properly care for the inflamed eye shell.

Pay attention! Red eyes in infants can be a symptom of a serious illness; in such a situation, competent treatment is needed, so taking measures to eliminate redness on your own is unsafe for the child’s health.

Types of red eyes in infants

Diseases, causing redness children's eyes younger age, may have different character, so it is advisable to familiarize yourself with their types.

Children say! Our daughter (3 years 4 months) does not like to comb her hair or tie her hair bands. Dad decided to have a conversation about how all girls tie their ponytails, do their hair and don’t go shaggy. The little one listened for a long time, and then said:
- Are you going to go to work bald?
    • If red pimples appear around the eyes of a baby, this is one of the signs of an allergic reaction or lack of calcium in the body, which occurs during active teething. Therefore, you need to determine whether these phenomena are related or not: to do this, check the baby’s nutrition to see if there is enough food in it. desired element. To compensate for calcium deficiency, you should give calcium gluconate by crushing the tablet and pouring it onto the baby’s tongue.
    • A red spot on the eye of a baby indicates burst blood vessels. This phenomenon usually occurs immediately after childbirth and means birth trauma. With proper care, redness will resolve within a month or a month and a half, after which the proteins will become natural color. The situation often does not require medical intervention, and the eyes themselves restore their healthy appearance.

  • A red corner of the eye in a 3-4 month old baby indicates a blockage of the tear duct. In 5% of babies, this pathology occurs already in the maternity hospital or a week after birth. This phenomenon is accompanied by swelling in upper eyelids and areas near the bridge of the nose. In case of dysfunction of lacrimation, it is prescribed therapeutic massage child.
  • If a baby has red eyes after sleep, this may be caused by household factors: too bright light in the room, irritation of the mucous membrane due to dust getting into the baby’s eyes, fatigue (especially when the baby for a long time cries before going to sleep).
  • Red capillaries in the eyes of an infant are often associated with the consequences of a routine examination by an ophthalmologist or the use of medicinal drops. Often you just need to stop taking medications, and everything returns to normal.

Each of the above phenomena requires individual approach for the treatment of infants' eyes. Not recommended for use pharmaceutical products without a doctor’s prescription, because most drugs are contraindicated in early infancy. Here you should definitely listen to the opinion of an ophthalmologist.

Children say! Saturday, 6 am. The baby in the crib woke up and whined, wanting to lie down with us. I push my husband in the side:
- Go, I got up all night, it’s your turn.
This cunning guy didn’t even wake up, his brain generated in his sleep:
- What's the queue? I didn't borrow.

Whatever treatment is prescribed to eliminate the symptoms of red eyes in a child, it will be especially effective only in combination with proper care. With these symptoms, the recommendations of E. Komarovsky cannot be neglected.

If you have an eye infant suffered from a foreign body, then it must be removed. You can make it soft paper napkin. If the baby does not agree to the procedure, call a doctor, he will do everything professionally.

Advice! Do not interfere with childish behavior under any circumstanceseeyes with sharp and undisinfected objects, because there is a risk of injury and dangerous complications.

Protein reddening syndrome visual organ The baby can be removed by starting to put the baby to bed early. Make sure that the baby is exposed to as little as possible bright lighting, and in the room make it a little muted.

Conjunctivitis and dirt and dust getting into the baby's eyes can be eliminated by daily rinsing the eyes with a running water warm water, as well as a solution of furatsilin or chamomile. Ready-made formulations can be bought at a pharmacy.

Drug therapy for red mesh in the eyesatbaby

Medicines for children early age if necessary, treatment for red eyes is prescribed based on the cause that provoked the release of blood vessels in the proteins. The main means are ointments and drops; in more acute situations, antibiotics will also be required.

  • For newborn children with blockage tear ducts disinfecting drops Okomistin are prescribed. You need to put 1-2 drops into your eyes two or three times a day. Tetracycline ointment is also prescribed for infants; it helps the pustules on the eyelids and eyelashes come off. It is possible to use a folk remedy: tea leaves. It is prepared like this: take 1 tbsp. l. loose tea leaves and pour 50-75 ml of boiling water. Cool the composition, then moisten a cotton swab generously and apply it to the baby’s eyes. For complex treatment required acupressure lacrimal sacs. See video.

The manifestation of blepharitis is treated with rinsing tar soap, tansy oil lotions, as well as the use of ointment and Tobrex or Tobradex drops in an age-appropriate dosage. If the form of the disease is acute, additional treatment of children's eyes with Amitrazine is possible.

    • For uveitis, glucocorticoid drugs with prednisolone are prescribed for infants. As a complementary therapy, hemosorption is prescribed (a procedure by which blood is removed from the blood). toxic substances), as well as plasmapheresis (blood purification in laboratory conditions and returning it to the bloodstream).
    • Cases of glaucoma in infants are treated with the use of Betoxalol and Pilocarpine. With a strong increase intracranial pressure surgical intervention is indicated.

Treatment with folk remedies: recipes for children

You can also help children’s eyes with redness using homemade, long-known and widely used remedies, provided that the child’s eyes are red due to fatigue or conjunctivitis.

Applying a silver teaspoon will not only help remove vascular network from the whites of the eyes, but also relieve swelling under the eyes. To do this, you need to apply it several times a day to eyes closed, it is ideal to do this as soon as the baby has fallen asleep, so as not to frighten him.

Cool tea leaves (cooled) will help greatly with conjunctivitis. It is necessary to moisten the child's eyes several times a day. Or apply wet tea bags with black tea leaves as a compress.

You can wash your baby's eyes with Furacilin solution or chamomile decoction. This procedure should be performed two to three times a day.

Prevention of any bacterial infection eyes in babies is daily proper hygiene. This includes washing with warm water and keeping the baby’s hands clean. This will help prevent dirt from getting into the eyes. Teach your kids to wash their hands with soap as soon as they begin to actively move around the house (crawling, walking).

Have you noticed your child's red eyes? it is necessary to immediately establish the cause of such a symptom. Despite the fact that red eyes in babies is a fairly common phenomenon, it can be a reaction to external factors or be one of the signs specific diseases. Reasons and additional symptoms similar states may be different. You should consider them in detail to know why your eyes turn red and what measures to take in a particular case.

Why do redness occur in babies? They are caused by external factors and internal diseases. In the first case, you simply need to eliminate the provoking factor and limit yourself to proper care; in the second, you will need the help of a doctor and the use of certain medications.

The first group includes the following reasons:

  • eye fatigue;
  • severe overvoltage;
  • injury;
  • condition after visiting the pool;
  • presence of a foreign body;
  • weather conditions.

The second group includes:

  • colds with fever, snot, etc.;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • uveitis;
  • blepharitis;
  • obstruction of the lacrimal canal (more often observed in a newborn child).

Is it impossible to identify the cause of redness on your own? Be sure to contact an ophthalmologist for diagnosis accurate diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment.

Fatigue and overexertion

When the white in the baby’s eye turns red, you need to first pay attention to the child’s sleep, his fatigue and whether his eyesight is strained. Today, the most common causes are the computer and TV. Children spend a long time watching cartoons or computer games, not noticing the tiredness of their eyes. This leads to overexertion and fatigue, causing redness. eyeball.

By limiting such activities of the child for a while and seeing the disappearance of symptoms, you know that there is no reason to worry. Redness after sleep is a sign of poor or insufficient rest during sleep.

Of course, a child’s eyes may become red from crying for a long time and rubbing their eyes with their hands. Washing cold water eliminates redness in a short time.


The capillaries in the baby's eyes turn red due to an allergy; its additional symptoms are watery eyes and itching of the eyes. This may be the body’s reaction to dust, pollen and other allergens.

Such manifestations are not dangerous to the baby’s health, but it is important to detect their cause in a timely manner in order to protect the child from the causative agent of the allergic reaction. Of course, seasonal allergies in the form of sensitivity to pollen can haunt a person almost every spring throughout his life. However, in such a case, it is logical to alleviate its symptoms with treatment certain drugs prescribed by a doctor.

Injury and foreign bodies

Mucous child's eye is sensitive and even minor injuries provoke redness of the eyeball. In this state, the eyes do not itch and suspicious discharge none of them are observed. However, in such cases (especially with swollen eyes), it is better to consult a doctor immediately and avoid various complications in the future.

When the cause of redness in the eye is the entry of a foreign body, then after its removal this state should go away quickly. Children under one year old, and even older children, often rub their eyes, and, therefore, parents are not always able to keep track of the entry of debris and other irritants. In this case, redness is accompanied by burning and pain in the eye. Solution to the problem - clean hands and the child's nails.

The blood vessels in the eyes also turn red on the beach or near bodies of water where there is sand. Children love to play with it, so grains of sand often get into their eyes and cause redness and often watery eyes.

Highly visible foreign body(for example, an eyelash) is removed independently. To do this, it is advisable to rinse the child’s eyes by spraying water into it using a syringe without a needle, or remove it with the corner of a clean handkerchief. Otherwise, consult a doctor.

After the pool

After visiting the pool, the blood vessels in the eyes turn red not only in children, but also in adults. Many parents blame chlorine, which is found in large quantities in the water of all public swimming pools. However, scientists have found that bleach itself does not cause such reactions: they are provoked by its interaction with sweat and urine. Thus, the pools where it happens large number people should, if possible, be excluded from the list of places for a child to visit.

In such a case, not only red capillaries appear, but also a burning sensation is observed, the eyes itch and become very watery. Snot and other signs of a cold appear, although in fact the child is healthy.

Weather conditions

Often the cause of redness inside the eye in a child is prolonged exposure to the sun, strong wind or low temperature air. These symptoms quickly resolve on their own when exposure to unfavorable conditions ceases.

By the way, children’s eyes turn red not only from dusty winds, but also in dusty rooms. Dust is a strong irritant to the mucous membranes of children sensitive eyes. This phenomenon soon goes away if the room where the child is located is often cleaned and ventilated.


Often the cause of redness of blood vessels in the eyes is various colds and ARVI, accompanied by an increase in temperature. If the eye capillaries are damaged by a cold, then the child must, in addition, have at least one of the following symptoms:

  • runny nose;
  • cough;
  • snot (sometimes mixed with pus);
  • sore throat;
  • elevated temperature up to 39 - 40 degrees.

If there is pus in the snot, the child often has a severe headache. All of these symptoms in most cases intensify in the evening and weaken in the morning. Some parents note that it is not the child’s eye that turns red, but a red dot that appears underneath it.

It is necessary to first treat the cold, after which the redness of the whites gradually goes away on its own.

Separately, it must be said that the child in the background colds Frequently blowing your nose with snot leads to the bursting of capillaries in the eyes, even without the presence of an elevated temperature.


Often, redness of the eyeball (especially in children under 5 years of age) is associated with conjunctivitis, its causes are:

  • viruses;
  • bacteria;
  • chlamydia;
  • infectious diseases.

It is important to note that there is also allergic form conjunctivitis. Like a normal allergic reaction, it is triggered by dust, pollen and other allergens.

The signs of pathology are obvious, and it is easy to detect this condition in a baby. In the morning, the child’s eyelids stick together, and a yellowish crust is noticeable on them. My eyes are watering, inner corner the eyes sometimes fill with pus.

The disease, affecting a newborn child, reveals itself as the main symptom - discharge of any kind, since the baby does not yet have tears. Eyes at this age with conjunctivitis seem to glow red.

Remember, conjunctivitis is a contagious disease.

Obstruction of the lacrimal duct

The condition is observed in infants immediately after birth. In children under one year of age, the tear duct is too narrow, causing an accumulation of pus and mucus in the bag under the eyes, and the baby’s eye becomes sour. When you press on it, the discharge comes out. Similar condition requires canal cleaning performed by a medical specialist. institution.

When redness appears near and under the eyes in children, the cause is primarily the extremely thin skin of the eyelids. The eyes seem to glow from within, so the blood vessels are visible even when closed. The phenomenon is often observed in children under 2 years of age and does not pose a danger.


It is important to immediately note that pus accumulating in the corner of the eye indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. This phenomenon cannot be ignored, so you must immediately consult a doctor. Treatment is based on intake antibacterial drugs. The most effective of them are the following:

  • "Chloramphenicol";
  • "Cephalosporin";
  • sulfa drugs;
  • "Tetracycline".

Is there pus in the eye? Urgently see a doctor!

If a child's eye becomes filled with blood due to a cold, treatment should begin with this disease. First of all, it is necessary to bring down the temperature and eliminate snot when these symptoms accompany the course of the disease.

Redness due to allergic reactions and allergic conjunctivitis require application antihistamines. In most cases, Suprastin and Fenistil help. Only a specialist will prescribe the drug that is most harmless for the baby, so it is not recommended to choose the medicine yourself. It is permissible to wash the child’s eyes with chamomile decoction or furatsilin solution. These procedures are also performed for conjunctivitis.

Obstruction of the lacrimal canal in children under one month of age requires its cleaning in a hospital setting. When carrying out the procedure yourself, do not forget about massage and disinfectant drops. They need to be dripped up to 5 times a day. Drops of "Levomycetin" and "Vitabaktom" are recommended.

Regarding the others, more serious illnesses, treatment for them requires complex and long-term treatment. For example, if the corner of the eye turns red due to blepharitis, then the doctor prescribes the following procedures:

  • lotions;
  • washing;
  • the use of gels and ointments (most often Vidisic and Tobrex);
  • treatment with Amitrazine and Miramidez.

Complex treatment is also necessary for uveitis, then the following are prescribed:

  • immunosuppressive therapy;
  • use of glucocorticosteroids;
  • plasmapheresis and hemosorption as auxiliary procedures.

The presence of glaucoma in a child is often required surgery. On early stages recommended medications:

  • "Betaxalol";
  • "Acetazolamide";
  • "Pilocarpine".

In other cases, redness of the child's eye is caused by external factors, no treatment required. Rinsing with furatsilin solution or chamomile decoction is recommended. Many specialists prescribe vasoconstrictor drugs like Tetrizopine. This tool Usually used for 4 days three times a day. But it is important to remember that its long-term use provokes eye addiction. Dry eye syndrome may develop.

Regardless of what caused the redness of the eyeball in a child and whether it requires treatment, parents should remember to follow the following rules:

  • It is strictly forbidden to heat the affected area, especially with dry heat.
  • Hygiene rules must be strictly observed. Your baby's hands should always be clean. But the child should not rub his eyes even in this case.
  • Contact of the child with other children suffering from conjunctivitis should be excluded.
  • To avoid redness of the eye or to eliminate redness, the time spent watching TV and computer must be significantly reduced. Pay special attention to the night hours; many children play games on their phones or tablets before bedtime. complete darkness, which negatively affects vision and provokes eye strain.
  • The lighting in the room where the child is located should not be harsh. It is better to make the light more subdued.
  • Parents need to monitor their child's workload. Nervous experiences and all kinds of stress should be excluded from the baby’s life; it is important to provide him healthy eating and sleep. Put children to bed early.
  • Every day you should rinse your child’s eyes with warm water several times or wipe them with cotton pads and make lotions with strong tea. To do this, soak a cotton pad in tea leaves and apply it to your eyelids for 10 minutes. Additionally and usefully, wipe the corners of your eyes with warm milk.
  • If the child wears glasses or contact lenses, they should be selected from experienced specialist. Poor quality lenses often lead to dry eyes and redness. If the glasses do not accurately match the vision, additional load on the eyes.
  • When the eye is not only red, but also swollen or festering, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Any redness in a child’s eyes should not be ignored, as there is a risk of developing a disease that requires immediate treatment.

Parents often do not pay due attention to the redness of a child's eyes, reassuring themselves that the baby is simply tired. This approach can be very dangerous, since red sclera in children is usually a sign of health problems.

What can cause red eyes in a child?

Changes in the color of the whites of the eyes are associated with excessive stretching of the walls blood vessels piercing the sclera. The reasons for this phenomenon can be divided into the following groups:

  • Influence of factors external environment. For a child to have a red eye, it is enough for a tiny hard object (particles of dust, grains of sand) to fall under the eyelid or for the cornea to come into contact with a drop of an irritating liquid (soapy water, fruit juice etc.). Such troubles happen very often to children. In addition, children, at the slightest sensation of itching in their eyes, begin to rub them with their hands, which aggravates the situation. This group of causes of red eyes in a child includes exposure to too much light, wind and frost;
  • Physiological problems due to which blood flow in the vessels of the sclera becomes too active. This refers to a factor such as severe nervous or physical stress. The whites of a child’s eyes may become red, for example, after prolonged crying, severe sneezing or cough, or as a result of wearing incorrectly fitted glasses;
  • Eye pathologies of a bacterial, allergic or other nature. In children, diseases associated with inflammatory processes (conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, etc.) are more common. This type includes ailments resulting from the penetration of certain viruses into the eye tissue ( chickenpox, herpes) or fungi. Not uncommon in childhood And allergic reactions, causing change sclera colors;
  • Operational disruptions internal organs, causing thinning of the walls of the scleral vessels. If a child's eyes are red, this may be a consequence of a blood clotting disorder, development hypertension, diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis and many other diseases. The reason for such changes is sometimes the incorrect application of certain medicines(for example, containing acetylsalicylic acid).

Fortunately, such severe illnesses in children are rare. But very often parents notice that the child has red eyes when he has a cold. This is explained by the structural features of the skull, due to which any pathogenic microorganisms easily fall from the nasopharynx into the tear ducts of the baby.

Red eyes in a child school age may indicate the presence of a problem such as dry eye syndrome. The development of this pathology is facilitated by constant tension in the visual organs during educational process, causing temporary blockage of the tear duct. As a result, the surface of the sclera dries out and irritation appears on it.

How to help when a child has red eyes

Problems with the eyes in children usually arise suddenly. When noticing a problem, parents should do the following:

  • Calm the baby and distract him so that he does not have the opportunity to scratch the irritation;
  • Gently bending back the upper and then the lower eyelid, try to determine the presence of a tiny foreign object in the eye. Rinse the eye clean water, chamomile decoction or weak tea leaves (this should be done by moving the liquid from the outer to the inner corner of the eye). If you are not sure that the speck has been removed, or the redness persists for more than several hours, you need to show your baby to an ophthalmologist;
  • If you suspect that a child’s red eyes are the result of an allergy, you should try to identify the cause of the body’s painful reaction and stop contact with the allergen;
  • A schoolchild suffering from eye strain should be provided with a gentle regime. In particular, it is necessary to limit the time spent working at the computer, reading, and watching television. In addition, you should organize proper lighting for the child’s workplace, and also consult a doctor about eye gymnastics, the use of moisturizing drops and, possibly, the prescription of glasses.

Parents of infants should be especially attentive. Red eyes in a child under one year of age are usually a sign inflammatory process requiring antibacterial or antiviral therapy. Similar symptoms appear when iron deficiency anemia or severe vitamin deficiency. In any case, you need to consult a doctor who will find out the cause of the baby’s illness and prescribe adequate treatment.

The eyes allow a person to perceive more than 80% of information from the outside world. This is a unique and very sensitive organ, so it needs to be given close attention. Do not underestimate the occurrence of discomfort, especially in children.

Caution is also needed if the child has red eyes. Redness can be a symptom of minor injury, irritation (cases when a baby rubs his eye red are no exception), but also a number of serious diseases.

The main causes of red eyes in children

If the corner of the child’s eye is red, there are symptoms of inflammation of the eye, there is redness under the eyes, we're talking about about the problem when it is necessary to contact an ophthalmologist. Only a doctor can determine the causes of red eyes in a child and prescribe necessary treatment. It is better to immediately contact a specialist if the child has a temperature of 37ºC or higher (at a temperature of 38ºC, in most cases the use of antipyretics is mandatory).

There are many reasons why a child has red eyes. Let's look at the main causes of red eyes in a child.

Important! The No. 1 reason why a child’s eye turns red is prolonged exposure to a computer or TV. It is simple to cure red whites of the eyes - limit the time allocated for activities in front of a monitor or screen, and at the same time use moisturizing drops intended for children.


Conjunctivitis is one of the most common eye diseases eye in a newborn and in an infant, causing not only redness of the eyes in children, but also redness and peeling around the eyes. Various pathogens take part in the development of conjunctivitis: bacteria and viruses, fungi, allergic pathogens. Conjunctivitis is a serious disease - despite its relatively quick and simple treatment, it should not be underestimated.

While viral form is not dangerous, some types (in particular, when bacteria enter deeper parts of the eye) can be chronic and often recur.


Red corners of a child's eyes can be caused by blepharitis, which develops on the front edge of the eyelid. This is relative common reason redness around the child's eyes. The disease can develop into chronic blepharo-conjunctivitis, recurrent chalazion.


Uveitis (inflammation choroid eyeballs) may have serious consequences for the child’s health, in particular for vision. The causes of uveitis are divided into exogenous (the disease can be caused by infection, trauma), endogenous ( autoimmune diseases), idiopathic (cause unknown). Clinically, the disease is characterized by red eyes in a child, accompanied by local pain in the eye, mild photophobia, and blurred vision. The conjunctiva often becomes inflamed. Difficulties often arise with fast lighting. Inflammation and irritation usually affects one eye, and relapses are common.

Stye and chalazion

Stye is a blockage sebaceous glands on the edge of the century. Chalazion has a similar cause, but is located deeper and affects a larger area. Both diseases are characterized by red “pimples” on the eyelids.

IN acute phase inflammation there is pain in the eyelid, swelling, redness of one eye, and sometimes discharge from the eyes. Acute forms should be treated locally (with drops and ointments).

Obstruction of the tear ducts

Tear ducts allow tears to drain into the nose. They may be narrowed or even blocked. Obstruction of the lacrimal ducts is characterized by repeated unilateral lacrimation, which later develops into conjunctivitis of one (later both) eyes.

If the child’s eye is red and there is lacrimation, consult a doctor - this problem requires treatment (probing, rinsing), leading to the rapid and final unblocking of the lacrimal ducts.

Congenital cataract

Congenital cataract can be defined as a disorder characterized by lens opacity. The disease disrupts the visual axis of vision and, if extensive, limits visual perception in the affected eye. Due to tension, redness occurs around the child’s eyes, and the eyes get tired very quickly.

Congenital glaucoma

The first sign of congenital glaucoma is unilateral lacrimation, photophobia, redness in the child’s eye, dilated pupils (pupil dilation mainly occurs at an advanced stage of the disease). Children with red eyes caused by glaucoma should be monitored by an ophthalmologist.

Colds and allergies

The combination of snot and red eyes is a sign of the presence of an acute respiratory infection(ARVI), colds. If the eye is red, swollen, or inflamed, you should keep in mind the impact of the allergen.

Both diseases have similar symptoms, but absent in case of allergies high temperature, characteristic of ARVI. Allergic red eyes in a child (allergies can be caused by various factors, diagnosis and identification of the culprit is important) are accompanied by rhinitis, red bags under the child’s eyes, burning sensation, and lacrimation.

Eye damage

This is a sad factor, because, according to Dr. Komarovsky, many eye injuries happen due to negligence. They are not typical for one year old child, most cases are observed in boys around 10-15 years of age. Mechanisms of injury include falls from tables and chairs (in children), injury from stones, fists (in older children), sharp objects, the presence of a foreign body in the eye.

Eye damage is a common consequence of exposure to chlorinated pool water. If your eyes appear red after swimming, rinse them with clean water and consult a doctor. Before the examination, swimming in the pool with children is not recommended.

Important! Sometimes you can notice (especially under electric light) the child's pupils are red. In this case, an examination of the fundus is recommended, but, as a rule, the tests do not show pathology, despite the parents’ concerns. Most likely, the problem is in the iris, which reflects light in such a way.


The child's red eyes are accompanied by various symptoms: burning, stinging, dryness, lacrimation. Often, along with redness, bruises appear under the child’s eyes (especially with allergies or poor sleep).

First of all, it is important to find out the reason why the whites of the eyes turn red.

Forms of redness:

  • superficial inflammation - the protein turns red with outside to the iris; The conjunctiva is often affected, the eye hurts;
  • deep inflammation - inflammation that occurs inside the eyeball; the vessels are more affected around the iris, the redness is less pronounced towards the periphery.

Superficial and deep inflammation may occur together.

When to contact a specialist

You should always contact a doctor if discomfort occurs, but sometimes you need to hurry with the visit. The reason why a child has a red eye, what to do, how to treat it - these are questions that need to be resolved by a specialist!

Contact him immediately if:

  • discharge worsens;
  • yellow or green discharge;
  • the redness is very strong;
  • the eye is swollen.

Any of these symptoms may indicate the presence of an infection that requires treatment. special drugs(tablets, medicines) for red eyes.

Treatment with medications

The first remedy to treat the problem is drops specially designed for children. They should have a balanced pH, similar to natural tears. It is suitable to use products containing natural extracts that have a moisturizing effect.

Treatment of infections (after determining the cause) requires the use of antibacterial eye drops, for example, the drug Albucid - for redness caused by inflammation.

At allergic inflammation First you need to eliminate the allergen that caused the inflammation.

Bacterial conjunctivitis is treated by using antibiotics in the form of drops or ointments; in severe cases, antibiotics must be taken systemically.

Traditional therapeutic methods

If your child's eye is red, you can try methods traditional medicine(only after consulting a doctor!).

Cold compresses

A cold compress is one of the most commonly used methods. Dip a clean cloth in cold water, apply to the baby’s eyelids for 10-15 minutes, repeat several times a day.

Hot compresses

They have a calming effect and are useful for conjunctivitis. Application is the same as in the previous case.

Colloidal silver

This is an effective modern therapeutic method, helping to fight infections.

Important! Use according to package directions!

Black tea

The following remedy for eliminating ophthalmological problems. Tannins contained in black tea reduce itching and inflammation and speed up healing.

Use used cooled tea bags for compresses.

Preventive measures consist of eliminating all causes of inflammation. When unpleasant symptoms consult a doctor - this will prevent the development of a serious inflammatory process.

Parents should not ignore their child's red eyes. Of course, this is often a temporary phenomenon that quickly passes without additional measures. But it can also be a sign of a serious illness. If you do not see a doctor in time, the baby’s vision may weaken, and difficult cases Even blindness cannot be ruled out.

Common causes of red eyes

Redness of the eyes is observed in children of different ages. This common reaction for irritation and fatigue. For example, a baby cried and his eyes were red for a while. This also happens if water gets in while swimming. In such cases, the color change goes away quickly.

It’s a little more unpleasant if the protein turns red because of a speck that has fallen into it. It may come out on its own along with tears, but it is better, without waiting for this, to rinse the eye with clean water. You can also remove a clearly visible foreign body, such as an eyelash, with a corner of a clean scarf. If you cannot cope with the problem yourself or there is a suspicion that the eye has been injured, you should immediately consult a doctor. In children, the mucous membrane is very sensitive - even a seemingly minor injury can lead to complications.

When tired and overstrained, the protein may also turn red. It's easy to deal with this - put the baby to bed, in the morning he will most likely look normal. Watching TV for a long time, playing on the computer or other gadgets also provokes similar symptoms.

Parents often notice that their child's eyes are red after visiting the pool. There is an opinion that this is a reaction to bleach, which is used for disinfection. In fact, a similar effect is achieved by a combination of bleach, sweat and urine. It is worth choosing a pool that is not the most crowded, and also using special swimming goggles.

These reasons are quite harmless. You need to wait a little, give the child a rest, reduce time spent with gadgets - and the result will not be long in coming. But quite often, if the eye or both are red, this is a symptom of some disease.

Red eyes in babies

Parents of newborn children may encounter this problem. Blockage of the tear duct is a common pathology. Usually it manifests itself from the first days of life. It is accompanied by some swelling of the eyelids on the inside of the eye and discharge - mucous or with pus. Moreover, if you press on the lacrimal opening, the discharge will intensify.

Reason this phenomenon is the immaturity of the nasolacrimal duct. By the time of birth it should become passable, but not all children experience this. Then doctors recommend parents to do a special massage. It is simple and will not be difficult to handle. The procedure will have to be performed several times a day. If this does not help, then, most likely, you will have to do canal probing. Usually they wait no more than six months of age. Later, the membrane blocking the channel becomes denser and is more difficult to remove.

After the operation, parents should continue to massage for some time, as well as drip medications prescribed by the doctor. These measures will help prevent the formation of adhesions that lead to relapse. If the symptoms do not disappear within a couple of months after the operation and the eyes continue to fester, the operation will have to be repeated.


One of the most common reasons why children have red eyes is conjunctivitis. Yes, even adults can encounter it, because most of its forms are quite contagious. The disease can be viral or bacterial. In the first case, usually only one eye is affected, and there is no pus. Bacterial conjunctivitis affects both eyes. Even if it appears on one, it later spreads to another. It is accompanied by lacrimation, pain, and purulent discharge is often observed. After sleep, the eyelids seem to stick together, the baby cannot open his eyes.

Red eyes in a child may be a sign of another serious disease - uveitis. In this case, inflammation of the choroid occurs as a result of damage by viruses, bacteria, and fungi. The disease can also develop as a result of injury. With uveitis, tears flow, the eyes hurt and react painfully to light.

If you need to wash debris out of a child’s eye, it is convenient to use a syringe without a needle. The water jet should be directed away from outer corner eyes to the inner.

Redness of the whites may be one of the symptoms of blepharitis. With this disease, inflammation appears on the eyelid, accompanied by unpleasant sensations, headache, and lymph nodes may even become enlarged. Usually this chronic disease, which is difficult to treat. Blepharitis develops in one eye or both. If the formations are multiple or they appear frequently, then you need to think about how to increase immunity. This may also be a sign of problems in the digestive system.

Eyes also turn red due to allergies. It is worth figuring out what substances could provoke it. Often the body reacts this way to dust and pollen; some foods and animal dander are strong allergens. The red eye itches and waters. The task of parents is to identify the allergen and protect the baby from contact with it. Of course, if we are talking about seasonal allergies During the flowering period of certain plants, unpleasant symptoms cannot be completely avoided. But modern medical supplies will reduce their manifestation.

What to do if your baby's eyes are red

Reasons similar problem may be different. In any case, you must adhere to the following rules.

  • Warming the affected eye should be avoided - this can only worsen the situation by provoking more active growth of bacteria.
  • It is worth reconsidering the child’s regime; it should include sufficient quantity time to sleep.
  • Try to avoid infection by practicing good hygiene. The baby should not rub his eyes with dirty hands; they should be washed regularly. Close contact with children suffering from conjunctivitis and other contagious diseases should be avoided.
  • Do not allow your child to abuse the computer and other gadgets. Especially at night: if a child looks at the screen for a long time in complete darkness, then the eyes become very strained.
  • The light in the baby's room should not be too harsh; you should give preference to dim lighting.
  • Rinse eyes with clean water. You can also moisten a cotton pad with chamomile decoction or drinking tea and make compresses.
  • If you have an allergy, avoid contact with the allergen that triggered the reaction.
  • If a child wears glasses or contacts, they should be selected by a specialist after examination. When glasses don't fit well, your eyes have to constantly strain. Poor quality contact lenses can cause inflammation and a feeling of dryness.
  • Massage, and if necessary local antibiotics in the form of drops or ointments will help cope with obstruction of the lacrimal canal in an infant.
  • If it's an allergy, antihistamines will help.
  • You can wash your eyes with furatsilin solution or chamomile infusion.
  • Blepharitis must be treated comprehensively using antibacterial drops, washing with tar soap and other methods. An ophthalmologist may recommend visiting a dermatologist and gastroenterologist.
  • To cope with uveitis, you will need corticosteroids, as well as procedures such as plasmapheresis or hemosorption.

You can try to cure your child with home remedies. This is often possible, you just need to know what to do in such cases.

But it is better to immediately show the baby to an ophthalmologist. And you definitely need to see a doctor in the following cases.

  • If simple remedies, such as tea, drops, good rest, don't help.
  • Redness persists long time despite attempts at treatment.
  • Pus begins to ooze out, making it difficult to open your eyes after sleep.
  • You always feel discomfort in your eyes.
  • Vision has decreased, there is double vision or they get tired quickly.
  • The eye not only turned red, but also swollen.

All of these symptoms may mean more serious problems than overwork, and without medical care the situation will only get worse.

Red eyes in a child are a symptom that may disappear on their own. But often this is a sign of some disease. It causes discomfort and goes away only after a course of treatment. Parents are responsible for the baby's health. It is important to show it to the doctor on time and follow all instructions. Thanks to this, the baby’s condition will quickly improve, and unpleasant consequences can be avoided.



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