The child has an earache and a temperature of 37. The child has an earache and a fever

Folk remedies have worked wonders more than once. So in the case of treating osteomyelitis, they can be very useful. Treatment of osteomyelitis with folk remedies can begin after consulting a doctor. It helps improve the effectiveness of drug therapy. But in order to understand how it affects the human body, you must first understand the essence of the disease and the causes of its occurrence.

Definition of disease

Osteomyelitis is a disease bone marrow, which is characterized by an inflammatory process occurring inside it. Treatment of osteomyelitis with folk remedies and medications should begin as early as possible. The disease is insidious in that it affects all layers of the bone, and this can be fraught with dire consequences.

Inflammatory processes in the bone marrow begin after pyogenic microbes penetrate there. This happens against the background of diseases such as purulent sore throat or furunculosis. After infection of the bone marrow, inflammatory processes begin in it, which gradually spread to nearby tissues.

Types of osteomyelitis

Due to the occurrence of a purulent inflammatory process in the bones, they are distinguished:

  1. Hematogenous osteomyelitis. Microbes enter the bone marrow through blood carried through vessels.
  2. Post-traumatic osteomyelitis. Purulent-inflammatory processes begin after the bone has been injured. This is especially true for an open fracture.
  3. Gunshot osteomyelitis. A disease in which the bone marrow becomes infected after ingestion. foreign body(bullets).
  4. Odontogenic osteomyelitis. Bone marrow disease inflammatory in nature, which begins after microbes enter through a carious tooth.

Based on the location of the purulent inflammatory process, they are distinguished:

  1. Cervical osteomyelitis. The disease is accompanied by frequent dizziness, headaches and heart pain. Sometimes a person falls into momentary fainting. This happens due to the fact that the brain does not receive sufficient quantity oxygen.
  2. Lumbar osteomyelitis. The disease is localized in the lumbar region. The patient suffers not only from pain in this area of ​​the human body, but also from pain in the legs. Limbs often become numb and cold. If the patient's body shakes or he makes a strong turn of the body to the left or right, then the pain becomes even more severe.
  3. Common osteomyelitis. This type diseases affect both the hip and knee joints. All this is accompanied by pain. The inflammatory process affects the joint space so much that it becomes almost invisible. As a result, the person begins to limp severely.

According to the nature of the course of the purulent inflammatory process, they are distinguished:

  1. Brody's abscess. This disease is characterized by an inflammatory process in the cancellous bone.
  2. Ollier's osteomyelitis. Inflammation occurs in the bone due to the accumulation of fluid in it with a large number albumin.
  3. Garre's osteomyelitis. The disease is accompanied not only by inflammatory processes, but also by bone destruction human body. The bones of such a person hurt not only during their movement, but also at rest. For example, a patient may wake up in the middle of the night from unbearable pain in the bones.

Osteomyelitis - symptoms of the disease

Typically, symptoms of osteomyelitis are:

  • Elevated body temperature characterizes osteomyelitis, because inflammatory purulent processes occur in human bones.
  • The disease is accompanied by bone pain in different parts the human body, which become even stronger during movement and under load.

Causes of osteomyelitis

  1. Bone injury. As a result of this, in human body infection occurs. It causes the spread of a purulent inflammatory process that destroys the bone marrow.
  2. Dental disease, caries, periodontitis, which are accompanied by purulent inflammatory processes, can go deeper, or rather inside the bone.
  3. Injuring a person with a firearm that hits bone leads to the beginning inflammatory processes and to the appearance of osteomyelitis

Osteomyelitis - treatment of the disease with folk remedies

Next folk remedies will help in the treatment of osteomyelitis:

  1. Walnut. You need to prepare a tincture from it. Clean the nuts and remove the membranes from the shell. When you have 200 grams, fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka. Leave to infuse in a dark and dry place for 14 days. After this, filter the tincture and begin treatment of osteomyelitis with folk remedies. You need to take a tablespoon of tincture three times a day. Treatment of osteomyelitis with folk remedies should be carried out until improvements appear. This means that pain in a person’s bones will no longer bother him.
  2. Fish oil + chicken egg. 2 times a day: in the morning and evening, you need to drink one raw egg and a tablespoon fish oil.
  3. Yarrow. You need to take a tablespoon of herbal raw materials and brew it in a glass of boiling water. Leave covered for fifteen minutes. Then filter and squeeze out the grass. The prepared volume should be drunk when treating osteomyelitis with folk remedies, in equal portions over the course of one day. For example, you can divide it into 3 or 4 doses. It all depends on your employment and ability to conduct treatment. To enhance the effect of treatment, you need to add a teaspoon of fenugreek to the yarrow infusion.
  4. Lilac flowers. It is necessary to collect lilac flowers of any variety and put them in a liter jar. There is no need to compact herbal raw materials. You need to pour vodka on top. Place the jar, closed with a lid, in a dark and dry place for ten days. Afterwards, you can begin treatment of osteomyelitis with folk remedies. To do this, you need to drink 30 drops of lilac flower tincture 3 times a day. It also relieves pain well local application. Make compresses with lilac tincture on the sore spot.
  5. Onion. You need to peel the onion and grate it to form a porridge. Then you need to grind 100 grams of laundry soap. Then we mix the two substances into a single mass. We apply it to the sore spot and cover it with something warm, i.e. make a compress. Leave it on the sore spot overnight. Repeat the compress the next day. We also do it in the evening and keep it until the morning. We treat osteomyelitis with folk remedies using onions for a long time until the pain in the bones goes away and until there is noticeable improvement.
  6. Oak bark. First you need to prepare a decoction from herbal raw materials. To do this, take 300 grams of bark and fill it with 3 liters of water. Then place the vessel on the stove and bring to a boil. After this, cook over low heat for 30 minutes. Then cool to 38 degrees. Fill the bath at the same temperature. Add filtered broth oak bark. We lie down in the bath for 15 minutes. This bath can be taken every other day when osteomyelitis is being treated with folk remedies. Keep doing it until you see noticeable improvements.
  7. Chestnut. Need to collect fruits horse chestnut. Then chop them and add water. One kilogram of horse chestnut requires 5 liters of water. Place the pan on the stove and bring to a boil. Then simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then wait until the broth has cooled and filter. Pour the osteomyelitis medicine into a 37 degree Celsius bath. Soak in the bath for 15 minutes. Continue to take baths with horse chestnut decoction every day until complete recovery.
  8. Hop cones. You need to prepare an ointment from them. To do this, dry herbal raw materials should first be ground into powder. Then add butter to it. But it's better to find visceral fat. The components must be mixed in equal proportions. Then put the mixture on water bath and heat. Then simmer for half an hour. Cool the ointment and store in the refrigerator. It should be used when treating osteomyelitis with folk remedies, rubbing it into the sore spot for several minutes. Use light massage movements for this.
  9. Swamp calamus. It is necessary to pour 3 liters of ordinary water of carefully crushed calamus root in the amount of 200 grams. Place the pan on the fire and boil for five minutes. Then cool and filter Add to medicinal bath 37 degrees. Lie in it for 15 minutes, no more. Use a decoction of calamus root when treating osteomyelitis with folk remedies, to prepare baths every other day before complete deliverance for bone pain.
  10. Laurel. You need to collect laurel leaves of a noble variety. Then grind them into powder. Mix with interior fat in the proportion of 1 part powder to 2 parts fat. Place in a water bath and heat for 30 minutes. Cool afterwards. Store the ointment based bay leaf only in the refrigerator. When treating osteomyelitis with folk remedies and medications, rub this ointment into the sore spot. It will help speed up your recovery.

A disease that affects not only the bone, but also the brain inside it is called osteomyelitis. There are many variants of this disease and each has its own characteristic clinical manifestations.

But before using traditional medicine methods in the treatment of such a terrible disease as osteomyelitis, you need to consult a doctor. Methods alone cannot provide positive result and are auxiliary elements along with traditional methods.

In case of the first suspicion of the disease, you must immediately consult a specialist, otherwise the chronic course of the disease cannot be avoided.

If treatment was inadequate, the infection may remain in the bone for a long time, but as soon as it appears favorable conditions for its development, the symptoms return again and often with greater force.

The septa and nuclei are of particular value in the treatment of osteomyelitis. walnut

To prepare the tincture you will need half a liter of vodka and 200 grams walnut partitions. Everything must be infused for two weeks in a dark and cool place. Afterwards, the tincture is filtered and consumed one tablespoon three times a day throughout the day. It is necessary to be treated with this recipe until the pain goes away.

You can also use a walnut compress, which will require thirty kernels; they are finely chopped and poured into a liter medical alcohol(it is better to dilute it in a 1:1 ratio). Insist, like the previous recipe, for two weeks in a dark and cool place, then filter everything. A compress is placed on the sore spot and repeated for one month.

You can use alcohol for the compress, which is diluted in a 1:1 ratio, otherwise there is a risk of developing a burn. You can also use vodka.

Use of herbs and some plants

There are many herbs that help reduce the symptoms of osteomyelitis. For example, you can prepare an infusion of yarrow, which requires a spoonful of the flowers of this plant and half a liter of boiling water. Leave everything for 15 minutes, and then strain. The entire amount of infusion is divided into four servings, which are drunk throughout the day. Before taking the infusion, add half a teaspoon of fenugreek to each serving.

Lilac flowers can also be used as a remedy in the fight against osteomyelitis. To prepare it, you will need a one-liter jar, which is loosely compacted with the flowers of this plant. Everything is filled to the top with vodka, infused for 10 days, and then filtered. Take thirty drops three times a day. You can make compresses that are applied to the site of osteomyelitis.

For cooking next remedy You will need a branch of nettles and currants, which are placed in a bucket and should occupy no more than a third of it. Everything is filled with water so that it hides the plants and half a kilogram of salt is added, after which everything is put in the oven over low heat for 8 hours. The resulting solution is poured into the bath, the affected area is placed in it, and at the same time massaging movements are performed. Take a bath every day until the illness subsides.

You can also use plantain juice, which you can prepare at home or buy at pharmacy chain. Take a teaspoon of juice three times a day (morning, afternoon and evening). To achieve a greater effect, it is advisable to use mummy, which is diluted in the amount of five grams per half liter of water and taken one tablespoon before meals in the morning.

Herbs and plants for osteomyelitis

Plantain Lilac Currant Nettle Fenugreek Yarrow

Home Remedies

In treatment, you can also use onions from which a compress is prepared. To prepare it, you will need one onion, which must be finely chopped or grated on a grater with large holes.

Some recipes suggest using laundry soap as a medicine.

Additionally, you will need one hundred grams of ordinary household (washing) soap that has no additives. Everything is mixed and placed on the site of osteomyelitis before going to bed at night. The disease will go away sooner if you perform this procedure every day.

You can use fish oil and chicken eggs as a folk remedy. Morning and evening you need to drink a tablespoon of fish oil and a raw egg. This method will help strengthen the body and increase its protective properties.

The use of the latter recipe is also advisable in children, but it is only necessary to constantly ensure that the amount of fish oil corresponds to the age of the child. Otherwise, there will be an overdose of vitamin D. In turn, the amount of eggs consumed should correspond to the portion of fat.

Using honey, rye flour, butter and yolk

Yolk is one of the components of the compress for osteomyelitis

To prepare a compress you will need products that can be found on the shelf of any housewife. It will take a kilogram butter and the same amount of rye flour, as well natural honey. You need to prepare 10 chicken egg yolks. Honey is melted in a water bath, the water temperature is approximately forty degrees. The yolks are beaten well in parallel, and then these two components are mixed together. Add butter and flour and mix until dough forms.

The resulting mass should become a large cake; it should be placed on the sore spot overnight. Polyethylene and insulation are laid on top of everything, which are fixed using elastic bandage. By applying the procedure daily, you can ensure that the pus flows out, and then the disease will pass and the wounds will heal.

Bath treatment

You can use the ash of aspen logs as a component of the baths.

Baths, for which there are various recipes, will also have an effect. For the first version of the bath, you will need ash, which is formed after the combustion of aspen logs. You will need about three hundred grams of ash, which are placed in a bucket of water, everything is brought to a boil, and then you need to let the solution brew. Baths are produced in this composition for fifteen minutes. The temperature of such a bath is approximately thirty-eight degrees. Maximum effect can be achieved if you do the procedure before bedtime.

It is necessary to take baths every other day, and the course of treatment consists of ten procedures. There is no need to prepare the solution for the bath in advance; only freshly prepared solution will be beneficial.

After using the solution, an ointment is applied to the wound, which can be prepared at home. To prepare it you will need the yolk of a fresh chicken egg (necessarily homemade), a teaspoon of medical alcohol and the same amount of melted butter, a third of a teaspoon is added to the mixture baking soda and half a candle from the church.

The candle is heated, but the wax should not boil, after which all the ingredients are mixed with it.

Before applying the ointment, the wound is treated with a sterile cloth. After applying the ointment, the wound is also covered with a sterile napkin, which is bandaged. The procedure must be carried out every other day, immediately after using the baths.

It is useful for osteomyelitis to take and sunbathing, especially in summer. The sun that shines before ten o'clock in the morning will be optimal. The duration of exposure to the sun gradually increases, but everyone starts with ten minutes.

Other means

Due to its composition, eggshells are used in the treatment of various diseases.

Eggshells can help with osteomyelitis. It is crushed in advance of use and used every day before meals. It is best to wash down the shells with lemon juice, but if you don’t have it, then plain water will do.

There is also a method that involves using a decoction of oat straw. The affected area can also be treated with the straw itself. The affected area can also be lubricated with aloe juice 4 times a day.

For chronic osteomyelitis

Barberry is widely used as a remedy for various diseases, for example, its roots can be useful for osteomyelitis

If the disease has progressed to the stage chronic process, which, by the way, often happens, barberry roots can help, but there is a certain season for collecting them and preparing the remedy. It lasts from October to March; it is during this period that the roots contain the maximum amount of juice, which helps reduce the symptoms of chronic osteomyelitis.

To prepare the product, you will need barberry root, which must be washed and peeled well, and then cut into medium-sized pieces. One hundred grams of roots are placed in a pan and filled with one liter of water. Everything is put on fire and cooked for twenty minutes, after which the broth is infused for 6 hours. After straining, you need to take a tablespoon 3-5 times a day ten minutes before meals. The duration of treatment is three months.

Depending on the location of the lesion

For osteomyelitis of the jaw, you can use a solution of ginseng root

The recipes used are also successful depending on the location of the osteomyelitis.

  1. When localizing pathology on the legs, a recipe using laundry soap and onions, as well as aloe juice, will help.
  2. For spinal osteomyelitis, prepare medicinal bath with the addition medicinal herbs. It will require dry chamomile herb in the amount of one hundred grams, immortelle, sage, hawthorn and oak bark. All components are placed on the bottom of the bath and poured warm water. Everything is infused for 30 minutes, after everything is removed and warm water is added, you can take a bath.
  3. For osteomyelitis hip joint will help green tea, who need to wipe the affected area at least three times a day. The effect will also be from the use of oat straw, which is boiled and compresses are prepared from it.
  4. If the process is localized in the area calcaneus, a nut compress can help.
  5. For osteomyelitis of the jaw, taking a ginseng solution orally will help. To prepare it you will need clean dry root, which is crushed in a blender. Afterwards, take one hundred grams of the mixture, which is filled with a liter of vodka and infused for at least a month. Take the tincture for thirty days, 15 drops half an hour before meals.
  1. Will help after surgery proper nutrition and taking fish oil and eggs.

But it is best to prevent the disease, which is not so difficult to do. To do this, it is necessary to constantly treat the affected areas with alcohol, and under no circumstances touch them with your hands, otherwise additional microbes will get into the wound. Regular and timely dressings are also important, as well as periodic hospital stays using full course antibiotics.

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Recipes from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”

Treatment of osteomyelitis with birch leaves
The teenager caught a severe cold in his leg, inflammation began, then his leg began to itch, so he had to see a doctor. At the hospital the abscess was opened, but a new one began to brew. They offered an operation, which the patient did not agree to. He was discharged home to poor condition. In the spring, when everything began to turn green, one woman offered him a folk remedy for osteomyelitis: collect birch leaves in a bag, put the bag on his leg and tie it with a rope. In the morning, the bag was removed from the leg - all the pus remained on the leaves, the leg was as if steamed and mobility was restored in it. Four such procedures were performed, and soon the patient began to step on his foot and slowly walk. After some time, the disease completely disappeared. (HLS 2011, No. 14, p. 30)

How to treat sulfur osteomyelitis
After a complex fracture (the heel bone was crushed), osteomyelitis of the calcaneus began. The patient walked on crutches for six months, then for 2 years with a walking stick. From time to time, exacerbations of the disease began, and she was in the hospital. One day she noticed that her roommate was taking pure sulfur for osteomyelitis - 1 tsp. every morning 30 minutes before breakfast, course one week. The woman decided to undergo treatment with this remedy, although she was afraid, and for two years now her heel has not bothered her and she does without a stick. In addition to sulfur, she also took propolis (60 g) with butter according to a healthy lifestyle recipe. She doesn’t know exactly what remedy helped cure her. chronic osteomyelitis. (HLS 2011, No. 6, p. 5)

Shilajit in the treatment of osteomyelitis with folk remedies
The man had an accident and received open fracture shins. Bone osteomyelitis began. They cleaned his bone and gave him injections, but there were no results - the rotting process was ahead of the healing process. The temperature constantly remained around 37.2 - 37.7.
All his friends tried to help him and looked for folk remedies for treating osteomyelitis. Applied the recipe Tibetan medicine. Per glass boiled water take 2 g of pure mumiyo, dilute until completely dissolved, it will turn out brown cloudy liquid. Drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. The man needed 1 glass, i.e. 12 days of treatment. Within two days the temperature dropped to 36.6. The healing process went quickly.
If osteomyelitis is hip bone, then you need to dissolve not 2 g, but 7 g of mumiyo in a glass of water (HLS 2010, No. 3, pp. 32-33)

Chronic osteomyelitis treatment with ash infusion
A 5-year-old girl had osteomyelitis. My leg hurt from the foot to the knee. It was 1944 then. After some time, the wounds opened, through which the bones were visible. A friend recommended this folk remedy: collect the ash from heating the stove with birch wood, sift it, and dilute 1 handful of ash in a bucket of boiling water. When the infusion of ash has cooled down to a tolerable level, lower the sore leg into it and hold it there until it cools down completely. Do this until recovery begins. The treatment is long but reliable.
Then you have to take care all your life, keep your feet warm. This girl, having become an adult grandmother, walked barefoot on the grass, she had an exacerbation, a wound opened, after treatment with an infusion of birch ash, everything went away. (HLS 2010, No. 12, p. 33)

Osteomyelitis in a child - treatment with a mixture of aloe, vodka and honey + propolis
A 9-year-old child developed a tumor on his forearm and his temperature rose above 40 degrees. The child was admitted to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with osteomyelitis of the bone. The bone was cleaned, the wound did not heal for a long time, the doctors could not do anything, they discharged me home. They were advised the following folk remedy for osteomyelitis: take 60 g of propolis, divide into pieces the size of a bean, and before breakfast and dinner, heat 1 piece in 1 tbsp. l. butter, stirring until the propolis becomes soft. Eat this portion warm 40 minutes before meals.
At the same time, we prepared the following mixture: 500 ml of aloe juice, 500 ml of vodka, 1 liter of honey, 200 g of fresh organic pork fat– place all this in a pot, cover the cracks with dough. Place in the oven to simmer for 4 hours. Apply this product to the wound, soaking gauze swab. Take the same remedy orally - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. After a week of such treatment, the wound healed.
The same folk remedy helped cure a man with a lung wound who returned from the Second World War. The wound constantly opened, festered, and blood often came out of the throat. He was bedridden for 12 years until he learned this recipe. He drank this mixture often and eventually lived to be 80 years old. (HLS 2010, No. 12, p. 33)

How to treat osteomyelitis at home with plantain juice
The man had osteomyelitis of the ribs. He was operated on 6 times, scraped and cleaned. As a result, half the ribs were removed and cartilage tissue. The wound in the side did not heal, it constantly oozed from it. This man's wife decided that since external wounds can be treated with plantain, plantain can also be used to treat osteomyelitis of the bone. We bought 5 bottles of 200 g of plantain juice at the pharmacy, the man took them 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. At the same time, for the treatment of bone osteomyelitis, he took mumiyo - 5 g per half liter warm water, take 1 tbsp. l. only in the morning on an empty stomach. A bandage moistened with alcohol was placed on the wound. The wound healed and there were no more relapses. (HLS 2008, No. 23, p. 25)

Horseradish treatment
For osteomyelitis and small fistulas, you can use horseradish. Grate it and apply it to the fistula. It will burn strongly, keep it for no more than 30 minutes, otherwise there will be a burn. (HLS 2008, No. 3, p. 33)

Comfrey root in folk remedies for the treatment of osteomyelitis
Comfrey root (another name for larkspur) gives very good results with this disease. Traditional medicine uses it in different options. A recipe is often used when 1 tsp. The roots are simmered for 4 hours in the oven in 1 liter of milk. Take 1 tsp of comfrey decoction in milk. three times a day before meals 30 minutes.
To cure osteomyelitis, they also use a tincture of comfrey root in alcohol. Depending on the age and weight of the patient, take 20-50-70-100 g of dry root per 500 ml of vodka and prescribe 20-50 drops per 30 ml of water 2-4 times a day.
Additionally, comfrey ointment is used: 1 part by weight of comfrey root, 0.5 parts of pine resin, 3.5 parts of rendered pork fat. The mixture is kept in a water bath for 2.5 hours while stirring. The resulting ointment is applied to the sore spot 2 times a day. (Healthy lifestyle 2007, art. 8, no. 14. From a conversation with doctor, herbalist A. V. Pechenevsky)

Here is a case of how osteomyelitis was cured with comfrey. A 13-year-old girl in the spring, returning from school, fell into the snow, there was water underneath. She was very wet and frozen. As a result, I lay flat for two years - all my joints ached. Doctors recognized bone tuberculosis, but treatment did not help. Her parents took her to her grandmother, a healer, who recognized she had bone inflammation and promised to cure the child. The girl lived with her for 2 months and drank horse comfrey tincture, 1 tbsp. l. 30 minutes before meals. Two months later, a wound opened on my leg and brown liquid began to leak out, this lasted for 6 months. Then the disease completely disappeared. (HLS 2007, Art. 8, No. 14)

How to treat bone osteomyelitis with Vishnevsky ointment
The girl fell and seriously hurt her ankle. Soon the leg became swollen and pain appeared. We consulted a doctor and were admitted to the hospital. Doctors tried to treat osteomyelitis in the child, periodically placing her in the hospital, but nothing worked - the bone was rotting. We decided to have surgery: clean the bone and inject some kind of filler. The child's mother did not agree and took the girl home. They began to treat osteomyelitis at home - at night they made a foot bath with warm urine, then they dried the foot and applied a compress with Vishnevsky ointment. In the morning they washed their feet. And so on for 10 days. The tumor subsided. The doctors continued to insist on the operation, they again admitted the child to the hospital, took an x-ray and canceled the operation, because cartilage had grown in place of the rotted bone. To avoid relapses, it was advised to use birch bark: most thin layer bark from young birch trees: the birch bark was bandaged to the leg for 7 days, then changed, this continued for a year, the leg never hurt again. (HLS 2006, No. 22, p. 9)

A decoction of nettles and currants for the treatment of osteomyelitis in a child
After the war, a 2.5-year-old child fell ill with osteomyelitis. The doctor said that the child can only be left at home and gave a prescription:
Take equal quantities of currant branches and nettles, fill the bucket 1/3 full, add 500 g of salt, add water so that the branches are covered, simmer in the oven for 8 hours. Pour this decoction into the bath and keep the sore limb there, massaging the places where the fistulas form. The child had 3 fistulas, for a month they carried out this procedure every day, the disease went away. (HLS 2005, No. 14, p. 30)

Treatment with fish oil
The child was diagnosed with bone osteomyelitis at 11 months of age. They performed an operation: they cleaned the lower leg from the heel to the knee. Then there were 2 more operations, and I was registered with a tuberculosis dispensary. An acquaintance once told how he cured chronic osteomyelitis - he drank 1 tbsp twice a day, morning and evening. l. fish oil, washed down chicken egg. The child’s mother consulted a doctor about this folk remedy, and he agreed to such treatment for osteomyelitis. At first, the woman gave her son a few drops of fat plus an egg, then increased it to 1 tsp. The child resisted at first, then got used to it. When there was a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office for conscription into the army, no traces of the disease were found. (HLS 2004, No. 1, p. 24)

Lye baths against osteomyelitis
Collect aspen firewood, burn it, collect the ash. Make lye from the ash: 200-300 g of ash in a bucket of water, boil, leave. At night, take warm baths for 10-15 minutes for the sore area, then dry off, get dressed and go to bed. Make baths every other day, for each procedure take a new portion of ash. In total, carry out 10 procedures every other day. If it doesn’t help, repeat the course in a month.
In summer, sunbathing is beneficial for sore bones.
It is advisable to drink the powder from eggshells.
After a lye bath, you can lubricate the wound with egg ointment: 1 fresh egg yolk, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. melted butter, 1 tsp. alcohol, 1/3 tsp. baking soda, 10 g of wax. Melt the wax, add the remaining ingredients, stir - the ointment is ready. After a bath of aspen ash, blot the wound with a sterile napkin and apply another napkin with a portion of ointment to the wound and bandage it. (HLS 2004, No. 4, pp. 25-26, 2002 No. 16, p. 17)

Chronic osteomyelitis treatment with onions
The man had chronic osteomyelitis ulna. The wounds then healed, then opened again, pus with fragments came out bone tissue. Doctors occasionally cleaned the bone, but it didn’t help for long; the pain was constant. One day, during such a regular cleaning, a tendon was damaged and the arm stopped bending.
One late evening, exhausted from pain, he asked his wife to finely chop 1 large head onions and scrape up a handful of laundry soap. A compress was made with this mixture. That same night the patient fell asleep for the first time. Fresh dressings were made every evening. The wounds cleared up, grew over with new skin, and the disease never returned. (HLS 2003, No. 14, p. 28,)



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