Light therapy infrared radiation. Types of light therapy in physiotherapy


In light in medicine and biology - special role. Under the influence of radiation (wavelength of light), that is, radiant energy, important biochemical processes in animals, plants and humans. There is an effect of phototropism, when the above-ground part of plants turns in the direction of light. They do not fully develop in the shade. Light has a calming effect on the nervous system, enhances mental and physical performance, and relieves fatigue. Long absence light causes indifference to life, mental depression. Light is also known to destroy some microorganisms.

Light is divided into invisible and visible by the human eye, depending on the wavelength. Both types affect the body in their own way and are used in medicine in different ways.

Visible light, which is emitted by simple incandescent lamps, is a combination of waves of different lengths, with a thermal effect. IN medicinal purposes phototherapy physiotherapy applies with the help of a solux lamp (Latin sun - “sol” and light - “lux”). The simplest version of the Sollux is an emitter (incandescent lamp), with a silver-plated reflector in the back. With its help, almost all light energy is directed in the form of a beam of polarized light to a specific part of the body. Lamps with a movable reflector part are more convenient; they make it easier to direct the light flux to the desired area.

The skin must be thoroughly cleaned before irradiation with light. If drops of sweat appear during the procedure, they should be removed, as refraction and concentration of light rays will occur, and the heating of the skin will be uneven, and pinpoint burns may occur.

It is better to direct the rays vertically onto the illuminated area and carry out the procedure in a sitting position. Then the light source will be “opposite”, which protects against burns if the light bulb is damaged (destructed). If you carry out the procedure while lying down, the light bulb will be above the patient, and there is a danger of injury to the skin from the hot broken glass. The duration of the session varies from 10 to 30 minutes, and the distance from the illuminated surface to the light source is 30-60 cm or more. This depends on the sensitivity of the skin, the area of ​​the illuminated surface, and the power of the emitter. It is extremely important that the patient does not feel irritating heat, but pleasant warmth.

Common indications for phototherapy are neuralgia and muscle pain, pain due to degenerative and rheumatic changes in the spine, and post-traumatic pain.

Infrared And red radiation. This type of radiation has strong thermal properties and the ability to penetrate deeply into tissue - from 30 to 70 mm. This makes it possible to expand the range of readings when compared with visible light. When deep areas are heated, they become hyperemic, creating conditions for concentration. large number white blood cells, inflammatory conditions are eliminated. The oxidative processes of tissues, the movement of lymph and blood also increase, which leads to the elimination of inflammatory edema, infiltrates, exudates and the resorption of post-traumatic adhesions.

U red light There are specific properties that farmers have long known about: red lighting enhances egg production in poultry and lactation in cows. Red in medicine phototherapy physiotherapy uses for functional failure or weakening of the gonads in men (loss of sexual desire, insufficient quantity semen) and women (infertility, cycle disorders, infantility of the genital organs).

Infrared radiation softens skin lesions with a quartz lamp (ultraviolet rays).

orange light. It has a thermal effect, but weaker than red. It also penetrates less into tissues. Used in patients who have increased sensitivity to red.

yellow light. Rarely used in medical practice. It has a minimal thermal effect, almost without penetrating deep into the tissue. It has a softening effect on very nervous and mentally excited people. A calming effect on the pupil and conjunctiva of the eye has been confirmed. Therefore, yellow light is used to illuminate rooms where there are patients after operations, exhausted children, children with measles and patients in a state of fever, when the sensitivity of vision increases.

Blue and purple light. They have the property of relieving pain. Used for intercostal and cervical neuralgia, for neuralgia trigeminal nerve. There is a significant antipruritic effect. Along with the analgesic effect, small blood vessels in the skin easily narrow, hence therapeutic effect with intra-articular and intramuscular hemorrhages due to injuries, exudative diathesis.

Ionizing radiation. Cosmic rays reach the earth's surface, but in very small quantities, to effect noticeable biological changes. Few areas of the globe are sometimes heavily exposed to such radiation during periods of increased solar activity.

Ultraviolet radiation- an important and most biologically active component of solar radiation.

Rays divided into three groups, depending on wavelength:

- Rays "A"- form a pigment that gives a tanning effect (for many, this is the main reason for a trip to the sea).

- Rays "B"- have a more important role than rays “A”. They convert carotene in the skin into vitamin D in children, that is, they prevent the development of rickets. Regulate and accelerate metabolism, especially sugars and fats, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood in people of any age. Also, under their influence, glucose concentration decreases in diabetic patients. "B" rays stimulate bone marrow to accelerated binding of iron and increased production of red blood cells, that is, to the synthesis of hemoglobin (this is important for people with anemia). Of great importance is the factor that increases the phagocytic activity of white blood cells, which are responsible for the resistance of body cells to infectious factors. This is especially important in the winter and spring (colds, flu).

- Rays "C" used for disinfection of operating rooms, hospital rooms, hospital linen, especially for newborns, and often food before canning. In the future, it may be possible to replace with them those harmful to health. chemicals, used for canning fruit, meat, vegetable, fish and dairy products.

Phototherapy in physiotherapy is a method of exposing the human body to laser, ultraviolet, infrared and visible light. Other names for the technique are light therapy, phototherapy. During the procedure, the specialist controls the pulse frequency, energy density, flash duration and other characteristics. This makes it possible to select the optimal treatment option for each patient.

Light therapy with infrared rays

Infrared, or thermal, rays have the ability to heat the surface of the epidermis and dermis without passing deep into the tissue (only a third of the rays can penetrate deeper than 4 mm). For physiotherapeutic treatment, short waves are used, having a range from 780 to 1400 nm.

Infrared light therapy exhibits the following properties during its therapeutic effects:

  • stimulates metabolic reactions;
  • increases blood circulation;
  • promotes activation of enzyme systems;
  • eliminates inflammatory manifestations such as pain, swelling, redness;
  • provides increased local immunity;
  • has a lymphatic drainage effect;
  • expands blood vessels and increases the permeability of their shell;
  • accelerates tissue regeneration;
  • has a resolving effect.

Indications and contraindications for treatment with infrared light

Indications for prescribing phototherapy with infrared rays are:

  • diseases internal organs in under acute period or during remission and rehabilitation;
  • skin injuries, especially long-term non-healing burns, frostbite;
  • disorders of the vegetative nervous system;
  • hair loss, early graying;

  • for preventive purposes in cosmetology - for prevention early aging skin and activation of its restoration;
  • fungal infestations on the nail plate.

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis infrared radiation often used in conjunction with therapeutic exercises and massage treatments.

It is contraindicated to use infrared radiation when:

  • tuberculosis;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • increased fragility of the walls of blood vessels;
  • diseases in the acute period of development;
  • purulent processes;
  • malignant formations.

Excessive use of infrared radiation may result in burns or excessive heating of tissue. Like any physiotherapy procedure, this method has certain treatment regimens and dosages.

Ultraviolet light therapy

Ultraviolet light therapy is an effect on the skin layer to a depth of about 1 mm. If the dosage is selected correctly and in accordance with the indications, then the technique exhibits a noticeable therapeutic effectiveness. The therapeutic effects of ultraviolet radiation are manifested in the following:

  • the activity of metabolic reactions increases;
  • immunity increases (local and general);
  • the process of regeneration in tissues, especially connective, bone, and nervous tissues, is accelerated;
  • the activity of the endocrine glands improves;
  • the condition of the respiratory system improves;
  • normalize mental processes and so on.

Indications and contraindications for ultraviolet radiation

Indications for the use of ultraviolet light therapy are such conditions and diseases as:

  • skin damage, wounds, ulcers, burns and frostbite, dermatitis, psoriasis;
  • diseases of bones, joints, spinal column;
  • prevention of rickets;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • neurological and mental disorders;
  • weak immunity;
  • gynecological diseases.

In each specific case, the doctor selects the optimal radiation wavelength. Yes, short ultraviolet rays indicated for the treatment of skin diseases, and long ones are used for chronic conditions, acute inflammations, disorders immune system, pathologies of articular joints. Medium-length radiation is used if it is necessary to provide therapeutic effect on internal organs, with metabolic disorders, nervous processes, musculoskeletal system.

Contraindications to ultraviolet light therapy are:

  • tumor processes;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • any disease during the period of exacerbation;
  • tuberculosis.

Danger ultraviolet irradiation consists of exceeding its dosage, which leads to exhaustion and aging skin, the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Laser (quantum) light therapy

The laser beam does not have the ability to dissipate, so it is often used as a “scalpel” during surgical interventions. This method has found its application in phototherapy of the eyes: for cauterization of the retina, eliminating inflammation of the eyelids and other eye pathologies. Among the properties quantum therapy can be distinguished:

  • pain reliever;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • regenerative;
  • immunostimulating.

Laser treatment is indicated for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, respiratory and other organ systems. Contraindicated conditions include cancer, febrile state, endocrine disorders.

Visible light treatment (chromotherapy)

Visible light is a spectrum of seven colors, each of which can be used for healing certain diseases and violations. So, red is effectively used for acne, and white successfully eliminates depressive state and stabilizes emotions. Yellow capable of improving mood. Green has the same effect. The blue spectrum helps fight jaundice in infants by damaging bilirubin.

Although visible light rays can penetrate almost 10 mm into the human body, the most strong impact they affect vision and the central nervous system. This explains the fact that chromotherapy is prescribed mainly to people with nervous disorders.

How does the light therapy procedure work?

Many patients are interested in the question not only of what phototherapy is, but also how the procedure is carried out, and also whether it is necessary to prepare for it. Light therapy sessions do not require special preparation. In some cases, for example, in cosmetology, the doctor will recommend preliminary conduct cleansing manipulations. Before prescribing phototherapy, the specialist determines the indications, identifies the presence or absence of contraindications, sets the optimal values ​​for the light flux, the duration of one session and course, individual for each patient.

The essence of the procedure boils down to the following steps:

  • The patient takes comfortable position(sitting or lying down - as necessary).
  • Apply to the surface of the skin special remedy, designed for better penetration of rays and protection from overheating.
  • Turn on the lamp for a predetermined time.
  • At the end of the session, any remaining product is removed and a soothing composition is applied to the skin.

If you need to take any additional actions to care for the treated area later, the doctor will advise you in detail on all issues.

Complications of light therapy

Can light therapy techniques cause harm? With the correct dosage and duration of therapy, as well as taking into account contraindications, light treatment does not cause negative reactions from the body. In some cases, manifestations such as skin redness, itching, and slight swelling are possible. As a rule, they disappear on their own after some time, and are considered a normal tissue response to exposure to rays.

Sometimes light pulse treatment sessions prescribed for the correction of neurological and mental states, lead to sleep disturbances, nervousness, headaches, increased anxiety. You should definitely tell your doctor about this.

Before prescribing light therapy sessions, especially in the case of ultraviolet radiation, a specialist can conduct a test to identify the sensitivity of the skin to radiation and determine therapeutic dosage. The function of preliminary calculation of the therapeutic dose is also included in some devices used for treatment.

Light therapy for children

Phototherapy methods for newborns and weakened children are very popular. This physical therapy helps eliminate the following problems:

  • low immunity;
  • rickets;
  • jaundice;
  • long-term healing of the umbilical wound;
  • diathesis;
  • heat rash;
  • diaper rash;
  • increased tone, muscle dystrophy;
  • restless sleep, tearfulness, nervousness and others.

A good effect is also observed when treating bruises and injuries in children with light. to varying degrees severity, diseases of the ENT organs. Safety, accessibility and effectiveness make these phototherapy methods one of the most preferred by parents. In addition, they can be used at home.

Light therapy at home

Today, anyone can purchase a portable device designed for light therapy in home environment, equipped detailed instructions. The mechanism of action of such devices is based on the same principles as the equipment of physiotherapy rooms. There are devices on sale that produce only one type of light radiation or several. Among the most popular are the following.

  • Sollux. It has blue and red filters that can be changed depending on the purpose of the effect. The lamp is suitable for treating exposed skin and can also be used through clothing or a bandage. Red radiation makes it possible to deeply warm up tissues, and blue radiation is preferable when eliminating pain.
  • Bioptron. It also comes with additional filters, which allows you to use the device in different situations. The device is equipped with stands and is available in several versions, differing in size and capabilities.
  • Dune. Emits infrared and red light. Has a beneficial effect on the body in case of neurological disorders, decreased immunity, vascular pathologies, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and others. Perhaps as contact application, and at a short distance from the skin.

In addition to the listed devices for conducting home phototherapy sessions, there are other devices, for example, Heska, Antirunny Nose.

Before selecting and using the device, you should consult a physical therapist.

Physiotherapy phototherapy procedures are safe and high efficiency provided they are used correctly. Availability and simplicity are also determined by the ability to buy a device for home use. Prices for such devices vary widely and depend on the configuration and characteristics. If necessary frequent If there are no sessions, it is enough to sign up for a course of procedures in a physiotherapy room.

Light therapy is a method of physiotherapy that involves dosed exposure of the patient’s body to infrared (IR) or ultraviolet (UV) radiation.

Light is a stream electromagnetic vibrations optical range, i.e. having a wavelength from 400 microns to 2 nm. Such vibrations are emitted in separate portions - quanta or photons with different energies.

The biological effect of light is based on the absorption of the physical energy of its quanta by tissues and its conversion into other types of energy, primarily thermal and chemical, which in turn have a local and overall impact on the body. It is known that the energy of a quantum is inversely proportional to the wavelength, i.e. the shorter the wave, the higher the energy potential. The luminous flux only appears uniform. A ray of light passed through the prism of a spectroscope breaks up into a number of spectral stripes of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and purple. The phenomenon of white decomposition is widely known sunlight, which underlies the multicolored rainbow after the rain. A rainbow occurs as a result of the refraction of the sun's rays in tiny droplets of water, as in the prism of a spectroscope.

Radiant energy is emitted by any body at a temperature above absolute zero(-273 °C). A further increase in temperature causes the emission of visible light - everyone knows red and white heat. At temperatures above 1000 °C, UV radiation begins.

Biological action light radiation depends on the depth of its penetration into the tissue. The longer the wavelength, the stronger effect radiation. IR rays penetrate tissue to a depth of 2-3 cm, visible light - up to 1 cm, UV rays - 0.5-1 mm.


Infrared radiation (thermal radiation, infrared rays) is a section of the general electromagnetic spectrum. IR rays penetrate deeper into body tissues than other types of light energy - up to 2-3 cm, which causes heating of the entire thickness of the skin and partly subcutaneous tissues. Deeper structures are not directly heated.

Direct action IR rays are limited to the irradiated area, but they indirectly spread to the entire body. Irradiation of large areas of the body (light baths) causes general overheating, accompanied by increased sweating. Therefore, local hyperthermia causes general reaction body.

Local heating in the irradiation zone primarily affects the thermoreceptors of the skin and almost immediately causes a reaction in its blood vessels. First, a spasm occurs, occurring reflexively in response to irritation of thermoreceptors. It is quickly replaced by dilation of skin vessels and increased blood flow in them. Biological entity This phenomenon is the thermoregulation of tissues due to increased peripheral circulation caused by the difference in blood temperature in heated and unheated tissues. The phase of active skin hyperemia is characterized by redness of the irradiated area; erythema appears during the procedure, gradually disappearing after cessation of irradiation. This distinguishes it from persistent ultraviolet erythema, which occurs after a certain latent period. In addition, after erythema with infrared irradiation there is usually no age spots

Active hyperemia in the skin irradiation zone is accompanied by an increase in the permeability of the capillary walls. There is an increased effusion of the liquid part of the blood into the tissue and a simultaneous increased absorption tissue fluid. In this regard, tissue metabolism increases, oxidative- recovery processes.

Intense heating of the skin leads to the breakdown of its protein molecules and the release of biologically active substances, including histamine-like substances, which contributes to the dilation of blood vessels and increased permeability of their walls.

Violation of the rules for carrying out infrared irradiation procedures can lead to dangerous overheating of tissues and the occurrence of thermal burns I and even II degrees, as well as circulatory overload, which is dangerous in cardiovascular diseases.

Therapeutic effect infrared irradiation is determined by the mechanism of its physiological action. Light therapy procedures with infrared irradiation are used mainly for local action even over large areas of the body. Strengthening local microcirculation has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, accelerates reverse development inflammatory processes, increases tissue regeneration, local resistance and anti-infective protection. The generalized effect of infrared irradiation is manifested by an antispastic effect, in particular on smooth muscle organs abdominal cavity, which is often accompanied by suppression of pain, especially in chronic inflammatory processes.

Region therapeutic use IR radiation is quite broad. It is indicated for non-purulent chronic and subacute inflammatory local processes, including internal organs, burns and frostbite, poorly healing wounds and ulcers, various adhesions and adhesions, myositis, neuralgia, consequences of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

Infrared irradiation is contraindicated in malignant neoplasms, tendency to bleeding, acute purulent-inflammatory diseases.


In most physiotherapeutic devices, the source of infrared and visible radiation is incandescent lamps. The temperature of the filament in them reaches 2800-3600 °C. The small amounts of UV rays they emit are almost completely absorbed by the glass of the lamp.

The Minin lamp consists of a parabolic reflector with a wooden handle, which houses a 25 and 40 W emitter. A lamp is often used blue. The simplicity and portability of the device allow it to be used at home. The irradiation distance is 15-30 cm, it is adjusted according to the feeling of pleasant warmth. The duration of the procedures is 15-20 minutes, daily. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

The Sollux lamp is a significantly more powerful radiation source with a power of 200-500 W. The lamp is enclosed in a parabolic reflector with a removable tube, mounted on a stationary or portable tripod. The irradiator is installed at a distance of 40-80 cm from the surface of the patient’s body. The duration of the procedure is 15-30 minutes, daily or every other day. The course of treatment is 10-15 procedures.

The light-thermal bathtub is a frame with plywood walls, on inner surface in which incandescent lamps with a power of 25-40 W are located in several rows (Fig. 56). Depending on the purpose of the bath, 12 (body bath) or 8 (limb bath) lamps can be used. During the procedure, the patient, partially or completely naked, is in a lying position on the couch, the bath frame is installed over the corresponding part of the body, covered with a sheet and a woolen blanket. During the procedure, the patient is exposed to visible and infrared radiation and air heated to 60-70 °C. The procedure lasts 20-30 minutes, carried out 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment is 12-15 procedures.

Minin lamp Sollux stationary lamp.

The bath is light and thermal.


During the procedure nurse must strictly follow the doctor’s prescription, which should indicate the type of device, the area of ​​irradiation, its duration, the number of procedures per course, and the intervals between them. The intensity of radiation can be determined according to the patient’s feelings. The irradiation area is marked graphically on the destination diagram.

Destination examples. 1. Irradiation of the epigastric area with a Sollux lamp. Intensity - up to a feeling of pleasant warmth. Duration 20-30 minutes, daily. Course of 15 procedures.

2. Light-thermal bath for the kidney area. Intensity - up to a feeling of pronounced heat (cause intense sweating). Duration from 30 minutes to 1 hour, daily. Course of 15 procedures.

Preparing the patient for the procedure consists of examining the irradiation area, exposing it, and engaging the patient the desired pose, warning him about the intensity of the heat he should feel during the procedure. When radiation spreads to the facial area, the patient's eyes must be protected with special glasses. During the procedure, it is necessary to ensure that the irradiator is not located directly above the irradiated surface, in order to avoid contact of its hot parts with the patient’s body in case of damage to the device. After the procedure is completed, it is necessary to turn off the device, wipe the irradiated area of ​​the body dry, inquire about the patient’s condition and invite him to rest for 20-30 minutes in the rest room. Rest should be longer if the patient has to go outside during cold weather. The stages of the procedure are shown in Diagram 10.

Phototherapy, or phototherapy, has deep roots. Already the ancient Egyptians and Greeks used sunbathing for recovery. Modern medicine has in its arsenal various ways light exposure. Their effectiveness has been proven clinical studies. What does this method offer, unknown to many and at the same time repeatedly tested by absolutely everyone on the beach? However, it is by no means reduced to an ordinary tan...

Phototherapy – all the possibilities of the light spectrum

The difference between phototherapy and simple sunbathing– in the use of light waves of different lengths. Heliotherapy, or sun treatment, is just one of the components the method we are considering. Phototherapy tools include laser, LED, fluorescent and dichroic (transmitting only a certain part spectrum) light sources. This allows you to regulate the degree of penetration electromagnetic waves into skin, vascular and nervous structures.

Mechanisms of health and preventive action light radiation are based on its biostimulating effect. It improves the condition and functioning biological membranes, synthesis of enzymes and hormones (you first), respiration and cells and tissues, metabolic processes. Phototherapy has a positive effect on blood quality, enhancing the production of immunoglobulins and increasing the activity of phagocytes. As a result, the body's ability to resist increases negative factors external environment, immune protection.

Numerous modern research, made in accordance with the requirements evidence-based medicine, point to the following effects phototherapy:

- suppresses inflammatory processes;

- relieves swelling;

- enhances regeneration and cell division;

- relieves pain;

— improves nutrition and metabolic processes in tissues;

- increases immunity;

- Helps withstand stress.

What diseases can be treated with light?

Blue and red light is effective for treatment acne . Infrared radiation helps in therapy neuralgia And neuropathies. It also promotes healing wounds and trophic ulcers . Improves blood flow and microcirculation during endarteritis(vasoconstriction) and varicose veins, warns thrombus formation. Blue-violet light is used to irradiate infants diagnosed with neonatal jaundice».

Full spectrum light (obtained both naturally and from artificial sources) is a generally accepted method of treatment sleep disorders, seasonal and regular depression, bipolar disorders . Phototherapy has an antidepressant effect due to the production of endorphins (happiness hormones) in the skin under the influence of waves of a certain length. Bright visible light is essential for smoothing jet lag body due to time zone changes. NASA uses phototherapy for... adaptation airplane pilots and astronauts.

Ultraviolet light heals psoriasis, eczema and neurogenic-allergic skin diseases . Natural or UV irradiation in the solarium are recommended for shortage, which, according to scientists, affects up to 80% of Russian residents. That's why light therapy recommended for osteoarticular diseases - osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis, often associated with a lack of vitamin D, necessary for absorption.

IN methodological recommendations « Modern technologies phototherapy in sports and rehabilitation medicine”, prepared by V. A. Zhirnov and co-authors, the following disorders are among the indications for the use of polarized light:

- polyarthropathy inflammatory in nature;

— dorsopathy (diseases of the spine and nearby tissues);

— spondylopathies (degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the spine);

— osteopathy (bone pathologies);

— chondropathy (bone and joint pathologies);

- injuries, burns, frostbite, bedsores;

- polyarthritis;

heel spur etc.

How to enhance the effects of phototherapy and what to replace it with?

Note that or regular sun treatment will be doubly effective for osteoarticular diseases if supplemented with medications that normalize mineral metabolism. Good choice will based on drone homogenate and its enhanced version. They not only enrich the body with additional calcium in an easily digestible form, but also help improve the production of testosterone, an anabolic hormone that stimulates regenerative processes in bones and joints.

To improve blood circulation and nutrition of bone and joint tissues, you can use a natural and powerful antioxidant and vasoprotective agent based on a plant flavonoid -. You can stimulate metabolic processes in cartilage by taking natural preparation.

If it is difficult to obtain a sufficient amount of light due to the winter season or lifestyle, and there is not enough time/money for a course of phototherapy, a remedy will help solve the problem of vitamin D deficiency. This source and drone homogenate. There is no calcium here, which makes its intake advisable for people with kidney stones or vascular calcification, as it promotes correct distribution bone mineral in the body.

Phototherapy in physiotherapy is a procedure of dosed effects on the body various types light radiation. Moreover, each of the types used causes only its own inherent changes and processes in the body, which determines the indications and contraindications for the procedures. The longer the wavelength, the deeper the light will penetrate into the tissue.

Infrared irradiation

When exposed to this type of radiation on the body, three things happen at once: positive effects- anti-inflammatory, lymphatic drainage and vasodilator. The peculiarity of the procedure is that under the influence of these rays a short-term spasm of blood vessels occurs, which lasts no more than 30 seconds, after which there is an increase in blood flow to the irradiated part of the body. The generated heat accelerates metabolism in tissues. Increased vascular permeability helps cope with soft tissue swelling. This causes fast healing wounds and trophic ulcers. Positive Impact It turns out that it affects all internal organs.

The main indications for the use of this treatment method are considered to be:

  1. Almost everything chronic diseases, inflammatory processes of internal organs without the formation of pus.
  2. Burns.
  3. Frostbite.
  4. Poorly healing wounds.
  5. Pathologies of the peripheral nervous system with pain.

Like any method of light therapy, infrared irradiation has its contraindications, so before starting therapy, you must consult your doctor. Contraindications that do not allow this type of therapy include:

  1. Any tumors.
  2. Acute inflammatory pathologies.
  3. Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  4. Bleeding.
  5. Active tuberculosis.

To obtain this type of light rays I use special lamps. Any thermal effect on the body causes molecules to move faster, which leads to accelerated cell reproduction, enzymatic processes and regeneration. Most often, this type of radiation is used in combination with massage and gymnastics.

Ultraviolet irradiation

Ultraviolet irradiation penetrates the skin to a depth of only 1 mm, while causing the most high energy. The skin on the torso is most sensitive to these rays, the skin on the extremities is the least sensitive.

The use of this method with the correct dosage and good control gives high therapeutic effect. In this case, rapid healing of wounds and regeneration of nerve and bone tissue occurs.

The main indications for the use of this method of light therapy are:

  1. Acute joint pathologies.
  2. Chronic joint diseases.
  3. Respiratory diseases.
  4. Problems with female genital organs.
  5. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  6. Hardening.

This method of light treatment has not only indications, but also contraindications. These include:

  1. Tumors.
  2. Exacerbation of any pathologies.
  3. Bleeding.
  4. High blood pressure.
  5. Active tuberculosis.

It should be remembered that such treatment must be strictly dosed and carried out only under the supervision of a doctor. An overdose can lead not only to premature aging skin and a decrease in its elasticity, but also the development of skin and various oncological pathologies.

Quantum therapy

This type of light therapy involves the use of devices for laser therapy. These devices emit monochrome coherent non-scattering beams of radiation. In surgery, such rays are used in the form of a light scalpel, and in ophthalmology - to treat retinal detachment.

Such radiation can be used in the treatment of degenerative diseases of the spine, rheumatoid arthritis, long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, polyneuritis, arthritis, stomatitis and bronchial asthma.


This treatment involves the application of a different spectrum of visible examination. So, for example, white light used for treatment seasonal depression, which occurs in the autumn-winter period, when daylight hours shorten.

In the treatment of jaundice in newborns, it is best to use blue and blue radiation, which leads to the destruction of hematoporphyrin, which makes up bilirubin. And red color is successfully used in the treatment of acne.

Any type of light therapy must be strictly dosed and used only as prescribed by a doctor. If such treatment is used without control, it can cause significant harm to the body. Therefore, you should definitely visit a doctor and find out all the available contraindications for each type of light therapy.

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