Countries for HIV infection. Official statistics of HIV and AIDS in Russia

Reading time: 8 min.

According to the report, announced within the framework of the 5th international conference on HIV, which took place in the capital of Russia, a list was formed - the top 10 countries by the number of AIDS patients. AIDS is such a widespread disease for these powers that it has been given the status of an epidemic. AIDS develops against the background of HIV infection. AIDS – last stage HIV infection, which develops with the spread of infection, is manifested by the appearance of tumors, weakened immunity and, ultimately, leads to death.

With a total population of 14 million citizens, the number of people infected reaches 1.2 million. It is not at all surprising that few Zambians surpass the 38-year mark, which is the average life expectancy in this country.

2016 was one of the saddest years for Russians in terms of the number of people suffering from AIDS. More than one million people have acquired immune deficiency syndrome (according to the data of the Russian Health Committee). But according to the EECAAC report, this figure is much higher – 1.4 million. At the same time this indicator Every year it grows more and more actively. Just think about it - every 50th resident of Yekaterinburg suffers from AIDS. IN Russian Federation The majority of patients were infected while taking drugs intravenously. This type of infection is not typical for any other country.

For what reason do Russians have to put up with such statistics? According to experts, the reason for this is the withdrawal of methadone, which was taken orally, instead of an intravenously administered drug. Most people mistakenly believe that if a drug addict is infected, then it is only his problem. It’s not so scary when the “scum of society” gets a disease from which he will eventually die. But we forget that a person who is addicted to drugs is not a monster, he for a long time can live on her own ordinary life. You won’t be able to spot him in a crowd at one glance; at first, drug addicts live a very ordinary life. And it is for this reason that their spouses and children often become infected. There are cases when people become infected in clinics and beauty salons after instruments have been poorly disinfected. Until people realize the reality of the impending threat, until young people stop assessing their partners by eye, and until the regulatory authorities change their position towards drug addicts, Russia will rise in this ranking faster and faster.

Almost 7% of the total number of citizens of this country are infected with AIDS; if converted into an exact figure, it is 1.4 million people. It is noteworthy that the female part of the population is more infected than the male part, due to the fact that Kenya is famous for its low social level women. Maybe it's very important aspect is the free nature of women from Kenya - they very easily agree to intimate relationships.

More than 5% of this country's population suffers from AIDS, out of a total population of 49 million. When translated into exact numbers, the number of infected people is 1.5 million. In addition, there are regions in the country in which the level of the population suffering from HIV is more than 10%, for example, Dar es Salaam, fortunately, it is too far from tourist routes.

The president of this state is making superhuman efforts to combat the threat of AIDS. This shows up in the data. statistical reports– from 2011 to 2015, the number of children already born with HIV fell from 28 to 3.4 thousand. Infections among adults have decreased by half. Twenty-four-year-old King Toro (Toro is a region of Uganda) decided to take control of the spread of the epidemic and completely stop AIDS by 2030. Today, 1.5 million people are infected with HIV in the country.

Unfortunately, this beautiful country cannot cope with this terrible disease on its own and more than 10% (1.5 million citizens) are already infected with AIDS. Approximately 0.7 million children are left without parents because their parents died from HIV.

Of the thirteen million citizens of this country, more than 1.6 million people are infected. Several factors led to such deplorable indicators: prostitution, which is still not controlled by the government, citizens do not know the basics about contraceptives, and the ineradicable poverty of the population.

According to official data, more than two million people are infected in India, and if we take it in fact, this figure will be an order of magnitude higher. Indians are a rather private people, and for this reason, they remain silent about their problems in the health sector. Nobody talks to young people about AIDS; the topic of sex and contraceptives at school is an unspoken taboo. Therefore, there is total illiteracy in aspects related to contraception, which significantly distinguishes India from Africa, where it is very easy to buy a condom. According to statistical surveys, more than 60% of the female population have never heard of HIV.

Of the 146 million citizens, 3.4 million people suffer from HIV/AIDS, which is just under 5% of total mass. Basically, there are more infections among the female population than among the male population. Due to the lack of free healthcare, Nigeria's poor suffer the most.

South Africa leads the list of countries with the most high incidence AIDS. More than 15% of citizens suffer from HIV (6.3 million), 25% of high school girls are already infected. Few people live to be 45 in this country. It’s hard to imagine a country where few people have grandparents. Sounds scary, doesn't it? Although South Africa is considered the most economically developed country in Africa, a huge part of its citizens are on the brink of poverty. The President is trying his best to stop the spread of HIV - the public is provided with free contraceptives and tests. But the poor part of the population still believes that HIV was invented by whites, like contraceptives, and therefore it is better to stay away from them. On the border with South Africa Swaziland is a country with a population of more than 1.2 citizens. 50% of these countries are infected. On average, a Swazi citizen lives to a maximum of 37 years of age.

The immunodeficiency virus was first identified by scientists in 1983. It was then that the etiological cause of the development of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome was established. However, the attention of specialists is still focused on such dangerous illness, like HIV. Statistics show that it is constantly becoming more common. And the saddest thing is that in modern medicine none effective methods treatment of pathology.

Basic statistics of HIV-infected people

The disease is constantly progressing and spreading throughout the population. This is officially confirmed by statistics on the incidence of HIV and AIDS. According to the latest data from scientists, today the number of people infected with HIV reaches 40 million people. Of these, 37.5% contracted the infection in the last 2 years, which is about 15 million.

At the same time, the pathology is constantly progressing, new strains of the pathogen appear as a result of modification. This greatly complicates the process of treating patients.

Infection with a retrovirus occurs more often through sexual contact or through the use of unsterile needles, which is often observed among drug addicts. The number of HIV-infected people is constantly increasing, and in order to slow down the progression of the disease, experts strongly recommend periodic testing for AIDS. Early detection allows you to assign a full antiretroviral therapy. According to statistics, only 9.5 million HIV (AIDS) patients receive quality treatment, which is less than a quarter of the total number of carriers.

HIV (AIDS) statistics in Russia

In the Russian Federation, the issue of immunodeficiency is especially acutely discussed twice a year - on the Day against this disease (December 1) and in early May, when the Day of Mourning for those killed as a result of infection with a retrovirus is declared.

The statistics of HIV-infected people in Russia is constantly changing, and not in better side. For recent years The number of infected people has increased significantly and now reaches 250 thousand people. Experts say that the problem is becoming enormous. Today, the infection is mainly transmitted sexually and parenterally.

Statistics of AIDS patients in Russia confirm that the bulk of those infected are young people aged 19 to 29 years. If we take into account injection drug addicts, then from among those treated for medical care 78% of them were diagnosed with immunodeficiency virus.

During sexual intercourse without condoms, a considerable number of patients are also infected. It is difficult to determine exactly how many people with HIV received the pathogen this way. However, statistics on HIV infection in Russia state that of the number of people infected through sexual contact, most are women. This is due anatomical features. Women tend to have more close contact with biological fluids, in particular, with sperm. It contains high concentration a retrovirus that is able to enter the body through microcracks in the vaginal mucosa that form during sexual intercourse.

A less common method of transmission is from mother to infant. HIV transmission statistics show that over the entire period of the disease, more than 6 thousand cases of birth of infected babies were registered. The infants' mothers were women of fertile age.

As for the male half of the population, according to statistics in Russia, about 2% of the stronger sex is infected with AIDS. The age of patients is in the range of 23-40 years. Among them, infection occurred in the following ways:

  • as a result of consumption narcotic drugs - 53%;
  • homosexual relationships - 1.5%;
  • with unprotected sexual intercourse - 43%;
  • boys who received the infection in the womb or during childbirth from their mother - 2.5%.

Why is HIV infection spreading so quickly? Statistics confirm that the vast majority of infected people received their “dose” of the retrovirus through a syringe. In Russia, more than half of drug addicts use potent substances by injection, which poses a huge risk, because syringes are almost always used multiple times and for several people.

Additionally, the progression of AIDS can be explained by the lack of a clear program to combat retroviral infection. At the very beginning, when AIDS began to spread in the Russian Federation, statistics showed sharp jump- increase in the number of sick people. For several years, international associations against immunodeficiency have allocated a certain amount, which was used to provide antiretroviral therapy to patients. When Russia was recognized as a high-income country, this help was withheld, and the funds allocated from the state budget became insufficient to provide quality therapy to patients.

How many HIV-infected people are there in specific regions of Russia?

The situation with the spread of immunodeficiency leaves much to be desired, however, the homogeneity of the disease is somewhat diverse - in the Russian Federation, some regions require more attention from doctors, while in others the rate of transmission dangerous disease do not cause concern. According to experts, the saddest situation is observed in the Irkutsk region. Here, retrovirus infection reaches 1.5% of the total population.

How many people have HIV (AIDS) and how does it become infected? More than 75% of patients in this region are infected as a result of unprotected sexual intercourse, with a certain percentage occurring in homosexual relationships. The remaining 25% experience pathology when injecting drugs without large number occurs among children born to HIV-positive mothers.

Also among the leaders in the progression of infection with immunodeficiency are Sverdlovskaya, Kemerovo region, Perm, Khanty-Mansiysk district. The statistics of HIV infection in Russia are no more rosy in the following regions:

  • Altaic;
  • Tomsk;
  • Kurgansky;
  • Novosibirsk;
  • Samara;
  • Tyumen;
  • Ulyanovsky;
  • Tverskoy;
  • Omsk;
  • Murmansk;
  • Orenburg;
  • Chelyabinsk;
  • Ivanovsky;
  • Leningradsky.

How many AIDS patients are there in the capital of the country can be answered more precisely. HIV statistics in Moscow at the beginning of the 21st century did not cause much concern among doctors, but this picture quickly changed in the opposite direction. In recent years, the retrovirus has begun to spread among residents of the capital by leaps and bounds. In 2016, more than 10 thousand infected people were registered. Moreover, half of them received the retrovirus through unprotected sex. 23% of those infected in this way became ill as a result of homosexual intercourse. HIV (AIDS) statistics in the regions of Russia remain unfavorable and require the adoption of certain measures to reduce the rate of spread of the disease.

The situation in the world: how quickly is AIDS spreading?

How many AIDS patients are there on the entire planet, which countries are one step away from developing an epidemic? The number of infected people varies from country to country. The most deplorable situation is observed in Africa, or more precisely in the South. The inhabitants of these regions make up only 10% of the total population of the planet. At the same time, from total number There are 25 million HIV-infected people (about 40 million) on this continent. These numbers are shocking.

The most unfavorable statistics of people infected with HIV (AIDS) are observed in the following countries of the world:

  • South Africa - more than 5 million;
  • India - 6.5 million;
  • Ethiopia - more than 4 million infected;
  • Nigeria - 3.6 million;
  • Mozambique - almost 2 million;
  • Kenya, Zimbabwe - 1.7 million infected each;
  • USA - 1.3 million;
  • China and Russia have about 1 million retrovirus carriers.

If we take into account the European continent, then approximately half of all infected people are residents of Ukraine and Russia. The main route of transmission of the virus in these countries is parenteral.

The HIV infection rate by country raises concerns for the future of humanity; analyzing the statistics, it can be argued that the massive spread is occurring in underdeveloped regions.

According to statistics, in countries infected with AIDS, the leading route of transmission is sexual and parenteral. The danger of the disease also lies in the fact that most patients do not want to believe in infection and refuse antiretroviral therapy. More than 10 years may pass from the introduction of an infection to its transition to the AIDS stage, but this indicator depends on immune defense. In the absence of quality treatment, the disease develops much faster and leads to irreversible consequences.

Over the entire period of known immunodeficiency, more than 24 million patients died from it. At the same time, patients who received timely therapy, were able to live fully for decades, no different from healthy people.

It is difficult to say exactly how many people are infected with HIV (AIDS), since the pathology is constantly spreading. However, scientists do not lose hope of finding effective drug and defeat the retrovirus completely.

According to UNAIDS, the UN organization against AIDS, we have prepared a list of countries where you should be especially careful not to become infected with the “plague of the 20th century.”

The topic of the article is not the most pleasant, but “forewarned is forearmed”, the problem exists and simply turning a blind eye to it is unforgivable carelessness. Travelers often take risks with their health, fortunately, with fewer consequences, but it’s still not worth putting yourself in danger.

Although the country is the most developed on the African continent, the number of HIV-infected people here is a record 5.6 million. This despite the fact that there are 34 million patients in the world, and the population of South Africa is about 53 million, that is, more than 15% are living with the virus.

What you need to know: the majority of HIV-positive people are blacks from disadvantaged suburbs. It is this group that is in the worst social conditions with all the ensuing consequences: drug addiction, promiscuous sex, unsanitary conditions. The most patients were recorded in the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal (capital - Durban), Mpumalanga (Nelspreid), Freestate (Blomfontien), North West (Mafikeng) and Gauteng (Johanesburg).


There are 3.3 million HIV-infected people here, although this is less than 5% of the population: Nigeria recently supplanted Russia, taking 7th place in the world - 173.5 million people. IN big cities the disease spreads due to antisocial behavior, and in rural areas due to constant labor migration and “free” morals and traditions.

What you need to know: Nigeria is not the most hospitable country and Nigerians themselves understand this very well. Therefore, the receiving party will certainly take care of safety and warn against dangerous contacts.


The country accounts for 1.6 million infected people, slightly more than 6% of the population. At the same time, women are more likely to suffer from the disease - about 8% of Kenyans are infected. As in many African countries, the status of women, and therefore their level of security and education, is still very low.

What you need to know: safari in national park or a beach and hotel holiday in Mombasa are completely safe activities, unless, of course, you specifically look for illegal entertainment.


Quite a friendly country for tourists with a lot of interesting places, is also dangerous from the point of view of HIV infection, although not like many other countries in Africa. According to latest research, the HIV/AIDS incidence rate in Tanzania is 5.1%. There are fewer infected men, but the gap is not as large as, for example, in Kenya.

What you need to know: Tanzania, by African standards, is a fairly prosperous country, so if you follow the obvious rules, the threat of infection is minimal. The percentage of infected people is high, more than 10, in the Njobe region and the capital Dar es Salaam. Fortunately, both of them are far from the tourist route, unlike Kilimanjaro or Zanzibar Island.


The country is deprived not only of attractions, but also of basic infrastructure from hospitals to roads and water supply. Moreover, many consequences civil war still not resolved. Of course, the African country in this state could not avoid the epidemic: according to various estimates, from 1.6 to 5.7 people were infected - conditions simply do not allow for an accurate study. Because of widespread The immunodeficiency virus often causes outbreaks of tuberculosis, malaria and cholera.

What you need to know: the country is dysfunctional, an outsider even in its own region. The chance of getting infected here is higher than in others, so you need to be especially careful about precautions.


A country with good potential for classic safari tourism, which it is actively developing in lately. Plus, Uganda has been and remains one of the most progressive countries in terms of HIV prevention and diagnosis in Africa. The first specialized clinic was opened here, and there are disease testing centers throughout the country.

What you need to know: the risk groups are the same as everywhere else: drug addicts, former prisoners - it will not be difficult for a sane tourist not to cross paths with them.

Zambia and Zimbabwe

These countries are similar in many ways, even the main attraction is shared between them: Victoria Falls is located right on the border - tourists can come to it from both sides. In terms of living standards and AIDS incidence, the countries are also not far from each other - in Zambia there are almost a million infected, in Zimbabwe - 1.2. This is an average figure for Southern Africa - from 5% to 15% of the population.

What you need to know: There are problems with the provision of medicines; in addition, in rural areas, many self-medicate and practice useless rituals. Therefore, the disease, typical of cities, also reached remote areas.


There are 2.4 million HIV-infected people here, although against the backdrop of a population of 1.2 billion this does not look so scary - less than 1%. The main risk group is sex industry workers. 55% of Indians living with HIV live in four southern states - Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. In Goa, the incidence rate is far from the highest for India - 0.6% of men and 0.4% of women.

What you need to know: Fortunately, HIV infection, unlike many other tropical diseases, depends indirectly on unsanitary conditions. Frank dirt and cramped conditions - normal condition for India. The main thing, as, by the way, in any country, is to try not to appear in public places, if there are wounds and cuts on the body, do not wear open shoes in the city, and we don’t even talk about dubious entertainment.


Eastern Europe, unfortunately, has shown positive trends in the incidence of HIV/AIDS over the past decades, and Ukraine consistently tops this sad list. Today in the country a little more than 1% of people are HIV-infected.

What you need to know: several years ago, unprotected sex became the method of spreading the disease, overtaking injections with dirty syringes. The Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odessa and Nikolaev regions are unfavorable. There, per 100 thousand inhabitants there are 600-700 infected. Near Kyiv, where tourists most often come, intermediate level, and the most low rate in the country near Transcarpathia.

America ranks 9th in the world in the number of HIV carriers - 1.2 million people. Such high rate in one of the most prosperous countries is due to a high level of drug addiction, unresolved social contradictions, and active migration. And the riotous, dissolute 60s were not in vain for the health of the nation. Of course, the disease is concentrated on specific groups of people, who in the United States most often live, not so much separately from everyone else, but localized, in “bad” areas.

What you need to know: Here are ten cities where the percentage of HIV-positive patients is the highest (in descending order): Miami, Baton Rouge, Jacksonville, New York, Washington, DC, Memphis, Orlando, New Orleans, Baltimore.

In some countries, the HIV epidemic is most widespread. What kind of countries are these, and why is the epidemic spreading so rapidly there?

The number of patients with HIV infection is increasing every year. Many efforts are being made to cure HIV-positive people, but so far the virus continues to spread. However, the spread of HIV is not uniform. In some regions the fight against the spread of HIV is being successful, but in others it is the other way around.

Despite the fact that South Africa is a fairly developed country, about six million people infected with HIV live in it, which is almost 15% of the country’s total population! Most big risk HIV infection occurs among the poor, living in conditions of complete unsanitary conditions, having promiscuous sexual relations and using injecting drugs.

At least two million HIV-positive people live in Mozambique. Exact number It is very difficult to calculate due to the conditions that have developed in this country today. Many researchers estimate that there are more than five and a half million people living with HIV there.

There are a large number of people living with HIV in Kenya - more than one and a half million people. Most of them are women at risk infection due to their position in society.

The United States of America is also one of the record countries for the number of HIV-positive people - one and a half million. Despite the fact that the level of development of medicine in the country is very high, the level of drug addiction is also high here, in addition, there is quite a large percentage HIV infection through unprotected sexual intercourse, both homo- and heterosexual.

Currently in Russia, unfortunately, the number of people infected with HIV is only increasing. At the end of December two thousand and fifteen, it became known that one million HIV-positive people were officially recorded in Russia. In addition, HIV is spreading very quickly in Russia. But today in our country they use latest technologies to counter the spread of HIV, this problem is increasingly being talked about not only in high level, but also in society. Increasingly, the attention of ordinary people is being drawn to this problem.

Also, a country with a large number people living with HIV is Ukraine. By two thousand and twelve, the spread of the disease had slowed due to the advent of programs to combat AIDS. Just two years later, in two thousand and fourteen, the epidemic expanded again due to the cancellation of most of the provisions of this program. About 90% of HIV-positive people in Eastern Europe and Central Asia live in Russia and Ukraine - countries with the largest number infected with HIV.

Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and other African countries are countries with very high numbers of HIV positive people. These countries are not very developed and quite poor. It's wasted there insufficient quantity funds for preventive measures, for medicine.

The risk of infection with human immunodeficiency virus remains very high, especially in countries where large numbers of HIV-positive people live. Each of these countries needs to combat the spread of HIV in a special way, taking into account the specifics of the region. Therefore, it is extremely important to analyze the situation at the highest level and act as quickly as possible.

The AIDS epidemic has long reached a global scale. The mortality rate of HIV-infected people has decreased significantly, thanks to highly effective antiretroviral therapy. Some patients deliberately refuse treatment, and their life expectancy is not much different from people undergoing therapy.

AIDS mortality statistics in Russia

By the end of 2015, every fifth HIV-infected person died - this figure includes not only death from infection and its complications, but also from accidents and overdose narcotic drugs, suicides, etc.

At the beginning of 2017, it is known that in Russia there are more than one and a half million people infected, of which 240 thousand died from AIDS. More than 100 thousand carriers this virus- temporarily staying or temporarily residing citizens of foreign countries.

When obtaining a temporary residence permit, as well as when submitting documents for a residence permit and citizenship to the Federal Migration Service, it is necessary to provide a certificate of absence of infection - in this way the state controls the number of Russian citizens with HIV. The mortality rate from this disease, compared to other infectious diseases, is 45%.

By 2016, the epidemic moved from a concentrated stage to a generalized one. This means that previously drug addicts, girls involved in prostitution, and gay men died more often from HIV, but now the mortality rate from AIDS in Russia has increased significantly among working-age, socially prosperous representatives of the population.

Recently, a new strain of the virus appeared - A63. The reason for this was the poorly controlled migration processes of Asians. This type The pathogen is resistant to antiretroviral therapy, and is also capable of infecting the body, being in biological material in a very low concentration, therefore victims of AIDS (strain A63) in short terms pass from incubation period to the terminal stage - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome quickly develops.

Death from AIDS in Russia by region

By the end of 2014, about 150 thousand infected adults and 683 children died in Russia. Every day, the pathogen infects more than 200 Russians (data taken from the count of those infected for 2015 and 2016).

HIV mortality in Russia by region at the end of 2014 (adults):

  • Sverdlovsk region - 10,878;
  • Samara region - 10,731;
  • Moscow region - 9 160;
  • Kemerovo region - 7 300;
  • Orenburg region - 6 400;
  • Irkutsk region - 6,010.

AIDS death statistics are rising in these areas due to the easy availability of injecting drugs. If previously the most common transmission was “through blood”, today it is through sexual intercourse.

AIDS deaths are also increasing due to:

  • Uncontrolled spread of synthetic drugs (persons who use “salts” and “spice” experience sexual hyperactivity);
  • Promotion of promiscuity (recently accepted as the norm);
  • Inaction of bodies controlling the spread of infection (no preventive measures are taken - there are no strategic programs).

AIDS victims (see photo) are also found among famous people. Some fans (and not only) deliberately engage in sexual contact with infected people. Individuals seeking to become infected with the virus are called “bug chasers,” and there are also people with positive HIV status who deliberately do not protect themselves during sexual intercourse.

How many died from AIDS in Russia:

  • 2009 - 3,327 people;
  • 2010 - 2 336;
  • 2011 - 3 511;
  • 2012 - 1 506;
  • 2013 - 7 035.

It is impossible to conduct an analysis based on these data, because there is no definite trend of decline or increase in the number of deaths. This is due to the “popular” reasons for the spread of infection in different periods time (drugs, unprotected PAs, inability to sterilize medical instruments, etc.).

How many people have died from AIDS? World statistics

At the end of 2009, the number of people who became infected and died from this infection was calculated. The virus affected about 60 million people, of whom the disease led to the death of 25 million people on the planet.

The number of cases of infection exceeds the number of patients receiving therapy. For every 2 people taking antiretroviral drugs, there are 5 new infections.

People killed by AIDS in Africa have left more than 14 million children orphans. Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 67% of adult HIV carriers (taking into account all cases of infection on the planet), and 91% of children. Average duration Life expectancy due to this infection in African countries has decreased from approximately 66 to 37 years.

By 2007, AIDS deaths in South and Southeast Asia There were about 300,000 people, and the number of all infected was 18%. Every day about 6 thousand people die from HIV in the world, and about 8 thousand become infected.

By the beginning of 2012, mortality from HIV infection had decreased by 30%. The data was calculated from the number of deaths in 2012 (1.5 million) and in 2015 - 2.4 million. Patients mainly die from tuberculosis, but the number of deaths from this disease has decreased by 35% since 2004.

Statistics of deaths during treatment for HIV and AIDS

In 2009, 10% of patients on antiretroviral therapy discontinued treatment (of which 35% died from the disease). In 2010, 30% of patients stopped taking antiretroviral drugs due to death.

How many people died from HIV/AIDS while taking HAART in 2009? 2,142 patients died when treatment was interrupted in total, 6,120. Statistics are silent about the fate of the rest who abandoned therapy. This leads to the conclusion that the drugs may be ineffective.

How many people died from HIV while on antiretroviral treatment in 2010? The disease resulted in the death of 2,336 people, and 2,787 patients died during treatment. A total of 9,156 patients had treatment interrupted (including death), of whom 6,369 quit HAART.

Considering how many people die from AIDS and how many with treatment, the conclusion that treatment is ineffective again suggests itself. This does not mean that you need to stop taking the drugs (nothing is known about the fate of patients who quit treatment), but based on the statistics for two years, they may not have been included in the number of deaths.



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