Poems about health and a healthy lifestyle for children. Health Day at the preschool educational institution

Elena Samodurova
Health day at the preschool educational institution. Scenario of the sports and music festival “We want to be healthy!”


To form in children a conscious attitude towards healthy lifestyle.

To consolidate children's knowledge about the influence on health motor activity, hardening, nutrition, fresh air, mood.

Develop cognitive interest, mental activity.

Foster a desire to take care of your own health.

Develop speed, agility, attention.

Equipment: emblem of Sore throat, Microbe; cones; 2 pans; dummies of vegetables and fruits; personal hygiene items (toothbrush, comb, handkerchief, towel, slippers); 2 large buckets of water and 2 small buckets; hoop, gymnastic sticks according to the number of children.


IN festively Children enter the decorated hall and stand in a semicircle.

Queen Health. Hello guys! I am the Queen Health. Today marks the International Health Day and I came to visit you. Health is a gift, which you and I must take care of so that we always be cheerful, strong and beautiful.

What needs to be done to be healthy?

Children. Do physical exercise, follow a routine day: do exercises in the morning, go for a walk fresh air, wash your hands after a walk, before eating, eat vitamins.

Queen Health. Guys, if we say hello to someone, what does it mean?

Children. We wish him health!

Queen Health. Let's have each other too let's say hello.

Form into a column of two.

Communication game


Children walk in a circle and pronounce words.

Whomever we meet

We wish you good health.

When we meet, like animals,

"Hello"- say the guys (with hands).

The children turn to each other and shake hands.

Whomever we meet

We wish you good health.

When we meet, like animals,

"Hello"- say the guys (noses).

Children, standing facing each other, rub their noses. Same with backs, cheeks, legs.

Whomever we meet

We wish you good health.

When we meet, like animals,

Guys hugging.

Comes out to the music "Angina" With "microbes".

Angina. And why are you making noise? Wish you good health? Do you want to be strong?, strong, healthy, clean? You won't succeed. I won't let you!

Queen Health. Explain who you are? Look at you!

Angina. What is it? (examines himself) Everything is great! Everyone loves me very much. Because of me, everyone sits at home, gets sick, coughs, sneezes. I am a sore throat. And these are my faithful friends - microbes! Every dirty person in the world loves them!

Children come out to the middle of the playground - "Microbes".

Where there is dirt, germs live.

Small ones - you can't see them.

There are a lot of us microbes,

Smaller than mosquitoes and midges

Many, many thousands of times.

The darkness of invisible animals,

We prefer to live in you.

If your hands are dirty

Eating or touching your mouth

Definitely from germs

Your stomach will hurt badly.

Children - "Microbes" sit down.

Queen Health. Confess, why did you come here?

Angina. I'm looking for myself new home where there are a lot of kids. And in general, if I sneeze on you, you’ll immediately get sick!

Queen Health. No, we won't get sick! The guys love to study sports and now we will show you how fast we are.

Game - relay race “We guys are fast”

The boys line up in two columns. On command, the first participants run between the cones "snake" and return back in a straight line to their team, passing the baton to the next one.

Angina. Just think how clever they are!

Queen Health. Our children also know the benefits of fruits and vegetables and know how to solve riddles about them.

1. I grow in the ground in a garden bed.

Red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

2. I was born to glory.

The head is white and curly.

Who loves cabbage soup

Look for me in them. (Cabbage)

3. Made everyone around him cry

Although he is not a fighter, but... (Onion)

4. Little bitter is Luke’s brother. (Garlic)

5. Round rosy.

I'm growing on a branch:

Adults love me

And little children. (Apple)

Queen Health. Now we will cook healthy soup and compote.

Game "Vegetable soup and fruit compote"

The girls are divided into two teams. Vegetables and fruits are laid out on a tray in front of each team. At a signal, members of one team select only vegetables and put them in a saucepan. The members of the other team are only fruits.

Angina. I don't like these kids for some reason. Some of them are too smart, they know everything. I'll check them now.

Game "Slam, stomp"

The correct phrase is to clap, the wrong phrase is to stomp.

We need to eat more chips (the children are stomping,

Drink fruit juice(children clap,

Drink water from the tap (children are stomping,

Rinse your mouth after eating (children clap,

Drink more forfeits and cola (children are stomping,

Eat a hot dog and Snickers often (children stomp,

Eat cottage cheese, eat fish (children clap,

Apples and oranges - for health vitamins(children clap).

Angina. They won't take you that easily.

Queen Health. Of course, because our guys know what needs to be done in order to be healthy. And now they will sing ditties about healthy way life.


1st child:

From plain water and soap

Microbes are losing their strength.

So as not to give life to microbes,

There is no need to put your hands in your mouth.

2nd child:

Every time we eat,

ABOUT health we think:

I don't need greasy cream

I'd rather eat carrots.

3rd child:

Do physical exercise

So that maintain health,

And try out of laziness

Run away quickly.

4th child:

Do your exercises

If you want be healthy.

Douse yourself with cold water -

You will forget the doctors.

Queen Health. Look, we are so strong, dexterous, brave and cheerful. Sore throat, the guys know that in order to be healthy, you need not only to eat vitamins and be strong, you also need to know and follow the rules of personal hygiene! Listen to the tips the children have prepared!

4 children come out and tell adviсe:

1st. Boys and girls, listen to advice,

To be healthy in winter and summer!

Wash your hands before eating, after playing outside and don’t frown,

2nd. Wash your hands with soap to be beautiful!

If you like to play with a cat, come and pet it,

but please don't forget, you need to wash your hands immediately!

3rd. You ate all the porridge - wash the plate, otherwise there are a whole mountain of germs there

they will sit down together and be chat: “How good it is for us to infect the guys!”

4th. Whose wings are these that are flashing quickly? Flies are flying around your room.

They visited a garbage heap, attached germs to their paws,

Then, when they arrive, they sit down on bread so that the person gets infected as soon as possible!

Together. You guys protect the animals, but don’t let these villains into the house!

Queen Health. I suggest you show a sore throat what personal hygiene items you know that should never be given even to those you love.

Game "It is possible - it is not possible".

Children line up in two columns. On command, the first participants run, selecting things that everyone uses (comb, towel, toothbrush, etc.) and return back to their team, passing the baton to the next one.

Angina. Oh, oh... I have nothing to do here, you know all the rules so as not to get sick. I'd better leave you and look for other guys who love dirt. These are the guys I need!

Angina runs away.

Queen Health. How many of you guys know that hardening helps and is always useful for us?

Children. Sun, air and water!

Queen Health. Spring is calling us to go for a walk, the sun has been waiting for us for a long time!

Relay "Collect the sun".

Children, one by one from the team, run up to the hoop and put gymnastic sticks into the sun.

Queen Health. And now I suggest you guys continue proverbs:

1. Health is good...(thanks to charging).

2. If you want be healthy...(toughen up)

3. Cleanliness... (pledge health)

4. B healthy body(healthy mind)

5. Sleep (best medicine)

Queen Health. I see guys that you are all friendly and brave. And the song about you know health?

Children sing a song about sports and health.

Queen Health. Thank you guys! I always wish you be strong, don’t get sick, follow the rules of personal hygiene and then you and I will stay forever true friends. I want to give you vitamins that will help you be healthy.

Lack of will, sloppiness and laziness -

The first step to diseases.

Walk outside, don't eat before bed,

And in the summer sleep with the window open,

Make friends with water, swim, dry yourself,

Do physical exercises in winter and summer!

Our the holiday has come to an end! Be everything healthy!

Well, it’s time for me to go to my kingdom.

WHY ARE WE HEALTHY?.. A cycle of poems


We wish you good health
people are all meeting,
So as not to bend
from diseases of the shoulders.
The image is only healthy
so that friends lead,
A joyful smile
their faces bloomed.
About all sorts of ailments
they didn’t remember the century,
In a world without disease
lived and lived.
From the word "Hello"
beaming with health!


If the boys meet
Shaking hands peacefully
That's a ten-finger figure
People call it a "crab".

Because everyone knows
Even a toad knows this:
Each finger is like a claw -
A crab has exactly ten legs!

3. Unfriendly Barbos

The crab asked Barbos:
- Crab, will you give it to me?!
- Strange questions...
Why are you pestering me?! -

Answered the little crab
Irritated dog
Taking it aside
From the claws your nose.

Look at you,
Ten sharp paws!
And why, tell me,
Does a crab need a crab?!

The crab burst into laughter
Rolling head over heels:
- Great fun! -
He said, laughing.

I'm sorry, my friend,
Can't stop laughing...
Paws like hands
I wanted to shake:

With friendly greetings
I was in a hurry to see you...
Well, and you, the answer,
Bravo, made me laugh!


Hello, hello, Christmas tree!
Hello pine trees!
You are growing - hello,
So that I can become an adult.
So that I grow strong,
Hello, grow:
Clean, fresh air
Give to people everyone.
Clean, fresh air
People really need it.
Pines and fir trees,
Grow up together.
Our children know
The ancestors said:
If the hut was ElOva,
Then you live healthy!


Let's stand side by side, in a circle,
Let's say "Hello!" to each other.
We are too lazy to say hello:
Hi all!" and "Good afternoon!";
If everyone smiles -
Good morning will begin.


rosy cheeks,
Lips like a rose...
- Why does my daughter have
Did the tears roll down?
Was the dream a scary fairy tale?
It's morning, not night.
Open your eyes
Wake up daughter.
We'll braid our hair,
Let's look out the window -
Tears are like dew
The sun will dry up in an instant.
The night is far away...
WITH good morning, daughter!


The moon rolled over the hill,
There is a circle of the sun in the sky again.
And the stars are like mice in holes,
We hid at once and couldn’t be seen.

And the children woke up in their beds,
Mom purred “Hello!”
And in kind, dear embraces
We saw the dawn again.

The kittens washed and got dressed -
And they happily rush to kindergarten:
Play catch and hide and seek,
To the hospital and good soldiers.

But before the games begin
Everyone stands in a common circle.
And they hold hands together,
Saying to a neighbor “Hello, friend!”

They will say left, right...
The night has long been burned by the sun.
Children greet the state
- Well, hello, native country!


The maple has become curly again,
They wave cheerfully: “Hello!”
To us from the high crown.

“Hello, dear man!
So we met...
We will give you fresh air,
So that you can breathe easily.

We will give you shade in the summer,
In the heat, she is a salvation!”
The maple has become curly again -
Gives me the mood!


Hello December, my dear friend!
The gray yard is brightened with snow.
And the world, as before, is snow-white,
Porcelain flaunts on the stumps:

Snowdrifts - mini, midi, maxi,
Like saucers, cups, samovar.
Yesterday's puddles are not visible,
The autumn heat has cooled down.

The children's playground sparkles,
We make pies out of snow.
And steam flows from the noses,
And the sky showers us with torment.

Let's welcome winter with hospitality:
Porcelain froze on the stumps of snow...
Winter is beautiful - white-trunked,
Tender birch trees have a wondrous look!


The sun extended his palm,
Shaking my hand.
The cat bent like a rainbow,
Opening up to the sunshine.

I let in mirror bunnies
Sunny playful horses.
Summer - all the kids love:
It's time for prophetic, sweet dreams!

Summer is a sunny “Hello!”
Happy days, glorious round dance.
Summer is sunny happiness
A golden childhood without worries!


Kindergarten cozy home –
Games and fun
But it's time to move out
A housewarming party awaits us:

A cozy, kind home,
Only wider, higher...
The call has been given for the move -
The bell is heard.

We were in a hurry to grow up.
The path of knowledge awaits us.
- Hello, school, new home!
Kindergarten - goodbye!

Natalie SamOnii – the emphasis in the surname is on the second syllable!



If everyone smiles -
Good morning will begin. - Wonderful words, Natalie. And I am delighted with this image:
Snowdrifts - mini, midi, maxi,
Like saucers, cups, samovar.
With warmth and best wishes

I eat a lot of vitamins
Strengthening discipline.
I want to be healthy
To serve the Motherland.
We can't buy health
Everyone needs to keep an eye on him.
Better with early years begin,
Don't waste a minute.

Don't read lying down!

Evil robber CARIES
He eats children's teeth
Teeth are straight, crooked,
Both canines and molars.
Day and night - eats-eats-eats
Evil robber CARIES.
How do we deal with the bandit?
It’s not enough to just walk around washed!
It is also necessary in the morning
Brush your teeth - for us and for you!

Don't read lying down!
The badger lay down under the pine tree with the magazine,
The badger immediately felt sleepy.
But the cone fell from a big branch,
And a bump jumped up on the badger’s forehead.

Watch your posture
Sit with your back straight.
If you go to bed,
Choose a harder bed!

About health
To maintain health,
Strengthen your body
My whole family knows
There must be a routine for the day.
You guys should know
Everyone needs to sleep more.
Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -
Get ready to exercise!
Brush your teeth, wash your face,
And smile more often
Temper yourself, and then
You're not afraid of the blues.
Health has enemies
Don't make friends with them!
Among them is quiet laziness,
You fight it every day.
So that not a single microbe
I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,
Wash your hands before eating
Need soap and water.
Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's some healthy food
Full of vitamins!
Go out for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!
Well, what if it happened:
I got sick,
Know that it's time for you to see a doctor.
He will always help us!
These are the good tips
Secrets are hidden in them,
How to maintain health.
Learn to appreciate it!
Poem about health for children
The one who rises with the sun,
Does exercises
Brushes teeth in the morning
And plays hide and seek, -
That sports man
And quite cheerful.
Try to be like that
At school or at home.

So that I can be healthy,
You have to love vegetables.
Beets, turnips, onions, carrots -
My first love.

Stupid Bigfoot
Stupid Bigfoot
I haven’t brushed my teeth for a century,
Gnaw coconut, ate bananas,
I didn't want to brush my teeth!
And one day, in fact
These teeth are sick!
Since then, he has been walking and prowling,
And he’s looking for a doctor with forceps!

Respect your comb
Don't give it to others.
Without her, my friends,
We will be like savages!

Poem about teeth for children
If everyone in the world
Pull out teeth. Know, children:
The row of teeth is so big -
Girdle the globe!

I'm swinging on a swing
I'm jumping on a jump rope,
After all, a healthy lifestyle
I really want to lead.

Don't drink raw water!
The crocodile drank some water from the river
And he swallowed the log along with some water,
Can't see night or day from pain
And he asks and prays: “Save me!”

Poem about health for children
The one who rises with the sun,
Does exercises
Brushes teeth in the morning
And plays hide and seek, -
That sports man
And quite cheerful.
Try to be like that
At school or at home.

To always be healthy,
You need to run and jump.
Do more sports
And healthy people don’t get bored.

In the morning you harden yourself,
Douse yourself with cold water.
You will always be healthy.
There is no need for unnecessary words here.

If you get discouraged,
Cry, whine, get bored, suffer,
You can even do it very quickly
You will lose your health.

Follow your daily routine!
The chicken has a headache today:
Yesterday an owl called her to visit,
They stayed up all night
And during the day our chicken pecks.

O health!
To maintain health,
Strengthen your body
My whole family knows -
There must be a routine for the day.
You guys should know -
Everyone needs to sleep more.
Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -
Get ready to exercise!
Brush your teeth, wash your face
And smile more often
Temper yourself, and then
You're not afraid of the blues.
Health has enemies
Don't make friends with them!
Among them is quiet laziness,
You fight it every day.
So that not a single microbe
I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,
Wash your hands before eating
Need soap and water.
Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's some healthy food
Full of vitamins!
Go out for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!
Well, what if it happened:
I got sick,
Know that it's time for you to see a doctor.
He will always help us!
These are the good tips
Secrets are hidden in them,
How to maintain health.
Learn to appreciate it!

About teeth
I'll stop brushing my teeth
and I’ll go for a walk in the garden.
I'll ask dad, mom,
swing on a rocker.
And from the swing-carousel
I want to go to the pool
oh, how my teeth hurt...
It's time for me to go to the doctor...
The doctor will look at my teeth,
it's bad, my friend -
will drill with a drill
already a molar...
Well, if you don't,
brush your teeth in the morning,
you won't forget toothache,
you will whine in the evenings...
My advice to the guys is this:
Brush your teeth, my hands!!!
Then you will forget about doctors,
and you will be healthy.

Don't eat sweets!
The hippo moans loudly:
“Oh-oh-oh! Tummy hurts!
It’s a shame I didn’t listen to my mother -
I ate two kilograms of sweets!”

Sun, air and water -
Our best friends.
We will be friends with them,
So that we can be healthy.

About nails
Who doesn't clean their nails?
And he doesn’t cut his hair,
The one of his friends
It's pretty scary.
After all, with dirty nails,
Long and sharp
They can very easily
Confused with monsters.

Poem about health for children
It's good to be healthy!
You need to drink more juices!
Throw the hamburger into the trash can,
And swim in the stormy river!!!
Temper, pour,
Play different sports!
And not afraid of illnesses,
Without hiding in a warm house,
Walk freely on the Earth,
Marveling at the natural beauty!!!
Then you will begin to live!
It's great to be healthy!!!

We need to play sports!
I need to play sports
We must, we must toughen up!
You have to be the first in everything
We don't care about frost!
We're diving off the iceberg,
We are good swimmers.
We're almost big
We are diligent young men.
After a water bath,
Let's start rubbing.
And gymnastics again,
Let's start doing it.
Let's ride in the snow
Let's lie on the shore.
And then we dive under the water,
To get food for yourself.
Having eaten the popsicle,
After listening to my mother's song.
We go to bed together
See your dreams sooner.
In them we are adults, big,
They were brought up beautifully.
They contain hunters, athletes,
We see changes in them.
We always grow in our dreams,
We are relaxing at the same time.
Let's get healthy
We're friends, we're having fun!

Don't watch TV for too long!
There's a seal on TV
I watched cartoons all day.
And then until the end of the week
The poor man's eyes hurt.

Being healthy is fashionable!
Being healthy is fashionable!
Friendly, fun, cheerful
Get ready to exercise.
Recharge your body!
Adults and children know
The benefits of these vitamins:
Fruits, vegetables in the garden -
Everything is fine with your health!
You also need to toughen up
Take a contrast shower,
Run and walk more
Don't be lazy, get enough sleep!
Well, with bad habits
We will say goodbye forever!
The body will thank you -
It will be the best view!

The mouse has bad soap paws
The mouse has bad soap paws:
I just moistened it with some water,
I didn’t try to wash with soap,
And the dirt remained on the paws.
Towel with black stains!
How unpleasant it is!
Germs will get into your mouth.
Your stomach may hurt.
So, (child's name) try,
Wash your face with soap more often!
Need warm water
Wash your hands before eating!

Take care of your posture -
Sit correctly, walk,
Drink more milk -
We always need calcium.

What would happen?
What would happen
What would happen
If only
Would there be no soap?
If only
There would be no soap
Tanya would be dirty
I went!
And on it would be
Like in a garden
Digged the ground

If you want to be healthy.
You can jump and jump
You can run and play.
Be kind, be cheerful.
Always wash your hands with soap.
Brush your teeth twice a day,
So that they don't all fall out at once.
Take care of your ears from childhood
And don’t get into puddles, my friend.
Will you play sports?
You have nothing to fear.
And you won't yawn
If you don't forget about charging.
Wash in the bathhouse, harden yourself.
Always eat right.
Always sit correctly
Watch your posture.
Don't smoke tobacco
So as not to look stupid.
Take care of your health
Help yourself!

Songs who always sing
And he lives with a smile,
There's nothing scary about that -
He will live for many years.

To get health...
To get health,
You don't have to go far.
We need to try ourselves
And everything will work out.

If you want to be healthy,
Brush your teeth in the morning
Wash yourself and do gymnastics.
Run, jump, get tough
And keep your regime.
Don't hurt the kids
Listen to mom and dad.
Respect all your elders.
And you will succeed!

So that there are no germs,
Everyone should live in cleanliness.
So that there are no diseases,
Believe in strength, don't be sad.

Wash your hands before eating!
The monkey sighs: “What a fate!
It seems that my eyes have become weak.
I take a white loaf from the bread bin,
And immediately it turns black!”

We go camping with the whole family,
Relaxing in nature.
We run and sunbathe.
This is how we strengthen our health.
We get up early in the morning
Let's all go to exercise,
Because physical education
Strengthens muscles.
If you want to live long -
Eat right.
Eat vegetables and fruits
Do your exercises.

To be beautiful and slim,
I need to spin the hoop,
Jump rope
Play different games.

To grow and harden
Not by days, but by hours,
Do physical exercise
We all need it, guys!
Adults, do not smoke in front of children.
You will help us from childhood.
So that we grow up healthy,
Like flowers in a garden, they always bloomed.

Poems about hardening children.
Baby you want to be healthy
Don't take bad pills
Forget the doctors' injections,
And drops from pipettes.
So as not to sniffle,
And don't cough too much
Shower yourself every day
Lei very generously.
To succeed in studies,
And there was ingenuity
All kids need
Water hardening.

I will play sports
Get carried away with dance and song.
Push-ups, squats,
Don't lie down and be bored.
I want to be healthy
So that I don’t go to doctors.
It's very good that I
I learned to run.
I would have been more careful
I wouldn't fall into a hole.

Poor Doctor Aibolit
Poor Doctor Aibolit!
The third day he doesn’t eat or sleep,
Hands out pills
Naughty kids
For those who didn't wash their hands before lunch,
Who ate candy without counting,
Who walked barefoot through the puddles,
For those who didn't listen to mommy,
For those who are now belly
Doesn't let me sleep peacefully
Who has a fever?
The doctor distributes medicine
He is ready to treat all night,
So that everyone is healthy.

I improve my health
I do sports
And cold water
I wet myself in the morning!
On a mare through the fields
As a child, I jumped.
Didn't have time to look back
Got into equestrian sport!

Don't read lying down!
The badger lay down under the pine tree with the magazine,
The badger immediately felt sleepy.
But the cone fell from a big branch,
And a bump jumped up on the badger’s forehead.

I'm healthy and beautiful.
This is the main strength.
I don't hate kids
I listen to and respect my elders.

Poem about health for children
Played in the sand in the yard
A puppy was digging a hole nearby.
Need home very quickly
Wash your hands clean.
Nice carrots from the garden!
And juicy and fragrant,
Wash the root vegetable first,
How to put it in your mouth.
Often the doctor rushes to help,
Where they eat unwashed vegetables,
There's a stomach ache, chills,
And it's all because of the microbe.
He is an invisible little one
Waiting on the berries in the basket,
Suddenly the baby in one sitting
Will he eat a handful of unwashed berries?
Summer is the time to toughen up,
Sunbathe, swim in the river,
But in the fun of entertainment
Don't forget about hygiene!

We got carried away by dancing
For health, for soul.
And then they told us everything
That we are good at everything.
I want to surprise everyone -
I do sports.
And every day I
I do sports.

Sports and physical education,
They lead everyone forward.
In difficult times
They won't let us down.

I do physical education
To be beautiful.
And I always smile at everyone,
To be happy.

Every time after a walk
We rush to wash our hands
So that there are no germs,
Everyone should live in cleanliness!

Morning exercises
Morning exercises
One, two, three, four, five -
We are starting to get up.
Come on, quickly - don't be lazy,
Get ready to exercise!
One, two, three, four -
Hands up! Wider legs!
And tilt back and forth,
Like a little water!
I'm not afraid of water
I'll wet myself from the bucket.
Let's toughen up
Play sports!

Follow the daily routine -
This is important to you.
Go to bed on time
To get up refreshed in the morning.

Poems about health for children
Where there is health, there I am.
We are friends when it comes to health.
Strength saves your nerves
Strength gives courage.
Sport only helps us
Don't smoke or drink
Only you will become stronger
Charging helps us
It improves health.

Vitamin C Poem
"C" is the most important vitamin,
Everyone around needs
There is no better remedy in the world
Strengthen immunity.
Eat a lemon every day -
You will be strong and strong
Will you stop getting sick?
And you will sing with happiness!

Verse about vitamin B
B vitamins
They will benefit you.
We need to use them
To strengthen the nerves,
Improve metabolism,
Reduce excess weight.
By the way, lose weight
It is possible without miracles at all.
Eat less, sleep more,
Break dance actively.

Poem about vitamins
In life we ​​need
A lot of vitamins
It’s impossible to count them all now.
We need to eat more
Meat, vegetables and fruits -
Natural products,
But the chips, you always know,
This is junk food.

Eating at night is harmful!
Lisa wanted to eat in the evening.
She sneaked into the chicken coop secretly,
But the dog attacked the fox in the dark,
And in an instant the cheat’s appetite disappeared.

If you want to be healthy,
Eat garlic and onions.
They contain many vitamins,
They will help with all ailments.

Physical exercises help
Relax during lessons.
So that we can continue to work
And study only with an “A”!

Be sporty and healthy!
Be sporty and healthy!
Being sporty is now fashionable again!
With sports you will understand a lot:
Sport - and health without pills,
Sports - and fun without worries.
Play sports with friends
Believe me, really all year round!
Frost - you put on your skates,
Then you get on your skis!
Try to do it every day
Exercise in the morning! I'll be lazy
At first, but you'll get used to it soon...
You'll become healthy - that's cool!

Sport is life
Sport is very important for life.
He gives health to everyone.
At a physical education lesson
We'll find out about him.
We play basketball
Both football and volleyball.
We are doing exercises
We squat and run.
Sport is very important for everyone.
He is health and success.
We do exercises in the morning -
We will always be healthy.

I jumped, I ran,
She frolicked and jumped.
And she grew up a little,
She became a champion.
I ate and slept a lot,
Suddenly I went to shaping.
And now I understand
That I have gained health.

You need to sunbathe in moderation!
Basking in the sun polar bear,
In the summer he decided to turn brown,
And the polar bear turned brown
That brown skin is peeling off from him!

If you smile,
You will always be kind
You have nothing to fear -
You will live to be a hundred years old!



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