Statuses about long-awaited happiness. Statuses about yourself happy

I'm happy by default! Please don't mess with the settings!

Finally, I'm in seventh heaven. I’m warning you, there’s no need to put up a ladder, I won’t get down anyway.

I opened the curtains to make it brighter outside. This is me shining with happiness.

A beautiful smile, a confident gait, a drop of perfume, heels and a whisper behind her: “She’s still happy.”

I have an unlimited tariff “Personal Happiness!”

Being drunk with happiness is much cooler than being drunk with alcohol!

And yet I'm happy. Yes, I'm happy. Nobody can deny it. They have no proof!

Don't bother... found happiness...

The main thing is to feel happy, and what others say is no longer important.

And I don’t need someone else’s happiness... I would like to hold my own in my hands...

The greatest happiness in the world is the confidence that you are loved!

To hell with rose-colored glasses - they don’t suit me, to hell with the past - it prevents me from being happy in the present... To hell with everything that happened - I’m happy!

I love the truth, but still prefer happiness...

I tried on happiness... And it suits me... I will wear it.

Let's go with a friend! She looks so chic in heels. And I’m so happy in slippers!!!

I'm happy! I'm doing what I love.

I want, I can, I will and now I’m happy!

I'm very happy! Yes, yes, yes! And whoever ruins my mood, I’ll throw slippers at me!

My heart beats in the rhythm of happiness and no one can stop it

There is happiness. I know him. I know his phone number, his habits, the color of his eyes. They are beautiful. He has gentle hands and he smiles gorgeously!

I am happy that every day I see my future next to him more and more clearly...


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What could be more beautiful than an incredibly happy woman? Absolutely nothing, because a happy woman, like any hero from Greek myths, is capable of performing a lot of “feats” and deeds. You know that most of the fair sex have hundreds of concerns about excess weight, their beauty and attractiveness, they always see a sea of ​​flaws in themselves and are always apt for self-criticism. But few people know that all this self-criticism is almost always based on a lack of the most banal happiness. I don’t think you know many ladies who, being happy, delved into their shortcomings or believed that nature did not reward them with an attractive appearance. As proof, let's give an example of a girl in love, who, inspired, goes on a romantic date with her boyfriend, she feels great, smiles at passers-by and does not see dark spots in the sun. And also, even if a week ago she stood in front of the mirror for an hour and looked at her body, which was not ideal, as it seemed to her, she did not know what to wear today, because she believed that everything did not suit her and, having dressed, she went out into the street , walking gloomily into a new day. It is not surprising that it is love, the other half and the family as a whole that turns a girl into a young, happy woman who, with male support, can overcome any difficulties and failures in the family, in career growth and in life in general. Our statuses, I'm happy, are simply obliged to lift your spirits and inspire you, dear creatures.

A happy person is one who does not regret the past... is not afraid of the future... and does not interfere in other people's lives...

To all those who are so interested in my life, I officially inform you: I am still young, beautiful, happy and not even on a diet!!!

Thanks to my ex-husband for my new life! He just doesn’t realize how much he helped me become truly happy!

Live so that there is life in your eyes... in your heart - Love... in your soul - peace... and behind your back - wings!!!

Don't expect things to get easier, better, simpler. It won't! There will always be difficulties. So you need to be happy today!

Yesterday, a truck with cucumbers and a truck with goods from an intimate store collided on the highway; the arriving traffic cops played edible and not edible for 3 hours.

If a person is a woodpecker in life, then he will never become a clear falcon...

Only when you're drunk do you understand who you really love!

Life is too precious to waste it on cheap people...
Appreciate those who appreciate you as well...

Five emotions that prevent us from living: pride, envy, anger, pity and fear.

Let go of the past and forgive, wish the past happiness - and life will sparkle with new colors for you, do not regret anything, most importantly, let go and forgive! There is only one life, you shouldn’t waste it on people who are empty for you. Once a betrayer, he will never earn trust again! Live in the future!

Happiness consists of little things that are accessible to everyone. You just need to learn to notice them.

You need to live for the smiles of your parents, for the laughter of your children, for the happiness of your loved one. After all, what could be better than pride in the eyes of parents, what could be more beautiful than the words of your child: “My mommy,” and the quiet whisper of a loved one, “I love you.”

Remember, for a happy life there is one simple rule: No one in this world owes you anything.

Life is good when you rarely have to ask God and often thank.

Life is an interesting thing, it gives unexpected meetings, acquaintances, and among them there are people without whom now... life... would be boring!!!

Don’t be afraid to change your life; because of the fear of change, we miss the chance for happiness and remain in a vicious circle of problems.

Today I am seriously thinking about the question that I need to change something dramatically in my life. So tonight I will sit on the TV and look at the sofa!

You need to realize in time what can no longer be returned and just start life again, perhaps God gave you two chances, and the first lost means the beginning of a second, happier one.

Happiness is when your friends are a doctor, a cop, a lawyer and a killer...

Always be CONFIDENT in what YOU are doing! AND SPIT on other people's OPINION! It's not a shame to be WRONG for those around you... it's a shame to be UNHAPPY for YOURSELF!!!

Know and never forget, not a single woman has ever been lost without a man, but rather she will be lost with a man...

If you want to live a happy, long family life, learn to forgive, understand, remain silent when necessary, tell the truth and simply love!!!

How little I need to be happy - a little affection, a few words, a simple loving look and the phrase “Sweet dreams” at night...

I'm standing on the threshold of a new life!!! All that remains is to open the door... I’m thinking, from the foot or culturally!

How is there no happiness in life?!? What about me?

Happiness comes not when you hang up the horseshoe, but when you remove the clamp.

I'm sick! Diagnosis:
“There is an acute lack of fairy-tale events in my life.”

You can be happy anywhere, anytime, anytime, but... NOT WITH ANYONE!!!

It's never too late to love, enjoy life and be happy.
Happiness has no expiration date or age restrictions.

When there is someone nearby who makes you happy, you can survive anything...

Do you think your life is shit? Go to the orphanage. There thousands of eyes will look at you, who are not to blame for anything, and would be happy to have at least 10% of what you have...

Happiness is when there is the same person in the house, in bed and in your head...

Statuses about a happy life

When he has an online sign in contact I'm happy

Today I woke up happy, because I fell asleep in the spring, and in the morning I opened my eyes and summer woke up with me.

I'm happy because I fell in love, but not with some other bullshit, but just with this life. People, love this life, it's worth it!

I'm so happy today. It's not comfortable even in front of people.(m)

I am happy with myself and my own life. All that is required of you is to be happy for me.

You are the most dear person to me in this world, and only with you next to me am I happy. Let the whole world know and let the whole universe hear. I truly love you.

I'm happy that I met the one I was looking for. And I won’t trade my fate for anyone else’s.

Sometimes you want to tell your past: what do you need, bitch?! Can't you see I'm happy? Tell it to disappear forever. Don't remember.

And yet I'm happy. Yes, I'm happy. Nobody can deny it. They have no evidence.

Beautiful, smart, I can cook, my head doesn’t hurt. I'm not looking for anyone, I'm just showing off. Envy: I'm happy!

So that all your affairs succeed, and your life glows with positivity, give yourself an attitude in the morning. I am Happy, Successful and Beautiful!!!

I talked to him on the phone. I'm happy:*

Do you know why I'm so happy? They just wished me a lot of happiness on my birthday.

I'm alone. And I'm happy, you're not the last. I wish you happiness too. Find your perfect one. Does it exist, but you look, maybe you will find it.

I’m going with a friend, she’s wearing heels, she’s so chic. And I’m next to you in flip-flops, looking so happy.

Hahaha. Did you think it would hurt me? From my darling, I’m happy without you

My dear. beloved, thank you for being in the world. I am happy that you are strong like the wind and love me no matter what. You save me from pain and tears. Sadness, you don’t even let me come close. My dear, thank you for living!

Ahh. Guys. I fell in love!. And I'm happy! =)

I poured coffee, went to the window, looked at the sun and realized that I was happy.

I'm just happy! =)

I feel bad, but you think I’m happy. I play, and you think I live. I still have a lot of masks, but you don’t even try to take them off.

I remember the face of the guy who I needed for 8 months, he saw me with my boyfriend! He himself then said that he was not an option! Well then! Get it! I'm happy without you! My maxim is the best!

I'm happy! -Where did you get the idea? -I just know it! I love everyone, people give each other smiles! This is so lacking in the modern world! =)

The weak take revenge. The strong forgive. And I'm Happy - I forget everything.

Taking this opportunity, I want to say hello to my exes: Suck me, dears, I’m happy!

Mom, I promise you. He won't destroy me. I'm happy that he loves me.

No, I'm not pretentious. I smoke Kent, I only drink coffee and whiskey, I don’t go to clubs, I prefer coffee. I don't change boyfriends, I only have one. I'm happy, damn it.

I'm happy. I tell myself this every morning and it’s probably true.

A boy whom I really like wrote to me (do you love me?) I answered him that I really like him. And he said that he wanted me too) damn girls, I’ve been waiting for this for a year, I’m happy)

Marry me, urgently! And then all the friends complain about their husbands, they are so unhappy! I’m the only one happy, it’s already inconvenient)))))

It seems to me that my inspiration comes only from sadness, melancholy and pain. When I’m happy, I don’t want to write anything, but when I’m in pain, I pour out my whole soul into the written lines.

When you return home from work, I will smile at you and say quietly, quietly: “I am very happy that the best man in the world is next to me.

I want it to be like this: sp: married to. Status: I am happy with my most beloved and best man (updated 50 years ago), and on the wall there are inscriptions: grandma, happy anniversary!

The happiest, the most beloved, and the rest doesn’t matter.

Imagine him. Your heart begins to beat wildly and a happy smile appears on your face!

May every person who reads this quote have his most cherished dreams come true! My dream has come true! And today I am the happiest! I wish the same for all of you!

A woman truly becomes happy only when she becomes a mother. Every mother has her own source of happiness, her own shining sun, the meaning of life - her beloved child.

I always tell everyone that everything is fine with me and I’m happy, no matter what. After all, our thoughts are material!

He is handsome, kind, sweet, so funny. It’s bad without him, but when he’s around, I’m happy. He's good with me. real. he has beautiful eyes and a smile. he is the dearest. I love him very much.

So that all your affairs succeed, and life always sparkles with positivity, give yourself the attitude in the morning: I AM HAPPY, SUCCESSFUL AND BEAUTIFUL!!!

I'm happy! I have everything for this, even you, honey, you just don’t know it yet.

One is in my heart, another is in my thoughts, the third is on my phone screensaver. I'm happy.

I'm happy not because there is a reason, but because there is no reason not to be so

I feel bad. When you are far away (when you are near, I am happy! I want to do incomprehensible actions and I don’t know what you did to me =/

The happiest woman in the world is, of course, a mother who has children.

There is only one suffering: to be alone. And that’s why I often realize how happy I am, because I have Friends!

For me, you are warmer than the sun, softer than clouds and more fragrant than flowers. I am the happiest because you are my happiness.

I deceive myself, I smoke, I swear, I have no conscience, my room is a mess, but I’m happy, happy that I live like this, and I don’t need anything.

I didn’t write for 4 days, so I couldn’t stand it and wrote to him myself.) And he wanted to see how proud I was. I'm happy!

I'm a wolf. Proud and free. I will kneel only before God. Strong because they hurt. Brave - I have nothing to fear! I have real friends and super parents. I am happy, but I ask you not to interfere!

The best statuses about happiness on! Each of us often thinks about the eternal question: what is happiness? And everyone has their own answer. So what is happiness and can you say that a person is happy if you read on his page statuses about happiness? How many people have so many opinions? However, the main thing that unites us is the understanding that happiness cannot be bought or given, it must be earned. Happiness is a state of mind! Remember, as in the famous cartoon, happiness is when everyone is at home! Indeed, when we have harmony and mutual understanding in our family, when our relatives and loved ones are healthy, when we can understand each other without words, isn’t this happiness?

Beautiful quotes with meaning about happiness with your loved one!

And if you are with your loved one on the seashore, warm sand, the cries of seagulls, the gentle sun and blue sky, white caps on the waves, the alluring blue of the water calls you to quickly plunge into this warm bliss. Maybe this is happiness? Yes, this is also happiness. And now, under your photo in Odnoklassniki, friends read statuses about happiness with your loved one! And let this whole huge world belong only to you two. After all, love is one of the most important components of the harmony of relationships. And let statuses about happiness always occupy the top lines on your page on social networks! Why waste time looking for the illusion of happiness, you just need to be happy. And then everything in your life will be filled with light and goodness. But people are too superstitious, they are afraid to scare away the bird of happiness from their shoulder. Thinking about the eternal, we miss the chances that fate so favorably provides us with. If you still want to speculate on eternal topics, then our meaningful statuses about happiness will give you good food for thought. Just think quickly, because happiness is fickle.

Statuses about children as the main happiness in life!

The most beautiful thing in the life of any family is children. Yes, in our time, when people prioritize career and wealth, children fade into the background. But when you see statuses about children and happiness on the pages of friends and even strangers, you begin to wonder whether you are living the right way? Those who say that raising a child in modern society is very difficult are right. Was it easy for our parents? As you know, times don’t choose. Children are our continuation. They are different, little people, but there is a part of us in them, and it will continue to live in our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. This is also happiness! When we are truly happy, there is no need to hide it; share moments of happiness with your loved ones. Visit our website Statuses-Here. Ru, choose beautiful statuses about happiness and share with your friends on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. Know that the main thing is to believe in yourself, and then not a single envious person will be able to stop you. And the bird of happiness will become your friend and patron.

The coolest and most interesting statuses about happiness!

A person who is confident in himself and his abilities can sometimes play a little joke on an obstinate bird. And so we read funny statuses about happiness on his page. And there is nothing wrong with this, since happiness cannot but respect and appreciate brave, honest, positively thinking, kind, courageous people. After all, we know that we ourselves are the creators of our own happiness. And a good joke never hurt anyone. If you are looking for the coolest statuses about simple human happiness, visit our website. Many psychologists say that happiness should not become a goal for a person. Otherwise, his whole life turns into a meaningless pursuit of a short-term and often illusory state. However, who among us has not dreamed of our own happiness, thought out to the smallest detail! And after all, many people experience it themselves, moreover, with all their might, from the fullness of the sensations, they strive to share it with everyone. Of course, it’s very nice to see a status about happiness on someone’s personal page, radiating positivity and pleasure from life. We wish you to visit this particular category of our status list as often as possible!

Beauty is only a promise of happiness.

Dear girls, what does female happiness mean to you?

I'm looking for happiness. He is so beautiful, with blue eyes, a sweet smile and an infectious laugh. Please do not offer used ones)))

I don’t need much... just a sip of happiness...

Being with you for a whole century is not enough for me!!!

A real smile is a symbol of the happiness of the soul...

There are no need for secrets here: happiness is that we are together!

One boy came into my world for me, I know that and I was waiting for it))
My boy is the author of my happiness!

There is little merit in being happy if you are an optimist.

He is happy who has passed through the torment, among the worries and passions of a noisy life, like a rose that blooms thoughtlessly, and lighter through the waters of a running shadow.

Hear the birds singing,...See the deep blue of the sky,...Warm up with the rays of the sun... - realize what happiness it is to live!

True happiness is the practice of wisdom...

There is no happiness in life... there are only lightnings of it...

Sometimes you get tired of happiness too!)

Don’t look for happiness... and it will find you faster than others, because just think and don’t forget that try to find your happiness in happiness for others, helping...

I'm unhappy. Not because I don’t have happiness, but because I don’t know what happiness is. And, in fact, I simply have nothing to strive for. And many people envy me...

I only have blue eyes when I'm happy. look into my eyes and you will know if I am happy with you.

Roses of joys with thorns of troubles have existed side by side for a long time.


What is happiness? Maybe in surprise, maybe in the beauty of losing, maybe in knowledge without self-interest or in love without hope.

Happiness quickly becomes a memory.

Happiness is a glass that sparkles but breaks...

Happiness is when you realize that someone still needs you...

Do you believe that it is possible to have a huge amount of happiness in life, for which you don’t even have to pay for it later?

I won't invent anything anymore. I won't introduce us together. I won’t shed tears into my pillow every evening... I promise: even without you, I will be happy!)

Money doesn't buy happiness!
Just how to convince the bank and collectors of this!? ...)))

There is no complete happiness, without an admixture of suffering.

Our envy is always more durable than the happiness of others that we envy.

Joy is the result. Happiness is the path.

Victory breeds hatred, the defeated lives in sorrow.
The calm one lives in happiness, renouncing victory and defeat.

Strawberries!!!In the Sahara!!! She's like oranges in sugar, only red... Children... It's just happiness...

Always running somewhere,... in a hurry to live? Stop! Right now! Until fate stops you! Only this may be a painful stop!

Be yourself, don't change your self...
This is the shortest and surest path to yourself and your happiness!

“Perhaps fate is more favorable to the one who loves to collect shells than to the one who is born a millionaire.”

We all have different things. At least on the emotional level. For some, a sudden kiss in the spring rain brings happiness, but for others, happiness is bundles of euros in a suitcase made of stingray skin... Happiness cannot be generalized...

You should do what makes you happy. Forget about money or other traps that are considered success. If you're happy working in a village store, work. You only have one life.

Happiness is a utopia aimed at oneself, for the failure of which we blame others.

I am convinced that happiness has nothing to do with money.

Pleasure and happiness are two completely different things...

When there is no misfortune, there is already happiness!

I want to be my beloved and give happiness to someone...
Give someone a hug! Send the unnecessary ones far away...

I want a son so that I can send him to hockey, dress him stylishly, teach him how to behave with girls and so that he is handsome, like his dad.

Our happiness, like a flash of lightning, sparkles only to announce a thunderstorm.

“Happiness is a full handful of water. I know how quickly it slips through your fingers and how difficult it is to hold onto it.”

Happiness is possible on the edge of the possible.

It's raining outside... it's autumn - she's crying with happiness because she's glad that she came to us.

What happiness when the sparkle in your eyes illuminates the world!

Jonathan understood why the life of seagulls is so short: it is consumed by boredom, fear and anger, but he forgot about boredom, fear and anger and lived a long, happy life.

I need her eyes! For what? I want to look at them! And what do you want to see in them? Gratitude!!!

Happy because I'm not unhappy!!!)))))

Beautiful statuses about happiness



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