Alcohol infusion of hawthorn. Benefits and contraindications of hawthorn decoction

Hawthorn tincture is known to everyone. And if you haven’t used it yet, then at least you’ve heard about such a remedy. (instructions for use inform) is cardiovascular drug. It is often used in medicine. The composition includes one part of hawthorn fruit tincture and ten parts of 70 percent ethyl alcohol.

Regarding the precautions when using a remedy such as hawthorn tincture, the instructions for use advise that, if possible, you should consult a doctor about this. This is especially true when you start taking this drug wants a woman who is breastfeeding or pregnant. During the period for which the patient is prescribed hawthorn tincture, the instructions for use advise forgetting about driving, and it is also not recommended to engage in activities recognized as potentially dangerous.

Phytosterols, choline, flavonoids, triterpene acids, tannins, acetylcholine - all these biologically active substances contain hawthorn tincture. The instructions say that this remedy increases blood circulation in the vessels (heart and brain), contractions of the heart muscle, normalizes blood pressure, has a sedative effect, and so on.

The instructions for use recommend using a remedy such as hawthorn tincture in a strict dosage. This must be done before eating, orally. How long the course of treatment will last and what the dose of the drug will be is determined only by the doctor. At the same time, he takes into account the severity and nature of the specific pathological process, drug tolerability, achieved effect, various features the course of a particular disease. If the specialist has not prescribed another regimen, then the standard one is as follows: adolescents (that is, children under 14 years of age), as well as adults, should take the tincture three times a day, about 20 drops. This must be done until it is stable healing effect will not be achieved. Blood pressure should normalize and heart rate should decrease. If the next dose was not taken for any reason, the next one must be taken in accordance with the doctor's instructions.

If you greatly exceed the recommended dose of the medicine, various side effects, such as slow heart rate and drowsiness. If an overdose occurs, you should urgently stop taking the drug and immediately go to a specialist.

As for side effects, sometimes they appear allergic reactions, for example, itching, skin rashes and redness. If other symptoms occur, you should immediately tell your doctor about them.

Hawthorn tincture is usually prescribed to patients with functional disorders activity of the cardiovascular system, as well as in cases where there are mild forms of heart rhythm disturbances, for example, tachycardia, arrhythmia.

When interacting with other drugs, hawthorn tincture can cause unpredictable consequences. For example, it enhances the effect antiarrhythmic drugs and cardiac glycosides. Therefore, you first need to consult a doctor.

Best before date this tool is four years. After this, it is strictly prohibited to use it. You also need to pay attention to storage conditions. The optimal temperature for this is +8-15 degrees, the place should be protected from light and inaccessible to children. Sometimes during storage a sediment may form in the bottle.

The conditions for its sale are as follows: hawthorn tincture is available without a prescription.

It's quite effective and inexpensive remedy. Hawthorn tincture receives mostly positive and enthusiastic reviews.

Hawthorn fruits and flowers bear great benefit health. Their properties are used to prevent and treat diseases of the heart and blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and digestion, overcome fatigue, insomnia, and eliminate the consequences nervous overstrain. Berries of wild varieties have already been used in Ancient China and Asia. In the 16th century, cultivated plant species were developed. At first, hawthorn turned out to be useful due to its ability to eliminate loose stool for dysentery. Then they began to use it to improve the functioning of the heart and the condition of blood vessels.

Composition of medicinal plant

Accurate chemical composition, explaining beneficial properties hawthorn, is still unknown. It is believed that the therapeutic effect is achieved by flavonoids, plant polyphenols. In addition to giving the fruits a particular color, they help eliminate the fragility of the walls of blood vessels and neutralize free radicals in the body.

  • quercitrin maintains elasticity, reduces capillary permeability, has antitumor and antioxidant effects;
  • quercetin is an excellent means of preventing and treating cerebrovascular accidents, cardiovascular diseases. Sufficient intake of quercetin reduces the risk of cataract formation.
  • hyperoside increases the utilization of glucose, increases the use of oxygen, and enriches the heart with potassium ions. As a result, the contractility of the myocardium, the middle layer of the heart muscle, and the amount of cardiac output increases.
  • Vitexin dilates blood vessels, strengthens metabolic processes in the heart muscle.

Hawthorn flowers and fruits also provide benefits due to the properties of the acids they contain:

  • Ursolova has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect;
  • oleanolic acid tones and enhances blood supply to the heart and brain;
  • chlorogenic has an anti-sclerotic effect, is useful for normalizing kidney and liver function, has choleretic effect.
  • coffee shop has strong antibacterial properties, also promotes the secretion of bile.

The amount of tannins after freezing decreases, the berries become sweeter and not so tart.

Medicinal properties of hawthorn

Taking the fruits and flowers of the plant in the form of infusion, tincture, decoction benefits the entire body, providing complex impact on various organs and systems.

Heart. Providing a vasodilator effect, hawthorn benefits by toning the heart muscle and ensuring sufficient oxygen supply. The frequency decreases, a rhythm is established, and the strength of heart contractions increases. As a result, the excitability of the heart decreases, its fatigue is relieved, and the coronary blood flow And cerebral circulation.

Hawthorn in one or another dosage form is useful in reducing the manifestations of mild forms atrial fibrillation, tachycardia.

Vessels. The plant normalizes blood clotting indicators, level, prevents the formation atherosclerotic plaques. It is used in case of vascular spasm.

Nervous system. Providing a sedative (calming, but without drowsiness) effect, useful plant reduces the excitability of the nervous system, helps eliminate insomnia, and helps normalize sleep.

Digestive system. Taking infusions and tinctures helps with gastritis in any form, flatulence, and in case of difficult digestion in children. Used to eliminate loose stools.

Flowers and fruits of the plant help cope with headaches, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Antioxidant effect prevents tumor formation of different nature, increases, helps to quickly restore strength after suffering infectious diseases.

Nursing mothers use the beneficial property of hawthorn to stimulate milk production.

Use of the plant in cosmetics Helps restore natural moisture skin, tones, relieves swelling, eliminates manifestations age-related changes.

Pharmacy products

Typically, for cooking medicines, which have a number of useful properties, the flowers and fruits of common hawthorn, prickly, blood-red and other small-fruited species are used. They are better studied and contain significant amount compounds that normalize heart function.

Hawthorn fruits are available in various dosage forms: herbal raw materials, powder, lozenges, tincture, extract. Their benefits are in eliminating arrhythmia; they are also used to calm the central nervous system, lower cholesterol levels, normalize blood clotting, increase milk production, and eliminate digestive disorders in infants.

Flowers, compared to fruits, have best ability reduce blood pressure.

Hawthorn tincture is prepared from crushed dry fruits in 70% alcohol.

Cardiovalen, drops for oral administration due to the adonizide, valerian tincture, and hawthorn extract included in the composition, are useful in increasing the force of heart contractions and have a sedative effect.

Valemidin, alcohol drops to eliminate spasms smooth muscle vessels and internal organs, also have a sedative effect.

Phytorelax, produced in tablet form, contains valerian rhizome and hawthorn flower extract. It is beneficial due to its sedative properties, helping to cope with insomnia and increased nervous excitability.

Cedarvit in the form of an elixir, a non-dosed liquid dosage form, tones, increases the body's resistance to harmful influences, and helps to quickly cope with fatigue. The composition includes flowers and fruits of hawthorn, birch buds, pine nuts, honey, chokeberry berries.

Amrita, an elixir in the form of a mixture of alcohol-water extracts of plant materials: rose hips, elecampane, cardamom, juniper, thyme, licorice and hawthorn. Its benefits and medicinal properties manifest themselves as a tonic and restorative effect.

Demidov syrup has a choleretic effect, eliminates spasm of smooth muscles, reduces the formation of gases during flatulence, and stimulates peristalsis. Contains hawthorn fruits, calamus, birch buds, oregano.

How to brew hawthorn at home. Juice, tea, infusions, tincture

During the season, it is useful to drink diluted juice from fresh fruits. It improves blood circulation and normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.

Hawthorn tea recipe. In the evening, put 20-30 berries in a thermos, you can add rose hips, and brew 1 liter of boiling water. In the morning healthy tea ready. It is better to brew the fruits whole, as this way they retain more benefits.

An infusion can be prepared from dried hawthorn fruits and flowers, which have many beneficial properties.

The simplest recipe for preparing hawthorn infusion at home is to brew whole berries with boiling water and leave them in a thermos overnight at the rate of a couple of handfuls of fruit per 1 liter of boiling water. Take a third of a glass an hour before meals 3-4 times a day. Its properties are useful for arrhythmia, angina pectoris, and for eliminating nervous excitement.

If you chop the berries, you can get the infusion faster. Brew 1 tsp. chopped berries with a glass of boiling water. Home in half an hour remedy ready. Take 1/3 glass an hour before meals.

Hawthorn tincture is prepared from crushed dried fruits or flowers. They are infused with vodka for two weeks at the rate of 2 glasses of vodka per 4 tablespoons. vegetable raw materials. The finished tincture is filtered. Take 25-30 drops with water an hour before meals.

The flower tincture has more medicinal and beneficial properties for getting rid of hypertension, angina pectoris.

Use of hawthorn for heart diseases

The plant is widely used to treat heart diseases. As a rule, they appear various symptoms. Sometimes fatigue increases, weakness is felt even in the absence physical activity, and night rest does not restore strength. Impaired cerebral circulation causes fainting and loss of consciousness. Swelling may suddenly form, shortness of breath and a feeling of tightness in the chest, especially when lying down. If these symptoms appear, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Heart failure

If, for one reason or another, the heart muscle loses the ability to contract strongly enough, other organs begin to experience oxygen starvation. To normalize blood circulation, it is necessary to take hawthorn, which has the beneficial property of preventing fatigue of the heart muscle and having a tonic and contraction-enhancing effect.

Tea balm with hawthorn. Add 2 tbsp to 100g of black tea. rose hips, 1 tsp. hawthorn berries, 1 tsp. motherwort, 1 tsp. , 1 tsp valerian, 1 tsp. flowers Brew and drink how regular tea.

Hawthorn juice. Wash a glass of fresh or thawed fruit after freezing, chop it, add a little water, heat it to +30C. Place the raw material in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice with a spoon. Take 1 tbsp. an hour before meals. The remaining cake is suitable for brewing and can be used to prepare an infusion.

Hawthorn infusion. Brew 1 tsp. crushed fruits with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Take half a glass in the morning and at night.

When preparing the infusion, you can take 2 parts each of hawthorn and motherwort flowers, add 1 part each peppermint and hop cones. Brew 1 tsp. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, strain. Drink a glass throughout the day. Mint dilates blood vessels, hops soothes.

Coronary heart disease (CHD), angina pectoris and myocardial infarction

If the myocardium, the middle layer of the heart muscle, does not receive enough oxygen, it happens. muscle spasm, accompanied by heaviness in the chest, squeezing. As a rule, ischemic disease heart develops due to dysfunction coronary arteries, through which the myocardium is supplied with oxygenated blood. A common cause is atherosclerosis, the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels and the formation of atheromatous plaques.

The chronic form of the disease is called angina pectoris or angina pectoris, it manifests itself in attacks relieved by nitroglycerin. Acute form IHD is called myocardial infarction.

  • To prevent coronary artery disease, it is useful to take courses of infusion of hawthorn fruits and flowers, which has the beneficial property of lowering cholesterol levels, normalizing blood pressure and heart rate. For taste, you can prepare an infusion with rose hips.
  • To prevent angina pectoris and myocardial infarction, it is worth preparing an infusion of hawthorn and motherwort. Mix 1 tsp. crushed berries or flowers with motherwort herb, brew in a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour, strain. Take 1/3 cup one hour before meals.
  • Taking 1 part each of hawthorn and motherwort fruits, add 2 parts each of valerian and feinnel fruits, which have a beneficial property of having a calming effect. Brew 1 tsp. collect a glass of boiling water, simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. When the infusion has cooled, strain. Take 1/3 cup 2 hours after meals.
  • An infusion for angina pectoris can be prepared from berries alone. Brew hawthorn at the rate of 1 tbsp. fruits for 1 glass of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos. In the morning, drain the infusion by squeezing the berries through a thin cloth. Take a glass one hour before meals.

After suffered a heart attack myocardium, it is recommended to take 2 times a day 1/2 cup of hawthorn juice and 1 tsp. vegetable oil. Some time later, take a weak infusion of berries instead of tea.

Does hawthorn increase or decrease blood pressure?

The medicinal plant benefits from its ability to normalize high or low blood pressure, so it is used in recipes for hypertension and hypotension.

Recipes for high blood pressure

In case of hypertension, the risk of stroke and heart attack increases. High performance pressure can also signal kidney disease.

The beneficial property of hawthorn to reduce blood pressure is used in the recipe of the famous folk remedy. Mix 1 tsp. crushed fruits, as well as motherwort, cudweed, add some dried chamomile flowers. Brew a glass of boiling water. After an hour, strain the infusion. Take 1 tbsp. an hour before meals.

Another remedy is prepared from hawthorn flowers. Dried vegetable raw materials at the rate of 1 tbsp. per glass is brewed in the evening, left overnight in a sealed container. Take 1 glass an hour before meals for a month.

Preparing flowers and fruits for the winter

The beneficial properties of hawthorn flowers in the treatment of a number of diseases are more effective than those of the fruits. Therefore, they are also prepared for the winter.

The main enemy when harvesting flowers is high humidity. Dry weather is required, which is complicated by a short flowering period, often lasting only 2-3 days.

Fully opened flowers are harvested. They are carefully cut off along with a small part of the stem. It is better to do this in the morning, when the dew has completely dried. The harvest is scattered thin layer in a dry, shaded and well-ventilated place.

Dried flowers are stored for up to a year in fabric bags, paper bags, wooden boxes with paper at the bottom.

In order to preserve the beneficial properties of hawthorn fruits as much as possible, they also try to pick them in dry weather in September-October. After sorting and washing, the berries are dried at temperatures up to +50C. As a result, they darken and wrinkle, acquiring a sweet, astringent taste. They are stored similarly to flowers, but for up to two years.

When preparing hawthorn berries for the winter, they can be stored in the freezer. The sorted and washed fruits are lightly dried on a towel and then placed in plastic containers with a lid.

Contraindications and possible harm

Any plant is beneficial only if it correct application, which is especially important in the case of cardiovascular diseases. Before using the beneficial properties of hawthorn yourself, you should consult your doctor, especially if severe disorders cardiac activity or kidneys.

  • Taking for an excessively long time may cause depression of heart rate.
  • Eating fruits in excessive quantities can cause mild poisoning.
  • If treated with empty stomach, a spasm of the intestines or blood vessels may occur, and vomiting may occur. In this situation, it is worth taking infusions and tinctures two hours after meals, reducing the concentration or dose of the folk remedy.
  • When treating with hawthorn, you should not drink immediately cold water, otherwise things may happen intestinal colic, paroxysmal pain.
  • In some cases, hypotensive patients for more effective application For the beneficial properties of hawthorn in the treatment of heart diseases, it is worth using infusions of the plant’s flowers rather than its fruits.
Modified: 02/18/2019

Today we will talk about the health benefits of hawthorn tincture, we will describe on the website instructions for using this biological agent, medicinal properties and contraindications, side effects drug "hawthorn tincture".

What kind of plant is hawthorn?

Hawthorn is a tall bush or low-growing tree that belongs to the deciduous genus and the Rosaceae family. Finds its use as a medicinal plant with wide choice useful properties. It is a honey plant. It grows singly and sometimes in small clusters of bushes, loves edges and spacious clearings. loves very much sunlight and tolerates winter well.

Since ancient times, it has been used as an astringent and for stomach disorders. The color of hawthorn is white or pinkish. The berries have a pleasant sweet taste.

Composition of hawthorn, calorie content of berries

Hawthorn has also found its use in the field of cosmetology, where it is successfully added to masks for skin rejuvenation.

Hawthorn fruits are low-calorie, since 100 grams of berries contain about 50 kcal.

Medicinal properties of hawthorn tincture, indications

Hawthorn-based tincture most often finds its application in the field of cardiology. Namely, with neurosis, with high blood pressure, including during pregnancy, hawthorn tincture also helps heart patients. For disorders of the kidneys and liver, as well as for. Hawthorn saturates the blood with oxygen.

For good heart function, hawthorn tincture is one of the first helpers. Because it tones the heart muscle well, relieves fatigue and normalizes its rhythm.

For vascular system Hawthorn tincture is no less useful, as it has a beneficial effect on cramps different locations, normalizes, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, prevents the formation of blood clots.

On nervous system hawthorn acts as a soft sedative, which does not cause sleepiness. Making it better quality and calmer.

In relation to the gastrointestinal tract, hawthorn tincture is also successfully used, namely for gastritis, bloating and impaired digestion in children. There are also many hidden beneficial properties of this tincture, for example, it helps with herpes different types, menopause and temperature changes. It also helps by stimulating cerebral circulation.

People often wonder How does hawthorn affect blood pressure, does it lower or increase it?!

The answer is very simple - hawthorn normalizes blood pressure. High blood pressure- lowering, low - increasing.

Use of hawthorn in folk medicine

Hawthorn tincture is taken diluted with purified water or added to cooled tea in the dosage specified in the instructions. Alternative medicine To improve blood circulation, he recommends using hawthorn juice diluted with water; it also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

So blood red hawthorn berries are used to cook infusion, which fights nervous fatigue and arrhythmia. To prepare it at home, you need to pour one handful of hawthorn berries into one liter boiled water. Leave in a container that retains heat well (a thermos works well) overnight and strain in the morning. Take a quarter glass daily before meals.

For heart diseases, people often cook hawthorn tea. To do this, you need to steam a couple of tablespoons of berries with a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Then add two tablespoons to your favorite tea.

An infusion is often prepared using hawthorn flowers, which are poured into 200 ml of boiling water. Then leave for 15 minutes, filter and drink over the course of one day.

For neuroses and overwork, the red ripe fruits are brewed and infused in a thermos like regular tea, and drunk with honey.

Hawthorn flowers in combination with mint have a good effect on metabolism. To prepare this tea, you need to take one teaspoon of each plant and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink before eating. In the fight, an infusion based on hawthorn and motherwort flowers is used. Pour a spoonful of raw materials into a glass container, pour boiling water and leave. Strain and drink a quarter glass before meals.

Inventive housewives have found use for hawthorn in the kitchen, using it to prepare various compotes, jams, juices and preserves.

Contraindications for hawthorn tincture

Hawthorn tincture, like all other alcohol tinctures, has a number of contraindications. However, the likelihood that the drug will harm your health is very small if you take it according to the instructions.

You cannot take hawthorn tincture for more than long time than indicated in the instructions for the drug.

  • It is not recommended to take the tincture on an “empty” stomach, as this can cause stomach cramps and vomiting.
  • You can’t drink the tincture too much cold water or any cold drink, there is a possibility of colitis.
  • with bradycardia (slow heartbeat).
  • at severe forms heart diseases;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • children under 18 years of age.

How to prepare hawthorn tincture at home

The method for preparing hawthorn tincture at home is quite simple. You need to take 150 g of dry berries and 1 liter of alcohol, you can take vodka.

The berries must be chopped. You can do this in a mortar, or on a kitchen wooden board using a rolling pin. When the fruits are ready, you need to fill them with alcohol and leave the container with the future tincture in a dark, cool place for 15-25 days.

The finished hawthorn tincture should be yellow-red in color. Take 20-30 drops before meals three times a day.


Few people know that hawthorn tincture can be prepared using not only its fruits, but also its flowers. This tincture will be an effective remedy for rheumatism.

To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of dried flowers and pour them with alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Infuse for 7 days, strain and take 25-35 drops before meals.

IHD, angina pectoris

With squeezing pain in chest, the so-called " angina pectoris“You can take a remedy consisting of fresh hawthorn flowers (400 grams) and 0.4 liters of alcohol or vodka. Mix the raw material with liquid, leave for two weeks in a dark place, strain and take 35 drops before meals two to three times a day.

How to take hawthorn tincture

Taking the tincture directly depends on the disease, its nature and severity.

  • For high blood pressure, doctors recommend taking hawthorn alcohol tincture three times a day, 25-30 drops before meals (about 15-25 minutes).
  • For heart disease, the required dose will be 35-40 drops, two to three times a day. The course of therapy is no more than two months.
  • If your stomach is bothering you, if you have room, you should take hawthorn tincture 10-15 drops several times a day.
  • If there are disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system, there is often a feeling of overwork and weakness, if insomnia is bothering you, hawthorn tincture is prescribed 40-50 drops before bedtime. The course of treatment should be two to three weeks.

Uncontrolled use of a drug based on hawthorn can cause some side effects. Therefore, under no circumstances should you exceed the right dosage, this can cause serious poisoning.

It is also possible to experience severe headaches and redness on the skin. Intestinal cramps, drowsiness and diarrhea may occur.

If observed similar symptoms, you should contact a specialist. The first step in such poisoning is to rinse the stomach and clean the blood using droppers. Further therapy will be aimed at eliminating the causes of intoxication.

This shrub, well known to the residents of our country, is found almost everywhere. Hawthorn berries have long been used in traditional and folk medicine for the treatment of heart disease, insomnia. Decoctions, infusions, and syrups are prepared from hawthorn. Most Popular dosage form, which hawthorn is presented on the pharmaceutical market is hawthorn tincture, indications for use of which we will consider today.

Composition of the drug

Hawthorn tincture is very popular, as this drug has high efficiency, and at the same time affordable. It can be bought at any pharmacy.

The tincture contains substances that determine its effect on the human body. For example, it contains flavonoids, including quercetin, hyperin, hyperoside, and vitexin. It also contains carotenoids and tannins. Also included are the most important organic acids, including citric, oleic, ursolic, as well as crategusic, caffeic and chlorogenic.

The drug also contains fixed oils, pectins, glycosides, valuable choline, healthy sugars and vitamins.

All these substances together have the ability to eliminate spasms, strengthen capillaries and blood vessels, and significantly activate metabolic processes. The main effect of this drug is aimed at the cardiovascular system. The tincture also has positive impact on the central nervous system of the human body.

Hawthorn tincture helps to normalize and improve blood circulation (coronary and cerebral), so after taking the drug it calms down headache, the dizziness goes away. The product restores heart rhythm.

Due to its composition, this drug has antispasmodic properties, selectively expands the walls blood vessels heart muscle and brain. The tincture also has antihypertensive properties. This is reflected in the ability to normalize blood pressure, improve the condition of the vein walls.

Studies have proven that preparations based on hawthorn fruits, which contain triterpene glycosides, have a pronounced anti-atherosclerotic effect.

Indications for use

The tincture is usually recommended for people suffering from tachycardia (paroxysmal supraventricular), atherosclerosis, and hypertension. Take the drug for VSD, in the presence of atrial fibrillation, and for extrasystole. The tincture is recommended for people with digitalis intoxication and thyrotoxicosis. The drug works effectively when complex treatment sleep disorders, insomnia, menopause, asthenoneurotic syndrome.

How to prepare your own tincture?

Of course, you can buy the drug at the pharmacy, but you can prepare it yourself. I’ll tell you now how to do this:

First you need to wait for the season and collect the fruits of the blood-red hawthorn. Then wash the collected fruits and dry them well with a napkin. Now place 1 full glass of fruit in a ceramic or earthenware (glass) bowl, remember well with a wooden pestle.

Now transfer the mashed berries into a liter jar, pour 1 glass of high-quality alcohol into it. It is best to use rectified alcohol for preparing tinctures, since hydrolytic alcohol is inferior in quality and, moreover, it contains more different impurities. The alcohol must have a strength of 70%.

Now put the jar with the future medicine somewhere darker, where they won’t penetrate sun rays. For example, on a kitchen cabinet shelf. Let it sit there for 3 weeks. When the appointed time is up, strain the product through gauze. You need to take the tincture 20 or 25 drops no more than 3 times a day.

If you don’t have a tincture on hand, it takes a long time to prepare it, and you need to regularly take medications based on hawthorn, you can prepare a decoction. It can be made from either fresh or dried fruits(the latter are sold at the pharmacy).


It must be remembered that tincture of hawthorn fruit is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, and people who are sensitive to the components included in the drug.

How to prepare a decoction?

Place 2 tbsp in a small enamel saucepan. l. dry berries, add 200 ml there hot water, boil, and then cook over barely noticeable heat for 15 minutes. Now let the broth cool (it should be warm), strain. You should drink small sips throughout the day until it runs out.


If you need to prepare an effective remedy that will help you calm down, heal your nerves, and restore sleep, do the following: Pour an equal amount into a clean, dark bottle or vial pharmaceutical tinctures hawthorn, valerian and motherwort. Then drink the mixture 20-25 drops per quarter cup clean water. This remedy is also indicated for maintaining heart muscle health.

When taking the described medicines Some side effects may occur, for example, allergic manifestations, strong decrease blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, drowsiness, trembling of fingers. To avoid this, take hawthorn preparations only as prescribed. medical advice. Be healthy!

Pharmacological compositions based on medicinal plants - hawthorn infusion and liquid extract. The first is prepared by crushing fruits that have reached the full ripening phase. They insist on seventy percent alcohol solution, pouring in a ratio of one to ten.

The extract is prepared by percolation, that is, collecting the flowing juice and essential oils from the seeds of ripe fruits. It is filtered and mixed with alcohol in equal proportions. The latter is used less often than infusion in therapeutic practice.

Valuable properties of tincture

There is no data on the first cases of using hawthorn tincture in the treatment of heart diseases. At the end of the nineteenth century, there was a massive surge of interest in it from medical practitioners. So in 1896 it was used to treat heart diseases by the American doctor N. Jenning. The specialist noted that the drug stimulates heart contraction, while providing a calming effect.

Another American doctor, Alvarez Clement, experimentally confirmed the effectiveness of the drug, testing its effect on patients and himself. According to his reviews, hawthorn tincture had a pronounced analgesic effect for angina pectoris in cases where other drugs did not bring relief. The specialist noted high value the results of his research and called hawthorn tincture an important discovery of the nineteenth century.

Soviet doctors continued the practice of using the drug. Liquid extract fruits were recommended by therapist E.Yu. Chasseau during the Great Period Patriotic War, How accessible remedy from heart diseases. Later, Professor Dmitry Rossiysky noted the need to use tincture for heart diseases, as well as thyroid gland with a characteristic heartbeat. They were allowed to be used as a general strengthening cardiac remedy after illnesses.

Research by foreign and Soviet doctors allows us to formulate recommendations on how to use hawthorn tincture.

  • Hypertension. IN initial stages illness, the use of hawthorn tincture reduces high blood pressure.
  • Neuroses of the heart. The drug improves blood circulation in the vessels, stimulating normal blood flow to the heart and brain. Reduces the excitability characteristic of the heart muscle in neurotic state, increases its resistance to load, stability of operation.
  • Tachycardia. The use of the drug allows you to normalize the functioning of the heart, eliminates palpitations in case of cardiac arrhythmias. Thanks to the reduction pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle, a general improvement in the patient's condition is achieved.
  • Insomnia. The drug reduces excitability, improves sleep, and makes it deeper. After waking up, a patient suffering from heart disease does not feel apathy, a tendency to which is caused by other insomnia remedies.
  • Prevention of arrhythmia, support for a tired heart. Hawthorn tincture can be used as a tonic for those at risk of developing heart disease. In terms of effectiveness and safety, it is preferable to bromine and digitalis preparations.

IN German medicine infusions of hawthorn fruits and flowers are recommended for elderly people for the prevention and treatment of heart disorders. Especially widely used to normalize the condition of women menopause.

Rules of application

"Hawthorn - indeed, universal remedy from heart disease,” notes herbalist Andrei Varenikov. - But, in my opinion, only flowers have such properties. Pharmaceutical preparations are made from berries. If these remedies were as effective as flower tinctures, it would be difficult to imagine the condition of “sick people” taking a couple of vials of medicine at a time.”

The famous Soviet herbalist Mikhail Nosal agrees with the herbalist’s opinion. In the encyclopedia medicinal plants Mikhail Andreevich notes that in medicinal purposes Usually it is the flowers of the plant that are used, and the fruits are used more often in food.

The composition of hawthorn flowers and fruits is different. Flowers are high in flavonoids - organic compounds, which have a direct effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. The fruits are dominated by sugars and saponins - substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the respiratory organs, producing sputum during a cold. Fruits also contain flavaniodes, but their content is lower than in flowers.

“I prefer to use only fresh flowers to prepare the tincture,” continues herbalist Andrei Varenikov. - And the point is not that dried ones contain less active substances, not at all. It's just that dried color is difficult to preserve. If you collect the flowers open, after a month only the receptacle and leaves will remain. Therefore, collect hawthorn flowers during the bud formation phase.”

Fresh flower tincture

Prepare medicinal infusion You can do it immediately after picking the flowers, or from properly prepared raw materials. Andrey Varenikov recommends the following technique.


  1. Place the flowers loosely in the jar without pressing down.
  2. Pour alcohol of forty-five percent strength under the neck of the jar.
  3. Close tightly and place in a dark place for two weeks.

The effectiveness of this hawthorn tincture has been confirmed by many years of practice. It must be used three times a day. Take thirty drops or up to one teaspoon before meals.

Infusion of dried flowers

To prepare the infusion, use dried hawthorn flowers collected in buds. Crumbled raw materials are not suitable. Insects settle in the open flowers of the plant, completely destroying the color within a month of storage.


  1. Pour the dry color into a container, use one tablespoon.
  2. Pour two hundred milliliters of boiling water.
  3. Leave covered for two hours.
  4. Strain.

Take half a glass before meals up to four times during the day.

Prescription for angina pectoris

A good effect is demonstrated by a combined tincture of hawthorn fruit and motherwort herb, taken in equal parts. It has a pronounced calming effect, relieves painful sensations for angina pectoris and normalizes heart function.


  1. Mix hawthorn fruits and motherwort herb in a container, use six tablespoons each.
  2. Pour boiling water in a volume of five hundred milliliters.
  3. Cover, wrap the container, leave for a day.
  4. Squeeze through cheesecloth.

Take the infusion three times a day, one glass. It can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several days.

Recipe for nervous tension

For neuroses, a combined tincture of hawthorn flowers and valerian root is used. Ready drug is offered by the French pharmacological industry in the form of tablets in which dry extracts are combined in a one-to-one ratio.


  1. Prepare an alcohol tincture of hawthorn flowers.
  2. Mix in equal parts with alcohol tincture valerian.

Take thirty drops of the product three times a day.

Overdose and contraindications

Hawthorn-based products are safe, recommended for use by people in old age, with atherosclerosis, neuroses of the heart muscle, concomitant diseases associated with menopausal disorders. French doctor Nikolai Leclerc notes that the contraindications of hawthorn tincture include only hypotension, since the drug moderately lowers blood pressure.

At the same time, the specialist pointed out that even with long-term use the drug has no effect negative impact, does not accumulate in tissues, which is why it was recommended for use by patients with renal failure. Taking in recommended doses has a positive effect therapeutic effect. If the dosage is slightly exceeded negative reactions does not arise.

An overdose of hawthorn tincture is possible if the dosage is exceeded three times at a time - in the amount of one hundred drops. In this case, cardiologist Nikolai Leclerc noted a slowing of the patient’s pulse with signs of depression of the nervous system.

Modern medicine has thoroughly studied medicinal properties hawthorn. Research on its effects on the human body has been carried out since the end of the nineteenth century. The benefits and harms of hawthorn tincture have been formulated. It is not recommended for patients with low blood pressure, but with signs of hypertension and a number of heart diseases it can be used in therapeutic practice. An infusion based on flowers is one of the safest and most effective means against angina pectoris, tachycardia, arrhythmia, neuroses and for the prevention of cardiac disorders.



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