Watch how to whiten your teeth at home. The best home teeth whitening: a review of products and methods

Beautiful teeth are not only a person’s calling card, but also an indicator of his health. A snow-white smile can endear a person to you and evoke positive emotions in response. Therefore, it is very important to properly care for the enamel and carefully monitor the condition of the teeth. There are many ways to effectively whiten your teeth at home.

Benefits of the procedure

If caries and other diseases are treated exclusively in specialized clinics, then home teeth whitening– this is a very real procedure and it is not at all necessary to go to a dental institution for this.

There are many products on the modern market with a whitening effect, but they contain many chemical components that have an extremely negative effect on the enamel, corroding it.

Such whitening threatens increased sensitivity of tooth enamel and various diseases.

Whitening, of course, can be done in a dental office, but not everyone has this opportunity due to the relative high cost of the procedure.

Teeth whitening at home has many advantages:

  • you can use the means at hand, and you don’t have to spend money on it;
  • you will be able to save valuable time by not wasting it on trips to dental clinics;
  • the safety of the procedure, because harmless and effective products are used that will not harm the enamel.

How to whiten teeth at home quickly and efficiently. Let's figure it out.

Before starting the whitening procedure, you need to accurately understand the necessary rules that will allow you to avoid any side effects on your gums and enamel.

First you need to carefully examine the oral cavity for minor injuries. If there are caries, any other diseases of the oral cavity, manipulation is strictly prohibited. Even if everything is fine, but there is increased sensitivity, this is also a reason to cancel the procedure.

Several requirements will need to be met:

  1. Regardless of which whitening product you decide to use, you must avoid getting it on your gums to avoid irritation or chemical burns.
  2. Even if you are impressed by the first result and want to please yourself with a snow-white smile as quickly as possible, remember that you need to take a break between procedures. Otherwise, you can damage the enamel and gums.
  3. Cleaning with such products must be done strictly in a vertical direction.
  4. You can use whitening toothpaste no more than once every 7 days. During this period, it is necessary to use gentle cleaning products without abrasives every day.
  5. To achieve the desired result and consolidate it, reconsider your gastronomic preferences and diet. It is forbidden to smoke and frequently drink strong tea and coffee, as this can lead to inevitable darkening of the enamel.

Variety of means

Whiten teeth at home without harm
quite possible for health. Teeth whitening methods There are a wide variety of, and even delicious, ones.

The most common way - baking soda for teeth whitening. This product is used very often for various purposes related not only to cleaning.

The popularity of soda is due to its safety and effectiveness. Even if you accidentally swallow a small amount of soda solution while cleaning, nothing bad will happen.

Soda will not harm internal organs. To use this substance for bleaching, you just need to dilute the soda in boiled water to the consistency of a slurry and clean it. You can simply add baking soda to the paste.

To enhance the whitening effect, traditional and folk safe medicine recommend using a product made from soda and hydrogen peroxide. Instead of water, hydrogen peroxide is used to dissolve soda. You can also add a few drops of aromatic lemon juice and finely ground salt to the solution. But it should be understood that such an enhanced remedy will not only be more effective, but also more dangerous. Therefore, use This solution must be applied carefully and no more than once a month.

Important! Baking soda is a safe product, but when cleaning, you must use a soft brush or cotton pad, otherwise you may scratch the enamel.

You can give your smile a snow-white glow at home with just hydrogen peroxide. Peroxide is a powerful whitening agent, but, alas, it cannot be called safe. This procedure should be carried out very carefully so that the product does not get on the gums. You can use this method no more than once a month. Frequent and regular use of peroxide will dull the enamel and gradually destroy it.

Activated carbon is also not only efficient, but also a useful remedy for whiteness. In addition, this method is very easy to use. To do this, knead an activated carbon tablet, apply it to a toothbrush and brush your teeth. This method can be used 2 times a week. If the enamel is strong and there is no hypersensitivity, you can apply a crushed activated carbon tablet to the tooth surface and hold the mixture for 5-10 minutes, then rinse your mouth with clean water.

Fruits and berries

How to naturally whiten teeth with fruits. This procedure will be beneficial, and there is no need to worry about its safety at all. Lemon and strawberries have a whitening effect.

A tasty and aromatic berry not only gives you the opportunity to enjoy its taste, but also provides an excellent whitening service.

The berries need to be mashed and this pulp used instead of paste.

After this, it is necessary to clean it with a real paste containing fluoride, because such an aromatic and tasty berry contains acid. The procedure can be repeated twice a month.

Lemon also has a pronounced whitening effect. Its zest is rubbed onto the tooth surface, and the mouth is rinsed with lemon juice.

Banana peel will also help solve the problem of how to clean your teeth at home. To do this, rub a piece of it on the enamel for 3-4 minutes. Orange peel also has the same effect.

Use of essential oils

You can whiten your teeth quickly and safely at home using various essential oils. The best remedy for this procedure is tea tree oil. You can also use lemon or orange essential oil.

The recipe for using essential oils is extremely simple: apply two drops to a brush and brush your teeth, then rinse your mouth with water, adding a couple of drops of oil.

Such products have pronounced disinfecting properties, have an antimicrobial effect, and remove harmful microorganisms from the oral cavity. Procedures with essential oils should be carried out once every 14 days.

Iodine for a snow-white smile

To make your smile dazzling, you can use it. This procedure is quite simple: a few drops of the substance are mixed with toothpaste and used as directed.

Important point! Iodine can damage enamel, to prevent this, you should brush your teeth with iodine for no more than 2 minutes and no more often, how once a month.

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and gums.
  3. The presence of fillings and crowns, since they will later differ in color.


To achieve the best results in whitening and consolidate the achieved effect, you should follow a certain diet.

If possible, you should exclude strong drinks (tea, coffee) from the menu.

You should also not eat dishes or foods that contain dyes.

Natural products should be limited to carrots and beets; they also contain natural dyes that can somewhat spoil the color of the enamel.

Important! If you want to sparkle with a snow-white smile, you need to remember the rule both during the whitening period and for the rest of your life: sweet carbonated bright drinks destroy the enamel.

Useful video: whiten teeth at home


Teeth whitening process at home– this is reality. You can make your smile dazzlingly white on your own. There are many ways to do this, the variety of which allows you to choose any convenient method. In order not to cause harm instead of benefit, you must adhere to all of the above tips and recommendations.

A beautiful smile is, first of all, healthy, snow-white teeth. In fact, you don’t have to resort to expensive procedures! We will tell you how to whiten your teeth at home.

A modern successful person must have beautiful white teeth - this is an axiom!

Teeth whitening is a procedure that is also often used by smokers and coffee lovers, because... their habits lead to yellowing of tooth enamel. The color of the enamel is also affected by the quality of daily teeth cleaning; many of us do it hastily, and as a result, incompletely cleaned enamel also becomes yellow. Dentists recommend brushing your teeth for at least three minutes. After high-quality cleaning, there should be no food deposits left on the surface (especially often it remains at the bottom of the teeth, near the gums), which leads to the appearance of stones and yellowing of the enamel.

Contrary to popular belief, white teeth are not a sign of high calcium levels and dental health, but a genetic predisposition. You can also achieve white teeth by regularly using whitening pastes. It is interesting to know that the strongest and calcium-rich enamel actually has a yellowish tint.

How to whiten teeth at home

There are several ways to whiten teeth, each person can choose the appropriate option for themselves. Many people simply cannot afford professional teeth whitening, and some do not want to undergo the procedure for fear of damaging tooth enamel.

In fact, you can whiten your teeth at home, yes, the effect will not be so amazing, but it will cost you many times less. The main rule in this procedure is to do no harm, so you should strictly adhere to the recommendations that will be described below.

The whitening process, by its nature, is a change in the color of the top layer of tooth enamel using special means. At the same time, the smile becomes snow-white. There are pitfalls to this procedure, which your dentist will tell you about. He must determine the structure of the enamel of your teeth, select the desired color and method of whitening. A lot depends on the texture of your teeth, so you should not neglect the advice of professionals, so as not to contemplate stains of different tones on your teeth.

So, you've decided to whiten your teeth at home. Your dentist has given the go-ahead, now it's time to determine the whitening method. The most common methods of teeth whitening include: toothpaste with the addition of hydrogen peroxide, lemon, soda, and special whitening products.

How to whiten teeth at home using a special whitening paste

This is the simplest and most inexpensive method, unfortunately, and the most ineffective, because... When using a special paste, only plaque is effectively removed; the enamel itself does not change color. It is best to limit the use of such toothpaste to a period of one month, because... with further use it can damage the enamel.

How to whiten teeth at home using activated carbon

It can be bought at any pharmacy. To use it as a whitening agent, you need to crush it, apply it to your brush and brush your teeth with it. Charcoal effectively removes plaque and has a slight abrasive effect on tooth enamel. This whitening method is also ineffective, but is practically safe for tooth enamel. The only limitation when brushing your teeth with activated carbon is to gently press the brush on your teeth, otherwise the enamel can be scratched.

How to whiten teeth at home using lemon or baking soda

Here are a couple more simple methods that can be applied at home. You can whiten your teeth by rubbing lemon peels into them, or you can rub them with gauze soaked in soda. Both of these methods are effective and simple, but you should not use such whitening often, because... You can damage the enamel, and then your teeth will become painfully sensitive.

How to whiten teeth at home using a special gel

This is perhaps the most professional method among all that can be done at home. It involves the use of a special whitening gel, which can be purchased from a dentist; be sure to consult the specifics of its use. There are two methods of whitening using this gel.

  1. The first method involves applying the gel with a special brush, after which the gel hardens on the teeth and is gradually washed off with saliva. For high-quality teeth whitening using this method, you need to regularly apply the gel for two to three weeks. This method is very gentle on tooth enamel and provides a long-lasting whitening effect.

2. The second method is based on the use of a special mouth guard, which is filled with gel and placed on the teeth at night. The longer the tray is on the teeth, the better the teeth will whiten. The advantage of this method is that you rest while the whitening process continues, and its result can be observed and adjusted in consultation with a dentist. The only thing you need to be wary of when using a mouthguard is the harmful effects of hydrogen peroxide, which can greatly lighten your teeth, lead to gum inflammation and make your teeth sensitive.

To prevent such side effects, you must strictly follow the recommendations for the use of the mouthguard, regularly monitor the whitening process at the dentist and do not exceed the content of hydrogen peroxide in the whitening solution - the total proportion should not exceed 10%.

Whitening strips

This dental remedy is considered the easiest to use. They can be purchased at a pharmacy and applied to your teeth twice a day. The session lasts 5-20 minutes. The strips have a delicate effect on the enamel. In order not to provoke inflammation and itching, be sure to strictly follow the instructions. The result will appear in 15 minutes, and the procedure must be repeated within a month.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Without the use of expensive drugs, you can make your teeth white with hydrogen peroxide. Yellow plaque is removed by rinsing or rubbing the teeth. The process goes like this:

  • a cotton swab is moistened in a peroxide solution;
  • wipe teeth;
  • the mouth is rinsed with water.

To rinse, you need to prepare a solution of 1/3 glass of water and 25 drops of product (3% peroxide). Rinsing your mouth with water at the end of the procedure is mandatory!

In general, according to dentists, the most natural, from the point of view of nature, is yellowish enamel. She may not be as beautiful in appearance, but she is the strongest. Weigh the pros and cons and decide whether to whiten your teeth. If you do decide to undergo this procedure, try to minimize the negative effects of teeth whitening products.

How do you feel about whitening procedures? Did you resort to any methods? Are you satisfied with the result?

The global network is oversaturated with good advice about home teeth whitening. What the “professors of armchair sciences” don’t offer is river sand, pumice, table salt, coal, ash and other “miraculous” remedies. Although any sane person would doubt their effectiveness and harmlessness to teeth, abrasives are a priori not capable of providing a beautiful smile, and the path to the dentist will be trodden in the shortest possible time.

So let's talk about truly effective whitening products and home methods for the least harmful whitening.

But first, let’s talk about contraindications to teeth whitening.

  • Pregnancy, feeding.
  • Childhood.
  • Allergy to hydrogen peroxide, rubber dam latex.
  • Caries and its complications.
  • Dental defects – erosion/cracks of enamel, etc.
  • Questionable quality of fillings.
  • Periodontal diseases, oral mucosa.
  • Treatment by an orthodontist.
  • Presence of tartar.
  • The presence of skyces (bleaching can cause metal corrosion), braces, crowns.

And now to the whitening methods themselves - semi-professional and folk. Today (if, of course, you bypass the dentist a kilometer away and are more afraid of him than your child is of the bobblehead in the closet), the following methods are known...

Semi-professional home methods for teeth whitening

Traditional methods of teeth whitening

And finally...

  • It is better to drink “coloring” drinks through a straw.
  • Plaque due to fluorosis or after antibiotics cannot be removed on your own.
  • After home whitening, you will have to change fillings, crowns and dentures, because they cannot be whitened.
  • Slight yellowness on the teeth is normal. It appears due to the presence of calcium, which is simply necessary for tooth enamel.
  • Using any acids or abrasives on a regular basis is a direct path to “repairing” teeth.
  • Before whitening your teeth, you should make sure that there are no caries, periodontitis and other problems.
  • After whitening, it is not recommended to smoke or consume “dangerous” foods - teeth become even more susceptible after the procedure.

And, of course, do not neglect visiting the dentist. A timely visit to the doctor will not only protect you from problems, but will also help you find a truly effective and harmless method of whitening.

The site reminds you: when performing teeth whitening at home yourself, you fully assume all responsibility for non-compliance with the methods, as well as improper use of components. Visit your dentist before undergoing procedures!

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Naturally snow-white tooth enamel is not given to everyone. For certain reasons, the color of enamel deteriorates over the years, but everyone wants a dazzling smile. How to whiten teeth at home without harming the enamel? You will find the answer to this question in the article.

There are time-tested methods for gentle teeth whitening. They may not be as effective as expensive products and procedures, but they are affordable and require little effort.

Causes of dental plaque

  • Coffee and tea. Modern people have a hard time without invigorating drinks. However, excessive use leads to darkening of the enamel. Wine shows a similar effect.
  • Cigarettes. The main enemy of teeth. Tobacco smoke contains substances that eat into the enamel.
  • Sweets. Excessive consumption of sweets, cookies and chocolate leads to destruction and yellowing of teeth, caries, and thinning of enamel.
  • Fluorine compounds . A polluted environment, spontaneous nutrition, and poorly purified water are sources of excess fluoride entering the body.

Folk remedies for teeth whitening

Special toothpastes, mouthwashes and folk procedures help you achieve a sparkling smile. Along with modern means, folk recipes are still used.

  • Soda. A small amount of baking soda is mixed with paste and used to clean teeth. The procedure is carried out once a week. Along with the plaque, the elements of the enamel also separate, causing it to become thinner.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Used to rinse the mouth and gently wipe the teeth with a cotton pad. Present in many professional whitening products. Daily use whitens in two weeks. Prolonged use of peroxide leads to thinning of the enamel.
  • Activated carbon or wood ash . A crushed tablet of activated carbon or a little ash is applied to a toothbrush and brushes your teeth. Frequent use leads to damage to enamel and gums.
  • tea tree . Add two drops of tea tree ether to a small bottle of warm water and stir. To whiten teeth, rinse your mouth with the resulting solution twice a week.
  • Eggplant. Fresh vegetables are baked in the oven until black ash appears on the surface. It is used to make a powder that can be used to brush your teeth with your finger.
  • Strawberries. The berries are rubbed over the teeth and left for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is carried out before brushing your teeth.
  • Corn. To whiten their teeth, people simply chew boiled corn. After the procedure, the teeth are wiped with cotton wool soaked in peroxide.
  • Honey and salt. Healing and whitening effect. Natural honey is mixed with fine salt. Rub the gums and teeth with the mixture. The procedure is carried out maximum twice a week.

Video tips

A couple more tips. Don't experiment with whitening products. It’s better to use a product with positive reviews from people. Before the procedure, visit a doctor, because teeth whitening is prohibited if you have dental diseases. During home whitening, monitor the condition of your teeth. If sensitivity or pain appears, this is a sign that the product used has a bad effect on the enamel.

Medical methods

Teeth whitening is a popular procedure that is constantly being discussed by dentists and clients. New methods create a dazzling smile with minimal risk. There are also negative reviews of medical procedures, as well as unscrupulous “experts” distributing low-quality whitening products.

Purchased funds

People are constantly looking for the perfect teeth whitening product because a beautiful smile is incredibly attractive. Every pharmacy sells pastes, gels, strips, solutions and plates aimed at cleaning enamel. I'll look at the most popular options.

  1. Whitening Pencil . Standard models are similar in appearance to lipstick. Lightens enamel, strengthens teeth. Price from 400 rubles, depending on the characteristics.
  2. Whitening toothpaste . Mechanically affects the enamel due to the chemicals contained in it. Sometimes a few brushes are enough to lighten the color. Such pastes cost from 100 rubles.
  3. Whitening gels . Hydrogen peroxide is the main component of whitening gels. Apply morning and evening with a special brush. It takes about two weeks to lighten the enamel. The minimum cost of the gel is 450 rubles.
  4. Whitening trays . They are a nozzle impregnated with a bleaching agent in the form of a paste or gel. The mouth guard is placed on the teeth and left for 15 minutes. The duration of the procedure and the number of repetitions are determined by the composition of the gel, the degree of whitening and individual tolerance. For the standard version you will have to pay at least 2,000 rubles, and the individual model will cost three times more.
  5. Whitening strips . A simple and convenient whitening product. One strip is applied to the upper teeth, the second - to the lower teeth. Course duration is 2 weeks. One drawback is that teeth are whitened only at the front. Price - minimum 2000 rubles.

Don't rush into purchasing your own teeth whitening product. First, talk to your dentist, who will choose the best option based on your individual needs. Before the procedure, teeth must be treated or cleaned of ingrained plaque, which cannot be done on your own.

Whitening in dentistry

Dental methods of teeth whitening differ in the number of tones, duration of the procedure, number of sessions and stability of the effect.

  • Air Flow. The basis is hardware teeth cleaning. A special nozzle delivers a mixture of dental powder, compressed air and soda. The composition removes food debris and tartar, eliminates surface darkening of the enamel and normalizes the microflora of the mouth. The effect is achieved in one procedure, but in case of poor dental condition, more sessions are required. The minimum cost is 1500 rubles.
  • Zoom. The procedure is carried out in stages - careful polishing of the teeth, treatment of the enamel with gel, and final treatment with fluoride-containing products. It is popular among office workers, since the effect is noticeable even after one fifteen-minute procedure. To significantly lighten the enamel, about three procedures are required. This type of whitening can be done twice a month. Price - about 15,000 rubles.
  • Ultrasonic whitening. The ultrasound-based whitening technique is considered the most gentle and is used even for sensitive teeth. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, food debris, stains, stones and plaque are removed from the surface of the teeth. At the end of the procedure, the teeth are treated with a special dye-repellent agent. The result lasts a long time, but the technique is not suitable for deep whitening. The doctor will charge from 110 rubles for one tooth.
  • Laser whitening. Provides a targeted effect on the enamel and cleaning of superficial and deep dental tissues. Whitens teeth by 10 shades. The duration of the procedure is one hour. Used in the absence of dental diseases. Advantages: high efficiency, long-lasting effect, no need for frequent repetitions. Cost - from 15,000 rubles.
  • Chemical bleaching. The essence of the technique comes down to the effect of chemicals on the teeth. This deep-impact technology brightens teeth a couple of shades. Often three thirty-minute sessions are sufficient. The effect lasts for three years, after which the procedure can be repeated without damaging the teeth. The cost is on average 5,000 rubles.
  • Photo whitening. The enamel is covered with gel, then the teeth are subjected to hardware treatment with a special lamp. This gentle method is used for sensitive teeth, teeth with fillings, injuries and chips. Photo whitening creates a “Hollywood smile” with the effect of porcelain teeth. After the procedure, you should temporarily avoid cold and hot drinks, solid foods, natural juices, alcohol, coffee and foods with dyes. The cost starts from 3,000 rubles and reaches 15,000 rubles.

Only a dentist can choose the right whitening method.

How to whiten teeth in Photoshop

People with yellowed teeth are rarely seen in photographs. This is due to computer technology and special software. With a laptop and the Photoshop graphic editor at your disposal, anyone can make a charming smile.

  1. Open the photo in Photoshop. If you don’t have an editor, you can use one of the many online services.
  2. We bring the area of ​​the teeth closer to lighten and begin the procedure. Select the tool called “dodge” and set the parameters: medium diameter brush, midtone range and exposure 30.
  3. Using a customized tool, we run over the teeth several times until the desired effect is achieved.
  4. Do not whiten your teeth too much, this will have a bad effect on the naturalness.

People often process photographs in graphic editors. This trend has many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. Trying to make the image perfect, they change eye color, whiten teeth, and remove acne. This is commendable, but naturalness is much better. Try to limit yourself to small adjustments.

Harm of folk and medical remedies

It is impossible to whiten your teeth forever in one go. The effect of the procedures with proper care lasts no more than two years. Under the influence of various factors, enamel darkens, and bleached enamel darkens even faster.

Restoring teeth whiteness at home is a painstaking process. If you do not follow the instructions and use low-quality products, irritation, inflammatory reactions, and gum problems will appear.

When whitening is performed by a dentist, strong agents are used to achieve quick results. Naturally, this does not have a positive effect on the condition of the teeth.

Regardless of the bleaching method, thinning of the enamel is the main consequence of the procedure. With constant bleaching, the enamel is destroyed and the likelihood of caries increases.

After whitening, tooth sensitivity increases. When using low-quality preparations, the enamel becomes loose.

The best way to whiten teeth at home

Surely, everyone had to touch their teeth with their tongue and feel the mucous coating. These are plaques representing an accumulation of bacteria. Prolonged presence of plaque on the enamel damages the teeth and gums. Fortunately, there is a better whitening method that allows you to achieve a snow-white smile and avoid dental problems. We're talking about daily cleaning.

Everyone knows that the procedure is ideally carried out twice a day, but many brush their teeth only in the morning to freshen their breath. To whiten teeth and prevent plaque, brush twice a day with a soft brush and toothpaste containing fluoride.

A snow-white smile is the standard of beauty and attractiveness. Probably every person dreams of healthy, strong, white teeth, but enamel tends to darken over time under the influence of various external factors. And not everyone has been given beautiful teeth by nature.

Today, dentistry offers many options with which you can whiten enamel. For each case, the whitening method is individually selected based on the condition of the teeth, the client’s preferences and his financial capabilities. The procedure is not cheap and is not available to everyone, so those who want to get a snow-white smile are looking for other ways to improve the appearance of their teeth, which is quite possible to do at home.

Indications for whitening

Before you whiten your teeth, you should weigh the advantages and disadvantages and think carefully about whether this is really necessary. In some cases, at-home whitening can do more harm than good.


Teeth whitening is contraindicated for people with sensitive teeth. You should not whiten your teeth if there are fillings in visible areas, as they will not become whiter and will contrast with the shade of the enamel. Other contraindications include:

  • young age;
  • taking medications;
  • breastfeeding period, pregnancy;
  • caries, oral diseases;
  • allergy to hydrogen peroxide.

Whitening in the dental office or at home will not bring any health benefits, so all efforts should be made to minimizing harmful effects by choosing the most suitable option. It is still worth visiting a doctor before the procedure, as he will assess the condition of the tooth enamel from a professional point of view and give the necessary recommendations. Teeth can only be treated with whitening substances if they are strong and hard enough.

Before using a home whitening system, it is necessary to study the condition of the fillings, because over time, microscopic gaps form between them and the base of the teeth, which are ways for aggressive substances to penetrate inside. There are several options for whitening tooth enamel and they all have their own advantages and disadvantages. A person decides for himself how to whiten his teeth.

With their help you can achieve quick cosmetic effect. Special strips coated with an active whitening agent are designed for teeth whitening at home and are one of the most modern options. Along with the usual strips, strips for sensitive teeth are also available. You can purchase the product at a pharmacy or online.

Using the strips is quite simple: they should be applied for half an hour every day, having previously carried out thorough oral hygiene. This method helps lighten teeth by 2-3 shades. The effect is not durable; a snow-white smile lasts for two months, then the enamel darkens again. More expensive strips can whiten teeth by even 6 shades, and the results can last up to a year. The disadvantage of the procedure is that the whitening does not extend to the spaces between the teeth.

Whitening gels

You can lighten tooth enamel at home using special gels. The substance is applied to the surface of the tooth using a soft brush, hardens, then dissolves gradually, washed off with saliva.

A type of gel whitening is a tray. This is a plastic structure that needs to be placed on the lower or upper row of teeth, filling the free space with an active substance in the form of a gel. The mouthguard ensures tight contact of the product with the surface of the tooth and protects the mucous membrane. It is recommended to whiten tooth enamel at home using a gel based on carbamide peroxide. This method is one of the fastest, as it allows you to get a good result already in a few weeks after use.

Another type of gel is a whitening pencil, in which the concentration of active substances is lower than, for example, in a mouth guard. The pencil is used to maintain the whiteness of tooth enamel rather than to whiten it. With its help, you can temporarily get rid of stains that have formed on the surface of your teeth as a result of smoking or eating food and drinks containing dyes.

Hydrogen peroxide

You can effectively remove dark plaque from enamel using hydrogen peroxide. This method is considered one of the most effective and cheapest. Whitening product can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk at an affordable price. Before you begin whitening, you should perform thorough oral hygiene. To carry out the procedure, you will need 3% peroxide, which is diluted in warm water and used for rinsing the mouth. Then you need to moisten a cotton swab with undiluted peroxide and wipe all your teeth with it. Finally, you need to rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth without using toothpaste.

Enhance whitening effect Ordinary baking soda will help, a teaspoon of which is mixed with peroxide. The result should be a kind of paste. Use the mixture to brush your teeth and rinse your mouth with clean water. Already after the first use the effect is noticeable.

Hydrogen peroxide will help you get quick and lasting results, but you should not carry out the procedure too often or use undiluted product for rinsing. An overdose can negatively affect the condition of the oral cavity, including gum burns and damage to tooth enamel. It is also necessary to ensure that the substance does not get inside. A normal reaction to peroxide is temporary increased tooth sensitivity and burning gums.

Whitening with lemon

Lemons contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, without which the normal functioning of bone and connective tissue is impossible. Citrus has long been known for its whitening properties; it often receives positive reviews from people who have struggled with skin pigmentation; it is often used to whiten tooth enamel.

The first, and probably the easiest way is to rubbing teeth with fruit crust. Adding lemon juice to toothpaste will not only help whiten your teeth several shades, but will also prevent bleeding gums. You can get a whitening effect even if you simply chew a piece of citrus. It must be remembered that teeth with increased sensitivity will not be happy about contact with lemon, so in this case it is better to avoid using it.

Other ways to whiten teeth at home

There are other recognized methods to help whiten tooth enamel at home. Their advantage is safety, accessibility and low cost.



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