Smoking systems ios. iQOS tobacco heating systems: catalog and prices

Tobacco companies are spending more and more time and effort developing alternative methods of delivering nicotine. New developments are aimed at reducing harm to health while maintaining formats familiar to consumers or at more daring experiments with design. Today we review two devices that are rapidly gaining popularity among people who are trying to find an alternative to smoking. from the philip morris company and revolutionary from the british american tobacco company. We decided to compare them and see what the new technology is.

Operating principle of tobacco heating systems

All heating systems operate on approximately the same principle. An external heating element called a tobacco stick is placed inside the device where, under the influence of temperature, the evaporation process takes place. The key feature of these heaters is the absence of combustion process. This eliminates a huge mass from the inhaled vapor harmful substances. Small, heavy metals, and everything that cigarette smoke is rich in. All that remains is the pleasant aroma of tobacco and nicotine.

Let's take a closer look at the heroes of this review.

The iqos set consists of two main parts - a cigarette case with increased functionality (which we will discuss a little later), and a compact holder for sticks with a relatively familiar shape and size. Its colleague in the GLO workshop is a single and inseparable design. It fits least of all into the usual heavy smoker form factor and rather it is more understandable to vapers, resembling the shape of modern electronic cigarettes.

Preparation and use

The process of preparing to use devices is similar. The difference, as they say, is in the details. The button on the IQOS holder starts the heating process and has an indicator that will always remind you of the charge level. A vibration motor is also hidden there, which will notify the user about the end of the vaping session. Heating is carried out using a small ceramic knife on which a tobacco stick is placed. The knife, which is located inside the holder, is heated to a temperature of 350 degrees Celsius, and heats the pressed tobacco leaf from the inside, thereby ensuring uniform evaporation.

GLO has only one LED indicator around the button, which simultaneously shows the remaining charge and the degree of heating. The heating elements are located just below the mouthpiece of the tobacco stick. They heat it from the outside and provide a temperature of 240 degrees Celsius. This arrangement allows you to maximize the taste of tobacco.

Before use, you need to slide the top protective cover on the glo to the side and carefully screw the stick into the hole. Preparing the Glo for use takes longer and the first puff can only be taken after 40 seconds. All this time, the divisions of the round indicator will be filled, and, again, the built-in motor will remind you of readiness.

To start an IQOS vaping session, you need to make sure that the holder is charged, and then install the stick in a special hole. We hold the button for two seconds, after which the indicator begins to flash. The end of flashing indicates that you can start vaping. You have 6 minutes or 14 puffs, which is approximately the same as a regular cigarette. At the end of the cycle, the indicator will begin to flash. At the same time, the vibration motor will work. After which you open the cap, take out the stick, and put the holder back on charge. Charging the holder will take approximately 6 minutes, after which you can reuse it. The end of the Glo's vaping cycle is characterized by vibration and flashing of 1 indicator bar, after which the used element must be carefully removed. A huge plus, developed in British American tobacco form, is a capacious battery. The next cycle can begin immediately.

Additional functionality

Now let's talk about additional functionality. Our cigarette case from iqos was left unattended - a device necessary for the operation of the entire system.

The cigarette case itself is only slightly larger in size than a regular pack of cigarettes. It has a charge indication and three buttons: opening, Bluetooth connection and shutdown. Time until fully charged cigarette case from the network for about 90 minutes. It also has a fast charging function.

Using bluetooth you can connect to the iqos mobile application for android. It tracks usage statistics, holder status, and also provides access to the latest news.

The cigarette case can independently turn on the forced cleaning function.

One charge of Glo is enough for 30 cycles of use. The box size is still not too big. The only additional functionality is a cleaning hole and a USB port. For charging, you should also note that power adapters are not included in the package.


In general, each device has its own disadvantages and advantages. Some will like the laconic and strict design of the iqos, while others will like the capacious glo battery. The most important thing for us is that tobacco companies have begun to increasingly care about their consumers and offer them alternative ways obtaining nicotine, and less harmful to the body in the long term.

Created: 05/04/2017 20:29

Updated: 11/07/2018 10:16

This article will tell you about the new generation iQOS electronic cigarettes with a tobacco heating system. We will study this new product in detail, listen to customer opinions, weigh the pros and cons, and tell you where to buy it.

New generation electronic cigarettes iQOS have become a real hit. Unlike conventional cigarettes (for example, Marlboro and Parliament), according to the manufacturer, smoking iQOS does not have such a detrimental effect on the smoker’s health.

In February 2017, a proposal was announced in Japan to exclude iQOS from the registry of conventional tobacco cigarettes. This project was widely supported by the public, as iQOS cigarettes do not disturb others. Their popularity is growing by leaps and bounds, and already in March 2017, the presentation of the new iQOS 2.4 cigarette model took place!

In November 2018, iQOS 3 and iQOS 3 Multi were released.

What are iQOS electronic cigarettes with tobacco sticks?Parliament?

Many people have not yet encountered the innovative tobacco heating system iQOS (in Russian, IQOS).

Let's get acquainted!

iQOS device - without smoke, fire and ash.

The iQOS cigarette is a cigarette that you can smoke without setting it on fire. “How is this possible?”, you ask. It's simple!

Regular cigarettes are rolled tobacco leaves that need to be lit to inhale the nicotine contained in the smoke. The iQOS device heats tobacco, thereby releasing water vapor containing nicotine.

No ash, just a little smoke! These cigarettes can solve some of the problems of heavy smokers.

More than a million Japanese already use iQOS cigarettes

Recent studies have shown that the number of iQOS consumers in Japan has exceeded the million mark. The device went on sale in 2015 and instantly won the hearts of smokers. All of them gave up regular cigarettes in favor of iQOS. This is a real tobacco revolution! Even smartphones have replaced flip phones with slower speeds. iQOS is a hit.

Features and benefits of iQOS

Here we will tell you about the specific benefits and characteristic features iQOS cigarettes. What is water vapor? How does this work? And other details in this article.

Four main advantages of iQOS:

  • Without combustion, you won’t get burned and you won’t start a fire.
  • Less smoke smell.
  • Eco-friendly – ​​less content of substances harmful to the environment.
  • 2 flavors of cigarette sticks.

No burning

Thanks to unique technology, the tobacco in iQOS cigarettes heats up, not burns. So you won't drop the ashes in coffee cup and don't cover your keyboard with it. Less waste means less risk of fire.

You can throw away used tobacco sticks like regular cigarette butts.

Less smoke smell

The smoke from iQOS cigarettes is water vapor. It instantly dissipates in the air and is not absorbed into clothing. Your colleagues will no longer prevent you from smoking in the workplace. No smoke - no dissatisfied.

Does your wife prohibit smoking in the apartment? iQOS will put an end to this. Enjoy a cigarette in front of the TV - smoke and smell are no longer a problem.

Eco-friendly – ​​less content of substances harmful to the environment

It has been scientifically proven that iQOS cigarettes are much less harmful than regular cigarettes. A number of clinical trials have shown that iQOS cigarettes do not differ in taste from regular cigarettes, maintaining the original taste of tobacco, but the amount of harmful substances released during the combustion of tobacco is reduced by 90%. Studies have also shown that smoking iQOS cigarettes indoors does not affect the health of others - there is no passive smoking. Scientific research about the technology of heating tobacco you can find in the Health section.

2 flavors of cigarette sticks

The iQOS line includes two flavors of cigarettes. When purchasing an iQOS set, you can choose the one you like best. There are currently 6 flavors sold in Japan, which means that as technology develops in Russia, the number of flavors will increase.

Cons of iQOS

What are the disadvantages of iQOS cigarettes? Of course, there are always pros and cons. We will list them right away to avoid disappointment after the purchase.

  1. They are subject to the same restrictions as regular tobacco.
  2. You won't be able to smoke one cigarette after another.
  3. The iQOS cigarette device is larger and heavier than regular ones.

They are subject to the same restrictions as regular tobacco.

Despite innovative technologies, iQOS is tobacco cigarettes. When smoking iQOS, you should follow the same rules as when smoking regular cigarettes. For example, they cannot be smoked on the street, sold to minors, or smoked in places not intended for this purpose (for example, in a restaurant or outside a smoking room).

However, in some countries, a campaign to allow smoking iQOS cigarettes in cafes and restaurants has recently gained momentum. So there is hope.

You won't be able to smoke one cigarette after another

This is true. Your iQOS device must be charged before each use. This takes 2-3 minutes. But sometimes it’s so hard to wait! Of course, continuous smoking is very harmful to health, but for some, the inability to smoke several cigarettes in a row can be a huge disappointment. Although no one forbids buying two devices at once...

iQOS cigarettes are larger and heavier than regular cigarettes

The weight of an iQOS cigarette is about 120 grams. In principle, a pack of cigarettes and a lighter weigh the same, so a slight increase in weight goes unnoticed.

Customer Reviews

A survey was conducted on one of the Japanese sites and here are some reviews:

I work with people and am pleased with the odor reduction tobacco smoke

Before switching to iQOS, I didn't care much about other people's feelings or the smell that lingers after a cigarette break. But at least one in ten clients noticed the smell of tobacco smoke. After I started using iQOS, people stopped telling me about the bad smell.

Then I was engaged in business, but now I notice that the problem with the unpleasant smell of smoke has been solved.

28-year-old man, works at a school.

You can leisurely smoke on the sofa, and your breath doesn’t smell

Previously, I could only smoke under the kitchen hood. Now I can calmly enjoy iQOS cigarette with legs stretched out on the sofa. And after iQOS there is no bad breath.

33 year old woman - housewife

If you use an iQOS device, you will no longer need hoods and fans. This is really true!

There are also negative reviews.

Takes too long to charge after use

It would be much better if it were on charge iQOS devices it took one minute. This problem will be solved by purchasing two devices at once. I think that's what I'll do.

Yes, not being able to smoke several cigarettes in a row is still frowned upon. I want to smoke more often, I want to smoke more!

If you are looking for reviews from Russian smokers or want to leave your own, visit the iQOS Reviews section.

4taste of HEETS Sticks for iQOS

What influences the choice of cigarettes? Of course, their taste. Each smoker prefers a certain brand and type of cigarettes, choosing them according to his own preferences.

The iQOS manufacturer thought about this too. iQOS has 3 flavors in Russia. The cost of packing sticks is 130 - 150 rubles as of October 2018 when purchased in packs and from 100 rubles when purchased in blocks. A pack of regular Parliament or Kent cigarettes costs the same.

The tobacco company Philip Morris offers the following flavors of HEETS sticks:

  • Amber Label - rich taste, strong aftertaste. Not for everybody.
  • Yellow Label - classic cigarette taste. To a first approximation, it is similar to Parliament Blue sticks, which are no longer produced for the Russian market.
  • Purple Label - pleasant berry taste, slightly refreshing. Not cloying and soft.
  • Turquoise Label - strong menthol scent.

Read more about the sticks and flavors in our HEETS review.

Where to buy iQOS and current price

Thinking where to buy? There are 4 main options:

  • iQOS brand store
  • Philip Morris online store
  • Third party online store
  • Classic retail

All of them are approximately the same in price - taking into account the coupon discount (promotional codes for purchase), the cost of the device and stick block will be approximately 3,500 rubles.

Of course, it would be preferable to buy iQOS in a company store, which are now present in major cities countries: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Vladivostok, etc.

However, the size of our country is very large and not everyone has the opportunity to visit the iQOS showroom, and here the company store at comes to the rescue, where both the device itself and sticks for it are available.

Currently, third-party online stores have already appeared on the Internet offering iQOS for sale, but we cannot recommend them, since there are no guarantees there. It’s good if the device is simply imported from another country and is original. Another question is that you can easily run into a fake and then you will not only lose money, but also risk your health.

How to use iQOS?

So, you bought an iQOS device. All that remains is to understand the instructions. Don't worry - iQOS is very easy to use!

4 simple steps:

  1. Remove the holder from the iQOS device and insert the stick.
  2. Press the power button on the holder and hold it until the light starts flashing green.
  3. Smoke! You have 14 puffs or 6 minutes, after which the device turns off. You have to get used to it and it's not difficult.
  4. When the session is over, pull the cap up and then remove the stick from the holder. Insert the holder into the charger.

Cleaning methods

Has your iQOS changed your taste? Apparently it's time to clean it. Timely cleaning of the device is extremely important. It improves the taste of tobacco sticks, removes the bitter taste and burnt smell.

It's amazing how cleaning the device can have such an impact on the taste of the tobacco. Cleaning it is not difficult - I do it at least once a month while sitting in front of the TV.

Cleaning iQOS with special brushes and cotton applicators

Remove the cap from the device

Use a special brush (included) to clean the iQOS holder

Then wipe it with a regular cotton swab.

Another undoubted advantage of iQOS is that if you haven’t cleaned it completely, you can see it with the naked eye.

Philip Morris takes it seriously

We've already learned a lot about iQOS: how to use it, where to buy it, how to clean it... Now let's talk about something else.

The release of the iQOS device created a lot of buzz. But Philip Morris decided not to stop there and in February 2017 announced its serious intentions.

The company's press service released an official statement saying that "Philip Morris's mission is to build a smoke-free world."

Let's think about it. “Philip Morris International is a leading international tobacco manufacturing company. And now the tobacco giant declares: “We will get rid of smoke!” A serious statement.

Are you worried about the difference between the old and new models iQOS?

On March 2, 2017, the release of a new iQOS model was announced. The performance of the new model has been increased - the heating element has been improved, charging time has been reduced by an average of 20%. Thus, functional changes touched on the internal structure of the device. It should be emphasized that the sticks for the old and new models are compatible, and there is no need to buy a new device without fail.

difference between iQOS, Ploom Tech and Glo

iQOS did not occupy the niche of tobacco heating systems for long in splendid isolation. Already in December 2016, electronic cigarettes Ploom TECH and Glo appeared on the Japanese market.

The difference is that iQOS was developed by Philip Morris, Ploom Tech was developed by Japan Tobacco Inc., and Glo is a product of British American Tobacco. All these cigarettes vary in price, flavors and configurations. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. We will look at them in the following articles.

Created: 10/27/2017 11:05

Updated: 10/27/2017 12:33

In May 2017 on the Pogarskaya website tobacco factory material appeared called " Comparative studies component composition of cigarettes and “Parliament” sticks for the iQOS tobacco heating system." The study provides answers to questions such as: “How much nicotine is in Parliament sticks for iQOS?”, “Do the sticks contain glycerin?”, “Passive smoking?”. It will be interesting.

For those who want to delve into the issue and draw their own conclusions, here is a link to the study. Quotes in our material are exclusively from this study.

In the course of their work, scientists disassemble the Parliament stick and a classic cigarette of a similar brand into their components and examine them, starting from the paper and ending with the composition of the tobacco mixture.

The first discovery I made is that Heat-Not-Burn technology itself is not something completely new. It has been known since the 80s of the last century and there have already been attempts to launch it into the market, but commercial results were weak. Decades later, Philip Morris International is trying to do it again.

Physico-chemical study of Parliament sticks for iQOS

Study physical and chemical properties component of Parliament cigarettes and sticks was carried out in a specialized laboratory of OJSC “Pogarskaya Cigarette and Cigar Factory” (certificate No. 520 dated November 6, 2015, FBU Bryansk Center for Medical Sciences) according to the methods outlined in the bibliography [8]. The results of these studies are given in table. 1 and 2. The purity of all reagents used in the work was no less than 98%.

When comparing the physical and chemical composition of Parliament tobacco sticks with classic cigarettes of this brand, scientists come to the following conclusions:

  • iQOS sticks are filled with reconstituted tobacco produced using injection molding technology. To test this hypothesis, the tobacco mixture from the stick was dissolved in a glass of water for 1 minute and, as a result, settled to the bottom in the form of a finely dispersed mixture. It is impossible to dissolve a tobacco mixture from classic cigarettes in water under such conditions;
  • Reconstituted tobacco for Parliament sticks most likely uses similar varieties of Virginia and Burley tobacco;
  • in a stick tablet the content of pyrolysates is almost 2 times higher, and the content of sugars and proteins is higher. Researchers attribute this fact to technological additives in the mixture of cellulose, triacetin and glycerin.

The authors of the work, for their part, confirm that, indeed, the ignition temperature of cellulose and lignin is about 450 degrees Celsius, which helps reduce consumption carbon dioxide smoker, but emphasize that the ignition temperature of other components of the cigarette is significantly lower and at a temperature of the iQOS heating element of 350 degrees, they burn perfectly, producing the same CO2.

The next stage of work was testing iQOS on a special “smoking” stand.

A few facts about temperature:

  • at the moment of puffing, the temperature of the tobacco part rises to 210 degrees;
  • the temperature of the incoming dispersion mixture at the outlet of the filter fluctuates in the range of 30 - 40 degrees;

Nicotine content in Parliament sticks for iQOS

Sample name

Glycerol, g/g

Propylene glycol, g/g

Nicotine mg/g

Cigarette tobacco

Tobacco sticks

That is, in one stick before smoking there is 1.982 mg of nicotine, which is 2 times more than in the classic Parliament Night Blue cigarette! Considering that the tobacco content in a stick is 2 times less than in a classic cigarette, it is hypothesized that nicotine is additionally artificially added to the tobacco mixture at the stage of its preparation.

The authors of the study also draw attention to the presence of a “lateral jet from the heating products of tobacco.” In this case, there is a risk of inhalation of heated tobacco products by non-smokers who are close to the iQOS user. Scientists remind that according to the statement of the "Community public health“There is no safe level of side emissions from tobacco products. This means that the risk of passive consumption remains!

At the same time, despite the fundamental difference in the method of consumption, regular cigarettes and sticks are similar: a) a fully automated product production process; b) the presence of raw tobacco; c) the fact of the presence of thermal dynamic processes leading to the formation of both the main and side jets of the corresponding emissions - smoke or aerosol; d) the ability to control the physical and chemical parameters of products, at least in terms of component weight, drawing resistance, nicotine and propylene glycol content. These facts may be a logical basis for using the same government regulations for both conventional cigarettes and sticks for iQOS systems.

Well, don’t forget that we’re working the presence of glycerin and propylene glycol in Parliament sticks is confirmed. Smokers who previously used vapes have already guessed about this for a long time.

The authors’ opinion about the belt filter, which is made of a food-grade polymer with a low glass transition temperature, is also very interesting. That is, when a certain temperature is exceeded, it bakes and stops passing the aerosol, which protects the consumer from burns.

And finally, the researchers confirm:

Comparing the chromatograms in Fig. 9, 10 it is necessary to state that smoke from traditional cigarettes is significantly more toxic than condensation products of aerosol sticks, because Cigarette filters after smoking contain pyrolysis products such as benzene, toluene and xylene. The aerosol condensate on the end filters of the sticks contains ethers acetic acid, most likely formed during the heating process.

It is noted that:

In addition, the stick aerosol contains toxic furfural. The formation of furfural (t boil = 161.7 °C) is most likely associated with the thermal destruction of sugars - glucose and fructose. ...... Furfural is toxic substance, affecting nervous system, causing irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, convulsions, paralysis. With chronic action, it can cause eczema, dermatitis, chronic runny nose

Tobacco Futurity follows with interest emerging research in the field the latest systems tobacco consumption. We are glad that Russian scientists are taking part in this process.

Hello everyone!))

Can't quit smoking? Do you have a lot of money? There is an alternative to cigarettes! Smoking system IQOS! This miracle cigarette has many advantages. But there were some downsides, of course.

It took a lot of money to develop it. There are also a whole bunch of specialists. The level of harmful substances released is reduced by 90-95% compared to a cigarette.

Before this cigarette, my husband had not smoked for more than three months, but periodically put so-called “chewing” tobacco (snus) under his lip. But, having learned about IQOS, I diligently began to beg for it, thinking that it would help me get rid of my addiction. This unit cost us 4,900 rubles. On the official website it costs more, more than seven thousand. But there is always a promotion at sales offices (IQOS + block of cigarettes = 4900 kroons).

One pack of sticks costs 150 rubles. Expensive. Sticks only Parliament or Marlboro. In Russia we only have a parliament, as far as I remember. There are mint and regular ones. Mint ones are better.))

Overall, I personally liked the device. Firstly, this is high quality crushed tobacco (as stated by the manufacturer), soaked in glycerin, then pressed, which is simply heated to a certain temperature without burning (350 degrees. A cigarette burns at 800"). You smoke (about 15 puffs), the device turns itself off, you pull out the stick and throw it away. You insert the heater itself into the charging unit (the heater charges for 5-6 minutes), after which you can smoke again. The stick is similar to a cigarette, only half as long. Pressed tobacco sheets are inserted into the stick.

Secondly, there is no thick smoke when exhaling. For some it is a plus, for others it is a minus. As I understand it, if tobacco is impregnated with glycerin, then when we exhale we get steam.

Thirdly, you can smoke almost anywhere! You don't have to go far. You release little smoke there is practically no smell. It is there, but it dissipates very quickly, not caustic, not disgusting. Even in a taxi with the windows closed, the driver is unlikely to notice that you smoke. You can smoke even in a restaurant, even in shopping center, even in your own bed. Only those who know this smell will notice. Now I can smell this smell quickly and understand that someone is smoking nearby.

Fourthly, no ashes because there is no combustion. No need for shakers. This is a plus for the third point. I smoked and disposed of the stick. That's all.))

The taste is completely different, not cigarette, unique. But smoking cigarettes, perhaps, at first it will be unusual. I still recommend trying mint initially, although it gets boring over time. I don't like regular tobacco at all.

Relaxes! Especially me, a non-smoker. I used to smoke, but I was able to quit without any third methods. I just told myself “STOP”. It wasn't difficult for me at all. My husband and I sometimes smoked IQOS; I didn’t think it was harmful. At least in the city we breathe such terrible things that this cigarette won’t make it worse. So there you go! She relaxes very well. My palms are already tingling.)) My husband’s are not tingling.)) And I just recline. Out of habit, probably.

The service is absolutely amazing! In about 4-5 months of use, we managed to change the heater three times and the charging unit once. At the same time, everything was fine with them, it’s just that my husband digs into all sorts of bullshit. If once the stick does not heat up properly, you should immediately change the device. Although I messed something up myself. But that’s not the point! The device is changed very quickly if you don’t like something! Come to the office, say that you are not satisfied and they will replace it with a completely new one. Whole year You can come while the guarantee is valid.

They invested a lot of money in the offices and services, it’s immediately obvious. The company has options for “islands”, and there are private establishments. Walking in is like walking into a cafe. Soft sofas, tables in front of them. You can use free sticks. You will definitely be offered coffee and a couple of chocolate bars. Of course, it’s boring to just sit there, but I also saw business people there. They sit and discuss their ideas. But if you have any questions or problems with the device, they will not only help you, but will also make you feel a little more relaxed.

The people in the office are hand-picked, attractive, many with unusual model looks.

The kit includes a block for charging the heater, heater, very high quality charging (cord + block), various instructions, books + sticks (if the product is on sale).

As far as I know, IQOS is currently only available in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

On at the moment We no longer have the device itself, my husband gave it to a friend because he gave me his word that he would quit smoking altogether. He quit smoking, but did not get rid of his addiction. Continues to use chewing tobacco. But! He tried to smoke a regular cigarette after IQOS and almost vomited.)) He says that after IQOS he won’t be able to smoke another cigarette.)) But, you know, anyone who hasn’t smoked for a long time will say that. And you can get used to them very easily and quickly.

Overall, I think it's still better than cigarettes. I read that a cigarette contains at least 600-700 components. During combustion, more than 7 thousand chemical compounds. Not a single pack of cigarettes has any ingredients on it, it’s not profitable.

People, stop smoking cigarettes, stop smoking altogether. Take care of yourself!



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