Katsuzo Nishi Health System. Golden rules of health from Niche Katsuzo

As you know, in order to feel like a psychic, you need to make a couple of mysterious passes with your hands in front of almost any person, close your eyes in imaginary concentration and say: “It looks like you have problems with your back.”

In fact, in addition to the dependence of a huge number of ailments on the spine, another fact should be noted.

For modern people, certain back diseases are almost 100% a diagnosis.

Therefore, it is necessary to have effective systems for healing and treating the spine.

Japanese experience can help here Katsuzo Nishi, who, from his own experience, developed an effective method of treatment and therapy for the back and spine.

Who is Katsuzo Nishi?

Nishi Katsuzou As a child, he was a weak child and doctors predicted a short life for him. His parents were told that he was unlikely to live beyond the age of 20. But Nishi Katsudzo himself categorically disagreed with this verdict. Thanks to the healing system he himself developed, he lived a long, interesting life and died at the age of 75 not from illness, but as a result of a car accident.

Working as an engineer, Nishi Katsuzo devotes a lot of time to various unconventional healing methods, especially proper nutrition. Individual healing methods are organically woven into the system, and in 1927 the public became acquainted with the Nishi Health System. Since that time, Nishi Katsudzo has been engaged only in medical practice and publication of his works.

A simple and effective healing system is rapidly gaining popularity all over the world. At the request of Nishi's fans, Katsuzo tours US cities, and then in 1936 his first book written in English is published.

Nishi Katsuzou pays a lot of attention to back health. Due to weakness of muscles and ligaments, children and adolescents often suffer from scoliosis and become stooped. Adults who are forced to do sedentary work all day are not in a better position. As a result, the vertebrae are displaced, pain and fatigue are felt.

The essence of Katsuzo Nishi's technique: six golden rules

The Nishi system offers a set of special exercises for correct posture, and also recommends resting on a hard bed, swimming and eating right. This supplies the spine with the substances necessary for its formation and strengthening of posture, and the exercises make it more flexible.

Foods that are good for the spine should be enriched with elements such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. The food must also contain the required amount of vitamins, of which the most important are A, C and D.

In addition, Nishi points out the basic rules that are the basis of back health:

  • hard surface for sleeping– this rule will seem unusual to many, but Katsudzo Nishi advises sleeping only on a hard and flat surface, that is, actually on the floor, also some kind of plywood sheet or something similar could be an option, thanks to such a surface the internal organs function better, and the spine straightens;
  • hard pillow– ideally, a roller is used that is placed under 3-4 cervical vertebrae, that is, the roller rests quite a bit on the base of the back of the head and creates a natural bend of the neck when the spine in this area is slightly bent and the back of the head rests on the ground, in order to get used to this You can lie on the pillow for a little while at first and then adapt to falling asleep on such a surface;

  • goldfish- a simple exercise that is regularly performed while lying on your back, first you completely press against the surface, your toes are pulled towards you, the opposite legs and arms gradually stretch the spine, your palms are placed under your neck, then vibrations begin in different directions (similar to how a small fish moves and oscillates in water) with the lower part of the body completely pressed to the surface, perform for at least a couple of minutes;
  • capillary stimulation– lying on your back, lift your arms and legs, stretching them towards the ceiling, begin intense vibrations and shake your arms and legs for a couple of minutes;
  • clasping hands and feet– lying on your back, connect your palms in front of your chest, make forward/backward movements, then connect your feet and begin to synchronously raise your legs to connect your knee joints and lower your legs to open your hip joints, and lift your joined palms up from your chest;
  • body rocking– after a short warm-up, sit on your heels, knee joints spread to the sides, resting on the floor at the base of your toes, rock your body from side to side for at least eight minutes, tuning in to recovery and feeling positive energy.

These exercises and rules should be used every day. They are the basis of spinal health. It is best to perform the complex in the morning and evening.

Indications for the use of exercises for the spine Katsuzo Nishi

  • The legs are placed at two shoulder sizes, the hands are on the belt.
  • Before starting the movement, you should relax and feel the inner emptiness.
  • The hands are located in the kidney area, and the fingers touch in the sacrum area.
  • The head is smoothly thrown back, the back is arched, the hands, which rest on the kidney area, also help a little, making the arch smoother.
  • Upon reaching the limit of flexibility, the arms are freely released down, they hang from behind, and the body begins to sway like a willow.
  • Upon reaching fatigue from being in the pose, smoothly return to the starting position, hands are on the lower back.

In this exercise, you should maintain a smooth arch in your back and avoid kinks, you should not go to extremes and you need to clearly monitor the condition of your own body.

bow string

The pose allows you to remove excessive salt deposits, especially in the spine and improves blood circulation.

  • The starting position is kneeling with your arms along your body.
  • The body begins to be brought into a smooth bend back, the arms are placed behind the back.
  • In the final position, clasp your ankles with your palms and fix the position for at least five seconds.

Start with at least three repetitions in a row and gradually increase the number. It is also necessary to increase the duration of fixation.

While fixating this pose, you should imagine how life-giving energy saturates the body. It is helpful to combine this sensation with visualization and breathing. Your shoulders should be straightened and pulled back, your head should not be thrown back excessively, but stretched out.

flexible vine

Heals the spine, improves flexibility. In the starting position, stand the same as in the second exercise, begin massaging the lumbar region with your hands and imagine how the spine in this area becomes flexible, strong and elastic.

  • After performing the massage, bend forward and try to reach your feet with your fingers.
  • They rise up, return their hands to the belt and bend in different directions.

Performing a forward bend involves straight legs, which should be left relaxed. The tilt is done vigorously, but without any jerking, you need to maintain smoothness. Bending should begin from the lower back, folding there first.

Video: "Classes and health improvement according to the Katsuzo Nishi system"

In this system, a lot of attention is paid to working with your own motivation and your own mind.. Katsuzo Nishi, at the beginning of the previous century, pointed to the further decline of Western medicine and emphasized the reasons for this outcome.

In fact, in many respects he spoke to the point. Indeed, although Western medicine now has indeed high achievements in the field of diagnosis and surgery, often only the treatment of symptoms is performed.

In addition, medications and treatments often have side effects. In general, the effectiveness is high, but ultimately very doubtful.

Therefore, Katsuzo Nishi himself pointed out the importance of adjusting habits and one’s own worldview. In order to recover, you need to treat your own body, your own being accordingly.

From practical advice in this area, the author advises developing various positive attitudes.:

  • formulate positive attitudes, so-called self-coding formulas, regularly repeat positive phrases and put them into the subconscious;
  • shift the focus of attention from illness to health, reflect and pray for health;
  • Believe in your own recovery.

In fact, these simple tips can be useful on a practical level. Nishi does not ask patients to become overly religious or fall into the wilds of faith, it is only about having positive motivation and additional resources to overcome the illness and move on. Self-coding and belief in recovery help greatly with this.

In addition, Katsudzo Nishi advises using additional stretching of the abdominal and back muscles and performing the splits exercise. Also part of the system are a contrast shower, hardening and relaxation exercises.


To summarize, the following points should be noted::

  • Katsuzo Nishi’s technique miraculously healed the author and is proven to be highly effective;
  • the rules may be difficult and not always accessible, but it is possible to get used to them;
  • you need to take into account the condition of your own body before performing exercises;
  • visualization and concentration are used during the execution process;
  • You need to do exercises regularly, and positive motivation and self-coding help here.

In general, the system is not exotic and seems quite suitable for use by people of other cultures; the method of healing the spine is almost universal.

Rheumatologist, Orthopedist

He is involved in the management of traumatological and orthopedic patients, reading radiographs and interpreting test results, as well as conducting conservative and surgical treatment methods.

In the East it is believed that only God can heal himself. The Japanese Katsuzo Nishi not only coped with his illnesses, but also developed a health system that prolongs youth.

The Health System of Japanese professor Katsuzo Nishi is based on six rules. They are effective and accessible to everyone.

Find your own source of truth in yourself - and the world that seemed dark and confusing to you will gain brightness and transparency; and there will be no secret labyrinths of adversity and problems, there will be only health and joy.

“To my deep regret, your son will not live to see 10 years old,” the doctor looked sadly at the boy’s parents. Mother and father froze in shock. There was no reason not to believe the doctor - in Tokyo they knew him well, they did not doubt his conclusions. And yet, this time the venerable specialist was wrong. No, not in the diagnosis. Intestinal tuberculosis and lymphatic inflammation of the apex of the lung... Anyone would give up. He was wrong in his forecast. The young man whom he had just sentenced would live 75 years (from 1884 to 1959), become a major engineer, professor and become famous throughout the world by developing his own Health System. The Japanese government will even award him the title of “National Treasure.” But that will come later. In the meantime... In the meantime, Katsudzo Nishi began to read books. He studied works on medicine, anatomy, physiology, psychology, philosophy, and mastered the practices of various religions. How many books on the topic of health has he read? The pedantic Japanese counted their number: it turned out to be over 10 thousand volumes. Nishi studied and tested on himself the healing systems that had ever been practiced in different countries. As a result, he not only overcame the disease. He created a System, the essence of which is life according to the laws of nature.

“The health system is not my invention,” Professor Nishi modestly admitted in his declining years. “I just selected the best and most effective methods from all that were already available.”

“I look at the human body not from the side of disease, but from the side of health,” wrote Nishi. He considered it absurd to view a person as a collection of unrelated organs that can be treated separately. Nishi completely rejected drug therapy. He was convinced: the main healer is the healing powers within us. The six rules formulated by Nishi became the “magic wand” that multiplies them and eliminates any disturbances in the body. The six rules of the Nishi system include two recommendations and four complex exercises.


“It’s no coincidence that they say, if you have many diseases, treat your spine,” writes Katsudzo Nishi. He advised never to forget about posture. You must constantly control yourself: keep your back and shoulders straight, and your stomach taut. However, we spend a third of our lives sleeping, and this time can be used not only for rest, but also for correcting posture. Therefore, the bed should be level and firm.


Nishi recalls a Japanese proverb: “A crooked neck is a sign of a short life.” A large and soft pillow causes the cervical vertebrae to suffer, while a hard one brings them back to normal, helps with headaches, diseases of the nasopharynx and eyes, and strengthens the spine.


This exercise, like all others, must be performed daily: morning and evening. It improves posture and increases blood circulation. Lie on your back on a hard, flat surface with your arms extended above your head and your toes pointing up. Several times in turn, counting to seven, stretch your spine: first, crawl forward along the floor with the heel of your right foot, and simultaneously stretch with your hands in the opposite direction. Then do the same with the heel of your left foot. After this, place your palms under your neck and pull your toes towards you. In this position, wriggle like a fish with your whole body left and right (but not up and down) - 2 minutes.


The Japanese scientist believed that capillary diseases are the basis of most human ailments. Of all the vessels, capillaries are the first to become clogged. This means that blood cannot reach every cell in the body. How to help capillaries in their difficult work? Vibrate! Morning and evening! Vibration improves blood flow in the arms and legs—and throughout the body. Lie on your back with a cushion under your neck and lift your arms and legs up so that your feet are parallel to the floor. Shake your arms and legs for 1-3 minutes.


This exercise improves blood supply to tissues, the functioning of muscles and nerves, and internal organs. Katsuzo Nishi writes that doing it every day for 4 minutes has made childbirth easier for many pregnant women. Two of them were his clients: doctors prescribed a caesarean section for one due to a narrow pelvis, the other had a transverse presentation. Both did an excellent job without the participation of surgeons

Preparatory part. Lie on your back, place a cushion under your neck. Close your palms and feet, keeping your knees apart. Press the pads of your fingers against each other 10 times. Then alternately squeeze your fingertips and palms 10 times. Straighten your clasped hands, place them behind your head and slowly move them over your face to your waist, with your fingers pointing towards your head, 10 times. Turn your fingers towards your feet and move them from the groin to the navel, 10 times. Extend your arms with clasped palms above you and bring them over your body, as if cutting the air with an ax, 10 times. Stretch your arms up and down to failure, 10 times. With your palms above the solar plexus, move your closed feet back and forth, about 1-1.5 times the length of your feet, 10 times. After this, simultaneously move your palms and feet, trying to stretch the vertebrae, 10-60 times.

Main part. Without opening your feet and palms, close your eyes and stay in this position for 10-15 minutes. Your fingers should point to the ceiling.


In the sixth health rule of the Katsuzo Nishi System, movements of the back and abdomen are combined with self-hypnosis. Exercise coordinates the work of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, restores the acid-base balance of the body. And it just sets you up for health. Sit on your knees with your pelvis resting on your heels. Straighten your spine, keeping your balance on your tailbone.

Intermediate exercise. Perform it after each of the six preparatory exercises, once on each side. Extend your arms in front of your chest parallel to each other. Turn your head to the left, look over your shoulder, trying to see your tailbone. Imagine a golden glowing ball the size of an orange at the level of your tailbone and mentally roll it up your back, trying to feel its gentle healing touch with every vertebra. Return your head to the starting position and repeat on the other side. After this, raise your arms above your head and quickly do the same exercise again.

Preparatory exercises. Raise and lower your shoulders 10 times. Tilt your head to the right and left, 10 times in each direction. Tilt your head back and forth 10 times. Tilt your head right and back and left and back, 10 times to each shoulder. Tilt your head to the right, then slowly roll back towards your spine. Repeat on the other side. 10 times to each shoulder. Bend your elbows at right angles, spread them to the sides and clench your hands into fists. Tilt your head back so that your chin points to the ceiling. Counting to seven, move your elbows back, trying to connect them behind your back. Pull your chin towards the ceiling. Do it 10 times.

Basic exercise. Rock left and right while moving your stomach back and forth for 10 minutes. While doing the exercises, say to yourself: “I feel good, and every day it will get better and better. Every cell of my body is renewed. The blood becomes fresh, clean, healthy. The skin and blood vessels become elastic, elastic, the bones become strong, and the joints become flexible. All systems and organs work great. I am becoming healthier, smarter, kinder, more useful to people and myself. I feel good, and every day it will get better and better.”

Katsuzo Nishi advised starting to exercise today and referred to the truth beloved by samurai: “Yesterday and tomorrow do not exist. We only have what is happening now.”

Food of the enlightened. Nishi chose for himself and offers us macrobiotics. It is according to the principles of macrobiotics that menus have been compiled in Japanese Zen Buddhist monasteries for several millennia. Buddhists believe that such food improves consciousness. Its basis is natural plant products.


From 50-60% of the daily diet consists of cereals: rice, rye, millet and buckwheat. It is no coincidence that the Japanese character denoting peace and harmony has another meaning - “to eat grains.”

From 20-30% - vegetables and fruits. It is better to eat them fresh and with the skin on. Well, if you cook and stew, then use water.

From 5% - a mixture of vegetables and cereals.

From 5% - legumes and algae.

Macrobiotics does not involve abstaining from food of animal origin. But you need to use it occasionally and little by little. Fish is preferable to meat. Meat from wild animals is preferable to meat from domestic animals. All food should be chewed thoroughly: while we feel the taste, we absorb the energy of nature.

Katsuzo Nishi 6 rules of health

Nishi Katsuzo, a Japanese healer, argued that only a person’s own strength will make him healthy, he was convinced of this from his own experience. As a child, doctors gave him a disappointing diagnosis. Doctors said he would live to a maximum of 20 years. But Nishi lived much longer and developed his own healing system. Katsuzo Nishi system The Nishi health system was first introduced to the public in 1927. Nisha's scientific publications gave him wide fame at the time he began practicing medicine. In 1936, his first book appeared in English, this event was preceded by a tour of the United States of America, which he made at the numerous requests of fans. The Nishi healing system has gained wide popularity due to its simplicity, effectiveness and deep Eastern wisdom, which formed its basis and gave it brilliance. Introduction to exercises Many children and adolescents are diagnosed with scoliosis, which causes a stooped back as their ligaments and muscles weaken. Adults who sit all day at work experience back fatigue and pain. This causes the vertebrae to be displaced relative to each other. The Katsuzo Nishi health system helps to form correct posture with the help of special exercises; proper nutrition is necessary to strengthen the spine, swimming, sleeping and resting on a hard bed. Exercises allow the spine to gain flexibility, and nutrition supplies the necessary building materials for the formation and strengthening of posture. The diet must include foods enriched with calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Along with organic substances, the body needs vitamins in large quantities. The most important vitamins for the spine are vitamins A, C and D.

Professor Nishi's system of proper nutrition The basis of nutrition according to Nishi is a raw food diet. In his opinion, only raw food will allow a person to achieve ideal health. Nishi preaches eating raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts. Any heat treatment turns food into poison. But you need to switch to such a diet carefully and gradually. If a person cannot eat only raw food, one should combine cooked food with raw fruits and vegetables (there should be 3 times more raw foods than cooked ones), or with drinking freshly prepared juices, tea from raspberry leaves, black currants, rose hips, persimmons or water with apple cider vinegar and honey. In addition, it is important that your food contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 1:1:4. Instead of industrial sugar, it is better to use dried fruits and vegetables, honey, and sweet fruits. Basic rules of good nutrition according to the Nishi Health System:

1. Drink fresh, good quality raw water up to 2.5-3 liters daily.

2. Eat mostly natural foods: fruits, nuts, vegetables, greens, seeds - up to 75% of your daily diet.

3. Combine cooked food with raw vegetables, which should be 3 times more.

4. Chew your food thoroughly. Remember: well chewed is half digested.

5. Eat only if you are hungry. It is better to skip a meal and replace it with water. Water is food.

6. Rest your systems for 24-36 hours every week. Before fasting, be sure to cleanse the intestines with an herbal infusion or an enema.

7. Do not eat until noon and finish eating at 18:00: let breakfast be late and dinner early.

It is also necessary to combine products correctly. The application of this rule can significantly reduce the load on the excretory organs. Product combination scheme according to the Niche system: - proteins - meat, fish, poultry, cheeses, dairy products, eggs, soybeans, beans, lentils, oilseeds (nuts, seeds, olives, bread, seeds, grains) - combined only with vegetables, poorly combined with fats, carbohydrates, fruits; - fats (vegetable, animal, margarine, butter, olives) are combined only with vegetables, sometimes it is possible to combine them with carbohydrates, starchy vegetables, tubers (carrots, potatoes, turnips, rutabaga, beets, etc.) and grains (rice, flour, bread, cereals), but fats do not combine well with proteins; - fruits are combined only with each other (sour, semi-sour, sweet). Sour fruits are combined with vegetables. But Nishi’s healthy lifestyle system involves not only proper nutrition, but also adherence to six basic rules of health. The Katsuzo Nishi system is based on 6 rules:

1. Hard bed

The spine is the basis of life. Minor curvatures lead to disruption of the functions of various organs, so correct posture is very important. Try to always pull the top of your head up. By following this simple rule, your spine will be straight. If you sit crouched and slouch when you stand, then you greatly harm your internal organs. And if your back is straight and you constantly look forward, then:

- the spine will not experience overload;

-your height will increase by a couple of centimeters;

- internal organs will take their places;

- the functions of the digestive and excretory organs will be restored;

- thyroid function and blood circulation will return to normal.

All of these changes won't be as effective if you sleep on a soft bed. Of course, it’s nice to fall into a soft bed, but your spine suffers greatly from this. The spine is under tension all night and this contributes to its curvature.

2. Hard pillow or cushion

To sleep, you need a bolster or a firm pillow. This is necessary so that the cervical vertebrae are in their natural position during sleep. Compliance with this rule affects the nasal septum; poor condition of the nasal septum causes various diseases, causes irritability and dizziness. Nishi suggests using a hard bolster pillow and lying down so that the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae are on the pillow.

3. Exercise “Goldfish”

This exercise should be performed as follows: you need to lie on a flat bed with your face up or down, pull your toes in the direction of your body, place both arms crossed under your neck, at the 4th or 5th cervical vertebra. In this position, vibrate and wriggle your whole body, repeating the movements of the fish in the water. You need to do this exercise for one to two minutes twice a day. This exercise will cure scoliosis and eliminate curvature. spine and will relieve overstrain of the spinal nerves, normalize blood circulation, promote intestinal motility, coordinate the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems.

4. Exercise for capillaries.

Lying on your back straight, your head resting on a hard pillow, your legs and arms stretched up vertically in relation to your body and easily vibrate them. Exercise stresses the capillaries in the organs, thereby improving blood circulation throughout the body and enhancing the movement and renewal of lymphatic fluid. Perform the exercise every day, morning and evening, for one to two minutes.

5. Exercise “Closing the palms and feet.”

The exercise is performed lying on your back, with your head on a hard pillow. First part of the exercise. Place your hands on your chest. Open your palms, connecting the fingertips of both hands, press them against each other and relax, repeat this several times. Then move your hands forward and backward with your fingertips closed. Then clasp your palms over your chest. The second part - continue to lie on your back, raising your legs up above your body, while bringing your knees together and your feet closed. Simultaneously raise and lower your legs and arms 10 to 60 times. After completing the exercise, rest in the starting position and meditate every day for one to two minutes in the morning and evening.

This exercise coordinates the work of the muscles and nerves of the left and right half of the body, especially the limbs. The exercise is of great importance also because it coordinates the work of muscles, blood vessels, and nerves in the abdomen, groin and thighs. During pregnancy, exercise helps in the womb. This exercise is useful for the expectant mother, for the normal growth of the child and for an easy birth. Rhythms of vitality. Annual health program The book presents the unique Health System of the Japanese researcher Katsuzo Nishi, distributed by season, in conjunction with natural rhythms. You will learn about the peculiarities of nutrition in winter, summer, spring and autumn, about the most effective methods... You can carry out treatment with your hands. It has long been proven that palms are capable of emitting mysterious rays. By touching with the palms, the treatment is based on the action of these rays. At the beginning of using the rays, it is necessary to bring to life the energy potential of the palms as follows: sit down with your hands raised up, connecting them at chest level with your elbows, clasp your palms, fingers lightly touching each other. For 40 minutes, continuously concentrate your mental energy on your palms.

You need to do this once, no matter how hard it may be, this will allow you to fully activate the energy in your palms. The palm treatment technique itself is quite simple: you need to touch the sore spot with your palm for a short time. To achieve more significant results, you should first perform the exercise for the capillaries yourself, and then help the patient do it.

6. Exercise for the abdomen and spine.

The first part is preparatory:

You need to sit on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders 10 times;

Tilt your head to the right and left in each direction 10 times;

then tilt your head left and back and right and back 10 times;

Stretch your arms horizontally forward and turn your head left and right (once at a time);

raise both arms up parallel and turn your head left and right once;

lower your arms to shoulder level, bend them at the elbows;

holding your hands in this position, throw them back as far as possible, stretching your chin up.

The second part is the main one:

After completing the preparatory part, you need to relax, placing your palms on your knees for a while and begin performing the main part of the exercise: straighten your body, trying to maintain balance on your tailbone. You begin to swing your body to the right and left, while simultaneously performing abdominal movements, for 10 minutes every day in the morning and evening.

During these movements, say to yourself: “Every day I’m getting better in every way.” Exercise is good for the spine and abdomen, it coordinates the function of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and regulates intestinal function. The exercises of the Japanese healer Katsuzo Nishi can be performed by anyone, regardless of age.

And this is what Nishi’s daily routine should look like:

6-7 a.m. - get up, exercise according to the Nishi health system, contrast shower.

7-8 am - breakfast: “live porridge” made from oatmeal or rolled oatmeal, grated apple or 2 prunes, a glass of hot herbal tea or juice, any fruit, a piece of bread.

11-12 noon - second breakfast: fruits, vegetables, nuts or a piece of cheese (soaked feta cheese), or an egg, or 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese, 1-2 pieces of bread.

15-16 hours - lunch: you can eat everything, but be sure to eat 100-150 g of protein food (boiled meat or fish, or nuts, or feta cheese) and 450 g of vegetables (salad or vinaigrette).

18.30-19 hours - dinner: kefir, salad or fruit, seeds. 21-22 hours - exercises according to the Nisha health system. Contrast shower.

From 23:00 to 6-7:00 - sleep (hard, flat bed, bolster pillow).

Using Professor Nishi's Health System will allow you not only to regain your former slimness, but also never get sick.

The famous Japanese healer Nishi Katsuzo believed that only a person’s own efforts can make him healthy, which is what happened to him. He was given a disappointing diagnosis as a child. Doctors said he would live a maximum of 20 years. Nishi not only lived much longer, but also created an effective healing system.

Briefly about the Katsuzo Nishi system

The health system created by Nishi was first presented to the public in 1927, when he was forty-four years old - an amazing fact, given the bleak prognosis of the doctor who predicted his early death in his youth. Thanks to his publications, Nishi became widely known, left his post as chief engineer of the Tokyo subway and devoted all his time to medical practice.

In 1936, he published his first book in English - its publication was preceded by a lecture tour of the United States of America, which he made in response to numerous requests from fans. The Nishi healing system owes its popularity not only to its simplicity and effectiveness, but also to the deep Eastern wisdom that underlies it and gives it the brilliance that is characteristic only of genuine diamonds.

Introduction to the exercises

Many children and teenagers slouch, causing their muscles and ligaments to weaken. Adults sitting at work all day experience fatigue and back pain by the end of the day. As a result, the vertebrae may move relative to each other.

The health system of Katsudzo Nishi involves the formation of correct posture with the help of special exercises, swimming, proper nutrition to strengthen the spine, rest and sleep on a hard bed and pillow.

Exercises will help you gain flexibility in your spine; nutrition serves as a building material for strengthening and shaping your posture.

Nutrition should include foods rich in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. In addition to organic substances, the body must regularly receive vitamins. The most important ones for the spine are A, C and D. Don’t forget that we can get vitamin D not only from food, but also from sunlight. Therefore, take sunbaths daily.

An integral part of the Katsuzo Nishi system are 6 health rules:

1. Hard bed

As you know, the spine is the basis of life. The slightest distortion leads to disruption of the functioning of various organs. Therefore, it is very important to maintain correct posture. Always pull the top of your head up! This way your spine will be straight. If you are used to sitting crouched all the time, and when you stand, you look like a coat hanger, then you are doing great harm to yourself and your internal organs.

And if you straighten up and don’t constantly look down, then:

  • the spine will not be overloaded;
  • you will become a couple of centimeters taller;
  • all internal organs will fall into place;
  • the functioning of the digestive and excretory organs will improve;
  • improve blood circulation in the body and the functioning of the thyroid gland.

But all this will not be so effective if we sleep on a soft bed. It’s very nice to fall into a cozy soft bed, but you can’t imagine how your spine is suffering.

All night, being in tension, he cannot stand it and SPARKS!

Here is what Katsuzo Nishi himself said about this: “To maintain the habit of ideal posture, there is no better way than to constantly correct disorders that arise in the spinal column by sleeping on a hard, level bed. If a lover of sleeping in a soft bed allows his nerves to atrophy and become paralyzed in this way, illnesses will come to him without invitation.”

2. Hard pillow or cushion

Its meaning is to ensure that the cervical vertebrae are in their natural position during sleep. When we sleep on a regular pillow, our cervical vertebrae bend, and the condition of our internal organs depends on this, not to mention pain in the neck and back. This rule primarily affects the nasal septum, and its poor condition provokes various diseases and affects increased irritability and dizziness.

In Japan they say: “A crooked neck is a sign of a short life.”

Nishi suggests using a hard bolster pillow, positioning yourself on it so that the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae literally rest on it.

3. Exercise “Goldfish”

This exercise should be performed as follows: lie straight on a flat bed, face up or down, pull your toes in the direction of your torso, place both hands under your neck, crossing them at the fourth or fifth cervical vertebra.

In this position, wriggle (vibrate) your whole body like the movements of a fish in water. Do this exercise for 1 - 2 minutes every morning and evening.

The exercise helps cure scoliosis, corrects the curvature of the spine and thereby eliminates overstrain of the spinal nerves and normalizes blood circulation. coordinates the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems and promotes intestinal motility.

4. Exercise for capillaries

Lie straight on your back, resting your head on a hard pillow, stretch your arms and legs up vertically towards your body and then lightly vibrate them.

This exercise stimulates capillaries in organs, improves blood circulation throughout the body, and promotes the movement and renewal of lymphatic fluid. Do it daily morning and evening for 1 - 2 minutes.

Even babies who do not yet know how to roll over on their side on their own perform this exercise perfectly well... when they are happy. They pull their arms and legs up, vaguely shaking them, rejoicing at everything that comes into their field of vision, mom, dad, sunbeam... An adult can also do this exercise.

5. Exercise “Closing palms and feet”

Lie on your back, head on a hard pillow. put your hands on your chest. With your palms open, connect the fingertips of both hands, press them against each other and relax, repeat this several times. Then move your hands back and forth with your fingertips closed. And finally, close your palms above your chest. This is the first part of the exercise.

The second is to continue lying on your back and raise your legs up above your body, bringing your knees together. With your feet closed, simultaneously raise and lower your arms and legs 10 to 60 times. After the exercise, rest in the original position and meditate for 1 - 2 minutes in the morning and evening every day.

This exercise is very useful because it coordinates the functions of the muscles and nerves of the right and left half of the body, especially the limbs. It is also important because it coordinates the functions of the muscles, nerves and blood vessels in the groin, abdomen and thighs. During pregnancy, it helps the normal growth of the child in the womb and corrects its abnormal position. Therefore, this exercise is very useful for the expectant mother if she wants to have an easy birth.

Hand therapy is also helpful. It has been proven that the palms emit mysterious rays. Palm touch treatment is based on the action of these rays.

But before resorting to it, you need to bring to life the potency of the palms as follows: sit down, raise your arms up with your elbows connected at chest level, then close your palms, fingers touching each other. Direct your mental energy concentrated on the palm of your hand continuously for 40 minutes. Try to do this once, no matter how tiring it may be, and then the energy in the palms will definitely be fully activated. If this is successful, you will not need to repeat this procedure for the rest of your life. The palm treatment technique is very simple: just touch the sore spot with your palm for a while. But in order to achieve more significant results, you should first perform the exercise for the capillaries yourself, and then help the patient do the same.

6. Exercise for the spine and abdomen

Preparatory part:

  • sitting on a chair, raise and lower your shoulders (10 times);
  • tilt your head to the right and left (10 times in each direction);
  • tilt your head to the right and back (10 times) and to the left and back (10 times);
  • stretch your arms forward in a horizontal position and turn your head left and right (once each);
  • raise both arms up parallel and turn your head to the right and left (once each);
  • lower your arms to shoulder level, bending them at the elbows;
  • keeping your hands in this position, throw them back as far as possible, stretching your chin strongly up.

Main part:

After the preparatory part, relax, place your palms on your knees for a while and begin the main part of the exercise: straighten your body, maintaining balance on your tailbone. Then swing your body left and right, while moving your stomach, for 10 minutes every morning and evening. While performing this movement, say to yourself: “Every day I am getting better in every way.” Such self-hypnosis has a highly beneficial effect on the mind and body, turning bad into good and good into better.

This exercise for the spine and abdomen coordinates the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, regulates intestinal activity, and promotes the beneficial effects of mental energy on the body.

Method of “repairing” metabolism. How to cure yourself once and for all Tatyana Litvinova

Six rules of health by Katsuzo Nishi


What are Nisha's Six Golden Rules of Health?

1. Hard bed.

2. Firm cushion.

3. Exercise “Goldfish” (spine nutrition).

4. Exercise for capillaries.

5. Exercise “Closing the feet and palms.”

6. Exercise for the back and abdomen.

In her book “Say Goodbye to Diseases,” Maya Gogulan describes in detail each of the six rules of Nisha.

hard bed is necessary to ensure that the body weight is distributed evenly, the muscles are relaxed as much as possible, then during sleep the body itself corrects subluxations and curvatures of the spine, which inevitably accumulate during the day, corrects posture, improves the functioning of the nervous system, blood supply to the brain, and the functioning of internal organs. It has a particularly good effect on increasing liver activity (harmful substances that have accumulated during the day are well removed from the body, the intestines are freed from constipation). A firm bed helps the entire body heal itself overnight.

Firm cushion. Nishi in his book recommends using a bolster pillow: “...You lie flat and place your neck on the pillow so that the third and fourth cervical vertebrae are literally resting on it. Needless to say, those who are not used to such a pillow will experience pain. In this case, you can put either a towel or a piece of soft cloth on it. However, you need to remember: you need to remove this fabric from time to time and gradually try to get used to the hard pillow. This way, after a certain time, you will get used to it and sleep comfortably without any softener.” A hard pillow has an excellent effect on the functioning of the nasal septum - any inflammatory processes in it go away, and since the condition of the nasal septum affects the condition of a number of internal organs, their functioning improves. In addition, when using a hard pillow, cerebral circulation is stimulated - and this is the prevention of atherosclerosis. And finally, if you sleep on a hard pillow, osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine will not become your problem. Soft traditional pillows contribute to neck curvature. There has long been a proverb in Japan: “A crooked neck is a sign of a short life.” Nishi recommends making the pillow out of wood. Maya Gogulan offers a softened option: a pillow made of cotton wool. “This is a cushion, the middle of which is filled with cotton wool, and on top of the cushion is covered with a horsehair mattress... It is even better if the hard pillow is filled with pebbles, since due to weak ventilation its temperature will remain constant.” You need to be prepared for the fact that in the first weeks of sleeping on a hard pillow, unpleasant and even painful sensations may appear. They must be endured. The “Goldfish” exercise will help with this.

Exercise "Goldfish" works to eliminate any disorders in the spine. Starting position: lie on your back face up on a flat bed or on the floor, throw your arms behind your head, extending them to their full length, extend your legs too, place your feet on the heel perpendicular to the floor, pull your toes towards your face. Stretch several times, as if stretching the spine in different directions: crawl forward along the floor with the heel of your right foot, and simultaneously stretch in the opposite direction with both outstretched arms. Then do the same with the heel of your left foot (stretch your heel forward, stretch with both hands in the opposite direction). Repeat this alternately 5-7 times with each heel and both hands. Then place your palms under the cervical vertebrae, connect your legs, and pull the toes of both feet towards your face. In this position, begin rapid vibrations, like a fish wiggling in the water. Vibrations are performed from right to left for 1–2 minutes. This exercise should be done every day in the morning and evening. In this case, the elongated spine should lie motionless; only the feet, standing perpendicular to the body, and the back of the head oscillate from right to left. What does this exercise do? By correcting the curvature of the vertebrae, this exercise thereby eliminates overstrain of the spinal nerves, trains ligaments, normalizes blood circulation, the functioning of the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, liver and kidneys. The “Goldfish” exercise also promotes pulsation of the veins and improves intestinal function.

Exercise for capillaries. Starting position: lie on your back on a hard and flat surface, place a hard cushion pillow under your cervical vertebrae. Then raise both arms and legs up so that the soles of your feet are parallel to the floor. Performing the exercise: in this position, shake both arms and legs for 1–3 minutes. There are a huge number of capillaries in the upper and lower extremities. When shaking your arms and legs, additional vibration occurs in the capillaries, which contributes to increased contractions and more active pushing of blood. This improves blood circulation throughout the body.

Exercise “Closing the feet and palms.” Starting position: lie on your back on the floor or a hard, flat bed, put a hard cushion under your neck, close your feet and palms and spread your knees.


1) press the fingertips of both palms against each other (10 times);

2) press with the pads of your fingers, and then on the entire palm of your left and right hands (10 times);

3) press both closed palms (10 times);

4) extend your arms with tightly closed palms to their full length, throw them behind your head, then move them slowly over your face to your waist, as if cutting the body in half, with the fingers of your palms pointing forward (toward your head). Do this back and forth 10 times;

5) then turn the fingers of your closed palms towards your legs and move them, as if cutting your body in half, but from the bottom up - from the pubis to the navel (10 times);

6) bring the closed palms of your hands over the body, as if cutting through the air with an “axe”, stretch your arms as far as possible (10 times);

7) extend your arms to their full length with your palms closed up and down (10 times);

8) place your palms tightly closed on your chest above the solar plexus and move your closed feet 1–1.5 times the length of your feet back and forth, not allowing them to open (10 times);

9) move your closed palms and feet back and forth simultaneously, as if wanting to stretch the vertebrae (from 10 to 61 times).

Execution: after the preliminary exercises, place the closed palms of the hands on the chest perpendicular to the body (like an antenna), remaining in a “lying lotus” position, then proceed to the main part of the exercise.

Main part of the exercise: close your eyes, remaining calm in this position for 5–10 minutes. The body position is reminiscent of the “Lotus” pose in yoga, but in a lying position, with the feet closed and the knees turned out as much as possible. What does this exercise do? It coordinates the work of muscles, nerves, blood vessels of the right and left halves of the body, significantly improves the functioning of the adrenal glands, genitals, large intestine, and kidneys.

Exercise for the back and abdomen

Starting position: sit on the floor on your knees; pelvis on the heels (you can also “Turkish style”). The spine should be completely straight (“like a yardstick swallowed”). Leaning your whole body on your legs, do not deviate either to the left or to the right, neither forward nor backward. The ears are directly above the shoulders, the tongue touches the roof of the mouth, the lips are tightly compressed, the eyes are wide open, the breathing is light and calm. When the pose is fixed in this way, take a deep breath and begin the preparatory part of the exercise first.

Preparatory part of the exercise for the back and abdomen.

1) Raise your shoulders as high as possible, then lower them (10 times).

Intermediate exercise:

a) extend your arms in front of your chest parallel to each other and quickly look over your left shoulder, looking at the tailbone, then mentally look from the tailbone up the spine to the cervical vertebrae, put your head straight and just as quickly look over your right shoulder at the tailbone, look over spine up to the cervical vertebrae;

b) raise your arms up parallel to each other, stretch up and quickly do the same as in intermediate exercise “a” (one time over each shoulder).

Intermediate exercises should be repeated after each of the next 6 exercises, once in each direction.

2) Tilt your head to the right and return to the starting position - straight (10 times), then the same - to the left (10 times).

3) Tilt your head all the way forward (10 times) and back (10 times), and place it straight.

4) Turn your head to the right and back (10 times), then to the left and back (10 times).

5) Tilt your head to the right (pull your right ear towards your right shoulder), then, slowly stretching your neck to the fullest, roll your head back to the spine (check if your head is tilted back all the way), then 10 times to each shoulder.

6) Raise your arms up parallel to each other, then bend your elbows at a right angle, clench your hands into fists, tilt your head back “all the way” so that your chin looks at the ceiling. In this position, on the count of “7,” pull your elbows back, keeping your bent arms at shoulder level, as if wanting to bring them together behind your back, and at the same time pull your chin toward the ceiling, as if trying to reach it (10 times).

Main part of the exercise. After the preparatory part of the exercise for the back and abdomen, you need to relax for a while, then check your posture and proceed to the main part.

Having straightened your body, balancing its weight on your tailbone, begin to sway left and right, while moving your stomach back and forth, for 10 minutes every morning and every evening. At the same time, say out loud: “I feel good, every day I will get better, better, better and better. Every cell of my body is renewed; the blood becomes fresh, clean, healthy; The endocrine glands work great; muscles, skin, blood vessels become elastic, elastic, healthy, clean, renewed; bones - strong, joints - flexible, mobile; all organs and systems obey the work of the brain; the brain functions perfectly - the brain perfectly controls the functioning of all organs and systems; all organs and systems work wonderfully. I am becoming healthier, smarter, kinder, wiser, capable of great creative deeds, useful to people and myself. I feel good, and every day I will get better and better and better and better.”

What does this exercise do? “I feel the way I think about myself” - this is the truth that lies at the basis of treatment by suggestion. That is why in the exercise for the back and abdomen, it is recommended to simultaneously move the spine and abdomen using suggestion. At the same time, acid-base balance is established, blood circulation improves, the function of enzymes is preserved, physiological regulation of physical condition is achieved, coordination of the brain, external and internal nervous systems is established, the spiritual strength of the body is created, and the work of nerves, muscles, blood vessels in everything is adjusted body.

Nutrition rules from Maya Gogulan

The nutritional rules from Maya Gogulan are based on the teachings of rational nutrition by Herbert Shelton (Shelton’s theory of nutrition is described in detail in third section of the third chapter).

Gogulan concentrates the method of reasonable nutrition into three main principles:

Be sure to drink plenty of water.

Anything that can be eaten raw should be eaten raw. Eat more raw food than cooked food (3:1 ratio).

Observe product compatibility. (The product compatibility table is given in the third section of the third chapter.)

The laws of healthy eating by Maya Gogulan (from the book “Say Goodbye to Diseases”):

We are nourished by the sun, air, water and food.

The body must be in a state of balance between cell renewal and cell destruction. An imbalance leads to metabolic disorders. Like the body as a whole, each cell depends on nutrition.

It is necessary to exclude everything harmful from food - for example, refined foods, medications, stimulants.

Calories have nothing to do with health. You can eat high-calorie foods and be sick. The essence of nutrition should be the completeness of food: the presence in it of the “building elements” of a living cell - amino acids, fatty acids, carbohydrates, microelements, vitamins, hormones, enzymes, fiber.

Food should: give us the energy of Life; cleanse the body; restore; form vital cells; create acid-base balance; bring positive emotions. Only plants meet all the listed requirements (fruits, vegetables, nuts, herbs, berries, grains, roots, leaves).

The basis of a nutritious diet is nuts and seeds, honey, fruits and vegetables (and their juices), fermented milk products, and cottage cheese.

The body needs fiber, which contains natural fibers. Fiber is found in raw fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and bran bread.

You need to drink up to three liters of water per day - or replace the water with an infusion of raspberry, black currant, or rose hip leaves.

Salt should be eliminated completely, replacing it with onions, garlic, horseradish, celery, parsley, and dill. It is necessary to include foods rich in potassium salts in the diet: spinach, cucumbers, potatoes, carrots, parsley, garlic, black currants, cabbage, tomatoes, legumes.

It is necessary to observe the natural cycles of the body's life and digestion: from noon to 8 pm - intake (eating and digestion), from 8 pm to 4 am - assimilation (absorption and use), from 4 am to noon - waste removal (self-purification). During the last cycle, it is better not to eat at all or eat fruit (and drink fruit juices).

Systematically follow the principles of cleansing the body (the rules for cleansing the body are given in the first section of the sixth chapter).

Maya Gogulan is convinced that any of us can radically change both the way we eat and the way we live in general, which will save us from diseases. The Nishi system - as the cornerstone of health - is capable of keeping the bioenergetic level of our body in good shape, preventing the body from being destroyed, strengthening its immunity, setting it up for self-regulation and self-healing. Maya Gogulan says: “The wonderful naturopath Paul Bragg wrote: “To achieve happiness, you need to develop three habits: the habit of constant health, the habit of constant work and the habit of constant learning...” So I will say, based on my own experience: these It was Nisha’s health system that instilled in me three habits.”

The Nisha health system is designed for any of us, not just trained people. All the recommendations available in various teachings about proper breathing, movement, massage, water therapy, nutrition in a concentrated and at the same time simple form are embedded in this amazing system aimed at normalizing the functioning of every cell of the body and every organ, which gives a wonderful result - a sharp increase in healing powers the whole organism as a whole.

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Six rules of health



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