School of counselors July. Counselor School

Working as a counselor is the basis for a future professional career. Working with children, one acquires the qualities of responsibility and independence, experience in organizing events and managing time and risks.

Students who have completed training at the School of Counselors are offered work as counselors, additional education teachers (circle leaders) and artistic directors in camps in the Moscow region, central Russia, Krasnodar or Stavropol Territories.

Graduates of the school will be able to participate in rallies, city events and advanced training programs with the best teachers of the Moscow City Tourism.

The school of counselors is held on the basis of Moscow State Pedagogical University with the support of the official partner - the State Autonomous Institution of Culture "Moscow Agency for Organization of Recreation and Tourism" (SAUK "Mosgortur").

School curators:

  • Roza Nazifovna Grosheva, specialist in the management of corporate events and student initiatives, Moscow State Pedagogical University;
  • Daria Viktorovna Abramova, specialist in the management of corporate events and student initiatives, Moscow State Pedagogical University,
  • Igor Petrovich Zinkevich, head of the teaching staff training department, Mosgortur, [email protected]

Reviews from MSPU students about working in children's health camps "Mosgorrtura":

“I am truly happy that I had this chance. Thanks to working at the camp, this summer has become the most intense in terms of emotions. There were difficulties, of course. But what you get in return... The giving of children, their smiles and warm attitude towards you is just some kind of magic,”

- Ksenia Zhanabergenova(Institute of Humanities and Management, 2nd year)

“I absolutely love the camp environment: a busy plan for the day, constant communication with children, fun time with my colleagues. This all greatly inspires me to further develop my leadership potential in this organization.

There were difficulties, but all this will not replace the joyful smiles of the children and the generally good atmosphere in the teaching staff. There were troubles, but we survived it,”

Office 8(495)-229-04-25 or 8-926-244-95-65
Mail: [email protected]

School of Leaders. Why is this necessary?

Do you want to go to the camp, plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of the leader’s youth and give joy to the children? Probably yes, since you are reading this page. Have you never worked as a counselor? Or maybe you are a student at a pedagogical or other university with experience working in children’s camps, and dream of expanding the boundaries of your knowledge? In any case, the School of Counselors is what you need!
In 2017, the next cycle of classes at the school of leader skills begins. Already in February, students will have introductory meetings with the active members of the pedagogical squad “A-Z Leader!”, master classes on dance animation and much more. And at the end of March the first on-site instruction of the new season will take place, and classes will be held every week, almost until the end of May.

While studying at the School of Leaders, you:

  • acquire new knowledge and systematize your experience;
  • learn to find contact with any child;
  • get acquainted with the developmental psychology of children and adolescents;
  • learn many games;
  • understand how to resolve any conflicts in a team;
  • learn to dance, speak confidently and beautifully, move and improvise on stage;
  • learn about the features of organizing and conducting camp events;
  • master the basics of first aid and tourism;
  • and finally, you can get a job at the camp you like - with a unique atmosphere and an excellent team!

Why exactly “A-Z counselor”?

Let's say right away: there are schools for counselors at many camps. Without them, it is impossible to prepare staff to work with the author’s program, which each camp has its own. But neither a set of lectures on counselor skills given by the best teachers, nor the best school will make you a counselor. You can become a counselor only after experiencing all the difficulties and joys of working on a shift; feeling the bitterness of parting with the children who had become family, who came to the camp as complete strangers. Nevertheless, it is possible and necessary to prepare well for work as a counselor, arm yourself with knowledge, and make friends with future colleagues. Then work will be a joy, and leadership will become a way of life. This is the goal of our School of Counselors - to prepare you as much as possible for this work.

In the “A-Z Leader” courses, theory is combined with a large number of practical exercises. Moreover, even theoretical lessons are taught in a playful way. After all, it is the one who can insist on his own, resolve the conflict, convey to the children their rights and responsibilities in a relaxed playful way, set the mood of the day and shift - he will become the best counselor for the children. At the same time, it is important for us not only to teach future counselors to play with children, but also to maintain their authority without “cheap” methods and losing their adult position.
Of course, serious subjects - such as “Child Psychology”, “Fundamentals of Conflict Management”, “Counselor as an Adult Personality” require a serious approach. But here, too, future counselors not only study theory, but also participate in practical training under the guidance of experienced teachers and psychologists.

In addition, we stage dance and stage performances. Choreography and acting skills are allocated many hours in the class schedule. Therefore, the guys on shift understand each other perfectly even without words, and on stage our leaders dance no worse than show ballet and easily perform beautiful concert numbers and witty sketches!

It’s worth mentioning separately about 2 instructional trips. These are “mini-camps” for students, where you can fully experience the camp atmosphere. The first trip, which usually takes place in March, at the beginning of training, allows you to get to know each other better. During the second trip, you get acquainted with the basics of tourism and try yourself as an event organizer. At the end of the second trip, a real exam is taken before a strict commission. It is its results that give the best students the right to work on the “Island of Heroes”.

The credo of the school “A-Z Leader”: we are preparing an ELITE of leaders. We invite students who have graduated from school to work in our camps both in Valdai and in the Moscow region. We do not trade our graduates, because the elite is distinguished not only by their level of training, but by their freedom of choice!

Conditions and cost

Our school is “conditionally” paid. Why "conditionally"? Here's what we offer during training:

  • Extensive program;
  • Each discipline is taught by a professional in his field;
  • Classes in rented premises with comfortable classrooms and a hall for choreography and acting training;
  • Bright events for unity, flash mobs and quests;
  • Two intensive field programs in a camp near Moscow, two days each, with round-trip transfers on large, comfortable buses.

The cost of the entire program is 6900 rubles
This price includes EVERYTHING, including accommodation at the recreation center, handouts and teaching materials and classes with teachers. In fact, students only pay for their accommodation during the intensive course. Everything else is provided by the A-Z Counselor School. The presence of payment, albeit formal, allows you to immediately weed out those whose decision to become a counselor is frivolous and spontaneous. We don’t force anyone to study, so the atmosphere in class is always wonderful!

Upon completion of the School, students receive a Certificate, and the best graduates work in our camps and excursion programs.
If you wish, you can also take part in the Ministry of Emergency Situations courses in first aid. These courses are not included in the school price. A group of people who wish to attend courses at the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia twice a year and receive an official Certificate. Counselors who hold a certificate for these courses receive an increased salary.

The counselors of our camp receive a salary according to the assigned category and the number of shifts worked, from the fourth category to the highest, first. The first category is assigned to counselors with more than 1 season of experience in the “Islands of Heroes” system if they have a certificate of completion of first aid courses.

If during the training process you realized that you do not want to be a counselor, then the ability to move, communicate freely, command the attention of an audience, dance and play with children will remain with you and will come in handy more than once in life!

Ivanova Oksana Viktorovna- project Manager,

Email: [email protected]

The school of counselors at Moscow State Pedagogical University is

  • Training of counselors, creation of a school of counselors “YO-Counselor!” in different camps across the country is an opportunity to strengthen the traditions of a leading university in the field of modern pedagogical technologies and modern educational technologies.
  • Project School of Counselors “YO-Counselor!” interacts with students from different regions, youth public organizations, and country associations, increasing the prestige of the “counselor” profession, developing work standards, and enabling students to acquire and accumulate life and professional experience.
For whom

The project site is a unique opportunity for effective self-realization of youth of different professions, activation of student youth. Training of professional personnel, provision of state requests.

you will have

Experience in training universal pedagogical skills (social practice; social competence):

  • training qualified specialists to work in children's health camps;
  • practice of working with children;
  • development of leadership and professional qualities, competencies and ability to work in a team.
How to become part of a team
Class Schedule

The days, times and place of classes must be clarified with the Commander of the SPO RSO “YO-counselor!” Levashova Veronica or in official group of the project School of Counselors “YO-Counselor!”

Main events
  • Opening of the school for counselors of the new season;
  • Training for counselors;
  • Work as counselors in children's health camps in the Russian Federation;
  • All-Russian Children's Center "Smena" Presidential competitions;
  • Competition “The Best Teaching Team of MPGU” All-Russian School of Counselors;
  • Leader New Year's skit;
  • Miss MPGU;
  • Student spring;
  • Miss Moscow Pedagogical Team MIREA Pedagogical Team “Atmosphere”;
  • Video competition "vidro" MIREA;
  • ORM VI All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Youth policy in modern Russia: issues of theory and practice”;
  • as well as June 1 - Children's Day, Initiation as a student, Rector's Ball and much more.

The school has trained more than 6,500 camp counselors:

  • Government of Moscow - SOK "Kamchia", MDC "Artek", VDC "Orlyonok", VDC "Smena", Educational Center "Sirius", "Travel Laboratory" of Dmitry and Matvey Shparo; Moscow Metro - “Valentina”, Ministry of Emergency Situations - “Orlyonok”, MIC “NPO Mashinostroeniya”;
  • All-Russian youth educational forum “Seliger”, “International Youth Center” and other camps in the country.
  • GAUK "Mosgortur" - The school of counselors took part in the selection and training of 5,000 counselors in Moscow for the "Moscow Agency for Recreation and Tourism" (GAUK "Mosgortur").

From history:

“In the 90s, at Moscow State Pedagogical University there was a club “Summer”, which was engaged in training counselors and developing teaching aids for organizers of children's recreation: “How can you train counselors using modern technologies by creating a club.” The “Summer” club existed until the beginning of 2000. And today, colleagues from the regions carry the idea of ​​​​the club’s work, using the forms of training counselors developed at MPGU.”

Today, MPGU is engaged in the professional training of counselors, accumulating the experience of the Russian Federation in the field of organizing recreation, being a “Mecca” of counselor skill, a counselor forge, and solving issues at the State level in providing professionally trained personnel for organizing children's recreation.


Certification: Yes


Tuition fee: 2000 rub.

Duration of training: 3

Description: The course program includes both theoretical and practical training in the most important areas of child psychology, conflictology, organizational and play activities. To organize classes, specialists in working with youth, lawyers, psychologists and children's camp methodologists are involved. Participants gain knowledge of how to organize work with children and adolescents on the territory of the children's school, acquire skills in developing leadership qualities, developing initiative and creative potential in children.

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 3 months.

Description: The counselor is a superhero! How to become one? Ask us! We will teach games and child psychology, we will teach how to be with children, and also leadership - this is camp, friends, summer, stars! In free time from study and work: creative competitions, dance competitions, song evenings, poetry evenings, trips out of town, photo competitions, role-playing games, football, volleyball and poker competitions, tea parties, meetings, skit parties, volunteer activities. Forgot something? Possibly) We'll tell you when we meet)

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 2 months.

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 9 months.

Description: Training counselors to work productively with children, developing acting abilities, and counselors’ ability to improvise. The theory includes studying the responsibilities of a counselor, first aid, teaching games and training, studying age-related characteristics and problems of children at each stage of age, learning to draw up a plan of activities for the day or shift. The counselors practice with children of primary and school age, play games with them, conduct flash mobs, teach them how to draw, and so on.

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Distance learning: Eat

Duration of training: 3 months.

Description: Vozhatskaya.RF is an organization that develops children's recreation programs, as well as trains and employs counselors. Our mission: to create conditions for a counselor to be perceived by society as a professional and not an amateur. We invite everyone to try their hand at working with a noisy and restless children's team. Experienced teachers and psychologists will teach you all the intricacies of working with children. You will leave us with a wealth of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 9 months.

Description: Hi all! If you are active, cheerful, kind, honest and want the same people to surround you, then there is a place for you in our squad! WE are exactly like that! And in the summer we will go to work as counselors in children's camps throughout the country! Maybe you and I are on the same path? Come and find out. Studying at ShV is a well-spent evening with friends, a variety of games, songs, dances, competitions... We do not hide anything. Everything we can do ourselves is for you. Give yourself childhood! Our classes are Wednesday at 18.00.

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 3 months.

Description: The school for training young counselors (School Vozdukh) is a comprehensive project for informal training of young people with the aim of acquiring the necessary and sufficient theoretical and practical skills to work in children's health camps (centers) in Russia and abroad. Young people aged 18 to 30 can take the training. Training is free. The training program takes 12 weeks to complete, classes are held on Sundays from 11:00 to 18:00. More details on shkolvozduh.rf

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 7 months.

Description: The goal is to train counselors to work in country children's health camps in the city of Kostroma, Kostroma region. Participants of the "ACTIVE" club are schoolchildren, students of secondary and higher professional educational institutions from 14 to 23 years old. Classes are held once a week (Tuesday) from 18.00 to 20.00. At the end of the educational course, there is an interview based on the results of the recruitment of counselors (18+) and trainees (assistant counselors 14+) to the camps of Kostroma, Kostroma region. Certificate of completion of courses.

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 3 months.

Description: The school for counselors "Team Orlyonok" offers a theoretical and practical course that will help you better understand what it means to BE A COUNSELOR and get a job for the summer season at the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok", MDC "Artek" and other Len camps. region and the Black Sea coast! The entire project program is divided into two blocks: theory and practice, during which students learn the basics of a counselor’s work and also develop new skills.

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 9 months.

Description: If you are 14 years old, you are responsible, active, positive and you love children - we are waiting for you! In our classes you will learn a lot of new games, make friends, and try your hand at acting and working with children. We will not have boring lectures, only interactive classes, game programs, conversations, lights, hikes, trips to various sites, where we constantly test the knowledge gained in practice. If you are 14-16 years old, then you have the opportunity to visit the Orlyonok All-Russian Children's Center! Classes are free

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 2

Description: StudyCamp, a school of language camp counselors, invites you to become part of our friendly family! An exciting program of master classes, lectures and trainings, upgrading of leader skills, professional partners, the best children and the opportunity to work in Russia and abroad await you! By studying at the School of Leaders, you will: acquire new knowledge and systematize your experience; learn to find contact with children; get acquainted with the developmental psychology of children and adolescents; you will learn a lot of games!

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training Eat

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Distance learning: Eat

Duration of training: 1 month.

Description: "Online Counselor School" involves training high school students working in school day camps. The age of the pupils is 14-17 years (students of grades 8-11). The novelty of this program lies in its comprehensive approach to training counselors. Theoretical and practical classes are conducted by specialists in working with youth in the following areas: - functions of a counselor; - psychology of children; - children's group; - organization of children's leisure; - gaming activity.

Certification: Yes

Employment: guaranteed upon successful training

Duration of training: 8 months.

Description: We train both counselors and their assistants. Classes are held in Novosibirsk at the bases of the NSPU and the Youth House of the NSO. They include theoretical and practical classes, meetings with NSPU teachers, elders of the leader’s business and other interesting people associated with children’s camps. On-site classes are also held, including at the Olympian Children's Sports and Cultural Center.



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