Spontaneous bruises on the body cause. Causes of appearance and course of involution of traumatic hematoma

Traditionally, a bruise appears on the body after pressure has been placed on the capillaries due to a contusion. This provokes the bursting of blood vessels, as a result of which blood flows into nearby tissues, and redness or blueness appears on the skin. However, in some cases, hematomas can occur without obvious reasons and be the result of various pathological processes.

Bruises due to blood diseases

Blood diseases are a group of causes that include large number various pathologies, manifested by bruises on the body.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

This disease is one of the most common reasons bruises on the body. In this disease, the immune system identifies blood vessels as foreign body and begins to secrete antibodies to fight them. Under the influence of antibodies, blood vessels become thin and burst without any external influence on them.

In 80% of cases, hemorrhagic vasculitis develops after past infections respiratory tract (tonsillitis, adenoiditis).

You can determine that the cause of bruises is this disease by some distinctive signs
  • Hematomas are small in size;
  • Bruises are located symmetrically on the body;
  • The localization of bruises is the extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, buttocks, and the area around the joints;
  • Less commonly, bluish spots appear on the face, feet or palms;
  • If there are several hematomas, over time they merge into one spot.


Hemophilia is a disease that is inherited and is characterized by a violation of the blood clotting process. Most often, the disease is found in men, and women are only carriers of the gene. The peculiarity of bruises that occur with this disease are their large sizes. Hematomas do not go away for a long time and can be located on any part of the body. In addition to bruising, patients with hemophilia experience increased bleeding. So, even a small cut can bleed long period time without stopping.

Previously, hemophilia was called the “royal” disease because the son of Tsar Nicholas II suffered from it. The carrier of the gene for this disease was Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain.

Subcutaneous hemangioma

Subcutaneous hemangioma is a proliferation of vascular tissue that forms a tumor. Located under the skin, this formation resembles a bruise. Subcutaneous hemangiomas do not form metastases. So, they don't turn into malignant tumors. Moreover, such formations very quickly increase in size. Most often, subcutaneous hemangiomas occur in females. Increasing in size, such a tumor can put pressure on nearby organs and impair their functionality.


A disease in which bone marrow An excessive number of red blood cells are formed. Exact reasons, which provoke this disease do not currently exist. Bruises on the body with this disease do not appear immediately, but after some time. Associated symptoms erythremia is pain in the heart, high blood pressure, exhaustion of the body. Distinctive feature This disease is characterized by a reddish-blue tint to the skin. Mucous in oral cavity turns bright red.

Varicose veins

This is a disease characterized by pathological deformity(enlargement, protrusion, twisting) of veins, most often in the legs. The disease is accompanied by swelling and constant fatigue legs, cramps in calf muscles. Often when varicose veins veins on the legs, bruises appear, located next to the swollen veins. In addition, a vascular network may form on the skin.

Symptoms in the form of bruises in autoimmune diseases

Autoimmune diseases are disorders of the functioning of the immune system. One such disease is lupus erythematosus, in which the immune system begins to perceive the body as an enemy and produce antibodies to fight it. This pathology affects the skin, blood vessels, heart and other body systems. Lupus erythematosus is accompanied by a large number symptoms, including bruises on the body.

Bruises as a result of vitamin deficiency

With a lack of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the vessels become very fragile and deform even with slight pressure on the skin. In this condition, hematomas do not have a clear localization and can be located throughout the body. The size and other characteristics of such bruises are typical of those that remain after bruises. Increase fragility vascular walls There may also be a deficiency of vitamins such as K and P.

Taking medications

As part of some medicines There are substances that negatively affect blood clotting. At long-term use such drugs on the body in various places hematomas may appear.

Bruises can occur from the use of anti-inflammatory, sedative or pain medications. Blood thinners, such as aspirin, can also worsen blood properties and cause bruising.

The factors that provoke bruises without contusions in children are identical to those that cause this phenomenon in adults. There is also a cause of hematomas on the body that is typical only for children. This disease has a name such as thrombocytopenic purpura.

Bruises on the body can appear due to damage to soft tissues, resulting in bruising. This is what they are called by the common people; in the scientific literature they are called hematomas or bruises on the body. The damaging factors are bruises and compression, after which capillaries rupture at the site of injury (of which there are especially many under the skin) without compromising the integrity of the skin. From damaged capillaries under skin blood flows out, spreading into adjacent soft fabrics, as evidenced by the appearance of reddish-violet spots. The leaked blood contains hemoglobin, which is destroyed over time with the formation of biliverdin (bile pigment with a greenish tint) and bilirubin (yellow-red bile pigment), from which the resulting bruise changes its shade, from reddish-violet (sometimes red-brown) the bruise becomes purple , then purple, and then yellow-green.

Why do bruises appear on the body? The reasons for the appearance of bruises on the body as a result of contusions and compression are quite understandable and explainable. Hematomas on the body raise many questions and concerns when mechanical damage there wasn't. In such a situation, each person finds his own explanation: young people think that they simply didn’t notice when they bumped into each other; adults - blame it on approaching old age; Those who are especially vigilant will think and suspect health problems.

Possible reasons

For example, increased capillary fragility, which is called hemorrhagic vasculitis. The vast majority of doctors associate frequent occurrence bruises with this cause. This pathology is autoimmune disease, manifested by malfunction immune cells body. These cells, being the defenders of the body, begin to perceive blood vessels circulatory system for a foreign antigen, which leads to the production of antibodies that destroy the walls blood vessels. As a result, the vessels become thinner, their fragility and fragility increase. Even with minimal pressure or impact, the subcutaneous vessels burst, causing bruises on the body. Because of increased fragility blood vessels located in the membranes internal organs, (heart, lungs, kidneys, liver) hematomas begin to appear throughout the body (in the back, abdomen, arms and legs), with the exception of the face.

Bruises on the body may have the following causes:

  1. With varicose veins, hematomas begin to appear on the legs. This pathology is accompanied stagnation in the veins of the legs, which provokes excessive stretching and, as a result, thinning of the walls of blood vessels.
  2. Hypovitaminosis or vitamin deficiency of vitamins C and P is a common cause of bruises on the body, due to which the function and integrity of blood vessels is impaired. The body is especially sensitive to a lack of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). The cause can be eliminated by including tomatoes, pineapples, rose hips, gooseberries, strawberries and so on in the diet. Medicines can help in the fight against vitamin deficiency. Hypovitaminosis of rutin (vitamin P) disrupts healthy condition capillaries, increasing their permeability and blood pressure, which, in turn, also increases the load on the vessels. If simultaneous hypovitaminosis of vitamins C and P occurs in the body, then a lack of Ca in the blood will also be observed, which also increases the fragility of the walls of blood vessels and thins them.
  3. Hormonal imbalance. As a result of this reason, bruises appear in the fair sex. When there is a deficiency of estrogen in a woman’s body, the strength of blood vessels decreases. Throughout life hormonal background women are very mobile and especially with the onset menopause. It is during this period that most women begin to discover causeless (not from a blow) hematomas.
  4. Cancers. In particular, blood cancer - leukemia, causes a hematoma not from a bruise. This pathology is accompanied by a decrease in the number of platelets, erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood. In turn, thrombocytopenia (lack of platelets) is manifested by a decrease in blood clotting. Therefore, even a slight blow or bruise can lead to extensive hemorrhage under the skin.
  5. Drug therapy. A number of medications can impair the strength of blood vessels, such as antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antianemic drugs and blood thinners. Bruises - serious side effect, in which the medication should be stopped immediately in order to avoid possible bleeding.
  6. Reduced blood clotting. If blood thinning is not due to cancer or drug therapy, then you should pay attention to your diet.

In addition, bruises on the body may have causes associated with other diseases of the circulatory system, chronic tonsillitis, rheumatism, kidney diseases.

What to do?

How to get rid of bruises on the body? Naturally, people with hematomas in open areas of the body and pain from bruises have a question about how to quickly remove bruises. Before choosing a way to deal with bruises, you need to understand exactly the cause of their occurrence.

So, in case of hypovitaminosis or avitaminosis of vitamins C, P, one should adhere to proper diet nutrition, in which the lack of vitamins will be compensated. In this case, the restoration of blood vessels will occur quickly and the bruises will disappear earlier. There is a lot of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in rose hips, citrus fruits, lingonberries, etc. In case of vitamin deficiency, therapy with drugs containing this vitamin will be more effective. Green tea, buckwheat, plums, red peppers, and cherries contain a lot of rautin. Combination drug Ascorutin, containing both vitamins, is an ideal remedy for restoring and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Heparin ointment will help you quickly get rid of bruises of any etiology. This ointment can quickly dissolve the blood clot collected under the skin and reduce the time of purple-purple spots on the skin. Heparin ointment can also weaken painful sensation from a hematoma. Troxevasin ointment is another effective drug that reduces the fragility of vascular walls.

In case emergency use immediately after the injury or a few minutes after it positive effect gives the use of ice. Ice is placed in a bag or heating pad and placed on a towel or scarf and then on the affected area. The cold emanating from the ice will help stop the flow of blood from the damaged vessel. The use of cold should be continued until the bruise becomes the same color as the skin. Applying ice for 10-15 minutes every day will be enough.

An old grandmother's way to get rid of bruises is to use vinegar. This substance promotes blood flow to the damaged area, at which dissolution occurs blood clot. Heat applied to a hematoma has a similar mechanism of action.

One more current recommendation When a doctor asks a patient how to quickly get rid of bruises, the answer is to move the affected area to the “as high as possible” position. Since a hematoma is accompanied by an accumulation of blood under the skin, when vertical position of this accumulation, according to the laws of gravity, the blood will tend to the ground.

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What to do if bruises on the skin appear for no reason, what is the nature of this phenomenon and should you worry?

website collected the opinions of doctors about what exactly can happen in the body if bruises often appear on the skin. Pay attention and consult a specialist. A doctor who deals with such issues is called a hematologist.

If bruises appear, it means that the capillaries are very thin. What influences them?

1. Taking medications

Taking medications that affect the blood may cause mild or severe bruising. Most often these are antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory, iron-containing and anti-asthmatic drugs.

Of the most known drugs, which thin the blood and can lead to bruising - aspirin, Cavinton and their analogues.

If you notice a connection between taking medications and changes in your skin, you should consult a doctor. You may need to stop taking it temporarily to reduce the risk of internal bleeding.

2. Blood diseases

One of possible reasons the unexpected appearance of bruises may be due to blood and vascular diseases. Varicose veins, von Willebrand's disease, thrombocytopenia or a dire diagnosis of leukemia are always problems with blood circulation.

Don't put off visiting your doctor if you notice others alarming symptoms: pain and swelling of the legs, bleeding gums, small capillary points on the body, nosebleeds.

3. Lack of nutrients

Vitamins, vitamins! We make sure that they are in sufficient quantity children received, but we often forget about ourselves. Sudden bruises the body shows us: it lacks important elements.

Thus, B12 is involved in hematopoiesis, vitamin K is responsible for clotting, and vitamin C plays one of the first roles in the formation of new tissues; without it, blood vessels become fragile.

Another important vitamin- R. Without it, collagen is not produced and the walls of blood vessels become thinner, which means that in addition to bruises, the condition of the skin also worsens - not a happy picture at all.

An element whose balance is simply necessary for the body is iron. Its excess, as well as its deficiency, affects the capillaries.

Don’t rush into artificial fortification; first, check your diet and get tested for vitamin deficiencies.

Source of vitamin P - fresh green tea, apples, pumpkin and garlic. Vitamin K in bananas, eggs, nuts and fatty fish. B12 - beef liver, fish, cheese, green salad.

4. Strength training, weight lifting

Weight lifting - secondary cause the appearance of bruises. This means that the capillaries are already weak, and physical activity"complete the picture." Still too heavy loads can provoke rupture of completely healthy capillaries. For example, strength exercises, for which you are not ready.

Such bruises can appear even in children: heavy school backpacks are a reality of our time.

It is believed that bruises due to muscle strain are not dangerous, but they indicate that you are taking a load beyond your strength.

5. Hormonal imbalances

Hormonal “swings” are one of the fairly common causes of bruises. They occur when there is not enough estrogen in the body.

This situation is possible during menopause, taking hormonal drugs, pregnancy. Lack of estrogen significantly weakens blood vessels, and capillary walls can be damaged with almost no effort.

6. Age-related changes

Sad, but natural cause that doctors talk about is age-related changes body, the so-called wear of capillaries. Vascular system weakens because tissue elasticity decreases with age.

It is worth noting that such “age-related” bruises appear mainly on the legs. But still, they arise from minor impacts that young skin simply “would not pay attention to.”

7. Diabetes mellitus

Sugar and blood are the first associations when this disease is mentioned. Diabetes negatively affects blood circulation, so bruises appear very easily. Moreover, this process does not necessarily accompany an already developed disease; it may be one of the symptoms of a problem that is just beginning.

Other symptoms: unusual thirst, poor healing wounds, rapid fatigue and periodic blurred vision, white spots of vitiligo on the skin are possible.

Why do bruises appear on the body without a previous blow or bruise? You will find the answer to this question in the materials of this article.

General information

If bruises appear on the body due to a blow or strong pressure on the skin, then this is not surprising. This is a completely common phenomenon, which is explained by the fact that at the site of injury the capillaries are damaged, as a result of which blood begins to leak into the surrounding layer of tissue. As a result, a person may experience noticeable bruising.

But if bruises appear on the body for no apparent reason, then you should definitely pay attention to your own health. After all, bruises cannot form on their own. They may well be caused by some serious illness.

Weak capillary walls

If the human body lacks vitamins such as P and C, then this leads to a disrupted process of collagen production, that is, a protein that protects the walls of capillaries from various cracks and ruptures. With a deficiency of such substances, the vessels become very fragile and weak. It should be especially noted that similar condition can quite easily lead to the formation of hemorrhage in the tissue and, as a result, the appearance of bruises.

Taking certain medications

If bruises appear on the body after taking certain medications, then you should think about stopping them. After all long-term use such medicines, as antiplatelet agents, can significantly reduce blood clotting. These drugs include the following: “ Acetylsalicylic acid", "Plavix", "Curantil" and others. As you know, it is the medications presented that can thin the blood and provoke hemorrhage.

Liver disease

The answer to the question of why bruises appear on the body may well be various diseases liver. After all, if its function is impaired, then immediately there is a failure in production essential elements, which are responsible for the blood clotting process. It should be especially noted that the affected organ is unable to fully and independently cope with the problem that has arisen, and the person begins to notice that bruises appear on his body. Moreover, such bruises can form even from a slight touch, reach enormous sizes and quite long time don't disappear.

Varicose veins

This pathological condition observed in most of humanity. For of this disease characterized by rupture of small blood vessels that are located under the skin. Even with minor contact with a hard object, the thin capillaries of the patient are easily injured, as a result of which blood enters the surrounding tissues, thereby forming bruises.


Why do bruises appear on the body? The disease vasculitis will be the cause. It is this pathological condition that is accompanied by increased Immune system human body begins to evaluate the capillaries as something foreign and produce antibodies that further destroy the already weak walls of the blood vessels. As a result of such actions, hemorrhage occurs under the skin, forming numerous bruises.

How to prevent it?

If bruises appear on the body for the reasons described above, then the diseases presented should be treated. Therefore, the following methods are recommended:

Why do bruises appear on the body for no reason? Are they a symptom of a disease or were they placed due to negligence? In this article we will try to answer all these questions.

Bruises on the body for no reason appear quite suddenly. This is a symptom that requires immediate medical attention. The appearance of such bruises on the body may indicate the presence of a disease. Moreover, most diseases with such symptoms are quite serious and unpleasant. Bruises on the body for no reason signal the possible presence of diseases in the patient such as vasculitis, varicose veins, fragility of blood vessels, impaired blood circulation, decreased blood clotting and a lack of platelets. Bruises may appear due to hormonal disorders and at long-term use various medical supplies. Medicines such as antidepressants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-asthma drugs can cause these symptoms. This is due to their ability to reduce blood clotting, which subsequently leads to bruising.

There is a hypothesis that bruises on the body for no reason may be the result of a lack of vitamins C, P and K in the body. Due to them low content, fragility of blood vessels occurs, which further causes the formation of causeless bruises on the body.

Whatever the reason for the appearance blue spots, urgently seek help from a doctor, because it is impossible to make a diagnosis at home, and the reasons can be both trivial and quite serious. The doctor will prescribe everything necessary tests and on their basis will draw conclusions about the further method of treatment.

To determine the causes of bruises on the body, a coagulogram is performed and clinical analysis blood. The treatment and administration of these studies is carried out by a hematologist.

If, according to the results of the examination, the cause of bruises is caused by a common lack of vitamins, then consuming foods such as fish oil, eggs, seaweed, greens, cherries, blackberries, apricots and citrus fruits. In pharmacies you can purchase biocomplexes containing rutin, ascorbic acid, bioflavonoids and hesperidin.

If the cause is a more serious illness, you will have to undergo a course of sequential treatment under the supervision of a specialist. The sooner you go to the hospital, the sooner treatment will begin, and the possibility of complications in this case will be minimal. Do not leave such a symptom as the appearance of bruises on the body unattended, because this is how the body signals you about the existence of a particular problem. We hope our article was useful to you and helped you find out the cause of the disease, be healthy.



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