Ryuta Kawashima Japanese system of development of intelligence and memory pdf. Book Review: Ryuta Kawashima “Train Your Brain”

“Training the brain. Notebook for the development of memory and intelligence" is a famous and popular work by the leading Japanese scientist Kawashima Ryuta. His name is associated with modern scientific developments to study the structure and functioning of the brain. The main idea is based on the results of many years of research by the author on improving and healing brain processes.

Main ideas of the work

The plot of the work reveals the features of training sessions to maintain the brain in good condition. Using his personal observations, the writer invites readers to get acquainted with the whole system exercises. Over 60 sessions of 5 minutes each, they are organized in such a way that the full range of activities for improving health is covered.

The work “Training the Brain” outlines how physical activity, balanced diet And restful sleep influence the development of brain operations. The author has developed a high-quality and accessible methodology that anyone can master. We read aloud or solve simple problems - here the right way keep your brain in good working condition.

Conducted medical tests, studying the results of a brain scan prompted the writer to this idea. Both hemispheres function equally well if a person does simple mathematical calculations or reads newspapers or books aloud. If we add and subtract using two operations, then it is clearly observed positive effect. They are a powerful impetus for the progressive development of the brain.

Logical construction of the storyline

Throughout the book, Train Your Brain, the writer identifies valid ideas and quotes. The section on maintaining health outlines the basics for maintaining the tone of the whole body. This is primarily systematic exercise. They also have a beneficial effect on brain performance.

A balanced diet has a positive effect on thought processes. Competently composed daily ration enhances working memory. A special place is given to the influence of plant and protein foods. Practical examples and a thorough analysis of brain tomograms confirm the author’s statements about the importance of food in our life.

The writer not only puts forward and proposes his hypotheses in the book “Training the Brain,” but also studies the opinions of readers. The part entitled “Be Better” consists of statements and proposals for the further publication of the series not only for adults, but also for a children's audience. The author makes a conscious conclusion that there are more and more people who want to study using his method.

Best Practice Guide

“Training the Brain” is an excellent offer for people who are attentive to their health. This is a book that can be a useful read for anyone who is curious. Wise advice The next section discusses the importance of developing fine motor skills. Simple activities such as sewing, cooking, music and dancing are very effective in speeding up mental operations.

The next three sections complete the sequential construction of the masterpiece “Training the Brain.” It is important to adhere to the basic rule - the brain requires constant and long-term training. The proposed methodology works more effectively if classes are held in the morning and before lunch.

Candid and real-life examples, practical clear advice from the writer are an undoubted find for the reading audience. Repeated study of the proposed methodology expands people's understanding of the unlimited resource of the brain. The book is filled with extremely simple and uncomplicated recommendations that anyone can easily use them.

Download the book absolutely free.

To download the book for free Japanese system development of intelligence and memory. Program "60 days" from file hosting sites, click on the links immediately following the description of the free book.

Gaining and maintaining a healthy, young, perfectly functioning brain seems to be an extremely difficult task, but it is much easier than it seems. Here is a special 60-day program by the outstanding Japanese neurologist, Professor Ryuta Kawashima, which has already been used by more than 2,000,000 people. Now she will help you too! Even at the beginning of my career, a million-dollar idea matured in my head. I decided to use different equipment to find the best way to stimulate work human brain.

Title: Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory. Program "60 days"
Written by Ryuta Kawashima
Year 2013
Pages 192
PDF format
Size 31 MB
The quality is good
Language Russian

Download the book - The Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory. Program "60 days"

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Greetings to everyone who reads the comments! I looked at the reviews, they have both pros and cons. I haven’t ordered the book itself yet, but I’m planning to do so. As the ancient wisdom says, everything ingenious is simple! I think reading this publication certainly won’t make things worse))

Bagautdinov Rinat Zavdyatovich, 38

Advantages: interesting tasks) Disadvantages: - little real content - almost the entire book - these are simple examples for training - sheets fly out of the book (especially considering that the book must be actively used every day Comment: - Interesting to use as an additional brain trainer

Derevkova Nelly, 29

A book for brain training. The author claims that the brain works most when solving problems simple examples.The book must be filled out every day, this takes about 5 minutes. There are many simple examples such as 7 * 3.9-5, etc. I think it will be interesting to watch the progress.

Danchuk Alina0

Advantages: Everything is clearly presented and there is a good amount of problems and examples. After just a couple of weeks, I noticed how I stopped using a calculator and my memory improved significantly. Disadvantages: The first 16 pages are on good, polished paper, then regular newspaper and thin pages that show through. After erasing your results, the paper will not tolerate this for repeated tests and holes will appear. In general, the publisher saved on paper quality. If possible, look at other publications. This one is PETER. Comment: Good stuff with clear presentation and good problems. Publishing house PETER made a low-quality product from good source material.

Alexey 0, Sydney. Australia

Advantages: White paper and clear font Disadvantages: Primitiveness taken to the limit Comment: I leafed through the book several times in stores, still trying to understand the “uniqueness” Japanese technique". In vain. A selection of examples that were solved in a Soviet school in grades 1-2. Perhaps it will be suitable for those who have not learned primary school- repeaters and poor students.

Vladimir (pod-sakh)0, Russia, Sakhalin

Currently, there are many ways to develop intelligence and thinking. If you search carefully, you can find various trainings, seminars, educational programs, online courses (we have them too, by the way). There are also more familiar ways - solving puzzles, passing tests, playing chess, etc. But the market for services in the field of intelligence development is rapidly developing and is complemented by innovative techniques. We want to tell you about one of these today.

This method is called the Japanese system of intelligence development. It was developed by a Japanese scientist - professor, doctor of medicine and tomography specialist named Ryuta Kawashima. He has been studying stimulation of the human brain for more than twenty years, and the result was the book he wrote, “Train Your Brain. Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory." It first appeared on the shelves of bookstores in Japan in 2003. In the blink of an eye, this work became a bestseller and received not only universal public recognition, but also a lot rave reviews from readers.

The book “The Japanese System of Intelligence Development” offers, firstly, to find out how effective it is in at the moment your brain works, secondly, it contains a lot of simple exercises for training, intelligence and memory, and, thirdly, it includes a special technique for periodically assessing your abilities. In fact, Ryuta Kawashima created an excellent tool that allows, as it is now fashionable to say, to pump up your brain. And, despite the appearance of an ordinary book, it contains the whole complex the most interesting and effective tasks and exercises, although at the beginning there is a small theoretical section, which is devoted to several pages.

We also note that, unfortunately, it is still possible to learn Kawashima’s methods in all details and details only from a book. For this reason, we will talk about it in more detail.

Brief history of the book

Ryuta Kawashima, while conducting his research, became interested in finding some kind of activity that could stimulate brain activity, because it is already known for certain that if this is not done, the brain gradually begins to follow the path of regression. So, the scientist began to find out what processes exist that force the brain to work actively and prevent its degradation and premature aging.

As a result, Kawashima concluded that maximum activity the brain manifests itself when a person solves arithmetic problems, and solves them for a while. He also found out that reading aloud gives excellent results. However, he decided to focus specifically on mathematical problems, as a result of which a book appeared, which talks about his research and offers many arithmetic tasks and exercises.

After this, the author brought his work to the Japanese market, and it instantly took first place in the sales rankings. Then they began to supply it to foreign markets, where the same thing happened. As a result, the scientist realized that his system really works, and the book is gaining popularity. A little later he finalized it and currently a new, expanded edition is on sale.

Features of the book

At the very beginning of his book, Kawashima invites the reader to take a basic test. This allows you to initially establish a starting point - the position in which it is now.

This test involves performing several exercises over time. Among them, for example, a test for verbal counting from 1 to 120 out loud, a test for memorizing words in two minutes, etc. After completing the tasks, the results obtained are recorded, the reader moves on to the material and begins solving basic arithmetic problems. The interesting thing is that you need to practice every day, completing all the tasks from the pages of one sheet (by the way, if you like daily exercises and want to learn different thinking techniques, pay attention to ours).

It should be noted that there is nothing complicated in the problems Kawashima proposes. You just need to get comfortable, mark the time and start writing down the answers. And as daily practice the time required to solve is becoming less and less, and the results are getting better.

Tests for counting and memorization for time should be performed every five days. It turns out to be an interesting system: you study for five days, and test your abilities for one day. The results of all tests are recorded in general table, making it easy to stick to a schedule and track your progress. This provides clear evidence of improvements in problem solving, memorization and mental arithmetic.


The methods for developing intelligence that Ryuta Kawashima gives in his book will appeal to anyone. In addition, to engage in your development, you do not need to spend a lot of time - 5-10 minutes daily is enough. This, by the way, is one of the reasons for the availability of the Japanese system and its popularity. If you are also interested in your own development and providing your brain with constant activity, this option will suit you perfectly.

Kawashima's system is designed for 60 days of practice, but this is not a reason to stop training after two months. Just start studying again (to do this, initially write all your notes in the book in pencil so that you can erase them later). And you can take the book itself with you to work or to classes at the institute. By and large, you can study even on the way somewhere. Well, if you combine training according to the Japanese system with the passage that we have already talked about, the development of your intellect and thinking will be even more effective.

So go to the bookstore and buy this wonderful work by a Japanese researcher for yourself or your child (by the way, the book costs mere pennies). And she can also become a good gift one of your friends or relatives.

I'm actually kind and fluffy (see avatar). We're having a discussion.
I won’t describe the usefulness of the course - just yet...
read a lot of articles about this on the net

SpoilerTarget"> "Japanese system for the development of intelligence and memory"

Although it looks like a book, in fact it is a collection of exercises and various tasks that allow you to develop your intellect and memory. First, there is a small theory of 10-15 pages, where the author writes how he came to this system in the first place and why it works.

At one time, he wondered about finding the activity that stimulates the brain, because it is no secret that what we do not use begins to gradually degrade. And he decided to find out what processes, what activities make our brain work actively and prevent it from degrading and aging.

And he came to the conclusion after 20 years of experiments, he found out that our brain works most actively when solving simple arithmetic problems against time. Besides this, also good results read aloud. But he concentrated on these problems for a while and made a book where he wrote about his discovery and provided the book with many examples with arithmetic problems. That is, the entire book, in fact, consists of these tasks.

He brought this book to the Japanese market, and there it instantly became a bestseller. Then they began to sell it in other countries of the world, where the situation repeated itself and he realized that it really worked, that the book was popular, he began to refine it, and now a new edition has been published, which I now have in my hands, which I am now working on.

What's the point here? What does work look like? First he writes that go to the back of the book and take the basic test. That is, we must first indicate a certain point A, the value in which we are now. And in the end, when I opened it for the first time, I passed these tests, there are 3 or 4 exercises, we perform them for a while.

How long will it take you to count from 1 to 120 out loud, how many words can you remember in two minutes. Here a table of words is given and in two minutes you need to remember as many of them as possible and then reproduce them. There are also several tests, take a look. You complete these tests, write down your results, and then go to the beginning of the book and start solving these timed arithmetic problems every day. Every day you have to sit down in the morning and solve one page on both sides.

Such simple problems, you just sit down, start the stopwatch and start writing down the answers for a while. On the first day I had 2 minutes 14 seconds, then this time decreased. Today I completed this task in a minute 42 seconds. In general, my record is 1 minute 36 seconds, that is, in almost 30 seconds I began solving these problems faster than on the first day.

Once every five days you take these tests for memorizing words, counting, time and other tests. And it turns out that you solve problems for five days and take tests the next day. And at the end you record the results of these tests in a general summary table, from which it is then very easy to build a graph. It’s done in such a way that you write down your results, then you can easily build a graph and track how you’ve progressed over these weeks, how much faster you’ve become in solving problems, how many more words you’ve memorized, how much faster you’ve become in counting out loud from 1 to 120, etc.

But, in principle, I like this system, and, most importantly, it does not take much time. I spend 5 minutes in the morning working out. If it’s a normal day, when you just need to solve problems, then even less - 1 minute. 36 sec., 1 min. 42 sec. I believe that this is accessible to everyone. If you are interested in developing your brain so that it is constantly active and does not degrade, then this is an excellent option.

And, although the system is designed for 60 days, I think that after that you can completely continue it, just erase everything that was filled in, I fill it in with a pencil, then you can erase it and continue to work. This is the system, I hope you find it useful. And if you also want to support your brain a little, keep it in good shape, then pay attention to this system. Because many people go in for sports, they understand that they need to maintain their body so that it does not become decrepit, but many people forget about the brain. And he also needs some exercise to stay in shape.

By the way, who doesn’t know, there is a Russian clone of the book on the site - in the free section - look, there is a Word file and more pictures. But ripped off from this book 100%

There is a topic on the Internet “10 books that will help pump up your brain.” There is a lot, but everyone chooses their own

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A lot of unnecessary words) This all sounds nice in principle, but I’m interested in why this is fundamentally more effective than, for example, solving various problems in Go or chess. In general, a lot of things are involved there, both the left and right hemisphere. Moreover, it’s really easy to evaluate; try to sit for an hour on such problems and your head will start to hurt. And yes, there are simple ones too.
Or here's a memory exercise. Well, I remember all these words in 2 minutes using mnemonics, is that what counts? It's also not very clear. Even though he gives it in the book beautiful pictures brain, etc., but needed comparison table to clearly understand why it is more effective. Over 20 years of research, he probably did it.



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