Recommended vitamins for men. The best sports vitamin complexes for men

All existing vitamins and minerals are necessary for both men and female, because physiological processes processes occurring in organisms are the same. But their frequency and intensity are different. Accordingly, the need for vitamins that are involved in these reactions is not the same for men and women. Many pharmacological companies take this important point into account and produce separate vitamin complexes, the composition of which is designed taking into account physiological needs male body. How to choose an optimally balanced product among a wide range of products? Our rating of vitamins for men will help you make your choice.

The best vitamins for men

The best vitamins for men must contain the following beneficial compounds.

  • B vitamins. Participate in the absorption of protein foods and the construction of the muscle frame, the synthesis of sex hormones. Folic acid (vitamin B9) has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive.
  • Vitamins A and E. Activate the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and, accordingly, maintain potency. They are powerful antioxidants and slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamin C. Another antioxidant that protects cells from negative effects free radicals. Vitamin C also eliminates fragility and increases the elasticity of vascular walls, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases. In addition, ascorbic acid improves immunity and prevents frequent respiratory viral infections.
  • Vitamin H (biotin). Responsible for maintaining male beauty - ensures healthy skin and nails, prevents baldness.
  • Lipoic acid (vitamin N). Helps maintain liver health, necessary primarily for men who smoke and those who occasionally drink alcohol.
  • Vitamin D. In a young body it is synthesized independently, but with age the production of the vitamin decreases, which is why calcium and phosphorus are less absorbed. The result can be the development of osteoporosis and rapid tooth decay. Helps replenish vitamin D deficiency and prevent unwanted problems complex vitamins for men, containing vitamin D.

Rating of the best vitamins for men

Rating#1 #2 #3
Price532 RUR421 RUR1442 RUR
Complex composition
Effective action Ease of reception Popularity manufacturer Availability in the pharmacy network

The capsules contain:

  • 13 vitamins (A, E, C, D, H, H1, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12);
  • 9 minerals (iodine, copper and manganese, chromium and selenium, iron, magnesium, silicon and zinc);
  • amino acids arginine and methionine;
  • carotenoid betacarotene;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • extracts of ginseng roots and dried garlic.

The therapeutic effect of Wellman vitamins for men is complex. The product is recommended for increased physical and mental stress, deterioration of concentration and memory, and fatigue. The complex also accelerates the body’s recovery after illnesses. serious illnesses and chemotherapy, helps eliminate dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and other unpleasant symptoms that occur with cerebrovascular accidents (especially in older people).

It is contraindicated to take vitamins if there is increased excitability of the nervous system and sleep disorders, excessive content in the body of vitamins or minerals included in the product and hypersensitivity to the components, under the age of 18 years. You cannot take the complex simultaneously with drugs that have a stimulating effect on nervous system and other vitamins. Rarely, allergic reactions may develop during the use of the product.

Dosage: one capsule per day during or immediately after meals for 20–30 days. If necessary, the course is repeated no earlier than after 1–3 months.

Completely similar complexes with identical composition on pharmaceutical market No.

  • An effective multi-component complex – increases performance (it’s easier to wake up in the morning, you feel less tired in the evening, activity and vigor throughout the day), helps to recover from severe fatigue, and keeps athletes in good shape.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure during hypotension.
  • The first positive changes are noted within a week after starting treatment.
  • Convenient to take - once a day.
  • Not all patients notice the increase in performance promised by the manufacturer.
  • May cause pressure surges and dizziness.
  • Some people experience nausea and stomach pain, even if taken as directed - with meals.
  • High price - 620 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).

Duovit for men

One of the vitamin complexes for men from a Slovenian pharmaceutical company. The product contains vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, D, iodine, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese. The drug helps replenish the deficiency of missing vitamins and minerals in the body.

In case of individual intolerance to the components and under the age of 10 years, the drug is contraindicated. In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions may develop while taking the drug.

Dosage: one tablet per day with meals for a month.

  • Some patients did not feel a surge of energy and positive influence vitamin complex for well-being.
  • Large tablet size, hard to swallow.
  • Dyes included.

The complex for men contains:

  • 13 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, D, K, H, PP);
  • 9 minerals (magnesium and manganese, iron and copper, zinc, iodine and selenium, chromium, calcium);
  • carotenoids;
  • organic acids;
  • Eleutherococcus extract.

A complex of vitamins and minerals stimulates mental and physical activity, helps maintain normal functioning of the reproductive system.

In case of individual intolerance to components, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders, arterial hypertension the remedy cannot be taken. In rare cases (if one of the components is intolerant), allergic reactions may occur while taking vitamins.

Application: one tablet in the morning, afternoon and evening. The interval between doses should be 4–6 hours. The packaging is designed for full course application (20 days).

There are no complete structural analogues.

  • Useful components divided into three different tablets, do not change the bioavailability of each other.
  • Small tablet size.
  • Acceptable cost – 350–370 rubles.
  • Most men did not notice any changes in their well-being after taking it.
  • It’s not very convenient to take - 3 tablets a day.
  • Some people feel nauseous.


Remedy for plant based contains extracts of maral antlers, eurycoma, yohimbe, ginger, as well as vitamin E, nicotinamide and zinc. The combination of active components stimulates the production of testosterone, improves reproductive function and increases potency. Recommended only for adult men, available in the form of liquid concentrate and capsules.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur while taking the drug.

Application: a dessert spoon of liquid concentrate or a capsule per day for 15 days. The liquid concentrate is diluted in a glass of any liquid (juice, tea, coffee, water). The medicine is taken with meals.

There are no structural analogues.


Visibly improves male sexual function, increases testosterone levels.

  • May cause increased heart rate, confusion, tremors, and increases blood pressure.
  • There was a review that after taking the drug, the patient’s blood pressure suddenly and strongly increased, they had to call an ambulance, and the doctors diagnosed a mini-stroke.
  • High cost - 500–550 rubles (pack of 15 capsules).

Vitamin-mineral complex contains:

  • vitamins – A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D, K, H;
  • minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, iodine, calcium, selenium, nickel, copper, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, boron, silicon, vanadium.

The product is recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis in men over 50 years of age, after severe long-term infections and complex treatment of chronic diseases. The vitamin complex helps strengthen the immune system, helps prevent the development of age-related diseases - diabetes, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

It is contraindicated to take the product if you are intolerant to the components included in the composition. In rare cases it provides side effects manifested by allergic reactions.

Application: one tablet per day for a month.

There are no complete structural analogues.


  • Improves overall well-being and increases performance.
  • Does not cause adverse reactions.
  • Convenient to use - one tablet per day.


  • Not available everywhere.
  • High cost - about 650 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).


When choosing a vitamin complex, you must take into account your individual needs and characteristics.

  • Age. A young male body (up to 40 years old) needs vitamins A and E, group B. If available bad habits It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of lipoic acid in the composition. For men over 40 years old, it is important that the complex, in addition to other vitamins, contains biotin, which supports male beauty and prevents baldness. Those who have celebrated their fiftieth birthday need to buy a product that necessarily contains vitamins B12 and D, since the first is less easily absorbed with age, and the second is synthesized more slowly.
  • Nutritional features. If your diet includes healthy and varied foods, you can choose vitamin complexes with a lower content of vitamins - after all, some of the beneficial compounds enter the body with food. For those who have an unbalanced diet, it is better to give preference to complexes with maximum content useful substances.
  • Lifestyle. For athletes, men who lead an active lifestyle or experience constant heavy physical activity, large doses of nutrients are needed.
  • Male characteristics. Not required for men large quantities iron – an excess of the mineral negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It is better to choose vitamins with the lowest dose of this element. But the need for vitamin E, zinc and selenium in men is higher than in women. These active components increase testosterone production, thereby normalizing reproductive function. In addition, regular intake of these substances helps prevent prostate development.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of vitamin complexes developed taking into account the physiological characteristics and needs of the male body. Each drug has its own purpose: it increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, and increases mental and physical performance. Some drugs can cause tachycardia, increase blood pressure and cause other adverse reactions. Therefore, before purchasing the drug, it is better to consult a general practitioner.

Every time we talk about pharmaceutical vitamin complexes, a skeptic always appears who believes that multivitamins are the product of a total conspiracy of pharmaceutical companies that do not know how else to make money from consumers. But, despite the fact that the pharmaceutical business is indeed second only to the sale of drugs and weapons in terms of profitability, with vitamin preparations everything is not so simple.

Man evolved in conditions where food had to be either caught up or grown and dug up. Both required considerable, by modern standards, physical effort, and, therefore, the need for food was much greater than now, when you can get food simply by opening the refrigerator. Back in the mid-20th century, nutritional standards for city residents were calculated based on 2000 kcal for women and 3000 for men. And not engaged in physical work.

Today, the average girl who does not want to gain weight is forced to consume no more than 1500 kcal per day, and the male norm has decreased to 2000 kcal. Moreover, most of these calories turn out to be “empty”: processed foods, sweet drinks, refined carbohydrates. Without in any way criticizing the eating habits of our compatriots, we have to admit: it is simply unrealistic to get the required amount of vitamins from such a diet. Doctors also talk about this, noting that by the end of the 20th century in our country, vitamin C deficiency (although it would seem that every gardener has sauerkraut and black currants) was noted in 100% of the population, and in 60-80% of children with The examination revealed hypovitaminosis in group B.

We offer our rating of multivitamin preparations. We did not include “just vitamins” in it, that is, multivitamin complexes for general use. Perhaps they deserve special attention, but as part of our review of the best products, we would like to dwell on the special needs of certain groups. When selecting, we were guided by reviews from doctors and ordinary people.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best multivitamins for pregnant women

In the old days, it was believed that a woman carrying a baby should eat for two. Modern doctors warn against this: excess calories do not benefit either the mother or the child. But the old belief was partly right: during pregnancy, a woman’s need for vitamins increases 1.5 times. Lack of vitamin C can cause miscarriage early stages, deficiency of folic acid and vitamin B2 - cause fetal malformations, lack of B6 - increase the manifestations of gestosis. On the other hand, excess vitamin A in the first trimester may have teratogenic effect. Precisely because the pregnant woman’s body is very sensitive to external influences, special multivitamin complexes have been created for women during this period.

3 Doppelhertz V.I.P. for pregnant and lactating women

Most noticeable effect
Country: Germany
Average price: 780 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Balanced multivitamin complex from the famous German manufacturer of vitamins is especially popular among women in interesting position. Thanks to the optimal composition containing Omega-3, calcium, D3, folic acid, vitamins and minerals, the drug helps maintain a woman’s health, the harmonious development of the fetus, and minimizes the likelihood of congenital pathologies.

The multivitamin complex is available in packs of 30 pieces. You need to take 1 tablet per day, directly during meals. In reviews, women call these vitamins the best among the entire range of pharmacies. They really feel their effectiveness - about a month after taking them, they feel more energetic, the condition of their hair and skin improves, and their immunity increases. There are no complaints about the common side effect of nausea in the reviews. The only drawback, according to women, is high cost vitamins and a small package that lasts only a month.

2 Elevit pronatal

The best multivitamins for pregnant women
Country: Germany
Average price: 1860 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Today this is one of the best vitamin complexes: 12 vitamins, 4 minerals and trace elements in dosages necessary for the body of a pregnant woman. In addition to traditional folic acid, necessary for the development of the neural tube of the fetus and the formation of red blood cells, the complex contains vitamin E, the deficiency of which can cause abortion, magnesium, necessary not only for the development of muscle and bone tissue, but also as an anti-stress element and other substances .

Thanks to its balanced composition, the drug can be taken at the planning stage, throughout the entire period of pregnancy and lactation. One tablet per day is enough. Women in reviews write that it is more profitable to immediately purchase a package of 100 tablets than three times 30. Expectant mothers like the drug in composition and effect; in addition, they only have to take iodine and calcium supplements.

1 Femibion ​​Natalcare 2

Multivitamin complex with Omega-3 for pregnant women
Country: Austria
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids– these are essential substances that are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous (docosohexaenoic acid) and cardiovascular (eicosapentaenoic acid) systems. The human body can synthesize them in small amounts, but normally they must be obtained from food, from fatty fish. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the need for them, and especially for docosohexaenoic acid, increases: it is necessary for the formation of the child’s brain and retina.

Femibion ​​Natalker 2 contains capsules with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids - unfortunately, this is still rare among multivitamins. Therefore, the complex is deservedly among the best. In addition to Omega-3, the composition includes a full range of substances necessary for the full formation of the fetus and the well-being of the mother. In reviews, expectant mothers point to a balanced composition and availability in pharmacies. They consider the only disadvantage to be the high cost of the vitamin preparation, taking into account the fact that it is recommended to be used from the 13th week of pregnancy until the end breastfeeding. One package worth about 1000 rubles is enough for only 30 days of use.

The best multivitamins for children

During active growth and development, the need for vitamins also increases. In 2016, the journal Pediatrics published an article devoted to a study of the vitamin status of children in the Moscow region. The authors of the article determined the content of vitamins C, B1, B2 and B6 in the body of children 4-7 years old. It turned out that 34.7% of children lack vitamins C and B2, 62.1% - B1, 71.4% - B6. Draw your own conclusions. Let us remember that vitamin C is necessary for the formation of connective tissue, including joints and ligaments, and B vitamins are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system. It would be possible to provide figures for the provision of vitamins to children school age, but since we bring to your attention not an abstract on medicine, but a rating of multivitamins, just take my word for it - in other age groups things are no better. Therefore, in reviews, doctors recommend periodically giving children vitamin preparations.

3 Vitrum teenager

Balanced multivitamin complex for teenagers
Country: USA
Average price: 470 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.6

Adolescence is not only a period of rapid growth, but also hormonal changes that affect all systems of the body. Vitrum teenager contains a rich composition traditional for American vitamins, enclosed in chewable lozenges: getting a teenager to take pills is not so easy. Particularly noteworthy is vitamin D, necessary for the formation of the skeleton, the antioxidant complex of vitamin C, E and selenium, iron, necessary for girls of this age to prevent anemia, and for boys to develop the formation of myoglobin; chromium, necessary for the normal functioning of the pancreas and the regulation of fat metabolism, magnesium, which regulates blood pressure (many teenagers know first-hand what vegetative-vascular dystonia is: a diagnosis that has been canceled by official medicine, but has not lost its relevance). In short, these are the best multivitamins for teenagers.

It is recommended to take them for children and adolescents from 12 to 18 years old, one lozenge per day. During administration, urine may become stained, which is easily explained by the presence of riboflavin in the composition. One box contains 30 lozenges, that is, it is enough for a month’s course.

2 Pikovit syrup

Inexpensive multivitamins for little ones
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 365 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Getting a child to take even the healthiest pill in the world is a task comparable in complexity only to washing a cat. In addition, neither tablets nor chewable lozenges are allowed to be given to children under 3 years of age - it is believed that at this age they are not yet able to consciously take medications and may choke on them. Sweet syrup, which can also be added to tea or fruit puree, solves this problem, making the product the best for babies. The dosage of the drug depends on age. The list of vitamins, at first glance, is not too long - “only” nine, but it includes most of the substances necessary for growth and development. Approved for use from 1 year.

Additionally, pediatricians prescribe it to school-age children during periods of increased mental stress, with weak immunity, poor appetite, after illnesses, and as an immunomodulatory agent for frequent colds. Despite the availability and low cost, parents are satisfied with the effect of using the drug. Periodic courses of administration help to avoid diseases in the off-season and contribute to the harmonious development of children.

1 Doppelhertz kinder

The best vitamin and mineral complex for children
Country: Germany
Average price: 488 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Raspberry flavored chewable lozenges are intended for children over 4 years of age. In addition to the vitamin complex, which contains choline - vitamin B4, which is necessary for maintaining the health of the liver, kidneys, and brain, the drug contains iodine for the functioning of the thyroid gland and zinc. The complex is complemented by a set of “classic” vitamins and elements.

The drug from a German manufacturer is recommended as an auxiliary source of vitamins. Children over 4 years old are given one lozenge per day, children over 11 years old - twice a day. Judging by the reviews of parents, after a month's course of taking a multivitamin complex, they notice positive changes - children get sick less, become more active and balanced.

The best multivitamins for women

Everyone has heard about the characteristics of the female body. But few people think about what these features lead to. We have already talked about the special needs of a woman for vitamins during pregnancy. And outside of pregnancy, a common female problem is iron deficiency anemia, caused by menstrual blood loss (according to statistics, about 40% of women suffer from it in one form or another). Exiting childbearing age also brings its own difficulties: hormonal changes cause not only the well-known vegetative problems (hot flashes) - the strength of bones is impaired. In our rating, we tried to consider vitamins based on the needs of different age periods.

3 Complivit 45 plus

A life-saving remedy for ladies of Balzac's age
Country: Russia
Average price: 355 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

Vitamins A and E support skin condition, rutin strengthens the walls of blood vessels, selenium and magnesium protect against stress, B vitamins improve the condition of the nervous system, L-carnitine stimulates metabolism. But what makes these multivitamins most interesting for mature women are the extracts of motherwort and black cohosh. Motherwort normalizes the neuropsychic state, which often suffers due to age-related hormonal changes. And black cohosh extract regulates estrogen levels, smoothly balancing the hormonal balance. In addition, it is able to lower blood pressure and regulate blood sugar, which is also often necessary for mature women.

But the main purpose remains the prevention of hypovitaminosis after 40-45 years against the background of hormonal changes. To achieve pronounced results, it is recommended to follow courses of 3-4 months with a single dose of the drug. At the doctor's discretion daily dose may be increased to two tablets per day.

2 Duovit for women

Universal complex for women of any age
Country: Slovenia
Average price: 465 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Vitamin and mineral complex, compiled according to the “nothing extra” principle. Vitamins A, E, C for healthy skin and hair, calcium, vitamin D and magnesium against osteoporosis, iron and vitamin C for protection against anemia. It also contains a set of additional vitamins and microelements that are usually included in most multivitamin preparations. This complex can be recommended for women under 40-45 years of age, when hormonal changes have not yet begun in the body due to the onset of menopause. Take it in courses of up to a month, one tablet per day.

Women who regularly take Duovit note in their reviews the positive effects of the drug on health. Well-being improves, energy appears, increased physical and mental stress is easier, and the frequency of colds decreases. As a bonus, the condition of nails, skin and hair improves.

1 Lady's formula More than multivitamins

The best vitamins for young women
Country: USA
Average price: 866 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Vitamin and mineral complex for women with supplement plant extracts. Contains a sufficient amount of iron to prevent specifically female problems, vitamin C, which allows it to be absorbed, and other minerals and vitamins. But what makes it best is the extracts of medicinal plants. Betaine, which protects the liver from harmful effects and, according to some data, reduces the risk of developing breast cancer. Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant that preserves not only health, but also beauty. Inositol, which regulates fat metabolism, normalizes memory and sleep. Milk thistle, better known as milk thistle, has a hepatoprotective effect, and ginkgo and echinacea are famous adaptogens.

Unfortunately, the last two plant extracts can increase blood pressure. In addition, there is evidence that long-term use ginkgo in combination with drugs acetylsalicylic acid, which is often recommended for older women to prevent cardiovascular problems, may increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke. It is these two factors that make, without a doubt, an excellent vitamin and mineral complex unacceptable for older women. But for young women under 40, Lady’s Formula: More than a Multivitamin is one of the best options.

The best multivitamins for men

We traditionally call women the “weaker sex”. But men also have their vulnerabilities. They adapt less well to sudden changes, pay less attention to their own health, which quickly leads to chronic diseases. Men often need additional sources of energy, which they try to replace with alcohol, cigarettes and stimulants. We tried to select multivitamins that can replace them at least partially.

3 VP Laboratory Ultra Men's Sport

Multivitamin complex for athletes
Country: UK
Average price: 1050 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

A balanced complex, including a wide range necessary substances. The most valuable compounds are iodine, calcium, folic acid, molybdenum, selenium, zinc. Additionally, the complex is enriched with plant components - blueberries, elderberries, acai berries, cranberries and much more. Recommended to support the immune system, the satisfactory condition of the prostate, heart and blood vessels, during periods of overwhelming stress and stressful periods of life. Despite the seemingly high cost, purchasing the drug is quite affordable - one jar contains 90 capsules. Considering that you only need to take one capsule per day, the package lasts for three months.

VPLab – famous brand sports nutrition, therefore men trust it with more confidence than vitamin preparations from other manufacturers. Judging by the reviews, it is perfect for both athletes and people who do not lead the most active lifestyle. Many men feel the effect of the drug after a course of taking it – they feel more energetic and it becomes easier to wake up in the morning. The only negative is that some people do not like the rather strong smell emanating from vitamins.

2 Alphabet for men

Inexpensive multivitamin complex for men
Country: Russia
Average price: 476 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Russian production and, as a result, a relatively affordable price are not the only advantage of these multivitamins. Beta-carotene, lutein, lycopid, taurine improve metabolism in the retina, stimulating vision. In addition, taurine, together with L-carnitine, improves energy and metabolic processes. Siberian ginseng (Eleutherococcus) is a well-known adaptogen and stimulant that improves immunity, gives activity and vigor. Folic acid, in addition to its effect on hematopoiesis, stimulates fertility: its preparations are often used to improve sperm parameters. Antioxidant complexes with zinc, selenium and magnesium, which are also contained in this complex, are also used for the same purposes.

You need to take two tablets a day - morning and evening, keeping an interval of 4-6 hours between them. A small minus, according to user reviews, is the presence of contraindications for use. For example, it is not recommended to take the drug if you have hyperthyroidism, increased blood pressure, nervous excitability and insomnia.

1 Men’s Anti-stress Formula

The best multivitamins for active men
Country: USA
Average price: 751 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Vitamin B complex and antioxidants such as vitamin C, E, selenium, magnesium are supplemented folic acid and zinc. St. John's wort is a natural antidepressant, whose effectiveness has been confirmed by numerous studies - valerian and hops normalize the neuropsychic state, really helping to fight stress. Fenugreek extract normalizes blood cholesterol, protecting blood vessels and the heart. Eleutherococcus, also known as Siberian ginseng, stimulates the immune system. The harmonious combination of vitamins and plant extracts makes this multivitamin complex truly the best.

In addition to herbal components, the complex includes a fairly complete set of standard vitamins and microelements that prevent the development of hypovitaminosis at any age. But due to the set of stimulating herbs, this vitamin preparation is not recommended for hypertension, insomnia, increased nervous excitability, and severe atherosclerosis. You need to take it 1 capsule in the morning and evening for a month. After 30 days, the course can be repeated if necessary.

The best multivitamins for beauty

Sometimes under the influence of a general weakening of the immune system, frequent illnesses, unbalanced nutrition, stress and others unfavorable factors nails, hair and skin become deplorable. To preserve beauty, vitamin manufacturers have developed special complexes. We included the best of them in the rating.

3 "Evalar" For skin, hair and nails

Complex effects on appearance and health
Country: Russia
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

A multivitamin complex with a simple name from the well-known company “Evalar” is popular due to its effectiveness. Its effect is due not only to the basic set of microelements and vitamins, but also unique substances, which are not used by other manufacturers. This is methylsulfonylmethane - a source of food-grade organic sulfur, which is the main building material of collagen and keratin. It also contains lysine and cystine, which are not synthesized by the body on its own, but are necessary to prevent skin aging and collagen production.

According to women, with long-term use, the condition of nails, skin and hair improves significantly. In addition, they note beneficial influence on health - more energy appears, fatigue decreases with increased mental and physical activity. You need to take the drug 2 tablets once a day for two months.

2 Doppelhertz Beauty Beauty and hair health

Rapid improvement in hair condition
Country: Germany
Average price: 808 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Vitamins from the well-known company Doppelherz can be recommended to women who need to improve the condition of their hair. The drug contains linoleic and linolenic acid, zinc, carotenoids, as well as a rich set of vitamins and microelements. To enhance the effect, the manufacturer used wheat germ oil, grape pomace extract, borage and other plant components.

For a pronounced effect, it is recommended to take the drug in monthly courses - one tablet twice a day. As a result, a box of 30 capsules lasts only two weeks, so the product turns out to be quite expensive. Despite this, women only talk about him positive reviews, indicating a significant improvement in hair condition within a couple of weeks after starting to take the multivitamin complex.

1 Vitrum Beauty

The best multivitamin complex for beauty
Country: USA
Average price: 1770 rub.
Rating (2018): 5.0

Expensive, but high-quality and effective multivitamin product for restoring nails, hair and skin. The drug consists not only of basic substances, but also amino acids that promote the formation of collagen and other proteins, has an antioxidant effect. A complete set of necessary elements has a beneficial effect on appearance and health. Additionally, it is not recommended to take other vitamins, since this drug contains everything you need to prevent hypovitaminosis, strengthen the immune system and increase performance.

Take it 2 tablets a day for a month. At severe loss hair or increased fragility nails, the dosage can be increased to three tablets. In the reviews, women note that from their own experience they noticed the effect of taking a multivitamin drug. The only drawback is the high cost. One box worth more than 1,500 rubles lasts only a month.

The best multivitamins for people over 50

If people under 30-40 years old can take almost any vitamins, after overcoming the 50-year mark, the body's needs change greatly. It is better for older men and women to give preference to special multivitamin preparations, developed specifically taking into account age-related changes in the body.

3 Doppelhertz active 50+

Best price for German quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 273 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

This German vitamin complex is often recommended to improve mood, vitality and endurance in people over 50 years of age. It contains 9 vitamins and 4 minerals necessary to maintain health and prolong the youth of people who have crossed the fifty-year mark. Thanks to a specially developed mineral complex, the development of osteoporosis is prevented and the risk of developing heart disease and atherosclerosis is reduced. Biotin normalizes blood sugar levels, reducing the likelihood of diabetes. Vitamin B complex supports the nervous system.

Dosage regimen: one tablet per day for a month. After 30 days, the course can be resumed. People consider the advantages of a multivitamin complex to be the relatively low cost of the drug and its effectiveness. A big plus is that vitamins can be taken by diabetics; there are no contraindications other than individual intolerance.

2 Vitrum Centuri

The richest set of vitamins, micro and macroelements
Country: USA
Average price: 592 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Thanks to its balanced composition, the product takes part in the main redox processes in the body. With periodic courses of taking a multivitamin complex, the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, heart disease, and other age-related problems is reduced. People who took this complex noted improved memory and mental performance.

The composition includes a full range of vitamins and microelements in dosages necessary for the aging body. Take it one tablet a day, in long courses of 3-4 months. Longer courses are possible during the recovery period after serious illnesses, with increased physical and mental stress.

1 Alphabet 50+

Vascular protection and prevention of osteoporosis
Country: Russia
Average price: 368 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

Alphabet 50+ is recommended as a source of essential substances for people over 50 years of age in order to prevent age-related diseases - osteoporosis, heart pathologies, visual impairment. Vitamin D3 helps normalize bone tissue by increasing calcium absorption. A certain set of substances protect blood vessels from oxidative stress. Lycopene and lutein help maintain and maintain normal vision.

The daily dose is divided into three tablets, which ensures better absorption of the substances included in the complex. That is, you need to take the product three times a day. The recommended course duration is 1 month. The only contraindication is hyperfunction of the thyroid gland. Reviews about the drug are good - many note a general improvement in well-being, the appearance of lightness and vigor.

Vitamin and mineral complexes for men are becoming increasingly popular, since the strong half of humanity cares about their health no less than the weak. And, of course, pays close attention to well-groomed appearance. Many men today eat right and regularly take dietary supplements. But, unfortunately, their number is not as large as, for example, in Europe. Below we will try to look at the most popular minerals and dietary supplements, we will try to figure out whether it is possible to choose the best ones and how.

Vitamin complexes for men are in constant high demand. The reasons for this are very different, the forums are full of requests:

  • Vitamins when planning pregnancy
  • Vitamins to improve potency
  • Vitamins to improve immunity

Sometimes there is no reason to take vitamins; in this case, consumers are simply interested in vitamin complexes based on their age:

  • Vitamins at 50
  • Vitamins for men over 60

In addition, male supplements interest buyers due to various “related” factors:

  • Reviews of vitamins for men
  • Where to buy good vitamins

In general, the range of men's vitamins is so wide that without experts it will be quite difficult to make a choice. If you have the opportunity to consult with a doctor or nutritionist on this issue, do not neglect it.

Below we will present a short overview of vitamin complexes that manufacturers recommend specifically for men, compare prices for this group of products, look at reviews, instructions for use and places of sale.

Vitamins for men for conceiving a child

Vitamins for men during physical activity

Physical activity causes increased fatigue. Thus, vitamins in this case will be called upon to neutralize this feeling and add energy.

In addition, physical activity in the gym usually serves certain purposes:

  • gaining muscle mass,
  • working on “relief”,
  • fight against excess weight,
  • active “drying” before competitions.

Therefore, a men's exercise vitamin should be effective in minimizing fatigue from exercise, as well as being able to aid in protein absorption or fat breakdown. If this is your case, ask your doctor about this:
21st Century - Sentry. Economical packaging, multivitamin and multimineral supplement, excellent set of microelements.

One of the most popular multivitamins recommended for this group of young men is Opti-Men from Optimum Nutrition. The manufacturer rightly calls it not only a complex of microelements, but the whole System Optimizations Nutrients. This multivitamin contains 76+ components, which explains its high effectiveness. Among these components:

  • plant extracts
  • essential amino acids,
  • antioxidant vitamins,
  • essential minerals

All components are included in the composition in quantities sufficient for a daily sports diet.

The mixture of amino acids contains arginine, glutamine and BCAAs, which are essential for athletes and those experiencing physical activity. The vitamin blend includes over 350 milligrams of B-complex, and the entire complex contains 25 vitamins and minerals. Online forums are full of rave reviews about this bestseller from Optimum Nutrition, and we recommend them too!

Vitamins for men to improve immunity

Improving and supporting immunity becomes important during periods of vitamin deficiency and stress. An imbalance in your well-being will not allow you to effectively perform your tasks, neither in the office, nor on the construction site, nor even in the gym. Thus, supporting the immune system with the help of vitamins and natural supplements to your usual diet will help you avoid these inconveniences at a minimum, and not get sick with complications in the worst case scenario.

Pharmaceutical manufacturers focus on increased attention line of these drugs, immune support is a priority for many concerns. Your doctor will help you decide on your choice, if possible, pay attention to the reviews, you can view them by clicking on the link.

The approach to choosing vitamins differs between genders. This is due to hormonal characteristics men and women. If you regularly take vitamins, you can completely enrich your body, improve your immune system and give vitality to your body. Vitamins for men for vigor are a complex aimed at increasing immunity.
The choice of a vitamin complex for men depends on:

  • age;
  • physical activity;
  • level of labor severity;
  • individual needs of the body;
  • lack of a certain group of vitamins;
  • daily diet and proper nutrition.

Vitamins for men for vigor are preparations with a high percentage of thiamine. Vitamin B1 improves thinking, develops memory, stabilizes mood, eliminates fatigue and irritability. These symptoms in men most often appear as they age.

Vitamin C also promotes physical activity and vigor. This supplement in preparations most often acts as a complex supplement in combination with other equally important vitamins to maintain the general condition of a man’s body.

Among the manufacturers of vitamin B1-based products are: Now Foods, Bluebonnet Nutrition, Nature's Plus, Country Life and others. Regular intake of the “vitamin of pep” will have a positive effect on the condition of cells and slow down their aging. Alternatively, pay attention to multivitamins Alive by Nature's Way.

General strengthening vitamin complexes for men

What are they trying to strengthen with vitamins? Memory, bones, hair, tendons, immunity. Sometimes the approach is global and health is strengthened as a whole. Men today actively pay attention to their appearance and condition, monitor their diet, and regularly exercise. But since quality products, rich in vitamins and minerals, are now quite difficult to acquire; many people strengthen their bodies by taking various vitamin complexes. Below we will take a closer look at them and find out which general strengthening complexes are suitable for a man in a given situation.

What vitamins are considered general strengthening?

Doctors and nutritionists recommend taking dietary supplements and vitamins both in cases of obvious lack of microelements in the body and for preventive purposes. Vitamin complexes contain all the beneficial substances collected in capsules or tablets. This is convenient because by taking just one drug, you will provide the body with almost everything it needs. useful elements at a time. Their dosage and composition are selected so that the absorption process takes place in the best possible way.

Where to buy general health vitamins

Deficiencies in this area are a thing of the past; vitamins and dietary supplements are widely represented on the market. However, there are a number of problems, primarily counterfeiting of expensive drugs, as well as expired and damaged goods due to improper storage. In addition, most pharmaceutical vitamins are synthetic, and their absorption by the body is extremely low.

Therefore, most of the multivitamin complexes given as examples in this text are organic, made from vegetables and fruits. Most of these drugs can be found in a specialized section of the iHerb health products hypermarket. He also offers various general strengthening complexes for men that can support the body of men who prefer an active lifestyle, experience strong mental and physical stress at work, and play sports. The price of general strengthening vitamins is average, from 500 to 1300 rubles per package.

“Despite the fact that men are the stronger sex, their body often needs additional support. Moreover, taking into account the fact that modern man manifests itself in a wide variety of activities, from the office to the gym, from physical activity in games to fresh air to moral shocks in board games. In order to replenish lost energy, there is an excellent solution - complex vitamins for men. A properly balanced complex has everything you need to feel energetic from morning to evening, and to be successful in all areas of life. Regular everyday tests will be passed with ease if you have complex vitamins with you..”

This is what another advertisement for a vitamin complex for men could sound like. We do not participate in this; we focus exclusively on consumer preferences, the naturalness of drugs, recommendations from specialists, fair prices and balanced compositions. The manufacturer of a complex multivitamin for men can be anyone, but we recommend paying attention to high-quality and trustworthy consumers:

Naturally, on modern market There are many vitamins available in medications, and it can be difficult to choose the best solution among them. If vitamins do not contain the entire complex of necessary essential substances, then a doctor must prescribe them, since they are aimed at solving a specific problem and replenishing the deficiency of a certain element. As for the universal solution, these are complex vitamins. They have a positive effect on the entire body, and depending on what kind of stress a man’s body experiences, they can be taken not only for seasonal deficiencies, but also throughout the year.
After the first course, the general condition of the body improves significantly.

If a man needs additional vitamins at 50 and 60, why not start taking them at 30? This is exactly the question that a number of manufacturers have asked themselves when they released special vitamins for this age group. In fact, many of them produce vitamins for teenagers, children, and even mothers who are pregnant with them. Thus, having set a goal, you can find vitamins for any age period.

But seriously, men's vitamins should be recommended not by age, but by a doctor. Minerals and trace elements are consumed by the body in different ways at different ages, but this parameter is not sufficient from the point of view of selection the right drug, remember that there is

  • Diet features
  • Features of the body
  • Environmental features

Even the chemical composition of the water in your area can have a much greater influence on the choice of a vitamin complex than age, and not only among thirty-year-olds. However, if the jar should say “30 years”, then good luck in your search, and if you are interested in a good mix of minerals and vitamins, ask a nutritionist about Universal Nutrition, Daily Formula. We'll put your age on the packaging at 40, okay?

Vitamins for men after 40 years

After forty, some changes occur in the body of men that are associated with hormonal changes. For this reason, the body absorbs nutrients at this age much more slowly. In view of this feature, vitamins for men after 40 years of age are developed in a complex so that the action of the components is complementary. An example would be excellent complex Raw One

Indications for the use of special vitamin complexes for men over 40 may be:

  • the need to stabilize the immune system,
  • prevention of hypovitaminosis or hypomineralization,
  • normalization of sexual function,
  • sometimes the need to improve hormonal levels;

In addition, experts identify a number of reasons for which taking vitamins is increasingly mentioned in men over forty years of age:

  1. Deterioration of well-being and general weakening of the body, long-term viral and infectious diseases, digestive disorders, and previous invasive interventions.
  2. Insufficient number of vitamins or microelements that enter the male body;
  3. Psycho-emotional instability caused by regular stressful situations or heavy physical stress;
  4. Disturbed diet or forced adherence to a strict diet;

Vitamin complexes for men after 40 years effectively saturate the body with essential microelements. This is what allows you to avoid various problems associated with significant impairments to health and well-being.

Actually, we wrote a lot of material about vitamins for men over 50, let’s briefly repeat the essence of the matter. In fact, any modern man, having reached the age of fifty, enters a special period own life when the body requires vitamin support from the outside. Most representatives of the stronger sex who have reached their sixth decade experience:

  • decreased level of immunity;
  • sexual health problem;
  • increased occurrence of fatigue;
  • exacerbation of a number of chronic diseases.

In men over fifty, the lack of active biological substances becomes more obvious than ever. This means you need vitamins. The need for vitamins, it would seem, should decrease against the background of a general decrease in the intensity of processes such as

  • metabolic processes,
  • metabolism,
  • synthesis,
  • nutrition of cells in the aging male body.

But this approach to the issue is wrong and a qualified specialist will explain why.

When choosing vitamins for men after 50 years, representatives of this age category It is highly recommended to consult with your treating (or local, if there is no reason to have a treating) doctor. Since during this period it is important to choose a balanced complex that will really work to prolong health and youth, slowing down the negative aging processes and without causing damage general condition male body. And the opportunity to do this most accurately will only appear after a visit to a specialist or even a series of tests. However, if no specific issues bother you, you can opt for popular vitamin complexes for men over 50; we have written about this several times.

We were unable to detect any significant differences in the composition of vitamins for men over 60 from the drugs described in the previous paragraph. After all, after 60 is the same after 50. However, manufacturers note a number of features of this product. Moreover, we wrote earlier about vitamins for people over 60.

More noticeable aging processes of the body are the main reason for these features. In addition, after sixty years, some vitamin complexes lack some elements; we wrote about vitamins without iodine, iron and other elements. Such vitamins are made to be taken on the recommendation of a supervising physician, indications may be related to specific cases, your doctor will tell you better about them.

All kinds of Top 3, 5 and 10 among vitamins - a real boom! Demand formed supply - the consumer wanted to choose the best, portals, blogs and forums rushed to fulfill it with pleasure.

Meanwhile, it would be interesting to know the rating criteria, those components that allow one brand to be placed above another. After a little research We found several characteristics by which vitamins are usually ranked:

  • Vitamin production volumes
  • Vitamin sales market share
  • The amount of vitamins in the composition
  • Number of reviews about the drug
  • Price for 1 tablet
  • The amount of advertising costs (even that!)

The question is, how can any of these characteristics help you choose a vitamin supplement for yourself? We were unable to answer this, so we will not give a rating of vitamin complexes, at least in at the moment. We just can’t decide which one to take!

Buying vitamins today is not a big problem only at first glance. The assortment, which is considered to be an undoubted achievement of the market, not only gives the opportunity to choose, but is also misleading. High competition in the sector leads to overstocking and, as a consequence, expiration of the shelf life. different drugs. Crime is also intervening in the situation: counterfeiting of the most popular drugs has entered this area on an industrial scale. The message about the destruction in Poland of facilities for counterfeiting pharmaceutical products and a warehouse of finished drugs worth 4 million euros, which recently spread across leading channels and publications, is a drop in the bucket of struggle in this area.

Thus, it is not so easy for a man to buy good vitamins; the question of purchasing real packaging of popular vitamins is still relevant. That is why our recommendation is the Russian department of the international hypermarket of vitamins, dietary supplements and healthy foods iHerb, where there is always a large assortment, the best prices and incredibly fast delivery Boxberry, which loses nothing. By the way, at the time of preparation of the material, delivery is free, and iHerb discounts are varied, multi-level and daily!

First of all, it should be noted that a forum about vitamins for men is rare. As a rule, men's vitamin complexes on such resources discuss various topics, schemes, technologies for using certain synthetic and natural complexes and dietary supplements. The forum about vitamins for men allows you to get comprehensive information"from the horse's mouth." At the same time, one cannot judge a drug based on one post, since individual reactions to the substances they contain vary greatly.

What sections are the most popular on the forums?

As a rule, these are thematic discussions on the following issues:

  1. Age complexes (for 30-year-olds, teenagers, after 50, etc.).
  2. Means that help improve sex life and accelerate the onset of the desired pregnancy in your wife.
  3. Dietary supplements and vitamins for athletes.
  4. Solving a specific, highly specialized problem (preventing baldness, helping to stabilize weight, etc.).

This is not all the useful information that can be gleaned and analyzed from the forum about vitamins for men. General questions, relevant in any topic - their range is wide and varied. The most popular are the problems of finding inexpensive and effective complexes or the best price for a specific one. Schemes of techniques, additional qualities and the possibility of combination, compatibility are lively discussed vitamin products with any other natural or other additives, diets and food products, drinks.

Of course, vitamins must be effective, otherwise purchasing, taking, or even producing them makes no sense. The question is how to calculate this effectiveness if, upon closer examination, everyone has their own criteria for effectiveness? What is potency when it comes to vitamins? Here are just a few criteria that will show how different the perception of vitamin consumers is:

  • I never get sick
  • Feeling better
  • The skin became velvety
  • I don't feel tired anymore
  • Hair grows quickly

This is approximately how the effectiveness of vitamins is measured. Do you want one thing, everything at once, or are you not interested in it at all? It is necessary to clarify the effectiveness of vitamins solely in relation to the reason for taking the drug. We have written about the reasons for taking vitamins more than once; in each individual case, the effectiveness can only be determined by a specialist, without consultation with whom you will have to rely either on the reviews of others or on your own feelings.

Price of vitamins for men

Below are comparative prices for popular vitamin complexes for men. Please note that all prices are subject to change and are for comparison purposes only. However, prices for all vitamins, minerals and dietary supplements indicated in the material, as well as reviews about them from real customers, can be found.

Sometimes the price may seem inadequate, but remember that these are Food-Based vitamins, i.e. not synthesized in the laboratory, but made from real vegetables and fruits. In addition, sometimes the number of capsules in a package can provide you with vitamins for a whole year!


Name of vitamins Piece . Price
Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men 150 ₽1,637
Nature's Way Alive! Once Daily 60 ₽1,031
Nature's Way Alive! Men's 50+ 60 ₽1,048
Rainbow Light Men's One 150 ₽2,425
Nature Made Multi for Him 90 ₽579
Rainbow Light Men's One 90 ₽1,874
Now Foods ADAM 180 ₽2,168
Now Foods Adam Superior Men's Multi 90 ₽1,123
Rainbow Light 50+ Mini-Tablet 180 ₽1,852
GAT Mens Multi + Test 60 ₽944
Nature's Way Alive! Max3 Daily 90 ₽1,209
One-A-Day One A Day Men's 200 ₽1,262
21st Century Mega Multi 90 ₽642
Nature's Way Alive! Men's Vitamins 75 ₽806
Garden of Life Vitamin Code 75 ₽1,714
Country Life Core Daily-1 60 ₽948
Garden of Life Vitamin Code 60 ₽3,432
Rainbow Light Active Adult 50+ 90 ₽2,116
Rainbow Light Men's One 30 ₽793
Now Foods Adam 120 ₽1,766
One-A-Day One A Day Men's 60 ₽510
Garden of Life MyKind Organics 60 ₽2,203
Garden of Life Vitamin Code 120 ₽1,958
FutureBiotics Hi Energy Multi 120 ₽1,131
Rainbow Light Complete Nutritional System 180 ₽2,337
Nature Made Multi For Him 50+ 90 ₽577
Rainbow Light Certified Men's Multivitamin 120 ₽1,763
MegaFood Men Over 55 60 ₽1,586
One-A-Day Men's 50+ 100 ₽931
ALLMAX Nutrition Vitaform 60 ₽976
21st Century Men's 50+ 100 ₽481
Rainbow Light Performance Energy for Men 90 ₽1,543
Garden of Life Vitamin Code 120 ₽1,958
Garden of Life 50 & Wiser Men 240 ₽3,432
Natural Factors Men's MultiStart 120 ₽1,321
Nature's Way Alive! Men's 50+ 75 ₽806
Country Life Max for Men 120 ₽1,326
MegaFood Men's One Daily 90 ₽2,865
Garden of Life MyKind Organics 120 ₽3,527
Rainbow Light 50+ Mini Tablet 90 ₽1,013
Thorne Research For Men Over 40 240 ₽3,676
Innate Response Formulas Men Over 40 120 ₽3,841
Natural Factors Men's 50+ MultiStart 120 ₽1,497
Source Naturals Men's Life Force Multiple 90 ₽1,462
The Synergy Company Vita Min Herb 120 ₽3,332
Source Naturals Men's Life Force Multiple 180 ₽2,857
One-A-Day 50+ Healthy Advantage 65 ₽699
Garden of Life MyKind Organics 120 ₽3,527
Rainbow Light Complete Nutritional System 90 ₽1,322
Rainbow Light Rejuvenage 40+ 120 ₽2,513
Emerald Laboratories Men's 45+ Multi Vit-A-Min 30 ₽848
Garden of Life 50 & Wiser Men 120 ₽1,958
Country Life Realfood Organics 120 ₽2,211
MegaFood Men's One Daily 60 ₽2,021
Nature Made Multi For Him 60 ₽591
FutureBiotics Hi Energy Multi 60 ₽711
Innate Response Formulas Men's One Daily 60 ₽2,455
Pure Essence LifeEssence 120 ₽2,330
MegaFood Men Over 40 One Daily 60 ₽2,021
Rainbow Light Just Once 120 ₽2,293
FutureBiotics Vitomega Men 90 ₽942
Rainbow Light Active Adult 50+ 30 ₽925
Natural Factors Men's 50+ 60 ₽1,762
Optimox Corporation Androvite for Men 180 ₽1,291
Rainbow Light Just Once 60 ₽1,410
MegaFood Men's One Daily 30 ₽1,268
MegaFood Multi for Men 60 ₽1,767
MegaFood Multi for Men 120 ₽3,400
Country Life Men 50+ 60 ₽1,326
Enzymatic Therapy Doctor's Choice 90 ₽1,008
Pure Essence Longevity 120 ₽2,601
Sunwarrior Raw Vitamins 90 ₽2,943
Rainbow Light Rejuvenage 40+ 60 ₽1,410
Natural Factors Whole Earth & Sea 60 ₽1,762
MegaFood Multi for Men 55+ 120 ₽3,128
MegaFood Multi for Men 40+ 60 ₽1,767
MegaFood Men Over 40 One Daily 30 ₽1,913

Natural vitamins for men

In fact, natural vitamins are a very controversial term; pharmaceutical manufacturers actively abuse it, trying to please the consumer. However, vitamins contained in food products - vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, fish, meat, milk and so on are considered natural.

As for vitamins in capsules, those made from plant extracts can be called natural with some caution. But there is a problem here too - no one measures the percentage of naturalness, so the capsule can be made from extracts of 50%, or maybe 10%; it is practically impossible to determine this by name.

A standard like SPINS or GMP can provide some help, although this will only partially indicate naturalness; rather, this is a sign of concern for the manufacturer of vitamins or dietary supplements about its reputation. Other certification - USDA (Department agriculture USA), which manufacturers like to place on the packaging of their products useful capsules and tablets will also not add to your knowledge about the naturalness of the ingredients used in vitamins.

In the end, what vitamins can men consider natural? What does the phrase “No artificial sweeteners added” or another, also common “Product made from glucose syrup and cane sugar” actually mean? Do they mean that the vitamins you consume are derived from plant extracts and not synthesized in a laboratory? Sometimes yes, sometimes not at all, we will answer evasively. However, here are a few names of manufacturers who are considered to be the creators of the most natural vitamins.

  • Optimum Nutrition
  • Nature's Way
  • Rainbow Light
  • Garden of Life
  • Nature's Plus
  • Solgar

Unfortunately, you will not find (or extremely rarely) these vitamins in our pharmacies (someone must sell “synthetics”), but the Russian department of the international hypermarket iHerb will always provide the opportunity to purchase.

There cannot be two answers to this question - either one or a thousand. If you need one, then you need to choose vitamins for men with the help of an appropriate specialist. If this is not possible, you must remember that self-medication can be useless and even harmful.

When answering the question of how to choose vitamins for men, experts pay attention to the main components of a successful search: compliance of the complex with the stated goals of administration, balanced and organic composition, safety and price.

Ideally, the question of how to choose vitamins for men is decided together with a doctor. However, ideals are not always achievable. In order to independently understand the issue, you need to decide why you plan to take vitamin preparations. An additional food supplement (taking into account the state of the environment and modern lifestyle) is necessary for everyone. But in some cases, vitamins are not just prevention, but an integral and important part of treatment.

How to choose vitamins for men according to the specific problem

Traditionally, the compositions of all known and popular vitamin complexes are divided into several large groups, the most significant of which are:

  1. General strengthening, enhancing immunity.
  2. Solving specific problems: age-related, increased loads. These are, for example, complexes against premature baldness, weight correction, sports, allowing you to withstand increased loads.
  3. Harmonizing sexual health and helping to plan a family. The substances they contain have a positive effect on the quality, viability and mobility of germ cells, and help eliminate problems during coitus.

When choosing vitamins without consulting a doctor, you need to take into account many components:

  • Reasons/indications for use
  • Instructions for use
  • Possible contraindications

In addition, you need to make sure that the price of the drug is not inflated several times, and the place of purchase will completely eliminate the possibility of buying a counterfeit.

Perhaps one of the best reference points can be reviews, but here it is necessary to take into account that manufacturers take this factor into account and often buy reviews on forums. Therefore, you need to make sure that the review is not written by the seller or manufacturer, but by the buyer. Real customer reviews of the vitamins and microelements described in this text are available.

Interest in vitamins with zinc among men is quite high. This is explained simply - a lack of zinc in the male body very quickly and quite eloquently affects sexual function. That is why the stronger sex, not wanting to “give up the slack,” more often than usual monitors the entry of zinc into the body with vitamins. The question is quite common; we wrote in detail about vitamins with zinc for men.

We would call Nature's Way, Alive! the best option for those looking for a men's vitamin complex with zinc: it contains 30 mg of zinc gluconate, which is double the daily value of the mineral, and in an excellent bio-absorbable form. In addition, selenium in There is also a lot of it - 250 mcg, which is 357% of the daily value. Before taking it, consult a specialist, it is generally accepted that excess of these elements will not accumulate in the body, the rest of the microelements will be a bonus for you!

More budget option multivitamins with selenium and zinc - Multivitamin & Multimineral from 21st Century Health Care, the percentage of the daily value is less than 79% for selenium and 73% for zinc, but the price of this complex is more than pleasant - 300 capsules will cost you 700 rubles.

Instructions for using vitamins are on each package. Depending on the amount of microelements in the capsule, you will be advised to take vitamins 1-3 times a day. We strongly remind you that the instructions in no way replace the recommendations of a doctor, because consulting with him before taking any vitamins or dietary supplements will be very useful.

If we are talking about mono-preparations - tablets containing one vitamin, the instructions for use may contain additional “subtleties” on diet, options for combining with meals and other recommendations. Therefore, only a doctor can reasonably answer what and in what quantity to take in a given case.

Vitamins for men - health pantry

If we consider the approach to taking vitamins in different genders, we can see significant differences. Women mainly combine healthy foods and food additives, and most men give priority synthetic complexes. It doesn't take much time, and the effect is almost the same. Modern vitamin and mineral complexes can cover up to 100.0% of the needs of the human body. And if you use them constantly, you can significantly increase your immunity and improve your health. The main thing in this matter is to choose the right drug.

Assortment of men's vitamins

Today, pharmaceutical companies produce a huge number of drugs aimed at solving a variety of problems. For example, some types of vitamins for men increase immunity, others help strengthen muscles and bones, and others are responsible for memory and brain function. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the best option based on the needs of your own body. This is easy to do if you know how to approach the problem, above you will find a lot useful tips and recommendations, the best of which, by the way, is to see a doctor without self-medicating!

Vitamins for men - features of choice

When purchasing medications, you need to pay attention to several factors. First of all, you need to consider your lifestyle. If you play sports or work hard, you will need much more vitamins than usual. An equally important criterion is age. The older a man gets, the higher his need to take vitamins. The closest attention should be paid to the composition of the drugs. For example, if your body needs calcium or magnesium, then buy vitamins for men with increased content these elements. This will help solve the problem.

Nutrition plays an equally important role. Before purchasing vitamins for men, evaluate your daily diet. If it contains enough fruits, nuts and vegetables, then you can purchase a drug that covers the body’s needs, for example, by 50.0%. If you have an unbalanced diet, it is advisable to buy stronger vitamin-mineral complexes.

The best reviews of vitamins for men

Vitamins for men are quite popular, which is why there are plenty of reviews about them. Any sporting goods store, forum or portal about healthy food will give you hundreds of reviews for most drugs.

After looking at a huge number of both positive and negative reviews about men's vitamins, we made several conclusions. The most striking thing is that the majority men's reviews vitamins written by women. Apparently, taking care of the health of the stronger sex still lies with the weaker sex. Another possible reason for the phenomenon could be that women simply love to write reviews about everything. The rest is less surprising and is divided into two parts - positive and negative comments from the men themselves.
Among the negative ones, a number of fairly common ones can be identified: Victor 29 Mar 2018 at 20:56

Fields 14 Dec 2017 at 21:43

The doctor prescribed my husband to drink sperm plant from Evalar, for a long time couldn't conceive. True, of course, not only did he drink vitamins, he sat on healthy eating, quit smoking and drinking. Together we managed to give birth to a healthy baby.

Very often you can find articles that it is important for a woman to take special multivitamin complexes. However, for some reason there are no words about men. Although the male body also needs nutrients. And with their deficiency, it begins to function incorrectly, and various health problems arise. In this article we will talk about what vitamins men need to take after 30 years.

Doctors advise men who are often exposed to stress or engage in mental or heavy physical labor to start taking vitamins. Also, those who play sports cannot do without vitamins. Today, there are many vitamin complexes that support men's health and hormonal balance.

Men often suffer from cardiovascular diseases. To prevent them, antioxidant substances are needed. B vitamins play an important role. They take part in the absorption of protein and influence synthesis processes, improve the quality of semen, and contribute to the formation of a strong muscular system. If a man wants to have offspring, then he needs to take folic acid. In addition, after 30 years you cannot do without vitamins such as E and A. These vitamins help produce testosterone and reduce the risk of developing potency.

Indications for the use of vitamins for men

Before choosing any vitamin complex, you should consult your doctor. He will take into account your health status and individual characteristics of the body. He will also clarify what results you expect from taking the drug. Only after this will the doctor be able to advise anything. If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then you need to take vitamin C. If you begin to go bald and your nails become brittle, then you do not have enough vitamin H. To improve the quality of sperm and improve potency, preparations with zinc may be prescribed.

Vitamins that are needed during the planning period of the baby

If a man decides to have a baby, then he needs to think about his health in advance. To do this, you should take a special complex of vitamins, which normalizes the production of male hormones, and also improves sperm quality and sperm activity. Folic acid and vitamins C and E are very important for the body. As a rule, such medications should be taken at least three months before family planning begins. You can take a vitamin complex or medications separately. These drugs include: Duovit, Sperma Active, Selzinc+, Complivit.

Vitamins to increase potency

Potency is influenced by vitamins A and E. They affect the rate of production and accumulation of testosterone. Additionally, it is worth taking vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, and vitamin F, which prevents the destruction of cell membranes. Selenium, zinc and copper help maintain potency.

Vitamins to support immunity

After 30 years of age, it is very important for a man to monitor his health and immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes that strengthen the immune system. The drugs Multi Tabs, Vitrum, Alphabet classic, Duovit help very well with this.

Vitamins for baldness

Many men begin to lose hair between the ages of 25 and 30. To avoid this, you need to take vitamin E and H. These vitamins strengthen hair follicles and stimulate hair growth.

Vitamins for those who lead an active lifestyle

If you play sports, you should take medications that accelerate the processes of metabolism and synthesis in the body. In addition, such complexes should be taken by people suffering from metabolic disorders, those who get tired quickly and feel lethargic and drowsy throughout the day.

Release form

Vitamins for men can come in different forms. They are divided into monovitamins, multivitamins, and dietary supplements. Dietary supplements are preparations of natural origin (animal or plant). They can be in the form of tablets, capsules, extracts, tinctures, extracts.

It is most convenient to take tablets or pills. Water soluble ones are also sold. effervescent tablets, chewable tablets or powders to be added to vitamin shakes. In addition, vitamins for men are available in the form of capsules, drops, solutions, mixtures, concentrates, oil extracts, and the like. The effectiveness, dosage, and method of application depend on the release form. Liquid medications often need to be added to food or drink. Tablets or capsules should simply be swallowed with water.

Names of vitamins for men after 30

Each vitamin complex affects the body differently. Most often, doctors prescribe the following drugs:

Alphabet for men's health

This drug contains vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts that have a positive effect on sexual function. This product is inexpensive and very effective. The tablets have three colors. Each color is responsible for its own complex of vitamins. This division increases digestibility and also gives good results. This drug should be taken for vitamin deficiency, hair loss, low libido, as well as during acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections.


Most often, doctors recommend taking these vitamins to those men whose activities are associated with increased mental and physical activity. In addition, this multivitamin complex helps fight sexual dysfunction and prostatitis. Duovit strengthens nails, hair and improves skin condition.


A combined preparation that contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals. They should be taken during increased mental or physical stress, as well as vitamin deficiency. Some men experience a feeling of nausea afterward, which goes away after a couple of minutes.

In addition to the above-described drugs, the following vitamin complexes have proven themselves well: Multifort, Azal, ABC Spectrum, Centrum and its varieties, Oksilik, Metovit, Amiton-Magnesium-Calcium, Direct.

Contraindications to the use of vitamins

Although vitamins are good for health, some medications can cause side effects. There are very few contraindications to their use. However, most often it is not recommended to take vitamins if you are allergic to the components of the drug or with certain diseases.

  • Alphabet should not be taken if you have hyperthyroidism. If they appear hypertrophic manifestations, severe nervous excitability, as well as sleep disturbances and problems with blood pressure, you should immediately stop taking the drug.
  • Sperm Active should not be taken if diabetes mellitus, for renal failure and other kidney diseases, as well as for chronic liver diseases.
  • ABC Spectrum may cause an allergic reaction.
  • Selzinc should not be taken by those who are hypersensitive to lactose.
  • Duovit is prohibited in case of individual intolerance to the components.

It is worth noting the fact that vitamin complexes for men who are over 30 years old are less absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, if you have stomach problems, you should consult your doctor in advance. Many synthetic drugs have a pronounced toxicity limit, some of them are too toxic. You need to take vitamins A and D with extreme caution. In case of overdose, they accumulate in the body and cause a number of side effects.

Today, in the frantic pace of life, it is difficult for men to maintain normal levels of nutrients in the body. Representatives of the stronger sex are overworked at work, constantly exposed to stress, eat poorly and irregularly, and show insufficient physical activity. To keep the male body in good shape, you should take pharmacy vitamins. Pharmacies sell many vitamin and mineral preparations created for men.

Substances necessary for the male body

The male body needs useful substances that improve metabolism, reduce the likelihood of heart pathologies and vascular system, improving sperm quality. Men need to regularly receive:

  1. Ascorbic acid (C). The substance reduces the effects of stress and reduces addiction to cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. Rich sources of the vitamin are bell peppers, citrus fruits, rose hips, greens, cabbage, sour berries.
  2. Tocopherol (E). It has a pronounced antioxidant effect, slows down the aging process, cleanses blood vessels of excess cholesterol, and normalizes the functioning of the sex glands. It is found in large quantities in nuts and vegetable oils.
  3. Lipoic acid. An antioxidant necessary for the full functioning of the liver and thyroid gland. Sources: cabbage, leafy greens.
  4. Biotin (H). Strengthens hair follicles and nail plates, normalizes carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. The substance is found in sufficient quantities in cereals and dairy products.
  5. Calciferol (D). Improves the absorption of minerals in bone tissue. To obtain the vitamin, you should eat liver, eggs, fish, and dairy products.
  6. Retinol (A). Maintains visual acuity, stimulates testosterone synthesis, increases libido, and improves sperm quality. Vitamin A is also important for strengthening the immune system, preventing inflammatory diseases of the respiratory and urinary organs. To compensate for the deficiency of the substance, it is recommended to use liver, sea ​​fish, eggs, butter, herbal products yellow and orange.
  7. Thiamine (B 1). Stimulates metabolism. It is found in abundance in nuts, cereals, and vegetables.
  8. Riboflavin (B 2). Provides sufficient oxygen supply to cells. Sources: meat, dairy products, dried fruits.
  9. Pyridoxine (B 6). Supports active brain function. Found in nuts, fish, and plant products.
  10. Folic acid (B 9). Accompanies the construction of nucleic acids. Rich sources are liver, meat, rye baked goods, dairy products.
  11. Cobalamin (B 12). Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is found only in animal foods, especially in liver and other offal.

Among the minerals men regularly need to consume:

  1. Magnesium. The most essential mineral for the male body, it ensures the proper functioning of all organs and systems. The substance is involved in the construction of cellular structures, controls metabolic reactions and protein synthesis. Sources: legumes, bran, leafy greens, green vegetables, cereals.
  2. Zinc. Provides testosterone synthesis. Without a trace element, becoming male reproductive system impossible. The substance also has a positive effect on the immune system. It is found in considerable quantities in seafood, soybeans, and cheeses.
  3. Selenium. Improves the functioning of the genital organs, increases sperm activity. Neutralizes the effect of toxins and other harmful substances on the male body. Rich sources of microelements are liver and other offal, seafood.
  4. Calcium. Strengthens the structure of dental and skeletal tissues. Contained in legumes, all types of cabbage, fresh vegetables, low-fat dairy products.

What vitamins do men of different ages need?

The need for certain vitamins is determined by the age and physical condition of a man.

  1. After 30 years. You should take vitamins that strengthen the immune system. Multivitamin preparations containing maximum quantity useful components.
  2. . At this age, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid and calciferol. These substances stimulate metabolism and prevent the appearance of malignant cells. You also cannot do without antioxidants A and E, which slow down aging, maintain visual acuity, and normalize the condition of the hair and skin.
  3. . It is mandatory to take vitamin D. This is important for maintaining the functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system. To receive sufficient quantity Calciferol is recommended to take walks on sunny days, as the vitamin is synthesized under the skin when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. The main thing is not to be too zealous in accepting sunbathing so as not to get burned. It is also important to take folic acid, it will improve liver function. And taking biotin will strengthen your nails and prevent baldness.
  4. After 60 years. It is important to take group B compounds, which support the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and nervous system, toning the body. You should also choose medications with rutin and vitamin C. They slow down the aging process and support the performance of all body structures. To prevent pathologies of skeletal tissues, it is important to take calcium.

The best vitamin supplements for men

Pharmacies and online stores sell a huge number of complex medications for men. It can be difficult to choose the most suitable remedy from this abundance. To make your choice easier, below is a list of the most popular and high-quality complexes.

  1. Mans Formula Potential Forte. Food supplement based on active plant substances. The composition contains zinc, L-arginine, ginseng extract, and yohimbe tree bark. The drug leads the ranking due to its pronounced positive impact on immunity, nervous system, potency. The capsules have no contraindications, do not cause disgust when swallowed, and do not cause side effects. Doctors recommend the drug to men over 40 years of age to improve erectile ability, increase the body's defenses, and normalize blood circulation in the pelvic organs and prostate tissues. The course of treatment lasts a month. A package of 30 capsules is relatively inexpensive, considering the quality of the drug. The average price is 1850 rubles.
  2. Maxler VitaMen. Men's multivitamins, characterized by universal action, have a positive effect on the entire body. The drug is considered a sports drug and is suitable for customers who lead an active life and engage in intensive physical activity. But it is also recommended for high mental stress. The vitamins and microelements contained in the composition stimulate the body’s performance, eliminate nervous exhaustion and the effects of stress, normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, improve potency, and activate the growth of muscle fibers. The drug has no contraindications. A jar containing 90 tablets costs 950 rubles, and a jar containing 180 tablets costs 1,600 rubles.
  3. VP Laboratory Ultra Men's Multivitamin Formula. Multivitamins with a rich component composition. The drug is not considered a sports drug, but is suitable for active guys; athletes often purchase it for general strengthening body. Active components tone the body, increase physical endurance, stimulate muscle growth, improve brain performance, normalize hormonal background, eliminate the effects of stress. The composition contains substances that restore potency. There are no allergic reactions or other side effects when taking it. A jar with 90 capsules costs about 1000 rubles, with 180 capsules - 1600 rubles.
  4. Solgar Male Multiple. High-quality American men's vitamins based exclusively on natural ingredients. The drug is recommended for stress and weakening of the body. The active components tone the body without causing allergic reactions or other side effects. There are no contraindications other than childhood. The complex, due to its natural composition, can be taken by vegetarians. The only drawback is the high price. For a jar of 120 tablets you will have to pay 1950 rubles, for 180 tablets - 2700 rubles. The drug rarely appears in the pharmacy; it is easier to purchase it on the Internet.
  5. . Vitamin and mineral complex, divided into two tablets - red and blue. The red tablet contains only vitamins, the blue tablet contains minerals. These vitamins are considered to be general strengtheners, they improve the functioning of the immune system, normalize mental and emotional state, prevent baldness. Slovenian tablets are quite large, but are well absorbed and rarely cause side effects. The drug is suitable for both young guys and older men. The disadvantages include the insufficient amount of group B in the composition, the presence of dyes and sugar, and a large list of contraindications. Vitamins are inexpensive, the average price is 470 rubles.
  6. Adam Male Multi. A vitamin complex developed in the USA, characterized by an optimal concentration of components. The most important substances for the male body are in increased concentration, and not very important substances are in reduced concentration. The composition contains not only vitamins and microelements, but also fatty acids and plant extracts. The complex is completely safe, does not cause allergies or other side effects, and acts quickly. Reception is recommended to improve well-being at any age, relieve chronic fatigue, increasing potency, normalizing the functioning of all organs and systems, stimulating performance. The average price is 1250 rubles.
  7. . The best sports vitamins recommended for men involved in bodybuilding and strength sports. The component base is ascorbic acid, cobalamin, biotin, zinc and iodine. Vitamins increase protective forces the body during physical activity, and amino acids stimulate muscle growth. The drug is well absorbed and acts quickly, thanks to the presence of enzymes. Minus - frequent use, 3 times a day. Vitamins are expensive, a package with 90 tablets costs 1,200 rubles, with 150 tablets - 2,000 rubles, with 240 tablets - 2,800 rubles. IN pharmacy chain the complex appears rarely, it is better to buy it on the Internet.
  8. . Good Russian vitamins, divided into three tablets according to compatibility. The drug is inexpensive, but acts quickly and effectively and does not cause allergies. The tablets are indicated for both adult men and boys. A red tablet with iron, retinol, ascorbic and folic acid improves hematopoiesis and increases performance. A blue tablet with zinc, selenium, iodine, tocopherol, group B tones the body, normalizes the functioning of the immune system and endocrine glands. Green pill with calcium, calciferol and biotin strengthens skeletal tissues and normalizes sleep. The average price is 430 rubles.
  9. . Popular drug in capsule form, containing 9 vitamins, 10 mineral elements. Useful components increase physical and intellectual performance, stimulate metabolism, tone the body, help immune system resist colds and infectious diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to take capsules in winter, during seasonal infections. The price of the drug is on average 550 rubles.
  10. Parity. High-quality herbal food supplement for men's health, produced by the famous Russian company Evalar. The component base is retinol, tocopherol, vitamin C, zinc and selenium. Vitamins and herbal extracts help restore potency and maintain activity sex life, stimulate testosterone synthesis. The drug is sold in tablet and drop form, has a clear dosage, and is intended only for 20-year-old men and older. The average price is 520 rubles.
  11. Vitrum Life. Multivitamins suitable for young men who lead an active lifestyle and are fond of sports. The composition contains retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, selenium, zinc, and copper in an optimal concentration for the male body. Vitamins and microelements, supplemented with amino acids and herbal supplements, help increase muscle mass, prevent atherosclerosis, and reduce the likelihood of cancer. The average price is 980 rubles.
  12. Lamin Vision. Toning vitamins based on natural ingredients. Vitamins, extracts of eleutherococcus and mate tea, pollen and L-carnitine increase body tone, eliminate fatigue, improve physical and intellectual performance, and fight the effects of stress. The big disadvantage of the drug is its very high price. For 60 capsules you will have to pay at least 3,500 rubles.
  13. . Cheap domestic vitamins, in which the components are selected taking into account the daily needs for the male body. It is recommended to buy this drug for vitamin deficiency, physical and intellectual overload, after taking antibiotics, during the rehabilitation period after infectious disease. The complex costs about 330 rubles.
  14. Centrum for men. Effective multivitamins prescribed for a poor diet and during the rehabilitation period after taking antibiotics. It contains 14 vitamins and 11 mineral elements. The drug can cause side effects and has many contraindications. The average price is 580 rubles.
  15. Vitiron Suscaps. Multivitamin preparation, including 11 vitamins, 13 mineral elements. The advantage of the complex is the rapid absorption of active substances. The intake is recommended for an active lifestyle, increasing performance, and toning the body. The components in the drug eliminate hypovitaminosis, the consequences of severe stress, physical fatigue, help the body recover after taking antibiotics. A package containing 30 capsules costs about 1,500 rubles.

The daily requirement of the male body for nutrients

An excess of beneficial compounds is just as harmful as a deficiency. Therefore, when taking vitamin-mineral complexes, you should take into account the daily intake of vitamins and microelements for men. It is recommended that an adult man take the following amounts of nutrients per day:

  • ascorbic acid (C) – 80 mg;
  • retinol (A) – 5000 IU;
  • calciferol (D) – 100 IU;
  • tocopherol (E) – 30 IU;
  • thiamine (B 1) – 2 mg;
  • riboflavin (B 2) – 3 mg;
  • nicotinic acid (B 3) – 20 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B 5) – 10 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B 6) – 2 mg;
  • folic acid (B 9) – 0.2 mg;
  • cobalamin (B 12) – 0.002 mg;
  • biotin (H) – 0.2 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) – 0.1 mg;
  • calcium – 1200 mg;
  • potassium – 2000 mg;
  • iron – 20 mg;
  • magnesium – 400 mg;
  • iodine – 0.2 mg;
  • zinc – 20 mg;
  • selenium – 0.07 mg;
  • copper – 2 mg.

Vitamin-rich foods

Even the highest quality vitamin preparations cannot replace a good diet. To maintain the body, it is better to eat well, and pharmaceutical complexes should be taken only when necessary.

To restore potency, you need to eat fatty fish every day and drink fish oil. Sperm quality improves with regular inclusion of potatoes in the menu, cereal porridge, sweet fruits, leafy greens. To improve immunity and prevent colds, you should eat currants, citrus fruits, and bell peppers. To maintain healthy vision, carrots must be present in the diet.



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