Recipe for homemade duck in the oven. Prepare Package Bake Crispy Addition Now you know how to cook homemade duck so that it is soft, juicy and delicious

Cooking a tasty and juicy duck is not easy. Often the cause of failure is an incorrectly chosen method of marinating - the basis for successful preparation of poultry. Duck meat, unlike chicken, is dry and tough, so it is necessary to marinate it. There are many marinades for duck, but we offer you the simplest and most effective ones. The duck needs to be marinated for at least 6 hours, only then the spices will reveal their aroma and the meat will be saturated with the juices of the marinade.

Marinade recipes are designed for 1 kg of duck


Dry red wine - 200 ml
. Honey - 50 g
. Water - 100 ml
. Salt, pepper, cumin (or other spices) - to taste

Mix all the ingredients, marinate the duck and refrigerate it for 8 hours.

Dry white wine - 1 glass
. Dry mustard - 1 teaspoon
. Juice of 1/2 lemon
. Onions - 2 pcs.
. Bay leaf, cloves - 3 pcs each
. Salt, black peppercorns, rosemary - to taste

Cut the onion into rings, place in a saucepan, pour in wine, add lemon juice, mustard, bay leaves, cloves, rosemary, pepper and salt. Mix well, put on low heat and bring to a boil. Remove marinade from heat and cool. Pour the marinade over the bird and leave for 8 hours.


Lemon - 1/2 pcs
. Salt - 1 teaspoon
. Ground red pepper - 2 teaspoons

Mix lemon juice with pepper and salt until smooth, rub the duck with the mixture and leave for 3 hours at room temperature.


Honey - 1 tbsp. spoon
. Lemon - 1 piece
. Soy sauce - 100 ml
. Garlic - 3 cloves
. Mustard - 2 teaspoons
. Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons
. Spicy herbs, ground black pepper - to taste.

Mix lemon juice with soy sauce and honey in a non-metallic container, place the container with the mixture in a water bath. Then, stirring, bring to a homogeneous consistency, add mustard and mix well. Place the container with the marinade on the lowest heat, squeeze the garlic into it, bring to a boil, but do not boil. Add crushed spices, pepper and quickly mix the mass. Then add mayonnaise, stir and remove from heat. Cool for 30 minutes and pour the marinade over the duck. Marinate for at least 8 hours.


Orange - 2 pcs.
. Garlic - 2 cloves
. Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons
. Spicy herbs, chili pepper - to taste

Peel the oranges and squeeze the juice into a marinating container. Add soy sauce, chopped garlic, herbs, pepper, salt. Mix everything well and coat the duck with the resulting marinade. Marinate for at least 4 hours at room temperature.


Dry white wine - 100 ml
. Onions - 2 pcs.
. Wine vinegar - 2 teaspoons
. Carnation - 2 stars
. Cinnamon - 1 stick (or ground - to taste)

Finely chop the onion and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Marinate the duck for at least 4 hours in the refrigerator. Place the bird in a colander and drain the marinade. You can start cooking the duck, and during the cooking process, pour the drained marinade over it.


Dry white wine 0 1 glass
. Water 0 1 glass
. Onions 0 1 pcs
. Garlic 0 5 cloves
. Salt, pepper 0 to taste
. Chili, paprika, nutmeg, coriander - to taste

Cut the onion into rings, finely chop the garlic and herbs, mix the ingredients and marinate the duck at room temperature for at least 4 hours.

Cooking wild or domestic duck with apples in the oven is not so simple. So it is unlikely that such a royal dinner at home will be timed to coincide with an ordinary event. Most likely, the owners will think about how to bake a duck or mallard in foil framed by apples, oranges or other delicacies on a special occasion. Here you need an extraordinary recipe for duck in a sleeve, in foil paper, in a duck pot or just on a baking sheet - take your pick.

Despite the fact that the duck is a very tasty and unpretentious bird, very little is bred in Europe, except in Europe. But the Chinese, Vietnamese, and Thais know a lot about cooking this “pearl of delicacies” whole in the oven or in small pieces. And each province necessarily has its own “most correct” recipe.

The popularity of duck meat is explained not only by the fact that it is quite affordable. Duck is a very valuable product with a high content of protein, fats, vitamins (especially groups B and A), and microelements. If you bake a duck in a medium-sized oven (2.2–2.5 kg), then an adult man will be able to get the amount of calories he needs for 3 days.

In general, duck meat:

  • promotes energy saturation;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • increases potency;
  • promotes the construction of new cells;
  • products obtained during breakdown are involved in hematopoiesis.

So, if you make this bird with apples in foil from time to time, you can not only enjoy a luxurious dish, but also improve your health.


There is no need to hide the fact that any oven-baked duck recipe requires time and following directions. This is the only way you will get a juicy, aromatic, and not overdried or overly fatty bird. Let's start with the most basic.

Recipe No. 1

Juicy, homemade stuffed with apples, the recipe for which is described below, is relatively simple to prepare. The main advantage of this dish is that even novice housewives can handle it. So, you will need:

  • small young duck - 1 carcass weighing 2–2.5 kg;
  • - 3 pcs.;
  • spices for rubbing the carcass (salt, black pepper, garlic, a little honey, a little soy sauce) - at the cook's choice.

Important: all recipes that use duck meat indicate that the tail must be removed. It is in this bird that the fat and fat glands have a specific, not entirely pleasant smell. You also need to cut off the last phalanx of the wings.

  1. We will need a prepared (without feathers, entrails, tail, fat near the thighs, excess skin on the neck) purchased whole duck. It must be defrosted at room temperature, rinsed thoroughly, and then immersed in boiling water for several minutes to scald the skin. Remove and dry inside and out.
  2. Mix the spices for rubbing and thoroughly treat the outside and inside of the carcass of the future duck with apples in the oven.
  3. Peel and cut the apples into large slices. We stuff the bird with them and sew up the belly and, if necessary, the neck.
  4. Preheat the oven to 220°C in the “bottom and top” heating mode.
  5. We wrap and place our bird in foil in the oven, after placing it on a baking sheet or frying pan.
  6. Fry for 20 minutes, then reduce the heat to +160°C. Cook for another 1 hour 20 minutes. Unwrap the bird, pour in the dripping fat, and fry at 200°C for another 10 minutes to get a crust. It should be red-brown.

This duck should be served in portioned pieces, preferably with “tangerine pancakes”, “onion brushes”, Joasin or plum sauce. If you don’t have any on hand, any sour sauce will do.

Recipe: “tangerine pancakes” are prepared from 250 ml of boiling water and 300 g. flour, fried in a frying pan into thin flat cakes in sesame oil; For “onion brushes”, cut the white part of the green onion into 4 parts and place it in ice water to make the “curls” curl, then spread the sauce with a brush.

Any mistress looks at the juicy duck in the oven. The question arises in your head: how to cook domestic duck so that it is soft and juicy? Duck difficult to process: unlike chicken, it dark and dense. However, a well-baked dish will please both you and your guests.

Roasting duck: how to choose?

A good dish requires a great one original product. Finding it is not as easy as it might seem: stores offer several options for duck meat. The main choice is between:

  • Broiler duck.
  • Duck raised on natural feed.

What's the difference? Broiler duck is less fatty, its meat is tender, and duck is natural food a bit harsh. Be careful: They may sell you a tough, old duck with a lot of sinew.

Find the young duck. To do this, focus on light fat and soft meat. Remember: duck is not a dietary product. This fact is more than pays off with the amount of nutrients in duck meat: vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Broiler ducks are especially good - their nutrition was as balanced as possible.

Juicy duck: the secret of cooking

Before cooking the duck any self-respecting housewife has question: how to make juicy, tasty duck with tender, golden crust? It often happens that the duck comes out:

  • Tough.
  • Not juicy.

There is duck in preparation a number of nuances that will help you achieve what you need result. We will talk about them further.

The first thing to remember: foil and parchment. The duck, well packed in several layers, is baked in its own juices. If previously soak the bird in the marinade, you can get a dish that will pleasantly surprise the whole family. Remember: the better you pack the duck, the juicier the result will be.

When it comes to stuffed duck, it's best use cereals, fruits and vegetables. Then you will be needed fewer layers of foil and parchment (or they will not be useful if we are talking about duck stuffed with apples). Spices and herbs are selected individually, depending on taste preferences.

Juicy duck in the oven can be made whole or in pieces. Remember: the first option retains more nutrients, but takes longer. The second simplifies cooking duck and saves time.

Dishes for juicy duck

An important nuance. For the duck to come out great, you need to choose the right packaging method and dishes. A deep baking sheet would be appropriate; a large baking dish would work well. It makes it easier to cook duck: You will need just cover the container with foil. To obtain a golden crust remains to be removed makeshift cover shortly before poultry is ready.

If you only have a frozen carcass, then you don’t have to choose. You need to defrost the carcass according to all the rules so that in the end the finished dish does not disappoint you. First put the frozen carcass in the refrigerator, maybe even overnight, then take it out and complete the defrosting process at room temperature. Rinse the prepared duck with running water and dry it by wiping it with a towel or paper napkins.

Prepare the filling and spices:

Before baking the duck in the oven, you need to rub the prepared carcass with crushed garlic cloves, salt, and spices. You can brush it with liquid honey and sprinkle with lemon juice, as in one of our recipes. It will be better if the duck is marinated in this form for several hours or even overnight. Pre-marinated duck will taste different from the one you baked right away. But in any case it will turn out delicious, if you don’t have time to wait, don’t worry that the dish won’t turn out.

It is known that duck is a fatty bird; most of the fat is in its skin. So that it melts and the skin contains only connective tissue, we suggest making shallow cuts on the breast. The skin will become thin and crispy, and the rendered duck fat can then simply be drained off.

Apples need to be washed and cut into slices. It is better to remove the core with seeds. A couple of fruits can be left whole and baked for decoration.

Place the apples in the duck with a bunch of herbs on them. If desired, you can fasten the edges of the abdomen in any convenient way (threads, toothpicks). Our step-by-step photo recipe skips this point.

Place the duck in the roasting sleeve and tie the edges of the sleeve at both ends. You can bake poultry not only in a sleeve, but also in a special bag for roasting chicken; the material is identical. But if the duck is large (long), then you may need two sleeves (if they are short). In this case, there is no need to fix the edges of the sleeves, just stretch the bags with a stocking from different sides, overlapping.

Don't forget to make holes in the bag or sleeve for steam to escape. It is better to make them on top so that the fat and duck juice remain inside and do not burn in the oven during baking.

If apples and duck are a familiar combination, then oranges can add an oriental taste and aroma to this dish. So, stuffed duck can also be cooked with citrus fruits.

We will cut one orange into thin rings and bake it in the oven on the lower tier. You will get beautiful orange chips that can be used to decorate and serve the finished dish.

The duck with apples in the sleeve is baked in a well-heated oven for at least 90 minutes at an oven temperature of 180-200 degrees.

In order for the finished duck to acquire an appetizing ruddy skin tone, the sleeve must be cut 15 minutes before the end of baking - the crust will become a rich color, closer to light brown.

I didn’t do this today, the color was just right and the crust was tender.

As described above, the fat can be easily skimmed off and your pan will remain clean.

Remove the apples from the carcass and use them as a side dish or an addition to it.

Duck baked with apples in the oven

If you decide to bake the duck in the oven in a regular baking dish, then in this case there are very few differences in the cooking scheme. For stuffing duck, it is advisable to take apples that are sour or sweet and sour, with firm flesh. “Simirenko” or “Antonovka” will do. Rinse the fruits thoroughly and cut off the peel if desired. Then remove the seed pod by cutting the apple into several segments. After this, chop the apples into thin slices or cubes. To prevent apples from oxidizing in the open air, you can sprinkle them with lemon juice.

Next you need to prepare the duck carcass. Take a suitable deep dish - a bowl or pan. Peel the garlic and pass through a press. Make a mixture for rubbing the carcass - combine vegetable oil, salt, spices and crushed garlic. Rub the resulting mixture thoroughly onto the duck. The ends of the wings can be trimmed and removed for noodles with giblets.

Now stuff the bird with apple pieces. After the last piece of apple is placed in the duck, the edges can be fixed - sewn or fastened with toothpicks. You can make cuts on the sides of the duck and place the wings there - this way the bird will retain its original shape during the baking process.

Place the duck, ready for baking, in the pan, breast side up. Add water to the mold. If you have any apples left, place them right there around the bird. Place the contents in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 15 minutes on the lower or middle tier. Then reduce the temperature to 180 degrees and bake the duck for another 1.5 hours - the bird will acquire an appetizing golden brown crust.

The readiness of the meat is checked in the traditional way by piercing it with a knife. The appearance of transparent fat indicates that the meat is ready. If fat with a pinkish tint is released, this indicates that the duck is not ready yet and it is too early to take it out of the oven. There is no danger of ending up with over-dried meat, since apples contain quite a lot of liquid. But if the apples around the duck start to burn, you need to immediately add a little water.

The finished stuffed duck should be carefully transferred to a plate and the toothpicks (threads) removed. It is better not to eat pieces of apples that were baked near the carcass, as they have absorbed fat.

Usually a whole carcass is prepared specifically for the festive table, but on weekdays you can cut up the duck and fry it or stew it with gravy.

If the holidays are approaching, it is better to choose in advance which filling to choose for the stuffed duck. In addition to the classic methods, you can stuff the belly with porridge, vegetables (it will be very tasty with stewed sauerkraut), dried apricots and prunes, oranges and quinces. The filling is usually consumed together with meat.

If you are worried that the finished bird may not have a very pleasant taste or smell, then play it safe and marinate the bird several hours before stuffing and baking. Don't forget to cut off the tail and then marinate the duck in lemon juice, vinegar, wine, herbs and spices. Duck meat becomes more tender and flavorful.

Experienced housewives recommend boiling the duck for about 20 minutes before baking - the duck should be half cooked. Then, during baking, you need to periodically pour broth over it. This tactic will allow the poultry meat to simply “fall away” from the bones at the first touch. Needless to say, you have hardly tasted juicier and more flavorful meat. Experiment with marinades, ingredients for spreading the carcass and stuffing and you will certainly find out which recipe is ideal for you.

Another baking option is in dough.

How to cook duck in dough

If you want to complicate your task and at the same time surprise your guests and family, bake a duck stuffed with something in dough. Fragrant, fragrant bread soaked in duck fat will not leave anyone indifferent.

I won't repeat myself

Best regards, Anyuta.

It is necessary to cook in such a way that the taste of food enchants with its unusual nature. Duck meat in itself is very tasty, and if you add a fragrant and rich marinade to it, you will get an amazing dish that everyone will appreciate! Moreover, it is not necessary to have special cooking skills; all the subtleties and secrets will be provided in each recipe.

  • Soy sauce marinade
  • Kiwi marinade with mayonnaise
  • Marinade with lemon
  • Marinade with oranges
  • Honey marinade
  • Mustard marinade
  • Marinade with garlic
  • Peking duck
  • Marinade with pomegranate juice
  • Marinade with mayonnaise
  • Marinade with wine
  • Classic marinade

Soy sauce marinade


Half a glass of soy sauce (personal preference);
- 3 tablespoons of water;
- a tablespoon of liquid honey (if it is thick, heat it and it becomes liquid);

- a tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of mustard (liquid);
- 3 tablespoons of ketchup.


Pour hot water into a deep cup and dissolve sugar crystals in it. After this, add all the ingredients, including finely grated garlic. The prepared duck carcass is rubbed with the resulting mixture on a deep baking sheet. The marinade that drains will be needed to periodically rub the bird, because it is left to steep for at least 12 hours in a cool place.
It is not uncommon for a carcass to be marinated in the refrigerator for 24 hours, because poultry meat has a peculiar tough structure and wild ducks often have a specific smell (mud or fish). This is why marinating takes a long period of time.

After the marinating time is up, wrap the duck in foil and place it in a baking dish, pour plain water on the bottom and place it in the oven over high heat. When the water at the bottom of the mold begins to boil, reduce the heat and simmer for at least 2-3 hours.

To test, the duck is removed from the oven, the place where the foil is folded (which is done in advance on the surface) is slightly opened and checked for readiness. In order for the bird to have a golden, appetizing color, before finishing cooking, remove the foil completely and increase the heat. Thus, the duck will have a golden, crispy crust within 5-10 minutes.

Kiwi marinade with mayonnaise


Juice of half a lemon;
- 2 kiwis;
- a few tablespoons of mayonnaise;
- a tablespoon of sugar and the same amount of soy sauce;
- dry spices, including salt to taste and personal preference.


Choose soft kiwi, then the peel of the fruit can be easily removed and it is easier to make a puree from it. Then add soy sauce and finely squeezed garlic. Mix with lemon juice, mayonnaise and adjust with spices. The marinade must be concentrated, because, having distributed it over the bird carcass, it must imbue the meat with its aroma and spices.

After obtaining a homogeneous consistency, begin to rub the whole carcass. Next, place it in a sleeve and leave overnight or for at least 12 hours. Then shake it so that the drained marinade gets back onto all parts of the bird and bake it in the oven until done.

Marinade with lemon


Onion head;
- juice of a whole lemon;
- 3 tablespoons of liquid mustard and the same amount of honey;
- spices, salt.


Onions are crushed into a paste and combined with lemon juice and spices. Mix the resulting mass with mustard and honey, and then rub the prepared bird carcass and leave to marinate for a day. After this, wrap the duck in foil and bake until done.

Marinade with oranges


2 large oranges and the same number of lemons;

- dry spices, salt.


The bird is kept in this marinade for 24 hours, only then will it “melt in your mouth” after cooking. Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits, combine with spices and oil, and thoroughly rub the carcass on all sides. Then they are sent to the refrigerator for marinating. Next, bring it to readiness in the oven using a baking bag.

Honey marinade


Juice of one lemon and one apple;
- a tablespoon of olive oil;
- 3 tablespoons of honey;
- dry spices, salt.


Fruit juice is mixed with liquid honey, spices and oil. Rub the poultry carcass with the resulting mixture and leave to marinate for at least a day. Then the bird is greased again and wrapped in foil for baking. Place in the oven and cook. To determine readiness, you can pierce the carcass with a wooden skewer; if the juice of the bird is clear, it means it is ready.

Mustard marinade


3 tablespoons of liquid honey;
- a few teaspoons of mustard;
- a small piece of ginger;
- dry spices, salt;
- 3 cloves of garlic.


Many neat punctures are made in the prepared carcass using wooden toothpicks. Next, ginger and garlic are grated into a paste to extract juice. Then mix with the rest of the ingredients and rub the bird. They are left to marinate for 12 hours, and after that they are placed in a baking sleeve and sent to the oven.

Marinade with garlic


5-6 cloves of garlic;
- 4 tablespoons of soy sauce;
- a mixture of spices, salt.


In a deep bowl, mix soy sauce with spices and salt, and then add finely grated garlic to them. Stir the mixture and rub the duck carcass with garlic marinade. Leave to soak the meat for at least 12 hours. Then bake until done.

Peking duck


A glass of rice wine;
- a piece of ginger (3 g);
- 5 tablespoons of soy sauce and the same amount of honey;
- half a glass of warm water;
- a teaspoon of corn starch;
- 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar;
- spices.


Prepare a deep bowl for the marinade. Pour in rice vinegar and mix with wine and honey. Ginger is grated into a paste, combined with spices and placed in a bowl. Next, the marinade is boiled for 10 minutes. Starch is dissolved in prepared water and added carefully, stirring into the marinade, which begins to thicken. The resulting mixture is rubbed onto the bird carcass and left to marinate for 10-12 hours. Then it is baked.

Marinade with pomegranate juice


A glass of pomegranate juice;
- a glass of soy sauce;
- spices.


The juice is combined with spices and the bird carcass is rubbed. Before marinating, many punctures are made in the duck with sharp toothpicks. Then the marinade will be able to better saturate the meat and make it aromatic and tasty. Leave for 10-12 hours in a cool place, periodically turning the bird carcass so that it is better saturated with juice. After waiting time, bake until done.

Marinade with mayonnaise


A glass of mayonnaise;
- half a glass of soy sauce;
- one fresh tomato;
- a few cloves of garlic;
- a tablespoon of honey;
- spices.


The tomato is peeled and crushed into pulp (you can do this in a mortar). Mayonnaise, soy sauce, grated garlic, honey, spices and tomato are mixed in a deep bowl. The resulting mixture is rubbed onto the bird's carcass and left for a day. Then bake in foil in a deep baking pan until cooked.

Marinade with wine


2 glasses of red wine;
- 100 g honey;
- a glass of water;
- spices, salt.


The ingredients are mixed and the bird carcass is dipped into them, which is left for at least 12 hours, turning over periodically so that the marinade has time to soak in everywhere. Next, the duck is placed in a duckling pan, the marinade is poured into it and cooked first over high heat, and then it is reduced and the bird is simmered for several hours. To create a golden color, remove the lid at the end of cooking.

Marinade with orange, honey and soy sauce


Juice of 3-4 oranges;
- a glass of soy sauce;
- 2 tablespoons of honey;
- spices.


All ingredients are mixed in a deep bowl and rubbed over the bird carcass. Then place the duck in the duckling pan, pour out the remaining marinade, cover with a lid and leave in a cool place for 10 hours, periodically turning the bird over to better absorb the marinade.

After this, wrap the duck in foil, transfer it to a baking sheet (on which you pour water) and put it in the oven for 3-4 hours. Check the readiness with a wooden skewer (by piercing the bird carcass); if the juice is clear (without blood), then the duck is ready.

Classic marinade


A tablespoon of sugar;
- several heads of onions;
- a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soy sauce;
- 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;
- spices.


Salt, sugar and soy sauce are mixed. Onions are cut into thin rings, vinegar and spices are added to it. After that, all the ingredients are combined and rubbed on the duck. Leave overnight in a cool place. When the bird is marinated, it is transferred to a deep baking sheet, covered with foil and baked until cooked.

Duck meat is distinguished by its tissue structure and taste. That is why quick marinating is inappropriate here. To prepare juicy, tender meat, it is kept in the prepared marinade for at least 10 hours, even if the duck is young.

The poultry does not cook quickly; as a rule, it takes more than an hour, or even two. It is best when the meat is not “simmered” over high heat, because high heat will quickly fry the carcass, but will not cook it until done. As a result, the meat will be tough.

When cooking, turn on high heat for half an hour, and then reduce the heat. It is best to cover the bird with foil. This is done so that it does not burn during cooking, because the top is always fried quickly.

If the duck is baked without foil, then it is necessary to water it with the melted fat that has formed at the bottom. Moreover, this must be done throughout the frying process. Bon appetit!



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