Psoriasis on the hands, causes and treatment. Non-hormonal ointments include

Many people suffer from chronic psoriasis. More than half of them have psoriasis on their hands. Psoriatic plaques can affect the extensor surface, hands, even the entire surface of the arms. Treatment of psoriasis on the hands requires special care since they are in constant contact. Any rash that appears should alert you - this may be the initial stage of psoriasis on the hands.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the hands

First symptoms psoriasis on hands(photo 2) are clearly expressed, and it is simply impossible not to notice them. The appearance of single lesions is most often noticed on the back side or between the fingers. Psoriasis on the hands begins suddenly, often unnoticeably. Few people will pay attention to a small rash, mistaking it for an allergy.

Only when the first symptoms of psoriasis appear on the hands - gray, dry scales - do treatment begin. They are treated more often at home, preferring self-medication to qualified help. There is a type of people who, without knowing thoroughly, begin to lead a secluded lifestyle.

Psoriatic elements can appear in areas of minor damage. Often, under the guise of ordinary psoriasis, a more dangerous condition can be hidden. In psoriasis that has taken effect, peeling decreases, old papules stop growing, and new nodules do not form. Psoriasis on the hands looks quite unattractive.

The initial stage of psoriasis on the hands

The skin of the hands becomes covered with small papules. They are round and smooth, their surface is shiny and their contours are clear. This is what it looks like psoriasis on the hands in the initial stage(photo 3). After a couple of days, the papules begin to peel off. The silvery-white scales are easily removed. After some time, the initial stage of psoriasis on the hands begins to progress, increasing the size of the rash. This period is very similar to, covering a significant area of ​​the arms. Under the scales of the papule, the surface is smooth, glossy, it is called the terminal film. Psoriasis on the fingers in the initial stage (photo below) mainly begins to appear between the fingers. It is there that the environment is most favorable for him. Psoriasis on the hands in the initial stage has 3 specific phenomena:

  • stearin stain;
  • psoriatic film;
  • blood dew.

Treatment of psoriasis on the hands

Building a tactical treatment of psoriasis on hands, you should be guided by a number of parameters. The presence of pathologies, age, and type of psoriasis are taken into account. Treatment of psoriasis on the hands is nothing less than comprehensive. During this period, the latest methods of healing the disease are successfully used. According to her technology, treatment for psoriasis on the hands involves surgery. Dr. Martynov proposed the most effective technique: restoration of the small intestinal valve. This method is so effective that psoriasis on the hands may not bother you for several years. The next method is narrowband phototherapy. It is thanks to her that it successfully passes with the most minimal side effects. Phototherapy occupies one of the leading places, and the treatment of psoriasis on the palms of the hands is much faster.

How to treat psoriasis on the hands

This is the most popular question among patients. Treating psoriasis on the hands must be guided by the main directions. As an addition, the doctor may suggest other methods, but taking into account all the criteria. Before you treat psoriasis on the hands(photo 5), a biopsy is performed. This way you can exclude diseases similar to psoriasis. The standard method is ointment for psoriasis on the hands.

Now their choice is wider and their action is more effective. When healing, it is very important to prevent the skin from drying out. Psoriasis on the hands is treated with antihistamines, non-steroidal drugs, and sedatives. Depending on the stage, psoriasis on the hands is treated with keratolytic or reducing agents.

How to treat psoriasis on hands at home

To this day, doctors do not have a consensus on how to permanently cure psoriasis on the hands. Treatment of illness at home is an important part of therapy. To successfully treat psoriasis on hands at home, you must follow several rules. The most important are diet and hygiene. This is especially necessary if there is psoriasis between the fingers (photo 6), since the skin here is more delicate and vulnerable. The difficulty lies in maintaining the skin in a certain condition: not overdrying, but also avoiding waterlogging. Psoriasis on the palms of the hands is treated with special moisturizing ointments and baths. The rough skin in these places becomes significantly thicker due to the disease. During treatment, psoriasis on the palms requires special care.

Folk remedies for psoriasis on the hands

During the period when the first symptoms appear, folk remedies for treating psoriasis on the hands are especially effective. For a long time it has been carried out mainly using celandine. It is possible to completely clear the skin of plaques if you use fresh grass juice over 3 summer periods. Celandine ointment is also used, which is rubbed onto the affected areas.

To relieve symptoms of the disease, there are traditional methods of treating hand psoriasis: you need to take a couple of tablespoons of chicory root, having first crushed it, then pour boiling water over it and put it in a saucepan on the fire for 15 minutes. After straining the broth, you need to moisten the bandage and treat the sore spot. Traditional methods of treating hand psoriasis also recommend using animal products. For example, chicken eggs, fat. Chicken eggs are ground, then oil is squeezed into the resulting mixture. This composition in the form of a compress is applied to the affected area.

Psoriasis on fingers(photo 7) can be treated well with meadowsweet root, nut skins, and agrimony. Wheatgrass also helps a lot. Dried wheatgrass roots are infused for 4 hours, and then this solution is used for baths. Quite often, when reviewing folk remedies for psoriasis on the hands, you can find many recipes with berry juice and birch tar.

It is impossible to completely replace the treatment of a disease with folk remedies alone - the effect can only be achieved with complex treatment.

- palmoplantar type of pustular psoriasis, affecting exclusively the skin of the palms and soles. The primary element is a bright pink papule, transforming into a plaque, arising against the background of hyperemia of the skin surface, accompanied by itching and peeling. The plaques merge with each other, forming foci of hyperkeratosis, sometimes some of the foci begin to resolve from the center. The surface of the palms and feet loses elasticity, cracks appear, and secondary infection occurs. The diagnosis is made clinically with histological confirmation. During the treatment process, external antiseptics, hormonal ointments and PUVA therapy are used.

The allergic theory comes down to the fact that when exposed to any foreign antigen, the skin, already sensitized by taking medications, sunlight, infection and temperature fluctuations, gives a super-strong response with the production of a large number of antibodies that destroy dermal cells and the development of an autoimmune reaction. Separately, mention should be made of another autoimmune reaction resulting from viral HIV infection, which leads to a change in the number of lymphocytes, which, in combination with apoptosis (regulated programmed cell death), is visually manifested by the same rashes on the skin.

Classification of psoriasis of the palms and soles

In modern practical dermatology, three forms of the pathological process are distinguished depending on the predominance of certain primary elements:

  1. Vulgar(typical, papular-plaque) form, characterized by a rash of dense pink papules and plaques up to 2.5 mm in diameter with clear boundaries, covered with silvery scales. Primary elements are tightly fused to the underlying tissues, combined with skin cracks and secondary infection, which often makes it impossible to identify the diagnostic triad.
  2. Horny(psoriatic “callus”) a form characterized by dense, yellowish, oval-shaped horny lesions up to 3 cm in diameter, poorly flaky, with a tendency to merge.
  3. Barbera psoriasis(vesicular-pustular variety), the rarest form of the pathological process, manifested by a rash of single bullae with serous-purulent filling and blurred boundaries against the background of skin hyperemia. When the elements merge, large purulent areas with oozing (“purulent lakes”) appear.

Symptoms of psoriasis of the palms and soles

Despite some differences between different forms of palmoplantar psoriasis, common signs of dermatosis can be identified. On somewhat swollen and hyperemic skin in the area of ​​​​the palms and soles, very small (1-1.5 mm) primary papular elements appear, transforming into plaques, which, merging, form dense foci with clear outlines. The elements practically do not rise above the level of healthy skin. Due to hyperkeratosis, cracks form on their surface, causing pain that impairs the ability to work and negatively affects the patient’s quality of life. Over time, the inflammation subsides, hyperkeratosis intensifies, the lesions turn yellow and thicken, almost completely covering the palm or sole.

Berber psoriasis progresses somewhat differently. The primary element of this form of dermatosis is a pustule, which is prone to merging and forming large purulent foci with sterile contents. The pustules dry out and form crusts with typical psoriatic large-plate peeling. The rash is localized on the arch of the foot and in the area of ​​the big toe. A feature of psoriasis of the palms and soles is the possible presence of single plaques on other areas of the skin.

Diagnosis of psoriasis of the palms and soles

Clinical diagnosis is carried out by Andrews bacteride, gonorrheal and arsenic hyperkeratosis and hand-plantar-oral syndrome caused by the Coxsackie virus.

Treatment and prevention of psoriasis of the palms and soles

Treatment of the disease is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. In systemic therapy, drugs are administered orally or by injection. The list of drugs used includes glucocorticoids, aromatic retinoids, cytostatics, immunosuppressants and special photoactive compounds. The best results are obtained by combining PUVA therapy for psoriasis with the subsequent addition of an excimer laser. Hormonal ointments are used externally in pure form or in combination with salicylic acid. Vitamin D3 analogues, fat-soluble vitamins are prescribed in courses of 30 days, baths with bran, string and celandine.

For prevention purposes, you should follow an anti-atherogenic nutritional profile, exclude chocolate, coffee and alcohol from your diet (products that can trigger a relapse). It is necessary to make a choice in favor of a healthy lifestyle, ensure that the skin of your hands is not in contact with provoking factors, use gloves when working around the house, wear thick socks in the cold season and use open shoes in the summer. When prescribing medications, consultation with a dermatologist is required. The prognosis is relatively favorable.

As you can see from the photo in the article, psoriasis on the palms at the initial stage manifests itself in the form of red rashes with flaky skin, which are characterized by specific itching and tightness from increased dryness.

The disease does not threaten the patient's life, but causes aesthetic discomfort, and in severe forms can cause arthritis of the joints. Advanced stages of the disease can lead to disability or disability, so you should promptly seek diagnosis and treatment from a dermatologist.

Manifestations of psoriasis on the palms

Symptoms of psoriatic dermatosis

The first signs of the disease should be the appearance of red spots on the palms, between the fingers and sometimes on the hands. As a result of increased dryness of the skin, painful cracks and inflamed areas form on it. Pustular psoriasis of the palms is characterized by the appearance of a rash with skin plaques on the surface and non-infectious contents inside the pustules themselves.

Manifestations of psoriasis on the palms

Causes of palmar psoriasis

Among the many factors that can provoke the disease are:

  • Allergic reactions;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas;
  • Excess weight;
  • Metabolism and endocrine system dysfunction;
  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Chronic depression, stress or nervous tension.

Preventive and therapeutic measures

Treatment of psoriasis on the palms of the hands involves a long, labor-intensive process and an integrated approach to solving the problem. Psoriatic rashes most often affect skin exposed to mechanical friction, pressure and contact, so the disease of the palms is difficult to cure. Accordingly, first of all, the physical and chemical effects of third-party irritants on the affected areas of the skin should be minimized.

As a preventive measure, you should apply moisturizing creams based on natural ingredients with a healing effect to the skin of your hands every day, regardless of the course of the disease. Also, giving up bad habits, spicy, salty, smoked, fatty and canned foods will help reduce symptoms and reduce the risk of relapse of the disease. In combination with topical medications, non-traditional folk methods for treating psoriasis can be used.

It is recommended to make compresses, baths and decoctions from such compositions of medicinal herbs as juniper, celandine and birch tar. You can also prepare your own cream at home using petroleum jelly, honey, vegetable oils and anti-inflammatory plant tinctures. In addition, ultraviolet radiation has a beneficial effect on the course of some forms of psoriasis of the palms, before using which you should definitely consult a doctor.

Unfortunately, psoriasis today is considered a chronic and incurable disease. However, with the help of complex therapy, it is possible to achieve long-term remission of the disease, when its symptoms are less noticeable or disappear altogether. A dermatologist will be able to prescribe effective treatment for you after making a diagnosis and determining the type and extent of the disease.

It is worth remembering that the skin of the hands is most susceptible to excessive dryness and injury, so it must be constantly moisturized. Also, to avoid exposure to chemicals, you should protect your hands with gloves. In addition to topical preparations in the form of creams and ointments, it is also recommended to use vitamin complexes to maintain the body's defenses.

You should not overdo it with fatty creams, since such an environment is conducive to the growth of bacteria. In addition, you should completely stop using cosmetics and manicure procedures. Nails should be cut short and covered with transparent medicinal enamels.

One of the forms of non-infectious chronic disease may be psoriasis on the hands. It causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. Due to numerous plaques, it becomes more difficult for him to do household chores. The patient develops self-doubt, against the background of which isolation and social withdrawal develop. With this diagnosis, psoriatic rashes affect the fingers, palms, nails and other areas of the hands. It is very difficult to cope with the disease on your own. If a person intends to be cured, he should seek help from a qualified specialist.

Doctors identify various reasons for the formation of psoriatic rashes on the hands. Each individual case requires individual treatment. To correctly determine the therapy, the doctor must find out the factor that led to the activation of the autoimmune disease. The reason for the development of psoriasis on the hands may be due to the following conditions:

  1. Immune system dysfunction;
  2. Psycho-emotional stress;
  3. Hereditary predisposition;
  4. Metabolic disorder;
  5. Poor nutrition;
  6. Bad habits;
  7. Chronic skin diseases;
  8. Climate change;
  9. Intoxication of the body.

Psoriatic rashes on the hands are often caused by long-term use of medications. If left untreated, plaques can spread to the joint area, grow on the shoulders and other parts of the body.

Among the provoking factors of exacerbation is intoxication, including after long-term use of a number of medications


To find out in what form psoriasis manifests itself on the hands, you should look at photos of patients with this disease. Pictures in medical reference books and on thematic websites can be used for comparison with rashes on your body that are not natural. The disease can also be recognized by its characteristic symptoms.

Symptoms of psoriasis on the hands are:

  • Redness of the skin of the upper extremities;
  • Severe dryness;
  • Swelling and thickening of the layers of skin;
  • Cracking of formed pustules;
  • Pain in the affected areas;
  • Merging of single rashes.

People who are predisposed to the disease should definitely know what psoriasis looks like. Then they will be able to identify it in a timely manner and begin treatment, without waiting for the pathological rash to grow.

Symptoms of psoriasis: skin becomes red and cracked

Stages of the disease

It is much easier to cure psoriasis in the first stage of spread. To understand how to overcome psoriasis on your hands, you first need to find out at what stage of development it is at.

In total, there are 3 main phases of the development of psoriasis, which is localized in the hand area:

  • Progressive. Small rashes begin to appear on healthy skin. They have light scales in the center. Gradually, the rash grows, resulting in the formation of plaques;
  • Stationary. The rashes stop appearing. Their growth also stops. The surface that is affected by psoriasis begins to peel off;
  • Regressive. The plaques become flat, stop flaking much and gradually dissolve. There will be no traces left on the skin where they were located.

The condition of the skin and the presence of certain symptoms in the patient help determine whether psoriasis belongs to one of the stages.

Psoriasis is characterized by exacerbation and subsidence of symptoms

How to treat psoriasis on the hands

Psoriasis on the hands requires complex therapy. The most important thing is to take medications and treat plaques with local remedies. Additionally, doctors recommend taking a course of physiotherapeutic procedures that have a positive effect on the condition of the skin.


At the initial stage of psoriatic disease, which leads to the formation of plaques on the hands, the use of the following means is required:

  1. Salicylic ointment;
  2. Glucocorticosteroids with local action;
  3. Fluorinated glucocorticosteroids;
  4. Triamcinolone acetonide cream.

Drugs that belong to this group must be handled very carefully. They are quite dangerous to health, as they can cause serious complications and side effects. Sometimes after stopping the medication, the disease worsens even more.

As a result of prolonged treatment with these drugs, signs of malaise may occur, which are expressed in the form of excess hair growth and atrophy. Therefore, their use is allowed only after a doctor’s prescription.


Psoriasis on the hands can be treated with drugs that contain the substance calcipotriol. The initial stage of the disease is much more amenable to such therapy. Although it is better to use it in the last stages of development. Unlike previous medications, products with calcipotriol do not lead to skin atrophy. They also do not have a withdrawal effect.

Calcipotriol should be used once a day. The daily dosage of the drug should not exceed 15 g. The first results of treatment according to this regimen become noticeable in about 2 weeks. A medication course using these drugs should not last more than 2 months.

Daivonex is one of the most famous drugs containing calcipotriol

Preparations based on tar and naphthalan

Psoriasis, which affects the area of ​​the hands, fingers and palms, responds well to treatment with drugs containing tar and naphthalan. They are relatively safe for health and have a relatively low cost. Therefore, such treatment will be affordable for many patients.

During treatment with tar and naphthalan agents, it is necessary to adhere to a number of rules. Doctors do not recommend using them in the fight against a disease that has spread to large areas of the skin. If you neglect this advice, you can intensify the development of the pathological process. In addition, tar medications can lead to complications of chronic diseases.

Psoriasis on the hands can be treated with injections of antihistamine solutions. It will also not hurt to administer sodium thiosulfate in an amount of up to 10 ml per day. A 10% calcium chloride solution is often prescribed in this volume. In addition, the doctor may prescribe medications with a sedative effect.

When treating psoriatic rashes on the hands, it is customary to use gels. A positive result is achieved after using creams. Ointment therapy is no less effective. All these drugs may contain hormones or consist of natural ingredients. Hormonal ointment for psoriasis on the hands is most often used for advanced disease. In the initial stages, you can get by with safer topical medications.

If necessary, doctors recommend that patients resort to more aggressive means that do not give the disease a single chance. We are talking about aromatic retinoids. One of the best among them is tazarotene aqueous gel at a concentration of 0.05% or 0.1%.

There are many retinoid drugs, it is impossible to choose the right one on your own

The following are prescribed as auxiliary drugs:

  • TNF inhibitors;
  • Keratolytic agents;
  • Immunomodulators.

If the treatment works, the disease goes into remission. The patient ceases to be bothered by her symptoms until the next exacerbation. Preventive measures that maintain normal health help to avoid new outbreaks of the pathological process.

Traditional treatment

To treat or prevent psoriasis on the hands, you can use products prepared according to traditional medicine recipes. With their help it is impossible to cope with the disease. But they significantly enhance the effect of medications and physiotherapeutic procedures, which is also an important advantage.

It is worth trying to overcome psoriatic disease using the following folk remedies:

  1. Homemade ointment. It is prepared from celandine powder (1/2 tsp), baby cream (5 g) and chicken egg white. The resulting mixture must be applied to the skin of the hands about 3 times a day until the painful rashes disappear;
  2. Baths with sea salt. This remedy is recommended for patients whose psoriasis develops at the last stage;
  3. Natural oils. To moisturize dry skin, you need to use this product. Flaxseed, apricot, olive and sea buckthorn oils are perfect;
  4. Solid oil. This substance in its pure form must be applied to the affected areas of the hands every evening before bed.

It is best to combine several home remedies with each other to speed up recovery.

Herbal treatment

Herbal medicine shows itself on the positive side. For psoriasis, it is indispensable. In order for herbs to help get rid of psoriatic plaques on the hands, you need to know exactly in what form and quantity to use them.

To eliminate the signs of psoriasis on the hands, you can use the following medicinal plants:

  1. Celandine. To treat painful rashes you will need its juice. They should be applied liberally to the plaques, being careful not to get it on healthy skin, so as not to cause a burn. The duration of such treatment should not exceed 3 months;
  2. Sunflower. It is used to make therapeutic compresses. You will need young baskets of the plant, which should be ground. Then water is added to the resulting mass. The finished compress is applied to the entire affected area. Sunflower will prevent the disease from spreading and relieve inflammation;
  3. A mixture of chamomile, celandine, mint, lavender and linden. A healing decoction is prepared from them, which is then added to the hand bath.

It is worth trying to prepare various decoctions and infusions from those plants that can help eliminate painful symptoms. The most important thing is that a person is not allergic to the herbs that he uses.

Many plants are allergens

Homeopathy and psoriasis

Many patients treat psoriasis that has spread to their hands using homeopathic remedies. They are selected depending on the constitutional structure of a person. This therapy helps to reconfigure the body and restore its disturbed balance.

Homeopathic medicines are usually combined with medicines that belong to the organotropic type. They have a special impact on the activities of internal organs and systems. The most popular are the following remedies, which are often used for psoriasis:

  • "Kalium arsenicosum";
  • "Sepia";
  • "Acidum nitricum";
  • "Arsenicum iodatum."

If you have questions about choosing the right remedy, you should contact an experienced homeopath.


Hand psoriasis can periodically subside and worsen. It is in the patient’s interests to keep the disease in remission for longer in order to avoid the appearance of plaques on different parts of the body. Preventive measures help cope with this problem:

  • It is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of the skin of your hands;
  • You should adhere to proper nutrition and give up bad habits;
  • It is necessary to periodically take vitamin complexes to strengthen the immune system;
  • Do not expose your hand skin to chemicals.

If a person does not violate these rules, then psoriasis will not bother him for a long time.

Who said that getting rid of psoriasis is difficult?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about radical treatment methods? This is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in the rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to a chronic form.

Red blistering blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We recommend reading the secret of cure from a dermatologist at the Russian Dermatology Center.

Inflammatory immune-dependent chronic genodermatosis, scaly lichen - this is the name of psoriasis. Translated from Greek, the word psoriasis means “itching.”

The history of the disease was first described by ancient scientists in the period from 25 to 45 AD. At that time, psoriasis was often confused with leprosy. The first to describe a number of signs characterizing psoriasis was Hippocrates. The scientist has 60 medical treatises.
Chronic skin diseases often occur in several members of the same family. According to statistics, psoriasis affects from 1 to 4% of the total population of the globe. And a quarter of patients suffer from pustular psoriasis of the palms and soles (Barber psoriasis).

Psoriasis of the palms and feet, causes

The main reason why the pathology develops is not fully known today. But there are a number of factors that can trigger the development of the disease.

The symptoms of the pathology directly depend on its type, shape and location. The following types and their clinical picture are distinguished.

Horny palmoplantar psoriasis

The skin lesions have a round shape, they are dense to the touch with a yellowish surface. The size of the rash varies from individual single papules to large plaques. The appearance of large affected areas of the skin is caused by the union of the edges of the affected areas of the skin.

Barber's pustular psoriasis

The course of the disease according to the Barber type is characterized by the appearance of initially small and symmetrically located psoriasiform and pustular lesions. Raised blisters appear above the surface of healthy skin. They contain a transparent inflammatory exudate (pustule). The problem area on the skin is located above and below the surface of the pustule. In these places, the skin thickens, peels off, swells, turns red and itches. This form of psoriasis is the most severe and its treatment is quite complex and lengthy.

Nail damage

As a result of damage to the palms and feet, numerous depressions appear on the patient’s nails. It is also observed when the nail plate is damaged, or rather there is a small spot under it that has a yellow-brown color. The nail may separate from its bed or split. This phenomenon is called thimble syndrome.

Treatment of palmoplantar psoriasis

Therapy for this localization of pathology is quite complex, due to high traumatism due to frequent irritation when washing hands and feet, as well as wearing shoes and clothes.

The goal of therapy is to reduce the proliferation of keratinocides and reduce the inflammatory process; the gradual use of drugs is important. At the first stage, the course is aimed at stopping the growth of pathogen cells. Next, anti-inflammatory drugs are used and the feet and palms are treated daily. For this, various ointments, creams, and lotions are used.

The anti-inflammatory effect prevents the further development of the disease, and the antiallergic properties of the drug used relieve itching and discomfort. Next, the affected areas of the skin are affected by the antifungal and antibacterial activity of the drug. And finally, healing ointments.

Therapy is carried out with external medications:

  • Cyclosporine is an immunosuppressive agent with antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.
  • Methotrexate is a cytostatic agent in the form of an ointment based on salicylic acid.
  • Acetretin, a drug from the retinoid group, has protective and preventive properties.

Medicine of our century has reached a completely new level of development. An example of this is the development of highly targeted treatments for psoriasis. The innovation lies in the use of immunocompetent cells that interact with each other at the level of chemical signals. And directing your action, accumulating the natural forces of the body in the fight against the disease. This is the so-called anti-T cell and anti-cytokine strategy.

These include the following drugs:

  • Thymodepressin;
  • Alefacept;
  • Efalizumab;
  • Basiliximab.

In combination with medications, UVB therapy is prescribed; the method is based on treatment using ultraviolet rays of a certain length.

There are three main types:

  • broadband;
  • narrowband;
  • selective.

The effect is maximum in combination with phototherapy; diet, drinking alkaline waters from sources rich in hydrogen sulfide, silicon, and radon are also required. Without a diet based largely on alkaline foods, therapy is practically ineffective.

Often the diagnosis of pustular psoriasis is perceived as a death sentence. A person who constantly feels discomfort in everyday life is more prone to depression and loss of faith in recovery. The unaesthetic appearance of one’s own palms, coupled with the constant itching of the feet, which are in shoes, daily increases irritability and weakens the patient’s nervous system. To suppress such an unstable psycho-emotional state, patients are recommended to take herbal-based sedatives, and also to improve their overall condition, treat yourself to a sanatorium-resort holiday at least once a year. Be healthy!

Psoriasis - how to get rid of a deadly autoimmune disease?

Judging by the fact that you are now reading these lines, victory in the fight against psoriasis is not yet on your side...

Have you already thought about radical treatment methods? This is understandable, because psoriasis can progress, resulting in the rash covering 70-80% of the body surface. Which leads to a chronic form.

Red blistering blisters on the skin, itching, cracked heels, peeling skin... All these symptoms are familiar to you firsthand. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause? We found an interesting interview with a dermatologist at the Russian Dermatology Center.



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