Vaccinations before travel: important tips. Childhood vaccinations before traveling abroad: mandatory and recommended

When planning a trip to distant countries, you need to remember that there are dangers for tourists there. various dangers, among which infectious diseases occupy a leading place. You can protect yourself from many of them using ordinary preventive vaccinations. They are given at government vaccination centers. medical institutions and in specialized commercial medical centers.

For those who have a negative attitude towards vaccination, it is worth emphasizing that contagious diseases that can be encountered in exotic countries are, for the most part, difficult to tolerate by tourists. It's even possible deaths. Therefore, by getting vaccinated before traveling, you can save your life.

Time frame for vaccination

For education sufficient immune defense the body needs time, so it is necessary to get vaccinated in advance - it is advisable to complete the vaccination campaign at least a month before the intended trip. More precise information about the time frame for the formation of immunity for each infection can be found in medical centers involved in preventive vaccinations.

In addition, we must not forget that some vaccinations have a validity period, after which the level of protective antibodies begins to fall and a person becomes vulnerable to an infectious disease. For example, vaccinations for adults must be repeated every 10 years. Immunity against also lasts about 10 years, so revaccination may be required (a special blood test will tell you more accurately about the level of anti-hepatitis antibodies). But it is necessary to be immunized against g every year, since virus strains are constantly changing.

Vaccinations that travelers need to do can be divided into two large groups:

  • Mandatory– are performed for everyone who has no contraindications.
  • Recommended- are welcomed by doctors, but are carried out only at the request of the person.

Both are important for travelers. Without mandatory vaccination tourists will not be allowed into countries where it is required. Well, if you don’t get the recommended vaccination, you can put your life in serious danger.

Mandatory vaccination

Fortunately, mandatory there are not so many vaccinations for travelers - only one, from yellow fever. This vaccination must be done when traveling to countries where cases of this infectious disease have been reported or where there are mosquitoes that carry the yellow fever virus. The list of such states is regularly reviewed by WHO. Today it consists of 20 states that explicitly require this vaccination, and 25 that have endemic zones, so they may be asked about vaccination upon entry.

Please note

Why is everyone afraid of yellow fever? This disease is transmitted through mosquito bites, that is, quite easily. People cannot always influence transmission factors. After infection, severe clinical picture with damage to many organs, 10-20% of patients die.

After immunization against yellow fever (it consists of just one injection), the patient is given certificate international standard , which begins to act on the 10th day after vaccination and remains effective for 10 years.

This certificate may be required not only upon arrival to endemic territories, but also upon return from them to other countries. A list of countries where yellow fever vaccination is mandatory can be found on the WHO website ( or CDC (

These vaccinations are more than mandatory. Many of them are included in the immunization calendar in Russia, so those who vaccinate their children and vaccinate themselves in accordance with medical requirements, no need to worry.

  • hepatitis – and;

Polio And hepatitis A - These are diseases that can be contracted by eating food or drinking water contaminated with the feces of a sick person. For developing Asian and African countries, such transmission of infections is very typical, since they do not have an established control system for water resources and the catering industry. Thus, vaccinations recommended by doctors are actually no less important than mandatory ones.

Now let’s take a closer look at what vaccinations you should get before traveling to the destinations that modern tourists love.

Vaccinations before traveling to India

The causative agents of many infectious diseases circulate in India, including typhoid and rash typhus, hepatitis A and E, polio, various exotic fevers, etc. There are no vaccinations against all of them, but it is advisable to get vaccinated against those that are available. Thus, for tourists from Russia, it is recommended before traveling to India vaccination against hepatitis A, typhoid fever and polio.

Vaccinations before holiday in Vietnam

It is advisable for people planning to travel to this country to get vaccinated t hepatitis A and typhoid fever. In addition, if the tourist route includes a stay in rural areas, it is also recommended to get vaccinated from Japanese encephalitis and rabies.

Vaccinations before traveling to Thailand

Holidays in Thailand are very popular among tourists. In order not to overshadow your long-awaited trip to this exotic country, it is advisable to vaccinate all family members in advance from hepatitis A and typhoid fever. It also wouldn't hurt to get vaccinated from hepatitis B, which is transmitted parenterally– through needle pricks and sexual intercourse. This recommendation is especially relevant for those who want to experience Thailand from an “adult” side.

Vaccinations before traveling to the Dominican Republic

Before traveling to this country, it is advisable to go through everything routine vaccinations for children and adults - from diphtheria, tetanus, measles, mumps, hepatitis B. Additionally, you can protect yourself from hepatitis A and typhoid fever in case you have to eat outside the hotels.

Vaccinations before holiday in Kenya

Many tourists associate a holiday in Kenya with a magnificent safari. Therefore, in order not to spoil the impressions of your trip to this African country, it is necessary to get vaccinated from yellow fever, and it is also advisable to get vaccinated from hepatitis A, typhoid fever, polio and rabies.

Vaccinations before traveling to Bangladesh

Bangladesh is a small Asian country for lovers of exotic and unforgettable holidays. Like other developing countries in Asia, Bangladesh has problems with sanitation, so all people coming here should take care of their health and get vaccinated against diseases transmitted through dirty hands, – from hepatitis A, typhoid fever, polio.

Vaccinations before traveling to Egypt and Tunisia

Egypt and Tunisia are not only beach resorts beloved by many tourists, but also poor developing countries, which are characterized by a high infectious morbidity rate. These countries do not require mandatory vaccinations for travelers from Russia, but to protect your health, from hepatitis A, typhoid fever and polio It is advisable to still get vaccinated.

Vaccinations before holiday in Costa Rica

Costa Rica is washed by two oceans and has beautiful beaches and exotic nature, which every year attracts more and more tourists from all over the world. Holidaymakers in this country are threatened by malaria, dengue fever, and hepatitis A and typhoid fever, against which it is recommended to vaccinate.

Vaccinations before traveling to China

Many people go to China for shopping or to try authentic Chinese food and sightseeing. In both cases, travelers may experience problems with the digestive system - traveler's diarrhea. Well, in order not to become a victim anymore serious illnesses, such as hepatitis and typhoid fever, it is worth getting vaccinated against them.

Vaccinations for a trip to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is home to world-class beaches, ancient sites and beautiful nature. People coming here need to take care in advance to avoid contracting infections from dirty hands (i.e. hepatitis and typhoid fever) And rabies.

Vaccination before traveling to Indonesia (to the island of Bali)

The amount of vaccination recommended for travelers to Indonesia, as in other Asian regions, is typhoid fever and hepatitis A. In addition to this, in recent years In this country, cases of mass morbidity have become more frequent, so you should not ignore this infection, which can affect both adults and children.

Vaccinations before traveling to Africa

Yellow fever occurs in many African countries, so you cannot plan a trip to them without vaccination against this infection. In addition, for your safety, it is advisable to undergo a course of vaccination against typhoid fever, meningococcal infection, rabies and polio. Unfortunately, there are no vaccines against other potentially dangerous infectious diseases for tourists (for example, malaria), so before traveling you should carefully read all the disease prevention recommendations for the selected country.

As you can see from the article, with just a few vaccinations, you can safely travel almost all over the world. If you have any doubts about what kind of vaccination you should get before traveling to a particular country, you can contact the embassy of that state. They will provide all the necessary information without any problems.

Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical observer, epidemiologist

When preparing for vacation, few of us take a responsible approach to the issue of vaccinations. Moreover, many tourists are completely unaware of the basic recommendations of doctors. What risks await those who move to a country with a very different climate?


3 minutes

Stories of friends who travel, for example, to India, Thailand, South Korea, to Cuba, they don’t get vaccinated and feel good, they really have a place to be. However, sometimes quite unpleasant incidents happen that you should remember when going on a trip.

The World Health Organization is sounding the alarm with good reason. Every year there are a lot of outbreaks around the world the most dangerous diseases, the existence of which our compatriots do not even suspect. Therefore, if you are planning a long trip, it would be a good idea to find out about the epidemiological situation at your destination.

On the international website you can find information on required and mandatory vaccinations, as well as general recommendations for trips to all countries of the world. The WHO website provides the most up-to-date data on vaccinations and disease outbreaks in different parts of the world.

In some countries, tourists may be denied entry if they do not have a document that confirms vaccinations. For example, vaccination against yellow fever is mandatory in a number of countries in Africa and South America. The fact is that it is almost impossible to protect yourself from the spread of infection - it is carried by local mosquitoes. The vaccine is given once every 10 years and no later than 10 days before departure.

Ideally, vaccination should be completed a month before the start of the trip. Although each vaccination has its own “subtleties”. Depending on the chosen direction, doctors most often recommend vaccination against hepatitis A and B, typhoid fever, rabies, Japanese and tick-borne encephalitis, meningococcal infection and cholera.

If you are traveling for a short time and plan beach holiday in tourist places, the risk of getting sick is reduced significantly. More attention to your health should be paid to those travelers who prefer a long vacation, plan camping in nature, and also plan to visit remote regions of the country and abandoned places.

Vaccination of tourists is carried out by both private and government offices immunoprophylaxis. It is important to find out about vaccine availability in advance, especially when it comes to rare vaccinations.

If you are not a supporter of vaccinations, it is worth considering general recommendations when traveling to distant lands, especially if you are heading to third world countries, with low level life:

  • wash your hands not only before eating, but as often as possible;
  • pour boiling water over raw fruits and vegetables before eating;
  • drink only bottled water, preferably opened by yourself;
  • do not drink drinks with ice;
  • be vigilant when contacting the local population;
  • avoid traveling to forests, jungles, and nature reserves;
  • do not contact animals.

In order to catch an unpleasant infection, it is not always necessary to travel far from home. Some diseases are also common in individual regions post-Soviet space.

Be careful and attentive to your health, because forewarned is forearmed.

Probably every parent, before traveling with their child, is looking for information about whether vaccinations are needed in the country they are visiting and which ones.

Let's first decide when to get vaccinated.

Vaccinations must be done at least a month before the intended trip. The body must completely overcome the virus that was injected into it and recover. If you intend to change the climate, then the body will need strength to acclimatize. In addition, it is during the period of acclimatization that a child (and an adult too) is susceptible to illness. The body simply will not have time to gain enough strength after vaccination to still fight a sudden ARVI/ARI, for example.

However, some vaccinations must be done several months before the planned date of travel, since the body needs time to develop stable immunity.
Typically, the vaccination package includes vaccinations against yellow fever, hepatitis A and typhoid fever. To date, the only mandatory vaccination is a yellow fever vaccine that can be given even to children from six months of age and to pregnant women. Vaccinations against other diseases are given at the request of the tourist.

More information about diseases:

Yellow fever

The only disease for which vaccination is required for travel to the following countries: Chad, Sudan, Congo, Peru, Brazil and Bolivia. (Although from the experience of close relatives it turned out that this vaccination is not so obligatory.)

Endemic countries (the virus is constantly present here): Angola, Argentina, Benin, Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Venezuela, Gabon, Guyana, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, French Guiana, Democratic Republic Congo, Cameroon, Kenya, Colombia, Congo, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Rwanda, Senegal, Sudan, Suriname, Sierra Leone, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, South Sudan, Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea and Ethiopia, Ecuador.

The vaccination is given to adults and children starting from 9 months of age. Immunity is developed in 10 days and lasts for 10 years.

Hepatitis A

Known as "jaundice". The infection is widespread in hot countries, especially those where there are problems with compliance sanitary standards. There is a chance of catching hepatitis A in Egypt, Turkey, India, Vietnam, South and Central America.
In principle, even those who do not travel outside of Russia can become infected with hepatitis A, because in our country, compliance with sanitary standards often leaves much to be desired. By the way, vaccination against hepatitis A is included in a number of regional vaccination calendars; for example, in Moscow it is given to children 3-6 years old.

A disease that occurs in tropical countries.
Malaria is common in African countries, Southeast Asia(including in countries of tourist destinations - India, Thailand, Vietnam). A traveler, in order to protect himself from possible malaria infection, must take a course antimalarial drugs. You start taking the medications 1-2 weeks before the trip, continue to take them throughout the trip and for another 4-6 weeks after returning home. But these drugs are toxic and breastfeeding incompatible.
During the trip, we must not forget about other safety measures: it is necessary to protect yourself from insect bites with the help of clothing and repellents
and simply don’t go into the wilds of the tropical jungle.

Dengue fever:

Found in the following countries: Brazil, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cayman Islands, Colombia, Malaysia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru, Thailand, Sri Lanka.
Here I will make a note: the mosquito that carries Dengue fever differs from the usual one in its color.

You need to be vaccinated against typhoid fever if you are traveling to an exotic country (for example, India, Vietnam, Egypt, Indonesia, etc.) and plan to eat not only in a hotel or large restaurants, but also outside the resort area, in rural areas. area, in small cafes.
The typhoid vaccine is used from age 2 and begins to work approximately one to two weeks after immunization. Immunity lasts for 3 years.

You need to treat your child’s health with care and scrupulousness, but you shouldn’t heal any sneeze either.
For example, I am not a supporter of injecting a child with everything and anything. I believe that immunity must work first of all. Well, if you do get vaccinated, then do it wisely: not all at once, not during a period of weakened immunity. According to the rules, the feasibility of vaccination must be confirmed by immunological tests, i.e. BEFORE vaccination, you need to know the person’s immunological status.

Don't be afraid to travel with children to remote corners of the planet. Danger can lurk everywhere, not only in exotic countries. Therefore, you need to observe minimum precautions and hygiene, be informed about the country you are going to, fill your first aid kit with first aid medications, and also have good insurance.

Summer... It's time for vacations and children's, the longest and most long-awaited holidays... In lately, in connection with the actively developing direction of foreign tourism, it is gaining enormous popularity family vacation- as they say, both the children are happy and the parents are delighted. But, before planning a trip abroad with your child, you need to carefully approach the issue of vaccinating your baby.

Today, some short-sighted parents naively believe that vaccinating a child who is going abroad for only five or six days is an absolutely pointless idea. Others, for some unknown reason, still do the obligatory injection, but literally a few days before departure, which in itself is wrong, because in such a short period the child’s body simply does not have time to develop immunity to a particular disease. Simply put, there is zero benefit from such a hasty visit to the doctor.

It is best to schedule a visit to the doctor approximately 7-8 weeks before departure, and a month before visiting a foreign country, it is recommended that children aged 6 months to one year be vaccinated against measles. Today, leading experts from the Ministry of Health strongly recommend that young travelers be vaccinated against diphtheria, mumps, tetanus, and for older children - against chickenpox and rubella.

Most doctors believe that before traveling to another country it is necessary to be fully vaccinated, especially if you are planning a visit to Thailand, India, China, Vietnam, etc. The risk of infection here is several times higher due to non-compliance elementary rules personal hygiene, and, in addition, a child can get sick by consuming low-quality food and poorly purified water. The most common diseases in this region are malaria, salmonellosis, intestinal infections And viral hepatitis"A".

As for Turkey, which is so popular among Russians, or the mysterious Egypt, cases of rubella are quite often reported here in children coming from Europe, mumps, measles, diphtheria and hepatitis B.

South America and African countries pose a threat to child's body in the form of yellow fever. Children aged 9 months and older can be vaccinated against this disease 10-12 days before travel. On subsequent visits to countries in this region, re-vaccination is not carried out, since the effect of the “magic injection” lasts for 10-15 years. And, by the way, you simply won’t be able to ignore a visit to the doctor by refusing a mandatory injection for yellow fever - at the border you will certainly be required to provide an international certificate of vaccination against this disease.

By the way, if you think that your child will be absolutely safe in such “deeply developed” countries as Austria and Germany, then you are mistaken - here little tourists face the danger of contracting tick-borne encephalitis.

Well, now in more detail about some types of vaccinations...

Vaccination against hepatitis A

You can become infected by drinking dirty water or poor quality food.

Countries that require vaccination to enter: Romania, Poland, Spain, Italy, all countries of Africa and Asia. But to travel to Israel, vaccination is not required.

This vaccination is performed at least 7-10 days before the trip. Vaccination for children can be carried out from 18-24 months, thereby babies receive guaranteed protection for 1-1.5 years. Repeated vaccination is carried out after 6-12 months, providing protection for 20 years. Children tolerate vaccination against hepatitis A very well, with virtually no complications or reactions.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis

The period of possible infection is spring-summer. The causative agent of the disease is the encephalitis tick.

Czech Republic, Austria, Far East, Khabarovsk and Krasnoyarsk territories.

Vaccination can be given to children starting from 6 months, but only if there is a high degree of infection. The first vaccination is carried out in October–November, the second in March–April. This step-by-step procedure provides long-term protection against tick-borne encephalitis in more than 90% of patients. To form stable immunity, it is necessary to carry out revaccination every 3 years.

Vaccination against malaria

Speaking about vaccination against malaria, it is worth noting that the vaccine itself is sufficient for this serious illness does not exist. To prevent it, chemoprophylaxis is carried out (the procedure for taking medicines according to a certain scheme), which begins at least 2 weeks before departure to another country, and continues throughout the trip and even after returning home (another month).

Countries where vaccination is required: all Asian countries, incl. Malaysia, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and India, as well as African states, Latin America(especially Brazil) and Oceania.

Vaccination against polio

This disease affects children aged 6 months to 5 years. You can become infected with the virus through dirty food, unwashed hands, and in some cases even through airborne droplets.

Where vaccination is required: all African countries, but especially when entering Egypt, Nigeria, India, as well as some Asian countries, such as Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan.

In conclusion, I would like to add: no matter what country you arrive in, whether your child has been vaccinated or not, the primary task of all vacationers (and especially for parents of young tourists) was, is and remains personal hygiene. Swimming only in places strictly designated for this purpose, healthy diet and clean fruits and vegetables, eliminating contact with animals - in principle, everything is the same as what we do for our kids and at home, but with double attention - and then neither your own vacation nor your child’s vacation will be overshadowed by any troubles.



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