A parable about how to find peace. Aphorisms and quotes about peace A collection of parables about peace in the soul

A few parables from the collections:

Based on the book: The Desert Fathers: A Collection of Christian Parables and Tales.

From the book series "101 parables".

ONE HERMIT came to complain to the elder that every day from nine in the morning he felt strange hunger in his solitude. Although in the monastery where he lived before, he managed to spend several days without food.
“Don’t be surprised at this, my son,” the elder answered him. - There is no one in the desert who would witness your posts and who would support and feed you with praise. Previously, vanity served as food for you in the monastery, and the pleasure that you experienced, standing out among others by your abstinence, was sweeter for you than dinner.

WERE INVITED ONCE holy elder for advice to decide how to punish the sinful monk. But the elder refused to go to the council. The brothers argued and argued, but, unable to come up with a worthy punishment, they decided to go to the elder themselves.
The old man saw this, shouldered a holey bag of sand and went out to meet them.
-Where are you going? - the brethren ask the elder.
- I’m coming to you for advice.
- Why did you take a sandbag with you?
- How do you know that there is sand in the bag?
- So look back. Your bag is leaking and sand is pouring out of it.
“This is not sand, these are my sins falling behind me,” the elder told them. - But I don’t even look back at them, but I go to judge other people’s sins.
The monks understood what the elder meant and forgave their brother.

ONE PAGE asked:
- How do you have the patience to be alone in this abandoned corner of the earth?
He replied:
- I am never alone. I always have an interlocutor - the Lord. When I want Him to speak to me, I read the Holy Scriptures. And when I want to talk to Him myself, I pray.

WHEN TO ONE The disciple came to the elder with a confession of sins, he always told him:
- Get up!
“But I’ve gotten up and fallen many times before.”
- Get up again!
- How long will I fall and get up?
“Until death overtakes you - fallen or risen,” the elder answered him.

Based on the book: Once upon a time there lived a man...: A collection of Christian parables and tales.

From the book series "101 parables".

A FISHERMAN CARRIED one person on a boat. The passenger hurried the fisherman:
- Hurry up, I'm late for work!
And then he saw that on one oar it was written “pray”, and on the other - “work”.
- Why is this? - he asked.
“For memory,” answered the fisherman. - So as not to forget that you need to pray and work.
“Well, it’s clear that everyone needs to work, but praying,” the man waved his hand, “this is not necessary.” No one needs this, why waste time on prayer.
- No need? - the fisherman asked and pulled out an oar with the inscription “pray” from the water, and he began to row with one oar. The boat spun on the spot.
- You see what kind of work without prayer. We are spinning in one place and there is no movement forward.
From this it is clear: in order to successfully sail through the stormy sea of ​​life, you must firmly hold two oars in your hands: pray and work.

A drought happened in ONE CITY. Summer was in full swing, and the city priest called everyone to the temple in the morning to pray for rain. The whole town came, and the whole town laughed at one child - the child came with an umbrella. Everyone laughed and said:
- Fool, why did you bring an umbrella? You'll lose, there's no rain.
“I thought that if you prayed, it would rain,” the child answered.

IN THE HOUSE OF some rich people they stopped praying before eating. One day a priest came to visit them. The table was set very elegantly, the best food was brought out and the best drink was served. The family sat down at the table. Everyone looked at the priest and thought that he would pray before eating. But the priest said:
- The father of the family must pray at the table, because he is the first prayer book in the family.
There was an unpleasant silence, because no one in this family prayed. The father cleared his throat and said: “You know, dear father, we don’t pray because in prayer before meals the same thing is always repeated. Prayers out of habit are empty chatter. These repetitions are every day, every year, so we don’t pray anymore.
The priest looked at everyone in surprise, but then the seven-year-old girl said:
- Dad, don’t I really need to come to you every morning and say “good morning” anymore?

A man was walking along the seashore. Everything around was strewn with algae, small fish and starfish, which had washed ashore after a terrible storm.
Suddenly he saw a little girl. She bent down to the ground, took something, and then threw it into the sea.
- Why are you doing this? - asked the man. - You can’t help them all! There are too many of them!
“Maybe,” the girl answered, throwing another starfish as far into the sea as possible. “But I did everything I could for her.”

Two people were standing on the side of the road and talking about something.
A drunkard passed by them and said to himself:
- They are probably now agreeing to go to the cellar together to drink wine.
And the drunkard, forgetting about all his affairs, hurried to the tavern.
A fornicator walked past those talking and thought:
- Here people, not afraid of publicity, conspire in broad daylight for carnal pleasures. Why am I worse?
Changing his route, the fornicator headed to a den of debauchery.
A righteous man passed by and said to himself:
- People have found time and are having a good conversation, leaving the fuss behind. I, a sinner, have not chosen an hour for three days now to visit my sick neighbor.
And the righteous man, putting aside all his worries, hastened to support the sick man with a kind word.
So righteous people see good in everything, but for slaves of vice the whole world is a temptation to sin.

ONE HAIRDRESSER, while cutting a client’s hair, started talking to him about God:
- If God exists, why are there so many sick people? Where do street children and unjust wars come from? If He really existed, there would be no suffering or pain. It is difficult to imagine a loving God who allows all this. Therefore, I personally do not believe in its existence.
Then the client said to the hairdresser:
- Do you know what I will say? Hairdressers don't exist.
- How is this so? - the hairdresser was surprised. - One of them is in front of you now.
- No! - exclaimed the client. - They don’t exist, otherwise there wouldn’t be so many overgrown and unshaven people like that man walking down the street.
- Well, dear man, it’s not about the hairdressers! People just don’t come to me on their own.
- That's the point! - confirmed the client. - And I mean the same thing: God exists. People just don’t seek Him and don’t come to Him. This is why there is so much pain and suffering in the world.

A happy life begins with peace of mind. Cicero

Calmness is nothing more than proper order in thoughts. Marcus Aurelius

Wisdom comes with the ability to be calm. Just watch and listen. Nothing more is needed. Eckhart Tolle

If you can breathe slowly, your mind will calm down and regain vitality. Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Finding peace is one of the ways of prayer, which creates light and warmth. Forget about yourself for a while, know that wisdom and compassion lie in that warmth. As you walk on this planet, try to notice the true appearance of the heavens and earth; this is possible if you do not allow yourself to be paralyzed by fear and decide that all your gestures and postures will correspond to what you are thinking. Morihei Ueshiba

Our peace of mind and joy of being depend not on where we are, what we have or what position we occupy in society, but solely on our state of mind. Dale Carnegie

No one can disturb another - only we deprive ourselves of peace. Irvin Yalom.

Nothing calms the spirit more than finding a solid goal - a point to which our inner gaze is directed. Mary Shelley

The greatest peace of heart is possessed by the one who cares neither about praise nor about blame. Thomas a Kempis

If someone has offended you, take revenge courageously. Remain calm - and this will be the beginning of your vengeance, then forgive - this will be the end of it. Victor Hugo

If difficulties and obstacles stand in your way, it is not enough to remain calm and calm. Bravely and joyfully rush forward, overcoming one obstacle after another. Act as the proverb says: “The more water, the higher the ship.” Yamamoto Tsunetomo.

Lord, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, give me the courage to change the things I can change, and give me the wisdom to know the difference. F. K. Etinger

There is much more benefit from calm reflection than from outbursts of despair. Franz Kafka.

Calmness can achieve more than excessive excitement and nervousness. Arthur Haley.

Only in calm waters are things reflected undistorted. Only a calm consciousness is suitable for perceiving the world. Hans Margolius

The rays of calm eyes are stronger than anything in the world. Akhmatova A. A.

Nothing gives you as many advantages over others as the ability to remain calm and cool in any situation. Thomas Jefferson

Calmness is an important component of success; without it it is impossible to think, act and communicate productively with people. Peace of mind allows the mind to dominate the senses. Anna Duvarova

In disputes, a calm state of mind, combined with benevolence, is a sign of the presence of a certain force, due to which the mind is confident of its victory. Immanuel Kant

Every dignity, every strength is calm – precisely because they are confident in themselves. Belinsky V.G.

You need to calmly understand yourself, not rush to conclusions, live as you should, and not chase your own tail like a dog. Franz Kafka.

And in my soul there is peace and quiet,
like a mirror lake...
I will live my life with pleasure,
because it is unique to me!!! Angelika Kugeiko

When you live in harmony with yourself, you are able to get along with others. Mikhail Mamchich

He who controls himself controls the world. Halifax George Savile

Live with peace. Spring will come and the flowers will bloom on their own. Chinese proverb

If you can’t react calmly to everything, at least react calmly to your own reaction.

Never regret anything! Everything was supposed to be and nothing can be changed. Emotions bursting out leave us with peace and satisfaction, cleansing us.

Perhaps, in us, both on earth and in heaven, only one thing is scary - that which is not expressed out loud. We will not find peace until we have expressed everything once and for all; then, finally, silence will come, and we will stop being afraid to remain silent. Louis-Ferdinand Celine.

I like the stillness of the flowers only because it comes after they have just been swayed by the breeze. The clarity of the sky amazes us only because we have seen it more than once in thunderclouds. And the moon is never as majestic as among the clouds crowding around it. Can rest be truly sweet without fatigue? Continuous immobility is no longer rest. This is nothingness, this is death. George Sand.

Take care without worrying. Vadim Zeland.

Whatever happens, calm down.
Calm down and laugh.
Laugh and breathe again.
Be quiet.
Enjoy one moment.
Revelation or oblivion.
Doesn't matter.
About one thing.

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One day a young man decided to get married. For a week he was busy running around, busy with preparations for the wedding. One evening he turned to his father: “Dad, I have a request for you. I don’t have time to do everything alone, so please, here’s a list of my friends. Call them and invite them to my wedding.” “Okay, son” - answered the father.

On the wedding day, the son ran up to his father and began to be indignant: “Dad, I asked you to call all my friends!” - That's what I did. - But there were 50 people on my list, and I only see 15 of them. - Son, I called everyone... all 50 people. I told each of them that I was calling at your request, that you were having problems now and you needed the help of your friends. And he asked everyone to come at this time to this very place. So don't worry son, ALL YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE NOW!

Parable from George Carlin

When George Carlin's wife died, Carlin, a famous wit and satirist of the 70s and 80s, wrote this incredibly expressive article that is still relevant today.

“The paradox of our time is that we have tall buildings but low tolerance, wide highways but narrow views.

We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses, but smaller families, better amenities, but less time. We have better education, but less intelligence, better knowledge, but assess the situation worse, we have more experts, but also more problems, better medicine, but worse health.

We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too irresponsibly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get angry too easily, go to bed too late, wake up too tired, read too little, watch too much television and pray too little. They increased their claims, but reduced their values.

We talk too much, love too rarely and hate too often. We know how to survive, but we don’t know how to live. We add years to human life, but we do not add life to years.

We reached the Moon and returned, but with difficulty we cross the street and meet our new neighbor. We conquer outer space, but not spiritual space. We do great things, but not the best ones.

We clean the air, but pollute the soul.
They subjugated the atom, but not their prejudices.
We write more, but learn less.
We plan more, but achieve less.
We learned to hurry, but not to wait.
We create new computers that store more information and spew out streams of copies than before, but we communicate less and less.

This is a time of fast food and poor digestion, big people and small souls, quick profits and difficult relationships. A time of growth in family incomes and an increase in the number of divorces, beautiful houses and destroyed homes.

A time of short distances, disposable diapers, disposable morals, one-night stands; excess weight and pills that do everything: excite us, calm us down, kill us. A time of filled storefronts and empty warehouses.

Remember, spend more time with those you love, because they are not with you forever.

Remember and warmly hug your loved one to you, because this is the only treasure that you can give from your heart, and it doesn’t cost a penny.

Remember and say “love you” to your loved ones, but first really feel it.
A kiss and hug can fix any problem when it comes from the heart.

Remember and hold hands and appreciate the moments when you are together because one day that person will not be there for you.

About the correct attitude towards negativity

In Japan, in a village not far from the capital lived an old wise samurai. One day, while he was teaching classes to his students, a young fighter, known for his rudeness and cruelty, approached him. His favorite technique was provocation: he infuriated his opponent and, blinded by rage, he accepted his challenge, made mistake after mistake and, as a result, lost the battle.

The young fighter began to insult the old man: he threw stones at him, spat and swore at him. But the old man remained unperturbed and continued his studies. At the end of the day, the irritated and tired young fighter went home.

The disciples, surprised that the old man had endured so much insult, asked him:
- Why didn’t you challenge him to a fight? Are you really afraid of defeat?

The old samurai replied:
- If someone comes to you with a gift and you do not accept it, who will the gift belong to?

“To his former master,” answered one of the students.

The same goes for envy, hatred and curses. Until you accept them, they belong to the one who brought them.

How long to wait for changes for the better?

One day a student asked the Master:
- How long to wait for changes for the better?
- If you wait, it will be a long time! - answered the Master.

Life boomerang

Life is a boomerang. This leads to:
What you give out will come back.
What goes around comes around,
Your lies will come through with lies.
Every action matters;
Only by forgiving will you receive forgiveness.
You give - they give to you,
You betray - you are betrayed,
You offend - you are offended,
You respect - you are respected...
Life is a boomerang:
Everyone deserves everything;
Black thoughts will return as an illness,
Bright thoughts - Divine light...
If you haven't thought about it, think about it!

An old man told me, and I will forever remember this phrase...

An old man told me, and I will forever remember this phrase:
Eyes that have never cried cannot be beautiful.
A soul that has never suffered cannot be beautiful.
And a person is beautiful only when he has a heart, and not a piece of metal.

Don't hurt those who love you

When driving a nail into the soul, remember that even if you pull it out with your apologies, you will still leave a hole there that will heal for a long time and torment its owner. Don't hurt those who love you with all their hearts.

Parable about daughter-in-law and mother-in-law

In ancient China, a girl who got married lived in her husband's house and served him and his mother. It so happened that one girl, after the wedding, was unable to bear the constant reproaches of her mother-in-law. She decided to get rid of it.

The girl went to a herbalist who was a friend of her father. She told him:
- I can't live with my mother-in-law anymore. She drives me crazy. Could you please help me? I'll pay you well.

What can I do for you? - asked the herbalist.

I want you to sell me poison. “I will poison my mother-in-law and get rid of all troubles,” she answered.

After much thought, the herbalist said:
- Okay, I'll help you. But you must understand two things. Firstly, you cannot poison your mother-in-law right away, because people will guess what happened. I will give you herbs that will gradually kill her, and no one will think that she was poisoned. Secondly, to completely avoid any suspicion, you must tame your anger, learn to respect her, love her, listen and be patient. Then no one will suspect you when she dies.

The girl agreed to everything, took the herbs and began adding them to her mother-in-law’s food. In addition, she learned to control herself, listen to and respect her mother-in-law. When she saw how her daughter-in-law’s attitude towards her had changed, she fell in love with the girl with all her heart. She told everyone that her daughter-in-law was the best, the kind one could only dream of. Six months later, the relationship between them became close, like between a blood mother and her daughter.

And then one day the girl came to the herbalist and prayed:
- For God's sake, please save my mother-in-law from the poison I gave her. I don't want to kill her. She has become the most wonderful mother-in-law and I love her.

The herbalist smiled and replied:
- Don't worry, I didn't give you any poison. What I gave you is just spices. The poison was only in your head, and you got rid of it yourself.

In the hot desert, burning under the sun
A gray-haired old man walked with him and a blind old woman.
Bag on your shoulders and sand in your throat
We walked in silence, dreaming, if only we could take a sip of water!

A beautiful oasis appeared before them,
Like paradise with carved gates.
The gatekeeper sits on a bench at the gate
And well-fed and dressed, but with a grin on his mouth.

Come in, he says to the old man - this is Paradise,
Choose whatever you want.
But just leave the old woman at the gate
And again her mouth curled into a smile...

Wiping away a blind tear from my wife
And choosing words in consolation,
He said that a mirage appeared in front of them
Let's go, dear, there will be a spring soon.

This time the road led him
To a simple porch - “no yard, no stake.”
The owner is friendly and gives the guests something to drink
He gave both of them bread and put them to bed...

“Sleep peacefully,” he said, “You are in Paradise.”
Kohl did not leave his old woman
The Eternal Kingdom is for you two.
Those who betray their own are not allowed into Heaven!

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Truly, the less you know, the more you think about yourself!

How can you know yourself? Only in action, but not in contemplation.
Try to fulfill your duty, and you will immediately find out what is in your soul.

Somehow one person could not decide to become a student of one teacher. And then one day, deciding to test the teacher’s abilities, he came to him and said:
- Teacher, show me a miracle!
And the teacher showed him a miracle. And the man said:
- Yes! Now I see your abilities and am ready to become your student. To which the teacher replied:
“But now I don’t need you.”

Simab said:
- I will sell the Book of Wisdom for a hundred gold coins, and some will say that it is cheap.
Yunus Marmar told him:
- And I will offer the key to understanding it, and almost no one will take it, even for free.

Mulla Jami told how a certain man asked the dervish:
- Why do you come so rarely?
And the dervish replied:
- Because the words “Why were you away for a long time?” are more pleasing to my ears than “Why are you here again?”

One monk was going to the Guru and met three ascetics on his way. One sat on a large anthill and tortured himself with ant bites. Another sat on the bank of a stream and contemplated the flow of water. And the third one simply danced and sang songs under a luxurious tree.
Having learned that the monk was going to the Guru, they asked to ask how many more lives they should remain in asceticism in order to receive liberation.
He promised to fulfill their request. On the way back, the ascetics asked him what answers the Guru had given.
“You, sitting on ants, have two more lives to suffer in such hardships.”
The ascetic hung his head.
“And you, contemplator, have ten more lives to contemplate water in order to receive liberation.”
The ascetic sighed heavily.
- And you, who dance, have as many lives to dance as there are leaves on this tree.
- So it’s nothing at all! – the ascetic threw up his hands and sang even more joyfully.
At that moment all the leaves fell off the tree and he was liberated.

The Eskimo asks the priest:
“If I didn’t know about God and sin, would I go to hell?”
“No,” the priest answers, “if I didn’t know, I wouldn’t have gotten in.”
“Then why,” the Eskimo was sincerely surprised, “did you tell me about this?”

One day a man came to Buddha and, touching his feet, asked if there is a God? The eternal question!
Buddha looked at him intently and said:
— When I was young, I really loved horses and distinguished four types. The first one is the most stupid and stubborn, no matter how much you beat her, she still won’t listen. Many people are like that. Second type: the horse obeys, but only after a blow. There are many such people. There is also a third type. These are horses that don't need to be beaten. You just show her the whip and that's enough. There is also a fourth type of horse, which is very rare. The shadow of a whip is enough for them. While saying all this, the Buddha looked into the man's face. Then he closed his eyes and fell silent. The man also closed his eyes and sat in silence with the Buddha. At the same time, Ananda was present and something inside him began to protest.
He decided: “This is too much! The man asks about God, and the Teacher talks about horses.” Reasoning in this way within himself, Ananda could not help but see what silence reigned, what great silence! It was almost tangible. Ananda looked at the faces of the Buddha and the man who was undergoing transformation right before his eyes! Buddha opened his eyes, and the man sat in this state for another hour. His face was peaceful and bright. Opening his eyes, the man touched the Buddha's feet with deep gratitude, thanked him and left.
When he left, Ananda asked the Buddha:
- This is incomprehensible to me! He asks about God, and you talk about horses. I saw him fall into deep silence. It's like he's lived with you for many years. Even I have never known such silence! What unity! What communication! What was conveyed? Why did he thank you so much? Buddha replied:
- I wasn't talking about horses. I spoke about the Divine. But we can’t talk about this directly. When I saw what kind of horse he arrived on, I realized that only a true connoisseur could choose such a horse. That's why I started talking about horses. It was a language he could understand, and he understood it. He is a rare person. The shadow of a whip was enough for him. And when I closed my eyes, he realized that one cannot speak about the highest, one can only remain silent about it; and in this silence It is known. This is a transcendental experience and is beyond the mind.

St. Anthony the Great, being in the desert, in hermitage, turned to the Lord with a request to show him a Teacher who could instruct him in higher knowledge and in all virtues; he was sent to the nearest city to a shoemaker.

When the Buddha became enlightened, the first question he was asked was, “What have you achieved?” He laughed. He said, “Nothing. I have achieved nothing; on the contrary, I have lost a lot.” Naturally, the questioner was confused. He said: “We have always heard that becoming a Buddha means achieving the perfect, the ultimate, the eternal, but you say that not only have you achieved nothing, but you have also lost a lot. What do you mean?"

The Buddha replied, “Exactly what I said. I lost everything I had, I lost my knowledge, I lost my ignorance. I stopped being a person, I lost my body, my mind, my heart. I lost thousands of things and did not gain a single one - because everything that I acquired was already mine, it is my nature. The unnatural was lost and the natural flourished. This is not an achievement at all. To think in terms of achievement is to remain in a dream."

Once a Buddhist preacher began with a question to the padre:

Did God give Moses commandments that only the people were to adhere to, but God himself would break?

The missionary indignantly rejected this suggestion.

“Okay,” said the opponent, “you say that God makes no exceptions to this rule, and that not a single soul can be born without his will. But among other things, God forbids adultery, and yet you say that it is he who creates every baby that is born, and he gives it a soul. Should we understand this to mean that millions of children born into crime and adultery are the work of God? And that your God, prohibiting and punishing the violation of his laws, nevertheless, daily and hourly creates souls just for such children? According to the simplest logic, your God is an accomplice in the crime, since without his help and intervention such “children of sin” could not have been born. Where is the justice when not only the guilty parents, but also the innocent baby are punished for what was done by God himself, whose complete innocence you justify?”

The missionary looked at his watch and suddenly found that it was too late to continue the discussion.

Once two monks were walking through the forest. A shallow river blocked their way, and a woman stood on the bank, afraid to step into the water. One of the brothers took her in his arms and carried her to the other bank and put her on the ground there, and both continued on their way. After walking a few more kilometers, the second monk suddenly could not stand it and asked indignantly:

How could you?! How could you touch a woman, you took a vow of celibacy?

To which the first one replied:

I left this woman there on the shore, and you still carry her with you.

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