Rules for using a pocket inhaler (canister). How to use a pocket inhaler correctly Types of pocket inhalers and rules for their use Spacer nebulizer

Purpose: therapeutic, educational.

Indications: diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Equipment: 2 pocket inhalers: one - used, the second - with a medicinal substance.

Stages Rationale
I. Preparation for the procedure 1. Collect information about the patient. Introduce yourself kindly and respectfully. Clarify how to address him if the nurse sees the patient for the first time Establishing contact with the patient!
2. Explain to the patient the purpose and sequence of the procedure Psychological preparation for the upcoming procedure
3. Obtain the patient’s consent to the procedure Respect for patient rights
4. Prepare 2 inhalers, make sure the medicine corresponds to what the doctor prescribed, check the expiration date Elimination of erroneous administration of medicinal drugs
5. Wash and dry your hands Prevention of nosocomial infection
II. Performing the procedure 1. To teach the patient how to perform the procedure, use an inhalation canister without medication. Sit the patient down, but if his condition allows it, it is better for him to be in a standing position, since the respiratory excursion is more effective Formation of knowledge and skills. Ensuring propulsion efficiency

2. Remove the protective cap from the inhaler Preparation for the procedure
3. Turn the aerosol can upside down and shake it
4. Ask the patient to exhale deeply Ensuring that the drug reaches the respiratory tract as deeply as possible
5. Ask the patient to tilt his head back slightly. Insert the mouthpiece of the inhaler into the patient's mouth. Ask the patient to wrap their lips tightly around the mouthpiece Providing better access to the medicinal substance. Reduce loss of funds
6. Ask the patient to take a deep breath through his mouth, while simultaneously pressing on the bottom of the can, and hold his breath for 5-10 s Administration of a drug into the respiratory tract. Ensuring the achievement of therapeutic effect
7. Remove the inhaler mouthpiece from the patient’s mouth. Ask the patient to exhale calmly. Turn the can upside down and close it with the protective cap. Completion of the procedure. Ensuring efficient storage
8. Monitor the patient’s independent performance of the procedure with an active inhaler Control of formed knowledge and skills
III. End of the procedure 1. Disinfect the mouthpiece of the used inhaler. Wash and dry your hands
Ensuring continuity of nursing care


Purpose: therapeutic.

Indications: doctor's prescription.

Equipment: gloves, suppository, oilcloth, diaper, toilet paper, screen, disinfectant

4. Prepare the necessary equipment
5. Wash and dry your hands. Wear gloves Prevention of nosocomial infections
P. Performing the procedure 1. Take the package with suppositories from the refrigerator, read the name, cut one candle from the tape
2. Separate the patient with a screen (if there are other patients in the room) Respect for human rights
3. Help the patient lie on his side and bend his knees Compliance with the rules of drug administration
4. Open the package with the suppository. If the packaging is soft, then do not remove the suppository from the shell! Preventing candle melting
5. Ask the patient to relax. Spread the patient's buttocks with one hand, and with the other, insert a suppository into the anus, pushing it past the external sphincter of the rectum. The shell remains in the nurse's hand Ensuring the effectiveness of the procedure
6. Invite the patient to lie down in a position that is comfortable for him. Remove screen Providing physiological comfort. Compliance with the rules for administering a suppository
7. Ask the patient how he is feeling Determining the patient's response to the procedure
III. Completion of the procedure 1. Remove gloves and soak them in a disinfectant solution and then dispose of them. Wash and dry your hands Ensuring infection safety
2. Make a note in medical documents about the procedure and the patient’s reaction to it
3. Ask the patient after a few hours if he had a bowel movement Evaluation of the effectiveness of the procedure
4. Record the result Ensuring continuity of nursing care


Purpose: to perform an injection.

Indications: injection methods of administering medicinal solutions.

Equipment: sterile assembled syringe, sterile tray, container for used material, sterile tweezers, procedure nurse’s prescription notebook, medications in ampoules, nail files, pack with sterile dressing material, 70° alcohol, sterile gloves.

Stages Rationale
1. Wash and dry your hands, put on gloves Ensuring infection safety of patients and staff
2. Take the ampoule, carefully read the name of the medicinal solution, dose, expiration date. Check with doctor's prescription Prevention of erroneous drug administration
3. Move the medicinal solution from the narrow part of the ampoule to the wide one. To do this, you need to take the ampoule by the bottom with one hand, and lightly strike the narrow end of the ampoule with the fingers of the other.
4. File the ampoule in the center of its narrow part Preventing nurse finger injuries
5. Treat the cut area with a cotton ball moistened with alcohol and break off the end of the ampoule in the opposite direction. Dispose of the ball and fragments into a waste container.
6. Take the syringe in your right hand so that the divisions are visible. Grasp the opened ampoule between the II and III fingers with your left hand so that the opened part is facing inside the palm. Insert the needle into the ampoule. Intercept the syringe I, IV, V with the fingers of your left hand Ensuring that the procedure is carried out effectively
7. Move your right hand onto the piston and draw in the required amount of solution. Make sure that the cut of the needle is constantly immersed in the solution Elimination of drug loss
8. Remove the ampoule from the needle and place it in a non-sterile tray Ensuring patient infection safety
9. Change the needle. If the needle is for single use, put a cap on it. Force the air out of the syringe into the cap. Checking the patency of the needle
10. Place a syringe and sterile cotton balls moistened with alcohol in a sterile tray. Cover everything with a sterile napkin if the syringe is reusable. Note: the syringe can be placed in a craft bag or packaging from a disposable syringe Ensuring infection safety


Using a pocket inhaler is a simple process. However, portable devices come in several varieties. And each has its own nuances of use. Here's how to do it right.

Types of pocket inhalers

Portable inhalers are divided into two key groups: powder and liquid (aerosol).

Both of these categories are represented by the following varieties:
  1. Powder. The device is considered highly effective and quickly delivers the required amount of dosed medication to the body. It's easy to use. Usually more expensive than aerosol analogues.
  2. Aerosol freon. Works with liquid drugs. It has a simple and reliable mechanism. Inexpensive. The key disadvantage is the difficulty in delivering the drug to the respiratory tract. The aerosol enters them only in the event of a one-time release of the inhalation agent. The patient requires additional explanations from a specialist. Also, the weight of the aerosol is greater than that of the powder. Therefore, sediment may appear in the oral cavity. Especially if the dosage is incorrect. Cases of ingestion are also possible.
  3. Nebulizer compressor. The device sprays the composition in doses - dividing it into small parts. Therefore, it is easier for the product to reach remote areas of the respiratory tract. A nebulizer allows you to administer an increased dosage of the drug directly into the lungs. It can be used in its pure form - without additives.
  4. Ultrasonic. The principle of operation is similar to the system of passive inhalers. However, the potential effectiveness is higher. In addition, ultrasound has a beneficial effect on the nasal sinuses, providing a massaging effect and stimulating their natural immune functions.

When choosing a particular device, you should consult a doctor.

Training in the use of a pocket inhaler

Rules for using a pocket inhaler vary depending on its type. Specific features and operation can be found in the instructions for the device. And also during a consultation with a doctor. Here are only general principles that are typical for most devices.

Be sure to wash your hands before each use.

Aerosol inhalers without spacer

The technique of use is as follows:

  1. Shake the inhaler housing.
  2. Take a deep breath.
  3. Lightly, but firmly, grab the mouthpiece part with your lips (the teeth should “bite” the device).
  4. Take a smooth, leisurely breath, pressing down on the inhaler at the same time.
  5. For 10 sec. stop breathing. The device must remain in the mouth.
  6. Exhale smoothly through your mouth.

Re-entry - at least after 30 seconds. At the end of all procedures, the oral cavity is rinsed with water.

There is another option (it is considered less effective): instead of the third step, the head is slightly tilted back. The inhalation device is brought 2-3 centimeters towards the open mouth. Next - go to step 4. The further algorithm remains unchanged. However, doctors still recommend the first option - as in the original list.

Aerosol inhalers with spacer

A spacer is a small bottle that is built into the device and helps the medicine reach its destination. It is equipped with two valves (less often - one), an inhalation socket on one side and an opening for an inhalation socket on the other.

Rules of application:

  1. Insert the mouthpiece into the spacer hole.
  2. Holding the device and spacer together, shake the aerosol thoroughly. Preferably 4-5 times.
  3. Place the spacer in your mouth, tightly wrapping your lips around the mouthpiece.
  4. Sit up straight. Look straight ahead. In this position, exhale.
  5. Press the inhalation valve once, while inhaling the composition. Deep, smoothly and slowly - about 3-5 seconds.
  6. Release the spacer and remove it from your mouth. Hold your breath for 10 seconds. Then exhale smoothly.

If several portions of the medicine are needed, the procedure is repeated. If the dose of the drug is quite large, you need to take several breaths - sequentially one after the other.

Repeated doses of the composition are made at least after 30 seconds.

Powder inhalers

The technique for using the powder device is similar to the previous one. However, there are two small differences in use:

  1. Inhalation is done quickly. If it is difficult for the patient to take a quick breath, you need to tell the treating specialist about this. Most likely, he will recommend using an aerosol device or a portable nebulizer.
  2. In the case of the powder type, a spacer is not required.

After completing the procedure, you should also rinse your mouth with water.

Pocket cans

Perform the following manipulations:

  1. Remove the protective cap from the device by lifting the bottle upside down.
  2. Shake the aerosol can.
  3. Exhale intensely.
  4. Cover the mouthpiece with your lips, slightly tilting your head back.
  5. Inhale deeply, pressing on the bottom of the balloon as you go. An aerosol composition must be supplied.
  6. Stop breathing for 5-10 seconds. Take out the mouthpiece part. Exhale smoothly.
  7. At the end of the manipulations, fasten the protective cap back.

Important note: When entering the composition through the nose, the head is tilted towards the other shoulder and slightly back. When introducing the composition through the left nostril, the right nasal wing is pressed against the septum.

It should be borne in mind that the deeper the introduction of the composition, the more effective its administration.

For health workers - rules for patient education


  • prepare two inhalers for use (during the demonstration, use an empty can without medicine, then with medicine);
  • check the compliance of the drug with what is prescribed by the doctor;
  • make sure the product has an appropriate expiration date.

Patient education steps:

  1. Establish trusting contact with the patient. Collect information about him. Introduce yourself politely and demonstrate friendliness. Ask how best to contact him.
  2. Prepare the patient psychologically. Explain the objectives of the session and talk about the stages of using the device.
  3. Make sure the patient consents to the session.
  4. Wash with soap and dry your hands.
  5. Make the patient sit down. If possible, the patient should be advised to remain standing. So the action of the product is more effective.
  6. Remove the protective cap from the inhalation device (use the option without medication).
  7. Turn the aerosol can upside down and shake well.
  8. Tell the patient to take a deep breath and tilt his head back slightly.
  9. Place the mouthpiece in the patient's mouth and ask them to press their lips firmly against it.
  10. Ask the patient to inhale deeply through the mouth, while at the same time pressing on the bottom of the balloon and stopping breathing for 5-10 seconds.
  11. Remove the mouthpiece part. The patient should exhale smoothly.
  12. Return the container to its normal position and close the cap.

After completion, take a second inhaler - with the product. Ask the patient to do the same steps independently. Monitor correct execution.

At the end of work, disinfect used equipment and wash your hands. Afterwards, document the session and the patient’s reaction.

Summing up

Thus, the most effective device is a powder one. However, before using the nebulizer, you should familiarize yourself with the instructions and capabilities of the patient. Perhaps the chosen type of device is not suitable for him - due to his breathing habits.

The use of a pocket inhaler gives good results and is recommended to use it to treat colds, infections, asthma or other diseases. Medicinal substances, crushed into small particles, easily saturate the nasopharynx and lungs and help activate the body’s defenses.

Types of inhalers

Nowadays, the development of technology contributes to the emergence of a large number of varieties of inhalers. Considering the wide range of choices, portable inhalers can be represented in several categories:

  1. Powder pocket preparations. The device ensures that the amount of dry powder specified by the manufacturer enters the body. Their priority is high efficiency. It's easy to use. However, it is more expensive than liquid inhalers.
  2. Liquid freon pocket inhalers make it possible to release a given amount of the drug into an aerosol. The advantage is the cost, simplicity and reliability of the mechanism. The disadvantage is that the aerosol penetrates the respiratory tract only if it is inhaled simultaneously with the release of the drug. This requires more thorough training of the patient, but an adult can easily master the task. In addition, the aerosol is heavier than the powder, so we cannot prevent part of it from settling in the mouth or being swallowed, but manufacturers do not ignore this factor when formulating the dosage.
  3. Nebulizer compressor inhalers. This name refers to inhalation devices that spray the medicine into small parts. As a result of this action, the light particle reaches the most distant zone of the respiratory tract and the best effect is possible. Thanks to the nebulizer, you can inject high doses of medicinal substances directly into the lungs in their pure form, without additives.
  4. Ultrasonic inhalers can be used in the same way as passive inhalers. In this case, significantly higher efficiency of its use is possible. In addition, ultrasound involuntarily has a positive effect on the sinuses, massages them, and causes the activation of their natural immune signs.

How to use the pocket device

Not every person buying an inhaler at a pharmacy knows the rules for its use. What is the application technique? The rules for using a pocket inhaler are as follows:

  • Remove the protective cap from the cylinder and turn it over.
  • Shake the aerosol can thoroughly.
  • Exhale deeply.
  • Close the aerosol tube tightly with your mouth and tilt your head back a little.
  • Inhale deeply and meanwhile press the bottom of the can: at this moment a dose of aerosol is delivered.
  • Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds or as long as you can tolerate without discomfort, then take out the drug and exhale slowly.
  • After a few minutes, the procedure can be repeated if you need to take more than one dose of the medicine.
  • After the procedure, close the can with the cap.

Do not forget: the effectiveness of the medicine depends on the depth of dose administration. When administering a dose into the nasal cavity, remember that the head must be tilted to the opposite shoulder and tilted back a little. When the medicine enters the right nostril, it is necessary to press the left side of the nose against the septum.

The technique of using the inhaler is simple. If you follow its algorithm, using a pocket inhaler will give positive results in the treatment of diseases.

Alas, even this simple treatment is not without contraindications. Inhalation rules prohibit the use of the drug:

  • at elevated temperatures (above 37.5° C);
  • if you are prone to nosebleeds;
  • if you have cardiovascular or respiratory failure;
  • lung disease.

To summarize, it should be noted that it is not worth prescribing treatment using the Internet; it is better to consult a doctor.

Who said that curing bronchitis is difficult?

  • Do you regularly suffer from coughing with phlegm?
  • And also this shortness of breath, malaise and fatigue...
  • Therefore, you are waiting with fear for the approach of the autumn-winter period with its epidemics...
  • With its cold, drafts and dampness...
  • Because inhalations, mustard plasters and medications are not very effective in your case...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity...

There is an effective remedy for bronchitis. Follow the link and find out how pulmonologist Ekaterina Tolbuzina recommends treating bronchitis...

I. Preparation for the procedure:

1. Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the process and purpose of the procedure. Make sure that the patient has informed consent for the upcoming procedure of administering the drug and is not allergic to this drug.

2. Check the name and expiration date of the medicine.

3. Wash your hands.

II. Performing the procedure:

4. Demonstrate the procedure to the patient using an inhalation canister without medication.

5. Make the patient sit.

6. Remove the protective cap from the mouthpiece of the can.

7. Turn the aerosol can upside down.

8. Shake the can.

9. Take a calm, deep breath.

10. Cover the mouthpiece tightly with your lips.

11. Take a deep breath and, at the same time as you inhale, press the bottom of the can.

12. Hold your breath for 5-10 seconds (hold your breath while counting to 10 without removing the mouthpiece from your mouth).

13. Remove the mouthpiece from the mouth.

14. Exhale calmly.

15. Rinse your mouth with boiled water.

III. End of the procedure:

16. Close the inhaler with the protective cap.

17. Wash your hands.

18. Make an appropriate entry about the procedure performed in the medical document.


(an auxiliary device that facilitates the inhalation technique and increases the amount of medicine entering the bronchi)


1. Medicinal (facilitates the use of the inhaler, especially in childhood and old age)

2. Prevention of complications during treatment with ICS (cavity candidiasis)

Indications: Respiratory diseases (BA, COB, bronchospastic syndrome) as prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications: No.


1. Inhaler (salbutamol, berodual, ICS).

2. Spacer (or inhaler with a built-in spacer)

Algorithm for using a spacer.

I. Preparation for the procedure:

1. Offer/help the patient take a position: standing or sitting with his head slightly thrown back.

2. Wash your hands.

II Performing the procedure:

3. Shake the inhaler vigorously.

4. Hold the inhaler in an upright position and remove the protective cap.

5. Place the spacer tightly onto the mouthpiece of the inhaler.

6. Take a deep breath.

7. Cover the mouthpiece of the spacer tightly with your lips.

8. Press the bottom of the inhaler and then take several calm breaths.

III End of procedure:

10. Disconnect the spacer from the inhaler.

11. Place the protective cap on the mouthpiece of the inhaler.

12. Wash the spacer in a soapy solution and then with boiled water.

Technology for performing a simple medical service


Target: Therapeutic.

Indications: Respiratory diseases (BA, COPD, bronchospastic syndrome, acute bronchitis, pneumonia) as prescribed by a doctor.

Contraindications: No.


1. Nebulizer.

2. Medicine (salbutamol, berodual, lazolvan, flixotide, etc.).

Algorithm for using medications through a nebulizer.

I. Preparation for the procedure:

1. Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the process and purpose of the procedure. Ensure that the patient has informed consent for the upcoming procedure.

2. Check the name and expiration date of the medicine.

3. Offer/help the patient take a sitting position, leaning back in a chair (in a comfortable position).

4. Wash your hands.

5. Prepare the nebulizer for inhalation (connect to mains power, pour the dose of medicine prescribed by the doctor into the reservoir, attach the desired inhalation nozzle)

II Performing the procedure:

6. Invite the patient to put the mouthpiece in his mouth (or put on an inhalation mask).

7. Turn on the nebulizer and offer the patient to breathe calmly using a mouthpiece or mask.

III End of procedure:

8. Turn off the nebulizer from the network.

9. Remove the mouthpiece from the mouth.

10. Treat the nebulizer parts in accordance with the requirements of Sanitary Epidemiology. regime

Note: A nebulizer is a device for administering medications to the upper and lower respiratory tract in the form of a stream of finely dispersed mixture containing a medicinal solution.

Technology for performing a simple medical service



1. Assessment of the severity of asthma, COB.

2. Prediction of exacerbations of bronchial asthma

3. Determination of reversibility of bronchial obstruction

4. Evaluation of treatment effectiveness

Indications: Respiratory diseases: asthma, COB.

Contraindications: No.


1. Peak flow meter.

2. Table of age norms of PEF for men and women

3. Self-control diary.

Bronchial asthma is considered one of the most complex and severe chronic diseases that disrupts the lives of many people. The attacks are dangerous because they require an immediate reaction, otherwise the patient may begin to suffocate and death will occur.

In recent years, new effective means have appeared to combat bronchial asthma and it is best to use an inhaler. Correct use of a pocket inhaler allows the drug to quickly penetrate the bronchi and thereby alleviate the patient's condition.

Several types of inhalers are used in medical practice.

  1. Powder pocket inhalers. With the help of such a drug, it is possible to accelerate the entry into the human body of a certain amount of dry powder. The positive side of such a device is its high efficiency, and it is quite easy to use. At the same time, the price for such a device is much higher than for liquid inhalers.
  2. Aerosol pocket inhalers. Such devices ensure that the required amount of the drug enters the aerosol. The advantage of such a device is its affordable price, ease of use and practicality of the mechanism. The downside is the fact that the aerosol enters the respiratory system if there is a simultaneous release of the drug and inspiration. An aerosol is a heavier product compared to a powder, and some of it settles in the mouth or is swallowed by the patient.

Rules for using the inhaler

To use the inhaler correctly, you must practice and follow the instructions supplied with the device.

If it is necessary to use a powder device, proceed as follows:

  • you need to install a container with medicine in the device
  • if the inhaler already contains medication, then simply shake it
  • you should take a maximum breath and exhale calmly
  • you need to wrap your lips around the mouthpiece and inhale with all your lungs
  • you must hold your breath for at least 10 seconds
  • you should remove the device from the mouth and exhale calmly

If necessary, the procedure should be repeated and be sure to rinse the mouth after relief occurs.

Instructions for using an aerosol metered dose inhaler are as follows:

  1. remove the protective cap from the mouthpiece and turn the device with the can upside down
  2. shake the inhaler several times, then inhale and exhale as much as possible
  3. clasping the mouthpiece with your lips, inhale as hard as you can and at the same time press the bottom of the balloon
  4. hold your breath as long as possible, then remove the device from your mouth and exhale
  5. if indicated, it is recommended to repeat inhalation after some time and rinse your mouth with water after the procedure

Many aerosol-type inhalers contain a spacer, which is a special device for inhalation. When using it, one end is inserted into the device, and the other acts as a mouthpiece.

With a spacer, inhalation is much easier, and the effectiveness of the procedure increases several times.

To perform inhalation using a spacer, it is recommended to do the following:

  • remove the cap from the mouthpiece and connect the spacer to it
  • shake the inhaler canister and take a deep breath and exhale
  • after that, wrap your lips around the spacer, press the balloon and after a few seconds take a deep, smooth breath
  • hold your breath for 10 seconds, then remove the spacer and exhale calmly
  • After the procedure, disassemble the structure, rinse the oral cavity with water and dry the spacer well

The use of such a simple device significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure, since the medicine forms a homogeneous mass that quickly reaches the bronchi. In addition, during inhalation with a spacer, all large particles of the drug settle on the walls of the chamber.

Features of use and contraindications

Do not use the inhaler if your body temperature is elevated!



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