Wishes good night to a good person in your own words. Good night wishes to your beloved (beloved) Good night to your beautiful dreams

Original good night wishes in poetry and prose

Sleep tight, sleep tight,
There, in a dream, paradise awaits you,
You won't have to be sad there
There is no need to take medicine!
In that paradise there is no acute pain,
Your soul is free there
He will walk through the forest,
Fly high in the sky,
Sleep quickly, fall asleep
You're tired, rest.

Good night, my bunny,
And even though I'm far away now
I know what's wrong with you now
It's very difficult for you there.

You're just as tired as I am, my friend.
From kilometers distances
From unexpected separations.
From endless partings.

The time will come, I will return.
This will happen, I know for sure.
You will forget what sadness means,
Well now, good night.


I'll wish you good night,
And amazingly beautiful dreams.
And I know for sure what you’ll dream about -
My kiss, my warmth, my love.

You will wake up and your dream will come true.
I am always with you, both in dreams and in reality.
Well, now the sun is melting over the horizon
Sleep my baby, I love you so much.

Good night to you, serene one.
Go to sleep, because you are very tired
I'll kiss you tenderly on the lips
And I'll be your blanket.
I’ll hug you and warm you in my arms
So that you have a colorful dream
No one will dare tonight
Your beautiful disturb the peace.


The sun goes out over the horizon,
The cold moon shines.
You are sad today in vain,
After all, you are with me, you are not alone.

Look, he's humming his tune
It's gray night outside the windows,
And the breeze plays with the leaves -
Your sorrows are driven away.

Don't be sad, my happiness
After all, everything will pass - I know for sure
The pain will subside, bad weather will pass.
I'm close, here. Good night.


The night is cruel and unfair
She separates us from you,
It's so sad without you until the morning.
Why should I be alone?

I'll try to fall asleep quickly
So that the morning comes again
You ran to me faster than the wind
Great love of my life.


The day has passed, good night.
The lights in the windows go out,
But I still really want
Walk a little.

The night is warm and romantic
I sing a song quietly
I'm with a cute boy
Let's sleep well in retirement!


Good night my baby.
When you are sweet and sound asleep,
I look at you tenderly
And I whisper: I love, I love!


I don't sleep and look at you silently.
So as not to disturb your sleep.
I just whisper quietly: “Good night!”
Let it be fabulous.
May you only dream of good fairy tales,
So that your lips smile in your dreams,
To have happy eyes in the morning
We woke up rested again.

The sun disappears silently
Hiding behind the horizon.
Sweet dreams! Good night!
Tomorrow Friday morning

You and I will be together
Enjoy the sun again.
My beautiful bride
My unexpected love.


A star twinkles in the sky,
The moon is burning outside the window,
I will caress my son.
Let your son sleep soundly!

Are you tired today
Why aren't you sleeping?
Close your eyes quickly.
Good night, my baby!


The night covered the earth with darkness,
And I'm on the Internet
I am sending you this message.
Read it carefully!
"Through the round dances of Windows windows
I send you a hot kiss.
I know you are lonely
But remember, I love you.
And I’m looking forward to meeting you very, very much,
And in my thoughts I am always with you.
Well, good night now!
I’ll dream about you, my little bunny!”


Outside the window the city sleeps serenely
And it's time for you to fall asleep!
Before going to bed I will hug you tenderly
Forget about everything that is not good.

Just think about me this night,
Don't count the troubles.
Everything that happened has passed - let's put an end to it!
In the morning, a new life begins.


Good night, my happiness,
I'll fly to you soon
And I will only be in your power,
You are a ray of sunshine in my destiny.


I can't sleep at all
I want to look at you.
I want to touch your lips,
To come back to you at least for a moment!

The sun is hiding behind the horizon so as not to disturb your sleep. Let a serene sleep take away all worries and worries, and you will have a fabulous dream in which good defeats evil, and in the morning this dream will come true. Good night, baby.


It’s night outside the window, but I can’t sleep,
My soul yearns for you,
But there's a distance between us
Just an SMS message
I can send this night:
"I love you dear very much."


Good night my beloved,
May a sound sleep give you strength
Love, hope and believe,
And what is broken, put it back together!


To be beautiful, fresh and energetic you need to get a good night's sleep. And to get enough sleep, you need to fall asleep with good thoughts, so when you fall asleep, think about me. I'm very good and... modest. Good night, I love you.


I believe that night will come,
When we fall asleep together.
The Lord will marry us,
Let's start family life.
In the meantime I'm sending a message
With wishes of good night.
You will be mine without a doubt
After all, I love you very much.


May you have a dream
As if about the future -
Olympic Stadium,
Palm trees, sea, Rosa Khutor,

You and I are relaxing.
Vacation, beach, resort and Sochi,
It will happen soon, I know
In the meantime, good night.


In fact, we live at night , and everything that happens during the day is in our dreams. This afternoon I had a very good dream about our love. And everything that happens to us is like a fairy-tale dream. Just don't wake up!


May you dream of a fairy tale,
May you dream of my caresses,
Hands, lips, kisses -
Let them worry you.
May you be covered with happiness
And indomitable passion,
And in the morning you will wake up,
Remember the dream and smile.


I wish you a good night's sleep,
You are very tired, I know.
Sleep until lunchtime
Victory awaits you tomorrow
Over the oppressive fatigue,
You will be blooming again,
Rested and cheerful,
You'll look like new
And today the day is over,
Rest, good night.


Wishing the child good night.

I wish you children's, colorful, fairy-tale dreams in which you will serenely fly through the sky like an angel. I wish you an easy awakening, not because of the alarm, but simply because you got enough sleep. I wish you that no one disturbs your sleep. And now, bye-bye, good night.


Sleep, my dear little man,
Light bulbs and candles go out,
Toys, books, fairy tales sleep,
Close your eyes quickly.
Will you fly in your dreams,
You will be sailing on a ship,
Maybe you will become an athlete
Astronaut, superman.
Everything is possible this night,
From dusk to dawn
You dream what you dream about,
And in your sleep you grow up.
When you grow up big
A colorful dream will come true.


I wish you to gain strength in your sleep,
Sleep soundly, sweetly, serenely,
And enjoy the silence
In my most tender arms.

And tomorrow morning everything will start again,
Life will seethe and bubble
Well, for now under the blanket
Just you and me, good night.


It's very sad at night without you.
Without you I don't sleep until the morning.
Say goodnight to me now
Wish you a restful sleep.

May the sun wake up soon
And the blood will boil in the veins again
And your heart will beat wildly
When will we see each other again


Z Akat falls on your eyelashes,
And I want to say before the coming sleep:
May you dream of a gentle surf,
Shady garden, where you and I are together

We walk along quaint alleys,
And there I confess my love to you.
How I want to be in the same bed
We were able to turn up sooner!

T It’s dark in the room, only the moon looks out from the window. I'll ask the moonlight to say hello to you!

IN The law “On Intimacy” was passed. To improve the demography in the country, a citizen of the Russian Federation is obliged to:
1. Before going to bed, think for a long time about the object of intimacy.
2. When your beloved appears, have sexual intercourse with her in order to increase the population of the country.
Tomorrow I will personally check your compliance with the law! And now - see point 1.

WITH He is yours gently guarding, The night suits you well, The stars gently mutter, “Sleep, kitten, good night! »

M oh dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you. I so want to be heard by your heart... I kiss the tips of your wings.

P you come to me in a dream - I’ll be scared,
And if you come during the day, I’ll scream!
Come on, I'm kidding, I'm kidding
Because you know how much I love you.

N my dear angel sleeps on the wing,
My gentle angel shines in the darkness.
Sleep, my baby, you see the night outside the window,
Sleep, you are enveloped in spiritual warmth,
Sleep, may you dream
Milky Way, joyful world...
Just don't forget me.
Sleep, my baby, the bed will be heaven,
I will guard your sleep until the morning.
Good night, my beloved kitten.

E there is a magical country,
It is visible from space.
Everyone quickly falls asleep in it
And in dreams they fly.

IN There is one country in the world that is only visible from the moon. A cheerful gnome lives there. The gnome plays the pipe, dreams fly like butterflies. Remember your sweetest dream and it will come back to you.

WITH pi kitten sweet, sweet
You're probably in bed
Quietly close your eyes

WITH pi, little bunny, sweet, sweet,
I kiss your paw!
I gently stroke your ear,
Good dreams, my little animal!


AND everything in the area is like water,
It flows and flows away urgently.
And you are my cherished dream,
Sleep well! Good night!


P May you have a sweet, sweet dream, You and I will be alone together. We will see the stars, hear the sound of the waves, Only the gentle light of the moon will illuminate us. We will drown in the sea out of love From the passionate sunset until the dawn!

WITH pee kitten sweet, sweet!
I want to come to your bed!
You're lying in that crib!
I want to come to you baby!
Sweet dreams!

Sleep is that period in a person’s daily life, which is characterized not only by proper rest, but also by dreams, thoughts about a loved one and daydreams. Why not wish good night to the person who makes your heart beat at an inexorably fast speed every time? Original poems on the topic of wishing good night will be appreciated by both the girl and the guy, because they contain all the tenderness, warmth, love and touchingness of your relationship.

In poems about wishing good night, you can find lines about how you miss your soulmate, and about how you want to be next to your loved one at this moment. If you have no talent in writing poetry, thanks to our site you can easily solve this problem. This section contains the best poems about wishing good night, among which you can choose those that you like best both in rhyme and in lines.

I wish you good night
May sweet dreams come to you.
I also close my eyes,
I'll go on a fabulous flight.
May this night give you
Your distant dreams
And let everything become reality
Whatever you want!

My love, good night!
I whisper “I love you” between the lines...
Let the angels protect you
Your sweet dream tonight.

Good night my joy,
You are my destiny, my weakness,
My world, my light, my planet
There is no one more loved than you in the world!

May the stars send you a wonderful dream,
It's like you're in a fairy tale,
Where is your personal island of happiness?
I kiss you between the lines!

It got dark. Behind the window
The darkness of the night lies.
And quietly on the palm of your hand
Let the star fall.
And you close your eyes
And sleep will come to you,
Will give you a fairy tale
Fatigue will carry away.

And I'm very quiet,
Without wasting many words,
I whisper: “Good night
And wonderful, sweet dreams!”

I may be far from you
I can't hug you.
But I want my own warmth
Tell you, tell me.
Good night, I say
Hear me baby
I love you most of all.
Well, why aren't you sleeping?
Imagine that you are nearby
What's wrong with you?
I will come to you in a dream.
I'll give you a flower
And you smile at me!

Night is coming. Dark.
It's time to sleep a long time ago.
May you be under the light of the moon
Good dreams will come.

Sleep soundly, the sadness will go away,
Tomorrow a new day will come,
And you don't need many words.
Good night! Sweet dreams!

The hard day is over. Forget
Your anxieties and worries.
You really need to rest
And fall into dreams.

And tomorrow the day will come again,
And everything will be as you want.
Go to bed quickly, have pleasant dreams,
May you sleep sweetly. Good night!

I wish you good night.
You know, I miss you unimaginably,
How I want to hug you as soon as possible
And never let go again.

May this night be peaceful
I love you very, very, very much!
Don't be bored without me today,
Good night, close your eyes!

I wish you good night
I send a kiss,
Let me have colorful dreams,
And hurry up to fall asleep!

I wish you good sleep,
I'm sending you to sleep,
Gain strength quickly
Smile at the world in the morning!

Good night, my joy.
I say goodnight again.
I want to wish you pleasant dreams,
You will dream about hugging!

Good night, close your eyes.
A yellow moon floats above the sky.
And the stars dance for you,
They are calling you to the world of dreams!

Good night, sweet dreams.
The path to the valley of dreams is this,
What is so tempting
So beautiful and so deceiving
That there's no way out
To us from his sweet paws...

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one wonderful shines
Only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The sweetest dream

Night and silence will come,
When you fall asleep peacefully,
My soul will come to you,
And kiss you tenderly!!!

The naughty and naughty moon
She comes into her own again
You will receive my SMS for the night again...
I want to wish you good night :))

Short and beautiful good night poems

The night has come, you're in your crib
I kiss you sweetly
And I wish you good night,
My beloved Angel!!!

I wish you sweet dreams
Like sugar in a cup of tea.
May it give you Joy,
pleasure this night -
A time of fairy tales and unfulfilled hopes.

I see how tenderly you smile in your sleep,
And the moonlight got tangled in your eyelashes...
I love looking at it in silence so much,
When time's boundaries are erased...

The door closed
I want to sleep
I'm already flying in the world of dreams,
Remember me in short
And now good night!

I wish you good night!
And for the hundredth time I repeat
Sweet dreams and good night!
I miss you very much
And you are silent again in response,
It's like you don't have any money...

A crazy day has curled up into a ball,
Alluring with sweet wine,
Melting a thousand delights
And the pleasures of a secret warehouse.
You too will find this valuable treasure,
Just close your eyes quickly.

Beautiful good night poems for a man

Secret mystery of nature,
I can't understand her.
With you in my thoughts at sunrise,
And when I go to bed, I want to hug you!

Night is the purple queen,
What spread over the Earth,
Where sometimes we can’t sleep,
A shawl of stars, whose light is whiter
White snow on a winter day,
And the twinkling stars fly
Silvery, light shower
To us when the soul does not sleep.
Good night wishes
The light brought distant stars.
A dream - it has a charm:
It contains the whole world of magical dreams.
I love you, kiss you! Bye bye!

I'll come, just wait...
And I will draw the dawn at sunset...
Unnecessary rains will go away,
I think we've had enough of living in sadness.

Good night, sweet dreams,
What is pleasant to us without words,
What sadness carries into the distance,
Everything you won’t be sorry to part with...

Good night my angel,
I love you with all my soul,
I kiss you, tenderly, hug you tightly,
And know that I miss you!

Good night poems beautiful sms

Good night my piece of happiness,
So desirable, like the sun in bad weather,
Lie down, relax and sleep,
Perhaps you will see me there.

May the night bring you peace
And rest from worries,
You'll dream about you and me,
Love is a cycle.

Good night. Sleep sweetly
And think about me.
About our fairytale love
May you have dreams!

Gently guarding your sleep,
The night is coming towards you,
The stars mutter tenderly:
“Sleep, kitten, good night!”

I can't sleep now
I want to look into your eyes,
I want to touch your lips
And wake up with you in the morning.

Beautiful poems wishing good night to your beloved woman

I miss you so much
I want to hug you!
Kitten, remember me,
When you go to bed!

Know that I love you!
Go to bed early
And wait for me in your dreams.

I wish you good night,
May the night give you a sweet dream,
And let me caress you in your dreams,
I can't control myself!!

Are you tired, baby? After all, I suppose, like a squirrel
In a wheel, has it been spinning all day?
Go to bed quickly, my girl!
The routine of the day will dissipate,

Anxieties will go away, troubles will be forgotten
May you be in the wondrous kingdom of sweet dreams!
I want to come to you... The ray of the libertine moon
Draws a plexus of bodies on the window...

I will overcome the force of gravity!
Count to three! witchcraft ability,
Having fallen in love, I gained teleportation -
Can you feel me kissing you?

Night lays down a blanket of ash plush
Sunset is replaced by kumach.
Close your eyes, my love, and listen,
I whisper a lullaby to you.

May the storms of the day subside quickly,
And tenderly I heat your flesh
A wave will cover you with sweet languor
Under the breeze I wove from a hundred “I love”,

So that, rocking you smoothly,
Carry to the wonderful land of cherished dreams,
In which to gain strength, my glorious one,
I wish you the dawn roses before the bell rings.

I know you can't fall asleep without a kiss.
And my lips, crushing fragments of words,
They slide, molting your chest from bottom to top,
To the cheek... Imagine?.. So pleasant dreams!

Sleep, my beloved, sleep, I have turned off all the lights. She also turned off the gas and closed the doors and windows. Everyone is already asleep - the fish in the pond, the birds in the garden. We won’t wait until the neighbors fall asleep. The moon is also already persistently looking out the window. To avoid the light, I closed the curtains. So sleep, my joy, sleep.

Let the light of the moon caress you,
Flows into your room,
Let the night drive away worries,
Let a fairy tale come in a dream.

Let the night wrap you in peace
And it will free you from worries,
Let the stars shine above you,
And the month turns silver.

May your dreams be magical today,
Beautiful, pleasant, sincere,
Wonderful, like the stars in the sky, bright,
Let the feelings be fiery, hot.

Let your heart be filled with inspiration
And tomorrow may the skill come to you
In your successful deeds and decisions,
In dreams, in bright hopes and aspirations.

And whatever you have in mind, let it work out,
And the new day will not let you get bored,
And now I, with my love, affection
I will burst into your dream with a beautiful, kind fairy tale.

Sleep is essential, so close your eyes and imagine that your pillow is my gentle shoulder, and the blanket is my warm embrace. Sweet dreams, my love! Get a good rest so that in the morning you will again shine with cheerfulness, sparkle with vigor and glow with happiness.

May the night, my love, calm you down,
Giving wonderful colorful dreams,
He will quickly hide you from all the worries of the day,
Easily drive away the worries of the day.

Let all the vanity remain in the past,
And the country of dreams is already beckoning to itself,
Moonlight slowly pours through the glass,
And a sweet dream, dear, will captivate you.

To cling to you, to taste the secret caress,
Quench your thirst with a heady sip,
Throwing away the daytime decency of the mask,
To drink to the bottom of you, my beloved,

I'm dreaming. And the starry path
My dreams rush into the night
Get through the cobwebs of your lungs' dreams,
Like the omnipresent rays of the sun,

To the ruler of flying dreams
Your soul, beloved, so that in your dreams
We met for hot revelations.
Go to bed quickly, I’m already in my dreams.

My beloved sun, every day is wonderful with you, you give me warmth, fill me with joy and protect me from the dullness of everyday life. Just like the sun, you need rest. Close your eyes dreamily and go to the land of dreams without fear, and I will sneak into your fantasies, take your hand and share this nightly journey with you.

Let the night warm you with its moonlight,
Well, the stars will inspire you to believe and love,
So that with a ray of sunshine, with a joyful dawn
Make all your desires and dreams come true immediately.

Let the night tell you where to find luck,
How to catch the bird of happiness and not let go,
Let him awaken optimism and talent to boot,
To live tomorrow with joy.

May you dream of my tenderness and love,
Let him get rid of problems, from the melancholy of shackles,
Well, let tomorrow be a new day with a dream,
Sleep, my dear man, sweet dreams to you!

Alena Svetlaya, 2016

It doesn’t always happen that someone dear and dear to you is nearby, but sleep erases all distances, and wishes for beautiful dreams make us much closer. If you are leaving your loved one, then do not forget to take a few verses with good night wishes in reserve, which you can send to your loved one and give him joy and peace before going to bed. You can find the best wishes for beautiful dreams on our website. Krasivo Pozdrav.ru, this page.

Beautiful wishes for sweet dreams

I wish you sweet dreams
And I kiss you tenderly on the nose,
I hug you tightly
And I miss you very, very much!
Sleep sweetly, my happiness!
May you have good dreams,
Where you and I will be together.
Take a break from the hustle and bustle.

Let's meet you in a dream!
Date exactly at one o'clock, on the golden moon
Do you know what dreams are for?
So that we don't forget each other!
Good night and sweet dreams!

May the night give you peace,
Wonderful colorful dreams will come,
He will quickly hide you from all the worries of the day,
Easily drive away the worries of the day.
Let all the vanity remain in the past,
And the country of dreams is already beckoning to itself,
Moonlight slowly pours through the glass,
And a sweet dream will captivate you.

Good night! You close your eyelashes
Slowly floating away into the kingdom of sleep,
Days and faces will melt away, as if in fog,
A shroud of night will cover the city.
The moon will glance by chance, furtively
The stars will twinkle in silence,
I wish you only sweet dreams,
Like a fairy tale about you and me!

So a quiet breeze blows,
Spring has returned again.
And evening fell
The moon turned to us.
And he looks tenderly into our windows,
And illuminates with light.
And there is peace in my soul again,
Which rarely happens!

And I want to tell everyone this,
I wish you happiness from the heart.
Good night, sweet dreams,
Everyone will be fine!

I'll ask the sky for good night,
I ask the moon good night,
To remember kisses until dawn,
Where we were together, just you and me.
You sleep and let the summer dream
Decorated with kisses of love,
So that tomorrow we wake up remembering this,
We laughed until sunset, from dawn.

Say good night
I'm in a hurry this evening.
And forget about all your worries
At least for the night I ask you.
May you dream of a fairy tale,
Sweet and beautiful dream.
Will give strength for matters so important
The charge of vivacity is great.

Heavenly stars
Glow in the dark
And one wonderful shines
Only for you!
The eyes are closing,
Night outside the window!
May you dream
The sweetest dream.

There's a full moon in the sky,
She's so in love with you
And I'm calling you to tell you,
It's time for us to go to sleep!
Good night! Sweet dreams!
But love is wild!
Torments the soul, again and again!
Well, okay, sleep! Sweet dreams!
But again you're stirring up blood!
And I, having forgotten that I need to sleep,
I'm calling you again, again!

Good night my sunshine
I wish you sweet dreams.
Let the dream bring only joy
And love guards the night.
May you dream of mountains,
Lakes, rivers and seas.
Let me dream about hot countries,
As much as my love.
Let no one disturb
And it won't ruin your dreams.
I wish you a good morning.
In the meantime, kitten, sleep!

Beautiful wishes for a peaceful sleep

Good night, dreams are in a hurry...
Save you from loneliness...
They have already rushed in the darkness
And they rock you in their arms...
Let them prophesy happiness
And many other privileges.
So I wish you to fall asleep quickly,
The night is already lighting up the stars...

It's time for the angels to sleep,
Sleep well until the morning!
Let the stars warm you,
And bad dreams will be dispelled!
Good night!

Good night my piece of happiness,
So desirable, like the sun in bad weather,
Lie down, relax and sleep,
Perhaps you will see me there.

Good night, my happiness,
I'll fly to you soon
And I will only be in your power,
You are a ray of sunshine in my destiny.

Sweet dreams my love!
May the sorceress moon
Descending quietly from the dark roofs,
He'll wave to you from the window.
Pleasant, wonderful, bright dreams!
Let the stars dance in circles.
Go to bed quickly, my love,
And the dream fairy will come to you.

I want to wish you
Good, sweet, sweet dreams.
Quiet kiss on the cheek -
This is better than any words.
May you dream of a month
Gently gilded with happiness...
From the smiles of the curtain...
Sweet dreams! Good night!

My kitten, I wish you good night.
And such beautiful dreams.
You are a gentle, affectionate little bundle.
I miss you very much!

I wish you good night,
I wish you sweet, sweet dreams.
Let this night be shorter
May we meet again soon.
May you dream of my love,
I will come to you in a dream again.
Quickly close your eyelashes,
Start falling asleep sooner.

So the evening fades away,
The fun day is over
The wind slightly shakes the leaves,
Like a baby on your chest.
Blanket of black sky
Covers the old yard.
Everything is enveloped in sweet bliss,
The stars have a mysterious pattern.
Tender dreams, good night,
Serene light dreams.
The day is temporarily without power
In the sleeping darkness of houses.

Good night, sleep sweetly.
Let the distant lights of the stars
They protect you in your dreams,
And the earth is illuminated at night.
Let miracles happen
Flowers, trees and seas,
Big islands, flowers,
And everything you dream about.

See short good night wishes.



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