Constant pressure in physics. Normal human blood pressure: basic indicators by age

Everything is quite simple. It is one of the main indicators of activity cardiovascular system. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure is the process of compression of the walls of capillaries, arteries and veins under the influence of blood circulation.

Types of blood pressure:

  • upper, or systolic;
  • lower, or diastolic.

Both of these values ​​should be taken into account when determining your blood pressure level. The very first units of its measurement remain - millimeters of mercury. This is because older machines used mercury to determine blood pressure levels. Therefore, the blood pressure reading looks like as follows: blood pressure upper (for example, 130) / lower blood pressure (for example, 70) mm Hg. Art.

Circumstances that directly affect blood pressure range include:

  • the level of force of contractions performed by the heart;
  • the proportion of blood pumped out by the heart during each contraction;
  • wall resistance blood vessels which appears to flow the blood;
  • the amount of blood circulating in the body;
  • pressure fluctuations in chest which are caused by the respiratory process.

Blood pressure levels can change throughout the day and as you age. But for most healthy people characterized by a stable blood pressure.

Determination of types of blood pressure

Systolic (upper) blood pressure is a characteristic general condition veins, capillaries, arteries, as well as their tone, which is caused by contraction of the heart muscle. It is responsible for the work of the heart, namely with what force the latter is able to push out blood.

Thus, the level of upper pressure depends on the strength and speed with which heart contractions occur.

It is unreasonable to assert that arterial and cardiac pressure are the same concept, since the aorta also participates in its formation.

The lower one characterizes the activity of blood vessels. In other words, this is the blood pressure level at the moment when the heart is most relaxed.

Lower pressure is formed as a result of contraction peripheral arteries, with the help of which blood enters the organs and tissues of the body. Therefore, the state of blood vessels - their tone and elasticity - is responsible for the level of blood pressure.

How to find out your blood pressure level?

You can find out your blood pressure level using a special device called a “blood pressure tonometer”. This can be done either at the doctor (or nurse) or at home, having first purchased the device at the pharmacy.

Distinguish the following types tonometers:

  • automatic;
  • semi-automatic;
  • mechanical.

A mechanical tonometer consists of a cuff, a pressure gauge or display, an inflation bulb, and a stethoscope. How it works: put the cuff on your arm, place a stethoscope under it (you should hear your pulse), inflate the cuff with air until it stops, and then begin to gradually deflate it by unscrewing the wheel on the bulb. At some point, you will clearly hear pulsating sounds in the headphones of the stethoscope, then they will stop. These two marks are the top and bottom blood pressure.

Consists of a cuff, electronic display and bulb. How it works: put on the cuff, inflate the bulb to the maximum, then release it. The electronic display shows the upper and lower values ​​of blood pressure and the number of beats per minute - pulse.

An automatic blood pressure monitor consists of a cuff, an electronic display and a compressor, which performs manipulations to pump and deflate air. How it works: put on the cuff, start the device and wait for the result.

It is generally accepted that a mechanical tonometer gives the most exact result. It is also more affordable. At the same time, automatic and semi-automatic blood pressure monitors remain the most convenient to use. Such models are especially suitable for older people. Moreover, some types have a voice notification function for pressure indicators.

You should measure blood pressure no earlier than thirty minutes after any physical activity (even minor) and an hour after drinking coffee and alcohol. Before the measurement process itself, you need to sit quietly for a couple of minutes and catch your breath.

Blood pressure - normal by age

Each person has an individual one that may not be associated with any diseases.

Blood pressure levels are determined by a number of factors that are of particular importance:

  • age and gender of the person;
  • personal characteristics;
  • lifestyle;
  • lifestyle features, preferred type of recreation, and so on).

Blood pressure also tends to increase when performing unusual physical activity and emotional stress. And if a person constantly performs physical activity(for example, an athlete), then the blood pressure level may also change both over time and long period. For example, when a person is under stress, then his blood pressure can rise to thirty mmHg. Art. from the norm.

However, there are still certain limits for normal blood pressure. And every ten points of deviation from the norm indicates a disruption in the functioning of the body.

Blood pressure - normal by age


Upper level of blood pressure, mm Hg. Art.

Lower blood pressure level, mm Hg. Art.

1 - 10 years

from 95 to 110

16 - 20 years

from 110 to 120

21 - 40 years old

from 120 to 130

41 - 60 years

61 - 70 years

from 140 to 147

Over 71 years old

You can also calculate your individual blood pressure using the following formulas:

1. For men:

  • upper blood pressure = 109 + (0.5 * number full years) + (0.1 * weight in kg);
  • lower blood pressure = 74 + (0.1 * number of completed years) + (0.15 * weight in kg).

2. For women:

  • upper blood pressure = 102 + (0.7 * number of completed years) + 0.15 * weight in kg);
  • lower blood pressure = 74 + (0.2 * number of completed years) + (0.1 * weight in kg).

Round the resulting value to a whole number according to the rules of arithmetic. That is, if the result is 120.5, then when rounded it will be 121.

Increased blood pressure

High blood pressure is high level at least one of the indicators (lower or upper). The degree of its overestimation should be judged by taking into account both indicators.

Regardless of whether lower blood pressure is high or high, it is a disease. And it's called hypertension.

There are three degrees of the disease:

  • first - SBP 140-160 / DBP 90-100;
  • second - SBP 161-180 / DBP 101-110;
  • third - SBP 181 and more / DBP 111 and more.

It is worth talking about hypertension when there is a high level of blood pressure values ​​over a long period.

According to statistics, this figure is overestimated systolic pressure is most often observed in women, and diastolic - in men and the elderly.

Symptoms of high blood pressure may include:

  • decreased performance;
  • the appearance of fatigue;
  • frequent feeling of weakness;
  • morning pain in the back of the head;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • the appearance of nosebleeds;
  • tinnitus;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • appearing at the end of the day.

Causes of high blood pressure

If lower arterial, then most likely this is one of the symptoms of the disease thyroid gland, kidneys, adrenal glands, which began to produce renin in large quantities. It, in turn, increases the tone of the muscles of blood vessels.

Increased lower blood pressure is fraught with the development of further more serious diseases.

High upper pressure indicates too frequent heart contractions.

A jump in blood pressure can be caused by a number of reasons. This is for example:

  • narrowing of blood vessels as a result of atherosclerosis;
  • overweight;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • stressful situations;
  • poor nutrition;
  • excessive consumption of alcohol, strong coffee and tea;
  • smoking;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • frequent weather changes;
  • some diseases.

What is low blood pressure?

Low blood pressure is vegetative-vascular dystonia or hypotension.

What happens with hypotension? When the heart contracts, blood enters the vessels. They expand and then gradually narrow. Thus, the vessels help the blood move further along the circulatory system. The pressure is normal. For a number of reasons, vascular tone may decrease. They will remain expanded. There is then not enough resistance for blood movement, which causes the pressure to drop.

Blood pressure level for hypotension: upper - 100 or less, lower - 60 or less.

If the pressure drops sharply, blood supply to the brain is limited. And this is fraught with consequences such as dizziness and fainting.

Symptoms may include:

  • increased fatigue and lethargy;
  • the appearance of darkening in the eyes;
  • frequent shortness of breath;
  • feeling of coldness in the hands and feet;
  • increased sensitivity to loud sounds and bright light;
  • muscle weakness;
  • motion sickness in transport;
  • frequent headaches.

What is the cause of low blood pressure?

Poor joint tone and low blood pressure (hypotension) may be present from birth. But more often the culprits low blood pressure become:

  • Extreme fatigue and stress. Overwork at work and at home, stress and lack of sleep cause a decrease in vascular tone.
  • It's hot and stuffy. When you sweat, your body leaves large number liquids. For the sake of maintaining water balance it pumps water out of the blood that flows through the veins and arteries. Its volume decreases, vascular tone decreases. The pressure drops.
  • Taking medications. Heart medications, antibiotics, antispasmodics and painkillers can “lower” blood pressure.
  • Emergence allergic reactions for anything with possible anaphylactic shock.

If you haven't had hypotension before, don't leave it unpleasant symptoms without attention. They can be dangerous “bells” of tuberculosis, stomach ulcers, complications after a concussion and other diseases. See a therapist.

What to do to normalize blood pressure?

These tips will help you feel all cheerful day if you are hypotensive.

  1. Don't rush to get out of bed. When you wake up, do a short warm-up while lying down. Move your arms and legs. Then sit down and stand up slowly. Perform actions without sudden movements. they can cause fainting.
  2. Accept contrast shower in the morning for 5 minutes. Alternate the water - one minute warm, one minute cool. This will help you cheer up and is good for blood vessels.
  3. A cup of coffee is good for you! But only natural tart drink will raise the pressure. Drink no more than 1-2 cups a day. If you have heart problems, drink coffee instead green tea. It invigorates no worse than coffee, and does not harm the heart.
  4. Sign up for the pool. Go at least once a week. Swimming improves vascular tone.
  5. Buy ginseng tincture. This natural “energetic energy” gives tone to the body. Dissolve 20 drops of tincture in ¼ glass of water. Drink half an hour before meals.
  6. Eat sweets. As soon as you feel weak, eat ½ teaspoon of honey or a little dark chocolate. Sweets will drive away fatigue and drowsiness.
  7. Drink clean water. Every day, 2 liters of pure and non-carbonated. This will help maintain pressure on normal level. If you have sick heart and kidneys, drinking regime must be prescribed by a doctor.
  8. Get enough sleep. A rested body will work as it should. Sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.
  9. Get a massage. According to experts oriental medicine, there are special points on the body. By influencing them, you can improve your well-being. The pressure is controlled by the point between the nose and upper lip. Gently massage it with your finger for 2 minutes clockwise. Do this when you feel weak.

First aid for hypotension and hypertension

If you feel dizzy, severe weakness, tinnitus, call an ambulance. While the doctors are on their way, take action:

  1. Unbutton the collar of your clothing. The neck and chest should be free.
  2. Lie down. Lower your head. Place a small pillow under your feet.
  3. Smell the ammonia. If you don't have it, use table vinegar.
  4. Have some tea. Definitely strong and sweet.

If you feel it coming hypertensive crisis, then you also need to call doctors. In general, this disease should always be supported preventive treatment. As first aid measures, you can resort to the following actions:

  1. Organize foot bath With hot water, to which mustard has been previously added. An alternative would be to overlay mustard compresses on the heart area, back of the head and calves.
  2. Lightly wrap your right and then your left arm and leg for half an hour on each side. When the tourniquet is applied, the pulse should be palpable.
  3. Have a drink from chokeberry. It could be wine, compote, juice. Or eat jam from this berry.

To reduce the risk of occurrence and development of hypotension and hypertension, you should adhere to the regimen healthy eating, prevent the appearance excess weight, exclude harmful foods from the list, move more.

Blood pressure should be measured from time to time. If you observe a trend of high or low blood pressure, it is recommended to consult a doctor to determine the causes and prescribe treatment. Prescribed therapy may include methods to normalize blood pressure, such as taking special medications and herbal infusions, dieting, doing a set of exercises, and so on.

>>Pressure and pressure force

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