Beneficial properties and harm of dried apricots for the body. Beneficial properties of dried apricots: bright dried fruit to protect health

without seeds. In order for them to acquire an amber shine and an impeccable sunny color, specific chemicals are used in production when drying apricots, but if you dry the southern fruit at home (under the sun in a ventilated and slightly shaded place), then the benefits of dried apricots will be much greater - the absence of any preservatives or other chemical compounds.

Composition and calorie content of dried apricots

Nutritional value 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 232 kcal
  • Proteins: 5.2 g
  • Fat: 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrates: 51 g
  • Dietary fiber: 18 g
  • Organic acids: 1.5 g
  • Water: 20 g
  • Unsaturated fatty acids: 0.1 g
  • Mono- and disaccharides: 48 g
  • Starch: 3 g
  • Ash: 4 g
  • Saturated fatty acids: 0.1 g


  • Vitamin PP: 3 mg
  • Beta-carotene: 3.5 mg
  • Vitamin A (VE): 583 mcg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine): 0.1 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): 0.2 mg
  • Vitamin C: 4 mg
  • Vitamin E (TE): 5.5 mg
  • Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent): 3.9 mg


  • Calcium: 160 mg
  • Magnesium: 105 mg
  • Sodium: 17 mg
  • Potassium: 1717 mg
  • Phosphorus: 146 mg


  • Iron: 3.2 mg

Dried apricots are not only a delicacy, but also a very useful product, because it contains a simply unimaginable mass of all sorts of “useful things”. There is no need to list the full composition; you need to focus your attention on only three aspects.

Firstly, even after drying the apricot, the most persistent vitamins remain in the dried fruit - A, B, PP and C. Moreover, they are so successfully combined in this product that they are completely absorbed by the body and “work” to improve health.

Secondly, dried apricots contain a lot of water (despite the fact that the product is dried), proteins and carbohydrates, but there are practically no fats. Of course, dried apricots will not replace meat, but you definitely need to include them in your diet if you want to lose weight.

Thirdly, dried apricots contain a number of micro- and macroelements - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc and others.

The calorie content of dried apricots is quite high - 232 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

Nutritionists classify dried apricots as products with rare medicinal properties, due to their rich chemical composition. It is recommended to use the product in question in the following cases:

Please note:recent studies have confirmed the theory that the product in question helps remove salts of heavy metals and radionuclides from the body. Regular consumption of dried apricots stops the growth of even cancer cells.

Harmful properties of dried apricots

Of course, the product in question, like all others, can be harmful to health - you need to know the “pitfalls” in advance and avoid unpleasant consequences. So, what do doctors warn about?:

  • dried apricots are capable - hypotensive people should not get carried away with this delicacy;
  • dried apricots contain quite a lot of fructose and sucrose - people with obesity and diagnosed diabetes mellitus should consult a doctor before introducing dried fruit into their diet;
  • if you eat too much dried apricots, the functioning of the digestive system may be disrupted - nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 100 grams of the product per day, which is equivalent to 5 fruits. Moreover, you can eat them all at once or spread them out throughout the day;
  • If dried apricots are given to children for the first time, then you need to carefully monitor the child’s health - this product can cause an allergic reaction.

To be honest, doctors categorically do not recommend purchasing beautiful, shiny, amber dried apricots - they contain so many harmful chemical compounds that the benefits of the product come into question. It is much better to prepare the product in question yourself - just peel the apricots, wash the fruit thoroughly and dry them either in the oven, or in the sun, or in automatic dryers.

If you still had to buy ready-made dried apricots, then before consuming them, try to thoroughly clean the delicacy. You don’t just need to wash it under running water, but do it in a bowl until clear water appears. Then the dried apricots are soaked in warm water for 15 minutes and washed under running water - only after all these steps can the product be consumed.

You need to store dried apricots in a cool and, preferably, dark place in a tightly tied canvas bag - polyethylene is simply harmful for this product.

Dried apricots are a real storehouse of useful substances for the body, but you need to use this product in moderation and with caution in case of certain diseases. Even if your health is in perfect order, the product in question must be included in your diet - it is both tasty and healthy. Dried apricots are allowed to be consumed in childhood, during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, but only if there is no allergy to it.

Sweet dried apricots are a favorite delicacy of many people. They contain a large amount of substances beneficial to the body, and if consumed wisely, they are suitable for food even for people suffering from diabetes and obesity. Undoubtedly, taking a handful of dried fruits every day will be useful not only for women who care about their attractiveness, but also for men. Let's look at the benefits of dried apricots for the stronger sex.

There are different types of dried apricots, it all depends on the method of processing the fruit. So, dried apricots- These are sun-dried fruits with a stone. Kaisy- dried fruits without pits. Ashtak It is made like this: first, the core is taken out and dried, then the grain without the shell is put back in.


The fruits contain almost the entire complex of amino acids, and 12 of them are essential for humans. Carbohydrates are represented by sucrose and fructose, they maintain energy balance and nourish brain cells. Dried apricots are rich in dietary fiber and pectin, which has a positive effect on intestinal function. The beneficial properties of dried apricots include reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol and removing toxic substances and heavy metal salts from the body. The amount of food ingredients per 100 grams of product is as follows:

  • Proteins – 3g;
  • Fats – 0.5g;
  • Carbohydrates – 53-55g.

Calorie content depends on the variety and is approximately 230 kcal. Despite the sufficient energy value, a 100-gram serving will not cause harm to people trying to lose weight.

Vitamin composition presented:

  • Vitamin A, necessary for vision and normal production of sex hormones. With a sufficient amount of retinol in the menu, the synthesis of structural fibers occurs in the skin, which slows down the aging process.
  • B vitamins that take part in enzymatic reactions. They improve hematopoiesis processes and ensure normal conduction of impulses along nerve fibers.
  • Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that neutralizes peroxidation and thereby protects against cancer and aging. Ascorbic acid is especially necessary for men with nicotine addiction. It is known that smoking increases the consumption of vitamin C, so it is recommended to additionally saturate the body with it.
  • Nicotinic acid, which cleanses blood vessels.

From minerals especially important are:

  • Magnesium and potassium, as they help the harmonious functioning of the heart muscle;
  • Iron is the main component of hemoglobin, it protects against the development of anemia and oxygen starvation of tissues;
  • Iodine is a necessary element for the synthesis of hormones and normalization of metabolic processes;
  • Calcium and phosphorus are responsible for bone health, and phosphorus additionally stimulates mental activity;

Product properties

Dried apricots have a gentle effect on the intestines and help with regular bowel movements. People suffering from constipation are recommended to brew 5 pieces of dried apricot with boiling water overnight, and in the morning eat them on an empty stomach and drink the remaining liquid.

For diseases of the heart and blood vessels, the inclusion of fruits in the diet helps normalize blood pressure, which is important for hypertensive patients. Many heart patients complain of swelling of the legs, which can be eliminated with a fasting day on dried apricots. To do this, 500 grams of fruits are divided into several doses and eaten throughout the day. For drinks, unsweetened herbal or green tea and rosehip infusion are recommended.

Unlike diuretic drugs, which remove necessary minerals from the body, dried apricots do not deplete a person of valuable components. On the contrary, daily consumption of fruits is a guarantee that the body will receive the necessary elements.

Taking dried apricots is a prevention of ophthalmological diseases, anemia, and malignant tumors. The elements it contains enhance immunity and prevent the growth of cancer cells. The product removes waste and toxic substances and thereby cleanses the intestines and removes excess fluid, which is useful for people with kidney disease. The fruit has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and helps cope with mental fatigue.

Medicinal properties of dried apricots

  • Anemia;
  • Constipation;
  • Heart and kidney diseases;
  • Edema of various origins;
  • Violation of blood lipid composition;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Thrombophlebitis.

Benefits for men

The elements that make up dried apricots are involved in the synthesis of sex hormones, which is important for complete synthesis. The fruit increases desire and improves potency, so it is recommended for men who are thinking about their sexual health. Dried apricots are considered a product that increases libido.

Due to the high calcium content, dried apricots saturate bone tissue with this mineral, and testosterone becomes free for other functions. Nicotinic acid cleanses blood vessels, which means blood circulation improves, including to the pelvic organs. Good blood supply ensures proper functioning of the testicles and thereby stimulates the process of sperm formation.

Fruits in the amount of 100 grams per day will bring benefits. If you eat kilograms of them, even a healthy person will not be able to avoid intestinal upset. There are other contraindications that men should consider.

Harm to health

  • Pancreatitis. Dried fruit can only be consumed in steamed form during the remission phase.
  • Peptic ulcer and gastritis. Since dried apricots contain a large amount of dietary fiber, this can affect the condition of the gastric mucosa.
  • Diabetes mellitus. In case of illness, it is not advisable to completely exclude the product; it can be used as a replacement for sugar and honey. It is advisable to limit its consumption to 5 pieces per day. Since apricots contain a sufficient amount of sugars, it is better for people with diabetes to ask their doctor for permission before including them on the menu.
  • Allergy to the product, which occurs occasionally in some people.
  • Hypotension. Since dried apricots lower blood pressure, hypotensive patients can eat it in small quantities or avoid it altogether.

Methods of application

Here are healthy recipes using dried apricots.

Compote of dried apricots

The decoction retains all the qualities of whole dried fruits: relieves swelling, improves mood, normalizes digestion, reduces weight, and increases performance. Used as a remedy for urolithiasis.

Compote is prepared at the rate of 100 grams of fruit per liter of water, boiled for no more than 6-7 minutes. You can add sugar to taste. If you follow a healthy diet, it is better to do without additives. In any case, the drink will have a pleasant sweetish taste.

Mixture of nuts, dried fruits and lemons

A tasty and healing supplement that is used to strengthen the immune system, cleanse blood vessels, and prevent heart and colds. To prepare, you will need to take 250 grams of dried apricots, raisins and nuts of each ingredient and grind through a meat grinder. Add a glass of honey and 1 lemon, crushed along with the peel.

Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach 1 or 2 times a day. You can store the fortified supplement in the refrigerator in a glass container for six months.

It can be seen on store shelves at a price that is 2 times higher than the cost of apricots. However, manufacturers claim that chocolate dried apricots are prepared without any chemical treatment and are classified as healthy food products. The fruit has a sweeter taste and tender juicy pulp; its taste is little reminiscent of ordinary dried apricots. Due to the high amount of calories and sugar, it is not recommended for diabetes and obesity; in other cases, you can eat chocolate dried apricots without fear. It does not cause allergies or asthma, and also normalizes the microflora in the intestines.

They eat dark dried apricots in combination with sprouted green buckwheat grains (you can buy them in the store). Grind fruits and cereals in a blender until smooth, adding a little water, you get an excellent healthy breakfast. Add a large apple cut into slices into the porridge; you can sprinkle it with cinnamon or other fruits.

Selection of dried apricots

Manufacturers often treat fruit with paraffin or sulfur in order to extend shelf life and give it a marketable appearance. Externally, such apricots are juicy and shiny, have a bright orange color. However, the nutritional value of the product is questionable. It is better to purchase dried fruits that are small in size and have a grayish tint: they have been dried naturally and will bring health benefits.

When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of mold and dark spots: this indicates a violation of the storage process. It is best to ask the seller for one piece to try, so you will evaluate not only its appearance, but also its taste.

Storage methods

When you bring your purchase home, first rinse the dried apricots under water to remove harmful impurities and dust. Dry with paper towel. After this, the fruit can be placed in a glass container or plastic container and stored at a temperature not exceeding 18 degrees. If necessary, you can place apricots in the freezer, so they will retain their properties for 1.5 years.

Standards of use

A daily 100-gram serving will be an excellent vitamin and mineral supplement to your diet. This is approximately 5-6 large fruits.

Dried apricots can rightfully be considered a healing product and can be used to maintain and restore strength, prevent diseases and strengthen the immune system. Men should include dried apricots in their diet to maintain long-term health.

During the cold season, the body urgently needs an influx of vitamins and other useful substances. Therefore, everyone begins to more or less regularly consume foods rich in them. Standing apart in this row are especially the beloved dried apricots. Let's consider why exactly it is useful and whether harm is possible from this “yummy”.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Dried pitted apricots are considered a high-calorie product - per 100 g have to 215-232 kcal(the specific figure depends on storage conditions).

Among carbohydrates, the latter take precedence - there are about 51-53 g of them here. There is much less protein: 5.2 g, while fats are indicated symbolically (0.3 g). The remainder of the mass is made up of water (20 g), valuable dietary fiber (11 g) and ash with organic acids.
The same 100 gram serving contains compounds such as:

  • - 5.5 mg;
  • - 4 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 3.5 mg;
  • , among which niacin stands out, also known as niacin, in a dose of 3 mg. and are presented much more modestly (0.1 and 0.2 mg each);
  • - 583 mcg.

Among them, the main one is considered (1.7-1.8 g). and much less: 160 and 146 mg. Contents - 105 mg. and with their 26 and 17 mg the role of fastening components is assigned.

From the series it is usually mentioned in the amount of 3-3.2 mg. The dosage of copper and others is much smaller: their share is reduced to micrograms.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for the body?

Delicious dried fruit perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and can replace other, sometimes more harmful, sweets. But its beneficial properties are by no means limited to this - dried apricots are suitable for everyone.

Did you know? It still remains a mystery from which region apricots spread to their current range. Many scientists believe that the center of origin was the Chinese Tien Shan, but there are a lot of contradictions in this version.


Men value this product for the following “abilities”:

  • normalization of the cardiovascular system. This is largely due to magnesium and potassium, which in addition also prevent the occurrence of muscle cramps;
  • supporting the body during heavy physical labor;
  • regulation of blood pressure and accelerated cleaning of blood vessels - this effect is provided by nicotinic acid;
  • removal of toxins and heavy metal oxides;
  • support of bone tissue due to. Thus, testosterone is redirected to work with other systems;
  • prevention of urological problems (in particular, prostatitis).

Athletes who pay a lot of attention to their diet note another quality of this product - it is an equivalent replacement for flour products and sugar. That is, boring menu items can be easily replaced with delicious dried apricots.


Women, among whom traditionally have more of a sweet tooth, have long noticed the valuable dried fruit. Moreover, it is completely deserved, because with moderate use it:

  • cleanses the body, removing a lot of harmful substances (including excess ones). This prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • strengthens blood vessels, making them more elastic;
  • Penetrating deeply into the skin, vitamins rejuvenate and cleanse it;
  • raises hemoglobin levels, which is used in the fight against iron deficiency anemia;
  • dried apricots in their pure form (that is, without heat treatment) normalizes the functions of the endocrine system;
  • relieves symptoms of gastrointestinal problems, especially chronic constipation. This is a merit;
  • acting as a diuretic, it helps in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys;
  • when taken consistently, it reduces the risk of malignant tumors to zero (or stops the development if they are present).

Those who watch their figure know about one more property of such drying: acting as a sugar substitute, it does not increase the level of insulin in the blood and, when taken correctly, blocks it.


This delicacy will appeal to both parents and children. In addition to its taste, dried apricots are a powerful tonic and natural immunomodulator, which is important in the autumn-winter period.

Support for the baby’s growing body is also manifested in such properties:

  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • normalization of hemoglobin levels;
  • stimulation of the growth of intestinal microflora;
  • quick relief of constipation, which often plagues such a tender age.

But in the case of children, the issue of dosage becomes especially acute. If 100, maximum 150 g of dried fruit per day is considered the norm for an adult, then a child needs less. The maximum share for a baby is 50 g.

There are also age restrictions. Thus, small additions of dried apricots to main dishes are allowed to be given to healthy toddlers over 1 year old. If the baby develops an allergy (but the cause has not yet been established), you will have to wait up to 3 years.

The first uses of this healthy delicacy will be a trial one: half a teaspoon is given to dry it in the form of a puree, while assessing the reaction. After making sure that everything is fine and the product has not caused rejection, you can gradually increase its content in the menu (up to the same 50 g).

Did you know? Archaeologists claim that humanity has been cultivating apricots for at least 6 thousand years.

Is it possible for pregnant and nursing mothers

The abundance of vitamins and minerals makes this product indispensable for women in labor whose bodies work under double load. And they will benefit the baby himself.

Supporting the heart, blood vessels and kidneys - dried fruit can do all this. Gynecologists often advise expectant mothers to eat 4-5 slices a day to support the endocrine system. If accompanied, dried apricots in the same quantities are included in the menu as an indispensable element.
True, its use will not benefit everyone. This use is prohibited for women who have low blood pressure, bronchial asthma or allergic reactions.

In the absence of such complications, this type of drying is best used as an additive to muesli or porridge and cottage cheese. Although here you will have to start small: 1 slice, then 2 and so on.

Important! The ideal option for breastfeeding is a compote of dried apricots, which the mother will drink: the compounds in liquid form are absorbed by her body much faster than solid drying.

The same situation applies to: a healthy woman and her baby will benefit from dried apricots in small doses. The main thing is to adhere to the measure (2-3 pieces entering the mother’s body have a good effect on lactation and milk content, while 5 or more pieces can cause serious stomach upset in the baby).

Although there is one nuance here: when breastfeeding during the first 3 months of life, it is advisable to abstain from fruit.

How to choose a quality product when purchasing

Let’s make a reservation right away - it’s better to buy dried apricots at the market, where they are offered by weight. Purchasing a packaged product in a store or anywhere else calls into question its benefits.

The fact is that industrial processing of raw materials often involves sulfur dioxide. It extends shelf life, but at the same time neutralizes some of the beneficial substances.

When choosing, pay attention to:

  • Color. Natural dried apricots are visible by their dark orange or brownish color (a grayish tint is allowed). At the same time, the surface itself seems a little dusty and matte. But a uniform and too bright orange color indicates that “chemistry” could not be avoided.
  • Shimmers on the skin itself. The surface should not be transparent or shiny. If you notice this, put the dryer aside: it was probably rubbed with glycerin or oil to give it a marketable appearance.
  • Size. It is advisable to take the largest slices - the larger the fruit, the heavier the ripe apricot was (hence, there are more vitamins here).
  • Taking the fruits in your hands, make sure that they are wrinkled, but without cracks, slightly crumbly and not sticking together. Naturally, no traces of mold or insects. If the product has been stored correctly, it will feel firm to the touch and a little tough. A soft, damp “smudge” indicates that the product has been stored improperly;
  • Smell and taste. Usually sellers give you a couple of pieces to try. If they have a distinct fruity taste and smell pleasant, you can take them. A barely perceptible aroma of gasoline is characteristic of apricots that have been left in the oven, and a distinct sourness is the result of accelerated fermentation.

Did you know? In Chinese culture, apricot symbolizes timidity.

Having chosen the best quality product, many wonder how best to store this sweetness in order to retain the vitamins longer.

How to store at home

Dried fruits purchased for future use are stored in clean and sealed glass or plastic containers (a tight-fitting lid is required).

An ordinary plastic bag is only suitable for temporary storage. For the longest possible storage, the slices are poured into a sterile wooden container, not forgetting to check it for the absence of insects.

The easiest way is to put the covered workpiece in, or even in the freezer. Frozen food will thaw at room temperature. No heating is required: heating too quickly destroys the beneficial substances.

Particular caution should be taken by pregnant women and people suffering from. They should coordinate the use of dried apricots with their doctors. They will determine the dosage and frequency of use.

Remember to use moderation: too much supplementation in the form of valuable dried fruit can result in side effects. Their list is quite modest, but there is something to think about: these include allergies and digestive problems (diarrhea, constipation), as well as dangerous attacks of hypoglycemia - a drop in blood glucose levels.

As you can see, moderation in food will not hurt. We hope our readers will take this information into account, and delicious dried apricots will only be beneficial. More sweet moments every day!

It is no secret that dried fruits contain a colossal amount of vitamins and minerals, but they are not particularly popular among people.

It is customary to cook compotes from them or add dried fruits to baked goods.

But the range of uses for dried fruits is wider than it seems at first glance.

In this article we will talk about dried apricots - an orange-yellow dried fruit that has a pleasant aroma and attractive appearance.

Simply put, dried apricots - dried apricot, which can be used as food all year round and receive useful substances in the same volume as from a fresh fruit. The benefits of dried apricots have been proven by doctors and people’s experience, but is there any harm from consuming this bright dried fruit?

Composition and calorie content of dried apricots

The beneficial properties of dried apricots can be explained by its composition. This dried fruit contains water, starch, organic acids (citric, salicylic, etc.), pectin, fiber and non-fatty acids. Besides, Dried apricots contain vitamins:

Vitamin A (Retinol);

Vitamin B1 (Thiamin);

Vitamin B2 (Riboflabin);

Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid);

Vitamin C;

Vitamin E (tocopherol);

Vitamin PP (Nicotinic acid).

This dried fruit contains: minerals such as:



In terms of the amount of minerals, dried apricots surpass even fresh fruits.

The calorie content of dried apricots is quite high - 241kcal per 100g. Therefore, in order to provide the body with useful substances without harm to the figure, it is recommended to eat no more than 4-5 pieces per day. 1/2 of the composition of dried apricots is carbohydrates - 51g per 100g. Proteins and fats – 5.2g and 0.3g, respectively. The sweetness of this dried fruit comes from sucrose, glucose and fructose, the total content of which is approximately 80%.

How are dried apricots used?

This dried fruit is popular in cooking - compotes and baked goods are not the limit; some people use dried apricots when preparing meat and salads. They also make porridge with dried apricots and even smoothies. On store shelves you can even find candies made from dried apricots - dried apricots in chocolate.

Dried apricots are also used for weight loss, despite its calorie content. There is no mono-diet involving this dried fruit, but as a dessert You can eat dried apricots, but not more 20-30g per day. Dried apricots are also used to cleanse the body of harmful substances and to treat certain diseases.

What are the benefits of dried apricots for the human body?

The beneficial properties of dried apricots are numerous. This dried fruit has long been used to treat diseases of various internal organ systems, as it is a broad-spectrum general tonic.

Eating dried apricots is especially beneficial for people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. This dried fruit helps normalize blood pressure, increase hemoglobin levels, and increase the number of red blood cells in the blood. Dried apricots are recommended for consumption for anemia and anemia. In addition, regular consumption of this dried fruit helps prevent the formation of blood clots. People call dried apricots “food for the heart.”

Dried apricots also have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This sweet dried fruit helps improve intestinal motility and cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and cholesterol. Pectins contained in dried apricots help remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the human body. This dried fruit contains 9 times more fiber than fresh fruit of the same weight. Therefore, to ensure normal digestion, it is enough to eat a handful of dried apricots once a day. Dried apricots have a mild laxative effect, so they are effective for constipation.

Dried apricots are also useful for diseases of the kidneys, thyroid and pancreas. This dried fruit helps normalize the functioning of the insulin apparatus of the pancreas. Therefore, dried apricots are recommended to be consumed people suffering from diabetes, but in moderation.

The benefits of dried apricots are also undeniable in cases of vitamin deficiency. This dried fruit contains vitamins that help strengthen the immune system. When using antibiotics, it is also worth including dried apricots in your diet, as it will help reduce the harmful effects on the body. This dried fruit is useful and in the postoperative period or after an illness, as it helps restore the vitality of the body. It is also worth consuming dried apricots during colds and migraines.

Carotene and vitamin A contained in dried apricots are positive affect vision. The phosphorus contained in this dried fruit is necessary for mental activity and strengthening the skeletal system. In addition, dried apricots contain a large amount of antioxidants, which are useful for skin problems and hair loss. There is a popular belief that dried apricots can treat cancerous tumors and prevent their appearance, but there are no scientific arguments on this matter, so you should not blindly trust all the information from the Internet.

Being a high-calorie product, dried apricots will help quickly satisfy hunger and saturate the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Dried apricots are allowed even during diets, since this dried fruit contains natural sweeteners - fructose, glucose and sucrose.

Dried apricot decoction has a diuretic effect and helps get rid of edema of various origins. This sweet dried fruit has a positive effect on the genitourinary system as a whole.

The pleasant taste, year-round availability and beneficial properties of dried apricots attract many people. But will eating dried apricots cause harm, and in what quantities is this dried fruit safe for health?

Harm of dried apricots to human health

Dried apricots are a healthy product, but there can still be harm from consuming this dried fruit.

Drying fruits uses chemicals such as sulfur dioxide or toxic preservative compounds. Under the influence of chemicals, dried apricots retain their attractive appearance and bright color. Sulfur dioxide tends to accumulate in the body, and when the required amount of this substance accumulates, allergic reactions occur and the likelihood of damage to the bronchi and lungs increases. Therefore it is important to be able to choose the right dried apricots so as not to provoke chemical poisoning. You should avoid bright orange and bright yellow fruits, as the brightness and richness of the color indicate that these fruits have been chemically treated.

Eating dried apricots in large quantities is likely to cause indigestion, diarrhea, bloating and abdominal pain. Therefore, you should not abuse this useful dried fruit. For the same reason, it is not recommended to consume dried apricots for people suffering from intestinal and stomach diseases, especially in chronic form.

Abuse of dried apricots is not recommended for diabetics, since the sugar substitutes they contain cause attacks of hypoglycemia. The calorie content of dried apricots also affects weight gain, so people who are obese should exclude this sweet dried fruit from their diet.

Allergic reactions to apricots also occur. In such cases, dried apricots should not be eaten so as not to provoke an allergy.

Dried apricots help lower blood pressure, so if you have hypotension, it is not advisable to consume dried apricots.

The benefits and harms of dried apricots for pregnant and lactating women

Women during pregnancy and lactation are concerned about their health and pay great attention to proper nutrition. After all, the health of the child depends on the woman’s nutrition during these periods.

Dried apricots are beneficial for the body of a pregnant woman.

With the help of dried apricots you can cope with high blood pressure, which often appears in late pregnancy.

And swelling can be eliminated if you use a decoction of this sweet dried fruit.

If during pregnancy a woman is contraindicated in foods containing sugar, then eating dried apricots in reasonable quantities is not prohibited.

During pregnancy, the load on the heart increases. Therefore, regular consumption of dried apricots will help normalize the functioning of this important organ.

The kidneys and thyroid gland are most susceptible to disease during pregnancy. Dried apricots help avoid problems with these organs.

Anemia and iron deficiency anemia in pregnant women can be treated with dried apricots.

Regular consumption of this sweet dried fruit will help remove waste, toxins and heavy metals from the body.

Dried apricots are a mild laxative. Therefore, constipation during pregnancy and lactation is treatable without medications.

In addition to its beneficial properties, dried apricots also have contraindications.

Pregnant and lactating women who have low blood pressure should not consume dried apricots.

Excessive consumption of dried apricots provokes weight gain. During pregnancy and after it, a woman’s hormonal levels are unstable, which is why excess weight is gained rapidly.

Excessive consumption of dried apricots provokes an upset stomach, so you should not get carried away with these bright fruits.

If you are allergic to dried apricots, you should not eat it.

Dried apricots are available in stores all year round, have beneficial properties, pleasant taste and aroma, which is why this dried fruit is so loved by women who take care of their figure and health.

The greatest benefit will come from eating dried apricots along with cereals. This sweet dried fruit goes perfectly with oatmeal. Before eating, it is better to soak dried apricots in warm water.

Dried apricots for children: good or bad?

A child's body needs vitamins and nutrients for normal growth and development. Finding fresh fruit is easy in the summer, but where can you find it in the winter? In the cold season, dried fruits can help out.

Dried apricots saturate the child's body with useful vitamins and minerals and charge him with energy. Calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and phosphorus are necessary for a growing body, for the normal formation of the skeletal system and increased brain activity.

From 6 months it is allowed to cook weak compotes from dried fruits, because even a small body needs vitamins.

The fiber contained in dried apricots normalizes digestion and improves intestinal motility. Dried apricots are ideal for a nutritious snack.

Dried fruits have long won universal recognition, so they do not need additional advertising. We will study dried apricots, their benefits and harm to the body of all categories of people. Let's also consider the daily intake allowable and other important aspects.

Dried apricots - benefits for the body

No. 1. For the kidneys

Dried fruits are famous for their ability to expel excess fluid from the body and relieve stress on the kidneys. Experts advise drinking compote or decoction of dried apricots to cure urolithiasis and prevent it in the future.

No. 2. For vision

Dried apricots contain carotenoids. They are appreciated by people with low vision. To prevent the formation of glaucoma or cataracts, you need to eat at least 3 fruits per day. Dried apricots will strengthen the eye muscles and promote tear production (combat dryness).

No. 3. For weight loss

Even if we take into account that dried fruits contain saccharides, the calorie content of dried apricots is still low. It is equal to 240 Kcal. per 100 gr. product. Therefore, dried apricots can be eaten by people who want to lose extra pounds and cope with obesity.

No. 4. To cleanse cholesterol

Dried apricots are indicated for consumption by categories of people suffering from varicose veins. The benefits and harms to the body of such people have been studied repeatedly. By eating 3-5 fruits every day, you will be able to strengthen the walls of the blood channels, free them from cholesterol plaques, and dilate blood vessels.

No. 5. For comprehensive detoxification

The ability of dried apricots to carry out complex detoxification is amazing. If the goal is to cleanse tissues and systems from decay products, heavy metal salts, radionuclides, then you need to eat dried apricots or make decoctions based on them. This way you will remove everything harmful, including stagnation of fluid in the space between the internal organs.

No. 6. For the treatment of colds and vitamin deficiency

Compote from dried apricots also has benefits and harms; valuable properties predominate. This drink is given to children and pregnant women when it is necessary to lower the temperature or relieve the first symptoms of influenza/ARVI. Also, decoctions replenish the deficiency of valuable substances, which is useful for vitamin deficiency.

No. 7. For immunity

Dried apricots contain the same vitamin and mineral list of substances as fresh fruits (some compounds even more). Therefore, consuming dried apricots during virus attacks and the off-season is extremely important. This will increase the body's resistance to infections.

No. 8. For the digestive system

Dried apricots concentrate dietary fiber, which is aimed at improving the functioning of the digestive system and combating constipation. Frequent consumption of dried apricots normalizes intestinal motility, prevents the formation of putrefactive processes in it, and improves stool.

No. 9. For athletes

Dried apricots are added to sports nutrition. The benefits and harm to the body directly depend on how much a person plays sports. With regular physical activity, dried apricot will increase endurance, strengthen bone tissue, prevent muscle pain after exercise and accelerate weight gain.

No. 10. For brain function

All people who work mentally include dried fruits in their diet due to their ability to increase brain activity. When dried apricots enter the body, they stimulate neurons and improve all cognitive abilities. It is used to get rid of emotional fatigue and general moral exhaustion, as well as to increase performance.

No. 11. To enhance the effect of antibiotics

Dried apricots, the benefits and harms of which we are considering today, are valuable for the health of people undergoing antibiotic treatment. Dried fruits enhance the absorption of medications by the walls of the gastrointestinal tract and blood, due to which the medicine spreads faster throughout the body. In this case, you need to eat at least 3 pieces. daily.

No. 12. To lower blood pressure

Hypertensive patients need dried apricots because they normalize blood pressure. To ensure that the benefits and harms to the body do not change places, you are allowed to eat up to 5 dried apricots per day. People with hypotension should limit their intake to 2 pieces to avoid worsening the condition.

The benefits of dried apricots for women

1. Let's start with the fact that dried apricots are included in the diet. It helps control appetite and dull hunger, so it is used as a snack. Extra pounds melt away before your eyes, weight loss occurs smoothly due to the removal of excess fluid, comprehensive detoxification, improved digestion and a laxative effect.

2. The sweetness of dried fruits comes from natural saccharides, which are transformed into energy rather than fatty tissue. Dried apricots are able to control lipid metabolism, so fats simply do not have time to be deposited.

3. The valuable properties of dried apricots lie in their ability to control the balance of thyroid hormones. This affects the hormonal background, eliminating its imbalance.

4. Dried fruits should be consumed during menstruation to eliminate pulling sensations in the lower back and pain in the lower abdomen. Dried apricots contain a lot of iron, which determines the benefits and harm for the body. If you don’t eat more than 5 pieces a day, it will only be a plus.

5. Women during menopause should eat dried apricots to reduce the number of so-called hot flashes, prevent early aging of the skin and normalize the psycho-emotional environment in particular.

6. The laxative effect that dried apricots have is required to remove toxins and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is thanks to this that the condition of the skin, hair, and nail plates improves. The action is supported by incoming vitamins E and A, which are otherwise called beauty elements.

7. It is impossible not to mention the special property of dried apricot - to prevent breast cancer. Some substances from dried apricots are added to cancer drugs because they block blood flow to malignant cells and trigger tumor destruction.

8. Girls more often than men suffer from varicose veins. Systematic consumption of dried apricots will make the blood channels elastic, reduce the risk of blood clots, dilate blood vessels and increase blood circulation.

9. The presented product expels excess fluid from the body, so swelling of the face and limbs disappears. Decoctions of dried apricots are used in the treatment of heavy leg syndrome.

The benefits of dried apricots during pregnancy

1. Dried apricots have a rich composition, so the benefits and harms to the body are obvious. There are more positive qualities; dried fruit contains pectin and organic acids. Due to this, tissues are cleansed of heavy metals and radionuclides.

2. Regular consumption of the product will allow you to partially or completely give up sweets. Due to the sufficient amount of glucose and fructose in dried apricots, you will stop eating unhealthy foods and adjust your figure.

4. Eating dried apricots is especially useful in the cold season. Carrying a baby during such a period creates additional stress on your body. The product compensates for all wasted vitamins and minerals.

5. Eating dried apricots allows you to get rid of the symptoms of toxicosis, as well as avoid problems such as constipation. Dried apricot has a mild laxative effect.

6. Dried apricots normalize blood pressure and acidity in the stomach. Therefore, the benefits and harms during pregnancy are obvious. In addition, the rich composition increases the body's resistance to various infections and viruses.

7. Systematically include fruits in your diet to improve memory, strengthen hair, teeth and cope with constant swelling. Dried apricots stabilize the functioning of the entire excretory system.

The benefits of dried apricots for children

1. Dried apricots will be an excellent addition to the children's diet. Its benefits and harm to the body are not equal. To avoid negative consequences, it is enough to follow the daily norm. You should not give the product to your baby before six months. Then introduce the apricot gradually.

2. At first, give your child compote. Start with a teaspoon. Monitor your baby's reaction. Then gradually increase your portions. Do the same with the puree. Pass dried apricots through a blender and mix 10 g. to the main porridge.

3. If the child accepts the product well, this will have a positive effect on his health. Due to the large amount of iron, magnesium and calcium, the baby will have excellent brain, muscle and bone tissue formation.

The benefits of dried apricots for men

1. Dried apricots can be both beneficial and harmful to the male body. If you follow the daily norm, you will be able to significantly improve your health and prevent a number of ailments.

2. The recommended amount of product for the stronger sex is 50 grams. per day. As a result, potency and functioning of the reproductive system improves. Dried fruit is an excellent preventative against prostate diseases.

3. Active compounds found in dried apricots activate the functioning of the testicles, and the quality of sperm improves. Hormonal levels and activity of the gastrointestinal tract are stabilized.

4. Dried apricots will exhibit special beneficial properties for those men who are regularly exposed to physical activity. It increases stamina and energizes you.

Norm for consumption of dried apricots

Dried apricots can bring both benefits and harm to the body. To avoid negative effects, do not exceed the daily allowance. You can eat a maximum of 5 fruits per day.

Dried apricots are harmful to the body

The product has high nutritional value, so you should not abuse it.

The harm is:

  • Abuse of dried apricots can lead to bloating and diarrhea;
  • the product is prohibited for chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • exercise caution if you have diabetes;
  • consider allergic reactions;
  • It is not recommended to rely on dried fruit if you are obese;
  • It is forbidden to eat dried apricots if you have bronchial asthma.

Remember that natural dried apricots have the maximum beneficial properties. In order not to doubt the quality of the product, it is better to prepare it yourself. Store-bought dried fruit may contain a number of chemicals. Be careful when choosing.



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