Why does the Adam's apple grow in men? Why do men need an Adam's apple: when does it appear in boys and what functions does it perform?

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The Adam's apple is a protruding cartilage in the anterior wall of the larynx and consists of 2 plates. In representatives of the stronger half of humanity, the angle located between the cartilaginous plates is not large size, therefore, it is noticeable that the Adam’s apple protrudes strongly forward, which means it protects the throat from various injuries. Many factors in the male body affect the size of the Adam's apple, for example, in children or women the larynx is smooth, also big Adam's apple in men depends on the physiological and anatomical characteristics of the person, the genetic predisposition of the man.

Many people don’t think about why men need an Adam’s apple; some believe that only males have an Adam’s apple. Misconceptions on this topic Today there are quite a lot, the presence of an Adam's apple is characteristic not only of men; the female sex is also characterized by this feature of the larynx.

Why do men have Adam's apple? Why is it needed? It is also called “Adam's apple” - according to legend, it appeared in Adam when he tried the forbidden apple. A piece of this fruit got stuck in his throat, which is why this feature of the larynx, symbolizing original sin, was subsequently formed in all males. " Adam's apple“Gradually begins to form in boys from the age of 14, but there are also examples when women have a pronounced Adam’s apple.

There are operations to reduce the size of the Adam's apple, for example, chondrolaryngoplasty - usually it is often used by men who decide to change their gender.

A large Adam's apple in men, from an aesthetic point of view, does not suit many representatives of the stronger half of humanity; some men complain about painful sensations in the throat due to large protruding cartilage on the neck - removal of the Adam's apple can solve this problem.

Functionality of the Adam's apple

Why do you need an Adam's apple? He performs important functions in the body of male representatives:

  • Protective factor – the larynx is a vulnerable part human body, here are different nerve endings, vessels, organs respiratory system, digestive tract, which are protected from external influence thin skin tissues. Therefore, the Adam's apple is a kind of protective device for the throat, it prevents it from being compressed, i.e. suffocation;
  • Voice formation - males have a lower and rougher voice than, for example, females. This feature associated with the process of tension of the ligaments, it is formed during puberty gradually with an increase in the Adam’s apple;
  • Preventing saliva from entering the respiratory system.

Adam's apple pathologies

A blow to the Adam's apple can cause negative consequences for men's health, like injuries can provoke death for a person. When a serious injury occurs, a signal is sent to the brain that activates the syncope reflex - the person falls into an unconscious state, myocardial contractions stop, and cardiac arrest occurs. That’s why it’s so important to prevent injuries in the Adam’s apple area.
Men often develop various pathologies which are associated with pain in the Adam's apple area:

  • Hyperthyroidism – increased production hormones in the area thyroid gland. This process is characterized by increased sweating, tachycardia, diarrhea, and nervousness;
  • Hypothyroidism is decreased production of hormones. Characteristic signs this phenomenon - constipation, fatigue syndrome, cold intolerance;
  • Thyroiditis - this inflammatory process occurs in normal or acute form. The causative agents are infectious phenomena in the respiratory tract. It is characterized by painful attacks in the Adam’s apple area, expansion of the thyroid gland, the occurrence of purulent neoplasms in the larynx;
  • Tuberculosis of the larynx, cancerous tumors– as tumor-like neoplasms increase, they will appear painful symptoms in the Adam's apple area, painful attacks are also possible when breathing, swallowing;
  • A fracture of the cartilaginous larynx is often the cause of pain. A blow to the Adam's apple can provoke this phenomenon, which will be characterized by difficulty breathing, painful sensations when swallowing or coughing;
  • Riedel's chronic fibrous thyroiditis - distinctive feature the process is the expansion of connective tissues near the “Adam's apple”, the thyroid gland enlarges, which causes pressure on the trachea and esophagus;
  • Laryngitis - occurs due to viral infectious phenomena, cold moments. Is inflammatory process in the larynx. Characterized by painful attacks in the Adam's apple area, dry cough. Swelling of the mucous tissues of the larynx occurs, which causes compression of the throat.

Any patient complaint about pain in the “Adam’s apple” area should be examined in detail by a doctor, with a diagnosis of the disease and clarification of the diagnosis. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate in this situation.

Surgical methods for changing the Adam's apple

Today there are surgical methods modifications of the “Adam’s apple”:

  • Complete removal of the Adam's apple - performed in situations where the removal of cartilage will not cause negative consequences for men's health. Subsequently, it provokes a change in vocal timbre. But these changes are irreversible - increasing cartilage after removal has already been done will be an impossible process;
  • Partial removal - performed by a doctor if the possibility is not allowed complete removal Adam's apple. During the operation, the surgeon changes the angle of the cartilage plates, i.e. modifies the position of the Adam's apple with male type on the female form, as in the photo. Conducted surgery less traumatic, but not always taking into account different circumstances it leads to a modification of the male voice.

Any method of surgical intervention in the area of ​​the “Adam’s apple”, removal of the Adam’s apple must be performed after thorough examination in the hospital. How much will this cost? operative method it is necessary to clarify this with a doctor at the place where the process is performed.

In fact, the question is a little incorrect, because you and I are used to thinking that if a person has an Adam’s apple, then he is a man, and if there is no Adam’s apple, he is a woman. I would like to surprise you, in fact, both men and women and even animals have an Adam’s apple. What it is, as well as what functions it performs, we will explain to you today.

The Adam's apple is a large unpaired cartilaginous formation in the larynx, which appeared in the process of evolution in vertebrate mammals. In Latin it sounds like prominentia laryngea, and is also popularly called “Adam’s apple.” By the way, there is no translation of the word “Adam’s apple” into English; in America they use the phrase “adam’s apple” - again, it is clear how it is translated. Well, our word “Adam’s apple” comes from Turkic and means “strong, protruding, hard.”

Well, the very phrase “Adam’s apple” came to us from the Bible, when Eve offered Adam an apple from the tree of comprehension of truth. When Adam tried to taste it, the apple became a lump in his throat. This is the kind of eternal mark that resembles original sin.

The formation of the Adam's apple is facilitated by the fusion of two plates of thyroid cartilage. The acute angle of a man's Adam's apple is formed due to the fact that male vocal cords are much longer than female ones. In children and women, the plates grow together to form an obtuse angle.

There is another reason for a less noticeable Adam's apple in women - fat. This layer exists regardless of a woman’s structure and weight.

Some women may experience protruding Adam's apples, but this is by no means a miracle. This kind of deviation exists due to problems with hormonal levels, also in addition to the Adam's apple, the woman acquires a rough voice and excess hair.

According to its functionality, the Adam's apple plays important role, when swallowing water or food, the Adam's apple covers the respiratory tract and food does not enter them, but goes straight to the stomach.

Not only humans, but also other mammals have Adam's apples. With the help of this organ, animals can make special sounds. For example, bats They emit ultrasound, and the elephant produces infrasound.

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What is an Adam's apple?

The Adam's apple is a solid piece of cartilage in the area of ​​the larynx. It is often confused with the thyroid gland. It is interconnected with the vocal cords.

The name is of Turkic origin and translates as “strong”. This prominent section of a man’s neck is popularly nicknamed “Adam’s apple.”
According to biblical legend, the Adam's apple serves as a reminder of the sin committed - eating the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. The pouring apple got stuck in sinful Adam’s throat.


Fused cartilage is like a dense plate that becomes stiffer over time.

It carries its functional load:

  1. Voice formation. The Adam's apple is involved in the production of sounds. The plate strains the vocal cords. As boys get older, their voices become rougher because the Adam's apple hardens, putting more strain on the ligaments.
  2. Protection of the larynx organs. In the event of a blow or strangulation, the plate protects the anterior cervical region, in some cases this saves lives

Why is a man's Adam's apple larger than a woman's?


The Adam's apple is a secondary sexual characteristic. It is clearly expressed in men.

On a woman's neck, cartilage stands out when hormonal imbalance There is more testosterone in the body than estrogen.

All people have Adam's cartilage. It can be easily felt on the neck while speaking in a place where vibration is felt.

In a mature man, the Adam's apple protrudes noticeably due to longer vocal cords. They undergo qualitative changes in adolescence under hormonal influence.

Sexual question

A protruding Adam's apple is proof of belonging to male. It can be used to distinguish transvestites and transsexuals. Sometimes representatives of these groups decide to remove noticeable cartilage operationally.

Removing the Adam's apple is a risky surgical procedure that can cause severe harm health.

What does the size depend on?

Some women try to determine the libido of its owner by the size of a man's Adam's apple. The larger it is, the sexier and more attractive the partner. This is a wrong assumption.

The size of the Adam's apple does not depend on testosterone levels. The reason for the large protruding Adam's apple lies only in individual physiology, determined by genes.

Also, the size depends on living habits, age, health and psychological mood.

Adam's apple hurts when swallowing

Why do men need an Adam's apple? Source: muzcina.ru

Pain in the Adam's apple area indicates a number of diseases.

  • Laryngitis. Viruses and colds provoke inflammation in the larynx. Symptoms: dry cough, pain when swallowing, swelling of the mucous membrane. If you start the disease, it will turn into a chronic illness
  • Hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland cannot cope with the production of hormones. Symptoms: causeless fatigue, discomfort at low outside temperatures, stool retention
  • Fibrous thyroiditis. The root causes of the disease are unknown; tissue formations around the Adam's apple grow. Signs: greatly enlarged thyroid gland which begins to put pressure on the trachea
  • Hyperthyroidism. Excess thyroid hormones. Symptoms: loose stool, nervousness, heavy sweating, tremor
  • Laryngeal cancer. The severity of the pain depends on the stage of formation, the patient coughs up blood. Having difficulty eating
  • Tuberculosis. The throat begins to feel sore, bloody discharge and hoarseness in the voice
  • Thyroiditis. Infection of the upper respiratory tract causes inflammation of the thyroid gland. Treatment requires hospitalization. Symptoms: pain, enlarged thyroid gland, sepsis, ulcers
  • Fracture. Symptoms: pain, difficulty breathing, coughing and swallowing.

If your Adam's apple hurts, immediate attention is required medical examination. Provoking factors may be different, but they all have serious consequences. Don’t delay making an appointment with an ENT specialist or endocrinologist.

The Adam's apple is a cartilage that protrudes only in men and is located in the front of the thyroid gland. According to a widely known belief, Adam's Adam's apple was formed when he bit off a piece of fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. A piece of the fatal apple got stuck in the seduced person’s throat, as a result of which such a noticeable protrusion formed on its front part.

Anatomical features

In fact, women also have this cartilage. It’s just that in ladies it is located at a more obtuse angle than in gentlemen, and therefore is not noticeable. For young men in puberty active production of testosterone begins. This hormone influences the formation of a special skeletal shape, developed muscles and increased “hairiness” of the strong half of humanity.

Testosterone also affects the formation of the Adam's apple. In little boys thyroid cartilage not noticeable, just like in girls. As it grows older, the shape of its upper part changes, which is why the Adam's apple appears. During this process, young men experience that same voice breakdown that causes them so much inconvenience. All these processes are controlled by testosterone.

Why is it needed?

The main function of the Adam's apple is to close the windpipe when a person eats. Cartilage thus protects a person from suffocation while eating. This process can be noticed during swallowing: the Adam's apple rises when a person swallows a piece of food or a portion of liquid, and then falls, freeing the windpipe for inhalation. Everything works the same for women as it does for men.

The auxiliary function of the Adam's apple is participation in the formation of sounds. Since cartilage is connected to the larynx, it influences the formation of high and low sounds during the speech process. The higher the sound produced by the ligaments, the higher the Adam's apple rises, slightly pinching the lumen of the larynx. The lower the Adam's apple, the lower the sound. Thus, the second function of this organ is voice-forming. Bent at an acute angle thanks to testosterone, the cartilage forms the deep voice for which men are famous.

A man must know everything about his body in order to monitor his health and use the body’s resources to the maximum.

We have known about the functioning of the heart, kidneys, and brain since school.

What do you know about the Adam's apple? And why is it greater than in women?

The Adam's apple is a solid piece of cartilage in the area of ​​the larynx. It is often confused with the thyroid gland. It is interconnected with the vocal cords.

The name is of Turkic origin and translates as “strong”. This prominent section of a man’s neck is popularly nicknamed “Adam’s apple.”

According to biblical tradition, the Adam's apple serves as a reminder of the sin committed - eaten forbidden fruit in the Gardens of Eden. The pouring apple got stuck in sinful Adam's throat.


Fused cartilage is like a dense plate that becomes stiffer over time.

She carries her functional load:

  1. Voice formation. The Adam's apple is involved in the production of sounds. The plate strains the vocal cords. As boys get older, their voices become rougher because the Adam's apple hardens, putting more strain on the ligaments.
  2. Protection of the larynx organs. In the event of a blow or strangulation, the plate protects the front of the neck, in some cases this saves lives.

Why is a man's Adam's apple larger than a woman's?

The Adam's apple is a secondary sexual characteristic. It is clearly expressed in men.

On the female neck, cartilage is released when there is a hormonal imbalance in the body - there is more testosterone than estrogen.

All people have Adam's cartilage. It can be easily felt on the neck while speaking in a place where vibration is felt.

In mature men, the Adam's apple protrudes noticeably due to longer vocal cords. They undergo qualitative changes during adolescence under hormonal influence.

Sexual question

A protruding Adam's apple is proof of being male. It can be used to distinguish transvestites and transsexuals. Sometimes representatives of these groups decide to remove noticeable cartilage through surgery.

Removing the Adam's apple is a risky surgical procedure that can cause severe harm to health.

What does the size depend on?

Some women try to determine the libido of its owner by the size of a man's Adam's apple. The larger it is, the sexier and more attractive the partner. This is a wrong assumption.

The size of the Adam's apple does not depend on testosterone levels. The reason for the large protruding Adam's apple lies only in individual physiology, determined by genes.

Also, the size depends on life habits, age, health and psychological mood.

Adam's apple hurts when swallowing

Pain in the Adam's apple area indicates a number of diseases.

  • Laryngitis. Viruses and colds provoke inflammation in the larynx. Symptoms: dry cough, pain when swallowing, swelling of the mucous membrane. If the disease is neglected, it will turn into a chronic illness.
  • Hypothyroidism. The thyroid gland cannot cope with the production of hormones. Symptoms: causeless fatigue, discomfort at low outside temperatures, stool retention.
  • Fibrous thyroiditis. The root causes of the disease are unknown; tissue formations around the Adam's apple grow. Signs: a greatly enlarged thyroid gland, which begins to put pressure on the trachea.
  • Hyperthyroidism. Excess thyroid hormones. Symptoms: loose stools, nervousness, heavy sweating, tremors.
  • Laryngeal cancer. The severity of the pain depends on the stage of formation, the patient coughs up blood. There are difficulties with eating.
  • Tuberculosis. The throat begins to sore, bloody discharge and hoarseness appear in the voice.
  • Thyroiditis. An upper respiratory tract infection causes inflammation of the thyroid gland. Treatment requires hospitalization. Symptoms: pain, enlarged thyroid gland, sepsis, ulcers.
  • Fracture. Symptoms: pain, difficulty breathing, coughing and swallowing.

If your Adam's apple hurts, immediate medical examination is required. The triggering factors may be different, but they all have serious consequences. Don’t delay making an appointment with an ENT specialist or endocrinologist.

Male Adam's apple– a necessary part of the body with its own functions!



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