Why can't you eat the greens of a watermelon? The benefits of watermelons

Watermelon is a treasure needed by a person vitamins such as A, E, C, B1, B2, B6, B9, PP. Despite the fact that it is sweet, watermelon is also allowed for people with diabetes mellitus, since it contains fructose, but this should be done in small portions. Still, there are some contraindications. What to do if you overeat?

Who shouldn't eat watermelon?

First of all, you should use it with caution:

  1. People with urinary outflow disorders.
  2. For diarrhea and colitis.
  3. If there are stones in the body large sizes, since watermelon has a diuretic effect, which can cause renal colic.
  4. At inflammatory disease renal pelvis.
  5. Subject to availability severe pathologies prostate and pancreas.

In addition, pregnant women should be careful, especially during later. It is also not recommended to mix it with a large number food.


How much watermelon should you eat at a time? In fact, there are no restrictions on this. Usually they eat as much watermelon as they can, without particularly limiting themselves.

How much watermelon should you eat per day? You can eat it all day long, it’s true. Moreover, there is a special one that has a positive effect on the body.

Watermelon diet

Many people like this diet, because you don’t have to force yourself to eat watermelon; on the contrary, it’s even fun. This takes place calmly and without disruption and brings with it a lot of advantages, such as normalizing metabolism and cleansing the body of various toxins. During this diet, fluid is actively released, due to which some cleansing of the stomach occurs. General condition person this period light and without feeling hungry. But if you have kidney-related diseases, then the watermelon diet is contraindicated for you!

It may seem like you've lost a lot during this time. extra pounds, but this is not entirely true, because it does not mean getting rid of fat deposits. This diet will not lead to the achievement of the goal of losing weight. Only thorough cleaning occurs, which, by the way, is very useful. It's not clear here established menu, everyone is guided by their own personal feelings.


There are many antioxidants that prevent aging and prolong the life of the body. They also protect the body from age-related damage, and carotene improves vision.

But this is not the most important advantage of watermelon. What is really valuable is folic acid. It is also called differently, which helps the body develop normally. In addition to processes that are invisible to us, but important for the body, it also improves skin color, digestion, and is also useful for expectant mothers.

If you are looking for foods that contain magnesium, then watermelon is just for you. This microelement is useful because it helps to absorb other useful substances. 60% can be found in 100 grams of watermelon. In addition, magnesium helps muscle and nerve function. Its deficiency is caused by weakness and fatigue. It is recommended that people with blood pressure and kidney problems pay attention to the magnesium content in their diet. And finally, magnesium is an excellent antidepressant. If you are faced with the problem of poor concentration, blues and bad sleep, then a watermelon diet can help you gain vigor and strength.

Watermelon can be an excellent alternative to cooling drinks during the hot season, as it contains about 90% water. This berry will not harm the body in any way, unlike chemical sodas, and will also provide benefits.

Note to girls: you can make it out of watermelon great masks for all facial skin types. The recipe is extremely simple. All you need to do is turn the watermelon pulp into a paste and apply a light layer on your face for 10-15 minutes. And if you want to enhance the effect, then use before the procedure olive oil, if you have dry skin, or honey if you are prone to oily skin.


In addition to the numerous beneficial components that watermelon includes, unfortunately, it can also cause harm. What you should first of all beware of is low-quality fruits. They may be so because harmful products life activity of the modern world.

It’s also no secret that large watermelons are pumped with nitrates to speed up their growth. As a result, many people were poisoned. But no one can protect themselves from this, since it is impossible to tell a normal watermelon from a watermelon with nitrates by eye. A lot of harmful substances will enter the body - this is what will happen if you overeat a watermelon full of nitrates.

Danger may await you in the form of microbes, the appearance of which could result from improper storage, transportation or cultivation. So before using prerequisite is a thorough cleansing.

Colocynth is one of the varieties of watermelon that you should be careful with. What happens if you overeat watermelon colocynth? There is pain in the intestines and inflammation.

Not the most pleasant property for some is the fact that watermelon awakens the appetite. Although it is low in calories, it has a high glycemic index.

What happens if you overeat watermelon?

If you get too carried away with eating this sweet and juicy berry, trouble may arise. Firstly, with very frequent use watermelon in unlimited quantities, there is a possibility that an allergy may occur, which is not good for the body. Summer - perfect time in order to eat large watermelons, since at other times of the year there is no such opportunity. And in the warm season everyone wants to enjoy as much as possible delicious berry, and if you have allergies this will be difficult.

What happens if you overeat watermelon? Since watermelon contains huge amount water, the load on the kidneys is quite large; if you overeat, it can increase so much that the organs may not be able to cope.

So what should you do if you've eaten too much watermelon? This is quite rare, but if you feel unwell, consult a doctor!

Watermelon - incredibly sweet, juicy, fragrant berry, the consumption of which brings great benefit For human body. Surprisingly healing properties possesses not only the pulp of the watermelon, but also its seeds and rinds. However, first things first.

Watermelon in the treatment of diseases

It is unusually rich in folic acid, a substance that has a direct effect on the process of blood formation and regulates the normal course of everything happening in the body. chemical processes. The concentration of folic acid in this fruit is much higher than in any other vegetable or fruit. For this alone, watermelon should definitely be included in your diet.

Also, its constituent component is iron, and therefore this berry will especially come in handy for people diagnosed with anemia. The benefits of watermelon for the body of nursing mothers are undeniable, since due to its very limited diet they often have iron deficiency. In addition, this berry contains a huge amount of liquid, which has a positive effect on the quantitative characteristics breast milk.

The benefits of watermelon are invaluable for people suffering from diabetes. It is also recommended to enrich your menu with these gifts of nature if you have ailments such as arthritis, gout and atherosclerosis. This is due to remarkable property Watermelon fiber removes cholesterol.

In addition, watermelons are an excellent choleretic and diuretic. At long-term use Using this berry, significant progress can be made in the treatment of old chronic gastritis.

Enriching your diet with watermelon is also beneficial for people suffering from gallbladder and liver diseases and heart defects. It is also recommended to consume watermelon to treat Botkin's disease, urolithiasis, hypertension and frequent nosebleeds.

The benefit of watermelon for human health also lies in the fact that this berry helps to cope with stress as easily as possible. Thus, beta-carotene, which is part of it, is simply necessary for people suffering from high physical and psycho-emotional stress, those who are on a diet or have a weak immune system. Watermelon is also recommended for older people because it can prevent Parkinson's disease. This effect is achieved due to the high concentration of the amino acid phenylalanine, an insufficient content of which can cause this chronic disease.

The presence of lycopene in watermelon, if consumed, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer of the stomach, intestines, lungs, prostate and breast. A high concentration Citrulline, which is part of watermelon, strengthens the immune system and protects the cardiovascular system.

Benefits of watermelon peel

Watermelon peel, having healing properties, is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of various ailments.

  • For sharp, throbbing headaches, it is recommended to tie a thick watermelon rind to your temples.
  • Watermelon peel will also help in the treatment of colitis. So, you need to pour boiling water (0.5 l) over watermelon rinds (100 g), let it brew for several hours, and then drink 4-5 times a day.
  • Watermelon rind powder will be effective as a diuretic for kidney stones, ureter and bladder, and will also be appropriate for nephritis and chronic cystitis.

Watermelon seeds: benefits

Watermelon seeds are very similar in their properties to pumpkin seeds. So, they are used in the following cases:

  • To stop bleeding, against inflammatory processes, for jaundice: pour crushed watermelon seeds with milk (in a ratio of 1:10) and take on an empty stomach.
  • To prepare the so-called “watermelon milk”, which effectively churns high temperature and liquidating febrile conditions, grind the seeds and stir them in cold water(in proportion 1:10) with the addition granulated sugar. Take the product every 2 hours in the amount of 1 tbsp. l.
  • To prepare a rejuvenating face mask: mix dry watermelon seed powder with vegetable oil until a creamy consistency is obtained. Add as desired natural honey or clay. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

Watermelon for weight loss

What are the benefits of watermelon for people leading active struggle With overweight bodies? Watermelon has the unique ability to speed up the process of weight loss, and this is explained by several factors. First of all, this is the diuretic effect that this berry has - it perfectly removes from the body excess fluid, which can increase the scale reading by a couple of kilograms.

Watermelon, having a relatively low calorie content, perfectly suppresses hunger. In addition, this berry is known to taste sweet. According to studies conducted by physiologists, it has been proven that sweet foods for the brain are a strong “provocateur” of the feeling of fullness. For this reason, spending a fasting day on watermelon is much easier than, for example, on buckwheat, pasta or cucumbers.

Watermelon as Viagra?

Scientists from the Texas Center for the Study of Vegetables and Fruits made one very interesting discovery. Thus, according to the data obtained, watermelon pulp contains cirtullin, a substance that, as a result of metabolism, is transformed into arginine and activates the expansion process blood vessels. In terms of this action, this tasty juicy berry turned out to be even more effective than such a modern male drug, like Viagra. Based on this, we can conclude that the benefit of watermelon lies in the fact that its use will help to make sex life more saturated.

Recently, not quite ordinary watermelons have gone on sale. They are distinguished from their red “brothers” by their bright yellow flesh. By taste sensations this berry is more reminiscent of a pumpkin and, despite the fact that it undoubtedly arouses some interest among consumers, it is not yet in great demand.

IN Russian Federation This variety of watermelon was bred several years ago, in Astrakhan, but it was never presented to the buyer. Yellow watermelons are delivered to our country from Spain and are sold mainly in large supermarkets in the capital, and such berries are by no means cheap - about 280 rubles per 1 kg.

Is there any danger?

Nature has created these fruits to be very nutritious and healthy, but due to human intervention, the previously undeniable benefits of watermelon are increasingly modern times is being questioned.

So, unfortunately, in order to ensure their intensive growth, watermelons are very often pumped with nitrates, which can produce both an immediate and long-term poisonous effect. So, in people who have more or less good health, nitrates accumulate in the body, causing insomnia, irritability over time, general weakness, deterioration of the body's defenses. And in pregnant women, children, people suffering from gastrointestinal ailments, symptoms can make themselves felt after just a few hours: dizziness, nausea, and vomiting appear.

Watermelon, the benefits and harms of which have long been known, is important to know how to choose correctly. Thus, the following signs may indicate the presence of nitrates:

  • The flesh of a harmful watermelon is very red.
  • Yellow internal fibers.
  • Smooth, glossy surface of nitrate watermelon.

In order to identify harmful watermelon, you can use a simple old method: put its pulp in a glass of water and give it a little time. If the liquid turns red or pink, then you should stop eating such a juicy berry.


Watermelon, the benefits and harms of which must be studied, also has its contraindications. So, consuming this berry is prohibited for colitis, diarrhea, and impaired urine outflow. A categorical prohibition is indicated for those who have stones in various organs in the body.

As you can see, the benefits of watermelon are simply enormous. This sweet berry not only gives pleasure when consuming it, but also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire body.

The end of summer is just around the corner... But the season of autumn vegetables and fruits is just beginning! Which is very useful for us slimming people. But can all autumn delicacies be eaten without fear? For example, watermelon. They say it contains too much sugar and may even harm your diet. Does watermelon really make you fat or is it all just fiction? Is it possible to get better from drinking watermelon at night or does it not matter when exactly to eat it? Let's figure it out together.

We've sorted out the belongings, now let's talk about the benefits. Watermelon works in several directions at once: it perfectly cleanses the kidneys of small stones and sand, expels waste, toxins and harmful salts, normalizes metabolic processes. It is also a good diuretic. This is why watermelon for swelling is just what the doctor ordered! If, of course, you eat it correctly. But more on that a little later :)

Watermelon is not only a tasty treat, but also a real medicine! Regular consumption of these berries will reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve its composition, maintain vascular tone, and strengthen vision. In addition, watermelon has a beneficial effect on the body in diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, and stomach. Recommended for patients with gastritis, gout, ulcers, anemia, rheumatism and atherosclerosis, as well as obesity. It's really true - you can lose weight from watermelon!

The calorie content of watermelon is only 37 calories per 100 grams. Protein in such a serving is 0.7 grams, fats are 0.2 grams, carbohydrates are 10.9 grams. The rest is water!

And now - analysis of the composition. Watermelon contains many elements important for human health:

  • a whole bunch of vitamins: A, C, E, PP, as well as group B;
  • organic acids;
  • microelements;
  • pectin;
  • starch;
  • carotene;
  • fiber;
  • dietary fiber;
  • natural sugars.

As you can see, the composition is simple ideal option for diet. But why then do many people doubt whether watermelon makes them lose weight or gain weight? It's not about whether you eat watermelon or not. The point is in what quantities and how exactly you eat it. Therefore, only those who use it incorrectly get fat from watermelon. Let's figure out how to enjoy this berry so that every gram of juicy pulp is beneficial.

Get fat from watermelon: mission possible

Does watermelon make you fat? Despite the fact that the main component of this berry is water, you can gain weight from it. If you try really, really hard. So, watermelon can make you fat in several cases:

As you can see, you can also gain weight from watermelon if you eat it with the wrong foods. Now let's figure out how you can and should eat watermelon.

Let's eat and lose weight!

The first thing to remember is that watermelon provokes appetite, which means it can cause gluttony. To prevent this from happening, control yourself on the days when you enjoy sweet berries.

Can you lose weight from watermelon? Yes, if you follow two simple rules:

  • To ensure that the berry is properly absorbed, do not mix it with other foods. Consume watermelon between meals. It is advisable to wait an hour or two after breakfast or lunch, and only then enjoy it. To next appointment food should also remain for one and a half to two hours.
  • Have watermelon parties once a week fasting days. Only berries and nothing else! Not only lose weight, but also cleanse your body of toxins and waste.

If you need to short terms lose a few kilograms - try the five-day watermelon mono-diet. Daily ration- per 10 kilograms of body weight 1 kilogram of pulp. And nothing more! But if you are very hungry, you can snack on watermelon with a piece of black bread a couple of times a day.

Is it possible to gain weight from watermelon overnight?

No nutritionist will pat you on the head if you overeat at night. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a watermelon or something else. But, of course, watermelon is the lesser of two evils. And if you feel an irresistible feeling of hunger before going to bed, eating one slice of watermelon is an excellent way out of the situation. Hunger will subside, but you won’t gain extra pounds.

Therefore, you can rest assured that watermelon will not make you fat at night if you consume it in moderation.

But watermelon is a diuretic product, so you shouldn’t eat it all the time at night. Especially for those who have problems with urination.

Now you know whether watermelon can make you fat. That's right, it's impossible if you approach everything wisely. Therefore, feel free to enjoy the taste without harming your figure!

As watermelon ripens, interest in this product increases. Despite the fact that many people consider watermelon big berry(due to its structure), it is actually a large pumpkin, as it belongs to the Cucurbitaceae family. But in fact it is an annual herbaceous plant.

Watermelon grows on melons and can have an oval, spherical, or cylindrical shape. The color of watermelon pulp is also varied; it comes not only in all shades of red, but also yellow and even white. The color of the watermelon peel can also be not only green, but also white or yellow. The pattern of stripes on the skin of a watermelon also differs; these can be stripes, spots or a mesh pattern.

About the composition of watermelon

The pulp of a watermelon at the time of ripening contains sufficient large number easily digestible sugars, such as fructose and glucose, but the amount of sucrose in watermelon increases during storage.

Watermelon is rich in pectin substances; it also contains vitamins and microelements useful for the body: magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, folic acid, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin and others. On average, 100 grams of watermelon pulp contains about 30 kcal.

Interestingly, a quarter of watermelon seeds consist of fatty oil containing linolenic, linoleic and palmitic acids. According to its properties fatty oil watermelon seeds reminiscent of almond oil.

The water content in watermelon is certainly high, amounting to almost 90% of the weight of the fruit itself.

The healing composition of watermelon

Those trying to lose weight should know that watermelon can be an excellent way to lose weight. Moreover, with the help of watermelon you can get rid of not only extra pounds, but also of waste and toxins accumulated in the body.

Of no less importance is vitamin composition this fruit, as it contains B vitamins that normalize the activity nervous system and help maintain skin good condition. In the fight against premature aging The vitamin C contained in watermelon will help the body, it will also strengthen protective forces body. And vitamin PP will improve your mood, normalize sleep and help fight fatigue. Watermelon contains a substance that even improves intellectual abilities and memory, involved in the process of hematopoiesis, as well as necessary for women during pregnancy it is folic acid.

Magnesium from watermelon helps eliminate cholesterol, helps keep muscles toned, and gives elasticity. skin, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and also normalizes blood pressure. No less important for the health of the body is potassium, which promotes good functioning of the heart and blood vessels. And despite the fact that watermelon contains vitamins and microelements in small quantities, they will definitely bring only benefits.

The healing properties of watermelon

Interestingly, it can be used as a medicine not only watermelon pulp, but also the peels and seeds of this fruit.

Watermelon is good for digestion. It is included in the diet therapeutic nutrition for illnesses cardiovascular system, in case of anemia, in case of disruption of the kidneys and excretory tract. Watermelon juice perfectly quenches thirst, which is why it is often recommended for feverish conditions.

Watermelon has a pronounced diuretic and choleretic effect, it also has anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, tonic and mild laxative properties.

Speaking about the benefits of watermelon for female beauty and attractiveness, it should be noted that this is a valuable product in the matter of keeping a figure in shape, since watermelon is indicated even for obesity. The value of this product also lies in its careful attitude towards urinary tract and kidneys. Watermelon is a source of fiber, which also promotes digestion and eliminates harmful substances from the body, including “bad” cholesterol.

Watermelon is indicated for people with kidney and liver diseases, hypertension and atherosclerosis, when the intestines malfunction. The ability of watermelon to rid the body of toxins is considered especially valuable for those who work in hazardous industries or suffer from bad habits, such as alcohol abuse.

How to lose weight with watermelon

Have you heard of the watermelon diet? If you are serious and ready to eat exclusively watermelon during the day, then one and a half kilograms of pulp eaten per day will help you get rid of extra pounds. However, to bring the body maximum benefit and not deprive him of valuables nutrients these are better diet days do as a fasting method, and do not use it more than 1-2 times a week.

If your goal is to cleanse the intestines and normalize its functioning, then using watermelon rinds, which need to be prepared in a special way. For this purpose, you should thoroughly wash the watermelon using sharp knife peel (scrape) the zest from it, dry it, chop it and store it in a paper bag. You can use the resulting watermelon powder three times a day, before meals, with one teaspoon of the product with clean water.

A decoction of fresh or dried watermelon rinds is used as a diuretic, which can also be drunk half a glass three times a day.

Can watermelon be harmful?

When wanting to buy a watermelon, each of us is faced with the question of choice. Of course, it is clear that a ripe watermelon should be quite large, but it is too big fruit may contain not only mass useful substances, but also a large amount of nitrates. Eating such a “nitrate” watermelon can be fraught not only with an upset stomach, but also with vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pain, which is especially dangerous for children and the elderly.

It is interesting to know that nitrates themselves are low-toxic substances. However, in the intestines, under the influence of microflora, nitrates become nitrites, and then nitrosamines, toxic substances that provoke severe poisoning. The toxic effect of nitrates is based on the fact that they disrupt the ability of the blood to carry oxygen throughout the body and disrupt metabolism in tissues. As a result of poisoning with products containing nitrates, not only serious food poisoning, but also suffocation.

How to recognize watermelon poisoning

Usually, the first signs of watermelon poisoning are observed within an hour after you eat it. Man feels cutting pains in the abdomen, nausea, weakness, pain in the back of the head, vomiting, diarrhea, blue lips, mucous membranes, nails and facial skin. Of course, having discovered similar signs, you should immediately call a doctor and induce vomiting while rinsing the stomach.

How to identify a low-quality watermelon

I would immediately like to remind you that everything is good in moderation, therefore, excluding overeating, try to eat as dessert moderate amount watermelon It is also important to remember that the watermelon should be thoroughly washed before eating and the cut fruit should be stored only in the refrigerator.

According to research, it was found that the accumulation of nitrates in watermelon occurs unevenly, most of them accumulate under the peel, approximately three centimeters thick in the pulp.

You can test for the nitrate content in a watermelon; to do this, you need to put a piece of pulp into water and carefully examine whether the liquid colors the fruit or not. A high-quality watermelon will make the water cloudy, but will not change its color to red or pink. You can also visually evaluate the pulp of the watermelon; it should not be smooth, grains of sugar should appear on the cut, and the veins of the fruit should ideally be thin and white. You can check a watermelon for ripeness " by force"If you squeeze it, a ripe watermelon should crackle.

It should be understood that the risk of purchasing a “nitrate” watermelon is noticeably reduced at the end of summer, when melons are already ripening in natural conditions, and there is no need to apply chemicals maturation.

By choosing the right watermelon, you can not only improve your immunity and vitality, but also help the body effectively deal with stress modern life, improving health. And some research American specialists discovered the ability of watermelon to increase male potency. It turns out that the time for watermelons is a great time to take care of your health and beauty.

Let's talk about watermelon. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to get benefits from watermelon without causing harm to the body. And we will begin the article precisely with the harm, or rather with the troubles that await us under the beautiful striped rind of the watermelon.

IN lately The attitude towards watermelon has changed a lot and this is not without reason. It has become hazardous to health, and this is due to unscrupulous cultivation, improper storage and violation of sales rules. The watermelon itself is very useful, but the greedy desire of people to get as much of this berry as possible in one season, managing to collect more than one harvest of the largest fruits, has led to the fact that the beautiful dietary product has become a source of trouble and harm to our body. In order for the watermelon to quickly gain weight and ripen, it is fed with fertilizers. These are mainly nitrogen fertilizers - nitrates (sodium, ammonium, calcium and potassium nitrate).

Nitrates accumulate in the watermelon pulp. This is facilitated by a lack of sun and an abundance of moisture. Nitrates themselves are low toxic, but when they enter the microflora gastrointestinal tract, they are converted into harmful nitrites and N-nitroso compounds that can cause oncological diseases. During long-term storage, nitrates are converted into nitrites in the watermelon itself.

Nitrites disrupt transport function blood - this affects hemoglobin, which can subsequently lead to hypoxia - a lack of oxygen in the tissues. This is especially difficult for children and those who suffer from heart disease. vascular diseases, as well as diseases of the respiratory and excretory systems.

Today it is impossible to guarantee the quality of watermelon one hundred percent, with the exception of watermelon grown independently. To avoid serious consequences, you should not offer watermelon to children under 2 years of age. At 2-3 years old, 80-100 grams is enough for a child. watermelon, and for children 3-6 years old 100-150 grams, provided that the watermelon is of high quality. How younger child, the less his body is able to resist harmful effects nitrates, toxins and microbes. In general, children should eat watermelon only during the natural ripening period of this berry, that is, at the end of August, in the fall. At this time, watermelons are able to ripen without fertilizers, taste qualities much higher during this period.

Who is contraindicated for watermelon?

Even a conscientiously grown, tasty, ripe and healthy watermelon is contraindicated in the following cases:
1) If there is a violation of the outflow of urine.
2) For diarrhea and colitis.
3) For people who have large stones in their bodies, watermelon is also contraindicated! After all, it has a strong diuretic effect and the stones can move out of place, which will cause renal colic.

Symptoms of watermelon poisoning:

Symptoms of poisoning from “poisonous” watermelon can appear 1-2 hours, and sometimes 1-2 days after eating it.

This elevated temperature, lethargy, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, stool upset. Depending on individual tolerance, various diseases caused by harmful substances, can occur in different forms. Light form poisoning may be accompanied by weakness, nausea, vomiting, and possibly loose stools. And when severe disorders organs are observed sharp pains in the abdomen, fever, repeated vomiting and loose stools, which can result in dehydration. If this happens, try to drink water more often. It is advisable to add GASTROLIT or REHYDRON to your drink - these compositions will help restore not only lost liquid, but also salts. You should definitely take medications (sorbents) that attract harmful, toxic substances and removing them from a weakened body. These are SMEKTA and ENTEROSGEL. For abdominal pain, take NO-SHPU or PAPAVERINE, but not analgesics. No way! Remember that under the symptoms of ordinary poisoning, a surgical pathology such as appendicitis may be hidden. In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor; a late diagnosis can lead to serious consequences.

How to choose the right watermelon?

Sometimes we ourselves cause trouble for our body by not knowing how to choose the right foods, including watermelon, by eating them without getting rid of harmful microbes. There are a huge number of pathogenic bacteria on the watermelon peel, as well as dust and soil particles. Never buy a watermelon that is damaged, cracked, or ostentatiously cut by the seller. On the sweet surface of a watermelon, and even more so in its pulp, bacteria multiply very quickly and can cause intestinal infection. Long term storage watermelon also leads to the proliferation of bacteria.

When looking for watermelon, try to avoid roadside melon stands; often they will offer you a product rejected by sanitary inspectors. Please know that roadside trade in watermelons is generally prohibited in Russia. Melons and melons only need a few hours to absorb heavy metals contained in automobile exhausts.

Watermelons should not be dumped on the ground; according to trade rules, the fruits are placed in sales trays, always under a canopy and in a place specially designated for trade. The seller must have a medical record, a sanitary and epidemiological permit for trade and a certificate of product compliance with the standard requirements.

Take the time to look at the certificate; it will tell you where the watermelons were brought from, what fertilizers they were grown on, and whether there is any radiation or heavy metals.

And more about choosing ripe and healthy watermelon!

1) The best time to buy watermelons is in late summer or autumn.

2) It is advisable to purchase watermelon in stores or specially designated retail areas.

3) Choose a medium-sized watermelon, you should not take small and huge watermelons, the best option is 4-5 kg.

4) A sign of ripeness of a watermelon is a dry tail and a light-colored barrel. It's best when bright spot the side of the watermelon is yellow or orange.

5) The rind of a ripe watermelon should be hard and shiny. If the rind can be easily pierced with a fingernail, then this is not a ripe watermelon. The stripes on the watermelon rind should be as contrasting as possible. Rub the rind; there should be no smell; the smell of freshly cut grass indicates that the watermelon is unripe.

6) A ripened watermelon springs when struck and resonates when tapped. Tap the watermelon, the sound is loud and clear - the fruit is ripe.

7) If a ripe watermelon is placed entirely in water, it will float.

8) The bottom of the berry speaks not only about the gender of a particular specimen, but also about which of them is sweeter. “Girls” have a flatter and wider circle than “boys”, which means they have more sugar and fewer seeds.

Signs of a harmful watermelon full of nitrates:

1) The color of the flesh of a harmful watermelon is very red with a purple tint.

2) The internal fibers are not white, but yellow - this is another sign of a harmful watermelon.

3) When cut, the surface of a harmful watermelon is glossy and smooth, while in a “correct” watermelon it is velvety.

4) Dip the watermelon pulp into a glass of water; if the liquid turns red or pink, then it is a harmful watermelon! The pulp of a healthy watermelon will only make the liquid cloudy.

5) Acceptable rate nitrates is 60 mg. per kilogram of watermelon.

How to eat watermelon correctly:

1) Before cutting the watermelon, wash it with soap and warm water.

2) Do not store cut watermelon for a long time, maximum 1 day in the refrigerator.

3) When cutting off the pulp, leave about 3 cm of peel.

4) Offer children that part of the pulp that is closer to the core.

5) Eat watermelon, but know when to stop!

Still, watermelon is healthy!

Well, have you still had the desire to eat watermelon? No? That's good! Then it's time to talk about its benefits.

Watermelon is very tasty and useful product who is ready to give you great pleasure. Provided you learn how to choose and store it correctly. Watermelon, like many other berries, contains antioxidants: carotene, ascorbic acid, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin.

Eating watermelon strengthens the human immune system, stabilizes vision and helps resist the development of cancer.

Folic acid, which is part of watermelon, helps the structure of DNA and accompanies proper development person. Watermelon is useful for its diuretic properties, it remarkably removes accumulated toxins from the kidneys, prevents the deposition of salts and the formation of stones, and quickly and easily cleanses the body.

The presence of magnesium in watermelon promotes the absorption of minerals and vitamins, improves muscle and nervous system function. Watermelon is an excellent antidepressant; if you are tired, irritated or anxious, eat some of this healthy berry.

By removing excess fluid from the body, watermelon thereby helps to get rid of several unnecessary kilograms. At the same time, it suppresses the desire to have an extra snack, satisfying the feeling of hunger. But you shouldn’t eat watermelon with other foods, as this can lead to gas formation.

Pregnant women should also know when to eat watermelon in moderation. Of course, it is useful for them: the presence of vitamin B9 in watermelon has a beneficial effect on the formation of the nervous system of the unborn baby, helps the digestive process of the mother herself and increases the amount of breast milk during lactation. However, overeating on watermelon delicacies can lead not only to discomfort in the intestines, but also to pain.

In summer, watermelon copes well with thirst, like a soft drink. Juices and carbonated water cannot be compared with a healthy, juicy slice of watermelon, since it does not contain difficult-to-digest sugars. This watermelon is good for diabetics, but in moderation.

And another piquant plus to the benefits of watermelon is citrulline, this substance is contained in the pulp and during the metabolic process is converted into arginine, which dilates blood vessels, and copes with this no worse than Viagra.

More recently, not quite ordinary watermelons have appeared on sale. They differ from their red counterpart in their bright yellow flesh. Yellow watermelons resemble in taste, although they arouse some interest, they are not in great demand.

In Russia, a similar variety was developed two years ago, at the Astrakhan All-Russian Research Institute of Irrigated Melon Growing, but it never reached the consumer. And yellow watermelons are brought to us from Spain and are sold mainly in large supermarkets in Moscow for 280 rubles/kg.

The yellow watermelon is a “purebred” watermelon, it has not been crossed with any other fruit or berry, the color of its flesh has changed thanks to the wild watermelon. By the way, Rospotrebnadzor has not yet received any complaints about the yellow watermelon. Maybe because they haven’t had time to spoil it with nitrates yet.

Now it has become clear that watermelon can bring many benefits to the body, the main thing is to do it right choice. Take care of yourself and your health!

You can read more information about the benefits and harms of berries



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