Flat nipple - how to breastfeed a baby? How to stretch out flat nipples: recommendations from specialists and nursing mothers. Reasons for nipple retraction and ways to correct it at home Why does the nipple retract


Inverted nipples, or flat nipples, can form during the development of breast tissue, or become a consequence of certain diseases, and sometimes wearing tight underwear plays a role in the formation of this cosmetic defect. The existing pathology is determined if the nipples are at the same level with the areola, or are even pressed into it.

In most cases, inverted nipples are formed due to underdevelopment of the connective tissue of the mammary gland, however, various pathological processes in the mammary gland can lead to the formation of inverted nipples.

In the presence of inverted nipples, first of all, there are psychological problems associated with the aesthetic side of the problem, however, inverted nipples can cause health problems, since the accumulation of skin secretions, sweat, fat and dirt can cause the development of inflammatory diseases of the mammary gland. After the birth of a child, inverted nipples can become a reason that interferes with the process of natural feeding of the child.

This cosmetic defect is divided into two groups:

Hidden nipples may stretch and rise above the areola, for example, during sexual arousal, mechanical stimulation, or during breastfeeding. Moreover, this cosmetic defect does not bring any inconvenience to the woman, except for psychological problems.

Tightly retracted nipples, under no circumstances, rise above the areola. In the presence of this pathology, natural feeding is impossible.

Even in cases where the presence of inverted nipples does not cause any inconvenience to their owner, it is necessary to visit a doctor in order not to miss the onset of such serious diseases as breast cancer.

Treatment of inverted nipples can consist of either correction of inverted nipples using special devices, or treatment of inverted nipples is carried out surgically.

To correct inverted nipples, a special vacuum attachment is used, which is attached to the chest. The inconvenience of this method lies in the duration of use of the attachment, which must be used every day for several weeks; in addition, the attachment must be worn throughout the day, periodically removing it to examine the breast for the appearance of cracked nipples and irritation.

It is worth saying that this method, unfortunately, is not very effective in the presence of tightly retracted nipples.

The surgical method is suitable for correcting inverted nipples, however, the decision to perform the operation is made after the woman has decided on the answer to the question whether she plans to have a child and breastfeeding in the future, since after this operation, natural feeding becomes impossible.


So, if you notice that...


1. You are gaining weight

After puberty, breasts grow as the rest of the body grows. Why does my weight increase? You may eat more, exercise less, sleep little, or live under stress. Plus or minus a kilogram is natural. If you gain more weight, your risk of getting cancer increases.

2. You are expecting your period, have started taking oral contraceptives or are pregnant

Hormones affect breast size. If both breasts are enlarged, there is nothing to worry about.


3. You are losing weight

Breasts are made up of fat, so if you are losing weight, they will be the first body part you notice. If your weight and breasts are decreasing for no apparent reason, you should see a doctor. After all, it could be hyperthyroidism or another disease.

4. New menstrual cycle

If the breasts increase before menstruation, it means that after it the swelling will go away and they will decrease. There is no reason to worry.


5. Nothing special

Breasts are not symmetrical, so if they have always been different sizes and shapes, that's okay.

6. Breast cancer

If the shape of one breast is changing, it's time to get checked for breast cancer.


7. Allergies

This happens when your bra wires are made of nickel, the soap didn't wash off after swimming, or you wore a sweater that irritates your skin. Hydrocortisone ointment will help you. If the irritation does not go away after a few days, see a doctor.

8. Intertriginous dermatitis

Or diaper rash. Very often in summer the skin under the breasts becomes chafed and inflamed. An antibiotic, steroid or hydrocortisone ointment will relieve the irritation, and a properly fitted bra will support your breasts and prevent recurrence.

9. The linen is no longer fresh.

Rare washing actually preserves the laundry, but bacteria or fungi can settle in it. The skin under the breasts sweats a lot and this is very beneficial for them.


10. Your weight is fluctuating.

As your weight fluctuates, your breasts grow and shrink. This causes stretch marks. This often happens after pregnancy and in women with thin, inelastic skin.


11. Nothing special

No, it's not cancer. Each woman's nipples are colored differently. The main thing is that it is symmetrical.


12. Nothing special

Our bodies are simply different. If they are symmetrical, there is no problem.


13. Nothing special

Breasts are intended for feeding babies. These tubercles are the exits of the milk ducts. Sometimes they get a little bigger, so if there are small bumps surrounding your nipple, you're fine.


14. Benign cyst or malignant neoplasm

Get tested as soon as possible to find out if there is any cause for concern.


15. Polycystic ovary syndrome

If you have started to grow hair around your nipple, your testosterone levels may have increased due to PCOS. Other symptoms include acne and irregular periods. Polycystic disease can lead to infertility, so you should see a doctor.


16. Shampoo or soap residue irritates the skin.

Rinse your skin with water and apply hydrocortisone ointment.

17. Allergy to clothes

This could be a reaction to the dye in a new bra or wool sweater. Apply hydrocortisone ointment to your nipples and change your clothes.

18. A new cycle will begin soon

Sometimes hormonal changes cause itching.

19. Paget's disease

Or breast cancer, a very rare disease. Its symptoms are itchy nipples and areolas, flaky skin, a flattened nipple, and yellow or bloody nipple discharge. See a doctor immediately.


20. A new cycle will begin soon

Depending on the phase of the cycle, the structure and sensitivity of the breast may change. You should see a doctor. One consolation is that if you have bumps but no pain, then most likely it is not a tumor.

21. Too much caffeine

Caffeine causes chest pain for some people, so just start drinking less coffee, tea and soda and the problem will go away.


22. Something stimulates milk production

Breasts are needed to feed babies. If the discharge looks like milk, something may be stimulating your milk production, even if you are not pregnant or caring for a small baby. The doctor will choose a medicine for you.

23. Side effect of antidepressants or antipsychotics

Some medications increase levels of prolactin, a hormone that stimulates milk production. In most cases, this is done safely, although it is unpleasant.


24. Benign neoplasm

Known as papilloma. You should see a doctor.


25. You're excited

If your nipples are symmetrical but firm, there is nothing to worry about. The muscles around the nipple simply contracted. This is usually related to sex.

26. You're cold

If it's not about sex, then the simplest explanation is cold. Just stay warm.

Inverted Nipple OR Dimples in the Nipple or BREAST

27. Breast cancer

Any dents could be a sign of cancer. You should see a doctor URGENTLY.


28. Everything is fine with you

Now it’s just another phase of the cycle when the breasts become denser. This is fine. Breast lumps that could mean something serious can only be detected with a mammogram.


29. Risk of skin cancer

Fair skin is usually pale and translucent. If so, you are at high risk of sunburn, but as long as you don't overextend yourself and use sunscreen, there won't be any serious problems.


30. Breast cancer

If your smooth breasts suddenly become uneven like an orange peel, and your areolas and nipples become hard, it may be cancer. You should see a doctor URGENTLY.


31. Benign cyst

If it is round and smooth and you can move it, it may be a benign cyst filled with fluid. It's not a tumor. You should see a doctor.

32. Breast cancer

Most often, pain and growths in the chest are the result of hormones. Every time you encounter them, the question arises: is it cancer or could it become cancer? Only the doctor will answer.

Flat or inverted nipples (which seem to be hidden in the chest) occur in both men and women. There are many potential causes for this problem: some people have it since birth, while others develop it due to certain medical conditions. If you haven't had flat nipples since childhood or adolescence and you notice any signs of this problem, then you should consult a specialist. If you are over 50 years of age and notice changes in the shape of your nipples, you should immediately contact your doctor and be tested for breast cancer. In general, inverted nipples can cause both inconvenience for aesthetic reasons and, in more complex cases, present difficulties during breastfeeding. Fortunately, there are ways to solve this problem, ranging from manual stimulation to plastic surgery.


Making an action plan

    Determine the degree of nipple inversion. Take off your outerwear and stand near the mirror. Holding your breast at the edge of the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple) with your thumb and forefinger, squeeze about an inch behind the nipple. Act carefully but confidently. Depending on the reaction of the nipple, three degrees of inversion can be distinguished.

    Find out the cause. If you have had nipples like this since childhood or adolescence, then they are unlikely to be a symptom of any disease. The opposite is also true - if the changes have occurred recently, and especially if you are over 50, then illness or infection may be to blame. Cancer and other serious pathologies (infections and inflammatory processes) can cause the development of nipple inversion.

    Decide on a treatment method. Treatment depends on the cause and severity of inverted nipples and whether you plan to breastfeed. If you have symptoms of breast cancer, infection, or blocked milk ducts, contact your doctor immediately.

    • If you have grade 1 nipple inversion, then it is likely that manual techniques can ease the fibrosis and allow your nipples to protrude normally.
    • If you have grade 2 or 3 nipple inversion, it is best to consult a doctor so that he can create an individual treatment plan for you. In some cases, non-invasive methods can be very effective, but in other cases, surgery is the best solution.
    • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, consult your doctor or lactation consultant.

    Manual techniques

    Use of special means

    1. Buy breast cups. They are sold in maternity stores and online. Breast cups are soft, slightly convex discs with a small hole in the center that pushes the nipple forward.

      Use a breast pump. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, use this nipple traction device.

      Use an inverted syringe. Draw out the nipple using a clean syringe with a capacity of about 10 ml (the size of the syringe may vary depending on the size of the nipple).

      • Using clean, sharp scissors, cut off the tip of the syringe where the “0 ml” mark is (on the side opposite the plunger).
      • Remove the plunger and reinsert it on the side where you just cut. Push the plunger down until it goes all the way.
      • Place the uncut end over the nipple and pull the plunger out until the nipple protrudes.
      • If you feel discomfort, do not pull the plunger any further.
      • Before removing the syringe, apply slight pressure to the plunger to release the pressure.
      • After completing the procedure, wash all parts of the syringe in hot water and soap.
      • You can also purchase a special medical device called Evert-It. It is a similar slightly modified syringe and works on the same principle.
    2. Use Niplette corrector. The Niplette corrector is a device that lengthens the milk ducts, stretching the nipple for a long time. This is a small transparent nipple cap that is worn under clothing.

      Use Supple Cups concealer. Supple Cups, sold online, will help people suffering from nipple inversion by “pulling” them into a special cup. According to the results of clinical studies, complete disappearance of the problem was achieved in just a few weeks.

      • Place the Supple Cup on the nipple, then gently squeeze the bottom of the cap, pressing it gently against the nipple. This will create a vacuum, which will pull out the nipple.
      • It will be better if you use a small amount of nipple cream or oil. Apply cream or oil to the nipple and the inside of the Supple Cup. If that doesn't work, you may need to try a different size cap.
      • On the first day, you should wear the Supple Cups for 15 minutes. If this does not cause you pain or discomfort, then you can increase the time you wear the corrector, reaching 4 hours per day by the end of the first week.
      • Someone can wear this corrector under their bra without experiencing discomfort or creasing the caps. However, you can use Breast Shells together with Supple Cups to avoid the cap being crushed by a tight bra, too much pressure, or the cap being pulled away from the nipple.

    Medical treatment

    1. Talk to your doctor or plastic surgeon about appropriate surgery. Although it is preferable to correct the problem non-surgically, in some cases surgery may be the best solution. Newer techniques used in such surgeries have made it possible to correct nipple inversion without damaging the milk ducts, making breastfeeding possible even after surgery. Contact a surgeon and he will help you decide whether surgery is necessary in your case or not.

Inverted nipple

An inverted nipple (inverted nipple syndrome) is a feature of the development of the mammary gland in which the nipple does not rise above the areola, but is at the same level with it or pressed into the breast. An inverted nipple can occur on one or both breasts.


Nipple retraction can be congenital or acquired. Causes of inverted nipple syndrome include:

  • Genetic predisposition
  • Underdevelopment of the milk ducts
  • Pathologies of development of the genital organs
  • Wearing a tight bra for a long time
  • Mechanical damage to the mammary gland
  • Some breast diseases: breast cancer; Paget's cancer; against the background of previous inflammatory diseases of the breast; intraductal changes, which are accompanied by papillary growth, cystadenopapillomas; galactocele; with fat necrosis; due to plasmacytic mastitis


One or both nipples are at the same level with the areola of the breast or pressed into the breast, as can be seen upon visual inspection. Signs of nipple retraction are pronounced during pregnancy and create inconvenience when feeding the baby.


The defect is noticeable upon visual inspection. To determine the cause of an inverted nipple and exclude a malignant process, a set of diagnostic measures is carried out:

  • Examination of the mammary glands and axillary areas
  • Cytological examination of scrapings from the surface of the nipple
  • General radiography of the mammary glands
  • Ultrasound or X-ray examination of soft tissues of the axillary areas (if necessary)

Types of disease

In plastic surgery, the following types of inverted nipples are distinguished:

  • Invisible - nipples pull out easily during breastfeeding or sexual stimulation
  • Tightly inverted (retracted) - nipples never protrude beyond the level of the areola

Patient Actions

If there is inverted nipple syndrome, the patient should contact a gynecologist or mammologist for examination and treatment. It is recommended to correct this defect before delivery.


It is possible to carry out treatment without surgery, as well as surgically.
Non-surgical treatment involves pulling out the nipples using a special cup-shaped vacuum attachment on the breast. The patient wears the attachment throughout the day, periodically removing it for routine breast examinations. The course of treatment is several weeks. This method is more effective for hidden nipples, as well as for tightly inverted nipples during preparation for surgery.

The surgical method involves correcting inverted nipples using plastic surgery. The choice of technique depends on whether breastfeeding is planned in the future. If the patient does not plan to breastfeed in the future, the connective tissue that holds the nipple is dissected. This leads to his release.

If breastfeeding is planned in the future, microsurgical correction of the nipple is performed through a small incision at the base of the areola. The integrity of the milk ducts is preserved.


Hiding nipples can cause psychological and cosmetic problems for women. Tightly inverted nipples, in addition, lead to functional complications: the inability to breastfeed, irritation or inflammation of the nipples.


Nonspecific prevention of acquired inverted nipples consists of prevention, timely diagnosis and treatment of conditions and diseases that can lead to changes in the position of the nipple.

Inverted nipples are a violation of the normal development of the nipple-areolar area of ​​the mammary gland, in which the nipple is placed in the same plane with the pigmented area of ​​the breast (areola), that is, it does not protrude.

In order to understand the main reason for the formation of such a defect, a woman must know the elementary basics of the structure of the mammary gland. During normal formation, the female breast has more than 20 milk ducts, which stretch from the deep layers of the mammary gland to the nipple, where they are attached with the help of connective tissues. In the case when the length of the milk ducts is insufficient, the nipple is retracted into the depths of the areola.

In medicine, the defect of inverted nipples is diagnosed relatively rarely - in approximately 10% of female representatives. In addition to the fact that the presence of such a defect causes aesthetic dissatisfaction with the shape of a woman’s breasts and negatively affects her emotional and psychological state, an inverted nipple also interferes with such an important physiological function as breastfeeding. Breastfeeding problems are caused by the fact that the child is simply not able to correctly position the breast in the mouth and fully perform the sucking function, which plays an important role in the formation of the child’s bite.

Another problem faced by women who have the problem of inverted nipples is inflammation or swelling of the areolar region; also, pathogenic bacteria can accumulate in the recess of the inverted nipple, which can cause infectious diseases.

If a woman has developed an inverted nipple, this may be a serious reason to contact a specialist, because nipples can become retracted due to the formation of tumors in the mammary gland.

Investigating the problem of inverted nipples, experts have identified a number of reasons that have a primary influence on the formation of this defect. In addition to those described above, these include:

  • pathologies in the work and development of the reproductive system of a woman’s body;
  • underdevelopment of the milk ducts, which causes an imbalance between them and the tissues of the nipple;
  • prolonged use of a tight bra.

Often, pathology in the form of an inverted nipple appears in adolescence during the formation of the mammary glands and is congenital. If after 18 years the defect has not been corrected independently, then it is necessary to seek qualified help.

Classification of inverted nipples

The pathology of inverted nipples in medicine is usually classified into two types:

  1. hidden nipples - pathology of this type is corrected without much difficulty, which is due to the formation of the required length of the nipple, which under physical influence can be pulled out from under the areola. The possibility of breastfeeding is not impaired, soft tissues are available in sufficient quantities, the level of fibrosis is minimal or absent;
  2. excessively inverted nipples - with this type of pathology, the length of the nipple has not formed, which makes it impossible to stretch it above the areola even with the use of physical effort. The pathology is characterized by a lack of soft tissue of the nipple with an increased level of fibrosis. Breastfeeding function is impaired or completely impossible.

In the case when a woman is diagnosed with a pathology of hidden nipples, its correction is possible not only by a radical, but also by a gentle method. But if the patient has excessively inverted nipples, a plastic surgeon will tell you what to do and help you choose the most correct correction method.

Non-surgical treatment for inverted nipples

In order to eliminate the defect of the retracted hidden nipple, doctors use the technique of pulling them out with a vacuum - a hardware method. The vacuum technique is a conservative method of correction and does not require surgical intervention.

The essence of the technique is that special suction cups connected to a vacuum device are placed on a woman’s nipples, after which the nozzles are fixed using a special plaster and a mechanism is launched, the action of which is to suck out air and pull the nipple out.

Non-surgical treatment for inverted nipples lasts approximately two weeks; depending on the results, the treatment period can be reduced or extended. Throughout the treatment, the woman must walk with these suction cups almost all the time. They are removed by a doctor in order to control the condition of the skin of the nipples to prevent drying out and cracking. Also, during the interval when the pads are removed, the woman has the opportunity to perform the necessary hygiene procedures. Continued traction gradually stretches the milk ducts, allowing the nipple to protrude above the pigmented area of ​​the breast.

The advantages of the technique include a low level of injuries, but the disadvantages are long-term treatment and low efficiency.

Surgery to correct inverted nipples

Correction of inverted nipples surgically is performed only after the patient has undergone a full medical examination confirming the possibility of the operation and the absence of contraindications to the procedure.

Before proceeding with plastic surgery, a woman must confidently answer the question about pregnancy. If you plan to give birth to a child and feed him naturally, then the operation will be performed using a technique that does not involve crossing the milk ducts, which will preserve the ability of natural feeding of the baby. In the case when the patient is over 35 and pregnancy is not planned, the operation is performed using a more radical technique.

Due to the fact that the level of surgical intervention is not extensive, the procedure can be performed under local anesthesia, but if the patient wishes, she can be given general anesthesia.

If there is no need to continue breastfeeding during the operation, the doctor cuts the milk ducts that retract the nipple deeper. If it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the milk ducts, microsurgery of the nipple is practiced in medicine.

During a microsurgical operation, the doctor performs all actions under a microscope, while dissecting only connective tissues, which does not affect the ducts.



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