The fruits of the silver oleaster. Silver oleaster in garden design: photo, description, planting and care

Loshovik is a unique tree-like plant with thorns, which is used by people in various spheres of life. Almost all of its parts are used, but most often these are flowers, fruits, bark and leaves. In this article we will look at the beneficial properties of silver oleaster. You can also see the photo.

Chemical composition of silver sucker

This plant has a very rich composition of useful elements. They are found in all parts of the plant, but the most benefits can be seen from its fruits. They contain substances such as protein, potassium, fructose, sugar, tannin, phosphorus and organic acids.

Silver sucker: beneficial properties

The benefits and harms of this plant have been studied since ancient times. This plant has always been popular in folk medicine. Most often, people brewed it and turned it into porridge in order to subsequently apply it to wounds. This species is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory and healing agent.

Very often it is also used for respiratory diseases, sore throats and fever, because it has excellent expectorant and antipyretic properties. But the uniqueness doesn’t end there either. The plant can perfectly fight a variety of microorganisms, bacteria, and especially helminths.

When used, you can cope with hypertension, heart disease, and, for example, the leaves perfectly relieve radiculitis or rheumatic pain. If a person suffers from diarrhea, then silver oleaster bark will help cope with this ailment.

The most important advantage of this plant over others is that it does not contain toxins and is absolutely hypoallergenic. You can even use sucker to treat children, since this plant has a mild effect on the body.

How is the plant used in folk medicine?

It is not surprising that silver sucker has been used in folk medicine for a very long time, because it really has a huge number of beneficial properties for the human body. As mentioned earlier, the fruits of this shrub are especially popular. They can not only have a tonic and strengthening effect on a person, but also improve memory, support the cardiovascular system, and help in the treatment of stomach diseases. Silver elk honey has beneficial properties. It is effective for colds, strengthening the immune system and enriching the body with vitamins.

Preparing a tincture for gargling

Very often, if a person has problems associated with inflammation of the oral cavity or respiratory tract, the leaves of this plant are used. Tinctures are made from them and taken a quarter glass three times a day after eating food.

In order to prepare such a tincture, you need about two hundred milliliters of boiling water and one and a half tablespoons of crushed raw materials. Leave for about forty minutes, and then strain through a loose cloth.

Preparation of tincture for hypertension

For this disease, you need to use the flowers of the silver oleagin, the beneficial properties of which we are considering. This tincture should be consumed twenty to twenty-five drops, first diluted in water.

You can prepare this tincture using a liter of wheat vodka and one hundred grams of raw materials. It is very important to choose the right container. It is best to use one with dark glass so that you can close it tightly, since the product will infuse for about a month before use.

Preparing a decoction for respiratory diseases

If a person is sick, then silver elk berries are best suited for a decoction. It is recommended that the patient use this remedy twice a day, approximately one hundred and fifty milliliters each time.

To prepare the decoction you will need 40 grams of plant fruits and about 300 milliliters of water. Place everything on the fire and cook for five minutes. Afterwards, the broth is removed from the heat and left to infuse for two to three hours.

Using a decoction to fight worms

For the fight against worms, exactly the same decoction, made according to the same recipe, is perfect as for the treatment of respiratory diseases. It must be consumed three times a day. It is very important to consider only one thing: if a person begins to feel nauseous when taking it, then it is best to use the product after eating.

A decoction intended for washing wounds

It was already discussed a little earlier that the fruits of the silver elk are excellent in helping to cope with inflammatory processes and have a healing effect. Therefore, it is not surprising that people have found use for them to heal wounds.

In order to properly make a decoction, you will need two tablespoons of oleaster berries, which are then poured with a glass of water and put on fire. Afterwards, the broth is brought to a boil and kept in this state for another five to ten minutes. After the infusion has been removed from the heat, it must be left for two hours to cool and infuse. Next, the broth is filtered, and after that it is completely ready for use.

Use of poultices for rheumatism

In order to relieve rheumatic pain, it is best to use silver oleagin leaves. They are used only once and then thrown away. To achieve maximum effect, it is best to always use fresh leaves.

In order to prepare a poultice, you need about one hundred grams of freshly harvested natural raw materials, which are steamed for fifteen to twenty minutes. Then the leaves are folded into a pillow shape and applied to the sore spot for half an hour.

Use of silver oleaster as an antipyretic

Fruits collected from the silver oleaster tree, the beneficial properties of which were studied in ancient times, help to cope with fever. When preparing a decoction, you can follow any of the recipes listed above, but you must take into account that such a decoction can be stored for no more than two days. After this time, it is best to prepare fresh. In order to eliminate fever in a person, you can use not only the fruits of the bush, but also its flowers and leaves.

To prepare a decoction from the mixture, it is best to take about 6-10 grams of all components per glass of boiling water and leave to steam in a water bath for fifteen minutes. Then the broth is allowed to cool, filtered and consumed two to three times a day.

What are the benefits of a silver oleaginous bath?

Due to its healing properties, a decoction of silver elk has a delightful effect on the condition of human skin. Therefore, if you have a decoction of this plant at home, it is best to try it on your skin and add it to the water while bathing.

It is also worth noting that this decoction does not dry out the skin like other similar herbs often used for baths. Therefore, lox can be used even when bathing babies, whose skin is even more sensitive and delicate than that of an adult.

Using a unique plant in cosmetology

Very often you can notice that the composition of cosmetic products includes silver sucker. This should not surprise anyone, since this plant really helps fight skin rashes, inflammation, and provides the skin with a lot of vitamins.

Therefore, you can make a decoction of leaves and flowers at home and use it to wash your face. In order to prepare this decoction, you will need about two tablespoons of dry crushed raw materials and a glass of hot water in which it will be infused. After the infusion has been cooled, it is filtered through cheesecloth and used for washing.

Use of sucker in aromatherapy

Aromatherapy requires essential oils, which can be easily extracted from the flower of this plant. In addition to the flowers, the leaves of the silver oleagin also have a rather delicate aroma, so they can also be used for aromatic mixtures, especially since they also contain oils. Most often, these two ingredients are used in aromatic sachets, because... then the aroma becomes more noticeable.

What contraindications exist for the use of this plant?

We looked at the beneficial properties of silver oleaster. And the contraindications of this plant should not be ignored either. In general, it does not harm the human body, and you can use it in any quantity, and you still won’t see any bad effects. The only exception may be individual intolerance, which is quite rare. Only pregnant and breastfeeding women should use this plant with caution and only on the recommendation of a specialist; it is safe for everyone else.

An exception is also made for children under 12 years of age. It is safe for them to take only the fruits of the bush, and only in boiled form. Under no circumstances should you use this plant in any form in the following cases:

  • If the child suffers from kidney failure.
  • If a child develops a fever, the nature of which is unknown.

It is worth remembering the following factors: if the fruits were rotten or, conversely, unripe, then they can cause severe intoxication and poisoning of the body. Therefore, each decoction has its own shelf life in the refrigerator:

  • For fruit decoction this is no more than two days.
  • For infusion - about twenty days.
  • For honey, the shelf life is two years.
  • For a decoction of leaves - a week.

If infusions are made in the summer, you should definitely be aware that then the timing may decrease slightly, while in winter, on the contrary, it may increase slightly. If a person suspects that the product is already spoiled, then it is best not to risk it and prepare a new one.

Silver oleaster is a popular plant in folk medicine that has been used by people for a huge number of years. The benefits of this shrub have also been appreciated by traditional medicine, which has recently begun to produce drugs based on it.

The article contains information about planting and methods of growing silver euphemum. You will learn about the features of caring for this ornamental plant and how to propagate it. Specially selected photos illustrate varietal diversity.

Varieties and varietal forms

Loch is a genus of plants with at least 40 species. Among them are trees and shrubby forms. It is especially valuable as an ornamental plant: its leaves have a beautiful silvery tint.

Silver oleaster is a very beautiful shrub with an unusual leaf color

Attractive fragrant flowers bloom in June-July. In August it forms edible fruits with a rich chemical composition. The taste of the berries is pleasant, but they are rarely eaten due to the large seed and small amount of pulp.

Attention. The roots of these plants contain nitrogen-fixing bacteria (like legumes), they enrich the soil, improving its composition and structure. Thanks to this feature, sucker can grow even on the poorest soils.

The species of plants of the genus Eleven that has gained the greatest popularity is the silver eider. It is a shrub or small tree no more than 4 m high. Forms a spreading crown. The shoots are colored brown-red, the leaves are dense, leathery, silvery. The flowers are small, exude a strong honey aroma, bloom in mid-summer and last about 20 days. Silver oleaster is a highly ornamental plant, loved by phytodesigners. The best way to appreciate the attractiveness of the appearance is in the photo. Breeding work is underway on this species, and interesting varietal forms have been developed:

  • Quicksilver;

Variety Quicksilver

  • Zempen;

Variety Sempen

  • Narrow-leaved.

Variety Narrow-leaved

Planting work

When choosing a site, it is better to choose a well-lit place without shade, but partial shade is also possible. The sucker is not picky about soil composition. If possible, you should try to protect the plant from icy winds. Soil preparation involves deep digging. If necessary, on acidified substrates, add lime or dolomite flour. On very heavy and floating soils, sand is added to improve the structure.

Silver oleaster is a very undemanding plant.

Planting can be done both in spring and autumn. Prepare a planting hole 50 x 50 cm, into which fertile leaf soil, compost or humus is added. If the soil is clayey, with the risk of water stagnation, a drainage layer is installed at the bottom of the pit. Crushed stone, broken brick and other materials are suitable for this. The root collar of the seedling is slightly deeper (5-8 cm), the planted plant is watered abundantly, mulched with grass mulch, compost, and sawdust.

Plant care, fertilizer and feeding, susceptibility to diseases and pests

The silver goof does not require any special care. Mineral fertilizers are applied only on the poorest, depleted or degraded soils. In other cases, the plant feels very good in cultivated garden soil. Once a season, feed with wood ash, compost or organic matter.

Sucker has good frost resistance; only shoots of the current year freeze. However, in the middle zone it is recommended to provide it with light shelter for the winter.

The plant can do without feeding

Can be used:

  • spruce branches;
  • agrospan;
  • brushwood;
  • snow.

The growth rate of silver oleagin is slow, and it lends itself well to pruning. However, on very fertile soils, annual growth can be more than half a meter. You can form it in the form of a standard tree or a bush. It's worth looking at photos of well-designed suckers. The plant produces root shoots that are abundant in good conditions and require control. It is recommended to carry out anti-aging pruning at the age of 15. Then the sucker, without losing its decorative appearance, will be able to grow for 25-30 years in one place.

The plant tolerates formative pruning well

Long-term lack of water is poorly tolerated: the root system is fibrous, superficial, and is not able to extract moisture from the deep layers of the soil. In hot and dry weather, watering is recommended. Not only can silver sucker grow on depleted soil, in areas with poor ecology, it also does not attract pests. He is also completely unaffected by diseases common in our latitudes.

Advice. Silver oleaster is resistant to harmful gases, dust and smoke, and can grow successfully near highways with heavy traffic. If you plant it along the edge of a plot located near the road, it will create a barrier against exhaust gases.

Reproduction methods

You can propagate silver eagles

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • root suckers;
  • dividing the bush.

Silver oleaster fruits

Seed propagation most popular. It is recommended to sow in the fall - in September or October. Freshly harvested seeds show better germination, but in general it lasts up to 2 years. It is recommended to mulch the crops with sawdust, humus or other material to protect them from the cold. However, you can sow in the spring, but this is more labor-intensive, since seedlings will not appear without stratification. This process for suckers is quite long - more than 3 months; the temperature should be maintained at about 10 °C all this time.

To receive layering, in early spring, choose a healthy shoot located in the lower part of the crown. They bend it to the ground, pin it and cover it with soil. Water moderately during the growing season. At the end of the season, a new plant will form, ready to be separated from the mother plant.

It is most convenient to propagate shrubs by seeds or layering.

Reproduction cuttings It’s quite difficult; according to experienced gardeners, only 30% of the planting material takes root. Cuttings are prepared in the summer: shoots about 15 cm long with four leaves are cut. Before planting, they are treated with root formation stimulants. Rooting is done in wet sand. It is convenient to place the cuttings in a box, since they need to be stored indoors for the winter, or in a cellar, preferably at a temperature of 3-5 °C.

Silver oleaster is a completely undemanding plant to care for. Its flowers have a pleasant aroma, the plant serves as an excellent honey plant. Among other things, it can enrich the soil with nitrogen. You can successfully decorate small areas with it, you just need to control the root growth.

Silver goof: video

Growing silver oleaster: photo

I use in inhalation collection and collection for bathing babies. The essential oils contained in flowers and leaves work great in these preparations.

Maslyanika, that’s what we called this very beautiful silver shrub in childhood. Residents of central and southern Russia have probably seen this plant in forest belts and hedges. Few people know about the wonderful healing properties silver sucker. Few people know that silver sucker has the following properties:

Water, alcohol and oil infusions of silver oleagin flowers are used for colds and as a cardiotonic. Recently, some scientists have been studying the effectiveness of preparations from oleaster flowers in the treatment of hypertension. Adding oleaster flowers to vitamin teas will improve their taste and healing properties.

Silver oleaster fruits

Sucker fruits silver in folk medicine it is used for dropsy, scurvy and against worms, as a diuretic and expectorant for bronchitis and pneumonia. The fruits (dry, decoction) are recommended for stomach diseases and colitis, for childhood diarrhea and catarrh of the upper respiratory tract.

As children, we often feasted on the fruits of this plant. with mealy pulp that melts in your mouth and a taste unlike anything else - sweet and floury. They ripen in September and hang on the branches until frost. Only when I got into herbs did I learn that the silver oleaster has fruits that are used for food purposes - “The fruits are eaten raw or used in the preparation of homemade flour products, candied fruits, and delicious wines with a peculiar aroma.” Most likely I’ll try drying it for compotes.

How to prepare silver sucker

Sucker color angustifolia is collected together with the leaves, otherwise you won’t be able to collect it; the collection time is May - early June. It is not difficult to collect, you just need to select bushes where the thorns do not interfere too much. There are bushes from which, due to the abundance of thorns, it is simply impossible to collect.

Silver goof And Eleven angustifolia immediate family. Judging by the descriptions in reference books, the medicinal properties are the same. So don't get caught up in the confusion that exists on the internet.

Silver gooseberry has no contraindications for use.

Silver goosefoot is not yet a very common plant in central Russia. But taking into account its decorative value and beneficial properties of fruits and leaves, it will certainly soon take its rightful place in gardeners’ suburban plots.

Even looking at a photo of this plant, you can understand all its decorativeness and beauty. The leaves of the bush are of an unusual silvery color.

During flowering, a pleasant honey aroma spreads throughout the area, which attracts many bees. The silver sucker is unpretentious. Planting it in your garden and caring for it will not be difficult even for an inexperienced gardener.


As Wikipedia indicates, Silver Elaeagnus (from the Latin Elaeagnus commutata) is a plant of woody or shrubby type, a species of the genus Elaeagnus of the Elaeagnus family.

At the moment, breeders have developed the following main varietal forms:

  1. Multifloral- grows in the countries of China and Japan.
  2. Silver- its habitat is the eastern part of North America.
  3. Narrow-leaved(its relative from Asia is Loch Indian) is distributed in the south of Russia, Kazakhstan, the countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia.
  4. Barbed- his homeland is Japan.
  5. Umbrella- can be seen in East Asian countries.

Please note: some believe that there is another species of the Sucker family - Loch Chilean, but in fact there is no such species in nature.

An ornamental and fruit shrub with an openwork crown, sometimes reaching a height of more than 4 meters. Quite a spreading plant. The leaves are unusually silver in color and retain their color until October-November.

Small oblong leaves, combined with gray-brown shoots of branches, give the bush airiness and originality. On the hottest day, sitting down to rest under the spreading crown, you can feel the slight coolness that comes from the plant.

The bush blooms in May-June, during the period of bee honey collection, so beekeepers need to pay special attention to this plant. The small, yellow, fragrant flowers attract bees, and the honey is especially delicious.

The flowers are replaced by small oval fruits reminiscent of olives, which does not prevent the bush from remaining decorative. It is also beautiful in the fall, when the leaves fall. The plant develops well in dusty and smoky environments, so it is good to plant along roads.

Soil preparation

The silver goof is not too whimsical, but you still need to choose a sunny, wind-free place on the site.

The bush is native to North America, so it is not afraid of not only frosts, but also the significant frosty winters of Russia. When planting, you don’t have to be afraid that the plant will freeze or frostbites will appear on it.

Please note: The bush is not afraid of low temperatures, but is very sensitive to drought, so when planting it is necessary to provide an option for watering it.

For planting the plant, a place with sandy soil that has a neutral reaction to acidity is better suited. Before planting, dig up the selected area well, trying to remove all the roots and weeds.

Since the roots of the plant are located closer to the surface, you should try to remove all stones and rhizomes before planting, so that nothing interferes with the normal development of the young bush.

Landing in the ground

You can propagate silver eagles in different ways:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • dividing an overgrown bush;
  • removed rhizome shoots.

Take note: when propagating by seeds, they must be sown before winter, mark the planting site, since in the spring, during active work, you can forget about the housewarming and accidentally weed it out.

It is better to carry out all root transplants in the spring (layering, cuttings, dividing the bush). If normal watering and timely fertilizing are provided, seedlings quickly tolerate stress and grow together.

For good survival, you need to take care of the planting hole in advance:

  • in the dug up area, a hole is made with a depth of slightly more than the bayonet of a shovel, with a diameter of about 1 m, while they try to lay the top, fertile layer separately;
  • a layer of broken brick, expanded clay or pebbles is placed at the bottom for drainage; a layer of humus with mineral fertilizers and part of the sand is poured onto it;
  • a peg is driven in to secure the plant so that the young seedling is not damaged or falls over in strong winds;
  • the young plant is placed at the peg, the root system is evenly spread out and carefully covered with earth, compacted, trying not to damage the bark and roots;
  • After the hole is filled with earth, the plant is tied to the peg with a loop so that the bark is not damaged in the future and watered abundantly.

Nuances of care

In the future, the young bush must be watered in dry times, fed and loosened, removing weeds in the tree trunk circle.

To prevent weeds from interfering with the normal growth and development of the seedling, the tree trunk circle can be filled with chopped straw or old sawdust.

Before the plant enters its first wintering period, it must be prepared for cold weather and protected from rodents. This can be done by loosely tying the trunk with burlap and placing a chain-link mesh on top. Young spruce or pine spruce branches tied to the trunk with the needles down provide good protection from frost and rodents.

The silver elf begins to bear fruit, as a rule, from the fifth year after planting. The bush ages gradually, reducing the number of fruits. At the age of 25, it is already old and can be replaced or updated.

It is better to use spring for feeding. At this time, foliage is actively growing, so it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers. During summer weeding of the tree trunk circle, the bush responds well to fertilization with wood ash and humus. Closer to autumn, it is recommended to add superphosphate in bulk or in the form of a water infusion.

Use in landscape design

Silver oleaster looks original in group plantings with coniferous or deciduous plants with red and golden colored leaves.

For example, with decorative pine, or or.

In this case, it is necessary to monitor the growth of root shoots or long layers from the mother bush.

Their length can reach more than 8 meters, so they prefer not to use sucker for decorative hedges.

Use in folk medicine

In addition to being an ornamental shrub, silver gooseberry has medicinal properties.

Decoctions, infusions, fresh fruits and leaves have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, antipyretic, and astringent effects. They are used as anthelmintics and expectorants.

Fresh leaves are applied to non-healing wounds, changing the bandage daily. This relieves the inflammatory process and accelerates healing.

A decoction of dried leaves relieves fevers, lowers temperature, it is good to gargle with sore throats, and for stomach and intestinal diseases, the decoction is taken orally.

Infusions of silver oleagin flowers are used for heart diseases, as an antipyretic and for hypertension. The fruits, in the form of small berries, relieve fever and treat colds. Fruit tinctures have an astringent effect.

With the correct preparation of infusions and decoctions from the fruits and leaves of silver euphemum, you can get a whole pharmacy department.

For interesting facts about the silver sucker, see the following video:

Elk is a tree-like thorny shrub that has a number of necessary parameters used in various spheres of human activity. Its wood is used to make musical instruments, its leaves and bark are used for tanning and dyeing leather, and its gum is used to make glue. Elf is a good honey plant and a unique medicinal plant, which also has nutritional value.

More valuable, according to the beliefs of traditional medicine, are its fruits, although flowers, leaves, bark and resin are also used for healing purposes. The fruits of this shrub contain proteins and carbohydrates, tannins and dyes, organic acids, phosphorus and potassium salts. The leaves contain vitamins E and C, the flowers contain essential oil.

When preparing raw materials, leaves are collected in the first half of summer, flowers - in May and early June. They are dried under a canopy or in special dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40–50 °C. Finished raw materials can be stored for up to 2 years, after which it loses its useful characteristics.

Application of sucker

In folk medicine, the plant is used as an astringent, antiviral and bactericidal agent; it is prescribed for inflammatory processes in the body. Decoctions and infusions are prepared from the leaves to help lower body temperature during fever and colds; they are used externally for radiculitis. rheumatism, gout.

The fruits of the oleaster can improve memory and alleviate malaria. they also have an expectorant and diuretic effect. In addition, its berries are a tasty tonic and restorative, needed by everyone who has problems with the cardiovascular system. A decoction of dried fruits is an excellent remedy for colitis and diarrhea.

Fruit decoction: pour 30 g of dry berries with a glass of boiling water and boil them for about half an hour in a water bath. You can strain the mixture while hot through several layers of gauze. The purchased volume must be brought to the initial volume using hot boiled water and after cooling, store the broth for less than 2 days in the refrigerator. Dose – 2 tablespoons of the drink 3 times a day 10–15 minutes before meals. The product perfectly relieves inflammation and kills pathogenic bacteria.

Tincture from plants: 100 g of dry or new plants need to be poured with 1 liter of 40–50 degree alcohol and infused for a month. To make the tincture, use a glass container with dark walls and a tight stopper. The product is taken 20–25 drops, diluting them in 100 g of water at room temperature.

sucker berry

The fruits of the plant are dry irregular drupes of round shape, 0.7–2.0 cm long, with yellow powdery pulp, slightly astringent, but sweet and juicy. They ripen at the end of September. The berries are formed due to not only the ovary, but also the perianth, the lower part of which grows, becomes fleshy and wraps around the ovary.

The more valuable part of this shrub are the fruits; they are not only tasty, but also very useful. They can be consumed fresh, and they retain their medicinal properties for more than 4 months, also in dry form - as additives in bread, cereals and other culinary dishes. Infusions and decoctions are prepared from oleaster berries and are used in the treatment of a number of different diseases.

oleaster flower

The flowers of the plant are small, less than 1 cm, on small stalks. They are placed 1–3 pieces in the axils of the leaves. Each flower has a regular four-membered bell-shaped perianth, 4 stamens and a pistil with a filiform style. The shrub is cross-pollinated with the help of insects. During flowering, the sweet and aromatic smell of plants can be heard from afar.

In folk medicine, plant preparations are prescribed for edema and colitis. bronchitis, heart disease, as well as a wound-healing and anthelmintic agent. They are effective for rheumatism and gout, hypertension and high fever.

Decoction: to make it, you need to steam 6 grams of dry plants with a glass of boiling water and leave in a water bath for 15–20 minutes. The finished product should be filtered and brought to the previous volume by adding boiled water. Take the medicine 15–20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.

Silver goof

The homeland of silver oleagin is Central China, where it has long been revered as a magical plant that rejuvenates the body and gives strength. This tree-like shrub reaches 4 meters in height and is distinguished by the silver-metallic sheen of the leaves on the reverse side. The crown of this plant is very decorative.

The berries of the bush exhibit antiviral and bactericidal activity; they are used as an astringent, anthelmintic and sedative (sedative). Preparations made from them stimulate the heart and prevent sclerosis. The flowers of the plant are used in the perfume industry, various crafts are made from the tree species, and medicinal decoctions and infusions are prepared from the fruits.

Elf angustifolia

A representative of this species is a low, spiky tree with a curved trunk and silvery leaves. Its young shoots are also grayish-silver, others are grayish. This type of sucker produces gum, which is used to make glue for the furniture industry. The plant is very drought-resistant and practically does not suffer from hot dry winds, grows well on saline soils and forms a huge number of adventitious roots when the trunk is covered with soil.

The freshest leaves of Eleven angustifolia can be applied to purulent wounds, as they speed up the healing process and relieve inflammation. A decoction of the leaves is used to rinse the mouth for stomatitis and gingivitis. Infusions from plants help with hypertension and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. For inflammation of the stomach and large intestinal tract, a decoction of dry berries is taken orally.

Elf multiflorum

This type of sucker once grew exclusively in the forests of the Land of the Rising Sun and China. It was brought to us by the inhabitants of the land of the rising sun, who settled in southern Sakhalin at the beginning of the 20th century. They often planted the plant near their own houses and called it “gummi”. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun still believe that its berries are the fruits of youth and longevity.

Elf multiflora grows as a shrub 1.0–1.5 meters high; nitrogen-fixing bubbles form on its roots. Its fruits resemble dates in appearance and ripen in early August. They contain leucine and lysine, arginine, aspartic and glutamic acids, amino acids.

The berries are used as an effective anti-inflammatory and tonic, and preparations made from them are prescribed for stomach disorders. Fresh berries can be stored for less than 5–6 days. The leaves also have beneficial qualities; they contain a lot of vitamin C. They are dried and brewed separately or together with tea.

Sucker umbrella

In its homeland, in the Land of the Rising Sun, the umbrella goosefoot grows up to 4 meters in height. It has many types and is quite popular among gardeners. This is a good honey plant with tasty edible fruits. They are consumed not only fresh, but also wine and jam are made from the berries. The plant is undemanding, grows relatively quickly and enriches the soil with oxygen. It represents interest for gardeners in the formation of single and group plantings for decorative purposes, and in the development of contrasting groups.

Contraindications to the use of lox

The plant actually has no contraindications, perhaps apart from personal intolerance. But it is best for pregnant women and women during lactation to consult a doctor about the use of drugs based on it.



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