Paid parking during opening hours. Rules for using paid parking

Having a personal vehicle is undoubtedly convenient, but at the same time, the owner also faces some problems. The “sickest” of them is parking. This issue is especially acute in large cities, where there are not only problems with parking, but also with movement - traffic jams have more than once caused delays. Meanwhile, parking in Moscow on weekends and weekdays is a whole procedure, especially for those who have never encountered all the nuances of this innovation.

Parking rules on weekends

Not so long ago, the owner of a vehicle could safely leave the car in a suitable place and no one even thought about paying for such actions. But only until the situation became critical - car owners were forced to park their iron horses even on the sidewalks. In other words, the situation has become critical for both motorists and pedestrians. Therefore, parking rules in Moscow on weekends and weekdays have changed somewhat. All this is regulated by Resolution No. 289-PP dated May 17, 2013.

Paid parking has its advantages and solves several pressing problems, namely:

  • there are no longer cars parked on the sidewalks, and pedestrians can move around safely without fear for their safety;
  • on central highways there are no such large-scale traffic jams as before, since there are no longer cars blocking the passage;
  • Paid parking is not only an opportunity to leave your car in a suitable place, it also provides security for the vehicle.

Of course, not everyone liked this innovation; not everyone is willing to pay for parking. Therefore, at first, enterprising drivers began to leave their cars in the courtyards of residential buildings, since the payment law did not apply to these territories. But the residents of the houses did something even smarter - they installed barriers that do not let other people's vehicles through. The parking space itself belongs to the roadway and may be adjacent to the roadway, sidewalk, or even an overpass. Any parking area has special equipment, which, in fact, regulates the process of placing cars.

Parking rules in the center

Parking in the center of Moscow can be either paid or free. Thus, from December 2013 to 2019 inclusive, there is a promotion under which parking spaces are free in some locations in the center of Moscow. Also, services of this kind are available to some preferential categories of citizens.

The area where paid city parking in Moscow begins (on weekends and weekdays) is equipped with a special sign. Therefore, the car owner will know that he can be completely calm about the safety of his vehicle - special cameras and security are a guarantee of this.

It is impossible to say for sure how much parking costs in Moscow on weekends, since pricing will depend on the specific location. However, for people who work in a given location (offices, municipal buildings, various establishments), they can count on a discount. It should be noted that when parking a vehicle, it is not at all necessary to pay immediately - the first quarter of an hour the service is free. This applies to both the center of the capital and residential areas. But, the subsequent time of renting a place must be paid within half an hour, otherwise a fine will be charged.

City parking in Moscow on weekends in the center has several features:

  • before “driving” your car into the parking lot, you need to clarify whether it is for public use or belongs to a specific building, since there are quite a large number of offices in the center;
  • If you are an employee of a nearby building, you can count on a discount, but its amount must be clarified directly with the parking administrator.

Parking lots work on weekends in Moscow according to exactly the same schedule as on weekdays. The only difference is the cost of such a service. In general, it should be said that the algorithm for using paid parking in the center is almost the same as in residential areas - the rules that govern this service are the same for everyone.

Parking in residential areas

As soon as paid parking was introduced in Moscow on weekends and weekdays, many car owners found a kind of “life hack” - leaving their vehicles in the courtyards of apartment buildings. Residents did not like this and special barriers were installed that allowed only residents of the house to park their cars.

According to the innovations, parking in Moscow on weekends will also be paid, but the tariff will be slightly lower than in the same center and other areas of the capital. Thus, residential areas are subject to the same regulations as other areas of the city.

To obtain the right to preferential parking in sleeping areas, you will have to confirm this with the following documents:

  • documents that confirm the identity of the applicant;
  • extract from the house register;
  • documents for the vehicle itself;
  • consent of the apartment owners, if the resident is a shared owner of the residential premises. If we are talking about a lease, then you need to provide a copy of the lease agreement.

This agreement can be renewed every year.

Parking Features

Paid parking is, in fact, a private service, therefore, in addition to the general rules that are introduced by Resolution No. 289, there are also its own requirements. Paid parking, which is located in parking lots (aboveground or underground) of shopping and entertainment centers, pays on an hourly basis. But, even in this case, you can get a discount if you purchase something in a shopping center or use any services. Failure to comply with the rules will result in a fine.

Payment for a parking space must be made within fifteen minutes after the driver enters the parking lot. If the paid time is up, the driver must vacate the seat within ten minutes. If the owner does not do this, this entails the following consequences:

  • a fine may be assessed;
  • the vehicle may be impounded.

Therefore, if a motorist has any benefits, they must be presented to the parking administrator in advance. All parking lots, without exception, have signs indicating which days or times you can park your vehicle completely free of charge. There is free parking in Moscow on weekends. The service is provided on Sundays and official holidays. It should be noted that on Saturday you can leave your car under supervision completely free of charge only if Friday was a public holiday. The time for free parking in Moscow on weekends will depend on the owner, but in most cases it is from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m.

For reference, not everyone can take advantage of such privileges. So, if the owner of a vehicle has three unpaid fines, then he will not be able to leave the car for free in any parking lot. Moreover, upon arrival he will be issued another fine. These are the general rules for paid parking in Moscow on weekends.

Parking cost

How is parking paid on weekends? There is no clear general answer here. The cost of parking in Moscow on weekends will depend on the specific area. Pricing will also depend on the length of time the car stays in the parking lot, the availability of benefits and other bonus programs. As a rule, a private parking lot installs a special information board at the entrance, which indicates how many spaces are available and what the cost of the service is. According to the Government Decree of December 3, 2013 (No. 798-PP), payment for parking in Moscow on weekends, provided that the car is parked around the clock, is charged as follows:

  • 80 rubles per hour if parking is located in the Boulevard Ring area;
  • 60 rubles per hour if the parking area is located on the Garden Ring, as well as in the outer area from the Boulevard to the Garden Ring.

However, rates may vary depending on how busy the parking lot is, the exact time of day, and the rules set by the owner himself. Thus, parking in Moscow on weekends in 2019 can be charged as follows:

  • inside the Garden Ring, from 8 am to 10 pm, a differentiated tariff is practiced - after the first hour the cost increases;
  • On some streets of the Third Transport Ring the tariff is 60 rubles per hour.
  • On some streets of the Boulevard Ring, parking for the first half hour can cost 50 rubles per hour, after which the rate increases approximately three times.

In residential areas there is a much more “gentle” tariff - 40 rubles per hour, but even here tariffs may vary, depending on the specific area, time of day and owner of the parking lot. However, there is one advantage here - residents of municipal areas in which paid parking is located have the right to leave their vehicle in the parking lot for free from eight in the evening to eight in the morning. For such a right to exist, the resident must obtain a special parking permit, which is valid for three years. But, at the request of the car owner, such a document can be issued for a shorter period - one or two years. Such coupons are issued as “no more than two per apartment.”

You can save money in this case too if you purchase a subscription. In this case, the price of parking in Moscow on weekends and weekdays will be lower than if you pay the tariff hourly:

Attention! In the increased tariff zone (200 rubles/hour) parking passes are not valid! You can view the list of high-rate zones at.

Thus, when paying for a year, the car owner saves quite a decent amount or simply gets two months for free. Important - annual and monthly passes in the Moscow International Business Center (Moscow City) zone are not valid in 2019. No one can say for sure what things will be like next year, 2019, but there is an assumption that the situation will not change. In addition, it should be noted that parking in Moscow on weekends and weekdays is not free. It is possible that this will appear in the future, but it is unlikely.

Free parking

There are exceptions to every rule, and for certain categories of citizens, parking in Moscow on weekends and weekdays can be completely free, without restrictions. So, paid parking in Moscow on weekends will be provided free of charge for the following categories of citizens:

  • employees of operational services, namely firefighters, police officers, ambulance and emergency medical teams, emergency services, Ministry of Emergency Situations, FSB, investigative agencies, military traffic police;
  • participants of the Second World War, minor prisoners of concentration camps, participants in the defense of Moscow in the Second World War.
  • For people who fall into the categories described above, parking is always free, not only on holidays and weekends.
  • Preferential categories
  • In addition to the cases described above, the following citizens receive parking benefits:
  • disabled people - parking is free in specially designated areas (as a rule, there are special markings);
  • parents of large families;
  • adoptive parents in large families;
  • electric vehicle and two-wheeler owners;
  • residents in municipal (dormitory) areas.

Separately, it is necessary to clarify regarding such a preferential category as residents. They are:

  • apartment owner;
  • people who are registered at a particular address;
  • people who have a lease agreement at the address for at least a year.

It is impossible to determine for sure whether parking is free on weekends. Everything will depend on the area, the social status of the car owner and the time of day.

Payment methods

You can pay for renting a parking space in several ways:

  • through a parking meter, which is installed directly in the parking lot. But, this method is only advisable if you have a parking or bank card;
  • through the application (here for apple, and here for android.)
  • replenishment of a virtual account - when parking, a certain amount of money will simply be automatically debited;
  • through a single portal “Moscow Parking Space”. Here you will need to register and all further operations will be carried out through your personal account.
  • by transferring the annual subscription fee.

In other words, paying for the service is very simple and takes just a couple of minutes.

Parking and rides

For those drivers who use a vehicle only when traveling long distances (for example, if a person lives outside the city and uses his car only to get to the city, and then uses public transport), there is an alternative - intercept parking. They are usually located near metro stations, bus stops and other places of public transport.

Such parking lots have their advantages, namely:

  • much cheaper than regular paid parking;
  • work around the clock and seven days a week;
  • per day pricing is used - the car is left in the morning and picked up in the evening.

Such parking lots are subordinate to the Moscow Metro. In order to use this service, you will need to issue a special card. It should be noted that if the owner loses such a certificate, he will have to pay a fine for issuing a new one - 500 rubles.


However, it should be noted that intercept parking is not suitable for all vehicles, namely:

  • motorcycles;
  • mopeds;
  • trucks;
  • trucks;
  • passenger vehicles with trailers;
  • faulty, which is in tow;
  • without registration plates;
  • a vehicle weighing more than 3.5 tons or having more than 8 seats.

You should also pay attention to the following factors:

  • the interception parking area has its own rules of movement - speed no more than 10 km/h;
  • regardless of the location of the parking lot, the tariff and operating hours are the same;
  • an incomplete hour of using a parking space is still paid at the full rate;
  • You can pay for services only in the territory of the intercepting parking lot;
  • information on tariffs can be found on the facade of the building or checked with the controller;
  • If you lose your card, you must immediately notify the parking attendant;
  • Bicycle owners can use the parking lot for free.

It should also be noted that the Metropolitan is not responsible for vehicles. There is also no question of an agreement on a storage contract. However, such parking lots are equipped with CCTV cameras and there is a security guard on the premises.

Terms of use

Using the interceptor is very simple and consists of the following algorithm of actions:

  • Before you drive in, you must press a special button on the counter. After this, the owner receives a special card;
  • When leaving the parking lot, you must pay for the service - a card is inserted into the counter and the amount is automatically debited from it, according to the established tariff. After payment, the barrier automatically rises and exit is free;
  • When using a free tariff, you must register your trips in a special terminal (there can be no more than two).

You can get acquainted with the localization of intercepting parking lots on the website


There are three tariffs in total; they are the same for all intercepting parking lots in the capital:

Parking and rides are an excellent alternative for those who use their car only in the morning and evening.

Towing a car from a parking lot

If the owner of the vehicle violates the rules for using a parking space, the car may be towed, and the driver himself may receive a fine. You can find out exactly about the rules of use and the consequences of violating these regulations on the State Services website.

There are several general rules, for violation of which the car can be towed to the impound lot:

  • for stopping at a turn before and after the parking zone;
  • at the pedestrian crossing before entering/exiting the parking lot;
  • when parking in the second row;
  • on a nearby sidewalk;
  • on a nearby traffic island;
  • if the car is parked in a space for disabled people, but does not have the appropriate sticker;
  • if the car is parked in such a way that other cars cannot leave/enter.


If the car owner still violates the rules, he will have to pay a fine and only then pick up his vehicle. As a rule, notification of the imposition of a sanction is sent by mail to the specified registration address. However, if the owner has subscribed via SMS, the message comes immediately with the following information - the address of the impound lot, the traffic police phone number.

The amount of the fine is regulated by the Traffic Rules and regulations that are established by the parking lot itself. It should be noted that in addition to the collection amount itself, the vehicle owner will also have to pay the cost of evacuation, transportation and storage. You can pay the fine at any bank branch or through a terminal.


If the car owner does not agree with the imposition of a fine or if the actions of the parking lot employees and the traffic police actually contain violations, then he has the right to file a complaint. You can download the sample on our website.

The complaint should be filed in court, but before that the driver must collect evidence that he is not guilty. It could be:

  • written testimony of eyewitnesses;
  • video files or photographs that confirm the owner’s correctness.

Due to the fact that there may be no witnesses, it is better to leave the DVR in the car on.

In general, using parking spaces in the capital is a fairly convenient service. You can find out how parking in Moscow works on weekends, their tariffs and operating hours on the State Services website or on a special service. In addition, there are special applications for smartphone owners. Using them you can also find out which parking lots in Moscow are free on weekends, how they work and their tariffs.

Lawyer at the Legal Defense College. Specializes in the conduct of administrative and civil cases related to traffic violations, compensation for damage, disputes with insurance companies, appealing decisions and decisions of the traffic police, and consumer protection.

Due to the increase in the number of passenger vehicles owned by city residents, congestion in central parts has become a real problem, especially when it comes to large cities such as Moscow.


The thing is that during the design of the capital’s infrastructure, no one could even imagine how many cars it would have to pass through every day. This is why the parking problem has become so acute in recent years. In response to this, the authorities in 2013 issued a document approving the rules for paid parking in the center of Moscow.

As part of this program, it is planned to transform the capital into a city that is comfortable for both drivers and pedestrians. For this purpose, special areas were established, including underground parking in the center. The number of such zones is constantly increasing and growing, so all Muscovites and visitors should know and follow the parking rules in the center of Moscow.

Social parking

Despite the fact that there are fewer places on the map of the capital where you will not be asked to pay for leaving your car, this is still possible near a number of social facilities. These include:

  • hospitals;
  • maternity hospital;
  • temples;
  • clinics.

Also, since 2013, parking in the center of Moscow remains free on weekends (although this only means Sunday), holidays and at night.

Free parking in the center of Moscow

The introduction of parking fees has caused a strong reaction among Muscovites, many of them are looking for all sorts of ways to cheat and not part with their hard-earned finances. To do this, the license plates are covered and covered up, and the cars are placed at a certain angle so that the recording cameras cannot read them.

However, money for parking your car in the center of the capital will not be required from you everywhere and not always. In addition to the already mentioned social parking, there are also free parking spaces in the capital. You can view information about them in a special application on iTunes, which shows where in the center you can park your car for free.

Are there any other legal ways to avoid paying?

  • park only on certain days (weekends, holidays), and the rest of the time transfer to public transport;
  • use the services of “intercept” parking lots located near metro stations. They assume that you will leave your car during the day, transferring to underground transport, and pick it up in the evening after work;
  • choose parking spots somewhere in alleys or courtyards. But there are fewer and fewer such opportunities, since most residents of the houses have equipped their entrances with barriers;
  • switch to electric cars, which are allowed to park absolutely free;
  • belong to categories of citizens who have certain privileges. These are emergency services workers traveling in specialized vehicles, parents of large families and other beneficiaries.

Important to know! Even paid parking has a certain time allotted during which you do not have to pay for its use. I wonder how many minutes you have at your disposal? Drivers are given exactly a quarter of an hour to leave their cars freely.

Paid parking in the center of Moscow

The rules mentioned at the beginning of the article designate paid parking as an object of urban improvement. Their calling:

  • make it easier for pedestrians to move around the capital;
  • unload transport routes;
  • organize passenger transport stops.

These zones must be ordered, marked and organized in a special way, and motorists must be guided by them when entering such a parking lot.

The symbol “P” is used as a designation; underneath it is a symbol depicting coins. Additionally, a sign may be placed at the entrance: “You are entering a paid parking lot.” In some cases, the paid parking zone may be equipped with additional markings.

Important to know! If a time frame is indicated under the “P” sign, then such a zone is paid only at a certain time of the day. How much does paid parking cost in the center of Moscow? Most often, the paid mode begins to operate from 8:00 to 22:00.

Parking cost

The Moscow Government is responsible for approving and revising the cost of paid parking. In its decisions, it is guided by the congestion of the streets and the priority rights of local residents to use parking spaces.

After changes were made on December 2, 2016, the maximum parking price is 200 rubles per hour. This is what you have to pay for the “joy” of leaving your car on the busiest streets of the capital. On some of them, the cost is calculated at a differentiated rate (increases for each subsequent hour, the cost at night is calculated at a separate rate). However, overnight parking is not free everywhere.

Let us note that the authorities have left the opportunity for citizens to save money. To do this, they are invited to buy a monthly or annual subscription.

The diagram below will help you better understand the current tariffs.

Parking in the center of Moscow on weekends

The Government’s initiative to make all paid parking zones free on weekends and holidays has taken root and has received warm approval from motorists. Therefore, everyone can leave their car in the center of the capital with complete “impunity” on the following days from 00 to 24, i.e. for a day:

  • public holidays;
  • Sundays;
  • weekends officially moved to weekdays;
  • the following Saturday after the holiday.

Note that on Saturday (not a holiday), according to the Government, the flow of cars is comparable to weekdays, so everything happens according to the standard pattern.

Important to know! The “Free parking on weekends” rule applies to all categories of owners of personal vehicles, except those who have unpaid traffic police fines. Such careless motorists will be able to regain their right to free parking only after their debts are settled.

A list of streets where overnight parking does not require payment, as well as a list of holidays, can be found on the website

How to pay for parking in the center of Moscow

There are several ways to pay for a used parking space:

  • parking meter The easiest way, even a schoolchild will understand how to use this device. The main problem is that there are not too many of them in the capital yet;
  • through a special application that debits certain amounts from your parking account;
  • via SMS message;
  • via QIWI terminals.

Please note that if you decide to ignore the need to pay, liability is inevitable. The fine for unpaid parking is 2,500 rubles.

Parking service is a useful service that relieves congestion in the capital and improves the situation on the roads. Thanks to the abundance of well-maintained parking lots and a variety of payment methods, using it does not cause any difficulties for motorists.

There is an acute problem with traffic jams in the capital. High congestion on the streets has led to the need to urgently resolve the issue. Commercial paid parking lots did not give the desired result, so the city administration took over this function. Replacing the owner, defining preferential categories of citizens and special time periods gave good results.

The main reason for the development of paid car parks in the capital was high road congestion. The transfer of tow trucks to private organizations and the high cost of a parking space are becoming reasons for residents to use public transport more often. However, this is not always convenient.

If the use of public transport is not suitable for certain reasons, then a parking space is required. Otherwise, you will have to look for a long time for a place for the car, leave it in yards (possible damage) or in prohibited places (possible evacuation).

For this purpose, so-called intercepting parking lots were developed. They are located near major metro stations. Their purpose is to allow you to leave your car and continue your journey by metro.

Rules for paid (intercepting) parking:

  • For citizens who use the metro (2 trips), the cost of using a seat is not charged from 06.00 to 21.30.
  • For citizens who do not use the metro, the cost of a seat is 50 rubles for 60 minutes.
  • At night (from 06.00 to 21.30) the cost of a seat is 100 rubles for every 60 minutes.

The use of such parking lots helps relieve major highways of traffic jams.

Paid parking zones

Paid city parking is located not only near the metro. A whole network of parking lots has been organized in the capital. The city is divided into paid parking zones. Each of them has its own pricing policy. The amount of payment is established by city regulations.

Since the funds generated by parking lots are sent to the municipal budget, division into zones allows them to be divided proportionally between the budgets of city districts. Parking in the center has the maximum cost.

More detailed information can be found on the map. A map of paid parking is located on the official website of the Moscow parking lot

Parking cost

The capital's legislators decided to build paid parking lots in 2013. The first reaction of Muscovites was negative. The legislative initiative was perceived as a way to extort funds.

Currently, paying for parking in Moscow is perceived calmly. It is possible to leave your car without worrying about its safety, without wasting time finding a parking space.

The amount of payment is set depending on the paid parking zone. The law establishes 6 zones.

Territory Time Price
1 Zone 1 (center) from 8.00 to 20.00

from 20.00 to 8.00

50 rub. in 30 minutes

150 rub./hour. subsequent time

2 Zone 2 around the clock 200 rub./hour.
3 Zone 3 around the clock 80 rub./hour.
4 Zone 4 from 8.00 to 20.00

from 20.00 to 8.00

60 rub. in the first hour

100 rub./hour. subsequent time

5 Zone 5 around the clock 60 rub./hour.
6 Zone 6 around the clock 40 rub./hour.

The law provides for a system of discounts for office workers and district residents. There is a possibility of discounted payment, which includes a monthly parking pass. Its monthly cost is significantly lower than hourly rates. Moreover, for season ticket holders, the time spent in the parking lot is not counted.

How long can you park in paid parking for free? Motorists do not have to pay for the seat immediately upon arrival. You can use paid parking in Moscow without paying a fee for 15 minutes.

After the specified time, payment must be made. Otherwise, penalties will be assessed.

Since 2012, the fine for non-payment for a parking space is 2,500 rubles. Refusal to repay it will result in an additional penalty of 1,000 rubles. If a repeated offense is committed, the fine increases to 5,000 rubles.

For debtor-beneficiaries, punishment is provided, including a ban on free use of parking lots. Long-term non-payment may be grounds for imposing a ban on leaving the country.

Payment methods

For the convenience of motorists, there are several ways to pay for parking in Moscow. Each citizen can choose the most convenient for himself:

  • personal account on the Moscow Parking web portal;
  • through a parking meter;
  • via SMS message;
  • Qiwi terminals.

Every city resident who is registered on the portal can pay for a parking space through their personal account. Your personal account is linked to your mobile phone number. The login will be your personal mobile number, and the password will be sent via SMS after submitting the registration application.

To make a payment you need to top up your account. To pay, you need the “Park” button.

When using the portal, per-minute billing applies. If the parking time is less than what was paid for, the funds are returned to the payer's account.

When using a mobile application to pay for a parking space, you must carefully enter the license plate number. Otherwise, the car owner may be fined for non-payment. The entire number is entered.

Payment through the parking meter is made directly at the parking spot. The cost of parking is debited from your bank card.

To make a payment via SMS, you must send a message to the short number 7757 with the following text: parking number*license plate number*amount of time spent in the parking lot.

If you need to extend the parking period, you need to send an additional message with the text: the number of hours by which you need to increase the payment.

You can stop using a parking space early. To do this, you need to send a message: S or C.

Qiwi terminals are the only way to pay for your seat in cash.

Payment for parking on weekends and holidays

A bonus for car enthusiasts is free parking on Sundays. This rule was established in 2014. Now it is possible for city residents and its guests to spend leisure time in recreational areas and shopping centers on Sunday, shopping and other entertainment activities, without paying for parking a car.

Previously, this opportunity was provided on Saturday. However, a large number of citizens working on this day of the week forced the legislator to refuse to provide the benefit.

In addition to Sundays, non-working days have been declared as free parking days in Moscow. What is considered a public holiday? City laws set each year which days no tolls will be collected.

Motorists who have unpaid fines for violating traffic rules, and not only for a parking space, are not entitled to free parking in the paid parking zone on weekends.

Which citizen does not pay for parking?

Parking in the city is an expensive pleasure, which can create difficulties for some categories of citizens. Therefore, the law provides for a list of beneficiaries. Free parking for Moscow residents is available for:

  • large families;
  • disabled people;
  • veterans;
  • residents;
  • owners of electric vehicles and motor vehicles.

Free parking in the center of Moscow and any other areas is provided for large families. However, the fact that citizens have three or more children is not enough to use the benefit. They must contact the social protection department to obtain a large family certificate. The parking license is valid for 1 year.

Parking benefits are provided only with a valid identification card. Members of a family with many children status can obtain permission to park one car free of charge. It must be the property of the father or mother.

A disabled person/legal representative of a disabled child can issue a parking license for a car owned by him/her. It gives the right to use Moscow parking on weekdays and weekends free of charge in places for the disabled. All other places are provided on a general basis.

The provisions on which are currently teeming with contradictions and even unconstitutional provisions are commendable. However, it is not clear why so many omissions remain in the long-awaited, hard-fought 40-page treatise.

Point one - free parking at night. The bill stipulates that from 20:00 to 8:00 in paid zones there is no need to pay for parking (the main thing is not to oversleep the “morning scam”). Currently, only residents, that is, residents of houses in a paid zone, can park their cars for free at night. True, residents buy season tickets anyway (for 3,000 rubles per year), because it is impossible to predict that the car will always have to be parked only strictly from eight o’clock in the evening, so free parking only for residents of the area was initially a strange situation. But what about those who leave their car in the paid zone only at night - because of night work, for example - and bought a full-fledged annual subscription for this?

Point five - it is not allowed immediately, but within 24 hours after the end of the parking session. It is not entirely clear why it is proposed to defer payment - care for the driver who forgot his wallet at home?

Point six - local authorities can compile lists of people for whom parking is free (in addition to traditional beneficiaries, that is, veterans, disabled people, etc.) This situation opens up the widest scope for corruption.

Point seven is the regulation of parking provisions at the federal and local levels. Federal authorities determine the maximum tariff for paid parking, which must be adjusted annually, and local authorities determine the boundaries of paid zones and tariffs.

Point eight - per apartment, depending on the availability of space for residents, the houses are provided with 1-2 parking spaces. Moreover, we are talking about both new development, where something can still be changed at the design and construction stage, and about the old building.

Point nine - guest parking. Now residents of paid zones are faced with the fact that friends or relatives who come to visit them are forced to pay for parking - 40-80 rubles / hour. The bill suggests that authorities must provide guest parking at the rate of 40 spaces per 1,000 residents, 200 meters from the house. However, it is not explained in any way what is meant by these parking lots - will they be free, with more favorable rates, or simply an additional area for parking? And how will “guests” be required to register?

The tenth moment concerns. The bill contains a long-awaited requirement to prohibit tow trucks from removing cars that are parked in violation of traffic rules, but are not blocking the passage. Nowadays, car owners regularly complain that tow truck operators, in order to exceed the plan, grab those cars that are easier to load, even if they have only slightly driven the wheel over the marking line, and not those that actually interfere with traffic. But again, it is not spelled out how “traffic interference” is determined, which leaves room for personal interpretations by the tow truck operator and the traffic police inspector.

Moment eleven - impound lots. The bill spells out beautiful requirements for impound lots: they must be lit, fenced, equipped with CCTV cameras, have premises for receiving visitors and numbered spaces for cars. This, of course, is wonderful and even beautiful, but for some reason the most important requirements for people were not presented to the impound lots - that they should not be located in the middle of nowhere, where the unfortunate delinquent car owner has to walk along the railway tracks, risking being robbed and even killed. And it was possible to pay the fine and the imposed evacuation service without the commission required by non-alternative devices at impound lots.

The cost of parking on weekends in Moscow has its own characteristics.

Previously, parking in the center of the capital was free: there were few cars, and they did not interfere with pedestrians or other road users.

Today, most parking lots have become paid. But on weekends and holidays there are still concessions. You will learn about which days you don’t have to pay for parking in this article.


Many motorists were distrustful of the first paid parking lots, considering them another attempt to lure money, but this is not entirely true.

Such a parking lot is a specially equipped place where you can safely leave your car for a while without fear that they will try to steal it or that it will disturb someone. They are equipped with video cameras and devices to record everything that happens inside.

Prices vary depending on location:

  • inside the Garden Ring the cost of an hour's stop will be 80 rubles;
  • inside the Boulevard Ring – 60 rubles;
  • inside the TTR - 40 rubles.

For those working in nearby offices, discount systems are provided: for example, if a car owner uses parking inside the Garden Ring every day for a month, he will pay only 16 thousand rubles, for a year - 160 thousand rubles, the Boulevard Ring will be cheaper - 12 and 120 thousand rubles, respectively .

At the same time, you can leave the car for at least a day: the time spent is not recorded.

Please note: Some groups of citizens can use parking for free: these include people with disabilities, large families, participants in the Great Patriotic War and some other categories of citizens.

For residents of neighboring buildings who use parking at night, the annual amount will be only 3 thousand rubles if parking is carried out during the day. For night time - from 20 o'clock to 8 o'clock in the morning - no fee is paid at all. However, only 2 permits can be issued per family.

On weekends

Ordinary car owners can also count on relief. For example, they do not have to pay for a whole hour immediately upon arrival: they can stay for the first quarter of an hour for free. However, you must pay for the rest of the time within half an hour from the moment of arrival, otherwise a fine will be charged.

Also, some parking lots provide free spaces for the night: you can view the list and find out the specific parking time in advance on the website.

But many more Muscovites were happy with the decision to make parking free on weekends and holidays. This is due to the holding of various events and visits to the capital outside working hours, which are common for many families. After all, payment for one day (6-8 hours) can cost 500-700 rubles.

Since 2013, you can park for free on Sundays of any month all year round. However, on Saturdays you will have to pay as usual.

Initially, both days off were free, but due to the fact that many offices in the center of Moscow were open on these days, and the parking lots were occupied by employees and not by vacationing families, the decision had to be abandoned.

You can also count on a free place on holidays that are officially declared days off: May holidays, New Year holidays, March 8 and February 23, Russia Day and National Unity Day. This also includes all weekends associated with holidays and weekends postponed because of them.

Please note: Saturday will be a free day only if the Friday preceding it falls on an official holiday: for example, if March 8 was celebrated on Friday, then on March 9, Saturday, you can leave your car without paying.

You can find out about “free” days in advance on the websites, and they will also be indicated on warning signs before entering the parking area.


All parking lots are equipped with special signs indicating when parking fees will not be charged. If the motorist does pay the fee, it will be returned to him.

However, not everyone will be able to take advantage of the offer. If the owner has many unpaid fines (more than 3 for a given car), he will have to pay for the parking in full, even if he arrived on the right day, otherwise he will be issued another fine.

You can check the presence of unpaid fines on the website of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate or State Services, as well as through a special mobile application. (Read about how to check fines for unpaid parking in Moscow.)



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