Sheep feces in a child: methods of treatment and disposal at home. Fatty stool in a child


Of the signs presented above, only the first sign (formation of dense feces), no matter how often it is observed and how the child feels, it is an undeniable sign of constipation. Thick stool can be passed quite easily (small pellets similar to “sheep poo”) and quite often (almost every day), but despite this, it remains a sign of constipation.

WITH too rare stool may be a sign of constipation if a child over one year of age has fewer than 3 bowel movements per week or if it is associated with formation of dense feces.

Third sign ( restlessness or visible tension child during bowel movement) may or may not be a sign of constipation, depending on the situation.

Another sign of constipation may be fecal incontinence, that is, the child’s uncontrollable release of liquid and very bad-smelling feces, or dry, flaky feces.

When might constipation be a sign of a very serious problem?

In some cases, the absence of feces for 2-3 days may be a sign of intestinal obstruction or intussusception, in which the child needs urgent surgical attention. Do not take any treatment measures and consult a doctor as soon as possible if:
  • The child has had no stool for 1-2 days and no gases, or stool appears in the form of a bloody clot
  • The child seems restless, refuses to eat, and cries a lot
  • Vomiting or fever appeared simultaneously with constipation

Also, be sure to show your child to the doctor if you notice that the child has weakness in the legs (a child over a year old falls and cannot stand on his own), any changes in the shape of the legs, back, asymmetrical buttocks, or any other signs that you do not understand that cause concern.

The child has hard, bulky stool, which is very difficult to pass out. What to do?

If your child has very dense stool (fecal impaction, fecal blockage), then before understanding in detail the possible causes of constipation and selecting the appropriate preventive treatment, it is important to help the child remove the stool. To solve this problem, we recommend going straight to the section Treatment(below) and study the recommendations presented there.

What should you pay attention to to solve the problem of constipation in a child?

In order to correctly, effectively and safely solve the problem of constipation in a child, pay attention to the following points:

The first thing to do when faced with the problem of constipation in children is to assess how often the child experiences constipation.

The child has rare constipation(episodes of normal stool significantly outnumber episodes of hard stool)

  • Rare cases of constipation are completely normal and can occur from time to time in all healthy children.
  • Usually, rare constipation is not associated with any serious intestinal diseases and does not require a visit to the doctor (unless there are other signs of illness in the child)
  • Rare episodes of constipation do not require any special treatment and can only be resolved through first aid measures, which will be described below in the Treatment section.

Frequent constipation(when episodes of hard stools outnumber episodes of normal soft stools or when the child has prolonged episodes of hard stools)

  • Frequent cases of constipation should be considered abnormal and a possible sign of a serious illness
  • Frequent constipation can cause changes in the structure of the child's intestines (acquired megacolon) and cause fecal incontinence (encopresis)
  • A child with frequent episodes of constipation should be seen by a doctor to determine the causes of the disease and carry out special treatment.

Regardless of how often a child experiences constipation, try to assess the child’s general well-being using the following criteria:

  • How, in general, does the child behave? Can we say that he is restless, irritable, has no interest in the events happening around him, is too sleepy, does not play much?
  • How does a child develop? Have you noticed that he is behind in height or weight?
  • Have you noticed a certain lag in the child’s mental development?
  • What does the child look like externally? Does his skin and hair look dry and flabby? Does he have a skin rash?
  • Have you noticed that your child often “stains his laundry” with feces?

Children with rare episodes of constipation that are not associated with any serious illness usually appear completely healthy and develop well.

Children with frequent constipation, on the contrary, may suffer from some serious diseases that are manifested not only by constipation, but also by other symptoms that create the impression of a “sick, apathetic child” and can provoke the child to lag in height, weight and mental development.

The cause of chronic constipation in a child can be such conditions as:

  • Hirschsprung's disease
  • dolichocolon
  • dolichosigma
  • colon duplication
  • hypokalemia
  • acidosis
  • hypothyroidism
  • hyperparathyroidism
  • celiac disease
  • diabetes mellitus
  • adrenal insufficiency
  • hypercalcemia
  • myasthenia gravis
  • scleroderma
  • spinal cord diseases
  • abnormalities of the nervous system.

In some of the above conditions, the stool may remain soft, but the child may experience significant difficulty in passing it. As a rule, in such cases, in addition to constipation, other symptoms of the disease appear. If you suspect that your child is not healthy, be sure to show him or her to the doctor.

Sudden constipation in a child

Sudden and rare episodes of constipation in children over 1 year of age (and especially over 4-5 years of age) who are fed a varied diet may be closely related to the nature of the diet.

In particular, constipation can be caused by a lack of dietary fiber and particulates in the child's diet (if the child receives mainly meat, milk and other animal products). Let us immediately note that this is not always a consequence of the inattention or irresponsibility of parents.

It is well known that at the age of 1-4 years, children can be extremely selective in food and often outright refuse such healthy foods as vegetables, cereals, etc. For this reason, organizing truly healthy nutrition in practice at this age can be quite difficult.

However, parents should try to enrich the child's diet with high-fiber foods as much as possible (see section below, Step-by-step treatment for constipation in children). At the same time, it is imperative to offer your child to drink water throughout the day. Fiber has a very high ability to absorb water, so consuming high amounts of fiber without enough water can lead to severe constipation. For example, in the summer, constipation in a child can be caused by excessive consumption of plant products (berries, fruits) with thick skins and seeds. The solution to the problem, in this case, is to facilitate the elimination of dense feces (see below) and limit the consumption of foods that cause constipation (add water).

A child’s feces can tell us about the health of the intestines, and perhaps the whole body. Its consistency, smell, color, frequency of bowel movements are valuable information that helps diagnose (if developed) many pathologies. The presence of sheep feces in children is a clear sign of a problem in the body. The causes and treatment of this condition in children will be discussed in this article.

What is sheep feces in children

In children, as well as in adults, “sheep poop” is hard, round, dry small lumps, similar to sheep feces.

Such feces are usually the result of spastic constipation, that is, its appearance is associated with a spasm of some part of the intestine, due to which the feces simply cannot move lower.

Physiological reasons

The etiology of spastic constipation and, consequently, sheep feces is diverse. So, there are physiological and pathological causes of this condition.

Among the physiological causes of sheep feces in a child, the following are important:

Pathological causes

Perhaps the most common problem leading to the appearance of sheep feces in a child is dysbiosis. This condition is the replacement of “good” intestinal bacteria with bad ones, as a result of which the digestion of food in the large intestine is disrupted, the immune system suffers, vitamins are not synthesized, and so on.

Dysbacteriosis can lead to:

  • intestinal and other infections suffered by the mother during pregnancy and by the child after birth;
  • delivery by caesarean section;
  • irrational feeding (lack of breastfeeding, incorrectly selected, introduced or unadapted milk formula, incorrectly introduced complementary foods);
  • unbalanced diet (for older children);
  • antibiotic therapy;
  • decreased immunity;
  • poor environment;
  • helminthic infestations.

Among the pathological causes of changes in stool in the form of sheep feces, the following are important:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • meningitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hypothyroidism

Parents' actions

Such changes in stool are usually preceded by problems with bowel movements. Observant parents will notice that the baby has not pooped for several days.

In this case, children may sit on the potty to no avail. The bowel movement itself is painful, the child strains, turns red and sometimes cries. After some time, hard, pea-like feces appear. In addition, mucus may be present, and in more severe cases, droplets of blood.

Parents often wonder if their child has sheep feces, what to do.

Before visiting the pediatrician, parents should:

  • review the baby’s diet, enriching it with fresh vegetables/fruits and dairy products; in addition, it is necessary to exclude dry snacks;
  • if a problem arises in a baby, keep breastfeeding longer, introduce complementary foods on time, and if the child is “artificial”, feed exclusively with adapted formulas;
  • optimize your drinking regime. As a rule, the problem is easily solved by a glass of ordinary water 30 minutes before meals;
  • keep your child busy with active games and maintain sufficient physical activity;
  • create the most comfortable psychological atmosphere.

If, as a result of the measures taken, the stool has not returned to normal for several days, then a trip to the pediatrician cannot be postponed. Most likely, the doctor, after listening to the complaints of the patient or his parents, will prescribe additional diagnostic methods. Only a specialist can correctly determine the cause of the disease and prescribe the appropriate treatment.


Before prescribing a suitable treatment, the doctor, as a rule, refers the patient to undergo additional studies of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as according to indications: CBC, blood biochemistry, and so on.

The simplest diagnostic method is a test for dysbacteriosis and a coprogram, which includes studying the physical properties of feces and conducting microscopy.

Ultrasound diagnostics, an equally informative and painless research method, is carried out to study the condition of internal organs.

Perhaps the most unpleasant procedure for a baby is FEGDS. Before undergoing this examination, the child must be prepared mentally for how this examination will be carried out.

Treatment of sheep feces in a child

Therapy for stool disorders is selected in accordance with the reasons that caused them, as well as data from additional studies.

So, if sheep feces are caused by errors in the diet, the doctor strongly recommends normalizing the baby’s diet. Children up to one year old should continue to breastfeed, introduce complementary foods correctly, and so on.

For older children, exclude baked goods, rice, chocolate, dumplings, semolina, pasta and other “strengthening” foods. Preference should be given to products that restore microflora and have a laxative effect: plums, oatmeal, buckwheat, apricots, pearl barley, kiwi, fermented milk products, pumpkin, etc. In addition, the patient is recommended to normalize the drinking regime.

A light abdominal massage helps a lot. Using gentle movements and light pressure, massage your tummy in a clockwise direction.

If sheep feces are a consequence of stress, you will need to consult a psychologist and create a favorable atmosphere at home.

Drug treatment

Among the medications, the most effective are lactulose-based drugs, for example, “Lactusan”, “Normaze”, which have a laxative effect and the property of restoring the intestinal biocenosis, stimulating peristaltic movements and the activity of digestive enzymes, due to which the shape and consistency of feces returns to normal.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe antispasmodics Mebeverine or Duspatalin. These drugs have a laxative effect; they relax the smooth muscles of the intestinal wall.

Drugs such as “Bifiform” or “Linex” eliminate dysbiosis, populate the intestines with “good” flora and make it healthier.

If sheep feces appear as a result of serious pathologies, self-medication is not acceptable. For example, for stomach ulcers, therapy is prescribed by a gastroenterologist, meningitis is treated in neurological hospitals, and diabetes is treated by an endocrinologist.

Folk recipes

You can treat sheep feces in a child using traditional methods, the use of which should still be discussed with a doctor in advance.

The most effective traditional medicine remedies are:

  • A decoction of gooseberries. To do this, the fruits are boiled for 10 minutes, then cooled. The child is given a quarter glass of this decoction per day.
  • Rowan berries (alcohol tincture with added sugar). You need to take the product one teaspoon at a time. after diluting with water, for up to 10 days.
  • Lingonberry berries. They have laxative properties and stimulate intestinal peristalsis.
  • Sunflower or olive oil, taken on an empty stomach in the morning in the amount of 1 tsp. - excellent prevention of hard feces and stool retention.

Possible consequences

Sheep feces are a sign of constipation. This condition should never be ignored, as the consequences of the disease can be very sad. The stool should be regular. Otherwise, feces stagnate in the intestines, becoming a source of toxins. Toxins penetrate the blood, causing general intoxication. In this case, the child suffers from headaches, becomes tearful and irritable, against this background anal fissures, rectal prolapse, and hemorrhoids may occur. Such children are often developmentally delayed. Ignoring this condition significantly increases the risk of developing intestinal tumors.

Our stool can tell a lot about our health. The shape and types of feces help to recognize what is happening inside the body. When our intestines are healthy, then our stool should be normal. If, however, sometimes you notice occasional cases of unhealthy feces, do not sound the alarm, it depends on the diet. But if the symptoms become regular, you need to see a doctor, get tested and undergo the prescribed examination.

What should stool be like?

Normally, stool is considered normal if it has the consistency of toothpaste. It should be soft, brown, 10-20 cm long. Defecation should occur without much strain, easily. Small deviations from this description should not immediately cause alarm. Stool (or feces) can change depending on lifestyle and dietary errors. Beets give the output a red color, and fatty foods make the stool foul-smelling, too soft and floating. You need to be able to independently evaluate all the characteristics (shape, color, consistency, buoyancy), let's talk about this in more detail.


Types of stool vary in color. It can be brown (healthy color), red, green, yellow, white, black:

  • Red. This color may result from ingesting food coloring or beets. In other cases, the stool turns red due to bleeding in the lower intestine. Everyone's biggest fear is cancer, but this can often be associated with diverticulitis or hemorrhoids.
  • Green. A sign of the presence of bile. Stool moving too quickly through the intestines does not have time to turn brown. A green tint is a consequence of taking iron supplements or antibiotics, eating large amounts of greens rich in chlorophyll, or supplements such as wheatgrass, chlorella, spirulina. Dangerous causes of green stool are celiac disease or syndrome
  • Yellow. Yellow feces are a sign of infection. This also indicates gallbladder dysfunction, when there is not enough bile and excess fat appears.
  • White feces are a sign of diseases such as hepatitis, bacterial infection, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, cancer. The cause may be gallstones. Stool does not stain due to bile obstruction. The white color of feces can be considered harmless if the day before you took barium before an x-ray examination.
  • Black color or dark green indicates possible bleeding in the upper intestine. A sign is considered harmless if it is a consequence of consuming certain foods (lots of meat, dark vegetables) or iron.


The shape of your stool can also tell you a lot about your internal health. Thin stool (resembling a pencil) should alert you. Perhaps some kind of obstruction is blocking passage in the lower part of the intestine or there is pressure from the outside on the colon. This could be some kind of neoplasm. In this case, it is necessary to perform a colonoscopy to exclude a diagnosis such as cancer.

Hard and small feces indicate the presence of constipation. The cause may be an inadequate diet that excludes fiber. You need to eat foods high in fiber, do physical exercise, take flaxseed or psyllium husk - all this helps improve intestinal motility and ease stools.

Stool that is too soft and clings to the toilet contains too much oil. This indicates that the body does not absorb it well. You may even notice oil droplets floating. In this case, it is necessary to check the condition of the pancreas.

In small doses, mucus in the stool is normal. But if there is too much of it, it may indicate the presence of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.

Other characteristics

According to its characteristics, feces in an adult are directly related to lifestyle and nutrition. What causes an unpleasant odor? Pay attention to what you've been eating more frequently lately. A foul odor is also associated with taking certain medications and can manifest itself as a symptom of some kind of inflammatory process. In cases of food absorption disorders (Crohn's disease, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease), this symptom also appears.

Floating stool in itself should not be a cause for concern. If the floating stool has a very unpleasant odor or contains a lot of fat, this is a symptom of poor absorption of nutrients in the intestine. In this case, body weight is quickly lost.

A coprogram is...

Chyme, or food gruel, moves through the gastrointestinal tract and fecal masses are formed in the large intestine. At all stages, breakdown occurs, and then absorption of useful substances occurs. The composition of the stool helps determine whether there are any abnormalities in the internal organs. helps identify a variety of diseases. A coprogram is the conduct of chemical, macroscopic, microscopic studies, after which a detailed description of the feces is given. Coprograms can identify certain diseases. These may be disorders of the stomach, pancreas, intestines; inflammatory processes in the digestive tract, dysbiosis, malabsorption, colitis.

Bristol scale

English doctors at the Royal Hospital in Bristol have developed a simple but unique scale that characterizes all the main types of feces. Its creation was the result of the fact that experts were faced with the problem that people are reluctant to open up about this topic; embarrassment prevents them from talking in detail about their stool. Based on the developed drawings, it became very easy to independently characterize your own bowel movements without any embarrassment or awkwardness. Currently, the Bristol Stool Shape Scale is used throughout the world to assess the functioning of the digestive system. For many, printing a table (types of feces) on the wall in your own toilet is nothing more than a way to monitor your health.

1st type. Sheep feces

It is called so because it is shaped like hard balls and resembles sheep feces. If for animals this is a normal result of intestinal function, then for humans such stool is an alarm signal. Sheep pellets are a sign of constipation and dysbacteriosis. Hard feces can cause hemorrhoids, damage to the anus, and even lead to intoxication of the body.

2nd type. Thick sausage

What does the appearance of stool indicate? This is also a sign of constipation. Only in this case are bacteria and fibers present in the mass. It takes several days to form such a sausage. Its thickness exceeds the width of the anus, so emptying is difficult and can lead to cracks and tears, hemorrhoids. It is not recommended to self-prescribe laxatives, as sudden release of feces can be very painful.

3rd type. Sausage with cracks

Very often people consider such stools to be normal, because they pass easily. But make no mistake. Hard sausage is also a sign of constipation. When defecating, you have to strain, which means there is a possibility of anal fissures. In this case, it is possible that there is

4th type. Ideal chair

The diameter of the sausage or snake is 1-2 cm, the feces are smooth, soft, and easily amenable to pressure. Regular bowel movements once a day.

5th type. Soft balls

This type is even better than the previous one. A few soft pieces form and come out gently. Usually occurs with a large meal. Stool several times a day.

6th type. Unshaped chair

The feces come out in pieces, but unformed, with torn edges. It comes out easily without hurting the anus. This is not diarrhea yet, but it is already a condition close to it. The causes of this type of stool can be laxative medications, increased blood pressure, excessive consumption of spices, and mineral water.

7th type. Loose stool

Watery stools that do not include any particles. Diarrhea requiring identification of causes and treatment. This is an abnormal condition of the body that needs treatment. There can be many reasons: fungi, infections, allergies, poisoning, liver and stomach diseases, poor diet, helminths and even stress. In this case, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor.

The act of defecation

Each organism is characterized by an individual frequency of bowel movements. Normally, this is from three times a day to three bowel movements a week. Ideally - once a day. Many factors affect our intestinal motility, and this should not be a cause for concern. Travel, nervous tension, diet, taking certain medications, illness, surgery, childbirth, physical activity, sleep, hormonal changes - all this can be reflected in our stool. It is worth paying attention to how the act of defecation occurs. If excessive efforts are made, this indicates certain problems in the body.

Feces in children

Many mothers are interested in what baby’s stool should be like. It is worth paying special attention to this factor, since gastrointestinal diseases are especially severe at an early age. At the first suspicion, you should contact your pediatrician immediately.

In the first days after birth, meconium (dark color) comes out of the body. During the first three days, it begins to mix in. On the 4-5th day, feces completely replace meconium. During breastfeeding, golden-yellow stool is a sign of the presence of bilirubin, paste-like, homogeneous, and has an acidic reaction. At the 4th month, bilirubin is gradually replaced by stercobilin.

Types of feces in children

With various pathologies, there are several types of feces in children, which you need to know about in order to prevent various diseases and unpleasant consequences in time.

  • "Hungry" feces. The color is black, the smell is unpleasant. Occurs with improper feeding or fasting.
  • Acholic feces. Whitish-gray color, discolored, clayey. With epidemic hepatitis, biliary atresia.
  • Putrefactive. Pasty, dirty gray, with an unpleasant odor. Occurs during protein feeding.
  • Soapy. Silvery, shiny, soft, with mucus. When feeding with undiluted cow's milk.
  • Fatty feces. With a sour odor, whitish, a little mucus. When consuming excess fat.

  • Constipation. Gray color, hard consistency, putrid odor.
  • Watery yellow stool. When breastfeeding due to a lack of nutrients in mother's milk.
  • Pasty, thin stool, yellow color. It is formed due to excessive feeding of cereals (for example, semolina).
  • Feces for dyspepsia. With mucus, coagulated, yellow-green in color. Occurs when there is an eating disorder.

I forgot to indicate the age, I think, at this age there should not be such problems as hemorrhoids, or not?

I eat little bread, the bread that is on the shelves in Russia, unfortunately, is also harmful to health, if not harmful, then at least there is little benefit from it, just compare the bread that the citizens of the Soviet Union ate and their stories about the aroma , taste, then the conclusions suggest themselves. In those days, chemistry had not yet penetrated into all areas of our lives.

I don’t drink alcohol, although I doubt that it will have an effect on feces, although everything is possible, because it directly affects the liver, it’s a pity to look at people with red spots on their faces and alcoholics.

Visit a regular but adequate therapist, perhaps a gastroenterologist.

I think you really need to start with proper nutrition. The problem is most likely functional.

Where can I go with my illness?

Large and thick stool. What is the reason and what does it threaten?

Sometimes the poop can be so large that going to the toilet turns into hellish torment. Every millimeter of such poop brings with it severe pain that some people compare it to childbirth. In addition, too thick stool sometimes damages the anus and is followed by bleeding. Sometimes one bowel movement has to be divided into several stages, gradually defecating another portion of feces with each visit to the toilet. In this article, we will look at why stool becomes so large and what measures should be taken to avoid the appearance of thick poop.

Why does large stool appear?

Large and thick poop that is quite difficult to move through the intestines is a clear sign of constipation.

  • Large and thick poop is sausage-shaped and has a lumpy structure. The diameter of such feces reaches 3-4 cm. Defecation can cause severe pain due to the fact that the diameter of the anus is less than 5 cm and is greatly stretched during defecation. Such feces belong to the second type on the scale of fecal forms and indicate fairly rare bowel movements.
  • The second type of large poop is similar to the previous one, but has a more modest diameter from 2 to 4 cm and has cracks on the surface. Defecation is also accompanied by pain, the anus is greatly stretched until cracks appear. Based on the scale data, poop of these sizes is classified as the third type. Such fecal masses indicate that bowel movements occur more often than in the second type of feces, but there is hidden constipation.

What are the dangers of large feces?

In addition to pain during bowel movements, large-sized shit contributes to the development of various diseases. Due to constant pressure on the intestinal walls, a person may develop irritable bowel syndrome. Prolonged stagnation of feces in the intestines leads to intoxication of the body. The process of decay occurs and harmful toxins enter the body. This leads to deterioration of immunity, well-being, and also contributes to the development of infectious diseases. Due to stagnant feces, the load on the internal organs increases, and as a result, hormonal imbalances, cardiovascular diseases, and the same infectious diseases develop.

Due to the difficulty of defecation, there is a lot of pressure on the anus, leading to inflammation of hemorrhoids, anal fissures and bleeding.

Causes of thick poop

As mentioned above, large stool masses are all signs of constipation. There are many reasons for constipation and they are not always obvious.

The most common reasons for large poops are:

  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Poor nutrition and eating dry food;
  • Sedentary lifestyle;
  • Frequent stress;
  • Taking medications that cause constipation;
  • Impaired intestinal motility.

Please note that there is no need to self-medicate. It's better to see a doctor, there's nothing shameful in that.

Baby has big poop

For children, in most cases, everything is the same as for adults. But most often, children poop large poops due to emotional stress. The child's psyche is quite shaky and easily vulnerable. They worry about the smallest trifles, which do not seem like such to them. An unfavorable family environment, problems at school, difficult contact with peers - all this can lead to constipation in the form of very large poop that causes pain. Again, poor nutrition and medications can easily disrupt the digestive processes of a child’s body.

Parents should take into account the fact that a child’s body suffers from illnesses much more than an adult, since he is not yet strong enough. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically monitor your child’s stool.

In fact, the problem of the formation of large feces is very relevant and widespread. Many people suffer every day and experience extreme pain when visiting the toilet. At the same time, they are in no hurry to see a doctor, as a result of which this leads to the fact that in addition to constipation, other serious diseases develop that will have to be fought for a long time. Therefore, you should not self-medicate and wait until the “rooster pecks”; go to the doctor, he will prescribe a comprehensive examination and determine the true cause. Based on this, treatment will be prescribed.

A site about poop is always with you. Relieved!

Thank you for your support, Kakasic appreciates your help.

Why did you draw poop that doesn’t match the text?

Sometimes unformed feces have a pronounced mare-like consistency due to the presence of a large amount of fat in it with impaired pancreatic secretion and changes in bile secretion. Pasty feces also appear in colitis with diarrhea due to increased intestinal motility. Foamy stool occurs in patients with fermentative dyspepsia.


I haven't read much of anything. Shit, not an article


Why close? However, if you visited the site, you were probably looking for what was on it. It was you who came to me, and not I to you? Isn't it? Regarding the content, I can say that many of the topics are not at all narrow-minded. When people come to Kakasic, they get an answer to their question. Some topics are not customary to discuss in society and sometimes people have no one to ask, and here Kakasic comes to the rescue. For some it gives the necessary information, and for others it gives them a good mood and moral support. “THE BEGGAR! TRYING TO MAKE MONEY ON SUCH A SIMPLE TOPIC...” is an incorrect expression. What do you understand as a FAR topic? Do you listen to music? How many distant songs have you heard? At the same time, the performers sell you their work, and you, in turn, by listening to this music without paying for it, are in fact stealing. Do you have a lot of music and movies downloaded from the Internet on your computer? Kakasic doesn't knock on your door asking for help, does he? And you read the articles for free, he doesn’t ask for money for it. The reader decides whether to support Kakasic or not.

Hello everyone, calla lilies are very tight, what should I do?

Go to the gym, then have some soup and beet salad. In general, you need to follow a diet - eat zucchini and cucumbers. Avoid flour

I don’t know about others, but when I do something I try to slightly hold back my shit. I enjoy it))

You can also put a dildo in there.

There were guests at the dacha, I saw a big fat turd in the toilet after a relative. Decided that she loves anal sex!?

Stung there in two bows...

The child cannot poop, the poop is very large, tell me what to do? I’ve already tried microlax and glycerin suppositories, it doesn’t help.

And if the stool is about 30 cm long and without lumps, is that also constipation? P.s. I go to the toilet every day

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10 Tricky But Important Facts About Stool

We all visit the toilet, and although this is not a topic for a dinner party, we sometimes need to take a look at what we usually try to flush down the toilet as quickly as possible. And although we pay little attention to this detail of our physiology, most likely you know little or ask someone about your great need.

Experts emphasize that it is important to know information about bowel movements: what is strange, what is normal, healthy or not so. Ultimately, it can help identify signs of infection, digestive problems, and even early signs of cancer.

1. What is a chair made of?

Water makes up about 75 percent of our bowel movements. The rest - what often doesn't smell very pleasant to us - is a mixture of fiber, dead and living bacteria, other cells and mucus. Soluble fiber in foods such as beans and nuts is broken down during digestion and forms a gel-like substance that becomes part of our stool.

On the other hand, foods with insoluble fiber, such as corn, oat bran and carrots, are harder to digest, which explains why they come out almost unchanged.

2. Color matters

As you may have already noticed, the color of your stool can change depending on the food you eat and other factors. So beets can cause stool to turn red, while green leafy vegetables can turn stool green. Also, some medications can cause white or clay-colored stools. Be careful if the stool turns black. While it may be a completely harmless occurrence as a result of taking iron supplements or activated charcoal, a dark color can also indicate bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract.

3. Shape matters too

The ideal chair comes out shaped like a curved log, rather than falling apart. This shape, unlike the pebble shape, is the result of the consumption of fiber, which gives the stool bulk and serves as a kind of gluing agent.

Thin stools may be a sign of bowel cancer, which narrows the opening through which stool passes.

4. The nose will tell you the problem

Stool doesn't smell very good, but particularly strong-smelling stool is often a sign of infection. Horrible-smelling stool is a side effect of indigestion caused by giardia, which can often be contracted while swimming in lakes. It can also be a sign of ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease and celiac disease.

5. What's normal is pretty relative.

Do you go to the toilet at the same time every morning, or can you go a few days without going much? This is all normal. The main thing is how consistent your regimen is. A significant decrease in bowel movements may be caused by dietary changes, such as less fiber. Other factors that affect stool frequency include gastrointestinal disorders, hyperthyroidism, and colon cancer.

Cultural differences also play a role. For example, people living in South Asian countries are much more likely to go to the toilet when they have a great need than, for example, the British, which is explained by differences in diet. The average person produces about 150 grams of excrement per day, which is an average of 5 tons over a lifetime.

6. Diarrhea is fast stool.

Digestion of food takes from 24 to 72 hours. During this time, the food you eat passes through the esophagus into the stomach, then into the small intestine, colon and out through the anus.

Diarrhea or diarrhea is the result of stool passing too quickly through the large intestine, where most of the water is absorbed. Loose stools can be caused by many factors, including stomach viruses and food poisoning. It can also result from food allergies and intolerances, such as lactose intolerance.

7. The chair should sink

Listen to the sound that occurs when a chair falls into the water. Floating stools are often a sign of high fat content, which may be a sign of a malabsorption disorder in which not enough fat and other nutrients are absorbed from the food you eat. It is often associated with celiac disease and chronic pancreatitis.

8. Passing gas is normal.

Flatulence is embarrassing, but it is the result of harmless bacteria breaking down food in the colon, a completely healthy process. Our intestines are filled with bacteria that produce gas as a byproduct of digestion. Our body absorbs some of this and releases the rest. It is normal to pass gas 10 to 18 times a day.

9. Reading on the toilet is not a very healthy habit.

Research has shown that the more time you spend on the toilet, especially reading, the more likely you are to develop hemorrhoids, or dilated blood vessels around the anus. The longer you sit, the more pressure your anus experiences. It can also restrict blood flow to the anal area, making hemorrhoids worse.

Most often, a diet poor in fiber leads to constipation and hemorrhoids.

10. Your phone may be covered in excrement.

Wash your hands well after using the toilet or your stool will end up on other objects. In a recent study, scientists found that one in six phones are covered in fecal matter, which can spread E. coli.

Since we carry mobile phones with us everywhere, especially where we eat, E. coli transferred to your plate can play a role in the spread of infection.

How to deal with hard stool in adults

Very often, men and women suffer from a very sensitive and delicate problem - they are unable to go to the toilet normally. And the reason for this is hard feces, which appears with a seemingly normal diet, visible physical health and the usual rhythm of life.

However, all these factors only seem normal. If there is a problem with stool, it means that not everything is as smooth and good in your body as you would like.

There is no need to brush off the problem of going to the toilet. This may be an alarming signal that indicates pathological processes occurring in the body. Constipation or sheep feces have many manifestations that should never be ignored.

Symptoms that indicate the need to seek help from a specialist:

  • constipation appears very often and regularly. Even after taking a laxative, the problem returns again;
  • feces have a hard consistency in the form of small balls, reminiscent of animal feces - goats or sheep. (Hence the name - sheep feces);
  • bloating is observed, especially before defecation;
  • bloating is accompanied by flatulence, causing painful sensations (sometimes very painful, similar to contractions);
  • the process of defecation itself is accompanied by pain;
  • You may experience discomfort and pain in the abdomen of various locations (so-called intestinal colic);
  • a state of general weakness, fatigue. This is especially noticeable after going to the toilet or non-productive tenesmus (the urge to defecate).

If such symptoms occur, you should contact a specialist for help. A local internist or family doctor can advise and, if necessary, refer to a gastroenterologist. It is also possible that you will need to consult a proctologist. It all depends on the reason that caused constipation. And there may be a lot of them.

Possible causes of constipation

Each pathological condition has its own causes, which can be both subjective and objective:

  • poor nutrition is the simplest and most easily eliminated subjective cause of constipation. The diet contains few foods rich in coarse fiber, which stimulates the intestines and promotes the elimination of waste and toxins with feces;
  • sedentary work mode, low physical activity lead to improper functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract, intestinal motility decreases, motor and transport functions are impaired, which leads to constipation;
  • Drug dependence occurs when a person has used laxatives uncontrollably for a long time. The intestines simply “refuse” to perform their functions of eliminating processed foods without outside help. An adult (especially an older person) may become dependent on mechanical methods of influencing the act of defecation - if in order to induce stool, an enema is often (almost regularly) done. This is especially true for older people with severe depression. In the case of an advanced process, even fecal perforation of the intestine may occur;
  • reduction of tenesmus (the urge to defecate), occurring at the psychological level. When faced with special conditions (being in transport, at work or in another public place), a person spontaneously contracts the muscles of the external anal sphincter. Sometimes this phenomenon is associated with a painful act of defecation, which causes very hard and dry feces;
  • exposure to stress, nervous stress causing depression. In such cases, the entire body works in an “emergency” mode, which also affects the digestion and excretion system;
  • frequent consumption of alcohol, especially strong alcohol, even in small quantities, can cause not only constipation, but also intestinal obstruction if the cause is not eliminated in a timely manner;
  • dysbacteriosis is a disruption of the normal intestinal microflora, which can cause both hard stools and diarrhea with a host of other unpleasant symptoms;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: colitis of various etiologies, enterocolitis, enteritis, pathologies of the pancreas;
  • oncological diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the large intestine.

During pregnancy and after childbirth (lactation), women may experience constipation caused by hormonal changes in the body, increasing load on the gastrointestinal tract (in particular the intestines), postpartum hemorrhoids, cracks in the colon during childbirth and some other factors. In this situation, a woman should definitely consult with a specialist so that taking medications (even folk remedies) does not harm the baby’s health.

Diagnosis of constipation

When a patient complains of constipation, the specialist prescribes several tests that will help establish the cause of the phenomenon and prescribe adequate treatment. If necessary, highly specialized specialists are involved and additional diagnostic measures are carried out to help establish an accurate diagnosis of what is causing constipation.

As a rule, the following studies are prescribed:

  1. stool analysis - physical, chemical and microscopic examination;
  2. Ultrasound of the abdominal organs - the condition of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas;
  3. a general blood test with a formula to determine a possible pathological process in the body, which may affect the functions of the excretory system and the general condition of the intestines;
  4. sigmoidoscopy - examination of the rectum and lower part of the sigmoid intestine for tumors that may cause constipation;
  5. colonoscopy is a method used only for direct indications, when sigmoidoscopy gave a positive result and neoplasms were identified. This method is used to diagnose polyps, cysts and other tumors of the lower intestine.

Often, the first three studies are enough for a specialist to determine the cause of constipation and prescribe treatment.

Treatment methods

If the cause of constipation is frontal insufficiency, then it can be cured by adjusting the diet. After all, it arose due to an excessive passion for spicy, fried, fatty foods, insufficient water consumption, and lack of a diet.

For constipation not complicated by flatulence and severe bloating, a diet rich in fiber is recommended. Your daily diet should include:

  • cabbage in any form. The most useful is fermented with the addition of a small amount of natural, unrefined vegetable oil. Fresh cabbage salads with carrots and other vegetables will not only help to “start” the intestines, but will also enrich them with vitamins;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits - essential vitamins;
  • freshly squeezed juices stimulate intestinal motility;
  • fermented milk products (preferably low fat) have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora;
  • Whole grain bread is a source of fiber;
  • porridge: oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley - not only helps the intestines, but also a source of essential macro- and microelements.

The first hot courses must be present: soups, borscht, broths. Boiled, stewed or steamed meat and fish. They have a gentle effect on the intestines without disturbing its motility.

The use of spices and sauces should be reduced to a minimum, as they irritate the intestinal walls, causing flatulence, nausea and heartburn, which are aggravated by constipation.

Another important factor in the fight against constipation is drinking regime. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean, high-quality water (our body regards tea, coffee or compote as food, not water). In the morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water at room temperature in small sips. You can add a spoonful of natural honey and a little lemon juice.

During the day, drink water half an hour before meals and an hour after. In combination with foods rich in fiber, the liquid will be adsorbed in the intestines and the stool will become soft. Drink no more than half a liter at one time, otherwise the stomach will no longer be able to accept food.

Medicinal methods of influencing the intestines

In case of dysbacteriosis, when constipation is observed, complex treatment is prescribed, which includes:

  • probiotics: Linex, Hilak-forte, Bifidumbacterin; Lactovit, Bifiform and others;
  • enzymes (depending on the concomitant affected organ). This may be Pancreatin (or its analogues), Festal (or its analogues);
  • antibiotics or bacteriophages are prescribed in cases where dysbiosis is caused by infection.

Compliance with the diet is mandatory. Drug treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist after assessing the general condition of the body, the condition of the intestines and determining the causes of constipation.

From laxative medications, those drugs are selected that have a minimal spastic effect on the intestines and do not greatly increase flatulence. With constipation, this phenomenon is already very pronounced and causes a lot of trouble for the patient.

To avoid constipation, you need to eat right, follow a daily routine, take walks in the fresh air every day (at least on the way home from work), play sports, not expose yourself to stress and get proper rest. Then your intestines will work like a clock.

Constipation in children- a common cause that causes significant discomfort in children and anxiety in parents. According to various sources, constipation is the reason for visiting a doctor in 3-5% of cases. Constipation is detected in 1-30% of children.

A short episode of constipation in children is common and usually lasts only a few days. A proper diet and sufficient fluid volume - this, in most cases, is enough. However, some children develop chronic constipation (persistent and severe). Regularly soiled laundry (often mistaken for diarrhea) may mean your child has chronic constipation.

Normal stool frequency in children

The frequency of stool in children is not constant and varies over a fairly wide range. The following statements and norms are relatively generally accepted:

  • The first bowel movement (meconium bowel movement) occurs within 36 hours of birth. In 90% of children, meconium is passed in the first 24 hours of birth.
  • During the first week of life, the baby has an average of 4 bowel movements per day. This indicator is very variable and depends on the type of feeding: artificial or natural.
  • Up to 2 years of age, the average number of bowel movements can vary from 3 times a day to 1 time every few days.
  • After two years, the number of bowel movements is 1-2 times a day
  • After 4 years – 1 time per day

Despite the average statistical indicators given, a breastfed baby may not have bowel movements for 7 or even 10 days, and this may be the norm. In formula-fed children, the variability in normal stool frequency is even greater.

Classification of constipation

It is advisable to divide constipation in children into two broad categories:

  1. Mild and/or temporary constipation that lasts only a few days. This is a very common situation that can happen again from time to time.
  2. Chronic (persistent and severe) constipation. It is much less common. Its treatment differs from the more common – mild, temporary constipation.

So what is constipation?

Constipation in children is called:

  • Difficult defecation, or defecation that requires significant effort and/or
  • Pain during bowel movements. and/or
  • Bowel movements are less frequent than usual.

Note: there is a large range of normal frequency. One to three bowel movements per day is considered normal. Stool less often than once every two days can be constipation. However, this may still be normal if the child does not strain too much during bowel movements, does not experience pain, and has soft and well-formed stools.

The following criteria have been developed for the diagnosis of functional constipation (Rome III)

  • Bowel movements less than twice a week
  • Episode of stool incontinence after acquiring hygiene skills
  • Previously observed episodes of severe stool retention
  • Large stool volume

The diagnosis is made by observing at least 2 of the six listed criteria within a month.

Children aged 4 to 18 years

  • Bowel movements less than twice a week
  • Episodes of stool incontinence
  • Episodes of volitional retention of stool
  • Painful or difficult bowel movements
  • Large stool volume
  • Large diameter fecal bolus

Diagnosis is made by observation at least 2 out of six the listed criteria within two months.

What are the causes of constipation in children?

Food and drinks. Poor diet is a common cause of childhood constipation:

  • Insufficient content of dietary fiber, fiber (the rough part of food that is not digested and remains in the intestines) and/or
  • Insufficient fluid intake.

Stool becomes hard, dry, and difficult to pass stool when the intestines are low in fiber and fluid.

Consciously holding a chair: the child feels the urge to defecate, but resists. This is a common cause of functional constipation. You may notice this in your child by squeezing their legs together, sitting on their heels, or other similar actions that help suppress the feeling of bowel movement. Prolonged conscious retention of stool increases the volume of stool and, subsequently, makes it more difficult to pass. There are a number of reasons why children may struggle to hold stool:

  • the previous bowel movement may have been difficult and painful. Therefore, the child tries to postpone defecation, fearing pain and discomfort again. (anal fissure, perianal irritation, sexual abuse, hemorrhoids)
  • unfamiliar or uncomfortable environments (for example, public restrooms). The child may "temporarily switch off" bowel movements until he returns home.
  • emotional problems, depression.

Diseases leading to constipation in children

Quite a lot of diseases can lead to constipation: thyroid disease, as well as some intestinal disorders; one of the factors for constipation may be an allergy to cow's milk. If constipation is a symptom of a disease, then, as a rule, other symptoms are also present, because it is extremely unlikely that this will be the only manifestation of the disease. Some medications may cause constipation as a side effect. Anyway, If constipation is a chronic problem, you should consult your doctor.

How can you prevent constipation in a child?

Eating foods with a lot of fiber and plenty of water helps increase the volume of the stool, but at the same time the stool becomes soft and the intestines are easy to empty. Regular exercise also promotes normal bowel movements.

  • Jacket potatoes with baked beans or vegetable soup with bread.
  • Dried apricots or raisins for dessert.
  • Porridge or other high-fiber grains for breakfast.
  • Fruit with every meal.
  • You may not want to let your child take candy until he or she has eaten the fruit.

If children do not want to eat foods high in dietary fiber, add dry bran to yogurt. Yogurt will soften the unpleasant taste of dry bran.

Drinks Adequate fluid intake is important for normal bowel function. However, some children have the habit of drinking only juice, soda or milk to quench their thirst. They can satisfy their appetite with them and therefore eat little food containing a large amount of fiber. Try to limit these types of drinks. Give water as the main drink. However, some fruit juices that contain fructose or sorbitol have a laxative effect (eg prunes, pears, or apple juice). This may be useful from time to time when stools become heavier than usual and you suspect constipation may soon develop.

Some other tips that may help:

  • Try to get your child used to going to the toilet at a specific time. After breakfast, before school or kindergarten is the best option. Try and allow enough time so that he doesn't feel rushed.
  • Reward systems are sometimes helpful for young children who are susceptible to bowel retention. For example, a small treat after each successful trip to the toilet. However, try not to make a tragedy out of a toilet problem. The goal is for the situation to be normal and not cause tension - a matter of everyday life.

Mild/temporary constipation in children and its treatment.

Most episodes of constipation in children last only a few days. Many children strain to “squeeze out” a large or hard fecal lump. This does not really matter; the consistency of the stool will soon return to normal. Treatment for temporary constipation is the same as for preventing constipation. That is, diet with plenty of fiber, drinking plenty of fluids, and possibly fruit juice that contains fructose or sorbitol. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a laxative for a few days. During an episode of mild constipation, the functions of the lower intestine (rectum) are not affected. Therefore, you can stop laxative treatment as soon as stool becomes easy to pass again. Treatment usually takes several days.

Chronic (persistent and severe) form of constipation

Chronic constipation in children is defined as severe and prolonged defecation disturbance. It most often develops in children aged 2 to 4 years, but it occurs in both older and younger children. Symptoms and features of chronic constipation include:

  • Repeated situations when the child experiences difficulties or problems with bowel movements.
  • The child regularly soils his underwear with very soft stools or feces in the form of mucus. This is often regarded by parents as diarrhea.
  • The child may become irritable, eat little, feel unwell, experience abdominal pain from time to time, and generally have a low mood.
  • The doctor can often feel the terminal intestines filled with hard, lumpy feces when palpating the abdomen.

Next, we will try to explain how chronic constipation can develop and its symptoms. Specifically, why soiled laundry is a symptom of chronic constipation. Typically, stool accumulates in the lower part of the large intestine. If stool accumulates, it begins to pass into the rectum (the last part of the intestine), which dilates. This sends signals along the nerves to the brain saying “you need to go to the bathroom.” When relaxing the anus on the toilet, it takes a little effort to “squeeze out” the feces. But if the child ignores the signal and holds back, the feces remain in the rectum. Gradually, a large, dense fecal lump forms in the intestine. The rectum then dilates and becomes much larger than normal. This contributes to the formation of a fecal blockage, in which dense feces “get stuck” in the rectum. If the rectum remains overstretched for a long time, then the normal sensation of the urge to defecate is weakened. In addition, the muscle strength of the walls of the rectum decreases, it becomes “lazy”.

Additional portions of feces approach the fecal bolus located in the rectum. The lowest part of the stool lies just above the anus. Some of these "fresh" loads liquefy and flow out of the anus. This stains the baby's underwear and bedding. In addition, some of the soft stool, liquid stool from the overlying parts of the large intestine, can “bypass” around the fecal bolus. It also oozes from the anus and can be mistaken for diarrhea. The child has no way (!) to control this leakage and soiling of the laundry. If the stool blockage is eventually completely removed (via an enema), it quickly becomes filled with hard stool again due to the fact that the walls of the rectum are stretched and weakened.

What is the treatment for chronic constipation in children?

Eat a high fiber diet and drink plenty of fluids. This is described above, but, as a rule, in addition to this, the prescription of laxatives is required.


Laxatives are usually prescribed if a child develops chronic constipation. Their first goal is to empty the rectum and resolve fecal impaction. This can usually be done fairly quickly with just an adequate dose of a strong laxative. Sometimes laxative suppositories or cleansing enemas are necessary to resolve fecal blockage. After you have had a bowel movement, it is important to continue taking laxatives as prescribed by your doctor. This may be necessary for several months, and sometimes even up to two years. When a child takes laxatives every day, the following happens:

  • The child goes to the toilet more often and has regular bowel movements. As he goes to the toilet more often, the stool becomes smaller and softer. This will allow stool to pass more easily. The child will be freed from the fear of going to the toilet with a large, hard, painful lump.
  • Overdistension of the rectum decreases, and it can gradually return to normal size, functions are restored properly.

Constipation is unlikely to reoccur. If laxatives are stopped prematurely, the fecal impaction is likely to recur in the weakened ampulla of the rectum, which has not had enough time to return to normal size and regain strength.

  • Substances that increase the volume of feces. This is, for example, bran. They make the stool soft but voluminous.
  • Stool softeners. These substances liquefy and soften stool. For example, docusate sodium (which also has a weak stimulating effect).
  • Osmotic laxatives. For example, lactulose and polyethylene glycol. These substances retain fluid in the colon by osmosis (reduce the absorption of fluid into the blood from the lumen of the colon).
  • Stimulant laxatives. For example, senna or sodium docusate. They act on the muscles in the intestinal wall and “squeeze” less than usual. Sena preparations are not recommended for use in children.

Your doctor will usually recommend using laxatives. However, it is quite common to need two laxatives at the same time over a period of several months if one drug does not produce the desired effect. For example, an osmotic laxative plus a stimulant. Over time, the dose is gradually reduced and the medicine is discontinued. It is important to continue treatment as long as your doctor advises. Chronic constipation often recurs if treatment is stopped too early.



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