“possess” - morphemic analysis of the word, analysis by composition (root suffix, prefix, ending). What medicinal properties does rose hip root have? Rose hip root - medicinal properties and healing power of plant materials

Scheme of analysis according to composition:


Analysis of words by composition.

The composition of the word "possess":

Connecting vowel: absent

Postfix: absent

Morphemes - parts of the word possess


A detailed analysis of the word possess by composition. The root of the word, prefix, suffix and ending of the word. Morphemic analysis of the word possess, its schema and parts of the word (morphemes).

  • Morphemes scheme: possession
  • Word structure by morphemes: root/suffix
  • Scheme (construction) of the word possess by composition: root possess + suffix
  • List of morphemes in the word possess:
    • oblada - root
    • th - suffix
  • Types of morphemes and their number in the word possess:
    • prefix: absent - 0
    • root: possess - 1
    • connecting vowel: absent - 0
    • suffix: t - 1
    • postfix: absent - 0
    • ending: null ending. - 0

Total morphemes in the word: 2.

Derivative analysis of the word possess

  • Base word: possess;
  • Derivative affixes: prefix absent, suffix t, postfix absent;
  • Word formation: ○ suffixal;
  • Method of education: derivative, as it is formed in 1 (one) way.

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Morphemic analysis of the word possess

Morphemic analysis of a word is usually called analysis of a word by composition - this is the search and analysis of morphemes (parts of a word) included in a given word.

Morphemic analysis of the word possess is very simple. To do this, it is enough to follow all the rules and order of analysis.

Let’s do morphemic analysis correctly, and to do this we’ll just go through 5 steps:

  • determining the part of speech of a word is the first step;
  • second - we highlight the ending: for mutable words we conjugate or decline, for unchangeable words (gerunds, adverbs, some nouns and adjectives, auxiliary parts of speech) - there are no endings;
  • Next we look for the basis. This is the easiest part because to define the stem you just need to cut off the ending. This will be the basis of the word;
  • The next step is to search for the root of the word. We select related words for possess (they are also called cognates), then the root of the word will be obvious;
  • We find the remaining morphemes by selecting other words that are formed in the same way.

As you can see, morpheme parsing It's easy to do. Now let's decide on the basic morphemes of the word and analyze it.

*Morphemic analysis of a word (analysis of a word by composition) - search root , consoles , suffix , graduation And word basics The analysis of the word according to its composition on the website is carried out according to the dictionary of morphemic analysis.

What is a root? It is a very important plant organ that ensures its growth and vital activity. Scientists associate the appearance of this organ with the stage of development of the flora of the earth's surface.

The root is the underground part of the plant, which has apical growth and has a radial structure.

The main functions of the root are:

  • anchor - that is, holding the plant in the soil;
  • and absorbing - obtaining water and minerals from the earth, transferred through xylem (water-conducting tissue) to all above-ground plant parts for production

In addition, organic substances synthesized in the above-ground part of the plant, as well as hormones, amino acids, alkaloids, etc., accumulate in it and serve as a reserve of nutrients. The root is also the organ of vegetative propagation of the plant.

Along with the definition of what a root is, the concept of the root system, which is formed by all the roots of the plant together, always appears. There are main, adventitious and lateral roots.

The main (or primary) root receives its development in the embryonic root. In flowering plants, the main root is the main one, has unlimited growth and positive geotropism (that is, it gives the right direction for plant growth).

Internal structure of roots

What is a root, in terms of its internal structure? In its center is the root conducting system, consisting of sieve tubes and vessels. The vessels ensure the transportation of water along with useful substances dissolved in it to the above-ground part of the plant from the root hairs. on the contrary, they transport organic solutions from ground organs to root cells. The cells of the educational tissue of the root (cambium) continuously divide and thereby ensure the growth of roots in thickness.

What is a root, and all its main zones are clearly visible in a longitudinal section.

The root cap is formed by integumentary tissue and covers the apex of the root, protecting it like a cap from various damages. Its other function is to promote the movement of the root in the ground.

The division zone is located immediately under the root cap and consists of small cells of educational tissue, which, through their constant division, ensure root growth.

The elongation zone is formed by very young, just growing cells, stretching in the longitudinal direction and thereby causing the root to grow in length.

If you carefully dig up the plant, you can see how the roots entwine the soil particles; this part is called the suction zone. It is covered with root hairs, the function of which is to absorb water and nutrients. The hairs have a slimy surface.

Above the suction zone is the conduction zone, formed and constituting most of the length of the root. Water and water that is directly dissolved in it move through the vessels of the root up the stem.

In some plants, the roots may be modified due to the emergence of conditions unfavorable for plant growth and providing adaptation to them.

Rosehip root has proven itself in folk medicine as an effective remedy against various ailments. Possessing beneficial properties, the plant can cure many diseases, improve well-being and fight excess weight. This is not a complete list of what rosehip root can handle. Treatment with this drug brings good results and has virtually no side effects. This is an excellent remedy for many diseases, but before using it, read the contraindications.

Rosehip root - medicinal properties and healing power of plant materials

Rose hips contain a huge amount of useful microelements. It is traditional to brew the fruits of this miracle plant, thereby obtaining a drink enriched with vitamins.

Not everyone knows that all the healing power of rose hips is hidden in its roots. Based on the roots, alternative medicine recipes are being developed that make it possible to produce various infusions and decoctions that improve the condition of various ailments.

Before you start preparing a medicinal drink, you must carefully study the chemical composition of this raw material.

Microelements included in the composition of the medicinal plant

The roots are most often chosen for making medicinal drinks. They contain a huge supply of useful components: catechins, pectins, flavonoids, as well as tannins.

In addition, wild rose contains various essential oils, ascorbic acid, vitamins E, B, K, P, PP.

The plant is enriched with such useful minerals as: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron salts, calcium, manganese, etc.

Scientists do not stop conducting research, studying the chemical structure of rose hip root.

Due to the well-known beneficial properties, plant raw materials are actively used to alleviate the following conditions:

— Gastrointestinal pathologies;

— Disturbances in the urinary system;

— Gallstone disease;

— Presence of kidney stones;

— Dysentery;

— Fungal infection of the nail plate and skin;

— Painful sensations in joints, atherosclerosis;

- Hepatitis;

- Bronchial asthma.

Powdered roots have a positive effect on the body. A healing drink based on raw materials strengthens the immune system, improves metabolism, increases mental and physical activity, and accelerates recovery from various diseases.

The beneficial substances of the plant relieve muscle pain, prevent the development of cramps, and improve overall well-being.

Alternative medicine practices the treatment of many endocrine diseases with the healing root; drug recipes help to lose weight and remove stones from the bile ducts and kidneys.

Wild rose root has virtually no side effects on the body. It is worth noting that official medicine has still not found an explanation for this phenomenon.

Contraindications to the use of herbal raw materials

Ingestion of plant roots is undesirable under the following conditions:

- Constipation;

— An increase in platelets in the blood, as well as the risk of developing thrombophlebitis, endocarditis;

— Hypotonic disease, blood pressure below 110/70;

— Gastrointestinal pathologies: gastritis, duodenitis with high secretion of gastric juice, including gastric or duodenal ulcers;

— Individual intolerance to this medicinal component.

Important! Before using the medication, consult your doctor.

How to brew and use rosehip root correctly

The method of preparation and plan for taking the drug will directly depend on the diagnosis and stage of the disease (acute or chronic). Traditional medicine has collected dozens of types of recipes to eliminate various ailments.

For excessive discharge and painful menstruation

You will need crushed plant root - 2 tbsp. l. Fill it with boiling water, about half a glass.

Boil the raw materials for about 15 minutes, then leave until completely cooled for three hours. Filter the broth thoroughly. Take this healing drink before main meals.

To cure atherosclerosis and hypertension

Finely chop the root in the amount of 70 grams, pour in 400 ml of hot water, put on the stove, reduce the heat and simmer for about half an hour.

Then wrap the vessel with the broth in a warm cloth and leave for 5 hours. Strain the mixture and consume 150 ml 30 minutes after meals.

Weight loss drink

For tea you will need approximately 100 grams of root shavings, which should be poured with 1 liter of boiling water.

Pour the resulting composition into a thermos and leave for 12 hours. Drink a healthy drink in three doses.

For the treatment of joints, wounds, skin diseases, ulcers as an external remedy

To prepare the composition you need to take about 2 tbsp. l. roots, chopped in a blender. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the raw material and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Let the broth cool and steep for an hour.

The medicinal composition is suitable for the treatment of diseased joints with rheumatism, gout and radiculitis. The product is used to treat the face for acne, urticaria and allergies that appear on the skin in the form of rashes.

To heal festering wounds and ulcers, gauze bandages are moistened in a medicinal solution and applied to the site of inflammation. Cramps and weakness in the leg muscles are treated in the same way.

To eliminate unpleasant foot odor, treat cracked heels and sweaty feet, the decoction is diluted in warm water and foot baths are made. Such baths can relieve fatigue in the legs and speed up the healing of wounds and abrasions.

For hepatitis B

The ingredients you need are honey and chopped rosehip root. Take 90 grams of raw materials, pour boiling water over them, leave in a thermos for several hours. For one dose you will need a third of a glass of infusion.

To remove bad breath

Pour the powder into 0.5 cups of cold water. Mix thoroughly and place the vessel with the drug in a dark place. Filter the mixture through gauze, rinse the mouth with the prepared mixture. This method allows you to disinfect your mouth, removing bacteria that cause an unpleasant odor.

Use for fungal infections

Pour half a liter of vodka into the shavings from medicinal raw materials. Leave the mixture in a place protected from sunlight for three weeks. Filter the finished composition and take 30 ml at a time.

At what time of year and how is rosehip root harvested?

Now that the time for harvesting rose hips is approaching, it is important to know when to dig the roots and when to collect the fruits.

Rules for the procurement of medicinal raw materials

Good and high-quality raw materials are stored for 2 years. At home, a meat grinder or blender is used to grind the root.

The finer the raw material, the better it releases its beneficial substances. The finished powder is poured into a glass container.

The roots of the plant are dug up in autumn or spring. At this time of year, they contain the maximum amount of macro and micronutrients.

During harvesting, the roots are carefully pulled out of the ground, thoroughly rinsed with running water, chopped, and then left to dry further in a moisture-proof and cool place.

A prerequisite for drying the drug is a dark and ventilated room. It's good if there are drafts.

Storage conditions

It is not necessary to grind all the collected roots at once. They can be left indoors, away from moisture and direct sunlight.

Take some of the roots for grinding as needed. Whole roots retain beneficial microelements better. Place the decoction powder in glass jars for further use.

What medicinal properties does rosehip root have - all about beauty and health on the site



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