Nootropics with sedative effects. A modern view of nootropics: a list of the best drugs with proven effectiveness

Modern life is filled with daily stress. Problems at work, quarrels in the family or depression - all this not only spoils the mood, but also causes irreparable damage to the brain.

An excess of stressful situations negatively affects memory, slows down thought processes and affects the central nervous system. To avoid these consequences, scientists invented nootropic drugs. In this article we will look at a list of new generation nootropic drugs and their mechanism of action.

What are nootropics?

Nootropics are drugs classified as psychotropic. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, increasing its resistance to stress. Nootropic drugs strengthen memory, enhance intellectual abilities and stimulate the desire to learn new information.

The prototypes of modern medicines were invented more than half a century ago. At that time, nootropic drugs had one positive property - improving memory. With the development of medicine, it was possible to obtain a new generation of nootropics that have a complex effect on brain function.

Nootropic drugs are included in the pharmacological group of psychostimulant drugs, but have a number of important advantages over classical psychostimulants:

  • do not have a negative impact on humans;
  • do not correct brain activity;
  • do not slow down physical reaction;
  • do not have a hypnotic effect;
  • do not cause addiction.

The main effect of nootropics is to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. The drugs also protect the brain from mental illness, prevent the formation of blood clots and hypoxia. Nootropic medications are prescribed to patients for ischemia, poisoning or brain injury.

Nootropics are divided into 2 types:

  • Single-tasking. Drugs that demonstrate one positive effect - memory improvement;
  • Multitasking. Agents that have antihypoxic, sedative and muscle relaxant effects.

Leading pharmacologists are still developing developments in the field of nootropic drugs. Every year they become more effective, and the list of possible side effects is constantly shrinking. The list of nootropic drugs is regularly updated, which indicates their high effectiveness and importance in medicine.

How do brain nootropics work?

A group of nootropics actively affects the functionality of the brain. The substance stimulates its work, enhances memory functions and normalizes mental activity. Nootropics act as a link to improve the interaction of the two hemispheres. Experts say that regular use of nootropic drugs slows down the aging process.

Neurometabolic cerebroprotectors have their roots in biogenetics. These drugs stimulate increased glucose excretion and ATP formation, strengthen the interaction of proteins and ribonucleic acid (two of the three key macromolecules in the body).

There are 4 main mechanisms of action of nootropic substances:

  1. Membrane stabilizers. Regenerate cell membranes, their structure and properties;
  2. Antioxidants. Neutralizes oxidative processes in the human body;
  3. Antihypoxants. Normalize the removal of oxygen from the body, thereby increasing resistance to hypoxia;
  4. Neuroprotectors. Protects brain neurons from damage.

The effects of nootropics are enhanced when combined with psychostimulants. Similar combinations are prescribed to people suffering from severe disorders.

Nootropics - list of drugs

We present to your attention the best nootropics of the latest generation, which are widely used in various fields of modern medicine.

Piracetam (Nootropil). The drug is available in tablets or injection ampoules. Piracetam helps improve metabolism in the central nervous system and has a positive effect on blood circulation in the brain. The drug is used for speech disorders, memory impairment, frequent dizziness and viral diseases of neurons.

Pramiracetam. The drug is available in tablet form. The mechanism of action is similar to vitamin B4. Strengthens the basic functions of the brain: memory, speech, perception, concentration. Pramiracetam is not characterized as a sedative. A more effective result is achieved with course therapy (1-2 months).

Important! People suffering from kidney failure should consult a doctor before starting the course.

Vinpocetine (Neurovin). Available in the form of tablets or injection solutions. Helps improve cerebral blood circulation. The drug is especially popular in neurology and ophthalmology in the elimination of pathological diseases of the retina. It is also used for hearing impairment.

It is recommended to use the product for 1 to 2 months, depending on the disease and the dynamics of its course. Discontinuation of the drug should be done gradually, reducing the dosage over the course of a week. As the condition improves, the injections are replaced with a tablet form.

Phenibut (Noobut). The product is produced in powder, capsule and tablet forms. The substance fights the lack of oxygen in nerve cells and the deterioration of memory. It has a positive effect on both the mental and physical state of a person. Eliminates anxious feelings, eases depression and normalizes sleep patterns.

Important! You should be very careful when combining Phenibut with sleeping pills, as the drug enhances the effect of the latter.

The nootropic is prescribed for disorders of the nervous system and decline in intellectual abilities. A course of therapy lasting 1 to 2 months is recommended.

Pantogam. A common nootropic drug used in pediatric medicine. Available in tablet form. Suppresses excessive excitability and hyperactivity in children. The effect of use appears within 2-3 weeks after the start of the course. Duration of treatment is up to 6 months, depending on the patient’s condition.

Glycine. The drug is in the form of tablets, which has a pronounced calming effect. Helps the body survive stress by suppressing anxiety and irritation.

Phezam. A nootropic that normalizes blood circulation in the brain. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the central nervous system and promotes vasodilation. Slightly affects the auditory and visual organs. The product effectively combats dizziness, memory loss, and the consequences of stroke or encephalitis.

The drug contains a combination of two other nootropics (Piracetam and Cinnarizine). This ligament enhances the antihypoxic effect and accelerates metabolism in nerve cells.


We answered the main question: “Nootropic drug: what is it and how does it work?” The use of nootropics is absolutely safe if you consult your doctor in advance. A wide range of medications will allow you to target the problem precisely, which will significantly speed up the treatment process.

Modern medicine offers a wide range of different drugs for children. These include drugs that are used in neurology. Often, if there are any deviations in the child’s neurological development, the doctor prescribes nootropic drugs. We will tell you in the article whether nootropic drugs are safe for children and what effects their use will entail.

What is a nootropic drug?

These drugs got their name from the merger of two Greek words noos - mind and tropos - direction. The main effect of these drugs is to improve mental activity. In addition, nootropics help level out neurological deficits and increase the endurance of nerve cells under conditions of extreme influences (stress, hypoxia).

In scientific circles, it is believed that the difference between nootropics and other psychotropic drugs is the absence of such effects on the nervous system as stimulation and sedation (calming). When taking these drugs, the bioelectrical activity of the brain does not change. The only medicine that is an exception is Cortexin.

Another positive quality of drugs in this group is low toxicity and inability to impair blood circulation.

Mechanism of action and effects of nootropics

The pharmacological action of these drugs is based on their beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the brain:

  • They enhance the synthesis of high-energy phosphates (biological molecules that accumulate and transmit energy), proteins, and some enzymes.
  • Nootropics stabilize the membranes (shells) of neurons that have been damaged.

The following effects can be identified that nootropic drugs can have:

  • Reducing the manifestations of asthenic syndrome (weakness, increased fatigue, drowsiness, decreased concentration, sleep disturbances);
  • Stimulation by some mental activity;
  • Fighting depression;
  • Have a moderate inhibitory effect on the nervous system;
  • Promote the resistance of brain cells (neurons) to oxygen deficiency;
  • Reducing the manifestations of epilepsy (moderate anticonvulsant effect);
  • Improving cerebral blood flow in vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • Promotes activation of cognitive activity;
  • Promote the body's adaptation to changing environmental conditions;
  • Strengthening immunity and general resistance.

These drugs have positive effects only with long-term use. Nootropic drugs for children with speech disorders and developmental disorders should be used for at least 2 weeks in combination with other therapeutic measures.

Indications and contraindications for use

Like any medicine, nootropic drugs have their own indications and contraindications, which must be taken into account by the doctor when prescribing these drugs.

  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Retarded physical and mental development;
  • Speech disorders and delayed development;
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • Perinatal damage to the nervous system of various origins;
  • Past neuroinfections;
  • Restlessness, disinhibition, attention deficit.

In addition to the positive effects, nootropics can also have a negative effect if the child has the following contraindications to their use:

  • Impaired kidney function;
  • Increased intracranial pressure;
  • Severe psychomotor agitation;
  • Liver pathology;
  • Individual intolerance to any component of the drug

When new generation nootropic drugs are prescribed, the list for children is limited precisely by contraindications to their use. The use of any medicine must be agreed with the attending physician.

The best nootropic drugs for children

The modern pharmaceutical market offers a large number of drugs with nootropic effects. Such drugs are used in children of any age. Modern drugs are available in various dosage forms that are suitable for use even in the neonatal period.


Available in the form of bottles with a ready-made solution. The route of administration is injection only (intramuscular). Contains a complex of polypeptide fractions obtained from the brain of piglets and/or calves.

The mechanism of action of the drug consists of processes such as:

  • Activation of neuropeptides (proteins that regulate the functioning of nerve cells) and factors that provide nutrition to the brain;
  • Optimizing the balance of inhibitory and excitatory substances in the brain;
  • Inhibitory effect on the nervous system;
  • Reduced seizure activity;
  • Prevents the formation of free radicals.

You can read more about indications and contraindications and the method of administration in a separate article dedicated to Cortexin.


The drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. Can be used from the neonatal period (first 28 days of life). The main effects of this drug are as follows:

  1. Improves metabolic processes in brain cells;
  2. Promotes the transmission of nerve impulses;
  3. Stabilizes the structure of cell membranes, preventing the effects of free radicals (antioxidant effect);
  4. Reduces blood viscosity and improves blood flow;
  5. Improves blood supply in ischemic areas.
  • Impaired memory, thinking, fatigue, decreased concentration;
  • Delayed mental development;
  • Encephalopathy;
  • Conditions after encephalitis (inflammation of brain tissue).

Encephabol is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • Sensitivity to pyritinol (main active ingredient);
  • Kidney dysfunction;
  • Severe liver damage;
  • Changes in peripheral blood tests;
  • Autoimmune diseases in the acute period;
  • Myasthenia;
  • Pemphigusa.

The drug is prescribed in dosages depending on age. It is not recommended to take it in the evening or at night. When using Encephabol in newborns at risk of developing perinatal pathology, the duration of treatment is 6 months, followed by repetition if necessary after 3 months.


The drug is produced and released in tablet form. Prescribed to children from 1 year. The main active ingredient of the drug is gamma-aminobutyric acid. The effects of the drug are that it:

  • Restoration of metabolic processes in the brain;
  • Helps remove toxic substances;
  • Improves memory and mental activity;
  • Has a mild stimulating effect on the psyche;
  • Positively affects the restoration of movements and speech;
  • Stabilizes blood pressure.

In addition to the indications inherent in all nootropics, Aminalon is used for sleep disorders caused by increased blood pressure and motion sickness (motion sickness, in land transport).

The only contraindications include hypersensitivity to the main component of the drug.

Aminalon is dosed according to age. The daily dose is divided into 3 doses, before meals. The duration of treatment ranges from 2 weeks to 4 months.

Glutamic acid

This substance is available in tablets. Prescribed to children from infancy. Glutamic acid belongs to the group of non-essential amino acids. Actively participates in the metabolism and nutrition of the brain, protecting it from toxins and the effects of hypoxia.

Indications for use are:

  • Petite epileptic seizures;
  • Schizophrenia;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Mental exhaustion, insomnia;
  • Consequences of encephalitis and meningitis;
  • Consequences of birth trauma;
  • Polio;
  • Down's disease.

Taking glutamic acid is contraindicated for:

  • Damage to the kidneys and liver;
  • Anemia and inhibition of bone hematopoiesis;
  • Fever;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Hypersensitivity to glutamic acid;
  • Obesity.

Side effects may include allergic reactions, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and overexcitement. With long-term use, anemia and a decrease in white blood cell levels may occur, so blood tests should be monitored while taking this drug.


The only nootropic drug that comes in the form of nasal drops. Approved for use in children over 7 years of age. It is used in pediatrics for the complex treatment of minimal brain dysfunctions.

Prescribed 1-2 drops in each nasal passage in the morning and afternoon. The course of treatment is a month. Contraindicated in the presence of a history of seizures and acute mental disorders.


The release form of this drug is tablets. Approved for use in children. Phenibut is prescribed strictly according to indications and in doses appropriate to the child’s age.

The positive properties of the drug are expressed in such effects as:

  • Improving cerebral circulation;
  • Increased mental and physical performance;
  • Reducing headaches, sleep disturbances;
  • Reduced irritability, emotional lability;
  • Improvement in motor and speech disorders;
  • Improving memory and attention.

The main indications for its use are:

  • Asthenic syndrome and anxiety;
  • Neuroses and obsessive states;
  • Stuttering, tics;
  • Urinary incontinence;
  • Prevention of motion sickness.

Phenibut is contraindicated only in case of individual sensitivity to the drug, and is also used with caution in diseases of the kidneys and stomach.

Nootropic drugs are widely used in pediatric practice. They have a wide range of positive effects on the functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, they are classified as low-toxic products. An experienced neurologist can select an effective drug and prescribe an appropriate treatment regimen. Therefore, before using a nootropic, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Valentina Ignasheva, pediatrician, especially for the site

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Nowadays, to stimulate brain function and protect nervous reactions, new generation nootropic drugs are used, the list of which is so impressive that it takes up several pages. Basically, these are complex products consisting directly of a nootropic component and auxiliary substances that improve the nutrition of nerve cells - amino acids, vitamins, etc.

How do new nootropic drugs differ from old ones?

People have been using nootropic drugs for a long time and don’t even know it. For example, the simplest nootropic, choline, is found in eggs, meat, fish and seafood. By eating foods rich in animal protein, we stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin, which is not only responsible for the feeling of pleasure, but also has a beneficial effect on neural connections. The brain begins to work more actively, memory and thought processes improve. The simplest nootropics also include coffee, green tea, nicotine, and amphetamines. These are so-called brain stimulants. The well-known vitamin B6 and Glycine tablets also belong to this type of remedy; they improve metabolic processes in the spinal cord and brain.

In the mid-twentieth century, there was a major leap forward in the study of brain function. The following types of nootropic drugs have been developed, studied and classified:

  • reversible acetylcholinesterase inhibitors;
  • vasodilators and metabolic enhancers;
  • stimulants;
  • racetams.

There is another classification based on the origin of the main active substance and its functions, but it is quite complex and confusing, and therefore is of interest only to doctors. In addition, today racetams are mainly used in therapy. This is the basis of new generation nootropic drugs. Racetams are chemical structure derivatives of pyrrolidine. Here is a short list of the most popular drugs in this category:

  • Piracetam;
  • Oxiracetam;
  • Etiracetam;
  • Aniracetam;
  • Pramiracetam;
  • Nebracetam;
  • Nefiracetam;
  • Isacetam;
  • Detiracetam;
  • Dipracetam and others.

Unlike natural stimulants, these drugs have a very precise effect on certain areas of the brain, which allows them to be used not only to improve memory and intelligence, but also in the treatment of strokes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. These are the most effective nootropic drugs.

Newest nootropic drugs

Since the newest drugs are combination drugs, they combine new generation racetams and excipients. Modern nootropic drugs such as:

  • Diapiram;
  • Orocetam;
  • Yukamen;
  • Thiocetam;
  • Apik;
  • Binotropil.

Most often, patients who have suffered a stroke are prescribed Phezam. This medicine is a combination of piracetam and cinnarizine. This antihistamine improves blood circulation in the brain and strengthens the walls of even the smallest vessels. Many It is considered the best nootropic drug. We agree with this statement, but we would like to note that other means have also shown themselves to be very good. In addition, almost all nootropic drugs have few contraindications and side effects, which greatly facilitates the prescription and use.

Elderly patients are better off giving preference to the latest combination drugs. But young people seeking to improve brain function can buy any racetam and supplement it with regular exercise and proper nutrition. The effect will be no worse, since the body responds to moderate physical activity by releasing serotonin and other hormones that have a beneficial effect on neural connections and the nervous system as a whole.

The modern rhythm of life can easily unsettle you. Heavy loads at work and study negatively affect the state of the nervous system. To improve performance, there are special drugs that stimulate the human body and increase productivity. Nootropic drugs were created for people who have suffered traumatic brain injury and stroke. But, often, they are prescribed to healthy people to improve brain function and relieve stress on the nervous system. We have compiled a rating of the best new generation nootropic drugs that deserve respect and trust. .

The best nootropic drugs without additional effects

Nootropil is the best nootropic drug of the new generation, which is most often prescribed to patients experiencing memory problems. It stimulates certain areas of the brain and improves its activity. Nootropil is sold both in tablets and in solution for intravenous administration. Doctors recommend using a nootropin drug, not only for medical reasons, but also as a preventive measure, especially at times when stress levels are greatly increased. It does not dilate blood vessels, which is very good for teenagers and students who plan to improve brain activity during exam periods.


  • Can be used during increased mental stress. For example, during exam periods, when stress and brain activity have the greatest impact on the nervous system;
  • Protects brain cells from hypoxia;
  • Can be given to schoolchildren;
  • Reduces stress levels, increases concentration and attention level.


  • Should not be used by people with renal failure or after a cerebral hemorrhage;
  • Improvements begin to be felt only after two weeks of use.

In official terms, Cavinton (vinpocetine) is in the category of drugs that improve blood circulation in the brain. But in terms of its chemical composition, it is also one of the best nootropic drugs of the new generation. The medicine can be used for a wide range of diseases, as well as in preventive measures to increase brain activity.


  • Reduces stress levels and improves brain activity;
  • Can be used to improve concentration:
  • Sold in tablets and liquid form.


  • For elderly people with heart rhythm disturbances, it is not recommended.

Pantogam is the best new generation nootropic drug developed based on herbs. It has a positive effect on brain activity, improves thought processes and allows you to concentrate. The manufacturer assures that Pantogam is suitable even for children, especially schoolchildren during exam periods. Doctors also recommend this nootropic drug to people who are stressed and at the level of nervous exhaustion.


  • Effective drug;
  • Suitable for children;
  • Herbal based.


  • Do not use for kidney problems, pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

The best nootropic drug of the new generation, Semax, will appeal to customers who do not like swallowing pills, much less administering the medicine intravenously. It is instilled into the nose and affects proteins that interact with the nervous system. The drug begins to act instantly; immediately after administration, you feel an improvement in concentration and a decrease in stress levels. Semax is the best nootropic drug developed according to the most modern requirements.


  • Convenient input method;
  • Valid for 24 hours after a single injection.


  • It should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding, and is also not recommended for people suffering from acute psychosis.


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