Nizoral shampoo instructions for use analogues. Interaction with other drugs

No one is protected from the effects of the fungus. Therefore to certain age everyone has a duty in their first aid kit antifungal agent, which will nip any problem in the bud. Often, Nizoral or its analogues become such a remedy. Despite its effectiveness and harmlessness, original drug Not suitable for everyone. Fortunately, there is a wide range of generic drugs in pharmacies.

Analogues of Nizoral tablets

Nizoral tablets are used to treat various infectious diseases skin and mucous membranes. The drug copes well with different types– eliminates the consequences of their activities and prevents relapses of the diseases caused by them. The reasons why Nizoral may not be suitable for a patient are varied. But basically the problem is cost (it must be admitted that Nizoral is not in the most affordable price category) or inappropriate composition.

The most popular analogues of Nizoral in tablets are the following:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Funginok;
  • Oronazole;
  • Mikanisal;
  • Mycozoral;
  • Fungistab;
  • Dermazol;
  • Mikoket and others.

This list contains both more expensive and cheaper analogues of Nizoral. The composition and indications for use of these drugs are almost the same, but the dosage active substances may vary.

Analogues of Nizoral ointment and cream

Some diseases are more effectively treated topically using cream or ointment. Just as in the case of Nizoral, most similar drugs are available in pharmacies in various forms. Therefore, if necessary, a suitable medicine can be selected for any patient.

Which didn't really impress me. However, having learned that there is an analogue of it Russian production, but 2 times cheaper, of course I bought it.

So, meet the antifungal shampoo Mycozoral from JSC AKRIKHIN

Price: 300 rubles. Compared to 600 rubles for Nizoral, Mycozoral in general is, one might say, a cheap product.

Place of purchase: Pharmacy

Country of origin: Russia, Moscow region

Volume: 60 ml

Indications for use:


As can be seen from the instructions, the active ingredient is Ketoconazole

Antifungal agent, has activity against dermatophytes, yeast fungi, dimorphic fungi and eumycetes. Also active against staphylococci and streptococci.
The mechanism of action is to inhibit the synthesis of ergosterol in the fungal membrane and disrupt the permeability of the cell wall.

Package: a small plastic jar without a dispenser with a regular screw-on lid and a fairly wide neck

I give a huge minus for the lack of a dispenser, since through such a wide neck I constantly poured out more shampoo than I needed, and therefore the consumption was very uneconomical. In this, of course, Mikozoral loses to Nizoral.

Consistency and color: Gel-like, medium liquid: I won’t say that it’s a thick shampoo, but it’s not liquid either. The color is rich orange.

Smell: the smell is very specific. There is no fragrance in the composition, so if I could leave Nizoral on for longer than 5 minutes, then I washed off Mycozoral exactly after 5 and not a minute later. Very bad smell, fortunately, it does not remain on the hair after rinsing.

Best before date: Less than Nizoral for 1 year - 2 years.

Directions for use:

My impressions and result:

The shampoo produces very good foam; one lather was enough for me to distribute the foam throughout my scalp. By the way, I only applied shampoo to the roots; I washed the length of my hair with my usual shampoo.

Leave the shampoo on for 5 minutes, then rinse off. This torture was difficult for me, as I wrote above, because of the unpleasant specific smell.

While the shampoo was in use, there was no burning or tingling sensation on the skin. No feeling at all.

The shampoo did not cause itching or dryness of the scalp, but the hair roots began to become oily faster.

Since I started using Mycozoral after a month of using Nizoral (which removed dandruff by only 60%), the result was not long in coming. The dandruff immediately disappeared by 50%, but 10% still remained. It doesn't shed, so it's not noticeable, but if you pick at the scalp with your fingernail, the scales come off.

Now I use Mycozoral once a week for preventive purposes. Visually there is no dandruff, the head is clean without this “white snow”.

A large number of analogues of Nizoral shampoo have the same properties as medicated shampoo, but differ in price and manufacturer.

Nizoral is known to everyone, thanks not only to advertising. Throughout its existence, the shampoo has proven its effectiveness against dandruff and itching.

The active component of Nizoral is ketoconazole. It is he who actively destroys the fungus that causes irritation and dandruff.

It is used when a large number of diseases occur. For people suffering from pityriasis versicolor, seborrheic eczema, dandruff, and fungal skin infections, this shampoo will help get rid of the problem.

The active components of Nizoral will not be absorbed into the blood. Their action occurs directly on the scalp and hair, where the fungus, the causative agent of various diseases, is located.

This product is safe, so it can be used by pregnant, lactating women and children.

The times when products with the active ingredient ketoconazole were presented in a limited range are long gone.

Today Nizoral has a lot of analogues, which differ from it only in cost. Their effect on strands and scalp helps eliminate many problems that cannot be eliminated with conventional shampoos.


A product that works against fungi. With its help you can get rid of all kinds of skin lesions, as well as prevent the emergence of new ones.

Dermazol will effectively help get rid of dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. To do this, you will need to use Dermazol for a month. From pityriasis versicolor You can get rid of it in 3-4 days.

You should use the product as you would regular shampoo. Apply to strands, beat with fingers until foam appears and leave for several minutes. After this, remove the foam with water.

The drug is produced in India.

Dermazol Plus

This shampoo is also made in India. The drug is cheaper than Nizoral, but is just as effective in eliminating dandruff.

In addition to ketoconazole, it also contains other components that have therapeutic effect on strands and scalp: zinc suspension (actively acts against microbes that cause dandruff), aloe (brings into the hair structure large number nutrients).

Dermazol Plus has a viscous consistency pink color. Before applying it to your curls, it is recommended to shake the product well.

People who have an allergic reaction to the ingredients in the product should not use the shampoo.


The product, an analogue of Nizoral, was released in Jordan.

It has the same prescriptions as Nizoral - it is used to treat fungus that causes dandruff, pityriasis versicolor, and seborrhea.

It is impossible to overdose on this drug, since it is absolutely harmless.

There were also no allergies observed after its use.


This analogue of Nizoral is actively used to fight the fungus that causes dandruff - Pityrosporum.

If the problem is a disease - seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff, then exposure to shampoo should be carried out for about one month.

The causes and consequences of pityriasis versicolor can be eliminated in 5-7 days.

For most people, this shampoo does not cause negative effects.

Only some may experience dryness or, conversely, an increase in the oiliness of the strands, and a slight itching may appear.


The product Perhotal, which is produced in India, is an analogue of Nizoral. All its indications for use are the same as for Nizoral.

The product must be applied to the strands and scalp, massaging the skin with gentle movements and whipping up the foam. After allowing the foam to stand for several minutes, it is removed with water.


This shampoo is an analogue of Nizoral, produced in Greece.

The antifungal composition is used to eliminate diseases of the strands and scalp.

Release form: plastic bottles.

It must be used in the same way as other antifungal agents.


This drug - inexpensive substitute famous shampoo Nizoral.

Basic active ingredient drug - ketoconazole, which counteracts fungus and removes dandruff.

After just a few procedures, you can get rid of the unpleasant “snow,” the itching stops, and the strands acquire a pleasant aroma.

The product is orange in color and can quickly whip into foam.

You shouldn’t wash off the composition from the cut. It needs to be kept on the curls for 5-7 minutes so that the active component has time to act.


An analogue of Nizoral - Friederm shampoo - actively fights fungus, causing the appearance dandruff.

It is available in two types. For dry strands, it is recommended to purchase Friederm Zinc.

It will relieve seborrheic dermatitis, pityriasis versicolor, atopic dermatitis, diffuse loss.

Oily curls should be washed with Friederm Tar.

It will cope with oily, dry seborrhea, and also prevents dandruff, hair loss, and dermatitis.

Almost all products that are used to combat the fungus that causes dandruff are not absorbed into the blood, so they can be used by any category of people: children, the elderly, women who are nursing babies or pregnant women.

If the drug has any contraindications, the manufacturer must indicate this in the instructions or on the shampoo bottle itself.

When washing your hair with anti-dandruff shampoos, you should try to avoid getting the composition into your eyes.

Do not wash your hair with anti-dandruff shampoo if it is present. individual intolerance any ingredient. There are a lot of analogues that can replace the chosen product.

You should also refrain from using a specific drug if you experience discomfort in the form of itching, redness, burning.

So that from using shampoo there is positive effect, it is necessary to purchase original drugs.

It is important to carefully study the label, which must indicate who produced it. this product. There is a way that helps verify the authenticity of the anti-fungal product.

After purchasing the shampoo you like, you need to remove the bottle from the packaging and place it under running hot water.

If the product is made with high quality, then the glue for gluing the label will be good - the sticker will not come off under the influence of water. If the shampoo is fake, then the paper will come off the bottle.

The product itself can also be checked for counterfeiting.

A little product needs to be mixed in water. To do this, you can use a transparent glass or a small jar.

After the mixture has infused, examine the contents. If the product is of high quality, there will be no sediment in the form of flakes at the bottom of the container.

You should not immediately apply it to your hair after purchasing shampoo. The product must be checked for allergies. To do this, apply a little mixture to delicate areas of the skin.

These include the wrists and areas behind the ears. If there are no unpleasant sensations or redness, then the shampoo can be used.

When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the production date and shelf life of the product.

Even the highest quality product that has passed its expiration date is extremely harmful to health.

All anti-dandruff shampoos should be purchased only at specialized points or ordered from the manufacturer. This is the only way to be sure that the product will be original and of high quality.

Average price online *: 610 rub.

Where to buy:

Instructions for use


The instructions for the shampoo state that this detergent is antifungal drug outdoor use. It appears as a red-orange liquid with pleasant smell. Ketoconazole is present as the main active ingredient at a concentration of 2% (20 mg per 1 g of composition).

Auxiliary ingredients are (in mg):

  • sodium lauryl sulfate (380),
  • disodium lauryl sulfosuccinate (150),
  • diethanolamide fatty acids coconut oil (20),
  • collagen hydrolyzate (10),
  • macrogol methyldextrose dioleate (10),
  • sodium chloride (5),
  • hydrochloric acid (4),
  • imidourea (2),
  • flavor (2),
  • sodium hydroxide (1),
  • water (no more than 1 g),
  • dye E129 (“charming red”) 30 mcg.

The release forms are bottles made of high-density polyethylene with a screw cap of 25 and 60 ml. They should be kept at a maximum temperature of 25°C. Children should not have access to them. Shelf life – three years.

Pharmacology of exposure

When used, Nizoral shampoo accelerates healing from scalp skin diseases caused by increased activity fungi. Systematic use of the drug alleviates their symptoms:

  • itchy scalp,
  • peeling of skin scales,
  • pigmentation of the scalp and neck.

According to the instructions, the indications for using shampoo as treatment and prevention are listed:

  • pityriasis versicolor,
  • dandruff,

About side effects

Shampoo is contraindicated only in one case - with increased individual sensitivity to the components of its composition.

The risk of allergic reactions is very low. Sometimes signs of an allergy may develop in the form of:

  • skin rash,
  • itching,
  • difficulty breathing,
  • swelling of the throat, lips or tongue,
  • dizziness.

In such situations, you should stop using shampoo and consult a doctor.

The washing liquid is gentle on the scalp. But in some cases, with constant use of the drug, the following may be observed:

  • changes in hair texture and skin color (usually gray or chemically damaged hair),
  • irritation on the scalp in the form of acne,
  • increased oiliness or dryness of hair and skin.

Usually these phenomena quickly disappear.

Additional warnings

When using shampoo, it is important to be aware of some factors:

  1. Do not allow liquid to get into the eyes, as ketoconazole irritates the mucous membranes. If this happens, eyes should be rinsed immediately with water.
  2. If a long-term local treatment corticosteroids, they can be combined with shampoo. Corticosteroids should be withdrawn gradually over two to three weeks.
  3. Nizoral shampoo practically does not cause hair loss. Typically, hair loss increases with seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff.
  4. The use of detergent does not affect the ability to drive a car or operate equipment.
  5. If the drug has become unusable or the period of its use has been exceeded, then it is unacceptable to throw it out into the street or into waste water. First you need to put it in a bag and put it in a trash container. These measures are necessary to protect environment.
  6. The shampoo is not dangerous for children and can be used from infancy.

Features of application

The treatment process is not difficult. Apply a small amount of medicated shampoo to the scalp and damp hair. Do soft massage movements. Leave the composition for five minutes. Then wash your hair and rinse your hair thoroughly warm water.

Active components The drug will have its therapeutic effect when used systematically. The duration of treatment and doses are determined by the concentration of the drug. All this is described in the instructions on the package.

Treatment regimen:

  • at pityriasis versicolor: once a day, period – five days;
  • for dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis: twice a week, for 2-4 weeks.

For prevention:

  • pityriasis versicolor: once a day for three days ( treatment course before summer);
  • seborrheic dermatitis and dandruff: once every one or two weeks.


My close friend I experienced stress and as a result discovered dandruff on my hair. I resorted to different balms, shampoos and masks. But the effect was short-lived. Finally, the hairdresser recommended Nizoral shampoo. I bought it at the pharmacy. It turned out that this detergent not only against dandruff, but also as a remedy for various skin diseases heads. After washing it three times, the dandruff was gone. She has not had this problem for over a year now, although she returned to her old shampoos within two weeks of treatment. Nizoral shampoo makes dandruff disappear for a long time (and maybe forever).

I developed dandruff, which I fought with shampoos specifically for dandruff. But somehow I came to a cosmetologist, who discovered not just dandruff, but seborrhea. This disease cannot be washed away with anti-dandruff shampoos. She needed to be treated. The specialist recommended Nizoral shampoo. I had to buy a small bottle at the pharmacy for serious money (for shampoo). I was prescribed to use it twice a week and alternate with my usual detergent. The expected result appeared quickly: after the first wash, the peeling and itching of the skin decreased. And then my hair stopped falling out. Nizoral turned out to be economical and foams well. Another advantage is that after washing, the hair remains clean for a long time and does not become greasy. The components of the composition are not absorbed, which was also important for me, since I was breastfeeding my daughter. That is, it is safe for pregnant and lactating women.

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* — Average value among several sellers at the time of monitoring, is not a public offer

Which one is the best cheap analogue Can Nizoral be purchased at a pharmacy? You will find the answer to this question in the material presented in the article.

General information

Almost everyone pharmaceutical drug there is an analogue. "Nizoral" in this aspect is no exception. As you know, this remedy is intended for the treatment of fungal diseases. It is available in the form of tablets, cream, suppositories and shampoo.

Pharmacological action

How to buy the most effective analogue? “Nizoral” is based on the substance ketoconazole. And to buy similar drug, you should choose the shampoo, cream or tablets that have fungistatic and fungicidal effects. After all, it is precisely these properties that are necessary for a detrimental effect on yeast and dimorphic fungi, dermatophytes, eumycetes, streptococci, trichophytons, cryptococci, epidermophytes and staphylococci.

“Nizoral” is a shampoo (analogs will be presented below), which is very often used for Pityrosporum ovate caused by microorganisms. When using such an external agent, it is not absorbed into the bloodstream.

Indications for use

In what cases are the presented antifungal agent and its analogue used? Nizoral in tablet form is used to treat the following disorders:

  • chronic thrush;
  • fungal infections of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • systemic mycoses;
  • mycoses of nails, skin and soft tissues;
  • as a prophylaxis against fungal infections in patients with weak immunity(for example, after chemotherapy).

There is another form of Nizoral - cream (analogs of this medication have the same properties), which helps in the following cases:

  • pityriasis versicolor (use externally only);
  • seborrhea;
  • cutaneous mycosis;
  • athlete's foot and hands;
  • dermatomycosis, which is caused by the fungus Candida.

“Nizoral” shampoo (analogues, the price of the product is presented below) is especially effective for:

  • versicolor;
  • seborrheic dermatitis (or so-called dandruff).

As for Nizoral suppositories, they should be used strictly according to the instructions for the treatment of thrush.

Contraindications for use

"Nizoral" - shampoo (analogues this tool can be both more expensive and cheaper), which has a minimum of contraindications. It cannot only be used when open wounds and sores on the scalp. As for the tablets, they are not recommended for use during pregnancy, if severe pathologies kidneys and during lactation. In addition, this drug based on ketoconazole should be taken with special caution by women over 55 years of age, as well as patients with impaired hormonal levels and those undergoing treatment with hepatotoxic agents.

Interaction with other drugs

Medicines containing rifampicin and isoniazid can significantly reduce ketoconazole levels. In turn, Nizoral tablets and suppositories can provoke an increase in the concentration of the active substances cyclosporine, methylprednisolone, warfarin, phenylin and acenocoumarol. It should also be noted that simultaneous administration this drug with low-hormonal contraceptives very often causes bleeding. It is highly undesirable to combine this drug, taken orally, with ethanol. In addition, it was found that active substance ketoconazole can increase the toxicity of the drug "Difenin".

Instructions for use

Dosages and methods of using this product depend entirely on what form of the drug you are using:

  • Nizoral tablets are recommended to be taken with meals. Adults - 200 mg per day (sometimes increased to 400 mg). The duration of therapy depends on the disease. should last at least 10 days, dermatomycosis - 1 month, systemic mycosis - 1 or 2 months, onychomycosis - 6-12 months, candidiasis of the mouth and skin - 2-3 weeks, and thrush - 5 days. It should be especially noted that Nizoral can be given to a child from 5 years of age. The dosage in this case is calculated by weight: from 15-30 kg - 100 mg per day, as a preventative measure for fungus - 4-8 mg/kg per day. The price of tablets is about 250 rubles.
  • Nizoral cream should be applied to fungal-affected skin several times a day. The duration of treatment depends on the diagnosis. At athlete's foot inguinal- 2-6 weeks, for dermatomycosis - 3-4 weeks, and for pityriasis versicolor and candidiasis - 2-3 weeks. Dandruff should be treated with cream for 2-4 weeks. The price of the cream is about 350 rubles.
  • Nizoral shampoo is used once or twice a week. To prevent seborrhea, you can use it once every 7 days, and for treatment versicolor- once every five days. For maximum therapeutic effect After application, it is recommended to leave the shampoo on the hair for about 5 minutes. The price of 60 ml of shampoo varies between 450-500 rubles.
  • Nizoral vaginal suppositories are used once a day for 3-5 days. For thrush, experts recommend using both tablets and suppositories at the same time. Price vaginal suppositories- about 210 rubles.

The most effective and best analogue

Nizoral has quite a few analogues. Depending on the form of release, the following can be distinguished among them:

Features of analogues

One or another antifungal analogue of Nizoral should be used only as prescribed by a doctor. After all, only experienced specialist able to determine which remedy will be most effective in the fight against your illness.

One cannot ignore the fact that, despite the similar properties of all of the listed remedies, each of them has its own contraindications and side effects. That is why, before using shampoo, ointment, vaginal suppositories and Nizoral tablets, as well as their analogues, you should definitely read the attached instructions. After all, this is the only way you can completely get rid of the existing disease without causing any harm to your health.



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