No stool after laparoscopy. Abnormal stool after laparoscopy - how to correct the situation? General information about constipation after surgery

Often after surgery, the patient complains of both general malaise and in the intestinal area. Often he feels sharp pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, while being unable to have a bowel movement for three to five days.


Modern operations in most cases they do not cause serious complications, but if the body reacted to surgery with constipation, this is not surprising. After all, the appendix is ​​an extension of the cecum, so it participates in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Constipation after surgery can be caused by the following reasons:

  • Preparatory procedures before surgery. Immediately before and during surgery, the patient assumes the load medications who prepare him for successful operation and will not allow you to feel pain (anaesthetics, painkillers)
  • The patient deprives himself physical activity. Due to low mobility after surgery, problems with bowel movements may occur.
  • Anesthesia greatly affects the condition of a person and his intestines. It contains various narcotic substances, which, although they help not to experience pain during surgery, but have a bad effect on the nervous and digestive systems.
  • Spikes. They often form in the intestines after surgical intervention.
  • Stress before and after surgery, fear of going under the knife. Depression may set in, leading to constipation due to a nervous breakdown.

The period after surgery is very important for the patient. At this time, he must be especially careful and monitor his health.

Strong fears before and after surgery may occur in a child, so parents need to support their children in every possible way.


It is not difficult to cure constipation after removal of the appendix if the disease is not in an advanced state. Therefore, at the first suspicion of constipation after an appendectomy, treatment should be started.


Special diet For constipation after surgery, a doctor prescribes it. The patient must comply with it for at least two weeks. In some cases, a special diet must be followed for thirty or even forty days.

Diet rules:

  • Eat small meals, 3-4 times a day
  • Eat only warm foods, do not eat cold foods
  • Eliminate foods that stimulate gas formation from your diet (for example, white cabbage)
  • Drink only pure drinking water often throughout the day (about 6-8 glasses of two hundred grams each)

On the first day after surgery, you should abstain from food. You can lubricate your lips with warm mineral water so that the patient gets rid of the feeling of thirst.

A diet for stool retention due to appendicitis involves including in your diet foods containing useful substances, as well as vitamins. Please pay special attention on foods containing fiber, lean meat, kefir. Avoid sweets, flour, carbonated drinks, and fatty meats.

After you are more or less back to normal and feel that constipation is gradually going away, you can also include in your menu chicken broth and rice water in not large quantities.


Constipation after removal of the appendix requires careful selection of medications. Self-medication is excluded. Usually the doctor prescribes mild laxatives to the patient, such as Duphalac and medications containing lactulose. Such drugs are the safest under these circumstances.

Glycerin suppositories and enemas are also used to combat stool retention.


In order for the intestines to function normally both after surgery to remove the appendix and during treatment of constipation, the patient needs to actively move.

In the first forty days, the patient is prohibited from heavy exercise (running and jumping). Simple walking, slight turns of the body, bending and other exercises help very well. Typically, the program therapeutic exercises is developed individually according to the doctor’s recommendations.

Constipation after surgery occurs due to the inhibitory effect of anesthesia and surgical trauma. This phenomenon is natural, because all muscles are weakened, not just the intestinal ones, and it takes time to restore normal tone. Besides these common reasons There are specific operations related to the profile. When part of the stomach or intestines is removed, the digestion process is disrupted, which leads to constipation. During operations on the female genital organs, the abdominal muscles that maintain intestinal tone are excised.

Constipation after hemorrhoid surgery is partly caused by pain syndrome and the patient’s fear of increased pain and suture dehiscence during bowel movements. Constipation must be dealt with, otherwise at the end of the postoperative period it will remain forever.

IN postoperative period start with drink plenty of fluids and taking laxatives prescribed by your doctor. It is also important not to linger, but to start moving and getting up as early as possible. Those who spare themselves and lie waiting for recovery often develop serious complications. Starting to walk as early as possible is the key to a quick recovery. Mucofalk (especially during operations for hemorrhoids and diverticulosis), Motilium (Motilak), Glycerin suppositories, sometimes - Bisacodyl in tablets or suppositories.

Next, adjust the chair using. General recommendations include drinking cool water in the morning on an empty stomach, breakfast of whole grain cereals with water, fermented milk products, eating gray bran bread, vegetable soups and salads for lunch and dinner. It is necessary to exclude meat, fish and mushroom broths. Small amounts can be consumed boiled meat or fish low-fat varieties. After operations on the gastrointestinal tract, avoid the consumption of vegetables that increase gas formation: all types of legumes, radishes, bell pepper, eggplant, white cabbage.

Carbonated drinks, coffee, black tea, chips, candy bars, chocolate, cakes and pastries are prohibited. Recommended to drink green tea and dried fruit compote, alkaline mineral water without gas. It should be included in the diet as much as possible more products, rich in fiber. This is not always possible with vegetables and fruits; a great addition is wheat bran, they are sold at the pharmacy and are inexpensive. They can be used in pure form or add to food. Start using bran in the amount of 1 tsp. per day (you can brew it with boiling water and let it steam) and gradually increase it to two tablespoons per day.

For people who have undergone surgery, use it as prescribed by a doctor. Duphalac or Normaze are often prescribed, as they are the safest and not addictive. Factory microenemas Microlax or homemade microenemas are also used - oil, with chamomile decoction or saline solution, in a volume of 50-80 ml. Sometimes it is necessary to take bacterial preparations (bifidumbacterin, etc.) to normalize the intestinal microflora.

An important part of the fight against constipation is exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles and pelvic floor, as well as walking.

Surgery for hemorrhoids is performed if conservative methods treatments failed to solve a delicate problem.

Of course, the operation does not go without a trace. Most patients develop various complications, among which constipation comes first.

Effect on the body

Problems with bowel movements affect general condition body. Constipation has a detrimental effect on human health.

Effect of constipation on the body:

  • there is a violation of the metabolic process;
  • the development of an inflammatory process in the rectum and sigmoid colon is possible;
  • the illness is accompanied by a lack of appetite;
  • constant feeling of fullness in the abdomen and intestines;
  • sleep is disturbed;
  • toxic substances penetrate the blood, poisoning the body, resulting in causeless nausea or even vomiting;
  • weakening motor activity the initial part of the large intestine causes symptoms of partial return of masses to small intestine with the development of enteritis.

The performance of the operated patient decreases sharply. The victim constantly feels a loss of strength.

Also, as a result of regular constipation, the large intestine expands or lengthens, which further aggravates the progress feces to exit the body.

After surgery to remove hemorrhoids, constipation can lead to the development tumor process, this is due to the limited intake of fiber from food.

You should know that hard feces injure the intestines, which leads to bleeding, the formation of new cracks and hemorrhoids.

Drug treatment

If constipation occurs after hemorrhoid surgery, what should you do? Experienced specialist immediately prescribe medications to the patient to prevent constipation. Pharmacological drugs facilitate bowel movements.

Constipation is treated with the use of medicinal laxatives. These drugs do not eradicate the cause of the disease. Laxative medications have a short-term effect.

Table. Drug treatment constipation in the postoperative period:




Senade is taken orally, 1 tablet before bedtime.

Contraindicated for use in children under 6 years of age.

Glycelax is used once a day 15–20 minutes after the first meal.

Do not inject into the rectum if there are cracks.

Normacol is used for enemas. The procedure is carried out the night before bedtime and in the morning.

The daily dosage for an adult is 130 ml.

The use of the solution is contraindicated in case of electrolyte imbalance, heart failure and allergies to the components of the drug.

Contraindicated for use inflammatory diseases, acute hemorrhoids, bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.

Glycerin suppositories are used to treat constipation, 1–2 pcs. per day.

Duphalac is a solution intended for internal use.

For constipation, take 15–45 ml.

It is prohibited to use the drug for galactosemia, intestinal obstruction, perforation, lactase deficiency.

Pirilax is taken 30 minutes before breakfast.

Contraindicated for use in patients with spastic constipation, intestinal obstruction and worsened hemorrhoids.

Bisacodyl is administered into the rectum 1-2 suppositories per day.

Do not use in case of dehydration, syndrome acute abdomen, children under 10 years old.

Linex take 2 capsules 3 times a day.

It is contraindicated to drink when hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

Evacue is intended for children over 12 years old. Administer 1-2 suppositories per day.

Contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the substances of the drug.

Regulax is taken 1 cube once a day.

Contraindicated for use in children under 12 years of age.

Laxatives should be used cautiously. Frequent use Medicines and enemas are addictive to the body. In the future, this threatens spontaneous bowel movements.

For this reason, any medications taken to ease bowel movements and treat constipation should be used after visiting a doctor.

Diet food

All therapeutic measures from problems with bowel movements after surgical intervention for hemorrhoids should be treated with a special diet.

Target proper nutrition- achieve soft stool that will not injure the operated area.

Principles and features of the diet:

  • drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
  • include cereals and products of plant origin in the diet;
  • meals should be fractional;
  • you should drink more low-fat broths or soups;
  • solid foods must be excluded;
  • prohibited fried, smoked, spicy foods and dishes.

Patients suffering from regular constipation should avoid foods that cause gas. These include legumes, carbonated drinks, cabbage. It is also prohibited to consume baked goods, sweets and fresh bread.

It is useful to drink a glass of yogurt in the evening before going to bed, and eat a portion in the morning oatmeal with fruit. Consuming these products for three days according to the proposed scheme will facilitate the process of bowel movements.

We should not forget about the temperature of prepared dishes. Patients with constipation should eat prepared foods whose temperature ranges from 15 to 65 C.

Folk remedies

Constipation therapy is often performed using folk ways. Some of the proposed recipes are able to restore intestinal function, which as a result improves peristalsis and normalizes the act of defecation.

Folk remedies for constipation:

  1. You should drink 1 tbsp daily on an empty stomach. l. vegetable oil.
  2. Dried fruit mixture. IN the same amount take prunes, dried apricots and figs. Grind the ingredients, take 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach.
  3. Tansy decoction. You will need 1 tsp. flowers of the plant and 250 ml of boiling water. The herb is poured with water, allowed to brew for 1 hour, then filtered. Drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals.
  4. Blueberry infusion. To prepare the medicine, take 15 grams of berries and 200 ml of water. Put everything on the fire, boil for 20 minutes, then let it brew. After 1 hour, filter the medicine and take 1 tbsp. l. up to 6 times a day, but not less than 4 times.
  5. Prune infusion. Half a kilogram of dried plums is poured into 750 ml of the species, put on fire and boiled for 25 minutes. Then the medicine is allowed to cool, after which 50 grams of buckthorn are added and boiled again for 25 minutes. The resulting infusion is cooled, 200 grams of “Holosasa” (extract from rose hips) is poured. Take the medicine 100 ml before going to bed.
  6. And have an excellent laxative effect. Bee product should be heated in a volume of 300 g, crushed aloe leaves in a volume of 150 g are poured into it. The medicine is allowed to brew for 24 hours, then filtered. Take 2 tsp on an empty stomach.

Duration of treatment folk remedies is 2-4 weeks.

It should be noted that problems with bowel movements in patients after surgery usually persist for six months. By following the recommendations and taking medications, you can avoid complications.

It is believed that modern surgical interventions should not entail any complications, but our body thinks differently. Stool retention often occurs when a person undergoes surgery on the intestines, removes the appendix, or gallbladder.

Postoperative constipation may occur due to following reasons:

  • Formation of adhesions in the intestine after successful surgery. No one is safe from them.
  • Anxiety and stress before or after surgery. Many patients experience depression or even nervous breakdown.
  • Reception large quantity medications to prepare for surgery (painkillers).
  • Problems with bowel movements may also occur due to insufficient physical activity after surgery.

Constipation after anesthesia

Another cause of constipation after surgery is anesthesia. Everyone is sensitive to anesthesia differently - some have a very negative reaction. In addition, anesthesia, which is narcotic substance, has a bad effect on the liver and kidneys, and subsequently on the intestines.

With proper treatment, stool retention usually goes away completely within a month after anesthesia.

Usually when inguinal hernia constipation is also present. In this case, it is the cause of the hernia, therefore, in order not to bring yourself to such a state, after the operation you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations in order to eliminate stool retention as much as possible.

Constipation is often a consequence of some part of the gastrointestinal tract being changed after surgery. In this case you need special treatment and timely contact a doctor, since the appearance of scars and narrowing of the canals can lead to sad consequences.

Getting rid of constipation after surgery

Treat constipation after removing something in abdominal cavity Can in various ways, and it is better to use them in combination. First, let's look at the basic rules.

After anesthesia

The effects of anesthesia can continue long after surgery. If the patient feels unwell after anesthesia, he will be helped to get rid of these discomfort plain water.

It must be boiled. If you are allowed to drink something after surgery, you need to consume six liters of water per day.

After a few days, you can introduce some dried fruits (prunes and dried apricots) into your diet, while still drinking water (at least two liters a day).


General rules diets:

  • You need to eat in small portions four to five times a day. This will make it easier for the weakened intestines to digest food and eliminate the risk of constipation.
  • It is forbidden to eat cold food. The food should be warm.
  • Chew food thoroughly and do not swallow big pieces food to reduce stress gastrointestinal tract.
  • It is prohibited to include gas-forming products (white cabbage) in the menu.
  • The water consumed must be potable; under no circumstances should it be poured from the tap.

Diet – effective remedy combating constipation after surgery. It is usually prescribed by your doctor. Most often, such a diet includes various healthy products containing necessary for the body substances and vitamins:

  • Cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal). At the same time pea porridge can cause flatulence and this also needs to be taken into account. You can add prunes and a little honey to the porridge - it will be much tastier.
  • Whole grain bread, bran and crispbread.
  • Salads from vegetables and fruits. Legumes should be excluded, and quince should not be added to fruit salad.
  • Steamed meat. It should be lean (turkey, chicken).
  • Boiled fish. It is better to consume fish products without skins.

We refuse:

  • Flour and sweet products
  • Sweets (chocolate, candies)
  • Concentrated nectars
  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks


If after surgery you periodically eat prunes, constipation will stop faster. This is explained by the fact that this dried fruit contains sorbitol and fiber in large quantities.

Prunes are great for stimulating the intestines, particularly the colon, relaxing the organs and removing feces from the body. If you don't like the taste of prunes, you can easily replace them with prune juice, which has a similar effect.


You should not self-medicate after surgery - it is better to talk to your doctor.

It is generally accepted that lactulose-based drugs are the best for use after surgery. They gently envelop the intestines and liquefy feces, facilitating their successful removal from the body.

Preparations based on lactulose are prebiotic laxatives that are prescribed even infants. Therefore they are absolutely safe.

These include:

  • Lactusan
  • Normaze
  • Goodluck
  • Lactitol
  • Portalak
  • Dufolac
  • Prelax
  • Importal

A remedy for constipation based on lactulose also has a good effect on the intestinal microflora, restoring it after various damages.

Constipation is pathological symptom, which can occur in the postoperative period as a result of impaired intestinal motility due to pathology of the pelvic floor. After removal of the uterus, women experience difficulty defecating for a month or more. The condition is accompanied by a feeling incomplete emptying intestines after defecation, pain in the abdomen and hardening of stool.

An operation is a surgical unnatural intervention in the human body. The consequence after surgery on the pelvic organs is post-hysterectomy constipation, as a result of damage to the nerve plexuses of the pelvic floor.

Constipation after hysterectomy

Constipation after hysterectomy most often occurs during the period from the time of surgery to full recovery As a rule, defecation disorder begins in early period and may end in the late postoperative period.

Hysterectomy complex operation on the abdominal cavity, which is subsequently manifested by the formation adhesive process. The cause of the robot violation digestive tract is the appearance of adhesions between internal organs and peritoneum. After surgical insertion into the abdominal cavity, damage is observed serous membrane, which reduces the fibrinolytic properties of the peritoneum.

The reasons for the development of defecation disorders, removing fallopian tube, are adhesions that are formed due to the following factors:

  • duration of the operation;
  • degree of injury during the intervention;
  • amount of blood lost;
  • hidden bleeding;
  • risk of infection;
  • genetic predisposition to the adhesive process.

Causes of stool retention in the postoperative period

After abdominal surgery The cause of defecation disorders may be a dysfunction digestive system due to intestinal atony. Resection of the uterus is accompanied by dissection of the abdominal cavity, which disrupts the functioning of the smooth muscles of the intestine, peristalsis slows down, and emptying occurs at long intervals.

Reasons influencing the formation of intestinal atony after surgery:

  1. Lack of physical activity (the abdominal muscles weaken, causing peristalsis to slow down).
  2. Violation of the diet (strict diet in which there are no dietary fiber).
  3. Use Not sufficient quantity fluids (stool dehydration occurs).
  4. Negative impact on work nervous system(stress suffered after the intervention).
  5. Effect of anesthesia (suppresses motor and evacuation functions of the intestine).
  6. Dysbacteriosis (after uterine resection, prescribed antibacterial therapy, which suppresses beneficial microflora).

The surgical intervention is accompanied by anesthesia for general anesthesia body. The consequence of the action of the anesthetic substance is a weakening of the muscles of all organs and systems. Toxic effect narcotic drugs, leads to dysfunction of the digestive tract. Impaired elimination of harmful compounds slows down the restoration of intestinal function.

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract associated with negative impact anesthetic substances usually disappear within 2 weeks.

Causes of constipation after removal of the uterus and ovaries

Women suffer from defecation disorders after complete excision of organs throughout their lives, since an imbalance of hormone levels occurs in the body, which disrupts normal functioning intestines. Every year, the consequence of such surgical intervention is an increase in the duration between acts of defecation.

After amputation of the ovaries, the production of estrogen and serotoin, which during menstrual cycle ensure normal functioning of the intestines. A decrease or absence of serotonin production impairs the motility and evacuation function of the large intestine, as a result of which the movement of feces slows down.

After surgery, women complain of stool retention, since the reduced concentration of progesterone in the blood helps to relax the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract.

Complications of constipation in the postoperative period

Stool retention after surgery is characterized by difficulty or complete inability to empty intestinal contents. Fecal retention leads to intoxication of the body due to the processes of rotting and fermentation of intestinal contents. Toxic substances negatively affect a woman’s weakened body. Long delay feces leads to disruption beneficial microflora digestive tract, manifested by impaired absorption nutrients And medicines.

Fecal retention in the body leads to the following disorders:

  1. Absorption of toxins into the general bloodstream, which leads to intoxication of the body.
  2. Growing severe weakness, appears constant drowsiness.
  3. Hard and dry feces during evacuation can injure the intestinal mucosa, which will cause inflammatory process.
  4. Severe straining leads to the appearance anal fissures, which slows down the recovery process.
  5. During difficult bowel movements, the stitches may come apart.

Principles of treatment

Therapy for defecation disorders consists of a comprehensive and individual approach to each patient. Before starting treatment, the doctor must collect complaints and examine the patient.

Treatment consists of the following steps:

  1. Diet correction.
  2. Performing special gymnastic exercises.
  3. Drinking enough liquid.
  4. Acupressure course.
  5. Drug therapy with the use of laxatives.
  6. The use of therapeutic microenemas.

Features of diet therapy after surgery

Rational nutrition after a hysterectomy, the key to rapid normalization of intestinal function. The purpose of the diet is fast recovery the body and increasing its resistance forces.

The diet must be balanced, since a lot of blood was spent during the operation, and in the place with it useful microelements.

For the first few days after a hysterectomy, the nature and diet should be gentle; it is better to consume foods in pureed and liquid form to reduce the load on the gastrointestinal tract. For better suction It is recommended to limit the amount of liquid table salt.

In nutrition you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Fractionality. Food intake is increased to 5-6 times a day after an even amount of time, and portions are reduced to a quarter of the usual volume.
  • Calorie content. Products entering the body in the first days should be low in calories for easy to digest.
  • Drinking regime. Consuming non-carbonated mineral water and low-fat broths will help soften stool.

List of prohibited foods and dishes:

List of permitted products and dishes:

Dietary therapy is prescribed by the attending physician; in the period after discharge, it is important to follow the recommendations and not consume prohibited foods, as this can lead to complications.


The method allows a woman to get rid of defecation disorders without outside help. Massaging biologically active points carried out by pressing fingers on certain areas of the body. By pressing on the abdominal area, the digestive tract is activated.

To relieve constipation, soothing and tonic massage techniques are used.

The purpose of a soothing massage is to apply smooth and slow movements to the point, then they are replaced by stronger pressure. The procedure takes 5 minutes.

The tonic massage technique is aimed at short-term strong pressure with periodic tearing off of the hands. The duration of the procedure is 1 minute.

For intestinal atony after surgery, a tonic massage with deep but gentle pressure, gradually turning into vibration, is recommended.

Drug treatment

To prevent suture ruptures in the abdominal cavity during defecation, doctors prescribe laxatives and carminatives.

Today, the drugs of choice are lactulose-based products. These drugs enhance intestinal motility and eliminate symptoms of dysbiosis. Advantage medicines this group has a laxative effect without irritant effect on smooth muscles gastrointestinal waste.

List of drugs that are widely used in the postoperative period:

  • Normaze;
  • Duphalac;
  • Goodluck;
  • Portalak.

Hysterectomy of the uterus is a complex operation, after which complications may arise not only from the digestive tract, but also from other organs and systems of the body.



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