Milk intolerance in a child: symptoms and treatment. Breast milk intolerance: symptoms in infants

Premature ejaculation is one of the serious illnesses in men. Similar problem reduces the possibility of conception to a minimum. Ejaculation in men occurs through several frictions, in some cases even before sexual intercourse. There are many reasons for this disease, but in order to begin treatment, you must first undergo an examination by a doctor, and only after that take any measures.

Premature ejaculation can be treated various methods. Usually the doctor prescribes folk remedies rather than traditional medications. To eliminate premature eruption, this method is optimal, since these means are safe. But before ejaculation is treated, you should make sure that the selected herbs and tinctures can be used and that there are no contraindications.

Signs of early ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is quite easy to detect; the following signs are observed:

  1. The duration of sexual intercourse begins to change, it either lengthens or becomes shorter.
  2. When using condoms, the duration of sexual intercourse becomes longer than usual. The same phenomenon is observed with alcohol intoxication.
  3. Usage special means to prolong sexual intercourse on the basis of anesthetics has an effective effect. It is on the basis of this sign that the doctor often performs a special lidocaine test to determine whether there is a problem such as premature ejaculation.

The following patients are at risk:

  • if the frenulum of the penis is too short;
  • after various types of spinal injuries;
  • the presence of a disease such as osteochondrosis;
  • the reason may lie in the presence of various diseases genitourinary system, prostatitis;
  • signs develop with too much, with irregular sex life.

What are the possible treatment methods?

Rapid ejaculation can be treated in different ways:

  1. Psychotherapy allows you to relieve the patient of fear of sexual relations due to lack of experience and other things.
  2. If diseases of the genitourinary system are diagnosed, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment specifically for them, only after that the rapid ejaculation, which was a consequence of the diseases, will gradually recede. To consolidate the result, you can use recipes traditional medicine, but only after approval by a doctor.
  3. Too rapid ejaculation can also be cured with behavioral therapy, but the participation of both partners is necessary. The specialist prescribes a number of exercises that are performed during sexual intercourse.
  4. Local treatment to prevent rapid eruption. To reduce the sensitivity of the head, lubricants and creams are used, which must be applied before sexual intercourse.

Treatment at home

How to cure premature ejaculation with folk remedies, what is the best choice? Experts advise not to immediately grab pills, but to try home methods. All of them are based on improving the immune system, strengthening it, improving the health of the entire body, changing the diet in better side. After all, it’s the problems with immune system, wrong image life is often the reason premature ejaculation during sexual intercourse.

Before taking any folk remedy, you should consult your doctor. He will order an examination, based on the results he will make a conclusion about whether there is any disease that caused premature ejaculation, and what measures can be taken. Often a specialist gives the following advice on treatment with home folk methods:

Among folk remedies, which are available to any man, it is necessary to highlight beekeeping products in a separate list. They are extremely useful for men's health, for potency. This is honey, beebread, pollen, royal jelly- all these products are easy to buy at any market or in a specialized store. They are taken alone or together with other medications recommended by a doctor.

Using honey and other remedies, you can easily prepare homemade recipes with your own hands that help with prostatitis, problems with potency and premature ejaculation.

To treat premature eruption using folk methods, motherwort, calendula, valerian, yarrow, hop cones, oregano and much more are used. But you can’t just buy grass and start drinking it; you should undergo a preliminary examination before the course of treatment. For example, hops can be classified as phytohormones women's group, which means that men should not take a lot of it. St. John's wort, despite all his excellent properties, has an extreme effect on the liver negative impact at frequent use, so you need to take it carefully.

The following recipes will help cure premature ejaculation:

  1. 5 g of hop cones, 15 g of motherwort must be mixed and poured into 3-4 full glasses of boiling water. The resulting mixture is infused for about 5 hours, after which the liquid is filtered and taken after meals for a month, 150 ml.
  2. Periwinkle in the amount of 20 g should be poured with a glass of boiling water, and then kept in a water bath for 10 minutes. The decoction is cooled, filtered, and taken twice a day, 10 drops. The course is repeated after 3 days, the problem usually goes away quickly.

Premature ejaculation in men may not be treated as quickly as you would like, so you should be patient. Usually when used traditional methods and recipes, the first effect appears only after a couple of weeks, but the treatment is completely natural and safe, which cannot be guaranteed chemicals and surgery. But you need to take tinctures and tinctures regularly, don’t skip them, don’t interrupt the course.

Alcohol intake is not allowed, as it only provokes erection problems. You cannot self-medicate. If there is such a problem as premature ejaculation, then it must be solved only together with a doctor. First, an examination is carried out, and based on its indicators, a course is prescribed. If special problems If there is no health problem, then a specialist can prescribe folk remedies, for example, beekeeping products and herbs. Subject to availability chronic diseases may be required serious treatment and even surgery.

Premature ejaculation is a condition where ejaculation occurs too early. This causes a lot of inconvenience and for men it turns into real problem. It can be solved using various methods, including medications, even surgery. But if there are no special health problems, then it is better to use folk remedies rather than medicines. safe means based on herbs and other ingredients.

Ejaculation is considered premature if orgasm occurs even before the start of sexual intercourse, even in the absence or minimum of stimulation or after 1-3 minutes of friction. According to the results of opinion polls, for many men the most comfortable time for sexual intercourse is from 7 to 13 minutes. There are also those for whom 3-5 minutes is enough. Therefore, premature ejaculation is more of a physical and psychological discomfort for a man, his internal dissatisfaction with the quality of his sex life due to his inability to control the process.

There are many available ways how to get rid of rapid ejaculation and improve your intimate life.

Premature ejaculation is more of a physical and psychological discomfort for a man

Causes of premature ejaculation

Many men experience premature ejaculation in their youth: the first girl, overstimulation, novelty of sensations and raging hormones. It is impossible to control ejaculation in such conditions. With experience, there is usually no longer a problem with how to prolong or speed up ejaculation, since many skills come reflexively. But there are often cases when early ejaculation is present throughout most sexual intercourse throughout life and has a negative impact on the psyche of a man; he begins to avoid sexual intercourse. Then it is necessary to identify the factors that provoke similar phenomena, otherwise the measures taken may be ineffective.

  • influencing emotional state situation;
  • new partner;
  • long abstinence;
  • depression or stress.

If premature ejaculation is permanent, then the reasons often lie in physiology and genetics. According to a number of studies, about 91% of men with lifelong rapid ejaculation have relatives with the same problem, that is, there is a genetic factor.

Persistent or frequent premature ejaculation may be caused by the following:

  1. Selective option: before sexual intercourse, only the frenulum and the area around it are treated. Next, the drug is washed off with water or a condom is put on, sexual intercourse is performed, and the time to orgasm is measured. If after several experiments it is obvious that the duration of contact has increased, then the reason is short bridle And foreskin. If the increase in time is not significant, then a full test is performed.
  2. Full option: the entire head is processed. An increase in the time of sexual intercourse indicates her increased sensitivity.

It can only be accurate medical diagnosis. The home test is for informational purposes only before visiting a doctor.

Treatment for rapid ejaculation

When the cause of the problem is clarified, you can choose a way to get rid of premature ejaculation.

Emla cream - a quick solution to premature ejaculation associated with glans hypersensitivity

At simple cases the issue of periodic failures can be resolved by quitting smoking, alcohol, using a condom or choosing suitable posture during sexual intercourse. If tests reveal the presence of infection and inflammation, then appropriate therapy is carried out. For more complex options, the doctor (urologist-andrologist) may offer psychological, medicinal, surgical care, as well as physiotherapy and exercises.


Various medications are used for a course of treatment as treatment and for local application for a one-time effect depending on the reasons.

The fastest and simple solution The question of what to do with premature ejaculation associated with hypersensitivity of the head is to block the nerve endings using anesthetics (sprays, gels, creams).

The following popular drugs are:

  • lidocaine;
  • SS cream;
  • Emla gel and ointment;
  • Instilagel;
  • spray Stud 5000
  • Katajel gel.

The products are applied to the head of the penis a few minutes before sexual intercourse. As a result, sensitivity decreases and ejaculation is delayed. Moreover, it should be taken into account that when unprotected contact the partner will also partially lose some sensation, so it is recommended to use a condom.

Your doctor may prescribe SSRI antidepressants, such as the drug Fluoxetine.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe SSRI antidepressants (serotonin reuptake inhibitors). These are drugs such as:

  • Fluoxetine;
  • Sertraline;
  • Paroxetine;
  • Deprivox.

These remedies will help prevent premature ejaculation, since one of them side effects is the suppression of orgasm. However, there are also a number negative consequences: disorder gastrointestinal tract, sweating, dry mouth.

With dysfunction of the central nervous system Clomipramine is also prescribed, which as a bonus improves the quality of erection.

The dietary supplement 5-hydroxytryptophan (amino acid) increases the level of serotonin, which affects the occurrence of premature ejaculation. Dapoxetine tablets help normalize.

You can also get rid of premature ejaculation using known means: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra, which are phosphodiesterase type V inhibitors. The drugs increase the duration of sexual intercourse by 2-3 times, while simultaneously improving the quality of erection. But they should not be taken high blood pressure and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Some dietary supplements promise increased male stamina and insurance against rapid ejaculation: Vuka-Vuka, Neurodoz, Vimax, VigRXGold.

Surgical methods

If the lidocaine test turns out to be positive (the issue is increased sensitivity of the head), then denervation is used - minimally invasive surgical intervention. It is performed in two ways: with nerve restoration and selective.

Progress of the operation with recovery:

  • the skin of the penis is cut just below the corolla according to the principle of circumcision, and moves to the base, opening access to the nerve trunks;
  • the nerves are dissected and then sutured;
  • The foreskin is usually completely removed.

If the lidocaine test is positive, then minimally invasive surgery is performed.

For about 3 months, a delay in ejaculation is ensured due to a decrease in the sensitivity of the head. Then the nerves are gradually restored, but the effect continues, since a longer ejaculatory reflex has already been developed. Prevention of recurrence of premature ejaculation is regular sex life.

With the selective method, about 60% of all nerve columns are dissected without subsequent stitching. Thus, the sensitivity of the head is reduced to a certain extent and does not return.

On erectile function denervation is not directly affected if the operation is performed in accordance with medical indications. Only the number of impulses sent to the brain decreases, the moment of ejaculation is delayed, but the orgasmic sensations remain the same.

Trimming the foreskin without affecting the nerves is also an effective way to avoid premature ejaculation by reducing the sensitivity of the glans by half.

You can reduce the sensitivity of the head with the help of a silicone retractor ring, which is placed on the penis and fixes the foreskin.

Intimate muscle training

One of the safest and effective ways How to fight if premature ejaculation occurs is to train the pubococcygeus muscle. As a result, a man will be able to control the approach of orgasm.

Achieve good results can be done by regularly doing Kegel exercises. The workouts are invisible to others, so you can do them anywhere in the world. convenient time. Prevention of ejaculation is achieved by timely muscle relaxation. In many cases, the cause of premature ejaculation lies precisely in loss of control.

Traditional medicine

The use of folk remedies requires a long time and regularity. Most often, the following recipes are used to treat premature ejaculation:

  • take 1/3 cup before meals alcohol tincture or decoction of lovage root;
  • infusion of one part calendula and two parts oregano per glass of boiling water. After 6 hours of settling, take 100 g after meals;
  • collections of rose hips, angelica and motherwort.

These products begin to work after a month of regular use.

It is quite effective to combine several methods under the supervision of a physician, since independent attempts to influence the process may be ineffective due to incorrect identification of the cause.

To speed up and improve the result, as well as prevent the occurrence of problems, refusal from bad habits, regular physical activity, good nutrition With sufficient quantity vitamins and minerals, especially magnesium and zinc.

Do you have serious problems with potency?

Have you tried a lot of remedies and nothing has helped? These symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • sluggish erection;
  • lack of desire;
  • sexual dysfunction.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and do not act with radical methods. It is POSSIBLE to increase potency! Follow the link and find out how experts recommend treating...


Use special anesthetic gels and condoms. They are able to extend lovemaking by 5-10 minutes. This method will be effective if the reason early ejaculation is increased sexual . Remember that the effect of these gels does not begin immediately, but after ten minutes, so do not despair ahead of time.

Often the problem occurs due to psychological mood. Remember that bed is not a place where you need to show off and prove something. When you realize that sex is not about "showing off" the problem will go away by itself.

Good method is a distraction of thoughts. When you feel that the end is about to come, think about some everyday worries. Thoughts about one’s financial situation are a great way to prolong sexual intercourse. But here you need to take precautions so as not to discourage yourself altogether.

Another good way to prolong sexual intercourse is. Moreover, the prolongation of sexual intercourse is directly proportional to the amount of alcohol consumed. Carefully! If you drink a bottle of vodka, it may not turn into passionate sex all night long, but into a fight and a sobering-up.

If you want to prolong sexual intercourse, try changing the pace. To do this, bliss will “roll over”, and the sperm will “begin to ask” to come out, change the pace: if, start moving slowly, and vice versa. You can also remove your partner's penis and continue after a while.

Another option: during a break, press two fingers on the area between the scrotum and anus.

Tip 2: How to get rid of premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation refers to sexual dysfunctions that are observed in general somatic, psychogenic and neurohumoral disorders. This condition characteristic of neurasthenia, and at first there is an acceleration of ejaculation, then, due to the development of the underlying disease - sharp decline erections. Treatment should be carried out comprehensively, eliminating mental factors and the use of general strengthening and tonic agents.

You will need

  • - asparagus officinalis;
  • - safflower flowers;
  • - lavender flowers;
  • - rosemary leaves;
  • - lemon balm leaves;
  • - primrose flowers;
  • - licorice root;
  • - ginger;
  • - cinnamon bark;
  • - yellow water lily.


For cooking medicinal composition for ejaculation, take 2 tablespoons of crushed roots and rhizomes of asparagus officinalis and pour a glass of boiling water. Place in a warm place to infuse for 2 hours. Then strain. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

To prepare a “male” preparation, which significantly increases the duration of sexual intercourse, prepare the following components. Take 1 tablespoon each of crushed licorice roots and cinnamon bark. Pour 1 tablespoon of herbal mixture into 0.25 liters hot water, bring to a boil over low heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat and leave for 3 hours. Drink ½ glass 2 times a day daily. Course of treatment – ​​2.

For premature ejaculation, a decoction of yellow water lily. The whole plant is used: flowers, fruits, leaves, rhizomes. Take 2 tablespoons of crushed and dried raw materials, add a liter of water, boil over low heat for 12 minutes, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Drink a tablespoon of decoction three times a day. Course of treatment – ​​4. Repeatedly no earlier than 4-5 months later.

Video on the topic

Please note

It should be remembered that decreased potency and premature ejaculation can also occur with diseases of the genital organs: prostatitis, adenoma prostate gland. Therefore, before starting herbal treatment, it is necessary to consult a urologist.

Having sex for a long time is a real dream for some. But miracle cures does not exist: you can use some techniques and techniques, you need to restrain yourself, but first of all you need to realize what it is long sex in fact, what is its main component.


Small pauses that a man can take help prolong sexual intercourse. This does not mean that during the pause you need to stop all movements, move away from your partner and try not to think about her. You can simply start moving more slowly or resort to a different kind of caresses.

Oral sex is a great way to increase the duration of sexual intercourse. To help your partner resist ejaculation, you should pay more attention to lightly caressing his penis and the area around it, but not allowing your lover to make friction.

They come, but women, on the contrary, experience orgasm much faster if sexual relations are regular. That's why frequent sex brings them closer to each other. Also, for some couples, it may be easier to perform two sexual acts in a row, since the second time the man is already able to restrain himself and give pleasure to his partner.

Please note

Having sex all night does not mean that one sexual act will last all night. Long-term sex happens with such partners who pay a lot of attention to each other, arrange foreplay, play various sexy games, caress each other. Sex all night is a game that is only possible if people are interested in each other, and not something based on control of your body and incredible sex techniques. The possibility of multiple sexual acts, also, contrary to misconceptions, for the most part depends on a person’s feelings and emotions, and not on his “sexual power.”

Useful advice

The duration of sexual intercourse is given great value. It is believed that only a man who can withstand at least half an hour can satisfy a woman. But Swiss sexologists conducted case study, during which subjects timed themselves and then wrote about their impressions. It turned out that a short sexual intercourse takes up to 7 minutes, an average one lasts from 7 to 13, and a long one is considered to be one whose duration reaches 24-28 minutes. Many admitted that more than 24 minutes was too long.

Among disorders in the male reproductive system, premature ejaculation occupies a special place. The onset of early ejaculation occurs in men in different parts of the world. There is probably no man who would not feel embarrassed for having sexual intercourse for too short a time. If a representative of the stronger sex repeatedly encounters failures in bed, this can lead to the development severe depression, which will only aggravate the existing pathological process.

There are many ways to treat early ejaculation at home. different methods. However, you can choose a treatment strategy and learn to control ejaculation only after consulting a urologist.

Types of premature ejaculation

Urologists distinguish two types of premature ejaculation, which have different etiologies:

Physiological causes of premature ejaculation

Psychological factors influencing early ejaculation

Symptoms accompanying rapid ejaculation

Early ejaculation is usually associated with additional signs. Men may experience the following symptoms:

  • incomplete emptying bladder;
  • painful friction during sex;
  • reducing the amount of ejaculate released;
  • decreased potency.

Diagnosis of the disease

Diagnosis of pathology consists of:

  • visual examination of the patient;
  • ultrasound examination genitals;
  • analysis to detect a possible infectious agent;
  • examination of the vessels of the genital organ.

IN urological practice There are important tests to identify the most common cases of the disease:

Treatment of the disease

Treatment can be prescribed after full diagnostics and determining the cause that led to premature ejaculation.

Main methods of treatment:

Folk recipes for combating rapid ejaculation:

  • To prepare a medicinal decoction you will need rose hips, root medicinal angelica, two-leaved lyubka, colza grass. Herbs are taken in equal proportions, then poured hot water and infuse for half an hour. The mixture should be taken a quarter glass twice a day. The course lasts two months. After a week's break, repeat the course.
  • Mix oregano, peppermint, motherwort and yarrow in the same ratio. Next, the mixture is poured with boiling water and left for 30 minutes. The decoction should be taken twice a day before meals, half a glass. Treatment course can last up to three months.
  • Take in equal proportions the following herbs: motherwort, calendula, three-leaf watch. You can add rose hips to them. All components are crushed and used as tea leaves. Drinking healing decoction V within three months.
  • A tablespoon of crushed hop cones and a tablespoon of motherwort are poured with hot water. The herbs are infused for 6 hours, then filtered. Drink half a glass of the decoction three times a day for one to two months.
  • A tablespoon of barvin is poured cold water. Then the broth is placed in a steam bath and left for 30 minutes. The strained decoction is taken 10–15 drops twice a day for a week. After they do week break and start new circle treatment.
  • Take 50 g of lovage and add water. Place on the stove and boil for about 40 minutes. The cooled broth should be filtered and taken half a glass three times a day.
  • Coffin root in the amount of 20 g is poured into a glass of water and kept in a water bath for an hour. The decoction is taken up to 5 times a day, before meals.

Today we will talk about such a psychosexual (sometimes physical) problem in men as premature ejaculation (or rapid ejaculation).
You, dear readers of the psychological site http://site, will learn what are the causes of rapid ejaculation, the consequences and how drug and psychotherapeutic treatment of premature ejaculation in men is carried out.

What threatens a man with premature, rapid ejaculation (ejaculation)

Probably, many men were familiar with what premature ejaculation was when they had their first, perhaps not very successful, youthful sexual experience.

Rapid ejaculation could occur even before penetration of the partner.
Usually, if this first failure does not become severe stress or even psychological trauma, then later, as experience is gained, sexual relations become normal.

Psychological trauma, at the time of the first experience and rapid ejaculation, especially if the partner shows (even worse, says) about her dislike, the young man may develop a negative feeling in his psyche this experience, which can subsequently lead to different, more complex sexual disorders, For example erectile dysfunction, STOSN.

In the end, premature ejaculation can lead a man to loneliness, self-destructive addictions, loss of taste for life, and to failure...
(Normal sex is vital, natural function, both for the continuation of life in the birth of offspring, and for maintaining it in oneself).

Causes of premature ejaculation in men

The main reasons for premature ejaculation are the beginning of sexual activity (lack of experience), increased sensitivity sexual organ, irregular sex, overstimulation, excessive masturbation (more than real contact) and, accordingly, too many erotic fantasies, also, the reason for rapid ejaculation may be some physical abnormalities male genitals...

Treatment for rapid ejaculation

Treatment of premature ejaculation (rapid ejaculation) in men in most cases is carried out conservatively, through non-drug psychotherapy, psychological and physical exercises and training, as well as using medications, ointments and creams.

IN in rare cases, premature ejaculation is treated with minor surgery.

Psychotherapeutic treatment of rapid ejaculation

In most cases of rapid ejaculation in men, psychotherapeutic non-medical treatment is used. drug treatment, because often this is masculine sexual problem is psychogenic in nature.

As mentioned above, psychological trauma, cultivated uncertainty and indecision, unprocessed stress, complexes, fears and phobias, neuroses, too early sexual experience, nervous relationships at work or in the family, mental or physical exhaustion, excessive emotionality, etc. may be deep, subconscious primary sources of rapid ejaculation.

Also taking some medicines, alcohol, psychotropics can be the cause of this sexual problem.

In 80-90% of cases, it is psychoanalysis of the depths of the psyche and psychotherapeutic methods of treatment, as well as physical exercise and psychological trainings help men get rid of the problem of premature ejaculation.

Surgical treatment of premature ejaculation

TO surgical method Treatment is rarely used, usually for abnormal changes in the male genital organ, or to reduce sensitivity, through denervation of the glans penis (microsurgical operation aimed at reducing the sensitivity of nerve endings).

Although the operation is considered safe, it is still radical method treatment, so it is better to first undergo testing for the nature of the appearance of premature ejaculation and, if possible, choose more conservative methods.

Also, some men may be advised to remove the foreskin in order to gradual decline sensitivity open head with constant friction against clothing.

Typically, lidocaine testing for the origin of premature ejaculation is performed before surgery.
Because For surgical intervention If you want to determine if the sensitivity of the head is too high, then to do this simple test use 10% lidocaine, preferably in the form of a spray.

It is necessary, approximately 15 minutes before intercourse, to apply lidocaine spray to the head (be sure to use a condom, because otherwise, the spray will get on the partner’s genitals).

It is better to carry out the test several times for a more accurate result.

And if sexual intercourse increases with lidocaine, then you can already think about contacting a surgeon. If not, then you should contact a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst.

Drug treatment for rapid ejaculation

Treatment for rapid ejaculation can be medicinal, either as a separate method or in addition to psychotherapy.

For this purpose, anesthetic creams, ointments and gels are often used, various food additives and pills to increase erection.

You should definitely find out from a specialist which drugs are right for you...

Self-exercises and training for the treatment of premature ejaculation

For independent work To help yourself get rid of premature ejaculation, use various psychological trainings and physical exercises.

For example, the “Start-Stop” method involves, during intercourse, withdrawing the penis before ejaculation and strongly squeezing the base of the head (several times).

Or, it is very good to use Kegel exercises for men to train the pelvic floor muscles, in particular the pubococcygeus muscle.

To do this, you need to contract and relax this muscle every day, several times a day. intrinsic muscle(15 times to start...a total of 150-200 contractions and relaxations per day).

It is advisable to hold the contracted muscle while inhaling and rest while exhaling - relaxation...

These physical exercises will not only help you control your ejaculation, but will also train you pelvic floor, prostate gland, and will extend until old age your quality sex life.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs