Menstruation became shorter by day and sparser. Causes of very scanty periods with little blood

Every month, the body of every woman of reproductive age loses blood. Normally, the volume of menstrual blood loss is 50–150 ml.

If your periods are scanty and small, this cannot go unnoticed. Hypomenorrhea has different causes, and not all of them are pathological. In order not to worry in vain, it is necessary to study the peculiarities of the female body.

What periods are considered scanty?

First, let's look at what scanty periods mean. This definition includes menstrual flow up to 50 ml. The diagnosis in this case is hypomenorrhea.

Often this condition is accompanied by oligomenorrhea, i.e., a decrease in the duration of bleeding. If normal menstruation lasts from 3 to 7 days, then in patients with oligomenorrhea bleeding is observed for only 1 to 2 days.

During menopause, hypomenorrhea may be a sign of the rapid development of amenorrhea (complete absence of menstruation). As a natural physiological process, scanty periods are considered in girls with an unknown cycle (the first 2 years after menarche).

Premenopausal women face the same phenomenon. They have very scanty periods due to fading ovarian function. A decrease in estrogen levels as the body ages does not allow the uterine mucosa to fully develop. As a result, the volume of secretions is reduced.

Some girls experience menstruation, secreted by the uterus in small quantities, due to heredity. If the mother or grandmother’s critical days were sparse, representatives of subsequent generations may experience the same situation. But the likelihood of having offspring among daughters, granddaughters and great-granddaughters remains.

In young women, hypomenorrhea often indicates disturbances in the reproductive system. A comprehensive examination will help determine the exact cause of the anomaly.

How do you manage your scanty periods? The discharge is lighter than usual or has a brown color. They leave small blood stains on the pad. Menstruation begins on time or with a delay and lasts from several hours to 2 days.

If a woman has not previously had signs of PMS, with hypomenorrhea she will experience the following symptoms:

  • Nausea.
  • Headache.
  • Breast engorgement.
  • Aching pain in the lower back.
  • Defecation disorder.

Dark menstrual blood can be released in small quantities during inflammatory and infectious processes that occur in the internal genital organs. The bloody mass smells foul. Women complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen and nosebleeds.

Pathological causes of hypomenorrhea

If the patient has scanty periods, the causes of the phenomenon must be investigated carefully, since some diseases are quite dangerous for the body. Most often, deviation occurs against the background of hormonal disorders, with the use of hormonal drugs and birth control pills, as well as with the development of endocrine and gynecological pathologies.

If a woman uses oral contraceptives to protect against unplanned pregnancy, and she has short, scanty periods for more than 2 months in a row, it is necessary to consult a doctor and reconsider the method of contraception.

Let us list the pathological causes of scanty periods:

  1. Anorexia. Following strict diets, forced fasting (for example, for medicinal purposes), and sudden weight loss without a special program exhaust the body and force it to conserve energy to maintain basic vital processes. Menstruation becomes scanty or does not come at all.
  2. Defects of the genital organs. Underdeveloped genitals cannot fully perform their functions. After partial removal of the uterus, hypomenorrhea may also develop.
  3. Abortion, childbirth, curettage and diagnostic manipulations with intervention in the uterine cavity. After hysteroscopy, which is a kind of operation for the treatment of polyps, the tissues change their structure, and the course of the menstrual cycle takes a different turn. If the uterus was cleaned, and the menstruation subsequently became scanty and bad-smelling, this indicates an infection of the organ or that foreign particles remain inside. In this case, scraping is repeated.
  4. Lack of nutrients. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and microelements is dangerous due to vitamin deficiency and anemia. Their deficiency negatively affects metabolic and hematopoietic processes and reproductive function. A tumor may form in an exhausted body.
  5. Thyroid diseases. This section of the endocrine system is responsible for the production of estrogens and the proper functioning of the reproductive system. An improperly functioning thyroid gland delays the maturation of the egg and prevents its release from the follicle. Due to a lack of necessary hormones, the lining of the uterus does not grow enough for menstruation to proceed normally.
  6. Obesity. The abundance of adipose tissue is fraught with excessive accumulation of hormones. Violations affect the reproductive organs and the menstrual cycle.
  7. Tuberculosis of the uterus and ovaries (endometritis). Symptoms of the disease are long delays followed by scanty menstruation and pain in the lower abdomen.
  8. STD. Sexual infections and fungal diseases disrupt the cycle and make discharge insignificant.
  9. Polycystic ovary syndrome. The surface of paired organs is overgrown with small cystic formations. The disease provokes menstrual irregularities.
  10. Polyps in the uterus. The polyp looks like a tubercle with a stalk. The growth is formed due to hormonal imbalances. Polyposis is manifested by alternating scanty and heavy bleeding.
  11. Endometriosis. The intrauterine mucosa grows to abnormal sizes, leaves the organ cavity and spreads to the cervix, vagina, and peritoneum. With endometrial hyperplasia, mucous tissue grows into the muscle tissue of the uterus. Brown spotting appears between heavy periods.
  12. Ovarian dysfunction. Organs do not work properly due to hormonal instability. Menstruation is alternately intense and scanty.
  13. Diseases of the central nervous system. Pathologically altered processes in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus distort the ratio of hormones that are necessary for the proper formation of the endometrium and disrupt the MC.

The volume of menstrual flow may change downward due to high physical and neuropsychic stress. The coordinated functioning of the sexual sphere is also disrupted by frequent contacts with chemicals (for example, due to professional duties) and unfavorable ecology.

Pregnancy with scanty periods

Typically, menstruation stops after conception. However, scanty periods and pregnancy in gynecological practice are not such a rare occurrence.

Moreover, a woman may not be aware of her interesting position. Why is this happening? Firstly, the situation is affected by an insufficient amount of progesterone. The hormone is not enough due to the individual characteristics of the body. The mucous membrane begins to be partially rejected, and scanty periods are released. After some time, the pregnancy may be terminated.

If a woman plans to become a mother, but minor periods are observed for several cycles in a row and conception does not occur, she needs to go to the clinic and get tested for progesterone. Drug correction of the level of this hormone will contribute to a favorable course of the next pregnancy.

Fetal malformations

An abnormally developing embryo cannot fix itself normally in the uterine cavity and provokes partial detachment of the endometrium. If you take a pregnancy test on time and get medical advice, you can save the child. But this is only when the situation is not hopeless.

Ectopic pregnancy

A dangerous condition is associated with the fixation of a fertilized egg in the fallopian tube.

Occurs due to a gynecological disease or underdevelopment of the endometrial layer. Scanty menstruation is explained by the rejection of thin mucous tissue.

Exceeding androgen norms

If the female body produces male sex hormones in increased quantities, the uterus cannot cope with pregnancy. Gestation is interrupted and hypomenorrhea begins.

With the simultaneous fertilization of two eggs, followed by rejection of one low-quality embryo, instead of normal menstruation, bloody smear occurs.

Hypomenorrhea in the postpartum period

With the birth of a long-awaited baby, a woman may notice scanty periods after childbirth. With the help of minor bleeding, the uterus cleans itself independently of the remnants of the placenta and blood clots that have formed due to damage to local vessels. Such discharge is called lochia.

If it appears only 2 weeks after delivery, it is possible that the inflammatory and infectious process is progressing in the genitals.

During breastfeeding, menstruation practically does not occur until the end of lactation. Hypomenorrhea during this period is associated with regular hormonal changes and restoration of the rhythm of the menstrual cycle.

If your periods went normally after giving birth, but subsequently became scanty, the woman may have been worried or suffered severe stress.

Diagnosis and treatment of hypomenorrhea

Any changes in menstruation that are observed for several cycles in a row require immediate contact with a gynecologist. What to do if a woman has scanty periods should not decide on her own, since spotting often indicates serious pathologies that are difficult to respond to drug therapy. The worst option is oncological changes in the uterus and ovaries.

The doctor decides what treatment for hypomenorrhea will be, taking into account the medical history and the results of diagnostic measures:

  • General blood test.
  • Computed tomography.
  • Colposcopic examination.
  • A smear to determine the infectious pathogen.
  • Blood test for hormones (thyroid hormone levels are examined if thyroid disease is suspected).

Girls at menarche and breastfeeding women are not prescribed treatment. Non-dangerous causes of scanty periods can be eliminated by consuming vitamins and healthy foods. In consultation with the doctor, they take sedatives and change their lifestyle.

To relieve stress and improve blood supply to the uterus, they take a course, and use aromatherapy at home. To enhance blood flow, a week before the start of menstruation, they begin to take hot foot baths.

In a situation where periods have become scanty and short, doctors select individual treatment. Patients are prescribed antibiotics, vitamin and hormonal medications, and physiotherapy procedures.

In some cases, consultations with a psychologist provide tangible results. Uncontrolled use of medications chosen independently threatens deterioration of health and infertility.

If scanty periods are not associated with illness, in consultation with the doctor, bleeding is stimulated using folk remedies:

  1. Carrot decoction – 5 times a day, 2 tbsp. l.
  2. Aloe juice - three times a day, 3 tbsp. l.
  3. Aqueous infusions of shepherd's purse, tansy, St. John's wort, verbena, oregano.
  4. Onions and garlic - vegetables are added to salads or eaten in their pure form.

Judging by the reviews of women, folk remedies help restore menstruation, which were previously very scanty. However, herbal medicines are prohibited from being taken by teenage girls with an unstable cycle, nursing mothers and mature women in menopause.

If you have a scanty period after taking it, most likely the dosage was violated. Experts prescribe this hormonal drug to regulate the cycle, eliminate pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation and at the stage of pregnancy planning.

Uncontrolled use of pills provokes short periods, similar to light brown daub. A second visit to the doctor will help to regulate menstruation.

The causes of hypomenorrhea can be determined after donating blood, urine, endometrial scraping, smears for examination and diagnosis using medical equipment (ultrasound, colposcope).

Why do periods become less heavy?

Ignoring the search for the cause of scanty discharge can lead to complications such as infertility, removal of reproductive organs, and amenorrhea. If your periods become less heavy, you need to undergo an examination. The treatment will be comprehensive: using diet, medicinal herbs, and physical procedures.

Hypomenorrhea is caused by many reasons, including various pathologies. That is why scanty periods are accompanied by signs of other diseases from the field of gynecology, endocrinology, and gastroenterology.

Symptoms indicating the development of hypomenorrhea:

  • little menstrual fluid, spotting;
  • the discharge is brown or light (should be red);
  • constipation;
  • migraines;
  • pain in the sacrum, lower back, abdomen;
  • dyspepsia (disturbance of the gastrointestinal tract, digestion);
  • decreased sexual desire (libido);
  • frequent occurrence of negative emotions (depression, irritation, etc.);
  • nausea;
  • a feeling of tightness in the heart area;
  • nosebleeds;
  • spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • Possible pain during menstruation.

Scanty menstruation is normal for 12 months after menarche, when a girl’s cycle is restored, and during premenopause, when a woman’s body is preparing to complete reproductive function. It is not considered a pathology during the implantation period of the embryo (the first weeks of conception). In other cases, scanty discharge is considered a sign of illness.

The duration of menstruation with hypomenorrhea is usually 3 days, then they may appear for another couple of days. last longer than a week, the cause is dysfunction of the endocrine glands, vitamin deficiency, erosion, tumors inside the uterus and on the cervix, endometriosis. It is recommended to go for an examination to a gynecologist. In pregnant women after implantation bleeding, the appearance of scanty periods may be due to the threat of miscarriage and consultation, correction of hormonal levels is mandatory.

Root causes of scanty periods

The brown tint of the discharge indicates the presence of a bend in the uterus, internal microtrauma (post-abortion, postpartum endometritis), chronic forms of endometrial and ovarian diseases. The non-pathological reason for the appearance of dark-colored daub is considered to be the use of hormonal drugs for the purpose of contraception or treatment, but if scanty discharge occurs even 3 months after the start of use, a replacement drug is selected. The light color of scanty periods indicates inflammation in the reproductive organs.

Main reasons:

  • oophoritis (ovarian dysfunction);
  • exhaustion due to diets;
  • obesity;
  • anemia;
  • genital tuberculosis;
  • inflammation of the lining of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries (adnexitis);
  • endocrine pathologies, including diabetes mellitus;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • heredity;
  • hormonal therapy, incorrectly selected contraception.

The infection that causes oophoritis and scanty periods is introduced from the outside through unprotected sex, the use of unsterile materials and instruments, and poor personal intimate hygiene. The second route of infection is pathogens, carried by blood and lymph from other chronic inflammatory foci (tonsils, lymph nodes, bronchial trunk, etc.).

Adnexitis causes scanty periods due to dysfunction of the ovaries, gonads, and the inability of a mature egg to exit through the follicle membrane affected by inflammation. The absence of ovulation distorts hormonal levels, which negatively affects the menstrual cycle. If treatment is untimely, irreversible complications arise: tissue on the appendages may become scarred, and the endometrium stops compacting for better implantation of the embryo.

Genetic heredity, when all (or most) women of the family without other pathological reasons have a short cycle, scanty periods, there is no need to treat. This is a physiological factor that should be confirmed by diagnosing and excluding diseases.

A stable position in society, family, and the absence of stress have a positive effect on a woman’s health. The reproductive function of the body works smoothly, proceeds without pain, scanty periods. If there is any shock, a hormonal imbalance immediately occurs, which negatively affects the volume of menstruation.

Genital tuberculosis develops if the family (or woman) has been infected with the pulmonary form of the pathology. It is transmitted by airborne droplets and in rare cases enters the genitals. Treatment of scanty periods is ineffective because the real cause of the disease is rarely identified (associated with pathology in the respiratory tract).

Postpartum period

The female menstrual cycle will slowly become normal, gradually returning to the hormonal levels as before pregnancy. This is the first reason for scanty periods after childbirth.

The second is lactation, during which fluid is lost. A preventive measure is to adhere to the drinking regime, remain calm, and eat well. Pathological causes of scanty periods: stress due to childbirth, the development of infections inside the uterus, dysfunction of the pituitary gland, metabolic disorders.

Scanty periods after abortion

Curettage becomes a common cause of complications. Symptoms of the pathology: poor health, temperature above 37 C. Abortion is a gross intervention in the functioning of the reproductive organs and endocrine system.

Partial removal of the fetal membrane is possible, and, therefore, the development of pathogenic organisms inside the uterus. Curettage entails hormonal imbalance, cycle failure, disruption of the central nervous system, and infertility. Treatment can be costly, lengthy, and have a poor prognosis.

Therapy for scanty menstruation

Consultation with doctors is required - gynecologist, endocrinologist. Mandatory tests and examination for diagnosis: smears from the vaginal mucosa (bacterial culture, cytology), PCR, sex hormone levels, general blood, urine, ultrasound (reproductive organs, thyroid). If necessary, a biopsy is performed and determined using other methods. A full inspection using .

Suitable for treatment:

  • phytotherapy;
  • bee products;
  • homeopathic medicines;
  • restoratives;
  • medications intended to treat a specific disease.

Having identified pathological causes, therapy is carried out according to the diagnosis. If the culprit of scanty periods is diet, mental, emotional state, improper daily routine, the doctor selects adequate nutrition, a sleep-wake schedule, physical activity and other preventive measures. The most difficult thing to eliminate is hereditary factors or the presence of congenital abnormalities in the location of the uterine body. Surgery may be required.

Herbal medicine for scanty periods

Herbal raw materials for treatment should be taken after medical consultation to prevent side effects of the drug. It must be consumed according to a strict dosage, in courses, with a mandatory break, for example - drink an infusion for 30 days and allow the body to rest for a month.

Collection No. 1 (for scanty periods):

  • shepherd's purse (3 lobes);
  • 4 shares each of the ground part of knotweed and mistletoe branches.

Mix the ingredients. For a hot infusion, you need 1 tbsp in the morning. Pour boiling water over a spoonful of raw materials for 20 minutes, strain, and store in the refrigerator. A single dose per day is one-third of a glass (250 ml is enough for 3 days).

Collection No. 2 (restores hormonal balance):

  • 3 parts each: chamomile, parsley and peony root;
  • 2 parts each: yarrow leaf, rowan (fruit), St. John's wort, ;
  • 1 part each: thyme, wormwood leaf, licorice root and valerian.

All ingredients are mixed and stored in a dry place. For brewing, take 1 tbsp. spoon of mixture per 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 15-20 minutes, strain, drink at night.

Parsley seeds, European dodder, blackthorn flowers, shepherd's purse, wheatgrass root, knotweed, oregano, verbena help with scanty periods. Elecampane root, stoneweed leaves, calendula, have a strong healing effect. All ingredients work well in formulations, which are recommended to be selected individually with the help of a doctor.


Treatment is not required: during lactation, after childbirth, the period of premenopause has approached, scanty periods were always present and unaccompanied by pathological signs due to the individual characteristics of the body. It is recommended to monitor your general health and not skip gynecological examinations.

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Every month a woman experiences physiological changes occurring in her body. The menstrual cycle, which indicates the normal functioning of the reproductive system, should be regular. The slightest deviations from the norm and disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system may indicate pathological processes that have arisen in the body. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to the nature and course of the cycle in order to identify problems in time and begin treatment. One of the reasons for concern may be scanty periods, the cause of which, at first glance, may be harmless if we are not talking about pregnancy. And if previously such manifestations were not considered the norm of the cycle, then you will need to consult a specialist who will determine their nature and prescribe a course of treatment.

Scanty periods can be a normal manifestation of the functioning of the body and the reproductive system in particular when it comes to young girls. However, if similar symptoms occur in women at an older age, this may indicate health problems that are best diagnosed in a timely manner.

Hypomenorrhea (or scanty periods) is a disease associated with menstrual dysfunction caused by inflammatory processes in the body. Such pathological deviations are characterized by a significant decrease in the volume of discharge during menstruation, as well as a reduction in the duration of the cycle. As a result, scanty periods can cause dramatic changes in a woman’s body, which are associated with a complete absence of menstruation.

As a rule, the reasons for scanty periods are the impact of unfavorable factors on the female body, the development of diseases or the manifestation of a physiological condition characteristic of women who have reached a certain age.

To understand whether hypomenorrhea is a pathology or evidence of internal changes in the body, it is worth knowing which periods are considered scanty.

Initially, it is worth noting that hepomenorrhea is not an independent disease that affects certain representatives of the fairer sex. In this condition, discharge during menstruation appears in the form of drops or insignificant traces. Unlike normal periods, which are bright red, light periods are brown (light to dark).

The physiological norm of discharge during the final phase of the menstrual cycle is considered to be blood loss of 50 to 150 ml. Hypomenorrhea is characterized by discharge, the volume of which does not exceed 50 ml. This phenomenon is called very scanty menstruation, the treatment of which should be carried out as needed and depending on the nature of the origin.

Every woman should keep a calendar in which to mark the beginning of the cycle, the first and last day of menstruation.

This helps monitor your health. In addition, such a calendar will be relevant when planning pregnancy, when it is necessary to calculate ovulation.

Physiological reasons

Hypomenorrhea, delay and reduction of menstrual discharge in most cases can occur against the background of insufficient development of the genital organs and the inferior function of one of them. If these symptoms appear overnight, it can cause menstruation to stop completely (amenorrhea).

Teenage girls at the stage of puberty can experience their first scanty periods. Hypomenorrhea occurs in this case due to the presence of abnormalities of the reproductive system, which are congenital in nature. As a rule, primary scanty menstrual flow is accompanied by a delay in the development of the reproductive system or the body as a whole. The secondary syndrome has more pronounced symptoms. During the secondary manifestation, there is a sharp reduction in the volume of discharge and the duration of the cycle, while previously there were no failures.

In some cases, women may experience prolonged, scanty periods. During the reproductive phase, this should be a reason to visit a doctor. There is a long-term manifestation of a reduction in the volume of discharge and the overall duration of the cycle against the background of more serious diseases affecting the organs of the reproductive system. Timely detection of the causes of hypomenorrhea will help determine their nature and prescribe adequate treatment (including folk remedies). Often such phenomena occur as a result of diseases of the uterus and after childbirth (when the body is rebuilt after pregnancy).

The changes that occur during the first year of establishing a cycle in teenage girls are not considered pathological.

Also considered normal are insufficient menstruation, which is natural and occurs due to age-related changes (fading cycle, menopause). In this case, treatment is prescribed by a specialist if necessary.

Pathological causes

Hypomenorrhea does not occur as an independent disease. The development of this pathology in women of reproductive age is based on a malfunction of the organs of the reproductive system. This could be the ovaries or the pituitary gland. They are responsible for the regularity of the cycle and menstrual function in general. In addition, the disease can result from mechanical intervention and intrauterine manipulation (curettage, abortion).

Scanty periods often occur due to disturbances in the production of hormones. This occurs against the background of circulatory insufficiency in the uterus, caused by failures of cyclic secretion, as a result of which there is an incomplete change during menstruation in the form of insufficiently secreted endometrium. In other words, very scanty periods are the result of a hormonal imbalance in the body.

The remaining reasons for scanty periods can be combined into a list:

What are the signs of hypomenorrhea?

There are several obvious signs that indicate the development of hypomenorrhea, if detected, you should consult a specialist. It will help determine the nature of the appearance of scanty periods and prescribe adequate treatment, including folk remedies.

Among the symptoms that indicate the onset of hypomenorrhea, first of all, insufficient volume of discharge is distinguished. In this case, the uterine discharge acquires a light or dark brown tint.

Factors accompanying scanty periods include the following:

  • headaches during menstruation;
  • aching pain in the lumbar region;
  • discomfort in the chest area;
  • nausea;
  • dyspepsia.

In most cases, scanty periods in women of reproductive age occur accompanied by one or more symptoms. But there are also exceptions to the rule, when hypomenorrhea occurs in the absence of other symptoms. If such manifestations are a consequence of natural physiological processes in the body, then there may be no cause for concern. However, scanty periods in the reproductive phase indicate serious health problems, the treatment of which is possible only after a comprehensive examination.

Scanty periods are also possible after childbirth, until the body has time to completely restructure itself amid 9 months of pregnancy. The hormonal background, which directly affects the duration and nature of menstruation, will also be oriented towards the mother and the baby in the first time after childbirth. Another situation is when there are long, scanty periods after the baby is born. If such a symptom is present, the specialist must first establish the cause of their appearance and eliminate it, and then begin treatment of the symptoms.

Hypomenorrhea during gestation

Contrary to popular belief, menstruation can occur during pregnancy. However, this happens rarely and only in the first month after conception. This is explained by the fact that the body does not have time to rebuild itself in one menstrual cycle.

The discharge that can be observed in the first month of pregnancy can hardly be called menstruation. They are not as abundant and not as long lasting as usual. However, if such a phenomenon occurs, it is better to consult a doctor. The fact is that even minor blood loss from the uterus in the early stages may indicate that the fertilized egg has begun to exfoliate. During minor processes, the body “turns on” a protective function to prevent miscarriage.

In other situations, when scanty periods are observed during the first trimester of pregnancy, this may indicate a spontaneous abortion. The discharge is red in color and is accompanied by aching pain in the lower abdomen.

The causes of scanty periods, like the causes of any other pathology, should be promptly investigated by a specialist, especially if they occur during pregnancy. This will help to identify the factor that triggered the disease mechanism and eliminate it through one of the methods of drug treatment, and in some situations, homeopathic healing with folk remedies.

Many women of childbearing age do not attach importance to the nature of menstruation if they are regular and have a more or less regular cycle. However, not only the frequency of discharge and duration, but also their nature are of great importance.

Hypomenorrhea - menstrual dysfunction

Normally, a regular menstrual cycle should be established a maximum of 12 months after menarche (first menstruation). All its violations that occur after this period are a sign of pathology.

Scanty periods - or hypomenorrhea - is one of the menstrual dysfunctions. But depending on the woman’s age, the reasons for scanty periods will be different; these disorders can be not only pathological, but also absolutely physiological. This happens at the very beginning of the development of a woman’s menstrual function, in adolescence, when the first menstruation, menarche, has already passed, but the cycle has not completely established itself. A girl has a whole year to establish a cycle, during which menstruation can be not only scanty, that is, small in volume - less than 50 ml, but also rare, for example, like opsomenorea, when the cycle lengthens to 5-8 weeks; Menstrual flow may be short and last less than two days (oligomenorrhea). Menstruation can even be extremely rare (spaniomenorrhea), occurring only 2–4 times a year. But all these disorders must necessarily disappear after one year (maximum two years) from the moment of the first menstruation. If this does not happen, and the cycle remains irregular and acyclic, then we can safely talk about the pathology of menstrual function.

Scanty menstruation, in a completely physiological sense, can also occur during the decline of a woman’s reproductive function, in the premenopausal period. This period precedes the complete cessation of menstruation - menopause, and lasts about 2 years. Physiological hypomenorrhea during these most important periods of a woman’s life is possible, but this does not mean that it will necessarily be present in everyone. In addition, the presence of pathological hypomenorrhea, for various reasons, cannot be excluded in these same two age periods, although this occurs much less frequently.

Pathologically scanty menstruation, for ease of diagnosis, is divided into:

  • primary hypomenorrhea, when, in fact, there was not a single normal menstruation. This is observed in teenage girls.
  • secondary hypomenorrhea, when menstruation was absolutely normal for some time, and then impoverishment occurred, which became the cause of the woman’s anxiety.


The manifestations of hypomenorrhea are minor and therefore many women do not even suspect that they have this condition. The main, and perhaps the only symptom, is a decrease in the amount of menstrual blood released to 50 ml. The discharge may appear as bright red beads on your underwear, or as dark brown, dirty red streaks. In the absence of proper attention to the state of your health, such discharge may not be mistaken for menstrual discharge at all.

Hypomenorrhea, like other forms of pathological menstruation, can be accompanied by deterioration in health, malaise, headaches, even chest pain. Nausea, even vomiting, may also occur; nosebleeds of varying intensity, and disorders of mental and neurological well-being. But the most common symptoms accompanying hypomenorrhea are pain in the lower abdomen, quite intense, spastic in nature, like twisting; aching pain in the lower back, often bilateral, as well as a decrease in libido, which occurs due to a drop in the level of estrogen in the blood.


Often the cause of hypomenorrhea is a girl's low weight (since estrogens accumulate in fats).

To establish specific reasons for scanty periods(that is, the development of hypomenorrhea), it is necessary to determine whether it belongs to the primary form or is secondary. The occurrence of primary hypomenorrhea is associated with congenital developmental anomalies, including the genitals, and various mental development delays. But most often, at present, in this case the cause is the girl’s insufficient or even critically low body weight. This connection occurs at the hormonal level, since estrogens, for the most part, are deposited in adipose tissue.

The causes of the secondary form of hypomenorrhea include many factors. If we talk about mechanical factors, then this is the presence of a pathological narrowing of the cervix, which simply does not allow spilled blood into the vagina, as well as previous injuries and operations on the pelvic organs, including the genitals. Another group of reasons is the development of endometrial inferiority when its area decreases after surgical removal of part of the uterus, or when the number of hormone receptors on its surface decreases due to excessive curettage, or during long-term and severe inflammatory processes. Another large group of causes is diseases of the endocrine system, and, as a consequence, disruption of the hormonal regulation of menstrual function. Weight fluctuations, as the cause of the primary form of hypomenorrhea, can also be safely attributed to these reasons. As well as stress, emotional overload and lack of vitamins in the food consumed. The use of oral contraceptives by a woman can also significantly lead to the impoverishment of menstruation.


For any form of hypomenorrhea, you must seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Even if a woman is sure of the cause of scanty periods, and believes that she can cope with this problem on her own, restoring the cycle, additional diagnostics, including differential ones, are necessary. Treatment of hypomenorrhea comes down to eliminating the causes that caused it.

For every woman, a regular menstrual cycle is, first of all, an indicator of health. Normal periods without deviations include those that occur regularly, their abundance, character, intensity and duration are unchanged from month to month. But in practice everything is a little different. Most women face menstrual problems.

Why are my periods bad? A question that concerns almost every third representative of the fairer sex.

If your periods are bad and there is very little blood being released, you should find out the reason. Deviations from the norm, when there is less than 50 ml per day, may indicate diseases of the reproductive system.

Every woman should keep a calendar, where to mark the days, mark what nature and intensity. To find out the exact reason why your periods are not going well, you need to visit a gynecologist. These indicators will help the doctor make a conclusion.

Hypomenorrhea is accompanied by scanty discharge when, during menstruation, a woman loses insufficient blood. Simply put, the volume is less than the physiological norm.

The norm is when a woman loses from 50 to 150 ml of blood. Weak periods can be caused by physiological factors.

During hypomenorrhea, menstruation looks like drops of blood, which can be light in color. In the future, with such scanty menstruation, they may be shortened in duration or absent altogether.

Why do you have scanty periods - reasons:

  • Malfunction of the ovaries. The cause of dysfunction can be various inflammatory diseases, hormonal imbalances, and external factors. Diseases such as oophoritis, salpingo-oophoritis, tuberculosis of the genital organs - these diseases are considered the main causes that can cause scanty periods.
  • Heredity. Sometimes, at the genetic level, scanty discharge is passed down the family line. For example, if relatives had bad periods and this was considered within the limits, without affecting conception. In this case, this is not a pathology.
  • Diseases and congenital pathologies of the uterus. Weak discharge may also indicate that there is inflammation of the uterus or appendages. Hypomenorrhea can also be caused by: adhesions, scars, taking hormonal contraceptives, and diagnostic manipulations in the uterine cavity. Sometimes the cause is tumors of various types in the appendages, cervix and in the uterus itself.
  • Hormonal changes. Failures can occur while taking contraceptives or due to a lack of some sex hormones in the body. But scanty periods can also cause other hormonal problems: diabetes during lactation (prolactin levels increase), problems with the endocrine system, when the thyroid gland produces few necessary hormones.
  • Psycho-emotional state. The emotional state affects the entire body, including the reproductive system. Any positive and negative emotions affect the brain, and it transmits a signal to the ovaries, so it can adversely affect their work.
  • Other reasons: excessive physical activity, intoxication of the body, overwork, fasting, sudden weight loss, anorexia, injury, lack of essential vitamins, radiation, exposure to chemically harmful substances, acclimatization and infectious gynecological diseases.

Weak menstruation: what treatment is used?

To prevent scanty discharge and not wonder why your periods are not going well, you need to visit a gynecologist on time. The specialist will prescribe all the necessary laboratory and medical examinations and tell you about preventive measures.

It is unlikely that you will be able to determine the cause on your own, so it is better not to risk it. A qualified gynecologist will be able to answer the question of why deviations from the norm occurred. If necessary, you may need the help of an endocrinologist.

Also don’t forget that you need:

  • eat right;
  • lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • exercise;
  • try to avoid stress.

You need to visit an obstetrician-gynecologist at least once every six months to monitor the condition of your body, especially the condition of the reproductive organs.

Sometimes during treatment a woman experiences:

  • depression, stress;
  • lethargy, apathy;
  • frigidity.

In such a situation, sessions with a visit to a psychotherapist are added to the course of therapy.

Symptoms of scanty discharge

Gynecologists note that many women are interested in the question of why their periods are weak. And is it worth worrying if they are painless and do not cause discomfort?

Of course, if scanty discharge occurs during puberty, when the cycle is just forming, this is the norm. and during the period of milk production, menstruation may be weak, but it is still necessary to visit a doctor and make sure that everything is normal.

But, if a woman has very little discharge - just a couple of drops - this is an alarm bell! It may also occur that your periods are few and very scanty, you must definitely find out the cause of this condition.

If your period is weak for the first time, the girl may be pregnant. Smudge indicates implantation or threat of failure. In some cases, weak periods may indicate.

When there is little blood released and more than one cycle is repeated, this situation can only indicate a malfunction of the reproductive system.

Dear women, don’t play with your health. If you notice any abnormalities, take the time to visit a doctor to make sure everything is fine. And if a problem is discovered, to fix the problem in a timely manner.



2024 “” - ultrasound examination of human organs