Menu from Yulia Bastrigina. Preparing your figure for summer: advice from Yulia Bastrigina

My next post will be more interesting to the fair half. I would like to touch on one of the most popular topics of concern to modern women – cellulite. Strictly speaking, the term “cellulite” is not entirely correct from the point of view of doctors. In medicine, this condition is usually referred to as gynoid lipodystrophy (GLD). Which, loosely translated into Russian, sounds like: a disorder of the nutrition (condition) of adipose tissue inherent in women.

Indeed, no matter how well-fed a man is, he is not threatened with cellulite. There are several reasons for this.
The first is genetic, associated with being female. Features of the location and ratio of collagen and elastin fibers in the subcutaneous layer, constant exposure to female sex hormones, and female-type fat deposition form the prerequisites for the development of cellulite.

The second reason is circulatory failure in the subcutaneous layer, capillary fragility. The third is a decrease in the number or sensitivity of receptors to a number of hormones in subcutaneous adipose tissue. There are also a number of minor or predisposing factors: lifestyle, concomitant diseases.

Now let's consider whether it is possible to somehow influence these factors with the help of nutrition. The bad news is that we, of course, cannot change the structure of tissues or our gender. The good news is that we can influence a number of other factors.

Let's start with the most obvious - reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat. Paradoxically, cellulite affects both “fat” and “skinny” women. And the point here is this. Unbalanced consumption of fats and carbohydrates (even with a very low caloric intake) changes the protein-lipid composition of the blood plasma and provokes an increase in the level of insulin, a hormone that is also responsible for the formation of fat.

A significant reduction in foods with a high glycemic index in the diet - products made from white flour, white rice, carbonated sweet drinks, baked goods, sweets - and a significant increase in the consumption of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables should help solve this problem. In addition, you should be very careful about the amount of animal fat in your diet.

Controlling the consumption of table salt will help reduce tissue swelling. It’s not enough just to under-salt, you need to understand that salt can enter the body in very large quantities with such products as, for example, hard cheese, soy sauce, bouillon cubes, canned vegetables, meat and fish, so you need to strictly control their consumption.

Chronic iodine deficiency is of great importance in the development of the “orange peel” effect - it leads to a decrease in the effect of thyroid hormones on tissues and causes swelling that is difficult to remove. Therefore, for those who are serious about fighting for their beauty, I strongly recommend eating sea fish, seafood or seaweed every day.

To strengthen the subcutaneous capillaries, it is necessary to receive an age-appropriate dose of vitamin C and rutin (vitamin P) daily. In natural products, these two vitamins are found in ideal combination in chokeberry, dried rose hips, black currants and cherries.

Dietary fiber is also necessary in the fight against cellulite. By stimulating intestinal function, they prevent constipation, which reduces venous resistance in the lower extremities. The latter has an extremely beneficial effect on capillary blood flow. Well, other factors can be influenced by daily physical activity, lymphatic drainage massage, and mesotherapy. I hope my tips help you stay attractive! I wish you to be healthy and beautiful!

Diet by genotype - a comprehensive approach to weight control

The effectiveness of the diet depends on the person's genotype. Scientists from Stanford University came to this conclusion after conducting clinical studies 1. People who ate a diet that was optimized for their genotype lost, on average, 2.5 times more weight than those who did not take their genotype into account when choosing their diet. NUTRILITE specialists, based on research from Stanford University, have developed a revolutionary comprehensive Personal Weight Control Program - bodykey from NUTRILITE.

On September 5, a leading Russian nutritionist, candidate of medical sciences, visited Krasnoyarsk Yulia Bastrigina with a presentation of a comprehensive weight control program bodykey. She spoke about the program, which takes into account the characteristics of a person’s genotype, his lifestyle and nutritional preferences. As a result, the diet is 2.5 times more effective than others followed by participants in the scientific study.

Obesity is becoming a serious social problem in developed countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized obesity as an epidemic of the 21st century. More than 60% of Russians are overweight. Every second woman in Russia has tried one diet or another, 89% of women dream of losing weight.

“Euromonitor research shows that the number of overweight and obese people is increasing. This trend is particularly noticeable in Germany (increasing from 49% in 2009 to 55% of people who are overweight in 2013) and in Russia (increasing from 51% in 2009 to 62% in 2013).” - comments Yulia Bastrigina, nutritionist. - Most often, a diet is chosen based on recommendations from friends, or simply on the Internet. But each person is unique, each has his own set of genes. We are used to individually selecting anything: clothes, furniture, cars, pets, but not diet. Moreover, only a few people come to a doctor for advice and examination before changing their diet.”

Data from a Stanford study are based on the fact that 4 genes were found in the human body that are involved in the process of accumulating extra pounds. These genes encode proteins with amazing functions: a protein that transports fat molecules; protein that determines the growth of “fat stores”, protein that determines the consumption of fat reserves; a protein that determines the consumption of fat reserves in response to physical activity.

Scientists from the Nutrilite 2 Health Institute, together with nutritionists and specialists in the field of physical education and sports, began to study this issue and found that there is a strong relationship between DNA and how the body responds to nutrition and exercise.

“Physical activity certainly has a positive effect on the general condition of the body. But we must not forget that too intense a work regime is not suitable for everyone. An individual approach to each person is important. To achieve results, it is necessary to combine strength and cardio training of a certain intensity. In this case, a genetic test helps determine the ratio of these loads,” commented Lyubov Kachaeva, personal trainer, specialist in physical education and sports.

Using research data, Amway has developed a personal weight control program bodykey from NUTRILITE TM. This is an innovative weight and health management program, which is based on the selection of diet and type of physical activity, in accordance with personal genetic characteristics.

The key difference and advantage of the program is individuality. Each participant undergoes genetic testing, which allows us to identify metabolic characteristics. Based on this test and lifestyle information, the participant receives their personalized Diet and Exercise Plan. The second advantage of the program is complexity. In addition to recommendations on nutrition and physical activity in accordance with the genotype, its participants are provided with special dietary products, as well as support and motivation from both leading experts in the field of nutrition and sports, and from a community of like-minded people using an online platform that has already been launched – Bodykey personal program from NUTRILITE TM makes it possible to abandon strict diets with side effects (poor health and weight gain, inevitable when stopping such a diet) and ineffective grueling workouts. Recommendations selected in accordance with the individual genotype maintain a high quality of life and health, allowing you to control body weight, because the genetic code does not change over time.


Bastrigina Yulia Olegovna

nutritionist, bodykey program consultant

Graduate of the Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov, specializing in “Medical and Preventive Care” and “General Medicine”.

She completed clinical residency and full-time postgraduate studies at the clinical nutrition clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Topic of the dissertation: “Studying the nutritional structure of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and developing a method for its correction.”

She took part in a large-scale multi-year project “Study of nutrition and health of the population of the Russian Federation”, carried out under a grant from the Government of the Russian Federation by the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the University of North Carolina (USA).

From 2001 to 2010, she was a nutritionist and key lecturer at the Fitness Academy at Planet Fitness.

She took an active part in ideological developments for training fitness personnel and improving their qualifications, developing and implementing new programs and services to optimize the nutrition and training process of non-professional athletes to achieve the best indicators of physical fitness and health.

Since 2000, he has been a consultant on proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle in a number of popular Russian publications. During the year 2008-2009, she headed the editorial office of the portal dedicated to a healthy lifestyle “” of a large media holding WebMediaGroup

Since 2001, he has been actively participating in television and radio programs as a nutrition consultant.

In 2010, she became a co-host in the popular culinary program “Eat and Lose Weight” on TNT with Lera Kudryavtseva and Alexey Semenov.

From 2010 to the present, Yulia Olegovna has been acting as a consultant on healthy nutrition and lifestyle at Amway. In 2013, Yulia took an active part in the launch in Russia of a revolutionary weight control program based on a genotype diet - bodykey from NUTRILITE TM, acting as a consultant for the program.

Anastasia Smirnova

Those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle need to adjust the amount of food consumed and filter the quality of food in general. There is no point in dreaming that proper nutrition for a week will give sky-high results. Set yourself higher goals. Read more about this from nutritionist Yulia Bastrygina.

Yulia Bastrigina, nutritionist, expert of the Bodykey Personal Weight Control Program from NUTRILITE:

First of all, it is worth defining the term “proper nutrition”. Proper nutrition is not a diet, not “separate nutrition”, not vegetarianism and a very long list of “don’ts”.

How to create a nutrition program

- this is an individually selected scheme that takes into account not only gender, height, age and weight, but also hereditary predisposition to certain macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates), and existing deviations in health. As you understand, you can’t limit yourself to proper nutrition for a week.

An important factor in creating the “correct” diet is the previous style of nutrition and life. Everyone knows the old truth: “You are what you eat.” Dietary habits formed over the years directly affect both metabolism and the formation of certain chronic “deficits-excesses”.

For example, a dislike for fish and seaweed often leads to the formation of iodine deficiency. This condition is expressed in lethargy, fatigue, fluid retention in tissues, weight gain, despite a low-calorie diet and even exercise. It will take more than one day to compensate for this disorder with nutrition. And there are many such examples for various macro- and micronutrients.

  • Helpful Tip: The first thing to change is to stop buying the same foods and cooking the same meals that you've been eating for years!
Surprisingly, you will begin to feel changes not only in weight, but also in your well-being quite soon!

Try following a few simple rules:

  • Try to include colorful vegetables and fruits in your daily diet (it’s not possible every day, at least make up a proper diet for the week). To fully provide valuable vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, it is necessary to have: red, yellow, green, blue, white.
  • It is extremely important to know that the amount of vegetables and fruits per day should not be less than 300 g. It is this amount that will enrich the diet with valuable plant dietary fiber, which not only cleanses the gastrointestinal tract, improves liver function, but is also a metabolic stimulant.
  • To maintain high energy levels, the body needs long-term carbohydrates. They are found in cereals, pasta, potatoes, legumes, whole grain and bran bread. The shortage of their supply stimulates an irresistible need to snack on a chocolate bar or a bun. The amount of products containing this essential nutritional component ranges from 200 to 400 g per day, depending on gender, physical activity of a person and his energy needs.
  • Another important rule is to provide the body with protein every day. The lower limit of the intake rate is 40 grams. This amount is contained in 225 g of low-fat cottage cheese, cod, beef or 170 grams of chicken fillet. Of course, these products should be alternated and distributed evenly throughout the day. An adequate supply of protein allows the body to clearly perform all the necessary construction and regulatory functions, which will have an extremely positive effect on well-being and performance. In addition, proteins have the highest satiating properties.
  • Ode to fats. Those who constantly limit their intake of fats often experience deterioration in the condition of their skin, hair, nails, and immunity. Dietary fats, especially those containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, are absolutely essential components of biological membranes. And with their constant deficiency, cells become weak and die easily. First of all, those that come into contact with aggressive environmental factors (skin, mucous membranes, immune cells). To provide yourself with the required amount, it is recommended to consume at least 20-34 grams per day of unrefined vegetable oils of different varieties or 1-2 meals of fatty sea fish (salmon, trout, herring, mackerel).
Unfortunately, we are not always able to saturate our body with all the necessary nutrients every day, so in order to get used to something new, you can start with proper nutrition for a week. In addition, you can take vitamin-mineral complexes and biologically active food supplements, which help the body receive the full range of nutrients and form a complete diet.

Answered by Yulia Bastrigina, nutritionist, Nutrilite brand expert.

How can you replace healthy but expensive products (for example, avocado, quinoa and others)

The “usefulness” of a number of products is often dictated by fashion. Finding a replacement for them is not difficult, especially if you try to understand the nutritional composition. So, for example, dried lentils, with a price tag two times lower than that of quinoa, will give the body 24 grams of protein (quinoa - 14 g), fat - 1.5 (versus 6 for the opponent), carbohydrates - 42 (versus 57). Buckwheat and pearl barley will be slightly inferior in protein (1.5 and 4 units, respectively), but they will give a double head start on fat and will contain slightly more carbohydrates. At the same time, the price of these cereals is 6-7 times lower. And no gluten.

What seasonal products to buy at different times of the year

Prices for seasonal vegetables are always lower. Therefore, in winter, try to use sauerkraut, soaked apples, root vegetables: carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, potatoes, pumpkin.
In spring, there are practically no domestically produced seasonal vegetables as such. By this time, autumn “stocks” lose almost all their valuable properties. Therefore, try to look for options for fruits and vegetables from warm countries where the harvest is harvested several times a year (Morocco, China, Israel, etc.). Saving here is a little more difficult than with domestic products, but it is also quite possible. Oranges, tangerines, pomelo, bananas are excellent health aids.
In the summer, of course, you should follow the “ripening dates”. So, don't grab watermelons in June - this is not their time. But the time of the swindlers who pumped them full of chemicals to give them color and early ripening. In June, buy onions, dill, radishes, parsley, lettuce, early varieties of cucumbers, and cherries. In July, new potatoes, carrots, green peas, tomatoes, and an assortment of berries (cherries, currants, gooseberries) are added to the previous composition. And in August, pay attention to watermelons, melons, plums, apples, and pears.
Autumn is the time for the “leftovers” of the summer assortment of fruits. During the same period, buy types of cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, greens, pumpkin, and young root vegetables.

What snack can be not only healthy, but also inexpensive? Are popular bars any good?

Bars often contain too much energy. 100 g can contain from 250 to 430 kcal! Despite the fact that it is unrealistic to get a feeling of fullness from such a small volume. The same banana, weighing 100 g, will give you more satiety. At the same time, its calorie content will be three times less, and its carbohydrate content will be two times less.

Are there so-called “multifunctional” products that contain the maximum amount of nutrients?

Nowadays, grocery stores have a fairly wide selection of “functional” products. However, if you don’t know the needs of your own body, you won’t be able to choose the “best” one.
Let's say you want to lose weight and cleanse yourself of toxins. You begin to focus on coarse fiber products (which is appropriate here, really), but you miss one point - a couple of months of such a diet (especially if you also gave up meat) and you will experience a decrease in the amount of iron in the body, weakness, hair loss, nails, green face, shortness of breath on exertion and general disability.

What sweet desserts will be healthy and inexpensive?

Relatively healthy and inexpensive desserts include marmalades made from natural juices, marshmallows, and sugared berries.
The healthiest and most inexpensive food is the food whose “path” you know. Relatively speaking, cook yourself from simple products (cereals, pastas, fresh meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits). You should definitely limit what is prepared “for you”. It is there that the maximum of substances that are not beneficial for the body will be contained, with a very low content of necessary and valuable ones. Under no circumstances should you limit yourself to a narrow list, even of very healthy products. Pressing the same exchange “keys” sooner or later leads to health problems. Recently, prices for high-quality, organic food products have not been encouraging, to put it mildly. Fresh vegetables and fruits, cottage cheese, meat, seafood are quite expensive, and not everyone can afford them. Can proper nutrition be on a budget? How to replace healthy but expensive products? A famous nutritionist, an expert of the NUTRILITE™ brand, will talk about this Yulia Bastrigina.

Useful does not mean expensive

Often, the “usefulness” of a number of products is dictated by fashion and their rather aggressive promotion on the market. But finding a replacement for one or another newfangled product is not difficult, especially if you study its nutritional composition. Let's take quinoa, for example, and compare it with its analogues. So, dried lentils cost half as much, but will provide the body with 24 g of protein (quinoa - 14 g), fat - 1.5 (versus 6 for the opponent), carbohydrates - 42 (versus 57). Buckwheat and pearl barley are slightly inferior in protein (1.5 and 4 units, respectively), but do not contain as many carbohydrates. Moreover, the price of such cereals is 6–7 times lower than quinoa.

Meals by season

Prices for seasonal products are always lower. Therefore, in winter, buy sauerkraut, soaked apples, root vegetables: carrots, beets, turnips, radishes, potatoes, pumpkin.

In spring, there are practically no domestically produced seasonal vegetables as such. By this time, autumn stocks lose almost all their valuable properties. So in the spring, look for options for fruits and vegetables from warm countries (Morocco, China, Israel, etc.), where the harvest is harvested several times a year. Saving here is a little more difficult than with domestic products, but it is also quite possible. Oranges, tangerines, pomelo, bananas are excellent helpers for health.

In the summer, of course, you should follow the ripening dates. So, do not buy watermelons in June - this is not their time. Manufacturers pump melons full of chemicals to add color and promote early ripening. But for onions, dill, radishes, parsley, lettuce, early varieties of cucumbers, cherries, June is the time. In mid-summer, in July, new potatoes, carrots, green peas, tomatoes, an assortment of berries (cherries, currants, gooseberries) are added to the previous list; in August - watermelons, melons, plums, apples, pears.

Autumn is the time of the remnants of the summer assortment of fruits, as well as all types of cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, greens, pumpkins, and young root vegetables.

And for a snack...

The recently popular candy bars designed for quick snacking carry too much energy. 100 g can contain from 250 to 430 kcal! At the same time, it is impossible to get a feeling of satiety from such a small volume. The same banana, weighing 100 g, will fill you better, and its calorie content will be three times less, and its carbohydrate content will be half as much. As for the price of the snack, it will also differ not in favor of the bar (the average price per kilogram of bananas is 60 rubles).

Products for everything

Currently, there is a fairly wide selection of functional products in the assortment of grocery stores. However, if you do not know the needs of your own body, choosing the best one is very difficult.

For example, you want to lose weight and cleanse yourself of toxins. You begin to focus on coarse fiber products (which is really appropriate here), but you miss one point: a couple of months of such nutrition (especially if you also gave up meat) - and a decrease in the amount of iron in the body, weakness, hair loss, nails, green face, shortness of breath under loads and general loss of performance is guaranteed.

Sweet and inexpensive!

If you are thinking about what inexpensive and healthy dessert to treat yourself to, then you can safely choose marmalades made from natural juices, marshmallows and sugared berries. Such sweets will not cause significant harm to either your weight or your wallet.

The most useful and budget option

The healthiest and most inexpensive food is the one whose “path” you know. Cook yourself from simple products: these can be cereals, pastas, fresh meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruits.

You should definitely limit what is prepared “for you”. It is in such products that there is a maximum of substances that are not at all useful for the body with a very low content of necessary and valuable ones.

Under no circumstances limit yourself to a narrow list of even very healthy products. Pressing the same exchange “keys” will sooner or later lead to poor health due to non-compliance with proper nutrition.

Now you know that for proper and healthy nutrition it is not at all necessary to buy expensive products. Cook, experiment, add new ingredients to your usual dishes, making your food tasty, healthy and varied. Thus, very soon life will sparkle with new colors, and you will stop thinking about both the budget and the diet!



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