Drug-induced stomatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment. Preparations for cauterization of ulcers

Unpleasant sensations in oral cavity, as well as diseases that are to a large extent worsen the quality of your life, can be associated not only with the condition of the teeth, roots and nerves, but also with the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Stomatitis is a disease of the oral mucosa. Simply put, it is the body's response to overexposure. harmful bacteria and irritants.

Most often it occurs in children, but due to unfavorable environmental situation, a general decrease in immunity, as well as improper care behind the oral cavity - it has spread widely to all categories of the population.

It is often confused with glossitis, which refers to damage to the tongue. As well as cheilitis, which refers to damage to the lips, and palatinitis, which affects the palatine part of the mouth.

The main factor in the development of stomatitis is immunity., which normalizes the number of certain bacteria in the oral cavity. As soon as the immune system weakens or begins to receive an insufficient number of vitamins, a malfunction occurs in the body.

Germs and bacteria burst out, multiplying at tremendous speed and causing all sorts of problems.

Despite the fact that stomatitis is not contagious, everyone has encountered its varieties to some extent. It should be noted that there is high risk repeated illness.

  1. Low level of immunity, which, like scales, equalizes bacteria and microbes in the oral cavity.
  2. Not proper nutrition can provoke a lack of certain vitamins (group B, calcium and fluorine), as well as microelements (iron, zinc, folic acid etc.)
  3. Any kind of oral trauma. For example, when a person burns his mouth with boiling water or bites his cheek. Typically, injuries of this kind heal quickly, but certain factors can cause stomatitis.
  4. Not proper care for teeth and oral cavity. Insufficient hygiene and
  5. Alcohol and smoking contribute to the appearance of mouth ulcers.
  6. Poor quality fillings and dentures.
  7. Putting dirty or poorly washed food into the mouth.
  8. Excessive hygiene, as well as frequent use of toothpaste with sodium sulfate.
  9. At acute stomatitis the temperature reaches 39 degrees.
  10. Lymph nodes often become enlarged.
  11. Stomatitis is accompanied by bad breath.

Symptoms of stomatitis

Most often, stomatitis begins its formation with imperceptible redness or inflammation from the inside of the mouth, lips, cheeks, tonsils and sublingual space. Sometimes any of these areas become swollen and cause a burning sensation.

Stomatitis lasts for 3-15 days. It is not a contagious disease, but if you have had stomatitis at least once, your risk of getting it again increases.

Types of stomatitis

  • Stomatitis usually presents as shallow ulcers round shape. But when aphthous ulcer, the wounds become deep and large. Treatment takes a long time and leaves marks. Also, several pieces, merging with each other, acquire a non-standard shape.
  • With stomatitis, in addition to single ulcers, multiple wounds may appear. Their number reaches 5-6 pieces.
  • Some people have a hereditary tendency to develop stomatitis.
  • Sometimes stomatitis becomes chronic form. Where the old ulcer disappears, a new one appears, and so on. Stomatitis should occur no more than 3-4 times a year.

Treatment of different forms of stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis- a severe form of the disease, which is most often triggered by problems with the stomach and gastrointestinal tract, allergies, rheumatism, viral infections, nervous disorders, hormonal disorders and heredity.

Based on the above, it should be noted that in order to treat aphthous stomatitis- It is necessary to examine the entire body.


  • Attentive and thorough examination body.
  • Elimination of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • Prescription of antiviral drugs by a specialist.
  • It is mandatory to prescribe ointments that cover the affected area with a protective layer of mucosa and accelerate the healing process (for example, solcoseryl).
  • Propolis-based ointment.
  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Vanillin.
  • Rosehip oil.

Herpetic or herpes stomatitis - sharp and dangerous infectious disease oral cavity, which is transmitted by direct contact, as well as by airborne droplets.

TO dangerous diseases it was attributed to the fact that once a person gets sick with the Herpes virus, he remains a carrier of it forever.

Herpes stomatitis has several stages of development:

  • Stage of disease formation or incubation period. Duration from 2.5 weeks to 23 days.
  • Previous stage.
  • Active stage.
  • Weakening and fading.
  • Recovery.

Important! Each stage requires special treatment.

The formation stage of this stomatitis begins with slight redness and low-grade fever(up to 38 degrees), turning into small blisters on the cheeks, lips and tongue, and then this condition turns into erosion on all soft tissues oral cavity and inflammation of the lymph nodes.

Advice! From the first days of its appearance herpetic stomatitis it is necessary to use ointments against viruses:

  • Tebrofenovaya.
  • Oxolinic.
  • Interferon.

Before using the ointment, you must apply an antiseptic.

- a disease caused by various allergens and pathogens. When in contact with substances such as food, pollen, animal hair, plants, etc., some people experience allergic reaction.

This type of stomatitis is not regarded as separate diseases, A Treatment comes down to the usual use of antibiotics: suprastin, diazolin and others.

Traumatic stomatitis - a disease that is caused by damage to the oral cavity. It is associated with cuts, burns and biting of soft tissues and oral mucosa. If treatment is provided later than necessary, then erosion occurs in the injured area, turning into an ulcer.


  • Burning and pain.
  • Halitosis.
  • Weakness and lethargy.


  • It is necessary to treat with an antiseptic.
  • Apply restorative ointment and pastes.
  • Particular attention should be paid to oral hygiene.

Advice! In any case of damage, you should contact your doctor or dentist.

serious illness associated with necrosis (death) of the oral mucosa. Most often it occurs against the background of stress, hypothermia, after injuries and medical intervention.


  • There are several degrees of severity of the disease: mild, moderate and severe.
  • Bleeding gums.
  • Over time, the gums become covered with a dark gray coating.
  • High body temperature (38.7-40.5 degrees).
  • Ulcers can reach muscle tissue and tendons.
  • Necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis can lead to melting of the dental bone (osteomyelitis).
  • This type of stomatitis can become chronic.

Catarrhal stomatitis (fungal, as well as thrush) - this is the most common type peptic ulcer. Most often it is caused by improper oral hygiene and all kinds of dental diseases:, and others.

The ulcer, cheeks and gums are covered with a white or yellowish film, which is accompanied by bleeding and bad smell from the mouth.


  • Heavy secretion of saliva.
  • Ulcers can be caused by stomach diseases and worms.
  • It is this form of ulcer that is transmitted through direct contact with a sick person.
  • Often appears during periods of vitamin deficiency (autumn, spring).


  • Clean and disinfect the oral cavity.
  • Reduce inflammatory processes.
  • Prevent the spread of stomatitis throughout the entire oral cavity.
  • Eliminate pain and discomfort.
  • Explain the causes and rules that significantly reduce the risk of new ulcers.

Before you begin to treat stomatitis, you need to provide your teeth and oral cavity with proper care and thorough cleaning.

Careful care is needed to create an alkaline environment in the mouth, which prevents the growth of various bacteria and microbes.

To restore the alkaline environment, you need to rinse your mouth the following solutions (1 teaspoon per glass warm water)to choose from:

  • 1-2% solution of brilliant green.
  • Lugol's solution with glycerin.
  • 9-20% borax solution.

To excellent bactericidal agents include:

  • Furacilin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Chlorogexidine.

Drug treatment of stomatitis

In general, medications can be divided into two groups:

  • special purpose- these are medications that are prescribed according to the type of stomatitis (antiallergic, antiviral, etc.)
  • general purpose- these are drugs that are prescribed regardless of the form and type of stomatitis (anti-inflammatory and antibacterial).

Only a professional dentist can determine what type of stomatitis you have. Prescriptions are made purely based on the situation in which your oral cavity is located and its degree of neglect.

Catarrhal stomatitis, which is caused by improper oral care, can be treated at home. The main thing is to maintain proper nutrition, use antiseptics and consult a dentist.

For aphthous, herpetic and ulcerative stomatitis Immediate and strict supervision of dentists and dentists is necessary.

Treatment with folk remedies

Because untimely appeal Seeing a doctor can provoke irreparable consequences - we recommend that you first consult a dentist, and only after his permission or a strong recommendation to return to traditional medicine.

Moreover, it should be noted that Only catarrhal stomatitis can be treated at home!

That's why Below are recipes exclusive to it:

  • Rinse recipe chamomile decoction incredibly simple. The chamomile that you buy at the pharmacy must be poured with boiling water (one tablespoon per glass). After half an hour you need to add boric acid(3.5 grams). This decoction is useful and, most importantly, a natural antiseptic.
  • All kinds decoctions that increase immunity. For example, rosehip decoction will be an excellent assistant in the fight for your health.
  • You can insist on hot water cinquefoil root(within 5 hours), and then bring to a boil and pass through a sieve. This method also contributes to a general improvement in well-being.

In this video you can find a few more effective remedies for yourself:


  • Impossible to imagine healthy cavity mouth without proper care and careful hygiene.
  • Visits to the dentist should be regular (once every six months). And people with problem teeth, crowns, braces and dentures, you need to visit the doctor even more often in order to notice and correct the problem in time.
  • Proper nutrition is the key to success.
  • It is important to exclude foods that cause allergies from your diet.
  • There is no need to ignore the use of dental floss.
  • Modern technologies make it possible to reduce the risk of stomatitis to a minimum if you use: an irrigator, an electric or ultrasonic toothbrush.
  • Be careful when you eat food, because you can seriously injure your oral cavity.
  • Take vitamins and strengthen your own body.
  • Leave bad habits and alcohol outside of your lifestyle.

And always remember that prevention is many times better better treatment, discomfort and pain. And also that if you have treated stomatitis at least once, then the only way not to experience it again - follow the above rules.

An infectious disease that affects the oral mucosa is called stomatitis. This disease can occur either in its own form or be a sign of various diseases. These include: influenza, candidiasis, measles, scarlet fever, etc.

Stomatitis appears on various organs oral cavity, both on the tongue and on the gums. Often occurs due to exacerbation chronic diseases which may be metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, disease nervous system And internal organs generally. The cause of stomatitis can also be the consumption of harmful or overly saturated food elements, a banal puberty and the growth of wisdom teeth can cause infection.

Causes of drug-induced stomatitis

Despite various types stomatitis, its course occurs with the same symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes, red mouth, painful sensations. A fairly common manifestation of stomatitis is increased sensitivity to certain medications.

Examples of medications that can cause stomatitis include:

  • amidopyrine;
  • sulfonamides;
  • antibiotics.

This type of stomatitis in medicine is called “medicinal stomatitis.”

The cause of drug-induced stomatitis may be allergy to certain types medicines or toxic effects drugs on the oral mucosa.

Visually medicinal stomatitis can be defined in the form of vesicles or bubbles, after the breakthrough of which ulcers are formed, covered with a film.

Depending on medicines Drug-induced stomatitis can manifest itself not only in the oral cavity, but also affect the entire human body as a whole.

How to identify drug-induced stomatitis

The very varied manifestations of drug-induced stomatitis are associated with common minor skin lesions and severe shock reactions, which in some cases are fatal.

Manifestations of drug-induced stomatitis are divided into the following types lesions:

  • Hemorrhagic. Tendency to skin hemorrhage and bleeding of mucous membranes.
  • Catarrhal. A type of inflammation that develops on the mucous membranes.
  • Vesicular-erosive. Accompanied by the formation of blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, after opening which painful erosions form.
  • Necrotic. A pathological process expressed in the local death of tissue of a living organism.
  • Combined.

The manifestation of stomatitis is associated with the appearance of enlarged papillae on the gums, which begin to bleed when touched. Lymph nodes become painful. The tongue may become swollen or, on the contrary, smooth. Changes are possible not only in the oral cavity, but also in the entire body. For example, the manifestation of urticaria. IN medical institution the main role in diagnosing drug-induced stomatitis belongs to clinical examination, biochemical examinations, taking skin for allergy detection analysis, immunological method research. The main goal Diagnosis is to identify the allergen. The treatment itself is closely related to the age of the patient and the degree of allergy.

Methods of treating medicinal stomatitis

Treatment methods for stomatitis are divided into medicinal and folk remedies. Treatment traditional medicine can be used on initial stages the development of stomatitis, only if the person knows exactly his symptoms and this is not the first time he has had stomatitis. Otherwise, you need to consult a dentist, and if the disease is in a child, then a pediatrician. There are now many drugs being advertised for the treatment of stomatitis. But it is not always true that this or that drug is right for you. Each remedy must be prescribed individually by the attending physician. The doctor needs to determine the type of stomatitis and its severity and, based on this, prescribe antifungal or antiviral drugs. If you are allergic to certain types of medications, you must inform your doctor; he almost always asks about it.

Sanitation of the oral cavity

Before taking medications prescribed by a doctor, you need to sanitize your oral cavity. It can be done either with the help of a doctor or at home. You will need three percent hydrogen peroxide. Wetting a cotton swab, treat the oral cavity, especially paying attention to those places where ulcers are formed. The cotton swab must be changed as often as possible; you cannot use a dirty swab to treat all affected areas. This will lead to the spread of infection throughout the entire oral cavity. Then rinse your mouth with a solution of potassium permanganate or soda, and irrigate the cavity with a solution of furatsilin. When irrigating, you will need a syringe into which the solution is drawn and sprayed into the oral cavity. And after all the procedures, they begin taking the medications prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment with propolis

A good method for treatment is treatment with propolis. Before treatment after sanitation, you need to dry the oral cavity. In the clinic, the doctor will do this with a special device; at home, they use a device that supplies a stream of air. The only thing necessary condition– the stream should not be hot. After drying, the treatment is carried out and the mouth is again allowed to dry using the device or simply open the mouth for three minutes. You can also find many rinsing elixirs on sale, but before using, you need to consult a doctor for help in choosing. Basically, of course, they are made from medicinal herbs, which are good for teeth.

Home treatment

You can carry out home treatment in parallel with medication to speed up recovery. Home treatment is also preventive in nature. It is based on rinsing the mouth after eating warm water Hydrogen peroxide is used to reduce pain. good healing factors possess rubbed raw potatoes and aloe juice, they need to be smeared on the gums. Also therapeutic effect has carrot or cabbage juice. You need to make it yourself, you cannot use store-bought. The juice is made for one use, reuse is excluded. Before rinsing, the juice is diluted with boiled warm water 50 to 50. Garlic as an antiviral agent. Rinsing your mouth with chamomile decoction is antiviral method treatment. The use of medicinal herbs at home requires the participation of a doctor, since everything depends on the form and type of stomatitis.

When using drugs orally or when parenteral administration it is possible to develop an allergic reaction of the body, accompanied by the appearance of rashes on the oral mucosa. At the same time, specific clinical course for everyone medicinal product does not exist. The same substances cause catarrhal inflammation on the oral mucosa in some people, blisters in others, spots or swelling in others, etc. Various combinations of rashes are possible.

Among the drugs that cause side effect in the form of drug-induced stomatitis, the following should be highlighted:

1) sulfonamide drugs;

2) antibiotic drugs:

3) preparations of bromine, iodine;

4) preparations of heavy metal salts (mercury, lead, bismuth).

Of these drugs, the first two are the most common cause drug-induced stomatitis, however, individual sensitivity to other medicinal substances is possible.

For initial use medicinal substance the reaction may occur immediately or after several hours, indicating special sensitivity (idiosyncrasy) to this drug. Sensitization (increased sensitivity) occurs, which can lead to a change in the reactivity of the body. Repeated appointment this drug most often entails the development of an allergic reaction.

1. The reaction from the use of sulfonamide drugs (streptocide, sulfidine, sulfazole, norsulfazole, etazol, etc.) occurs on the 3rd day if the drug is used for the first time, and after repeated use - after a few hours. In this case, diffuse redness appears, against which single or multiple bluish-red spots appear, as well as blisters, after opening of which long-term non-healing erosions remain. Rashes also appear on the lips (cheilitis), where the drying exudate forms bloody crusts, making it difficult to open the mouth. Possible general reaction the body in the form of an increase in body temperature, the development of eosinophilia. Cases of hemolytic anemia and agranulocytosis have been described.

2. The use of antibiotics may be accompanied by general and local reaction, which occurs immediately after administration of the drug or after some time with prolonged use. From the side of the oral cavity, in the area of ​​soft and hard palate, cheeks, lips, tongue, diffuse redness and swelling appear. Gingival papillae sharply hyperemic, swollen, rounded, lagging behind the necks of the teeth, a light touch is accompanied by bleeding. The condition of the tongue is especially characteristic in this case: against the background of diffuse redness, the papillae of the tongue become smoothed out and then completely disappear, causing the tongue to acquire a smooth, shiny, as if varnished, surface. Pain and burning appears. The oral mucosa is dry and sensitive to external stimuli, easily vulnerable. Against the background of catarrhal stomatitis, spots and blisters may appear. In this case clinical picture very similar to erythema multiforme exudative. Information about the ingestion of medications helps in making a diagnosis.

In severe cases, with reuse penicillin, joint and muscle pain, joint swelling, itchy skin, body temperature rises, lymphadenitis is observed, eosinophilia up to 60% in the blood, traces of protein in the urine. Most severe complication is the development of anaphylactic shock.

Long-term use of antibiotics causes suppression of the normal flora of the oral cavity, which contributes to the growth of the fungus, its transition to a pathogenic state and the development of candidiasis. In this case, along with damage to the oral cavity, damage to other mucous membranes is also possible ( gastrointestinal tract, vagina, respiratory tract etc.) and skin.

Treatment consists of immediately stopping the drug that caused stomatitis and prescribing desensitizing and symptomatic remedies: 1) diphenhydramine - 0.05-0.1 g 3 times a day; 2) pipolfen - 1 tablet 4-5 times a day; 3) 10%) calcium chloride- 1 tablespoon 3 times a day; 4) 0.1% solution of adrenaline subcutaneously, 0.025-0.5 g. A complex of vitamins is prescribed orally.

Locally produced antiseptic treatment 1-2% chloramine solution in the form of baths, sanitation of the oral cavity. Usually, after stopping the medication, the symptoms of stomatitis soon disappear.

3. Bromine and iodine preparations cause widespread redness and swelling of the entire oral mucosa, sharp pains in the gums, increased salivation. At the same time, iodine runny nose, conjunctivitis and diarrhea develop. Acne, blisters and granulomas (iododerma, bromoderma) appear on the skin.

4. Salts of heavy metals (mercury, bismuth, lead) can also cause the development of stomatitis in case of increased sensitivity to them or as an occupational disease.

When stomatitis appears, the patient may encounter such unpleasant symptoms like pain, burning and irritation. In this case, the age of the patient does not matter, since the pathology can develop at any age. There may be several reasons for this, from improper hygiene before wearing dentures. Treatment of the disease involves the use of several groups of medications, which are selected taking into account the type of stomatitis. This is why it is important to contact your dentist so that he can diagnose accurate diagnosis, determined the type of disease and selected good medications.

Symptoms of stomatitis in adult patients

In adulthood, symptoms characteristic of stomatitis rarely appear, such as elevated temperature body, severe intoxication and severe weakness. Usually characteristic features pathologies in adults are the following:

  • at viral infection small blisters appear in the oral mucosa, which can also extend beyond the mouth, affecting the lips and adjacent areas;
  • with the bacterial type of stomatitis, they appear on the mucous membrane different shapes ulcers, salivation increases, pus and severe pain may appear;
  • with fungal, also called candidal stomatitis, inflammation on the tissues, a pronounced white coating is visible and severe redness, swelling may occur;
  • Allergic stomatitis most often also manifests itself as small blisters and redness of the oral cavity.

In all cases, the patient complains of an unpleasant odor in the oral cavity; gradually, in the absence of therapy, a necrotic process may develop. It usually forms when the oral mucosa is damaged by bacteria that cause infections.

Attention! The easiest way for a doctor to determine viral stomatitis which is caused by herpes. It is with this type of inflammation that the patient usually complains of signs general poisoning body, including temperatures up to +40 degrees.

Treatment of viral stomatitis


The drug is available in the form of a gel, which contains cetalkonium and choline. These active substances quickly remove inflammatory process, heal affected tissues and relieve pain. If signs of stomatitis appear, Cholisal must be applied at least three times a day to ensure maximum protection tissues and treatment effectiveness. Single dose of the drug is 1 cm of ointment. Therapy continues in an individually selected course.

Lidocaine Asept

The medication is available in the form of a spray. It has a powerful analgesic effect on diseased tissues, which also helps to slightly relieve the inflammatory process. The product can be applied in two ways: by spraying or using a swab soaked in the solution. Such treatments are done 1-3 times a day, taking into account the severity pain syndrome. Therapy continues individually for each patient.


An antiviral agent that has a direct effect on the virus. Vivorax already in the first day begins to suppress the harmful organism, which leads to a reduction in all symptoms of stomatitis. Taking into account the spread of blisters in the oral cavity and beyond, the dosage of the medication can be 200-400 mg active substance from 3 to 5 times a day. Therapy can continue for 5-10 days.

Attention! Dose antiviral agent Only the dentist should calculate. An incorrect dose can worsen the patient’s condition several times, causing problems with internal organs.

Allergic stomatitis and its treatment in adults


When eliminating the symptoms of stomatitis, an aerosol is used, which provides maximum uniform distribution active substance. To carry out the procedure, a solution in a concentration of 0.05% is used. Lysozyme has a general disinfectant effect and also relieves pain. For one treatment, 2-10 ml of solution is taken. Usually 2-3 procedures are required. Therapy can last up to two weeks.


An antihistamine drug that relieves inflammation and relieves irritation. It is usually taken 1 tablet per day, with treatment continuing until a stable therapeutic effect. If the patient has problems with the kidneys and liver, one tablet of Clarotadine should be taken every other day. The course of treatment for such patients should be determined by the attending physician.


This solution can be used to rinse the mouth for all types of stomatitis. The dosage of the drug is 20-50 ml of Chlorhexidine. Rinsing is carried out 2 times a day after thorough oral hygiene. Therapy continues for up to two weeks.

Attention! Mandatory during treatment allergic stomatitis the allergen should be excluded. To do this, during therapy they refuse allergy products, and also change the prosthesis if necessary. This is necessary to avoid relapse of the disease in the future if stomatitis occurs due to intolerance to the metal structure.

Treatment of bacterial stomatitis


When treating this type of pathology, it is necessary to use antibiotics, which can be found below.

PreparationImageSingle doseNumber of daily appointments
500 mg3
500 mg3
500 mg1
0.5-1 g3
500-750 mg2-3
400 mg1

Using these antibacterial drugs shown for 7-14 days. When determining the duration of treatment, the severity of the disease is taken into account. The exception is Sumamed, which should be taken for three days.


Used for rinsing. After the procedure, you can achieve a good antiseptic effect, as well as relieve the pain that often accompanies stomatitis. Malavit is used in a dose of 10 drops of pure concentrate per 0.2 l boiled water. Since the drug is very strong in its effects and is not always well tolerated by patients in combination with others, rinsing sessions should be carried out only once a day. Treatment is continued for one week.


This gel is used by many mothers during the period of active teething in children. But Kamistad also helps well with the appearance of stomatitis; it can be used for any type of pathology. Treatment involves applying a 1 cm strip of ointment to the affected areas. At the same time, the gel shows a quick analgesic effect, relieves inflammation and irritation. When using Kamistad, the regeneration of oral tissues is significantly enhanced.

Attention! This form of the disease is considered one of the most dangerous. It can lead to the formation of extensive ulcerative-necrotic areas, which makes it impossible to maintain oral hygiene and eat normally.

Treatment of fungal stomatitis


The medication is taken orally. Already with the first dose, plaque production and bacterial activity are significantly reduced, which leads to the relief of burning and constant itching. The dose of Diflucan is 50 mg of the active substance. You can take the medicine without taking food into account. If fungal stomatitis is more serious, you need to take 100 mg of the drug. It is recommended to drink for one to two weeks. Well tolerated in combination with other drugs and oral care products.


This medicine belongs to antifungal antibiotics. The dose is usually selected individually. In the classic course of the disease, the patient is prescribed 250 mg of the active substance twice a day. Mycoheptin is taken for two weeks, with more mild degree development fungal stomatitis treatment can be reduced to 10 days. Available in the form of capsules and tablets.


A medicinal solution that has a powerful effect in the presence of many types of fungi and bacteria. Use Eludril three times a day. For treatment you will need to take 100 ml of boiled water; 20 ml of solution is diluted for this treatment. It is important to bring medicinal solution until smooth. Rinse your mouth for five minutes. Eludril is used for two weeks.

Attention! With candidal stomatitis, the cause of the pathology is often hidden in reduced immunity. The foci of the disease are often located in the gastrointestinal tract, which also requires the use of oral antifungal drugs. A diet with minimum quantity sweet and savory products.

Video - Treatment a phthous stomatitis

Traditional methods of treating stomatitis in adults

Kalanchoe juice

To reduce the manifestation of viral, bacterial and stomatitis allergic types, you can lubricate the affected areas Kalanchoe juice. Only freshly prepared ingredients are used for treatment. You can soak tampons with it or immediately smear it directly onto the sores. Treatment procedures can be carried out up to 5 times a day. If the product is well tolerated, it can be used for two weeks.

Soda rinses

Such procedures help well with fungal type diseases. For treatment, you will need to take a teaspoon of soda per 200 ml of warm water. Be sure to bring the solution until smooth, after which they should rinse their mouth for 3-7 minutes. Elimination procedures candidal stomatitis can be repeated up to 5-7 times, be sure to first rinse your mouth with regular clean water. Treatment is continued until symptoms disappear completely.

Diseased areas can also be treated with swabs soaked in soda solution. Also, procedures are carried out up to seven times a day. Treatments are carried out until full recovery. Soda should not be used for any other types of stomatitis, with the exception of allergic inflammation.

Garlic and yogurt

It helps very well with bacterial type of disease. To treat, you will need to take three medium cloves of garlic and crush them. Garlic puree is combined with 10 ml of yogurt, which should be slightly warmed. After this, the resulting mixture must be kept in the oral cavity, you should try to keep it for 5 minutes. In this case, the product is distributed throughout the entire oral cavity. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for seven days. There will be a burning sensation when used.

Attention! Homemade recipes are best used in combination with traditional medicines. This is due to the fact that folk remedies cannot eliminate the very cause of stomatitis; they only relieve the symptoms of the pathology.

Since the treatment of stomatitis depends on its type, it is important to determine the nature of the disease. After this, you should immediately begin therapy, while simultaneously establishing proper diet nutrition, oral hygiene and refusing bad habits. All this will make the treatment successful and quick and will prevent the disease from progressing to a complex, difficult-to-treat stage. Maintaining oral hygiene helps prevent recurrence of stomatitis in the future.



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