Mammoplasty: everything you wanted to know about breast plastic surgery. Mammoplasty: everything you wanted to know about breast plastic surgery Changing the breast

Among the complications of mammoplasty are those that not only affect your well-being, but also significantly worsen the appearance of your breasts. Some problems are rare, but the more questions they raise. One of the complications that mammoplasty provokes is the double bubble. Women expect after surgery a result that is by no means the same as that found when the defect develops.

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What does a double bubble look like?

The name of the complication fully reflects its essence - it is a double breast. After installation of the implant, the mammary glands are deformed in such a way that their aesthetics are completely disrupted and their appearance does not correspond to the anatomical structure.

There are several possible problems:

  • the mammary glands look as if superimposed on one another;
  • the implant looks through the living tissue of each breast like another hemisphere;
  • the bust is displaced downward relative to the endoprostheses.

Instead of improving the appearance, a defect is formed that cannot be hidden by clothing. The problem needs to be solved.


There are several factors that can cause complications.

Reasons for double bubble Rationale
Mistakes made by the surgeon during the operation itself This may be excessive tissue removal during breast ptosis, incorrect method of inserting the implant, choice of its installation site and defective formation of the fold under the breast;
Wrong choice of endoprostheses This component is very important for the success of the operation, so you cannot skimp on it. The correspondence of implants to the characteristics of the mammary glands is also important;
Features of the patient's physique The problem can be caused by the original shape of the breast and the properties of the muscle tissue. More often it occurs when the lower part of the mammary glands is poorly developed;
Neglect of rehabilitation conditions If a woman is in a hurry to return to a normal lifestyle, starts playing sports too early, or stops wearing the implant, the implant may become dislodged. This will result in a double fold;
Other complications The most common is capsular contracture. A thick layer of fibrous tissue may form around the implants. It compresses and deforms the endoprosthesis. A hard capsule can also move it, causing the appearance of additional roundness.

Depending on the causes, the complication manifests itself in the early postoperative stage or later. The first two factors can cause a defect almost immediately.

Women at risk of complications

Women who are more likely to experience a complication should pay special attention to choosing a clinic and an operating surgeon, and adhere to all recommendations:

  • Having. In this case, the mammary glands are characterized by a thin base, large areolas and an elevated inframammary fold. Their lower pole is distinguished by a small volume of tissue that may not support the endoprosthesis.
Tubular breast
  • Cone-shaped chest. Its differences are a wide base and a thin nipple-areolar complex. That is, the problem is the same as in the previous case - a poorly developed lower part of the chest.
  • With a naturally elevated submammary fold. This feature can provoke the development of complications even with normal breast shape.

Double bubble correction

The problem can only be eliminated with new intervention. But its character is chosen depending on the characteristics of the double bubble and the individual parameters of the patient. The following correction options are available:

  • Minimal intervention. The skin of the mammary glands is dissected, the internal tissues are carefully straightened. The doctor then creates a new fold under the breast and applies stitches.
  • Capsulotomy. If the reason for the formation of the double bubble is the thickened fibrous layer surrounding the implant, the capsule is dissected. In this case, the endoprosthesis itself is not removed, but it needs to be returned to its normal shape.
  • Implant removal. If the defect has developed due to its poor quality, it is necessary to replace the endoprosthesis with a new one. The same operation will be required by an allergy to the implant, causing swelling of the mammary gland tissue. Indeed, in this case, a threat to the patient’s health is also created.
  • Lipolifting. This is a procedure for introducing the patient’s own fat tissue into the mammary glands. This solution is possible if there is an excess of it in some areas of the body, for example, the stomach or thighs. The fat is cleaned and injected into the breast area.

To learn how the double bubble correction operation is performed, watch this video:


What is required from the patient to prevent complications:

  • undergo surgery with a good doctor who can assess and eliminate all risks;
  • choose quality implants;
  • be healthy at the time of the intervention, having verified this through examination;
  • follow all doctor's recommendations.

A double bubble after mammoplasty will not occur if the surgeon chooses the correct surgical technique for the patient’s problem breasts. This is a combined method in which only the upper part of the endoprosthesis is installed under the pectoralis major muscle. If you place it completely there, the lower pole will push the implant upward, forming two extra hemispheres. The correct choice of incision sites during intervention and suturing technique are important for the result.

Requirements in the postoperative period that can prevent the development of double bubble:

  • wear high-quality compression underwear (preferably seamless) for at least 2 months;
  • limit physical activity, that is, do not bend over, do not raise your arms, do not carry heavy objects, avoid sudden movements;
  • care for sutures and breast skin in accordance with doctor’s prescriptions;
  • sleep for the first 2 - 4 weeks only on your back;
  • give up bad habits so as not to disrupt the process of tissue healing and adaptation to the implant.

If complications could not be avoided, do not be afraid of its correction. Repeated intervention is easier to tolerate, and recovery after it is faster. But still, prevention, starting from the stage of preparation for mammoplasty, is the best way out.

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A double fold after mammoplasty is one of the undesirable side effects that occurs infrequently, but negates the results of the operation.

This defect requires repeated surgical correction; there is no other way to correct it.

What does it look like

It is believed that a double fold after bust enlargement occurs, as a rule, in women whose breasts initially have a cone-shaped or tubular shape.

However, recent studies and comparative analysis of the results have shown that the defect can also appear in patients with normal mammary glands.

The double fold looks like additional roundness or “steps” under the lower bust line. These bulges are downwardly displaced implants.

Signs of the defect appear immediately after augmentation mammoplasty or after a long time (from six months to one and a half years).

Video: At a consultation with a surgeon

Why does it appear

The most common cause of double folds is:

  • shortened;
  • reduced;
  • or underdeveloped lower chest area.

Most of the glandular tissue is concentrated on top of the glands (in the upper pole).

Typically, cone-shaped or tubular breasts are designed this way; it can also be a specific feature of properly formed glands with an elevated inframammary fold.

The defect often occurs due to:

  1. violation of surgical technique;
  2. incorrectly selected access;
  3. or unsuitable implants.
Photo: Double fold

Most often, cases of double fold formation are recorded in the following situations:

  • partial combination of a subpectoral pocket with access along the mammary fold in patients with a pronounced submammary fold and thin skin;
  • formation of a subpectoral pocket through infraareolar access with excision of excess skin;
  • creation of a subglandular pocket through infraareolar access.

A double fold is formed when the natural inframammary fold cannot be eliminated and because of this there are two of them: natural and artificial under the endoprosthesis.

Thus, a “conflict” arises between the tissues and the implant. This is the reason for the appearance of an early double fold, which appears immediately after mammoplasty or after the swelling has subsided.

Photo: Double bubble effect

A late double fold can form over time, and not immediately: several months after the intervention or even years. The causes and timing of the appearance of late double folds are different.

Among the causes of late double folds are:

  • mammary fibrosis;
  • sliding of glands from the endoprosthesis (“waterfall effect”);
  • lowering of the endoprosthesis below the artificial fold.

Most often, a late double fold is formed due to mammary fibrosis. In this case, the capsule is compressed, which in turn compresses the implant, and the soft breast tissue is pulled up.

The prosthesis itself moves downwards. In such a situation, it is enough to perform a capsulotomy on the existing prosthesis, or replace it, if necessary.

The risk of developing complications is increased among women in whom the bulk of glandular tissue is localized in the upper pole of the glands.

For this group of patients, the choice of implants must be made especially carefully. It is better to give preference to anatomical prostheses with a high or ultra-high profile.

When planning mammoplasty, the surgeon must take into account an important feature of the breast: remembering the shape of the mammary fold, as well as the risk of defect formation in the presence of sagging glands.

What to do with a double fold after mammoplasty

A double fold can only be corrected surgically. The secondary operation consists of excision of the skin and its straightening. The result of the correction depends on how correctly the mammary fold is formed.

To correct the deficiency, the contour is supplemented with an implant. In this case, the surgeon artificially forms the inframammary fold, and places it slightly lower than the natural one.

In tubular and cone-shaped breasts, the inframammary fold is greatly exaggerated. The lower pole of the glands is practically absent; the glandular tissue is located on top and has a tubular structure.

When eliminating such a defect, it is necessary to select the correct shape of the endoprosthesis and necessarily adapt the gland tissue.

The best way to correct tubular glands is the use of ultra-high-profile anatomical endoprostheses, which have a truncated base and an “umbrella”-shaped opening of the distant part of the tubular gland.

In addition, the areola hernia is simultaneously eliminated using the purse string method. The glandular tissue concentrated in the upper part finds a place at the top of the truncated prosthesis and is placed in its slope, without forming bulges in the future.

Similar tactics are used to eliminate cone-shaped breast deformity. The only difference is that in the case of a cone, there is no need to eliminate the areolar hernia and reduce the size of the areolas.

The same approach is justified for normally formed glands with a reduced lower pole and a high natural mammary fold.

In this case, only careful selection of the endoprosthesis and precise surgical separation of the natural fold are required. In such a situation, the memory of the skin's natural fold should be taken into account.

If it retains its shape even after deep detachment, its tension is eliminated by through perforation performed with a sharp needle.

If there is a “waterfall effect” - “flowing down” of the breast relative to the prosthesis, the correction is performed in exactly the same way as with an early double fold.

The breast is repositioned with opening of its lower border and areolar pexy. If the prosthesis meets the specified parameters, its replacement is not required, otherwise it is replaced with a more suitable one.

Repeated intervention is much easier to tolerate and does not require long-term rehabilitation. The deformation persists for a week or a little longer, after which it gradually begins to disappear.

As with regular augmentation, wearing a compression bra is required.

Why is it dangerous?

This complication is not dangerous, but it causes considerable aesthetic discomfort.

After all, the main goal of mammoplasty is to improve the appearance of the breasts and give them a seductive shape.

The presence of a defect indicates that the main goal has not been achieved, therefore, repeated correction cannot be avoided.

How to prevent

To prevent this, a combined insertion of the endoprosthesis is required, i.e., the creation of a two-plane bed for it.

The upper area of ​​the implant is located under the “trimmed” pectoralis major muscle.

When it contracts, the correct pressure is applied to the prosthesis from above, and it is located in a straightened state, maintaining a normal shape, due to which a normal lower pole of the breast is formed.

If the prosthesis is inserted completely under the muscle (including the lower pole), due to the work of the muscle from above, it is forced upward, and a double fold effect occurs.

Using the described approaches, it is possible to eliminate a double fold on an already operated breast.

In this case, the surgeon makes a decision regarding maintaining the implant (if the appropriate size is selected) and adapting soft tissue to it, or replacing it.

It should be noted that eliminating a double fold is not an easy task. Usually, the elimination of the defect is carried out not in one operation, but in several small corrections after the mammoplasty itself. It is much easier to prevent complications.

It must be remembered that the result of the operation depends not only on the qualifications of the plastic surgeon.

During the rehabilitation period, a woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations:

  • wear a compression bra;
  • take prescribed medications;
  • carry out skin care;
  • avoid physical activity.

Thus, the problem of double folds after mammoplasty remains relevant to this day. This does not always depend on the category of doctor or on new varieties and forms of prostheses.

A woman should approach mammoplasty thoughtfully and carefully, evaluate all possible risks and understand whether the operation is a necessity or just a temporary whim.

Reading time: 7 min

Does a woman need mammoplasty, are there any drastic changes before and after it, are there any serious complications?

These and other questions are most relevant for patients who, due to indicators or their own desire, are preparing for surgery to change the shape of the breast.

This type of surgery is not considered very difficult except in special cases, but being informed about possible problems in advance is a smart decision.

What is mammoplasty and when is it advisable to perform it?

This is an operation during which the surgeon corrects the shape of the breast. In another way, surgical intervention is also called endoprosthetics. The following factors are considered indications for manipulation:

  • breast size is too small;
  • large breast volume;
  • loss of gland shape due to lactation;
  • change in volume after weight loss;
  • congenital pathologies, underdevelopment of the breast (micromastia and);
  • amputation of one or two glands due to cancer;
  • strongly expressed asymmetry;

Some women, having no medical prerequisites for surgical intervention, no significant deviations or changes in shape, are dissatisfied with the appearance of their own bust.

In these cases, surgery is possible at the request of the client, but the doctor must do everything to convince the patient that there is no need for such stress on the body as surgery.

There are also contraindications for performing manipulations on the mammary glands:

  1. During treatment of cancer or with progressive growth of tumors.
  2. For pathologies characterized by metabolic disorders and poor tissue regeneration. For example, diabetes, osteoporosis, anemia.
  3. For severe forms of liver and kidney diseases.
  4. For serious dysfunctions of blood vessels and heart.
  5. The operation is not performed on pregnant women and women during lactation.
  6. For some infectious diseases (hepatitis, HPV) and immunodeficiency conditions.

The procedure is not carried out until the breasts are fully formed, that is, until the age of 18.

Lactation and mammoplasty

As for the period of lactation and childbirth, it is possible to carry out the procedure no later than a year before pregnancy.

This is exactly the time required for complete recovery, and during this period preventive measures are taken to prevent complications after mammoplasty.

During the first consultation, the leading surgeon is obliged to warn the patient that the intervention will affect the implementation of lactation.

The operation is carried out three months after the baby has finished breastfeeding.

But if there were implants, under their weight and in the process of changing the shapes and ducts of the glands, the glands may sag. A corrective procedure is then recommended.

Depending on the task, the doctor determines the type of manipulation.

As a rule, the surgeon chooses a tactic according to the characteristics of the defect and the wishes of the patient herself.

Type of operation Nuances
Magnifying Correction of the breast in the direction of increasing volume and size during endoprosthesis replacement using artificial prostheses or the patient’s own tissues.
Reducing Indicated when the bust volume is too large, which causes damage to the skeleton, spine, joints and blood vessels.
Reconstructing Performed after chest trauma, partial or complete resection for medical reasons.
Corrective (nipples and areolas) Changing shape (reducing or enlarging), location and shade.
Corrective (asymmetry) Designed to achieve similarity of glands with obvious acquired or congenital differences in size.
Pull-up Mastopexy is recommended for women who experience sagging breasts after lactation, weight changes and age-related factors.

Based on the choice of tactics, the surgeon determines the procedure and the option of access to the site of insertion of the prosthesis.

In addition, there is also a method of axillary injection, but not every implant is suitable here. With the transumbilical approach, an incision is made in the navel area, from where the prosthesis is installed.

The most gentle method is implantation under the gland, since there is a sufficient amount of tissue for the placement of the endoprosthesis, which ensures the shortest rehabilitation period.

Other techniques - under the fascia and muscle structures depend on the specifics.

The combined technique includes several types, with the implant installed in the canal between the muscle and the lower part of the breast.

Rehabilitation period

The recovery time after mammoplasty surgery depends on several factors:

  • prosthesis size;
  • the method of its location;
  • gland tissue density;
  • choice of surgical technique.

The postoperative period may vary depending on the characteristics and condition of the body, but it is usually divided into several stages:

  1. Hospital stay from 3 to 7 days, when pain after mammoplasty is still bothersome.
  2. For the next 14 days, strictly limit physical activity and wear special compression garments to prevent the seams from coming apart.
  3. Within 2 months, you need to exclude the slightest injury, you can gradually begin to play sports, but without the participation of the upper body. Alcohol is prohibited and intimate relationships are limited.
  4. You can visit the pool and sunbathe after 3 months.

You will have to sleep on your back, but you can turn over on your stomach in two weeks. The sutures are removed on the 14th day. On the first day after surgery, the pain will be quite severe, so the patient is supported with medications.

Loss of sensitivity may occur, and the breasts will subsequently itch in the area of ​​the sutures; many patients noted that scars that have barely healed are very itchy.

Such phenomena do not pose a danger if they last exactly the time during which the incision sites heal.

If your breasts hurt after mammoplasty for a very long time and severely, the swelling does not go away, numbness and fistulas appear, the tissue becomes hard to the touch - this is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor.


Problems after the intervention can be very different: from slow healing of sutures to displacement of the implant, increased temperature and the formation of fistulas.

The list of possible complications includes several types of complications, which are divided into categories.

Surgical complications

These are problems associated with the postoperative period that usually arise during the first 24 hours.

Infectious lesion

After a few days, or less often weeks, the patient begins to complain that swelling after mammoplasty is spreading.

The pain intensifies, the hematomas increase, redness of the skin is observed, and purulent exudate oozes from the sutures.

The woman's body temperature rises and a fever develops. If the gaps are detected at the initial stage, the infectious process can be quickly extinguished with the help of antibiotics.

Otherwise, you will have to remove the implant, clean the cavities, and carry out the correction again after healing.

In especially severe situations and with advanced infection, the doctor places a drainage after mammoplasty to drain the exudate.

The condition is dangerous because the penetration of bacteria into the wound can result in toxic shock, loss of consciousness, and this increases the risk of death.


If a vessel is damaged during the intervention, blood will ooze from its walls. A similar situation occurs when an infiltrate or fistula forms, from which serous fluid is released - this is.

In the area of ​​intervention, the hematoma increases and low-grade fever appears. Small lumps can resolve on their own as a result of drug therapy.

For more serious lesions, drainage of the wound, suturing of the vessel and cleansing of the cavity are required.

Removing the implant is not always advisable, but is done if there is excessive bleeding or fluid discharge.

Scarring disorder

Normally, without signs of complications, the seams are barely noticeable, and over time they become more and more difficult to detect. If the tissues are prone to hypertrophic fusion or the formation of keloids, the incision site becomes rough, the suture may shift, and in some cases even separate.

It is better to warn the surgeon in advance about the characteristics of the body. The doctor will plan proper postoperative care, and may prescribe laser resurfacing so that the scars after mammoplasty do not begin to enlarge and unsightly scars appear.

Breast swelling after mammoplasty is the same natural process as bruises and hematomas. This is due to changes in the condition of the tissues during surgery.

Swelling usually goes away within 30 days, but can persist for up to 2 months. It finally disappears after 3 months, when the breasts take on a natural shape.

This process is helped by controlling fluid intake. An exception is abdominal swelling after mammoplasty. If the incision is made in the navel area, recovery is longer and more difficult.

Changing sensitivity

This complication may be associated with damage to tissues and nerve endings. Accompanied by pain and numbness.

With prolonged loss of sensitivity, a woman loses interest in sex, becomes irritable, and becomes depressed.

In this case, in addition to the intervention of a surgeon, consultations with a psychotherapist and sex therapist will be needed.

Also, complications after the procedure may be of a specific nature, associated with tissue damage, circulatory disorders and other problems.

Capsular type contracture

A condition caused by compression by the capsule, which is accompanied by deformation of the breast.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon, ranging from factors that arose during the operation to the body’s reaction to the introduction of a foreign body. The risk of such a complication increases with inframammary access, that is, with an incision under the breast.

It is more often observed when using silicone implants and endoprostheses, less often when using saline implants and those with a textured surface.

KK has 4 degrees, with the fourth asymmetry appears after mammoplasty, when the glands descend, the nipples look down.

Depending on the severity of the deformity, capsulectomy, re-endoprosthetics and removal of prostheses are performed.

Implant rupture

In this case, the integrity of the shell of the embedded object is violated. Most often, cracks and micropores form over time, but they can also appear during surgery.

Sometimes the cause is poor-quality prosthetic materials or injury to the glands. As a rule, the process is asymptomatic, only the elasticity and shape of the bust changes.

But in some cases, there may be a burning sensation in the breast after mammoplasty. The solution to the problem is to replace the implant.

Doctors note a number of other possible complications:

  1. Breast asymmetry after mammoplasty due to changes in the location of the prostheses. They can shift, with the nipples being at different levels. The solution is repeated intervention.
  2. Symmastia is a type of breast when they look fused. Special surgery required.
  3. Allergy to prosthesis. Rejection of an object by the body, in which the skin turns red and swells. The temperature may rise after mammoplasty. The solution is removal of the object, conservative treatment.
  4. Calcification is characterized by pockets of compaction. There are no pronounced symptoms, but discomfort is present. If the spread is minor, the problem can be eliminated with drug therapy.
  5. occurs due to the fact that in the area of ​​the scar there is compression of the arteries, which means a disruption of the blood supply. It entails quite serious consequences, the formation of fistulas and the release of exudate.
  6. With prolonged use of an endoprosthesis, the tissue becomes thinner, the bust sags and loses its shape. Rippling develops - the skin acquires a corrugated surface. The reason may also be incorrect selection of the implant size. The solution is a repeat procedure with replacement of a more suitable prosthesis.

A common problem is the double bubble after mammoplasty. , which, like a mesh, supports the breast, is not completely destroyed during the operation, and an additional ligamentous apparatus is formed on top of it during the healing process.

Most often this happens when. You can get rid of the defect using a simple procedure involving excision of excess tissue.

Prevention of complications

Measures to prevent negative consequences after mammoplasty do not always depend on the patient. But 50% of the time a woman can prevent complications herself. She must strictly follow all the surgeon’s recommendations:

  • avoid injury;
  • do not allow physical activity during the period specified by the doctor;
  • wear compression garments;
  • take care of your skin;
  • handle seams correctly:
  • Avoid exposure to the sun, solarium and swimming pool for 2 months;
  • observe the rules of hygiene;
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

The healing process is quite fast, and after three months the woman can admire the result.

Waterfall deformity is a delayed postoperative complication of augmentation mammoplasty. It is classified as one of the varieties of double bouble, just like snoopy breast.

Waterfall deformity or waterfall is a telling name, since it accurately characterizes the type of deformity of the mammary gland: stepwise distortion of its lower pole.

Such a defect does not pose a threat to the patient’s health, but it brings significant psychological discomfort.


Until recently, it was believed that the risk of developing such deformities existed only in women with breast tubularity, and the more pronounced it was, the higher it was. However, recent studies of patients conducted in this area indicate that this is not always the case. Currently, the following risk factors are identified that contribute to the development of waterfall deformity:

  • remodeling of the thoracic parenchyma during correction of grade 3 and 4 tubularity;
  • severe ptosis of the mammary glands;
  • use of large volume implants;
  • change in the position of the inframammary groove.

As an analysis of recent publications on the topic of tubular breast augmentation shows, grades 3 and 4 of this defect do not require remodeling of the breast parenchyma, since it is illuminated during augmentation.

The combination of ptotic breasts, into which large-volume endoprostheses are implanted, creates a high risk of deformation of the mammary glands. In this case, the surgeon must warn the patient about the possibility of developing postoperative complications in the near future.

Correcting the position of the inframammary groove carries the risk of the connective tissue striving to restore its previous location due to shape memory. Thus, in the presence of these factors, the plastic surgeon must take a responsible approach to planning breast augmentation and surgical technique.


Correction of waterfall deformity is carried out either surgically or using a minimally invasive technique - lipofilling. The latter will be justified if the defect is mild or moderate. To do this, the patient’s own fat is transplanted from problem areas of her figure to the area of ​​breast distortion. The effect of lipofilling lasts for 2-5 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

In more complex cases, repeat mammoplasty will be justified, which, in principle, avoids the removal and replacement of implants.

Today, the article was written for those who are not happy with their bust and want to undergo an operation such as mammoplasty - improving the appearance of the breast. After reading the article to the end, you will learn how to choose a surgeon, why there is such a wide price range for breast surgery, when and why a doctor may refuse or delay your operation. And also, why you need to wear compression underwear and how long you can’t sleep on your side and stomach and other interesting things for those who want unearthly beauty for their bust with the help of a plastic surgeon’s scalpel.

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If previously mammoplasty (correction of the breast, its shape and size) was the lot of Hollywood stars, today any resident of a large city can sign up for the operation.

Thanks to the variety of modern prostheses, accompanied by a lifetime guarantee, errors are minimized, and breasts after plastic surgery look beautiful and almost natural. The main thing is to choose the right implant and find an experienced plastic surgeon.

Types of mammoplasty, photo

When talking about mammoplasty, many ladies mean exclusively breast augmentation. It just so happens that a significant part of women are dissatisfied with the volume of their décolleté and hope to change it to a greater extent. However, there are other types of interventions in the mammary gland that are also in demand today:

  1. Mastopexy– lifting sagging breasts. It can be combined with the installation of prostheses or done independently. In fact, during the operation, excess skin and fatty tissue are simply removed.
  2. Augmentation mammoplasty– traditional and widely popular breast augmentation using prosthetics.
  3. Reduction mammoplasty– a more rare, usually performed for medical reasons, breast reduction. Using liposuction, the surgeon removes all unnecessary fat, glandular tissue, and so on.
  4. Aesthetic correction of the nipple-areolar complex. It is possible to reduce the size of the areola (pigmented circle) or restore the appearance of the nipples after other operations.

Now you know all the popular types of interventions with a plastic surgeon’s scalpel. I suggest you look at a series of photos that famous movie and show business stars went through.

If you decide to have surgery, you are interested in many of the nuances that are shown in the video: how a consultation with a plastic surgeon takes place, the course of the operation itself and its result after rehabilitation.
Those who is more than +18- follow the link to YouTube and you can watch it there.

Indications and contraindications for mammoplasty

Like any operation, there are also indications and contraindications. Let's consider them when planning to improve your breast condition.

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Indications for plastic surgery

Each lady who decides to undergo surgery has her own motives. Sometimes she just wants to meet the world's beauty standards set out on glossy covers. Sometimes she dreams of remaining sexually attractive to her man even after the birth of three babies.

It happens that youth complexes are to blame, and breast surgery allows girls to love their body. But there are also very specific indications for mammoplasty - medical or aesthetic.

From point of view medicine The following indication situations are distinguished:

  1. mastectomy (removal of the mammary glands requiring subsequent reconstruction)
  2. gynecomastia (visually voluminous breasts in men)
  3. implant replacement
  4. loss of part of the breast due to injury
  5. sagging breasts (ptosis)
  6. macromastia (“swelling” of the breasts to incredible, uncomfortable sizes)
  7. asymmetry, as well as various anomalies and defects in the development of glands

Cosmetic indications include all the nuances associated with the aesthetic side of the issue. They are extremely subjective, and each lady decides for herself whether it is worth enlarging her breasts in this situation or not. Main cosmetic indications for mammoplasty:

  • difference in the size of the right and left breasts after completion of lactation
  • unaesthetic sagging of the breasts due to pregnancy, prolonged breastfeeding or sudden weight loss, violation of its shape
  • micromastia (naturally tiny breasts)

Now you know the medical and aesthetic indications for breast surgery. What about the contraindications for such intervention in the mammary gland?

Contraindications to mammoplasty

The list of contraindications to mammoplasty is very extensive. It contains both mandatory items characteristic of any operation, as well as specific, original ones. Breast augmentation is rarely mandatory, so a surgeon who has doubts can quite easily refuse a potential patient.

However, in reality the situation looks different. In only 2-3% of cases, the doctor actually does not agree to perform mammoplasty. All other issues are resolved individually, during consultation, when analyzing specific conditions. For example, with restored liver function and stable functioning of the immune system, surgery can be performed even on a carrier of HIV infection or someone who has suffered from dangerous types of hepatitis (B, C).

Serious contraindications to mammoplasty:

  • diabetes mellitus (decompensation, subcompensation)
  • immunodeficiency
  • pregnancy
  • malignant tumors
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • mental illness
  • school age
  • breast diseases
  • acute infection with high fever
  • benign neoplasms in the breast (in case of incomplete treatment)
  • scleroderma and other connective tissue diseases
  • all kinds of blood clotting disorders, taking anticoagulants
  • some endocrine diseases
  • lactation and the first six months after its completion

In most cases, you just have to wait: postpone surgery, treat the infection, wait for the compensation stage, finish breastfeeding.

Review of prices for mammoplasty in Moscow

On average, in the capital, the operation itself costs 120-200 thousand rubles (excluding the cost of prostheses). Correcting the size of the areola or the shape of the nipples is slightly cheaper, about 36-50 thousand rubles. If you have planned endoprosthetics with a one-stage lift, then such mammoplasty will cost you much more (the price in Moscow will immediately jump to 275,000 - 350,000 rubles). To replace existing implants you will have to pay about 60,000 rubles.

For mammoplasty, the price depends not only on the tariffs of a particular surgeon, but also on the selected implant. The cost of silicone prostheses ranges from 30 to 60 thousand rubles. Anatomical (drop-shaped) ones are more expensive than spherical ones because they look more natural. Much depends on the manufacturer and on the texture of the implant (rough ones, for example, “take root” faster).

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The choice of what to save on is always up to the client. You can find a simpler clinic and enlarge your breasts for a modest 50,000 rubles. Or you can spend money on an experienced and popular professional and pay 400 thousand. The difference in prices for mammoplasty is due to the “stardom” and experience of the capital’s surgeons, the appetites of prestigious clinics, an elite hospital and a notoriously generous clientele. In any other city, the operation will cost much less, but the specialist you will get is not so eminent. However, sometimes an increase in the price of mammoplasty in Moscow is quite natural if the operation is complicated by difficult access or you have chosen the most expensive implant.

IN base cost usually include:

  • tests
  • materials
  • surgeon's work

You have to pay additionally the actual prostheses, as well as anesthesia and hospitalization. The recovery period also costs a lot of money, and you certainly shouldn’t skimp on it. There are, however, clinics that offer an all-inclusive service, when all consumables are already included in the specified amount. The average price guideline from which to base your search for a surgeon is 140 thousand rubles for the whole thing.

Recovery after mammoplasty

Optimal rehabilitation or recovery after mammoplasty takes a couple of months. After about 60 days, all discomfort associated with the operation and its consequences will go away, and swelling will subside.

But you shouldn’t rush: you will feel a foreign “chill” inside for a long time, and the path to an ordinary lace bra without wires is not close. You will have to wear compression garments for a long time after mammoplasty (you can buy them at any medical store, in the section of postoperative dressings and bandages).

Productive recovery after mammoplasty will require patience. Do not remove compression garments, pick healing scabs from scars, or use any creams without consulting your doctor.

To avoid complications after mammoplasty, you should blindly trust your surgeon and follow all his recommendations. For example, you can wash your breasts only after a week (and then without a washcloth). For the next 30 days, any physical activity, sudden lifting of arms, swimming and rowing movements are prohibited. You can’t drive in the first two weeks; the same time limits apply for taking a warm bath and having sex. It is better not to visit the bathhouse for a month, and - for many the hardest point - you should not sleep on your stomach for the same amount of time.

Scars, stitches, scars after mammoplasty – an inevitable, but temporary “evil”. Don't be alarmed: after six months, with proper care, they almost disappear. The initial result largely depends on the quality of the threads and stitching technique, which takes into account the structure and elasticity of your skin.

Do you want your recovery after mammoplasty to go smoothly? Shift some of the responsibilities to loved ones, remove all stress from yourself, get plenty of rest, walk and eat right.

Complications after mammoplasty (suppuration, swelling, migration of the implant) are prevented with the help of timely prevention - wearing compression garments, avoiding exercise, taking antibiotics, sleeping on your side, carefully observing your own breasts, sensations and changes.

Main complications after mammoplasty

As after any operation, complications are also possible here. Here are the main ones:

  • suppuration, infection
  • scars
  • prosthesis migration
  • seroma
  • double bubble after mammoplasty (the so-called “double fold”)
  • capsular contracture
  • numbness of nipples, loss of sensitivity
  • ripples on the skin
  • bleeding
  • implant rupture or crack

An unpleasant side effect (quite rare, but still existing) is a double fold (bubble). It may not occur immediately, but rather late, three to four months after the operation. Double bubble after mammoplasty does not always arise through the fault of the surgeon: sometimes it is caused by the individual anatomical features of the gland. In fact, an additional circle in the form of a fold or bubble is formed by the implant, which never connected with natural tissues and slid down. Such unsuccessful mammoplasty needs quick and careful correction.

Contracture after surgery– an extremely common complication of mammoplasty, it occurs in 10% of all patients. This is a capsule-shaped tissue formation around a fresh implant, a kind of protective response of the body to the invasion of a silicone guest. Contracture itself is not dangerous and is not considered a serious complication unless it is large and does not deform the prosthesis, causing it to rupture.

Seroma after mammoplasty is an accumulation of intercellular fluid in one of the breasts. It becomes noticeable soon after surgery and can be corrected surgically or medicinally. Most often, the serous fluid is pumped out with a syringe, monitoring the result on an ultrasound.

In case of strong and asymmetrical displacement of one implant, when the defect is clearly noticeable and does not look aesthetically pleasing, it is required revision mammoplasty. And to avoid “seasonal migration”, you need to purchase high-quality compression garments and not remove them without the surgeon’s permission.

Increased temperature after mammoplasty absolutely normal in the first days (while you are in the hospital). This is how the body encounters a foreign body and reacts to swelling. However, if a sudden fever finds you at home, this may indicate that an inflammatory process has begun - rush to the doctor.

How to choose a surgeon for mammoplasty? Reviews and recommendations

Doctors themselves constantly repeat how modern, safe and relatively accessible mammoplasty has become today; reviews after the operation, however, are also negative. Before you gather your courage and sign up for a consultation, you should carefully study all the possible pitfalls and consequences of optional surgical intervention.

Having finally decided that you need mammoplasty, you should read reviews about doctors and clinics in advance. There are plenty of forums on the Internet where people share their own stories, honest assessments, before-and-after photos, and advice.

By typing in a search engine, for example, “ mammoplasty, Moscow, Babayan Gaik Pavlovich", in one click you will find out all the opinions about the results of the work of the eminent doctor.

If you want to find out why repeated breast augmentation operations are performed (the first one was unsuccessful), how the mistakes of a plastic surgeon are corrected and what they depend on, watch the video.

Thanks to reviews, you can create a personal rating of plastic surgeons in Moscow for mammoplasty. And you will choose a specific specialist from several of the best during a personal consultation (based on internal comfort, degree of trust and pricing policy).

The most frequently asked questions and answers – from the patient and the plastic surgeon

Q: Does breast surgery cause cancer?
A: Modern silicone implants are not oncogenic.

Q: Will new artificial breasts interfere with breastfeeding?
A: No, prostheses are installed under the muscle or under the mammary gland and do not affect lactation in any way. However, after involution, the shape of the breast may change slightly.

Q: How often are implants replaced?
A: Modern dentures come with a lifetime warranty. The reason for the replacement may be the patient’s personal wishes (for example, if her weight has changed or she wants a larger size) or medical indications.

Q: At first, only sleeping on your back is allowed. When can you sleep on your side after mammoplasty?
A: After two weeks, sleeping on your side is no longer prohibited, and after a month you can even treat yourself to lying on your stomach.

Q: Why are sizers (implant simulators) needed?
A: They allow you to literally try on the results of the upcoming surgery and choose the correct shape and size of the prosthesis to ensure you are satisfied. 3D modeling on a computer also performs the same function, but only external implant simulators (sizers) give a woman an idea of ​​the weight and texture of her future breasts.

Q: Is it possible to make artificial breasts look and feel real?
A: Yes, but it all depends on the professionalism of the surgeon. An experienced doctor will select the ideal anatomical implants and perform the operation so that the new breast will be indistinguishable from natural breasts in appearance. Although you shouldn’t expect magic: from some angles, a trained eye will still recognize silicone.

Q: Are diving and airplane flights permanently banned after mammoplasty?
A: Not forever. Pressure changes should be avoided only for the first 14 days to avoid discomfort.

Q: I would like to put on a regular bra as soon as possible... How long to wear compression garments after mammoplasty?
A: From one to two months, your doctor will decide more precisely. A compression bandage fixes the implants, prevents them from moving, prevents sutures from coming apart, reduces pain and relieves swelling; its importance cannot be underestimated!

As you can see, breast surgery has its own nuances, indications and contraindications. It is better to learn about them before visiting a medical institution and be prepared for various moments.

Now you know how to choose a surgeon (reviews), why there is such a wide range of prices (different professionalism, star rating of the surgeon and the cost of the implant), when a doctor can refuse an operation or postpone it a little, why it will be necessary to wear compression garments and how long you can’t sleep on the side and stomach and other interesting things for those who want unearthly beauty for their bust.

Girls, I wish you common sense when choosing the size of the implant and a successful operation!

What do you think about plastic surgery today? - share in the comments.



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