Treatment with ASD fraction 2 for people. Schemes for using ASD

As a result of the decomposition of animal tissues under the influence of high temperatures, Academician Dorogov discovered a substance that has strong adaptogenic and antibacterial properties. We are talking about ASD - Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant. The second fraction of this drug is effectively used to treat many diseases:

  • skin
  • gastric
  • intestinal
  • gynecological
  • pulmonary
  • cardiovascular
  • oncological, etc.

Therapeutic effects on the body

The drug ASD of the second fraction can be taken both externally and internally. But most often the fraction is used for oral administration, and the regimen for taking ASD for each individual case is individual. The drug has many advantages:

  • normalizes digestion;
  • activates the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • stimulates the secretory functions of the digestive and excretory glands;
  • normalizes the functioning of the autonomic and central nervous systems;
  • significantly increases the body's resistance;
  • activates intracellular metabolism.

Externally, fraction ASD 2 is used when it is necessary to stimulate the work of the reticuloendothelial system of the body, regeneration of soft tissues and skin after damage, antiseptic treatment of body tissues and during anti-inflammatory therapy.

Taking ASD fraction 2

As mentioned above, the drug and its treatment method were developed by Academician Dorogov. The usual, standard dosage is: 15-30 drops of the product, dissolved in 50-100 milliliters of boiled cold water. Since the drug has a characteristic specific “aroma,” you can replace the water with strong tea, also chilled. The standard treatment regimen for ASD 2 includes taking it twice a day, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is five days, followed by a three-day break, and so on until the patient has completely recovered.

Regimens for taking fraction ASD 2 for certain diseases

To combat various diseases, the standard ASD regimen fraction 2 is used for treatment. In some cases, additional external use of the drug is also required, and sometimes treatment with the “impact” method.

  • Gynecological ailments are treated by oral administration of ASD 2 according to the standard regimen, and additional douching is performed with a 1% solution of the fraction in water until complete recovery.
  • For inflammatory eye diseases, the drug is taken orally, 3-5 drops of ASD 2, which are dissolved in half a glass of cold boiled water. You need to drink the product for five days in a row, and then a three-day break.
  • For hypertension, the regimen for taking ASD fraction 2 is carried out as standard, but treatment must begin with five drops of the drug twice a day, and add one drop daily. The maximum dosage per dose should not exceed 20 drops of the fraction. Treatment is carried out until blood pressure normalizes.
  • If your hair grows very slowly, you should rub a 5% solution of ASD 2 into the scalp.
  • For the treatment of heart, liver and nervous system diseases, the ASD treatment regimen is as follows:

— 5 days, take 10 drops of the drug orally, dissolving in half a glass of water, after a three-day break;

— 5 days, drink 15 drops of ASD per half glass of water at a time, again break for three days;

- 5 days to take 20 drops of the drug and a three-day break;

- 5 days, 25 drops of the fraction, and again a break for three days. If the disease worsens during treatment, interrupt treatment for a while.

  • Diseases of the kidneys and biliary tract are treated according to the standard dosage regimen.
  • ASD 2 relieves toothache well; to do this, just apply a cotton swab soaked in the drug to the sore tooth for a few minutes.
  • For impotence ASD 2, the dosage regimen is as follows: Orally on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals, take 3-5 drops of the drug in half a glass of water. You need to drink for five days in a row, and then take a break for three days.
  • To treat thrush, the second fraction of ASD in the form of a 1% solution is used externally.
  • For colds, inhalations are performed. To do this, add a tablespoon of the drug per liter of boiling water.
  • For duodenal and stomach ulcers, taking ASD 2 according to the standard treatment regimen will help.
  • For the treatment of oncological diseases, they are selected individually and under the strict supervision of a doctor. Oncological diseases are usually treated either with “impact” methods, or with a gentle, but longer-term regimen. You can find out more about this by following the link.


When using the drug according to the recommended dosages, no side effects or complications are observed. While taking ASD 2 you should refrain from drinking alcohol. In principle, all ASD regimens do not require a significant change in the usual diet; you just need to increase the amount of fluid consumed by the patient to 3 liters per day. This will allow you to quickly and efficiently cleanse the body of toxins and waste.

Health to you!

Olga Alekseevna Dorogova talks about ASD and answers questions. Part one.

Olga Alekseevna Dorogova talks about ASD and answers questions. Part two

Olga Alekseevna Dorogova talks about ASD and answers questions. Part three

What is ASD 2? How to take the drug ASD 2? For what diseases is it taken? What dosage regimens are there? You will find answers to these and many other questions in this article.

The drug ASD (also called Dorogov's elixir) is an antiseptic biogenic stimulant. This is a liquid prepared using a special method industrially from animal tissues by high-temperature sublimation of meat and bone meal. The drug is available in 2 fractions: F-2 (ASD-2) and F-3 (ASD-3). F-2 is a liquid that is highly soluble in water and has an alkali. F-3 is a thick black liquid with a peculiar odor, slightly soluble in water, insoluble in alcohols and fats.

ASD reduces the destructive effects of stress, activates energy metabolism and oxidative processes, normalizes the activity of cell membranes and tissue nutrition, and has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. The fraction is successfully used in the treatment of skin, purulent-septic, gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal lesions and pneumonia.

Scope of application

The drug is intended to support and treat any living organisms. The fraction strengthens the nervous system. For benign tumors, the drug improves the optimal function of the endocrine system, eliminating defects in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Thus, the causes and prerequisites for the occurrence of fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis and other female suffering disappear.

The fraction is successfully used in the treatment of skin, purulent-septic, gynecological diseases, gastrointestinal lesions and pneumonia. The drug is intended to support and treat any living organisms. The fraction strengthens the nervous system. For benign tumors, the drug improves the optimal function of the endocrine system, eliminating defects in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus. Thus, the causes and prerequisites for the occurrence of fibroids, mastopathy, endometriosis and other female suffering disappear.

Reception scheme

Scheme intensive complex treatment according to the method of Professor N.N. Aleutian(HLS No. 23, 2002):

  • Do not open the ASD-2 bottle, store it in the refrigerator in a dark place.
  • For daily use, suck out 2-5 ml with a disposable syringe (it is sealed on the piston side and on the needle side due to the cap) and drip from the spout.
  • Dilute with water in 50 ml (the drug is concentrated).
  • Wash down with infusion of oregano herb - 1 teaspoon per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 40 minutes and drink ¼ glass 3 times a day.

Reception options

The first method of administration (gentle)

  • 5 drops 4 times a day before meals (at 8 a.m., 12 p.m., 4 p.m., 20 p.m.).
  • Course – 25 days.
  • Then a 10-day break.
  • On break days take metronidazole(Trichopolum) 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • Course 10 days.

Second reception option

(if well tolerated and as prescribed by a consultant):

  • 5 drops 4 times a day;
  • 6 drops 4 times a day;
  • 7 drops 4 times a day.

And so go on increasing one drop at a time up to 15 drops.
After that take 15 drops 4 times a day for a month with a mandatory blood test and appropriate consultation.

Locally, vaginal irrigation, or microenemas into the rectum at night, 12 drops per 10 ml of warm water in the vagina, 12 drops per 50 ml into the rectum. Course 25 days.

Third reception option

Take from 1 drop to 40 and back from 40 to 1 drop. Doses according to the scheme: starting with 2 drops per 20-40 ml of boiled water, up to 20 drops per dose, and back down to 2 drops.

Reception examples

Reception example: in the morning on an empty stomach we ate 1 tbsp. a spoonful of unsalted butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey, after which they drank 50-70 ml of milk into which ASD was dripped.
Then they ate 1 tbsp again. a spoonful of unsalted butter and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey.
We took ASD according to the following scheme: starting with 1 drop, added 1 drop daily, reaching 20 drops. They drank 20 drops for a week, and then reduced the dose, reducing it by 1 drop every day. So they took the fraction for 2 months.

Reception example: I started drinking on Monday, preferably in the morning on an empty stomach 20-30 minutes before meals. If after a meal, then 6 hours later.

  • 1st week 5 drops, rest on Sunday;
  • 2nd week 10 drops, rest on Sunday.

And so on, adding 5 drops every week until the entire bottle is gone. The fraction is taken through a closed stopper with a syringe and needle. Thus, drip approximately 50 ml from a syringe without a needle into boiled water.

Treatment examples

Follicular tonsillitis. They rubbed the neck with the fraction and wrapped it up. The next day, the patient was given 5 drops of ASD in milk. On the 3rd day there was improvement.

Ovarian cystoma: rubbed ASD-2 into the lower abdomen and drank 5 drops, in addition, douched with warm water with 10 drops of the drug. After 1.5 months, the doctor did not find the cyst.

Goiter cured: I drank a fraction of 40 drops, after 2 months the goiter disappeared.

Stomach ulcer . Treatment was as follows: drank, starting from 1 drop to 30-40 (if you can stand 40 drops, drink, but 30 is a must). Then back to 1 drop. Drink like this: 50-60 ml of water, drip the fraction into it and wash down with 0.5 glasses of milk. I took 2 courses. Since then he has not known what stomach pain is.

Wet eczema. They lubricated the sore spots with the fraction using a stick, wrapped gauze around it, and then bandaged it. The smell is terrible. Everything healed quickly.


  • Start drinking with 5 drops 4 times a day: at 8, 12, 16, 20 o'clock. And so on for 5 days.
  • Then a 3-day break.
  • Then 10 drops also 4 times a day at the same hours for 5 days.
  • 3 days break.

This schedule is up to 30-40 drops, depending on perception.
More subtleties: Take the fraction from the bottle with a needle and syringe, piercing the stopper, then, removing the needle, count the required number of drops into a glass from the syringe, washing them down constantly with the same amount of water - 100 ml and drinking immediately. The smell and taste are not pleasant. Store the vial and syringe in the refrigerator.

For sick kidneys taking the medicine is contraindicated. Having reached your maximum dose, stop there and drink according to the same schedule, but take a break for 5-7 days.

For hypertension:

Pancreatic cancer. The first dose is 2 drops in 1/3 glass of water once a day between lunch and dinner, the smell is terrible. Then, adding a drop per day, bring the intake to 20 drops. Stay on this dose for 10 days, then “go down” to one drop. You can eat the drug with strawberries or compote. After the 1st course, a break of 1 month. Also take the mixture: aloe, fresh butter, honey in a ratio of 1:1:1. Pass the aloe through a meat grinder, and take 1 tbsp of this entire mixture. spoon 3 times a day before meals. Then the second course of ASD-2 according to the same scheme. Healthy.

Bowel treatment. Scheme:

  • from the 1st to the 5th day – 5 drops,
  • 3 days rest;
  • from the 9th to the 13th day - 10 drops,
  • 3 days rest;
  • the next 5 days - 15 drops,
  • 3 days rest;
  • the next 5 days - 20 drops,
  • 3 days rest;
  • 3 days rest;
  • the next 5 days - 30 drops,
  • 21 days rest;
  • the next 5 days - 25 drops,
  • 21 days rest; and further:
  • 5 days – 20 drops each,
  • 21 days rest;
  • 5 days – 15 drops each,
  • 21 days rest;
  • 5 days – 10 drops each,
  • 21 days rest;
  • 5 days, 5 drops.

The course is over. Repeat next year. Place drops in milk and wash down with milk. You can drink it with a raw egg. According to this scheme, you can drink ASD-2 to prevent various diseases.

Cervical blastoma stage 4. The doctors sent me home to die. I decided to be treated with the ASD-2 fraction. I drank 2 bottles of 200 g each. My condition has improved and I am alive.

  1. For heart, kidney and nervous diseases, a course of treatment is carried out, as for tuberculosis. Start drinking with 5 drops for 5 days, 3 days off; 5 days 10 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 15 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 20 drops, 3 days break; 3 days 25 drops, 5 days break.
    Take until positive results are obtained. In case of exacerbation of the process, stop taking it until the pain subsides, and then resume taking it.
  2. For stomach and duodenal ulcers, take ASD-2 20 drops 2 times a day 30-40 minutes before meals.
  3. For colitis, take a teaspoon (1 cubic cm) in half a glass of water. Drink once a day according to the following scheme: drink for 3 days, break for 3 days.
  4. The best remedy for ulcers is black sediment ASD-2. It can be taken orally and on the site of the ulcer as a compress for 5 days. Recovery comes quickly.
  5. For vascular spasms in the extremities, use: a stocking made of 4 layers of gauze, moistened with a 20% solution of ASD-2. After 5-6 months, blood circulation is restored.
  6. Precancerous forms can be treated internally and locally in the form of compresses. After 2 weeks, the tumor disappears.
  7. ASD-2 stops further development of cancer and quickly relieves pain. Take 5 cc. cm in half a glass of water 2 times a day.
  8. Tuberculosis of all organs is cured without a trace with the ASD-2 fraction. Take orally: for adults, start with 5 drops in half a glass of water once a day, 30-40 minutes before meals. Drink 5 days in a row, 3 days off, etc. as stated above.
  9. For gynecological diseases, take 0.2 to 0.5 cc orally. see the same recipe.
  10. Skin diseases (eczema, pruritus, nettle fever) can be cured by ASD-2 and ASD-3. Dosage depending on the state of the nervous system, 1-5 cc. cm you can use ASD-3 ointment and compresses with a 20% solution of ASD-2.
  11. Nervous diseases of an inflammatory nature are treated with the ASD-2 fraction, as well as other diseases (asthma, asthenitis) are cured with ASD-2 from 20 drops to 1 cubic meter. cm, depending on the state of the nervous system, 1 time per day on an empty stomach.
  12. Inflammatory eye diseases are treated with ASD-2, oral administration according to the above recipe and rinsing.
  13. Ear diseases of an inflammatory nature are treated with ASD-2, orally from 20 drops to 5 cc. see Use compresses and rinses locally.
  14. Gout, rheumatism, inflammation of the lymph nodes are treated as for eczema: ASD-2 compresses on sore joints and internally according to the general principle.

Note: in 1 cubic cm contains 24-40 drops of the drug. The drug is dissolved in cold boiled water and taken once a day on an empty stomach 30-40 minutes before meals. For compresses, apply parchment paper over gauze to prevent evaporation of the drug, then apply a thick layer of cotton wool (12 cm) and bandage it.
During the treatment period, it is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages.

Thousands of drugs are registered in Russia and are widely used in various fields of medicine. However, among the popular medicines there are also those that cannot be called a medicine in the generally accepted sense of the word. We are talking about a very popular drug today, ASD, or Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant.

Being officially registered as a drug for use in veterinary medicine, ASD 2 has quite an extensive experience of use for a wide variety of human diseases. At the same time, official medicine completely and irrevocably denies the possibility of using ASD, emphasizing its potential danger and completely unproven effectiveness. At the same time, numerous reviews from those who took the risk and began treatment with this drug state exactly the opposite.

So what is ASD 2 - the elixir of life, as its fans claim, or poison, as its opponents never tire of repeating? What is included in its composition, how does the drug work, how is it used in veterinary medicine and in medicine? We will answer these and many other questions in a short series of articles on ASD. And let's start with the drug ASD fraction 2, intended for internal and external use.

Just a little history

The creator of the drug ASD was a scientist from the laboratory of the Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, candidate of veterinary sciences Alexey Dorogov. This happened in 1948. It was then, according to information, that the scientist managed to produce an original product based on the product of deep decay of animal tissue due to thermal effects. Dorogov used the most common frogs as the starting material; the method for obtaining the active substance was based on high-heat treatment of a tissue sample followed by condensation of the resulting liquid.

According to a fairly well-known legend, ASD was created as part of a government call for Soviet pharmacists to develop an affordable and effective drug that could protect humans from the effects of radiation. At the beginning of his work, Dorogov used only frogs as raw materials, but later he replaced it with ready-made meat and bone meal. According to the developer, this could not affect the properties of the final product, which undergoes heat treatment at high temperatures - according to his teaching, after exposure to high temperatures, the “memory” of the origin of the raw materials is erased. In this case, several factions are formed: the first, which is of no interest to scientists, the second and the third. It is the second that has become the object of close attention not so much from veterinarians as from consumers.

According to some reports, ASD 2 at the dawn of its existence demonstrated such amazing results in the treatment of a variety of diseases - we emphasize - in humans that it was even included in the holy of holies of pharmacology of the second half of the 20th century - D. Mashkovsky's reference book of medicines. This fact, in fact, is already a recognition. However, it did not last long: the drug was soon transferred to the veterinary category.

The history of the discovery, success and oblivion of ASD 2 (as well as ASD 3) is shrouded in mystery. Numerous articles on the Internet and magazines copy information, replete with combinations of “the machinations of envious people,” “secret formulas” and others in the same spirit. At the same time, it is almost impossible to find real, reliable sources that would clearly describe without emotion what obstacles and why arose on the thorny path of SDA.

Of course, this situation does not add confidence either to the sources trying to describe the “strange” medicine, or to their authors, or to the “miraculous” remedy itself.

However, our task is to try to paint an objective picture of what is happening. And, therefore, it must be emphasized that ASD 2 is a drug that is actually and officially used in veterinary medicine, including today.

Composition and release form of ASD-2

As we have already said, ASD is a product of the decomposition of organic tissues that are of animal origin. The idea of ​​​​creating drugs based on such raw materials is far from new - let’s remember Actovegin, Cerebrolysin, Cortexin, and so on.

According to the instructions, fraction 2, that is, ASD 2, has a very complex composition, which includes:

  • Low molecular weight organic substances
  • Choline, choline esters
  • Peptides
  • Inorganic compounds containing nitrogen, including ammonia, ammonium salts, acid amides.

In general, up to a third of the composition of ASD 2 comes from ammonium salts, another third from fatty acid amides, and about 10-12% from various organic substances.

The drug is a liquid, the color of which can vary from yellow to red-brown.

A distinctive feature of ASD 2 is its specific smell - according to numerous consumer reviews, it has a pronounced unpleasant, even fetid character.

In addition, the ASD 2 solution may have a precipitate in the form of flakes.

The drug is produced in glass bottles, sealed with rubber stoppers and rolled aluminum caps. The hologram of the drug manufacturer on the rubber stopper is a sign of the originality of ASD 2, produced by the Armavir pharmaceutical factory. If it is missing, perhaps the drug is not original, simply falsified.

Properties of ASD 2

The veterinary drug ASD 2 is classified as an immunostimulant. According to the manufacturer, it has a complex effect on the animal’s body, namely:

  • Increases the activity of enzymes - both tissue and digestive
  • Has a powerful antiseptic effect
  • Improves the functioning of the endocrine system
  • Normalizes the function of muscle tissue
  • Activates the restoration of damaged organs and tissues
  • Participates in the process of protein production.

In addition, according to some data, the special value of ASD 2 lies in its adaptogenic properties. Presumably, this remedy acts as a powerful immunomodulator, which restores the body’s defenses and thereby normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems without exception.

It is known that the stimulating effect of ASD 2 in the treatment of animals manifests itself when used in low dosages. At a dilution of 1:3000, the drug already has a noticeable effect on the heart, reducing the amplitude of heart contractions and increasing their frequency. However, fraction ASD 2 is recognized as low-toxic and well tolerated by animals of different ages and species.

Note that the properties of ASD 2 for use in medicine have not been studied. No reliable studies have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and safety of this drug for treating people. It is also definitely unknown how ASD 2 affects the human body, what effects it exhibits and what adverse reactions it causes. Consumers who decide to use ASD 2 to treat their own diseases act at their own peril and risk when testing veterinary medicine on themselves. But let’s return to animals and the indications for which they are prescribed ASD 2.

Indications for use in veterinary medicine

According to the instructions for use in veterinary medicine, ASD 2 is prescribed for a wide variety of diseases in animals, including:

  • Diseases of the digestive tract
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system
  • Diseases of the urinary and reproductive system
  • Dermatological diseases
  • Metabolic disorders.

In addition, ASD fraction 2 can be used to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, immune protection, stimulate growth and for other purposes.

So, the list of indications for the use of the drug in veterinary medicine is so extensive that it practically includes diseases of all organs and systems. To be fair, it should be noted that the use of ASD 2 for treating animals has actually been studied quite deeply by specialists. The results of their studies confirmed a number of effects of the drug, namely:

  • Stimulating effect on digestion
  • Activating effect on the growth and development of animals
  • Beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system and metabolism.

Studies have also shown that ASD 2, due to its antiseptic effect, shows encouraging results in various skin diseases, as well as soft tissue infections and wounds in various animals. According to some reports, a positive effect of the drug on dermatological diseases in humans has been demonstrated. Moreover, there is information that indicates the ability of ASD 2 to have a so-called trichomonadicidal effect.

According to the instructions for use, animals tolerate ASD 2 well.

It is impossible to say definitively that ASD 2 is safe for use in humans, primarily because the drug has not undergone clinical trials or pharmaceutical analysis.

However, ASD 2 is used quite widely in alternative medicine.

For what diseases in humans is ASD 2 used?

Before we begin to describe the indications for which ASD 2 can be used, we note once again that this drug has no clinical experience of use in medicine. By deciding to take ASD 2, you accept responsibility for possible side effects.

So, there is evidence that ASD 2 has a therapeutic or at least beneficial effect in the following diseases in humans:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum, gastritis, tumors of the digestive organs
  • Pathologies of the respiratory system - bronchitis, especially chronic, emphysema
  • Tuberculosis, and of various localizations - lungs, bone tissue
  • Otorhinolaryngological diseases - pathologies of the ear (otitis), throat (tonsillitis), nose (sinusitis, including sinusitis)
  • Respiratory infections (flu, colds). ASD 2 is used both for the treatment of acute forms of ARVI and for their prevention, for example, during epidemics
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract of various origins
  • Cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. During the acute phase of the disease, it may be advisable to stop treatment and resume it after improvement.
  • Diseases of the urinary system
  • Gynecological pathologies, including benign (fibroids, polyps) and malignant neoplasms
  • Erection disorders, prostate adenoma
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system - osteoarthritis, rheumatism, gout
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Increased weight, obesity.

According to some reports, ASD 2 is used to improve the condition of urinary incontinence, thrush and even toothache. Moreover, in the last two cases it is proposed to use it externally. Considering the very unpleasant smell and taste of this product, the likelihood of using this product for such purposes seems rather doubtful.

How is ASD 2 used to treat people?

Of course, there can be no talk of any official recipe and dosages approved by health experts. All existing treatment regimens are approximate. Moreover, the sources themselves that publish courses of therapy for “human” diseases using ASD 2 cannot be called reliable either. And if you decide to take ASD 2, you should remember this fact.

So, according to the available information, ASD fraction 2 can be used in two versions:

  • Orally, that is, inside
  • Externally.

There are many treatment regimens for ASD 2, which offer different sources for different diseases. Their number is truly enormous, and their reliability, alas, is questionable. We decided to focus only on the most popular ones.

The first regimen for oral administration of ASD 2 was developed by the author of the method and the developer of the drug, Dorogov.

Course of treatment according to A.V. Dorogov

In accordance with this technique, the dosage of ASD fraction 2 does not change throughout the treatment, amounting to 15-30 drops twice a day. The drug is diluted in ¼-1/2 cup of liquid (this can be cold boiled water, milk, tea) and taken 20-40 minutes before meals.

The treatment regimen is “pulsating” in nature:

  • 5 days of taking the drug
  • 3 days break
  • 5 days of admission
  • 3 days break and so on until recovery.

For severe oncological diseases, Dorogov recommended an “aggressive”, intensive treatment regimen for ASD 2, implying the use of the drug in high doses.

In accordance with it, the drug is prescribed 4 times a day: at 8, 12, 16 and 20 hours daily

First - 5 drops 4 times a day for 5 days

Second - 10 drops 4 times a day for 5 days

The third - 15 drops 4 times a day for 5 days and so on until the 10th course, in which they take 50 drops 4 times a day until complete recovery.

It should be noted that such doses of the drug should be taken only under the supervision of a doctor.

There is also a more gentle treatment regimen for cancer with ASD fraction 2.

Dorogov also developed schemes for external use of ASD 2.

Thus, for gynecological pathologies (for example, trichomonas colpitis, vulvovaginal candidiasis), he recommended douching with a 1% solution of ASD 2. To prepare a solution of this concentration, you need to take 1 ml of the drug per 100 ml of boiled water cooled to room temperature.

For gout and degenerative joint diseases, compresses from ASD 2 diluted in a ratio of 1:20 with any vegetable oil (for example, 1 ml of the drug and 20 ml of oil) can be applied to the affected areas.

Course of treatment based on the developments of M.P. Tushnov

Another quite popular technique was developed on the basis of materials from the founder of the so-called tissue therapy, Russian pathophysiologist M.P. Tushnov.

Let us note that Academician Tushnov himself has nothing to do with the drug ASD 2 or the treatment method. He died before the remedy was created. But it was this scientist who developed a method for treating various diseases with preserved tissues of plant or animal origin. Based on this theory, corresponding regimens for taking ASD 2 were created.

The dosage of the drug, in accordance with this regimen, changes:

  • 5 days - 5 drops in ½ glass of water in the morning before meals
  • 3 days break
  • 5 days - 10 drops in the morning before meals
  • 3 days break
  • 5 days - 15 drops in the morning before meals
  • 3 days break
  • 5 days, 20 drops in the morning before meals
  • 3 days break.

Important: if the disease worsens while taking ASD 2, it is necessary to discontinue the drug until the condition improves, after which treatment can be resumed.

Course of treatment according to Trubnikov

Follower of Dorogov's teachings, V.I. Trubnikov, developed a treatment regimen for ASD 2, adapted to the patient’s age.

1-5 years: 0.2-0.5 ml of the drug, diluted in 5-10 ml of water

5-10 years: 0.2-0.7 ml in 5-15 ml water

15-20 years: 0.5-1.0 ml of the drug in 10-20 ml of water

20 years and older: 2-5 ml of the drug in 40-100 ml of water.

General rules for drug treatment

There are a number of general rules that apply to all schemes for using ASD 2.

  1. Only ASD 2 can be used internally. Fraction 3 (ASD 3) is used exclusively externally!
  2. When dosing the drug, care must be taken, since in direct contact with atmospheric oxygen it may lose activity. To prevent this from happening, you need to draw up the required volume of the product with a sterile syringe, without removing the rubber cap, but piercing it with a needle, and then slowly introduce the medicine into boiled water, avoiding the appearance of foam. After this, you need to mix the drug with water and drink it immediately.
  3. To dilute the medicine, you should use only boiled water at room temperature or milk. Some sources also suggest using tea and even grape juice for this purpose, for example, when treating children, to mask the taste. However, the likelihood that it will be possible to “hide” the organoleptic properties of ASD 2 tends to zero.
  4. According to consumer reviews, ASD 2 has such an unpleasant taste and smell that it may be difficult to take. Some sources even claim that it is better to take the medicine outdoors rather than indoors. There are entire techniques for overcoming the gag reflex when taking ASD 2. Some authors suggest holding your breath, others - closing your eyes, others - covering your nose with your left hand, and others - doing all these manipulations at the same time.
  5. During treatment, it is recommended to completely stop drinking alcohol. Otherwise, the drug will be ineffective. In addition, when taking ASD 2 and alcohol simultaneously, various side effects can develop.
  6. While taking ASD 2, it is important to maintain a drinking regime: you need to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day. This allows you to remove toxins from the body and improve the outcome of treatment.
  7. Some sources claim that with long-term use of ASD 2, there is a tendency to form blood clots (the blood becomes thicker). In order to combat this side effect, many advise increasing the consumption of lemons and cranberries. It may make sense to discuss with your doctor the advisability of taking blood thinning medications, in particular acetylsalicylic acid in low doses (75-150 mg per day).
  8. According to various sources, counterfeits of ASD 2 have recently been discovered on the market. The correctness of this information cannot be refuted or confirmed. However, common sense dictates that it is not so easy to falsify a very inexpensive drug that has such pronounced organoleptic properties that it is almost impossible to forget them. In addition, the appropriateness of counterfeits in this particular case is questionable. However, it should be remembered that ASD fraction 2 produced by the Armavir biofactory and the Moscow company Agrovetzashchita is registered on the domestic market of veterinary drugs.

Instead of a conclusion

Finally, I would like to emphasize once again that sources offering information about treatment methods for ASD2 and even the results of therapy cannot be called reliable. During the entire period of existence of the drug, not a single scientific article about it was published. All information is scattered and sometimes mutually exclusive. Consumer reviews also cannot be considered reliable evidence of the effectiveness and safety of ASD 2. Remember this if you decide to start treatment with a drug that both scientists and doctors unanimously rebelled against the use of for human treatment.

Properly selected adjuvant therapy plays a critical role in the successful treatment of malignant neoplasms. This fact has been repeatedly confirmed by medical practice. Unfortunately, not all oncologists understand the importance of drugs and methods that help their patients cope with the devastating consequences of not only the disease itself, but also chemotherapy, radiation, and postoperative complications.

Therefore, cancer patients very often go on a “free swim” in search of the “elixir of life” that can work wonders and guarantee recovery even with the most unfavorable prognosis.

One of these “elixirs” is a very interesting liquid called ASD, developed back in Stalin’s times by the talented experimental veterinarian Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov in the course of scientific research carried out under the heading “secret” and aimed at finding a “cure for radiation.”

The mere fact that ASD was created in the USSR on a “special order” from the Kremlin elite arouses increased interest in the drug. But the “conspiracy past” is far from the only reason to pay special attention to the “extract from corpses” with a terrible smell, which for several decades has been officially produced for veterinary needs and sold in veterinary pharmacies. This means that the medicine has very definite merits. You will learn about them from our impartial “own investigation”, in which we will try to answer the following questions:

  • What is ASD?
  • How was the drug created and what was it originally intended for?
  • Where and how is it produced today?
  • To whom and why do veterinarians prescribe ASD?
  • Why did the medicine not find recognition in official medicine?
  • Is it dangerous to use the drug?
  • And finally, how effective (or is it effective) is ASD for cancer?

ASD: composition, production features and varieties

The drug is produced from biomaterial, or more precisely, from meat processing waste: bone meal, tendons and muscle tissue. This raw material is processed using a special technology based on the sublimation method. During the processing, condensate is formed, rich in biologically active substances. The composition of the condensate varies depending on the stage of the process.

Condensates of different composition (and action) are called ASD fractions. In veterinary practice, two types of the drug are used: fraction 2 (ASD F2) and fraction 3 (ASD F3).

The composition of ASD F2 includes organic substances with an active SH group, derivatives of amides and aliphatic amines, hydrocarbons (cyclic, aliphatic), carboxylic acids and water. The color of the liquid can vary from yellow to dark red. The drug mixes well with water and has a characteristic unpleasant persistent odor. ASD F2 is suitable for both external use and oral administration.

ASD F3 contains the same active components as ASD F2, as well as phenol derivatives and alkylbenzenes. Phenolic compounds are very strong antiseptics, which explains the high antimicrobial activity of ASD F3. But they are also very strong poisons, which, when ingested into the digestive tract, penetrate into the blood and cause severe poisoning with irreversible changes. Therefore, fraction 3 is used exclusively for external use.

The history of the creation of Stalin’s “Makropoulos remedy”

The consequences of the nuclear bombing of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 are known throughout the world. However, few people know that in the USSR, even during the Great Patriotic War, a secret government project was launched to create a drug that could protect people from radiation.

Leading experts in the field of medicine and related sciences took part in the project, experiments were carried out on the basis of several dozen specialized institutions, including the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine, where the young talented scientist Alexey Dorogov headed one of the laboratories. It was there that his “brainchild”, ASD (Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant), was born in 1947.

The first samples of ASD were obtained from experimental frogs, or more precisely, from frog skin: an obligatory component of medieval “potions”, the production of which was carried out by healers in various parts of the globe.

Some argue that Dorogov deliberately followed the path of healers-sorcerers in the hope of unraveling the secret of ancient witchcraft potions. However, a more prosaic reason is no less probable: waste from laboratory frogs used in other experiments was the most accessible and completely free raw material. This version is also supported by the fact that Dorogov subsequently replaced frog skin with waste from meat processing plants.

One way or another, the scientist managed to obtain a composition unique in its properties, characterized by unprecedentedly high effectiveness in the treatment of infections of the skin and genital area. In addition, when taken orally (fraction 2), ASD caused an improvement in the adaptive and protective properties of the body, increasing the activity of the immune, endocrine and nervous systems.

It is these properties that bring the resulting composition as close as possible to the desired “elixir” that the author of the method reflected in its name, at the same time indicating his authorship: Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant - ASD.

By the way, many consider the ill-fated letter “D” to be one of the reasons why the medicine never managed to enter the vastness of official medicine: allegedly, the rebellious veterinarian did not want to remove it from the name and share laurels with the “higher caste” - doctors - luminaries with name and regalia.

According to another version, ASD was not widely used, since statesmen were afraid that the “elixir of life” would cause irreparable damage to the domestic pharmaceutical industry, replacing the lion’s share of ineffective drugs.

Some are inclined to blame everything on the “leaders of the people,” who categorically did not want longevity for their people and sought to preserve the “Makropoulos remedy” for a narrow circle of high-ranking officials close to Stalin. However, in 1951, ASD for external use (fraction 3) was officially approved for medical use in the treatment of skin and some sexually transmitted diseases (for example, trichomoniasis).

They say that during the life of the leader and his retinue, the drug was in great demand, and the results of treatment were simply fantastic. For example, taking ASD F2 allowed the mother of Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria to completely recover from an advanced form of uterine cancer (!), after which “Stalin’s right hand” believed in the omnipotence of ASD and vigorously promoted it among those close to him.

They say that after the death of Stalin and the execution of Beria, the inventor of the “Kremlin elixir” began to have serious problems, and after the untimely death of Dorogov himself in 1957, interest in ASD quickly cooled, and both types of the drug began to be used exclusively for veterinary needs.

A new wave of popularity of ASD as a “human” medicine began at the end of the last century thanks to the efforts of the inventor’s daughter, immunologist, allergist and homeopath Olga Dorogova, as well as her associates and like-minded people.

And although this popularity still remains “popular”, and ASD has never received a “registration” on the shelves of regular pharmacies, patients with a variety of problems are constantly going in search of information about it.

Modern “battles” around the “Kremlin elixir” and its real benefits

As mentioned above, following her father, the youngest daughter of the inventor, Dorogova Olga Alekseevna, began popularizing ASD and promoting it into clinical medicine as an adaptogen with unique characteristics. Some consider her a student of her father, but they are mistaken: the scientist died when Olga was still just a child. Her professional activity began only in the 90s of the last century. By that time, ASD had an established reputation in veterinary medicine and two official manufacturers: Armavir and Kashintsevsk biofactories (now Shchelkovo bioplant). Dorogova was categorically not satisfied with the quality of the drug they produced and, above all, ASD F2. In her opinion, manufacturers violated the recipe by using vegetable proteins as raw materials. As a result, the effectiveness of the drug was insufficient.

In collaboration with the Areal Medical company, Olga Dorogova recreated the production of ASD according to old recipes. And at the same time, she developed methods for obtaining two new fractions with higher degrees of purification, a virtual absence of unpleasant odor and more pronounced adaptogenic properties. Olga Alekseevna patented her inventions under the names APD 4 and APD 5 (Dorogov’s adaptation drug).

It is these “new” drugs that she uses in her own medical practice, which she continues to this day, despite her retirement age.

Is Dorogov’s daughter profiting from her father’s name or is the new-ASD really fundamentally different from the “Armavir and Shchelkovo surrogate”?

On the one hand, Olga Alekseevna’s track record, as well as the number of diplomas and patents she has, inspire respect.

On the other hand, there are a number of objective reasons that cast doubt not only on the effectiveness of the unrecognized “Makropoulos remedy” in any currently existing forms, including newly patented ones, but also on the safety of its use for treating people. That is why (and not due to the machinations of competitors and ill-wishers!) ASD in all its guises continues to be a drug approved and intended exclusively for veterinary use.

In the table below we compared the various fractions of ASD according to three main indicators:

  • official permission for use;
  • proven clinical effect;
  • factors preventing medical use;

Comparative characteristics of ASD fractions

ASD faction Legally permitted scope of use Real therapeutic effect, confirmed by clinical trials and practice Objective disadvantages, possible complications and side effects when used to treat people
F2 veterinary medicine Increasing the adaptive properties of the body of domestic and farm animals by stimulating natural protective and regulatory systems.
  • Prescribed for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, respiratory system, and skin diseases.
  • Used to stimulate the central nervous system and vegetative nervous system.
  • Used for metabolic disorders.
  • Increases resistance in weakened animals and animals that have suffered infectious and invasive diseases.
  • Stimulates the growth and development of chickens and piglets, increases egg production of chickens.
The liquid has a sharp, unpleasant, persistent odor. An overdose when taken orally can cause spasm of blood vessels with increased pressure and gastrointestinal disorders. Official clinical studies of the drug have not been conducted in medical institutions (it is impossible to assess the real effect of ASD on the organs and systems of the body, long-term consequences are unknown).
F3 veterinary medicine Antiseptic effect, stimulation of the activity of the reticuloendothelial system, normalization of tissue nutrition, acceleration of wound healing. Prescribed in various concentrations for the following pathologies:
  • necrobacteriosis;
  • skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers) (covers no more than 1-10% of the body area);
  • sheep foot rot;
  • pyometra caused by trichomoniasis or pathogenic bacteria, as well as vaginitis and endometritis in cows (douching and tampons).
The liquid is toxic and has an unpleasant odor. If it enters the gastrointestinal tract it causes severe poisoning. The real consequences of external use for the treatment of diseases of the skin and mucous membranes in humans have not been studied.
F4 absent absent not studied
F5 absent absent not studied

Why can ASD help with tuberculosis and harm with cancer?

Of course, when it comes to health (and, especially, when the possibilities of medicine are sharply limited), the lack of official recommendations for the use of one or another method of treatment is not taken into account in the first place.

Patients suffering from life-threatening diseases are ready to try any dubious methods on themselves: what if it helps?

Therefore, the “veterinary past and present” of ASD not only does not bother them, but also serves as an additional incentive: since the adaptogenic properties of Dorogov’s drug have been tested and confirmed by many years of veterinary practice, then the medicine can help me, and at least it certainly won’t harm me.

As for the unpleasant odor, this problem does not stop the seriously ill person.

Not the highest cost is another argument in favor of ASD, and a huge number of regimens for taking the “elixir” for a wide variety of ailments can be easily found on the Internet. As they say, take it and use it, following simple rules:

Of course, compliance with these recommendations does not guarantee complete safety when using the drug (for example, allergic reactions cannot be ruled out, etc.). However, if you are sure that official medicine is not able to help you, you can, at your own risk, try to “shake up” your immunity, speed up and mobilize metabolic processes. After all, the foul-smelling liquid is really rich in active substances, which are simply not enough in an organism tired of fighting the disease.

And if health problems lie in an imbalance of microbial balance, a decrease in protective mechanisms, and depletion of nerve and muscle tissue, then it is possible that taking ASD will cause some positive effect.

This also applies to such a serious and extremely difficult to treat disease as tuberculosis. In this case, the simultaneous mobilization of immune, metabolic and hormonal mechanisms is a real opportunity to help the body defeat the infectious agent, the insidious Koch bacterium. And if victory is achieved, then with proper care, nutrition, lifestyle, and, most importantly, in the absence of contact with the tuberculosis bacillus, the disease will not return.

However, in the case of oncology, taking ASD may not only be ineffective, but also play the exact opposite role. It is not without reason that even the most “ardent” adherents of the method evasively note that taking the drug only “quickly stops the further growth of a cancerous tumor,” but does not lead to its disappearance.

At the same time, ASD propagandists prefer not to mention that the abundance of biologically active components in the “elixir” serves as a source of energy not only for protective and regulatory mechanisms, but also for malignant neoplasms themselves.

They also keep silent about the fact that artificial stimulation of the immune system in a “shock manner” sooner or later leads to its depletion, accompanied by a pause for rest and recovery. It is this pause that cancer cells take advantage of, multiplying at lightning speed in the absence of any restraining factors. The return of the disease in this case is inevitable, because the cause of cancer is not a bacteria that came from outside, but a violation of internal processes.

Modern genetic engineering has come very close to the possibility of controlling the activity of oncogenes. But until the hypotheses turn into real treatment methods, a lot of time will pass, which cancer patients simply do not have.

But they have the opportunity today to use, which do not lead to the depletion of protective mechanisms, increased proliferation of cancer cells and other serious complications caused by the action of powerful adaptogens. Turning to such methods is a real help to specialized treatment and an opportunity to save your life.

Inventing a cure for hundreds of diseases is the dream of every alchemist and scientist. But it doesn’t always work out the way you dream. All efforts and attempts can be in vain in an instant. A brilliant discovery after a series of experiments may turn out to be ineffective and even useless. But sometimes, an accidental discovery can turn out to be a real elixir of immortality. One of these discoveries is ASD (Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant).

Attention! For those interested in the drug ASD, we advise you to visit the specialized website - features and dosages for the treatment of various diseases, a detailed description of the drug and free consultations.

To make it clearer, ASD is a broad-spectrum immunomodulatory antiseptic, originally developed to protect animals from various pathogens and radiation. However, studies have shown that the drug has amazing properties and is a unique cure for all ailments.

In the mid-fifties of the last century, the government of the USSR was tasked with inventing a drug that would have powerful radioprotective and adaptogenic properties. The primary task is to create a drug that has an immunoprotective effect, but at the same time at the lowest possible cost.

The work on developing the drug was headed by A. Dorogov, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. It took four years to create the miracle remedy. The raw material was the organic fraction of frog tissue.

The remedy turned out to be truly healing, it had adaptogenic and immunomodulatory properties, and promoted wound healing. The product was called “Dorogov’s antiseptic-stimulant of the second fraction” - ASD 2.

Unique properties for healing damaged tissues, as well as strengthening the immune system, have contributed to the expansion of the raw material base by scientists. Soon, instead of frogs, they began to use meat and bone mass from livestock.

With the help of the drug, a considerable number of skin pathologies, inflammatory processes, ailments of the cardiovascular and nervous systems were cured.

Why is Antiseptic Dorogov's Stimulant not officially recognized?

To this day there is no answer to this question. The drug has gone through a difficult history from artisanal production, scientific research, the celebration of discovery, oppression by a regime of special secrecy and use only by high-ranking officials, persecution and oblivion.

In the archives of the NKVD, a memo from Beria to Stalin was discovered that the new drug, due to its effect, would reduce the number of patients, which would contribute to the reduction of medical workers. It will also increase life expectancy by an average of 15-20 years, which will serve as a source of additional expenses for pension and housing funds. Therefore, this drug was recommended for veterinary use. Stalin was quick to agree with this and put forward his resolution. So the greatest invention sank into oblivion.

In addition, after the death of the leader, persecution and persecution of “medical luminaries” and officials of various ranks, the author of the invention himself was brought to the grave. Many were not at all interested in the effect of the drug, its properties, and, in the end, the fact that it is truly a “panacea for a thousand ailments.” They were fixated on one thing: “How can a medicine developed not by a doctor, but by a veterinarian, be recognized as official medicine?”, and many also wanted to share the copyright.

In the time that has passed since the development of the candidate of veterinary sciences Alexei Vlasovich Dorogov, the remedy could have saved many lives. But for more than sixty years it has been recognized only in dermatological and veterinary practice and exists quietly, not even known to many doctors. Today you can purchase it freely at any veterinary pharmacy. The average price of ASD 2 is 300 rubles, ASD 3 is 150 rubles.

What do you need to know about the drug?

Few people know what the original goals of developing a unique drug were. It was a secret for some time. However, 60 years after the invention of ASD, several interesting facts became known.

  1. ASD contains protein breakdown products, which in their pure form are downright poisonous. But taken together, these substances are not capable of causing harm; they have a lot of healing properties.
  2. ASD is a central nervous system stimulant that can cause overexcitation. The drug should not be given to children or people with diseases of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems in the acute stage.
  3. Biological activity in relation to some skin pathologies became known by chance - during research.

The first studies on the use of the drug internally were conducted on animals. The results were unpredictable. Few could believe that the “frog medicine” would be so effective.

As it turned out, taking the drug orally helps fight various diseases and also has a healing effect on the human body. The product helps in normalizing hormonal balance, eliminating varicose veins, increasing immunity, rejuvenation and healing. It turned out to be especially effective in gynecological practice, because it was thanks to it that it was possible to cure breast and uterine cancer.

Composition and properties of ASD fraction 2 - description of the drug

ASD is a drug of animal origin. The product is obtained by dry sublimation of raw materials of animal origin at high temperatures. The product contains a considerable amount of:

  • water;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • amide derivatives;
  • hydrocarbons.

The liquid has a yellowish or dark red tint and a sharp, rather pungent odor, and dissolves well in water. The drug can be used both internally and externally.

This remedy is imperfect because it has a very unpleasant aroma of spoiled meat. This is perhaps its only drawback.

ASD fraction 2 promotes:

  • normalization of the functioning of the central and autonomic nervous systems;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • increasing immunity;
  • normalization of intracellular ion exchange;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • accelerating the healing of the dermis.

Benefits of ASD 3

As for ASD fraction 3, it contains a significant amount of:

  • alkyl derivatives of pyrrole;
  • aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons;
  • water;
  • compounds with an active sulfhydryl group;
  • carboxylic acids.

ASD of the third fraction is a thick brown or black oily liquid with a specific odor. The medicine dissolves in alcohol and oil. The product can only be used externally. The drug promotes rapid wound healing, as well as stimulation of the reticuloendothelial system.

Removing the drug from the bottle. Instructions for use for humans

  1. There is no need to remove the rubber cap when opening the bottle. Only the metal cap can be removed.
  2. Insert the needle (along with the syringe) into the stopper.
  3. Shake the liquid and invert the bottle.
  4. Draw up the required amount of liquid.
  5. Carefully remove the syringe, leaving the needle in the cap.
  6. Dilute the substance with water (if it is ASD 2) or oil or alcohol (if it is version 3 of the drug).
  7. Stir the solution.

That's it, the product is ready for use. One more thing: you need to dilute the liquid immediately before use.

Treatment options for ASD of the second and third fractions were studied and proposed by Dorogov.

Common treatment: 10-30 drops of healing liquid per 1/3 cup of boiled, slightly cooled water. It is recommended to take the product twice a day. However, the dosage and course of therapy, depending on the disease, may vary slightly.

Are there any contraindications?

To date, no contraindications to the use of ASD 2 and 3, other than individual intolerance, have been identified. Do not treat small children with this drug. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to use the medicine without the knowledge of a doctor. In addition, when using the products you must adhere to some recommendations.

During the treatment of a particular pathology, you should not drink alcohol. In addition, during the treatment period it is necessary to drink more water and sour juices.

Treatment of various diseases

Therapy of eye diseases. Mix four drops of liquid with 100 ml of boiled, slightly cooled water. It is necessary to use the product according to the following scheme: five days - take, three - break.

Fraction 3 in the fight against fungal diseases of the dermis. Treat the affected areas of the skin with a soap solution three times a day, and then lubricate with the drug.

Therapy of skin ailments, including. Combine a few drops of ASD 3 with vegetable oil - 100 ml. Soak a gauze or linen napkin in the prepared solution and apply to the affected area. Along with compresses, you must use the following remedy: dilute five drops of the medicine in half a glass of warm water. Course of therapy: five days. After a three-day break, therapy must be repeated.

Treatment of gynecological pathologies. Mix 20 drops of liquid with boiled, cooled water - ½ cup. Divide the volume into three doses and drink the liquid throughout the day.

Pathologies of the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, liver. To treat these ailments, you need to make the following solution: ten drops of ASD fraction 2 are diluted in boiled, strained water - 100 ml. During the first five days you need to drink 100 ml of liquid. This is followed by a three-day break. Every subsequent five days the dosage must be increased by five drops. The maximum dose is 25 drops. The course of therapy is until the condition stabilizes. In case of exacerbation, therapy is stopped. It can be resumed only after pain has been minimized.

To relieve toothache, moisten a sterile cotton swab ASD 2 and place it on the painful area of ​​the gum. To get rid of candidiasis, douche with a one percent solution of the drug.

ASD 2 against rheumatism and gout. Dilute five drops of the drug in 100 ml of warm water. Consume within five days, on an empty stomach. As a supplement, it is recommended to apply compresses to sore spots.

Use of inhalations. Mix 10-15 ml of the drug with boiling water - a liter. Use inhalations for colds.

Dorogov's antiseptic stimulant fraction 3 will help accelerate hair growth. Rub the dermis of the head with a 5% solution of the medicine.

We are struggling with excess weight. For five days, take the solution: 30 drops of ASD 2, diluted in two hundred milliliters of boiled, slightly cooled water. This is followed by a five-day break. Then the dosage must be reduced to ten drops, the course is four days. The break is also 4 days. Then 20 drops per glass of water. Drink for five days. The break is three days.

Is the drug effective for cancer?

O. Dorogova, daughter and follower of A. Dorogova

Dorogov believed that the remedy would definitely give a positive result for cancer. Prescribed it according to the standard scheme. For eye and dermal cancer, he additionally prescribed the use of compresses. The dosage was calculated taking into account the patient’s age, the location of the formation, as well as the stage of its development.

The medicine has helped many people in the fight against this terrible disease. And this is not at all surprising, because it helps not only to minimize pain, but also to slow down the progress of malignant formation. In the most severe cases, the scientist prescribed the use of five milliliters of the drug diluted in half a glass of water.

Dorogov was against self-medication, and noted that drug therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.



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