American Lakonos application. New problematic weed Phytolacca americana or Phytolacca decandra

Lakonos berry, also known as phytolacca drupe or edible, - exotic plant, found in botanical gardens and in garden plots (sometimes), where it grows as a common autumn weed. He has many positive properties, contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, but must be used with caution and as prescribed by a doctor, since it is very poisonous.

Description of the plant

Lakonos edible or berry - herbaceous plant with woody branches reaching a height of 2 m, a fleshy rhizome weighing up to 10 kg and a dense spherical crown. It is unpretentious in care, winters quietly under the snow, and is able to recover even after the harshest winters. In the spring it rises very quickly, sometimes drowning out the growth of nearby plants. The bark of many commonweeds is reddish-purple or green. The berries appear closer to autumn.

Places of growth

Lakonos grows in partial shade along roads and in residential areas in the most different places. It can be found in Japan, India, Korea, China, Russia (Voronezh and Moscow regions, Mordovia), Europe. Sometimes this plant is confused with American phytolacca. The reason is simple: the only difference between them is the inflorescences; in Phytolacca Americana they are drooping. Laconaceous plants can be grown as ornamental plants, but they must be cared for carefully. If you touch their leaves without gloves, you can get burned worse than if you touch nettles.

Are puffweeds edible or poisonous?

Many gardeners who want to grow these unique plants in their garden plots, they are wondering whether it is possible to eat the berry lacquer plant, or rather, its fruits. But there is no simple answer to this question. Some experts say that the berries of the plant, which are so similar to raspberries, blackberries or mulberries, can be consumed in small quantities, but little by little and only in medicinal purposes. Others say no, and bring powerful argument: all parts of the lacquer plant are poisonous. So where is the truth?

In fact, both are right. Laconium berry plants are truly poisonous, this has been proven by scientists. But dangerous properties most often appear in those that grow in the wild. Cultivated herbs often completely lose their toxicity. Additionally toxic substances, which they contain, are destroyed during heat treatment and fermentation. But this does not mean that they should be consumed in handfuls. To avoid poisoning, you should eat no more than 2-3 berries per day, and even then with caution. And remember: only the external use of decoctions and infusions created from the described plant does not cause any harm.

Benefits for the body

The medicinal properties of Laconia berry are due to its rich composition. Its different parts contain useful substances such as phytolaccin, starch, saponins, acids, B and PP vitamins, sucrose and essential oils, steroids. Thanks to them, it can have a cleansing, immunostimulating, cleansing, wound-healing, bacteriostatic and analgesic effect on the human body. It is also able to improve blood flow, eliminate lower back pain, hemorrhoids and sore throat, itching. Apply medicines based on it in small quantities, so the therapy is long-term.

Dosage forms

The use of sweetberry begins with its collection. Everything is used: fruits, stems, leaves and roots, collected with extreme care. Based on them, knowledgeable people can prepare various preparations:

  1. Tinctures - created from stems, leaves and 90% alcohol (in a ratio of 1:10), are used in the treatment of pharyngitis, laryngitis and other respiratory diseases. Often recommended by doctors to get rid of sciatica or lumbago. Use 5 drops 3-4 times in 24 hours.
  2. Ointments - are created from tincture of laccone and any visceral fat(the latter can be replaced with lanolin). Used in the treatment of various skin diseases, including scaly lichen.
  3. Oils - made by mixing crushed plant root and olive oil, used externally to eliminate tumors, growths and other skin defects.
  4. Decoctions are created from prepared raw materials and a certain amount of water by cooking. Can be used in the same cases as infusions.

Ointments and oils are safer for use for medicinal purposes because they are used externally. Decoctions and infusions can only be used with the permission of the attending physician, as they can cause various complications.

Procurement of raw materials

It is recommended to dig up the berry plant for the purpose of creating medicines after 3 years, in mid-autumn. At this time, its roots already weigh 10 kg, are about 1 meter tall and have a yellowish tint. If they are still red, they cannot be used, as they are toxic. After collection, you should begin preparation. To do this, the rhizome should be washed well, crushed and dried at a temperature of 60 degrees in a special dryer, then put into a paper bag. Store in a ventilated area for no more than 3 years, together with leaves, berries and stems prepared in a similar way.

Lakonos in homeopathy and medicine

On an industrial scale, trained people are engaged in the propagation of the berry plant. They hand them over to the manufacturers various drugs, including homeopathic. For example, “Fitolyakka” was created on the basis of this plant, a description of which can be found in any medical reference book. This drug is recommended for use in the treatment of constipation, rheumatism, blepharitis and syphilis. It will also be useful as a sedative for those who have the habit of biting their lips and grinding their teeth at night.

Another product produced on the basis of medicinal lakonos is “Tonsipret”. It helps restore voice, eliminate hoarseness and burning sensation, and cure various chronic diseases throat. Available in the form of tablets or drops intended for oral administration. Use 40 minutes before meals for 1 to 3 months or as recommended by a doctor.

Homeopaths recommend using lacquer tincture for gargling for sore throats and pharyngitis. In this case, to prepare it you need to mix 1-2 tbsp. spoons of dried and crushed leaves with 0.5 tbsp. warm water, let it brew for 1-2 hours. Gargle every 1.5-2.5 hours. The essential oils contained in the plant will kill pathogenic microbes and speed up recovery.

Also traditional healers It is advised to make compresses with an infusion of Lakonosa for hemorrhoids. For this you need 2 tbsp. Pour spoons of dry leaf powder into a glass of water and place in a saucepan on gas. Keep in a water bath for about 10 minutes. Remove and cool. Soak gauze in the resulting solution and apply to the sore spot. As a result, activities will be significantly reduced painful sensations, swelling and inflammation will disappear.

Benefits for joints and spine

Shoots and roots of Lakonosa in folk medicine often used to create tinctures intended for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Rubbing it can significantly improve blood flow in diseased joints, ensure a good flow of nutrients to their tissues, and eliminate discomfort. To prepare the compress, you need to pour 3 tbsp. spoons of dry raw materials with a glass of vodka, soak the infusion for 2 weeks and strain through a loose material. Soak a wide bandage folded in 6 layers in the resulting solution and apply to the sore area. Keep for 1-2 hours.

For the same purpose, you can prepare special ointments. In terms of their action, they will be no worse than Merifit and Akovita, which were produced back in Soviet times. To create, you need to melt 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, mix with the same amount of lakonosa infusion, cool and put in a cool place (you can put it in the refrigerator). Store for no more than 7 days. Rub in 2-3 times per day.

Natural dermatologist

Lakonos medicinal found its wide application and in the fight against various diseases skin, as it is able to disinfect and soothe it, making it more tender. To create dermatological preparations Based on it, mainly leaves and stems are used. The root is not used, as it can cause dryness and burning, and the berries are not used because of their ability to strongly color the objects and things around them.

For lichens, erysipelas and eczema good efficiency shows an ointment prepared according to the following recipe: melt 1-2 tbsp. spoons of butter, mix well with the same amount of dried and crushed leaves, cool and put on a shelf in the refrigerator. Apply to the sore spot twice - morning and evening.

For boils, you can apply fresh milkweed leaves to the skin. It is recommended to do this every 2 hours, for no longer than 20 minutes. For lipomas or wen, you can try to make this remedy: grind fresh leaves into a paste and apply to the place on the skin where it appears. benign tumor. It is recommended to repeat such actions until the wen is opened. Before treatment, you should definitely consult your doctor.

The plant got its name from the juice of the dark red fruits: lacca means “red juice” in Latin.

The Lakonos genus includes 35 species, mostly of tropical origin.

Other plant names:

oily grass, Judea ivy, kermes berries, lentil berries.

One of the names of the milkweed, “kermes berries,” comes from the name of the small insect kermes (Kermes vermilio from the order Homoptera proboscis). From dried female kermes, carmine is obtained - a natural red dye, the same in color as the juice of lacconium berries.

Brief description of American Lakonos:

American sweet grass (fat grass) is a large, glabrous, perennial herbaceous plant. The root is thick, fleshy, spindle-shaped with a multi-headed rhizome. The rhizome of the laccone grows strongly and penetrates the soil to a depth of more than half a meter. Its weight in a five-year-old specimen reaches 10 kg.

There are usually several stems. They are powerful, thick, erect, branched at the top, succulent, green or reddish-green, 100–300 cm high. The leaves are simple, alternate, ovate or ovate-elliptic, pointed, wedge-shaped, tapering to the base, entire, 5–5 in length. 20 cm, with short angular petioles. Pedicels 0.4–1 cm long. Flowers with a simple perianth, small, in dense racemes up to 15 cm long. Tepals, 5 in number, ovoid, obtuse, white or greenish, later turning red, 3 mm long. There are 10 stamens, a pistil of 10 carpels, with an upper multilocular ovary. There are 10 columns according to the number of carpels remaining on the fruit. The inflorescences last a long time when cut and are very effective in arrangements. The fruit is berry-shaped, juicy, 0.8 cm, flattened, shiny, black when fully ripe - round with unpronounced ribs, immature form dark red, ribbed. The seeds are black, shiny, slightly hook-shaped, laterally flattened, 3 mm long. If there are no severe frosts, the plant remains decorative until October.

The flowering of American lacquerina begins in July and lasts until the end of August, the berries ripen in August - September.

Places of growth:

The homeland of the American lacquerade is North America, from where it was relatively recently introduced into the Eastern Hemisphere. It grows in the Crimea, the Caucasus, especially often in the western part of Transcaucasia. It is found near roads, fences, gardens, among bushes, near houses in weedy places, and grows wild, uncultivated in the North Caucasus. It is bred in botanical gardens and flower beds and often runs wild. Only one species is grown in gardens - the American lacede, a synonym for the ten-stamened lacede, native to the eastern regions of the United States and Bermuda.

Growing Lakonos:

American laceweed is propagated by dividing rhizomes in early spring or by seeds. Dry seeds sown in the ground in spring germinate in 3–4 weeks or later. Therefore, it is recommended to soak them for a day before sowing, and then keep them in a damp cloth for up to five days - in this case, seedlings appear faster. Seed stratification in the usual way(mix with sand and keep for 2–3 months in the refrigerator or under snow at a temperature of 0–5°C) also promotes faster emergence of seedlings. Seeds are sown in open ground at the end of May. You can sow Laconia seeds in March in a greenhouse or in a room, and then transplant the seedlings into open ground at the end of May. If you sow the seeds in the ground in late autumn, then they will grow natural stratification and will emerge in the spring when it becomes warm enough. It is necessary to replant laccones to a permanent place when the plants are very small and do not yet have a long taproot. The distance between individual plants should be at least 1 m.

American lacqueret blooms in July–August, the fruits ripen in late August–September. Typically, plants bloom in the 2nd or 3rd year of the growing season, but if shoots appear very early, individual specimens may bloom in the first year of life.

Lakonos is undemanding to soils and grows well in both light and medium-heavy, not too acidic (pH 5.5–6.5) soils. It will grow well in regular garden soil rich in nutrients. The soil should be dug deeply and not too dry. Lakonos is quite moisture-loving, but, having a powerful root system, it provides itself with moisture well. IN middle lane In Russia, Laconia usually overwinters without shelter, but sometimes in cold winters the plants freeze slightly or freeze out completely. Therefore, it is better to plant it in a place protected from cold winds, and in the fall, after pruning above-ground shoots, the roots can be covered with fallen leaves, peat, and humus with a layer of up to 10 cm.

Preparation of laccones:

The roots of the plant are used as medicinal raw materials. They are harvested in the fall. The aerial parts are cut off, cleared of soil and washed in cold water. At the break, the roots are yellowish-white and fibrous. A plant whose root is red inside cannot be used.

Chemical composition of American lacquernas:

American Lakonos contains many potent biologically active active substances. The roots contain the alkaloid phytolaccin (0.16%), steroids, triterpene saponins, bitter substances, sucrose, starch, oxidase enzyme, acids (phytolaccic and formic); a little essential oil (up to 0.08%) with pungent odor and spicy taste.

Fruits and seeds are rich in vitamins B and PP. A flavone glycoside was isolated from the fruit - quercetin bioside, anthocyanin (9.26%), sugars, alkaloids (2.2%).

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of American sweet grass (an oily grass).

Pharmacological properties of American Laconia:

The pharmacological properties of milkweed are determined by its chemical composition.

The roots have laxative, bacteriostatic, wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

Use of Lakonos in medicine, treatment with Lakonos:

For malignant scarlet fever, diphtheria, rheumatic pain, neuralgia, hoarseness, heart convulsions, diarrhea, inflammation of the intestines, pain and prolapse of the rectum, catarrh bladder, hemorrhoidal pain, pain in the scrotum, gonorrhea, pain in the uterus, leucorrhoea, inflammation of the mammary gland, as well as kidney disease, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum preparations are used from fresh roots of American lacquer.

At skin diseases and rheumatism in medical practice A tincture of fresh roots and leaves of Lakonos is applied externally.

Lacona extract is used to alleviate menopause.

Ointment from the roots of the plant is used for scaly lichen.

Dried milkweed root is used as a cleanser, especially for infectious mononucleosis and rheumatism. Externally sometimes used for skin infections, for example with scabies and ringworm; in bandages relieves pain from ulcers, hemorrhoids and inflammation of the joints.

The berries are generally considered to be "milder" in action than the root; Fresh and dry berries are toxic, so chewing them as Appalachians do is not recommended. Previously, they were used externally for skin diseases and (in bandages) for rheumatism. The juice was used to lubricate ulcers and tumors, but its effectiveness was low.

Dosage forms, route of administration and dosage of American lacedaria preparations:

Effective medicinal preparations and forms used in the treatment of many diseases are made from the roots and leaves of the plant. Let's look at the main ones.

Tincture of fresh lacquerberry roots:

Pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol into 10 g of crushed roots, leave for 14 days, strain. Take 5 drops 4 times a day for otitis media, laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, lumbago, sciatica, neuralgia, sore throat, and various post-infectious neuralgic complications.

The tincture is included in the preparations Merifit, Anginol, Akovit.

Tincture from dried root of American lacedaria:

Pour 100 ml of 70% alcohol into 5 g of crushed roots, leave for 14 days, strain. Take 20 drops 4 times a day for lymphostasis and infections, including mastitis, sore throat, tuberculosis cervical lymphadenitis And infectious mononucleosis. Can be combined with baptisia tincica, echinacea or tenacious bedstraw or added to collections for rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Can be used in conjunction with medications that stimulate liver function or treat stomach ulcers.

A diluted tincture or a powder diluted in water can treat swollen lymph nodes.

Lacony leaves:

Apply fresh leaves of Laconia to boils, seals, hemorrhoidal cones, lichens, growths, etc.

Laconium root dressing:

Apply a bandage of crushed fresh (or steamed dry) Lakonosa root to inflamed joints, trophic ulcers and hemorrhoids.

Lacona powder:

American Laconia powder is taken orally in small doses (50–250 mg) for mastitis and tonsillitis, as well as for rheumatism. Not a large number sprinkle on areas affected by fungus, dry eczema, psoriasis and scabies.

Contraindications for American Laconia:

It should be remembered that all parts of the plant, including unripe berries, are poisonous. American Laconia preparations should be used with great caution. Large doses liquid extract and powder from the roots of Lakonosa (several grams of fresh root or berries) cause disruption of reflex activity, shortness of breath and convulsions, paralysis of the main nerve centers, difficulty breathing and changes motor functions, which leads to cardiac arrest and cessation of breathing.

Symptoms of poisoning: nausea, severe vomiting and diarrhea with severe pain in the stomach and abdomen, salivation, inflamed condition of the mucous membrane of the mouth and tonsils, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, convulsions, cold sweat and cooling of the extremities. Weakness and weakness, loss of strength, trembling and twitching of the limbs, convulsive movements of the arms and legs, joint and rheumatic pain. When driving on fresh air there is a worsening of many symptoms, with the exception of the headache, which subsides in the air. Painful condition accompanied by a feeling of heat. Sleep is very restless, insomnia torments, and drowsiness overcomes during the day. State of indifference, depression, irritability with great anxiety, reluctance to any tension and mental work. A red, spotted rash appears on the skin, slowly spreading from the head down the body and gradually disappearing due to peeling; boils, formation of nodules and blisters, with itching, jaundice.

In case of poisoning, it is necessary to lavage the stomach with an aqueous suspension. activated carbon(30 g per 0.5–1.0 l of water) or 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate); saline laxative by mouth; forced diuresis; repeated siphon enemas. IN further treatment symptomatic.

When using preparations from American lacquertail, you must keep in mind that dry berries are poisonous, high doses dried root– an extremely strong emetic and laxative, the herb is contraindicated during pregnancy as it can cause abnormalities in the fetus. The prescribed doses should not be exceeded. It is not recommended to grow this species in gardens if there are small children in the house - fatal cases have been known.

The berries of the American plant are brightly colored and juicy, but you cannot eat them - just like all other parts of the plant, they have a laxative and emetic effect.

Use of Lakonos on the farm:

Since the 18th century. American lacquerus was specially grown in the wine-growing regions of Europe and Asia and the intense dark red juice of its berries was used as a food coloring and for tinting light wines. Some old cookbooks recommended using the juice to color homemade confectionery. But since it became known that this juice is harmful to health, it is not used for coloring food products.

Boiled leaves and young shoots are eaten. But only young shoots, stems and leaves of Laconium, boiled in salt water!

In the Caucasus, the leaves and shoots of the plant were indeed eaten, but only when they were young, had not yet had time to turn green (like asparagus) and in very small quantities due to the emetic and laxative effects of the plant. But another type of laced plant, the edible laced plant (P. esculenta), is actually specially grown as a vegetable in Tropical America and in Southeast Asia. Its young shoots are eaten boiled, and its aromatic, pleasant-tasting leaves are used as spinach. But in our country, this type of lacconaceous plant can only grow in a greenhouse.

Currently, American lacqueret is grown as an ornamental plant, attractive both in the summer during flowering and in the fall, when beautiful large clusters of dark red fruits are formed.

You can use the juice of the laced nut to dye silk and wool. beautiful color Bordeaux.

A little history:

After the discovery of America, Europeans brought to their homeland many beautiful and useful American plants, which later settled in different countries, including in Russia. One of these plants is American lacquer, or American phytolaca. Still rare in our gardens, American lacquerus has been cultivated in Europe since 1615. This plant came to Transcaucasia from neighboring Iran, and was brought to Iran from Europe.

Lakonos was previously used to remove the evil eye and curses on the new moon. This was carried out as follows: they made an infusion from the lacquer plant and sprinkled it around the house. A small amount was added to the bath, but it was not allowed to be consumed internally. It was believed that when carried on one's person or on one's person, it imparts courage. To find a lost item, it was recommended to mix lacconium with hydrangea, violet and alpinia and scatter this mixture around the place where this item was last seen.

Laconia berries were mashed and the resulting juice was used as magic ink.

From this article you will learn:

Name: Lakonos or Phytolacca americana

Scientific name: Phytolacca americana

Origin: Eastern US

Colors: purple-black

Shape: round, slightly flattened

Width: 0.6 – 1.25 cm;

Diameter: 0.6cm

Calories: 37 Kcal./cup

Basic nutrients:

Vitamin C (241.78%)

Vitamin A (99.43%)

Vitamin B2 (40.62%)

Iron (34.00%)

Manganese (29.09%)

Medicinal properties: for healthy skin, reduces inflammation, prevents anemia, for a healthy pregnancy and strong bones.


American Laconaceae or its family Laconaceae like American nightshade, cancerroot, jalap, coakum, chongras, crowberry, pokeberry, inkberry, garget, poke, pigeonberry, scoke is a herbaceous plant with berries that is native to the eastern United States, where it prefers wet soil. The berries resemble small glossy bunches of dark purple. The berries develop on the stems and ripen in August - November.

Although laccone has medicinal properties, it should not be eaten raw, as it is very toxic. Cooked berries are safe, for example, for making pies, cakes, etc. The juice that is extracted from Lakonos is used to improve the color of wines.


American laceweed is a herbaceous plant (perennial) that can grow up to 3.5 m in height. The fleshy taproot of the plant is large, thick and coarse, measuring 10 to 15 cm in diameter.

The stems are strong and can vary in color from green, red, pink or purple up to 2 m in height. The leaves are alternate, lanceolate and almost ovate; from 7 to 20 cm in length and from 3 to 13 cm in width.

The flowers are symmetrical, green or white-pink, which are about 0.6 – 1.3 cm wide. The fruits are round, slightly flattened, purple-black; 0.6 - 1.3 cm in width and 0.6 cm in diameter. The seeds are black, round, flat, 0.3 cm wide.

Nutritional value

American puffweed has the highest content of vitamin C. One cup (160 grams) of phytolacca can offer about 217 mg vitamin C, 696 mcg vitamin A, 0.528 mg vitamin B2, 2.72 mg iron, 0.669 mg manganese, 0.251 mg copper, 0.234 mg vitamin B6, 1.92 mg vitamin B3, 0.128 mg vitamin B1 and 70 mg phosphorus.


Lacony leaves are poisonous. Some believe that they are safe to eat when still young, and that the toxins develop over time as the plant gets older. But you need to understand that the whole plant is poisonous: the seeds and roots are also poisonous. The sap of the plant may cause dermatitis in sensitive people.

The plant contains substances that cause cell division, which leads to chromosome damage. These substances can be absorbed through any abrasions on the skin and lead to serious problems blood. Therefore, it is highly recommended that people wear gloves when picking berries and other plant parts.

Avoid using it during pregnancy (unless recommended by a doctor). Children can be poisoned by even 1 berry, but for adults up to 10 berries are quite safe. Anyway raw consumption any parts of the plant are not desirable.

Lakonos medicinal properties

Phytolacca berries are used as medicine for the treatment of arthritis, mumps and other various skin diseases. The roots are used as an expectorant, narcotic, sleeping pill and laxative. The root also helps treat chronic catarrh, swollen glands, immune diseases and bronchitis.

1) For healthy skin

Research has shown that high consumption vitamin C reduces the appearance of wrinkles, dry skin and. This vitamin is vital for tendons, skin, blood vessels and ligaments. It also helps wound healing by forming scar tissue.

Much experimental evidence has shown that vitamin C creams reduce skin redness. Skin health can be maintained by eating foods high in , which also prevent skin cancer.

2) Reduces inflammation

Vitamin A helps neutralize free radicals, which damage cells and tissues. It also prevents cells from becoming overactive.

Taking vitamin A also reduces the risk of food poisoning because it prevents dangerous overreactions. It reduces inflammation, reducing the likelihood of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.

3) Prevents anemia

Anemia occurs due to low production of red blood cells in the body, insufficient oxygen delivery and blood loss. Vitamin B2 is necessary for the production of red blood cells and synthesis of steroid hormones.

Riboflavin deficiency increases the chances of sickle cell anemia. A lack of vitamin B2 leads to shortness of breath, fatigue and the inability to work efficiently. Research shows that vitamin B2 helps reduce and maintain homocysteine ​​levels in the blood.

4) Healthy pregnancy

The use of milkweed during pregnancy is a rather controversial issue, because it must be prepared correctly and be very careful. But in the USA in rare cases Doctors sometimes recommend its use under strict supervision due to high content iron in berries.

Iron deficiency during pregnancy increases risk premature birth and low birth weight of newborns. Premature babies are more likely to have health problems, delayed growth, and delayed cognitive development.

So doctors advise pregnant women to eat more foods rich in iron. Scientists prove that pregnant women who consume enough iron have a better chance of low weight at the birth of a newborn were reduced by 8.4%.

5) Strong Bones

Lakonos owes its healing properties to manganese, which is necessary for normal height. It is a mineral that helps increase the bone mineral density of the spine and is very beneficial for post-menopausal women.

Eating foods rich in manganese helps prevent bone fractures in menopausal women. The mineral has also been proven to prevent the likelihood of osteoporosis.

6) For the thyroid gland

Copper is necessary for normal functioning thyroid gland, but it works in tandem with other minerals such as calcium, zinc and potassium, which are essential for maintaining the balance of thyroid activity and also prevents hyperthyroidism.

But you must understand that the excessive presence of these minerals is just as dangerous as a deficiency, because in people with thyroid disorders, body temperature may increase or appear, and even rise.

7) For the brain

Vitamin B6 is essential for normal brain function and development. Research has shown that vitamin B6 deficiency affects memory function, impairs cognitive performance, causes dementia and, in rare cases, even Alzheimer's disease.

Vitamin B6 controls homocysteine, abnormal levels of which are linked to cardiovascular disease and neuronal damage. It also helps combat decreased concentration, vital energy and moods. This vitamin is useful for improving learning and behavioral disorders in children.

8) For good vision

Nutritional deficiencies and poor nutrition are the main causes of many. Lakonos also benefits from this thanks to its medicinal properties.

Scientists have proven that consuming vitamin B6 with folic acid and other vitamins helps prevent vision loss and many eye diseases. These vitamins also prevent age-related eye diseases such as macular degeneration.

9) For cardiovascular diseases

Availability sufficient quantity The thiamine in sweetweed makes it an essential plant for the production of acetylcholine, which helps transmit messages between nerves and muscles. The heart is one of the muscles that relies on these signals.

The nerves and muscles must be prepared to use energy properly to maintain proper heart function and a healthy heartbeat. Vitamin B1 counteracts various diseases heart, as it supports the functioning of the ventricles and also treats heart failure.

10) Nutrient absorption

Phosphorus helps absorb, synthesize and utilize beneficial nutrients from foods such as niacin and riboflavin. It helps in energy production, cell function, growth and reproduction.

In addition to this, phosphorus supports healthy metabolism and also breaks down fats or carbohydrates to produce digestive enzymes, which convert nutrients into usable energy.

It also keeps your mind sharp, activates your muscles, and stimulates your glands to secrete hormones that are essential for energy expenditure and concentration.

Lakonos– decorative flowering plant from the Lakonosov family. The flower represents tall plant(sometimes up to 3 meters) with thick branched stems and elliptical leaves (see photo). The flowering period of Laconia is from June to August; it blooms with small flowers and bears fruit with purple-black berries. The plant is native to North America. The flower was brought to Europe after the discovery of America along with others useful plants. Soon the lacquertail began to be found in Ukraine, the territory of the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia. In its wild form, the plant can be found on roadsides; it prefers partial shade and does not tolerate heat.

The Latin name of the plant is Phytolacca (“phytolacca”), as it is called in its homeland, in America. Lacca is translated from Latin as “red juice”. Most known species– American lacquernas, it is the most common one. The plant can be grown in our climate, but it should be noted that it is quite difficult to “breed”: it reproduces well and can occupy a lot of territory. You should not grow American lacquerade in the garden near food plants, especially if there are small children nearby. The shiny berries are hard to resist, and children, as a rule, are not aware of the dangers of this plant.

Lakonos is popularly known as “Jewish ivy” and “fat grass”. One of the names of the plant, “Kermes berries,” comes from the Kermes insect, from the dried females of which a red pigment is obtained, which I use as a dye; its color resembles the sap of the laceded plant. The juice was used to give color food products(which can be dangerous), and also to give burgundy color silk and wool fabrics.

Collection and storage

Collecting milkweed is a very important task. For medicinal purposes, in addition to herbs and flowers, berries and roots of the plant are also prepared. The concentration of biologically useful substances in each part is different. The root and its juice have the strongest effect; dark purple berries are considered the safest for internal use. The fruits begin to ripen in September; they are dense clusters of berries. The fruits themselves are shiny, as if covered with varnish; at first they are dark red in color, then they ripen and become purple-black. When harvesting plants, the berries are first harvested, then the leaves and stems. The leaves are beneficial because they contain formic acid. IN last resort Phytolacca root is prepared.

Lakonos can be poisonous, so it must be harvested knowledgeable people. The main danger lies in the root of the plant. If it is red, it is not used, as it is very poisonous. For medicinal purposes, only the yellowish root is prepared. white. It is better to dry the roots of the plant in the oven. It is enough to dry the berries in a ventilated area. Raw materials should be stored in a dry place, in bags made of natural fabric.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of Lakonos are well known in official and folk medicine. For treatment, the roots of the plant (Radix Phytolaccae americanae, i.e., “American lacquer root”) are most often used. The roots of the flower are rich in essential oil, sucrose, saponins, flavonoids, formic acid, fatty oil, triterpenoids. All these substances cause beneficial properties this plant. Laconia essential oil gives it a characteristic pungent taste and pungent odor.

In addition, the leaves of the plant contain vitamin C, flavonoids and saponins, and the berries are rich in saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, vitamins B1 and PP. Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is involved in hematopoiesis, it does not accumulate in the body, so its reserves should be constantly replenished. Thiamine has antioxidant activity, it protects the body from the harmful effects of smoking and drinking alcohol. Thiamine affects human learning and is involved in the metabolic process. Vitamin PP, or nicotinic acid, participates in metabolic processes, during which sugar and fat are converted into energy. Vitamin PP is vital for people who have survived a myocardial infarction, scientists studied the effect of vitamin PP on people who had a heart attack and came to the conclusion that this vitamin helped them stay alive more than others pharmaceuticals. Lakonos renders positive impact on immunity, improves metabolic processes. The plant may have a mild laxative effect.

Use in cooking

Young shoots of the lacquer plant and its berries are used in cooking. Since the plant is very toxic, it is used extremely rarely for gastronomic purposes. At one time, the fruits were used to add color to wine drinks, but now this practice is practically unheard of.

The food that is consumed is the berry lacquer, another type of this plant. In the tropics of America and Southeast Asia, this species is grown as a vegetable crop. Young shoots are boiled and eaten.

Also edible are the young leaves, which are used in cooking like spinach. Young leaves have good taste and smell.

The benefits of lakonos and treatment

The benefits of the plant have long been known in folk medicine. Lakonos is used in recipes to treat joints. For that, to heal joints, prepare a product based on the leaves of the plant. Leaves soaked in vodka are left in a sealed container for 14 days, then the resulting infusion is rubbed on the back or joints for a month. The tincture is also suitable for compresses.

For a sore throat for laryngitis, sore throat prepare a lacquer tincture. To do this, you need to pour 10 grams of roots with vodka and leave to infuse for two weeks. The product is taken orally, 15 drops, it improves immune protection body. The tincture is also effective for diseases of the ENT organs and neuralgia. An inflamed throat can be gargled with the juice of the Lakonosa, this will speed up recovery.

Juice is also effective for rheumatism and radiculitis, in case of these diseases, the juice is rubbed on the painful areas.

Dried fruits of the plant have a positive effect on the body in case of problems gastrointestinal tract . Several berries should be eaten twice a day.

Traditional medicine recommends taking a tincture of the plant to fight tumors, this remedy slows down their growth. There is also information that lakonos is effective against peptic ulcers and kidney inflammation. For colds, flu, sore throat or oral cavity rinse with a decoction of Lakonosa leaves or its diluted tincture. A few tablespoons of tincture are diluted in salted boiled water and gargle every 4 hours.

Harm of Lakonos and contraindications

Phytolacca can cause harm to the body if used uncontrolled. Since the plant is poisonous, you should consult your doctor before using any of its parts. The use of plants is contraindicated for pregnant, lactating women and children. In case of an overdose of the drug, nausea, vomiting, convulsions occur, the person cannot speak normally, paralysis, cardiac and respiratory arrest are possible.

American laccone is a perennial rhizomatous plant from the phytolaccaceae family.

Origin of the species

After the discovery of America, many new ones were brought to Europe useful species plants, which, having adapted to new living conditions, subsequently spread widely in natural environment. One of them is American lacquer, or phytolacca. This plant has been grown in Europe since 1615. The homeland of the American lacquerbush is the eastern regions North America and Bermuda. The family (Phytolacca) includes 35 genera and about 110 species, mainly distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the globe. For Ukraine, American lacede is a new plant.
Translated from Latin lakka means “red juice”. During its cultivation in Europe, the plant received several folk names- fatty grass, Judea ivy, lenticular berries, kermes berries (from the name of the insect (Kermes vermilio), from the dried females of which, as well as from the berries of the lacedary plant, a natural red dye is obtained).
Lakonos is a very beautiful plant. Gardeners often grow it to decorate their gardens. That is, lakonos is perceived mainly as a decorative crop. But it is increasingly adapting to natural plant groups and is found in wastelands, near housing, under fences, along roads, in gardens and vegetable gardens as a problematic ruderal weed species. As a field problem weed, lacunex is common in the lowland and mountainous regions of the Caucasus.

Plant morphology

The stem is thick, juicy, green or reddish-green, erect, branched in the upper part, up to 3 m tall.
The root is taproot, spindle-shaped, thick. The rhizome of Laconia plant is very powerful, fleshy, highly branched, and penetrates the soil to a depth of more than 50 cm. The weight of the root of a five-year-old plant can reach 10 kg.
The leaves are large, simple, entire marginal leaves with a strongly developed midrib, on short petioles, elliptical, pointed towards the apex and wedge-shaped narrowed towards the base, light green in color, over time acquiring a reddish color, 10-20 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. Placement on the stem is the next one.
The flowers are small, about 0.5 cm in diameter, with a simple perianth, at first white, and then acquire a reddish color. Stamens 10. Ovary superior. Flowers are bisexual.
The inflorescence is a dense, erect raceme, 15-25 cm long, up to 5 cm in diameter, shaped like a head of cabbage.
The fruit is a juicy berry, round, shiny, dark red at first, and after ripening almost black.
The seeds are kidney-shaped, black, shiny, small, about 3 mm in diameter.

Developmental biology

American lacconios grows as a bush up to 3 m high with thick stems. At the beginning of June, an inflorescence appears, which appearance resembles chestnut candles pointing upward. In July, the seeds on the inflorescence begin to ripen; each flower forms a cluster of seven to eight berries, which, when ripe, first acquire a cherry and then black color. If the berries are not picked, they quickly fall off, especially overripe ones.
The period of flowering and seed ripening is quite extended, so on one plant you can simultaneously see both flowers and green and ripe berries.
A plant grown from seeds may not bloom in the first year, and only a few inflorescences appear in the second year. In the third and subsequent years, the bush becomes more powerful, with more flowers, and has several large shoots.
Gardeners divide such a bush into individual plants and plant them. This species can reproduce both vegetatively (by parts of the rhizome) and generatively (by seeds). Fresh ripe seeds do not have a dormant period and are able to germinate in the year of formation.
In the first year after seed germination, the plant is able to bloom and bear fruit. The bush grows only in the third year.
In spring, new shoots grow from renewal buds, which are located on the rhizome and at the base of last year’s stems. Approximately in mid-April, the lacquerberry begins to grow, and in May it grows to a height of 30-40 cm.
The green mass grows very intensively, and already in the summer, during the flowering phase, a three-year-old bush can reach more than 1 m in diameter.
The flowering of American lacquerade begins in July and lasts until the end of August.
This species belongs to entomophilous plants, that is, pollinated by insects - both wild (mainly small Hymenoptera and Diptera) and bees. Unlike other species of this family, nectar is secreted in the flowers of the American lacquer.
The fruits ripen in September.


American Lakonos is unpretentious to soils. It grows well in both light and medium-heavy soils with a pH of 5.5-6.5. Does not withstand spring and autumn frosts well. This is a moisture-loving plant.
It is most common in damp places protected from cold winds.
For the winter, gardeners cut off shoots at a height of 10-15 cm from the soil level. The trimmed bush is covered with leaves.


American laccone contains many potent biologically active substances. The alkaloid phytolancine (0.16%) was found in its roots, as well as essential oil(0.08%) taste. Fruits, leaves, roots and seeds contain saponins, tannins, and sugars. The leaves contain a lot of oxalic acid and vitamin C. Fruits and seeds are rich in vitamins B and PP. The plant has an antibacterial effect.

General view of the weed, branched bush of American lacquer.

In wine regions southern Europe and Asia, American lacquerus is cultivated to produce berries, the juice of which is used to color light wines. In some old cookbooks, it is recommended to use the juice of the laceded plant to tint confectionery products. But all the above-ground mass, root and unripe berries of the plant are poisonous, so you should be very careful when using it at home.
In the pharmacology of the United States, preparations from lacconaceous plant are used to treat certain diseases. In particular, as a laxative, to improve metabolism, and also for external use for skin diseases and rheumatism. A 40% alcohol tincture from the roots of the American laced plant is used to treat joints, osteochondrosis, and polyarthritis.
Earlier pharmaceutical industry The USSR produced the drug Akofin, containing a tincture of the roots and leaves of the plant, which was used to treat radiculitis, lumbago, and lumbago. A tincture of the root of this plant was also part of the throat treatment drug Echinor. However, these drugs are no longer available.
In England, Germany liquid extract and powder from the roots of Lakonosa (Fitolakcin) is used for constipation and to improve metabolism, externally - to treat rheumatism. The alkaloid phytolaccin irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. In small doses it has a calming effect on the body, in large doses it disrupts reflex activity and can cause fainting, convulsions, and paralysis of the respiratory center. In folk medicine, an infusion of Lakonosa root is used as a laxative, diuretic, emetic and anthelmintic. Good effect This infusion has been noted in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as kidney diseases. In dermatology, American Laconia has a reputation as a remedy that actively affects metabolism. In homeopathy, Lakonosa preparations are used for diphtheria, follicular sore throat, laryngitis, rheumatism, sciatica, radiculitis.
The green mass of the American laced plant is poisonous to large cattle, but birds consume the berries without apparent harm.
Destruction methods
To destroy the American laced plant in the fields, use following methods. Smothering method: crushing rhizomes located in the upper (10-15 cm) layer of soil with disk tools, followed by (after emergence) embedding to a depth of 25-30 cm. This method is implemented in the system of main soil cultivation after crops that are harvested early.
Drying method: raising the bulk of the rhizomes to the soil surface using plowshares or fine plowing, drying them for 15-30 days in dry weather until they completely lose their viability, followed by plowing them under. It is implemented in the system of basic soil cultivation in the Steppe zone of Ukraine. Freezing method: raising the bulk of the rhizomes to the soil surface using plowshares or shallow plowing in late autumn before the soil freezes. At warm winter With frequent thaws, the effectiveness of the method is low.
Combing method: after plowing with cultivators with spring working bodies, the rhizomes are pulled out to the edge of the field. Disadvantage this method are the breaking of rhizomes and their stretching across the field, which can lead to a uniform distribution of this species over the entire area. On roadsides, it is advisable to mow plants after their intensive growth begins and repeat it as the plants grow.
If it is possible to use herbicides, either general exterminators or anti-dicot drugs can be used on seedlings in the spring. high standards. IN autumn period It is better to use herbicides when new shoots appear after disking.

Nikolay Kosolap, Dmitry Kravets
National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine
Department of Agriculture and Herbology



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