Where to turn for help if you have no money. How can you ask rich people for money online? Tips and tricks

Hello, dear readers.

The world is cruel. All more or less adult people who have already encountered injustice, frequent deception and anger know and understand this. But all this reigns in literally every country.

Yes, you yourself can look at the absolutely disregardful attitude of the majority of citizens, just by walking down the street of your city. I will most likely not be mistaken if I say that in your locality there will be 2-3 grandmothers who can often be seen with outstretched hands, hoping to receive at least some alms from passers-by.

However, this does not happen. There is no sympathy and nobility in gray and lonely individuals who only strive for that.

What about those who have already succeeded in this? Do they show altruistic tendencies towards their neighbors? So we’ll talk about whether there is financial help from rich people: reviews, examples, evidence.

Famous benefactors

I’ll honestly answer that no, what about you? But this, in fact, is not a fictitious situation, but more on that later. Now I would like to talk about the truly great opportunities that the richest people on planet Earth have.

Think for yourself, because with their amount of money, they can do whatever they want, they have no restrictions in the form of the letter of the law, and they can bribe almost any civil servant who could imprison them for any offense.

Isn’t it interesting why, for example, we have never heard about how, say, the same Bill Gates rushes through the streets with a bazooka or organizes orgies in city squares.

Or take Mark Zuckerberg. Not a single violation of the law, although he is a brilliant programmer, and I’m sure he knows where to find an equally brilliant hacker who would open the wallets of millions of Facebook users for him in order to enrich himself.

This is where I want to bring you to the most important question: does money corrupt and spoil an individual? Referring to the examples above, I personally can say with confidence that no.

You see, finance is not the root of all evil. People themselves and, of course, their upbringing determine their behavior. That is why huge funds did not turn the founder of Microsoft into a monster who terrorizes society whenever he pleases.

But if the same countless riches go to an ignoramus, a person who only dreamed of swimming in gold, then this will destroy him, because he does not pursue any other goals.

Accordingly, he also won’t know what to do with fate’s gift, but this requires a whole systematic approach. So it turns out that not everyone is able to overcome the burden of wealth, but those who succeed will not morally sink and “rot” from the inside, such people are capable of more.

What do billionaires do?

Well, I’ll tell you right away, they don’t sit all day long in their three-story safes and dive into gold coins, as one famous character from the cartoon series did.

The whole essence of their life lies in constant success, and this inevitably leads to bringing their own business to the ideal. How else? After all, a balanced and wise director will definitely make the right decision and pass a fair verdict.

Let's take Bill Gates again as an example, by the way, the richest man in the world, and remember the hypothetical situation with your fortune and how you give half of it to a stranger.

So, do you know why this assumption is absolutely realistic? Because our altruistic computer scientist initiated an agreement through which about 30 dollar billionaires around the world agreed to give at least 50% of their wealth to various charities.

How do you like this? At the same time, Bill has his own foundation called the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, into whose hands he transferred a certain number of Microsoft shares so that the fund’s treasury is replenished annually and gives life and hope to those in need.

Now let’s remember about the financier and just a very rich man named George Soros. This is a representative of everyone’s unloved caste of players on the stock exchange.

For example, George has been involved in a wide variety of charitable events since 1979. Under the leadership of this financier, a program is being implemented to support budding scientific experts whose ideas and research contribute to the progress of humanity.

In addition, he sponsored a medical program, thanks to which almost every hospital in the United States acquired clean and sterilized needles, a small thing, but a nice thing.

Gordon Moore, also one of the wealthiest businessmen, a billionaire and just a good person, annually invests his funds in the development of technologies that help preserve the environment and promote scientific and technological progress to the masses.

He is also the sponsor of the largest telescope to date, located in Hawaii. Therefore, it is safe to say that Moore is very fond of technology and science in general.

Why do they need this?

But this is far from the most complete list of our patrons. But why should they shell out so much for all this? Perhaps this is how they show off their money to each other or try to earn the image of saints?

The first assumption can be immediately discarded, since there are other ways to show off, but the second is true, but only partially. Of course, they are pleased when they are considered respected and highly spiritual individuals, but there is something else hidden in this.

In fact, they all know very well the law of financial return. They understand that if they give away a part, then the same part will definitely be returned in one form or another, even with interest.

Also, such a level of nobility, of course, says a lot about the personality itself. Or rather, it shows their moral and spiritual level, which is at a fairly high level, and this, in our age of total bitterness, is a real rarity, you must agree.

Therefore, they have not become hostages of their capital; it simply costs them nothing to part with part of their savings in the name of the good of society, and therefore the goals of such rich people are completely different, unlike ordinary citizens.


Thus, we found out that not all successful businessmen become slaves to their money. Some of them help those who really need it.

Without a shadow of a doubt, they give away half of their acquired wealth or spend billions annually on nurturing brilliant scientists in any field of science.

So let's be at least a little like them, try to find some site where you can donate part of your salary without registration or deception. I am sure that such resources exist in any country, for example, in Ukraine and even more so in Russia.

Transfer your finances to those in need, and those who urgently need help will receive it, and thanks to you, someone will be saved from death or disability.

All the best to you and see you again!

Fundraising - sponsorship, or simply charity, is becoming increasingly important every day. In America alone, about $500 million is donated to charity every year. Usually people feel shy and awkward when they have to borrow.

Thanks to the tech boom, today there are many new ways to borrow money or even get it for free.

Today almost everything is possible via the Internet. Asking for financial help from rich people is no exception. After all, no one is immune from getting into difficult life situations. There is no shame in asking for help.

Money can be transferred directly to the card, so you can use it almost immediately. This plays an important role in situations where money is needed, for example for an urgent operation, and every second counts.

To get help, you first need to:

  • find a list of suitable forums or sites where people turn for such help;
  • in order to attract the right sponsors (especially foreigners), you need to describe the problem as accurately as possible, explaining exactly how the money received can help;

Step-by-step algorithm for getting help:

  • find a website in this field of activity;
  • register;
  • indicate what the money was needed for;
  • indicate the required amount;
  • indicate methods for withdrawing/receiving funds.

After the request for help is published, all you have to do is wait for someone to respond. This usually takes no more than a few days. Basically it all depends on the goals and the required amount.

It is important to submit several applications on different resources, then your chances will increase significantly.

In order to increase your chances several times, it is important to describe in as much detail as possible the reason that prompted you to seek help. Moreover, the reasons can be completely different from purchasing medicine to buying a brand new yacht or going on vacation. There are many more kind people in our world than many are accustomed to think.

It is advisable to write it as emotionally as possible in order to at least slightly hurt the feelings of the readers. So that after reading the questionnaire you will really want to help.

Strange as it may seem, many people forget to provide their details, and this is very important. After all, otherwise there will be nowhere to send the money. People will want to help, but there will be no help. It is not known who will get the money in this case.

There are several areas where you can always get money:

  • to develop your business;
  • to solve health problems;
  • for unexpected expenses, birthday trips, and others.

Recently, Internet users have begun to think about how they can ask rich people for money via the Internet. And in general, virtual begging has begun to gain momentum. It is found everywhere and everywhere. But why? Why do people do this? Is anyone really giving money? Read more about online begging. In fact, this is not such a dubious matter. The main thing is to know how to approach certain people. If you know how to influence the public, you can make good money this way.

Reasons for begging

Why ask rich people for money over the Internet? To be honest, no one will give you an exact answer. After all, everyone always needs money. For some - for entertainment, for others - for life. And someone needs expensive treatment. Where can I get help? On the Internet! There are so many people here!

In general, if you are wondering why you should ask rich people for money via the Internet, you can say this: to get additional profit. And how exactly to distribute it, the beggar will decide on his own. This activity is usually called fraud. This is how people earn their living and entertainment. Rarely anyone on the World Wide Web will beg out of need.

Working through the story

To ask rich people for money over the Internet (and not just rich people), you will have to provide compelling arguments why you need it. Most often, it is customary to lie here. After all, rarely does anyone, when in need, go begging on the World Wide Web.

So to achieve success in our lesson today, you should work through your heart-warming story. It serves as something of an announcement. Remember: the more touching the story, the better. The main thing is to press for pity. Or indicate really compelling reasons justifying virtual begging.

Most often, for success, you can talk about illnesses (fictional) and also about the need to help the child. Or claim that you are a single young mother with a newborn (or even several), whose husband is a tyrant. You have nowhere to run, and you ask for financial support from users. The last option is extremely successful. In general, your story is the basis. Once it is ready, you can move on.


How to ask rich people for money online? In general, virtual begging is widespread mainly in various city forums and communities.

In principle, this is a good option. Especially if you just want to scam someone out of money. It doesn't matter whether it's a rich person or an ordinary user. Simply publish a well-formed and well-thought-out story on the forum and wait.

Please note: you will have to communicate with users. Therefore, the story must be well developed by you. At the end of it, leave the details for transferring money. Preferably an electronic wallet. And then wait. Some trusting people will immediately help and transfer you a certain amount of funds.

Via the site

A more costly and successful option is begging using your own website. You can ask rich people for money via the Internet by creating a personal page. On it you must publish your fictional story.

The only negative here is that many may require proof from you. For example, photographs with doctors’ reports, just images from a personal family archive, copies or photos of some documents.

For a modern user, all this is not a problem: a little skills in Photoshop, and the job is done. It is advisable to create a separate album with evidence on the website in advance. Try to make the situation seem real. Otherwise the fraud will be exposed. And in Russia this is a criminal offense!


Why and how to ask rich people for money via the Internet? The latest modern method of begging is the use of specialized services. Surprisingly, more and more often, separate pages are being created on the Internet where you can write to rich people and ask them for money. The principle of operation is simple: fill out the fields in a special submission form (in it you need to write information about yourself, email, sometimes phone number, as well as your history) and send the text for processing. After some time, sponsors will contact you to transfer money.

Just keep in mind: most of these services require the introduction of a mobile phone. Or a symbolic payment for services. These are clear indicators of deception. After submitting the completed form, most likely, money will simply be debited from your mobile phone.

Remember: to ask rich people for money online, you'll need a true (or even real) story to explain your motive for begging. And evidence. Also leave your contact information so we can contact you. The more there are, the better. Just don’t rely too much on virtual help: even if you’re not lying, you may be considered a fraudster!

Meeting a person on the street who will give you a million dollars is a dream.

In America

Most of the Forbes magazine list consists of representatives of the North American continent; a significant share of all the world's money is collected in the United States. People whose names are published in a business publication often share their wealth with other citizens who are less fortunate.

Warren Buffett

He is in second position among the richest people on the planet, his fortune has reached $44 billion and continues to grow. Most of his capital, like any rational businessman, goes to the development of his field of activity, but it was this man who became the reason why we know Bill Gates today. Many years ago, Buffett donated $1.5 billion to Gates for research in the field of computer technology, and there is no need to tell what came of it. By the way, Bill and his family later overtook Warren and took 1st place on the Forbes list.

Oprah Winfrey

An African-American woman who has achieved great success in the industry of talk shows and other programs.

Its capital is $2.7 billion, as a result of which it is able to invest in many funds and exchanges. But Oprah took the path of charity - she does not hand out banknotes on the streets, but opens schools for girls in South Africa.

This way she helps those who do not have money or the opportunity to study to get an education.

Marc Andreessen

He closes the top 10 wealthiest citizens on the planet. He is famous for donating most of his income to the development of the US healthcare system.

All these people easily part with their money; contributions are made on a non-commercial basis and do not entail the repurchase of shares or companies.

Billionaires in Russia

Russians are accustomed to keeping their banknotes and keeping them behind seven locks, so they share capital very rarely and very reluctantly. The only person who can donate this amount to you is the grandson of one of the multi-billionaires, Gregory Goldshade. A person’s surname very colorfully describes his well-being, but it is not possible to call his inner world golden.

The rich man often visits Moscow and distributes banknotes not at all out of good intentions. In order to take possession of a small part of his capital, he will have to carry out some vile task, be it eating a fly or washing the “golden boy’s” shoes with his own tongue. For every satisfying whim, Gregory is ready to part with an amount from 5 to 15,000 rubles, but are you ready for such humiliation?

Dollar millionaires in Ukraine

The top three richest people in Ukraine are Rinat Akhmetov, Victor Pinchuk and Igor Kolomoisky. They are not famous for their charity, but they often invest money in some kind of humanitarian foundation, from where their wealth can reach you.

There are two ways to receive personal investments from the “powers that be”:

  • Write a soulful and heartfelt letter explaining the problem and asking for help. Often such appeals come from refugees, single mothers, and people who lost their homes in disasters. There is no need to compose a poem - no one will read it. Laconically and briefly, but be sure to emotionally state why this particular businessman should help you.
  • You can create an advertisement on special boards on the Internet. This type of collection is called “from the world by thread”. They use it quite often - this is how they collect the necessary amounts for treating children and helping the poor. A link to the entry can be sent to companies owned by Forbes participants.

Why do rich people sometimes give away money for free?

Many people believe in existing “natural” justice. Many people, with their donations, try to atone for some sins from the past or reduce the punishment for future mistakes.

Most often, the reason for charity is ordinary human feelings of pity and humanism, which do not allow the rich to count billions when people next to them are fighting for bread.

There are also those who turn donations into entertainment. In Moscow it is Goldshid. And his counterpart from San Francisco wished not to disclose his name. The American constantly writes on Twitter that for completing any task (the list is attached) he will transfer from 20 to 100 dollars to the performer’s account. Often he buries or hides money within the city, and then posts the coordinates on the website, watching how poor Americans fight for a hundred bucks.

None of us is immune from difficult situations, the solution of which requires large amounts of money. What to do in such a situation? The only way is to look for sites or organizations that help people with money for free . But should you trust all the people who offer such support? Where can you really get the required amount without risk?

Announcements for the provision of money

Today, you often come across advertisements that offer free financial assistance from rich people. For example, a person can write “I will help you with finances.” Such advertisements are left by people who are ready to profit from someone else’s misfortune. The result of gullibility can be:

  • Applying for a loan on unfavorable terms. You will receive the money, but you will have to pay back more.
  • The need to provide any services in return.
  • The feeling that you are “to the death” obliged to someone. Of the options given, this is the safest.

Before turning to sites for free money assistance from rich people, decide on the following points:

  • Do you really need money right now? Perhaps we should wait for better times.
  • Consider the option of obtaining the required amount. If you don't need cash urgently, you can earn it.
  • If none of the options suits you, go to a site where they help people for free.

Where and how to get funds?

Rich people have their own quirks, and they are ready to help people with money free of charge (the funds received do not have to be given back). We are not necessarily talking about charitable foundations. This role can be played by private individuals who, in this way, pay tribute to their successes and try to make someone else's life better.

The main reasons for assistance include:

  • Personal sympathy after reading the appeal. For example, you are planning to open your own business, which a sponsor previously wanted to organize, but for various reasons was unable to do so.
  • A person may have previously faced such a problem, but no one provided him with support. Because of personal negative experience, he is ready to meet halfway.
  • Free financial assistance from rich people in Russia is also possible, which is difficult to explain. The person just wanted to do a good deed, and he solved your problem.

Where can I get the necessary funds? Go to the section " Ask for money", tell your story, leave details for transferring funds and contact information (preferably). You will definitely find someone who will help you with finances. The main thing is to believe in goodness and act.



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