How someone holds a cigarette - psychology. Preparation for the procedure

How to smoke a cigarette correctly?

  1. Let's start with the most important thing: what exactly are you going to smoke? If you are very pretentious and pretentious, and your choice fell on cigars, then this article will be useful to you. How to smoke cigars correctly? . If you like the traditions of the East, and you are going to try all the delights of a hookah, then this is the place for you. How to smoke a hookah correctly? . If you are a little prim and slightly arrogant, and you are not interested in anything other than smoking a pipe, you are welcome here. How to smoke a pipe correctly? . This material will discuss how to smoke cigarettes correctly.

    Regardless of the reasons that prompted you to take up a cigarette, the smoking process should at least look aesthetically pleasing. It is believed that smoking relaxes; in the process, a person takes a break from work, stress and heavy thoughts. Therefore, the movements of a sophisticated smoker are calm and unhurried. For smoking breaks, in a hurry, they do not look for the answer to the question How to smoke correctly? , is not it? First you need to take the cigarette out of the pack. This process is as important for the sophisticated and intelligent smoker as all the subsequent ones. There is no need to try to gnaw a cigarette out of a full pack with your teeth or knock on the bottom, expecting a cigarette to jump out of the pack on its own. Such actions look elegant and aesthetically pleasing to experienced smokers who have spent a lot of time individually training such skills. To remove a cigarette from a pack, you only need your fingers. Gently, with two fingers, pull the cigarette towards you and remove it from the package. That's all and business.

    Next, you need to light the cigarette. The correct way to light a cigarette is with a match or lighter. Lighting from a fire, a gas burner, another cigarette or other sources of fire is a sign of bad taste and is permissible only in the absence of another method and if there is minimum quantity witnesses. The flame of the lighter or match should evenly cover the tip of the cigarette. Then you should take a slight drag while holding the cigarette with your lips. Looking at a cigarette while taking a drag is not pretty. It is correct to hold the cigarette between your index and middle fingers at the level of the filter. So-called male way holding a cigarette, which involves pinching the filter with your index finger and thumb It won't make you cool at all. Avoid it if possible. Don't strain your hand: the cigarette weighs only a few grams, so you don't need to clasp your fingers together, squeezing the filter excessively. Hold the cigarette between your fingers firmly but lightly, as if it were an extension of your hand. Remember that aesthetic smoking is a combination of beautiful and leisurely movements of the hands and lips. Just don’t overdo it, otherwise your efforts will look too imposing and ridiculous.

    Over time, you may develop your own personal way of beautifully taking cigarettes out of a pack, lighting them and enjoying the process. But at first, do not try to become equal to the venerable smokers in best case scenario, you will simply make a mistake, at worst you will be ridiculed.

To the question How to smoke a cigarette correctly? given by the author skinny the best answer is Let's start with the most important thing: what exactly are you going to smoke? If you are very pretentious and pretentious, and your choice fell on cigars, then this article will be useful to you. How to smoke cigars correctly? . If you like the traditions of the East, and you are going to try all the delights of a hookah, then this is the place for you. How to smoke a hookah correctly? . If you are a little prim and a little arrogant, and you are not interested in anything other than smoking a pipe, you are welcome here. How to smoke a pipe correctly? . This material will discuss how to smoke cigarettes correctly.
Regardless of the reasons that prompted you to take up a cigarette, the smoking process should at least look aesthetically pleasing. It is believed that smoking relaxes; in the process, a person takes a break from work, stress and heavy thoughts. Therefore, the movements of a sophisticated smoker are calm and unhurried. For smoking breaks, in a hurry, do not look for the answer to the question “How to smoke correctly?” , is not it? First, you need to take the cigarette out of the pack. This process is as important for the sophisticated and intelligent smoker as all the subsequent ones. There is no need to try to gnaw a cigarette out of a full pack with your teeth or knock on the bottom, expecting a cigarette to jump out of the pack on its own. Such actions look elegant and aesthetically pleasing to experienced smokers who have spent a lot of time individually training such skills. To remove a cigarette from a pack, you only need your fingers. Gently pull the cigarette towards you with two fingers and remove it from the package. All in all.
Next, you need to light the cigarette. The correct way to light a cigarette is with a match or lighter. Lighting from a fire, a gas burner, another cigarette or other sources of fire is a sign of bad taste and is only permissible in the absence of another method and in the presence of a minimum number of witnesses. The flame of the lighter or match should evenly cover the tip of the cigarette. Then you should take a slight drag while holding the cigarette with your lips. Looking at a cigarette while taking a drag is not pretty. It is correct to hold the cigarette between your index and middle fingers at the level of the filter. The so-called “male way” of holding a cigarette, which involves pinching the filter with your index finger and thumb, will not make you “cool” at all. Avoid it if possible. Don't strain your hand: the cigarette weighs only a few grams, so you don't need to clasp your fingers together, squeezing the filter excessively. Hold the cigarette between your fingers firmly but lightly, as if it were an extension of your hand. Remember that aesthetic smoking is a combination of beautiful and leisurely movements of the hands and lips. Just don’t overdo it - otherwise your efforts will look too imposing and ridiculous.
Over time, you may develop your own personal way of beautifully taking cigarettes out of a pack, lighting them and enjoying the process. But at first, do not try to be on par with seasoned smokers - at best, you will simply make a mistake, at worst, you will be ridiculed.
Source: Ministry of Health - don't start smoking! Remember about your health!

Answer from European[guru]
spit out the KAKA!!!

Answer from Quit[guru]
How to open a package correctly))

Answer from Oxxxygen[guru]
Don’t puff too hard, I didn’t smoke either and I don’t smoke.

One of the truly common problem phenomena is smoking. It occurs surprisingly often. Adults, children and teenagers smoke. The problem affects huge sections of the population and leads to impressive consequences that cannot be called anything other than negative. That’s why a lot of attention is paid to the problem of smoking and motivating people so that they finally stop doing it, stop ruining their lives. But this, alas, does not always influence people. People don't want to give up theirs bad habits, and therefore the result is not that positive.

It’s a pity that many people still don’t want to quit such a harmful activity, but if they don’t quit, then at least they need to minimize its harm.

And for this you need to try to understand how to smoke correctly. It would seem that what’s wrong with this, there’s little science - you put a cigarette or something similar, like a cigarette, in your mouth and smoke. But no, you need to understand all the subtleties and nuances of the process. This will both add aesthetics and minimize the damage that is caused to a person when smoking. So, how to smoke cigarettes correctly?


Let's start with preparation. Usually smokers start by tamping the pack, that is, they slam it a little on the table or palm. As a result, the loose tobacco thickens a little, and therefore it will smoke better, smoother and longer, and this is always good. Next, it is important to understand how to hold a cigarette correctly. There are no special rules here, but usually it is pinched between the index and middle fingers and oriented slightly downward, just like the palm. You can turn your palm towards yourself. For more European approach

When smoking, it is better to hold the cigarette with your thumb and forefinger. If you don't want people to see you smoking, then hold the cigarette with the same fingers, but close your palm so that the cigarette is hidden entirely in your hand.

Lighting up

Now you need to light a cigarette. This is usually done with a match or lighter, and butane lighters are especially good, since they do not have their own flavor, but only allow you to light a cigarette and nothing more. Next, when you bring the fire to the tip of the cigarette, you draw in air, this should be done as if you were drinking a cocktail through a straw. There is no need to inhale smoke yet. You just need to take a few puffs so that the tobacco begins to smolder. Usually there are no problems, everything lights up very evenly, but if anything happens, try twirling the cigarette to further optimize this process.

Smoking process Now let's move on to the smoking process itself. And this process may have, but these types do not differ to such a critical extent, so let’s consider the basic approach to the process of smoking a cigarette or cigarette. To begin, draw smoke from the cigarette. It is better not to puff too hard if you are just a beginner, otherwise you will simply cough from smoking your cigarette and the pleasure will be significantly reduced. It's better to start gradually. You need to keep the smoke of your cigarette in your mouth for some time. It will cool down a little, and your throat will not be irritated. The taste will change a little. Now you take the cigarette out of your mouth and inhale the smoke. If we talk about different kinds such smoking, then French can also be distinguished. It's a little more complicated. After taking a puff from a cigarette, you exhale the smoke from your mouth, and then inhale it through your nose - after some practice, you will probably start to get good at it and, who knows, maybe you will like this method much more than the traditional version of smoking your cigarette?


Of course have different approaches to smoking, there are a lot of them and they have been developed over the years. But still there is only one best method smoking - do not smoke at all. Because there is nothing good in ruining your body, there is nothing good in letting it get the lion's share negative substances. It is enough to remind you how harmful tobacco smoke basically. It contains about four thousand different negative substances, including heavy tars that settle in the lungs and carcinogens that can cause cancer.

So should you smoke? Even if this is exceptionally correct? Hardly. It is better to understand how to get rid of this addiction so that she doesn’t bother you, so that you don’t have to worry about your own health. And you can demonstrate aesthetics in other, much more harmless activities that can bring satisfaction to no less a degree.

Psychologists and psychoanalysts who observed smokers recently came to interesting conclusions. They conducted several experiments and studies, as a result of which they found out the sign language of smokers. It turns out that by the manner of smoking you can recognize the essence, character, mood, as well as the lifestyle of a person. To know useful information based on several criteria: by the position of the cigarette in your hand, by the smoke and by the way the ash is shaken off.

The smoke that a smoker releases from his mouth can tell about his mood and character. If he “smoke” upward, it means that he is experiencing elation at that moment and is in a great mood. If this style of smoking is constant for him, then it reveals his true essence. Such a person has a strong-willed character. Perhaps he is somewhat self-centered, vain and self-confident.

If a smoker blows smoke downwards, this is a sign of indecisiveness, passivity and a bad attitude. This manner of smoking indicates that he is used to going with the flow, it is difficult for him to make decisions and take responsibility.

If a smoker's smoke comes out of the corner of his mouth downwards, then this is a signal that he is hiding his negative emotions. Perhaps he is hiding something, often lies and seeks profit in everything.

IN in rare cases a man blows smoke from his nostrils. This is evidence of extreme vanity, selfishness and boasting. Such people, as a rule, think only about themselves and their well-being.

The way he holds a cigarette can tell a lot about a person. If a smoker holds a cigarette with his fingertips, and it is located far from the palm, then this is a sign of a subtle, sensitive and creative nature. Such people make decisions based on their emotions and feelings. They rarely obey their logic and common sense.

If a cigarette is held between the index finger and thumb, then this is a sign of stubbornness and perseverance. Such a person sets specific goals and makes every effort to realize them. It's practical and rational person who knows what he wants from life.

A cigarette held between the index and middle finger reveals a person who is aloof and closed. He subtly feels what is happening around him. This is a typical introvert who, perhaps, wants to seem a little different, but inside himself he suffers from the constant pressure of the surrounding reality.

The way a smoker shakes off the ash can also reveal a lot about him. If he frequently shakes off ashes, then he is probably preoccupied with something and needs help and support. The manner of “wiping” a cigarette on an ashtray reveals a strong and decisive person. A person who slowly shakes off the ashes and, as if admiring this process, is a true connoisseur of beauty. He loves himself, the beautiful things around him and his life. If a smoker abruptly puts out a cigarette and breaks it in the process, he probably does not want to attract attention to himself. Most likely, he is not very happy with his state of affairs and lifestyle. An unexpectedly extinguished cigarette may indicate a determined and ambitious person.

Have you paid attention to smoking people and their “sign language”? Do you recognize yourself in this article? If you have noticed a mannerism or behavior in yourself that was not described here, tell us about it in the comments.

It turns out that you can tell a lot about him by the way a smoker holds a cigarette.

The method of smoking is a kind of language, an alphabet by which an experienced coder can calculate the smoker’s mood, his thoughts, decision. Each gesture of a smoker is individual, but there are universal ways to express oneself in the manner of smoking.

A. Probably a mannered woman. He holds the cigarette as if he is afraid of losing it. She will hold on to her man with both hands.

IN. A bored woman at a party. Concentrating on the tip of his cigarette to avoid yawning

WITH. An intelligent man, prone to contemplation.

D. Man with weak character. Unreliable, likes to lie.

E. A pronounced individualist. Stubborn, likes to go ahead.

F. Add your boyfriend to the board. A strong character. A self-made millionaire from Texas.

G. A brave guy prone to taking unnecessary risks. Loves to play with fire.

N. A dreamer walking through life "on a tangent."

I. Pessimist. Overly cautious in business.

Based on the direction in which the smoker blows smoke, one can conclude about the decision he has made. If the stream of smoke is directed downwards, then your interlocutor has made a negative decision, he intends to refuse you. If the jet goes up, then its resolution will be positive. If the smoke is directed to the side, then most likely your interlocutor is still between two fires, he has not made a final decision.

By the way a person holds a cigarette, one can determine his mood and intentions. A smoker holds a cigarette with his hand clenched into a fist, which means he has Bad mood, he tries to hide his emotions from his interlocutor, does not intend to reveal his true thoughts, perhaps he is up to something. If the cigarette is between the elongated middle and index finger, this is a sign that your interlocutor is confident in himself, is in the mood for contact, and a conversation with him can be productive. If a woman holds a cigarette with her wrist facing the man, this can be a signal of flirting, thus making advances towards the man.

A very important characteristic of a smoker is how quickly he smokes. If he smokes very quickly, he suddenly inhales cigarette smoke, this suggests that he is used to leading very active image life, does everything on the run, always in a hurry, in a hurry. He is always quick in action. If a person smokes slowly, this is a sign that he is used to living in a measured, unhurried rhythm. He always has a minute or two to stop before making a choice and think about it. This person is a thinker: he thinks and analyzes a lot. The person is emotionally balanced, perhaps related to creative profession, where one of important processes- a thought process.



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