Commands for dogs in Russian. Forgotten and insignificant teams

Anyone who decides to have a four-legged friend always faces the question of how to teach a dog commands. First of all, you need to decide for yourself why you will train your dog. After all, every person, having a pet, pursues his own goals. One needs an affectionate friend, the other - faithful guard, and someone is looking for a buddy to play sports with.

Why does a dog need to know commands?

A dog living in the company of people must be trained so that its behavior does not cause inconvenience to either the owner or others. Agree, it is very unpleasant when your beloved dog, having met your good friends on a walk, without a twinge of conscience, joyfully puts his dirty paws on your friend’s clean clothes. Or when your husky chases the neighbor’s cat into a tree, digs a hole right in the middle of a well-groomed flowerbed, lifts its paw in the entrance, or barks at a woman with a baby passing by.

This article is devoted to how to teach a dog commands and what is needed for this. So yours shaggy friend will become a pleasant companion with whom you are not ashamed to go out in public.

What commands should you teach your dog?

Of course, what your pet will be accustomed to depends on you. But it is generally accepted that trained dog must know: “Place!”, “Lie down!”, “Come to me!”, “Nearby!”, “Sit!”, “Stand!”, “Aport!”, “Ugh!”. Well, it’s up to you to decide what to teach your dog.

How to quickly teach a dog the commands “Come to me!” and “Place!”

An obedient and well-mannered dog should come to you at the first call or order. “Come to me!” - this is the most basic command, your “pupil” will hear it more often than any others. Before we begin training, we will discuss with you how to teach your dog the commands “Come!” and “Place!”

The dog must be confident that approaching its owner will always end in something good for it. Either they will give you something tasty, or they will pet you. You are required to ensure that your dog does not agree to exchange the call of his beloved owner for anything else.

To teach your dog the “Come!” command, hold something tasty in your hand. While at a distance of about two meters from the animal, call it by name and show it a treat. When your pet pays attention to you, say his name and order: “Come to me!” For example: “Dick, come to me!”

Encourage the dog heading in your direction. Be sure to pet the dog that comes up to you and reward it with a treat. After some time, when the command “Come to me!” will be firmly internalized by your pet, replace the treat with praise and affection.

Remember! You should never use the command “Come to me!” if you want to call the offending dog in this way and punish it. This can harm your animal's psyche!

Once you bring your puppy into your home, be sure to give him his own place. This could be a basket or shallow box. The main thing is that the puppy feels safe there.

Never disturb the puppy if he has gone to his place to rest. Only in in rare cases you can pull him out of the corner in order to scold or punish him for doing something dirty.

Such intrusions into the dog's territory deprive it of a sense of security and make it nervous. If you have children, do not allow them to approach the puppy while he is in his place. Such unceremonious intrusions tire dogs, make them nervous and timid.

Explain to children that a dog is not a toy, but a living creature that needs rest and peace. Teach children to wait for the animal to come out of its corner on its own.

In order to accustom the puppy to his place, simply pick him up and take him to the corner assigned to him, accompanying these actions by repeating the command “Place!” Repeat these steps several times throughout the day. Until the dog understands what is required of him.

How to teach your dog the commands “Give!” and “Aport!”

Dog training is not an easy task. And before you start, you need to figure out how to do it more effectively. To answer the question of how to teach a dog the commands “Fetch!” and “Give!”, we just need to remember their natural inclinations.

In nature wild dogs bring prey to their lair. In order to feed the offspring and eat ourselves. A puppy living in the house, having received a bone or found an old shoe, will definitely drag the prey to its corner. And on a walk in a field or forest, he will be happy to bring his finds to you. With the help of training, you just need to develop the dog’s natural inclinations.

Start teaching the puppy the command “Fetch!” possible from a very tender age. Just throw a small ball or soft toy in the room next to him. The baby will definitely run after the toy and grab it with his teeth.

After that, call him with the command “Come to me!”, and when he runs up to you, gently stroke him and at the same time praise him with delight in your voice. Don't forget that dogs are very sensitive to both the mood and expression of emotions of their owner. So praise as enthusiastically as possible.

After praising the puppy, command “Give!” and carefully, but at the same time decisively, release the brought toy from his teeth. But under no circumstances make sudden jerks or use force.

After picking up the toy, praise your pet and immediately throw it back, encouraging him to bring it to you again. This way, your puppy will soon understand that in order for the game to continue, you need to give the toy to the owner.

Having learned how to teach a dog commands, “Fetch!” including, hurry to apply knowledge in practice. A dog is best trained in infancy.

How to quickly teach your dog the command “Sit!” And


Training is a complex procedure that will require a lot of patience and endurance from you. Before we figure out how to teach a dog the commands “Sit!”, “Place!”, let us remind you why they are needed.

Teaching your pet the commands “Sit!” and “Place!” - this is extremely useful method for initial training. Knowing them will help protect your pet from injury and sometimes death under the wheels of a car.

The easiest way to teach a dog is the command “Sit!” To do this, you need to simultaneously say “Sit!” and press your palm on the croup standing nearby the dog is with you, forcing it to sit. As soon as your four-legged sits down, immediately give him a treat and praise him.

To reinforce the skill during a walk, call the watchdog and, praising him for coming up to you, order him to sit down. Don't forget to reward your pet for accurately following the command. This way you will strengthen your dog’s new skills.

Features of the learning process

A dog is an animal that is very trainable. Using the command “Sit!” make your pet sit down. Place your palm in front of his nose. Without removing your palms, say “Place!” and stand facing him. Hold the leash with your free hand and prepare to yank the moment he starts to walk away. If the dog does get up, start practicing the command all over again.

Your dog must obey you. To do this, you need to get the animal to respond to the command “Sit!”/ “Place!” it immediately sat down and did not move, even if you moved away from it.

Once the dog understands exactly what you want from it, place the leash on the floor and gradually move away. Do not lower your hand so that it remains in the dog’s field of vision. Order “Sit! Place!" as many times as necessary. Gradually increase the distance between you and the dog.

Should a dog be taught the commands “Fast!” or “Take it!”?

It is known that no one loves aggressive dogs. Especially if it is a family pet and will be in frequent contact with children. Despite this, many owners of four-legged friends, especially large breeds, are thinking about how to teach a dog the commands “Fast!” or “Take it!” so that their dog, on their orders, would boldly rush to the defense of its owner.

Training must be carried out only under the guidance of a competent canine instructor.

There is no need to try to provoke aggression in your dog on your own. This will harm her psyche. Not to mention the fact that not every breed of dog is suitable for training guard skills.

It must be said that any dog, devoted to its owner, boldly rushes to his defense even without training in the “Take!” command. But there are also exceptions. It wouldn’t hurt to learn how to teach your dog the commands “Fast!” and “Take it!”, and, if necessary, apply this knowledge in practice. We hope that you will not need this in everyday life.

Teaching a dog the command “Fu!”

Often puppies start playing naughty and try to tear the pillow, pull off the blanket, and so on. Team "Ugh!" - this is what your puppy hears from early childhood. As soon as your little dog starts doing something inappropriate, sternly say “Ugh!” and to reinforce your words, lightly slap him in the face.

But keep in mind that the slap on the face should be light. It is best to use rolled up newspaper for these purposes. Never harm your puppy severe pain. This can intimidate your dog.

Only small puppies should be given a nose tap. A teenage dog can be pulled back with a sharp tug on the leash. Most effective way punishment for an older dog is to take it by the collar, lift it and shake it properly. Don't forget to say "Ugh!"

It must be said that this is practically the same way that a mother dog raises insolent puppies.

Teaching your dog the commands “Voice!” and “Nearby!”

During a walk, it is advisable for the dog to walk alongside and not try to catch up with some cat. This is especially true big dogs. You want this, but you don’t know how to teach your dog the commands “Voice!” or “Nearby!”? It's actually very simple. To teach your dog the “Voice!” command, sit him down and raise a treat over his head. Hold the treat high up so he can't reach and snatch it from your hands.

At the same time say: “Voice!” As soon as four-legged friend makes a sound, immediately give him a treat and praise him. Some dogs do not immediately understand what is required of them. Most often they try to jump up to get a tasty morsel. As soon as your pet tries to jump, tell him: “Ugh! Sit!" And repeat the lesson from the beginning.

It happens that instead of barking loudly, an animal begins to timidly yelp or whine. This should also be rewarded. Over time, the dog will learn to bark loudly. Now you know how to teach your dog commands (“Voice!” and others)? There is very little left.

As for the next one, it's a little more complicated. But before you learn how to teach your dog the commands “Near!” and “Voice!”, you need to know why this is needed. They will be needed when you need your pet to walk calmly next to you without a leash or start barking to attract attention.

This command should be taught on a walk, when your animal is running around and is slightly tired. While the dog is walking next to you on a leash, do not let her run ahead or trail behind. Easily pull it back or pull it towards you, while simultaneously saying: “Near!”

If your dog walks closely next to you for any length of time, encourage him with praise and a treat. Such training should be carried out every day.

When your pet understands what you want from him and the skill is reinforced, continue training without a leash.

How to properly teach a dog to commands?

Many owners of watchdogs ask the dog handler: “How to teach a dog to commands?” But there is nothing super complicated about this. To ensure that your pet learns new skills well and gets used to performing them without question, train every day. Exercise at home and on the go. Classes must be regular. Make your pet happy and don’t tire him out with training. It's best to do it in between.

What commands to teach your dog is up to you, but do not forget to call the animal from time to time and order it to perform the trick you are learning. For good job Don't forget to thank them with a treat. Now you know how to teach your dog commands.

But finally, I would like to add that regular exercises combined with affection, care and good care will do their job. And in the end, as a reward for your work, you will receive a perfectly educated true friend and defender.

There are five important commands that every dog ​​should know: “sit”, “place”, “down”, “come” and “next”. These commands will allow you to convey your wishes to the dog, significantly facilitating the process of communication with your pet. If you teach your dog basic commands well, you will lay the foundation for future more advanced training and will also help build a conflict-free relationship with your furry best friend.


Teaching your dog the "sit" command

    Start training by learning the "sit" command. Sitting in dogs is considered a form of politeness. This is a natural action. It demonstrates a lack of aggression and a desire to wait.

    When your dog sits, praise him. As soon as your pet accepts sitting position, say "Well done!" and give him the treat. The goal is for the dog to form a connection between the command, the action, the praise and the treat.

    Replace treats with hand signals. Once your dog has learned the vocal command, stop assisting him with the action and introduce an accompanying gesture. Typically, the “sit” command uses an arm bent at the elbow with the palm horizontally facing upward. When pronouncing the “sit” command, first make a free fist with your hand, lift it by bending at the elbow and open your palm horizontally, facing up.

    Repeat until the dog begins to consistently obey your command. This may require certain time, especially if you are training an older or stubborn dog. However, you shouldn't give up. It is important for your relationship with your dog that the dog remains under your leadership. This will make your life together easier and will be safer for the dog itself.

    Repeat the sequence of actions several times. Repetition is key in teaching your dog commands and reinforcing them. The goal of training is to get your dog to follow commands no matter what he is doing at the time he hears the command from you. This way you can always stop quickly and effectively unwanted behavior dogs.

    • As with learning any other commands, if the dog does not follow the command or makes mistakes, start over from the beginning. Re-seat the dog and begin the required sequence of actions.

Teaching your dog the "come to me" command

  1. Train your dog to come when you call. To train a dog to come when called, the command “come” is used. As with other basic commands, start by placing your dog in a sitting position.

    Gently pull the dog towards you while saying the phrase "(dog's name), come to me!"You should use a more encouraging tone of voice than other commands because you want the dog to want to come to you. Follow up with a gesture to show the dog what you want him to do.

    Lure your dog towards you with a treat. After showing your dog what you want him to do and giving him a vocal command, place a piece of dry food at your feet and point to it. After a short time, just a gesture pointing to your feet will be enough. Then you can start using just a voice command or just a gesture.

    Reinforce your dog's actions with praise. When a dog will do to you, praise the dog with the phrase “Well done!” Pet her on the head, showing your satisfaction with what the dog just did for you.

    Practice executing the command in different times and in different places. When communicating with your pet, use various opportunities to call him from the other side of the room, saying his name and the command “come to me,” and also remembering to praise your pet when he comes to you. This will allow your dog to learn the command better.

Teaching your dog the "here" command

    Teach your dog the “near” command. This command is often the most difficult to learn. However, most dogs can learn it if you are consistent in your actions. Teaching your dog to walk next to you will save stress on your dog's back, shoulders, and neck, as well as both of your self-esteem (although this is not so important for the dog).

    • Probably your dog naturally will want to run around and sniff everything around, while tugging you in different directions. You should show your pet that there are certain times to explore and times when it is not necessary.
  1. Sit the dog down. After attaching a leash to your dog's collar, have him sit in a normal sitting position next to your left leg, with both of you facing in the same direction. This usual place the dog being near you.

    • Always place your dog left side from myself, so as not to confuse her.
  2. Give the command "near". Say the phrase “(dog’s name), next!” while simultaneously stepping forward with your left leg. Your dog will either start to resist or rush after you. In any case, gently pull her leash and repeat the command "here."

    Encourage your dog to stay close to you. If the dog leans too far to the side, pat the leg and repeat the command "here." Always use the same command.

  3. Correct incorrect behavior. If the dog pulls forward, say in a calm voice, “no, (dog’s name), nearby.” If necessary, tug on your dog's leash. When stopping, always stop on your left foot and say "(dog's name), sit." If your dog tries to move forward again, gently pull him on the leash and force him to sit next to your left leg with the command “sit.”

    • If the dog gets a little out of control, stop and have the dog sit next to you, praise him and start again. You should always adjust the dog to your position rather than adjusting to the dog. If you adapt to the dog, then in the end it will have a well-trained owner who obeys it.
    • You must train your dog to behave in such a way that he does not feel pressure from the leash, except when correcting his position, otherwise your pet will constantly pull on your leash. Correct with your voice and gestures, and use the leash only if the dog does not obey.
  4. Practice following the command using body language only. When the dog consistently obeys the voice command "here", suddenly start moving and stopping on the left leg without a voice or sign command. Also, at the moment when the dog is sitting at your left leg, periodically start moving with right leg And. The dog will want to follow you, but in this case you need to give him the command “place” and walk around him to the starting position when the dog is on your left.

    • Alternate starting the movement with the left foot and simultaneously giving the command “near” with starting the movement with the right foot and giving the command “place”. After a while, you may begin to randomly alternate between moving your left and right legs, reinforcing the appropriate command with “near” or “place.” When you study these commands well, you will be able to act harmoniously in pairs, regardless of the place in which you are.
  • Do not show your dog that you are upset or irritated while training. This will just confuse her and scare her, making it a difficult learning experience for both of you. If you start to get frustrated, back off and move on to a command that your dog knows better and end the lesson on a positive note.
  • Never, under any circumstances, yell at or punish your dog for incorrect execution commands when you call her to you. Even if your dog refused to obey you before he came to you on command, your punishment will be associated in his mind only with the last command he executed. By doing this you will simply confuse her!
  • Don't let your dog off leash until he can follow basic commands correctly 100% of the time. A dog only needs to disobey you once and manage to sneak out of your reach to learn that you can't force him to do anything until you catch him. You need to initially establish your strong authority before you can successfully begin working with an off-leash dog.

Raising a dog, especially in a large family where it was adopted, should occupy one of the most important places in the life of the owners. The development of communication skills with a pet is on a par with nutrition and caring for the health of the animal.

Find a comfortable position near your pet to start training. You'll need a treat for encouragement, so leave one nearby. The exercise involves both hands: support the animal’s chest with one, and press on it with the other. pelvic area so that he squats, pronouncing the word “sit.”

Successful completion of the exercise should be reinforced with a treat. Of course, the first time your pet will not understand what you are trying to achieve from him. However, a few repetitions will make a difference. This principle applies to the following exercises, so stock up good mood and treats for your friend.

How to master the “lie down” command

Having learned to “sit”, it’s time to lie down. This training begins with the first command. Hold the treat in your hand and let the animal feel it. Then gently lower your hand to the floor, pressing the dog’s back so that it rests on its paws. And as soon as the exercise is completed - the dog lies down - give it a treat and encourage it with words.

This command may take your dog several repetitions. Having learned to “lie down”, you can try to show a funny trick, the “die” command. To do this, let the dog lie on its paws and you turn it onto its side. This action is necessarily accompanied by the pronunciation of the command.


Command your pet to be "close"

It is important to teach your dog not to stray too far from you during a walk. No big difference, will she be on a leash at this moment or run freely around you.

The command is subject to both puppies who have just started living with you, and adults with whom you have only recently been walking. The “near” command is taught using a leash. When going outside, the dog will break and pull the leash behind him. You need to be firm and at such moments sharply pull the leash towards you and pronounce the command “near”.

For adult dogs, the tactics do not change much, but jerking should be reinforced with treats; motivation will play a big role. Determine what distance you see as acceptable, and as soon as it has been violated, a short sharp jerk should follow.

As a leash for adult dogs, it is better to use a choke or a jerk chick. It is better not to use a strict collar in order to prevent the occurrence of pain effects in the animal.

When bringing a puppy into the home, every person dreams of an obedient, controllable and well-mannered pet. To do this, the owner needs to devote a certain amount of time

General principles training

For successful pet training systematic training is required. By duration the lesson should not exceed 2 hours. Commands for dogs: the list of techniques practiced in the lesson depends on the dog’s level of training, for example

List of commands for dogs and how to teach them

Important! It is advisable to start training with the main and most necessary orders, such as “Come to me!” and “Ugh!”

These dog training commands allow you to quickly call the puppy to you whenever necessary and stop unwanted actions.

The indication “Near!” allows for different circumstances to be near the owner.

The order “Get in place!” forces the dog to go to the enclosure or to his mat.

Note "Sit!" usually learned together with the command “Near!”

Permissive instruction “Go for a walk!” allows the dog to walk freely.

Main commands for dogs: a list and how to teach them, we will consider further.

  • “Come to me!”
  • "Ugh!".
  • "Near!".
  • "Sit!".
  • "Lie!".
  • "Stand!".
  • "Give it!"
  • “Aport!”
  • "Walk!".
  • "Place!".
  • "Fas!"
  • “Come to me!”

    The team is considered the main one. Its precise execution makes it possible to guide and control the dog. To begin with, the pet must be on and have a certain freedom. Next, the instruction “Come to me!” is given. and a treat is shown, it is given to the animal as gratitude.

    Attention! If the puppy is disobedient, you need to pull it towards you with a jerky leash, and then reward it with a treat. The intonation should be calm and not irritating.

    With the order “Come to me!” a gesture is made right hand to the thigh. Further, it can only be given by gesture.

    This is another basic command. For her A clear and strict intonation is required. When the puppy tries to pick up a prohibited object or runs after someone, you need to stop her with a leash and order “Fu!” You can practice this skill


    It is advisable to study this skill after the pet has walked and is not distracted by external factors. The dog must be taken to short leash and clearly order “Near!”

    This technique must be repeated when the dog moves away from the leg, while sharply pulling the leash towards you. To reinforce the skill, reward your pet. Next, this command must be repeated in the absence of a leash. This skill compulsory for serious level breeds


    This skill is learned with the help of a short leash. The puppy should sniff the tasty treat, then raise it above his head and clearly voice the instructions. After successfully completing the technique, it is recommended to reward your pet. This operation must be repeated several times to secure it.


    The list of commands for dogs with gestures needs to be mastered in order. You need to start learning this technique after successfully completing the order “Sit!” The lying position is achieved from a sitting position by pressing on the withers of the animal and pulling the leash down without sharpness.

    The gesture for this order is to sharply lower the right hand down.


    To learn this order, the starting position is lying or sitting on the left side of the trainer. You need to lift the leash or collar, and with your left hand the dog’s stomach and say the instructions.

    The command is characterized by a gesture of the right straight arm, which must be raised from the hip upward.

    "Give it!"

    Practicing the order “Give!” starts with the game. You will need a familiar object or toy. When the puppy takes the toy, you need to pick it up with your hand and at the same time order “Give it!” If the instructions are followed correctly, be sure to reward the pet.


    The “Aport” command is best practiced in gameplay with a ball, toy or other familiar object.

    First you need to seat the student with the order “Sit!”

    After the dog takes the item, you need to thank it with a treat. Further, the technique can be complicated by training the pet to fetch a thrown object.


    This command is not difficult for a dog. The order is pronounced “Walk!” a gesture indicates the direction of movement.


    The list of commands for a dog includes instructing the pet to take its place. First, you need to mark the place with an object familiar to your pet, but not with the one used to practice the “Fetch” command. The dog needs to be ordered to “Lie down!”, place this object in front of it and order “Place!” Next, move to an accessible distance, call the student to you and command “Place!” The pet should go to a place to lie next to this object.

    The command corresponds to the gesture of pointing with the right hand, palm down from the waist.


    To the indication “Fas!” You should start only after mastering all the previous commands. It is recommended that this command be taught in the presence of an instructor. After receiving the command, the dog must attack the object. The student must be at least 6-10 months old.

    Important! Teach the command “Fast!” Only mentally healthy and balanced individuals are allowed.

    In the course of constant systematic training, the dog gradually begins to unquestioningly obey the owner, while at the same time enjoying communication with the person. Joint lessons improve psychological contact, They are taught to more sensitively perceive the intonation and mood of the owner.

    Additionally, check out the video about training dogs for each of the main commands:

    A dog, regardless of its breed, must behave with dignity. An unrestrained, annoying, hysterical animal arouses the hostility of the people around him and leads to conflicts. A dog that does not obey its owner often becomes a victim of a car collision or attack by stray animals. On the contrary, with trained pet It’s not embarrassing or scary to go on vacation or walk along a crowded street. A dog that walks decorously at the owner’s feet or calmly greets guests gives only positive emotions and very convenient to use everyday life.

    Basic commands for dogs

    Why train a dog?

    An adult dog of any breed must be trained obedience commands, which are included in general course training. These commands help to discipline the pet, accustom it to behavior that is restrained and appropriate to the situation, and foster a sense of trust in the owner and self-confidence.

    An obedient dog is a comfortable dog.

    Through daily repetition and training, the dog learns to obey unquestioningly, enjoying cooperation with the person. The training process is not only about training the animal. Joint exercises help the owner and the dog learn to recognize shades of mood by look and gesture, and open up new sides of the pet’s character.

    Basic commands for dogs

    The first, main commands that are vital for controlling an animal are “Come to me!” And "Ugh!" Calling from any position is practiced from the first days of meeting the puppy. Instant execution of this command helps you quickly take your pet when danger appears and save his life.

    • Team "Ugh!" - prohibitive, it is pronounced once for any unwanted actions pet. Picking up food from the ground or damaging the owner's things is a reason to sharply pull the dog back. The command is taught during communication, reinforcing what is said with a jerk of the leash. You should not spank or whip the animal, as you can only in case of immediate threat for household members or owner. A sharp shout in a threatening tone is enough.
    • The ability to obey a ban is one of the most important for a dog.

    • Command “Get in place!” needed in everyday life. She sends the dog to his place, to another room or to and forces him to stay there until he is given permission to leave. It is convenient to use this command to get rid of the dog’s annoying behavior when meeting guests or strangers. Often the command “Place!” used as a method of isolating an animal after an offense has been committed.
    • Team "Walk!" – favorite word dogs, which allows her to run, jump, frolic and play. Saying this word makes it clear to the animal that he can relax and start fun game or run around the area, getting acquainted with the smells.
    • Command "Near!" necessary to ensure that the dog follows your feet during a walk, on the stairs, in any situation when it is necessary. Many dogs with an active temperament walk alongside, holding back the impulse to run or jump so much that they dance, but follow the command. The owner of a dog trained to walk alongside does not have to run for a leash through the bushes or headlong down the stairs. In an unfamiliar situation, the dog will walk at the foot, even if it is afraid (transition suspension bridge or on the plane's steps).
    • The command “Sit!” often combined with the command “Near!”, the dog is trained with the command “Near!” sit down after stopping. This is convenient when crossing the road, when entering an elevator or apartment in order to wipe their paws. Very often, following the command “Sit!” at a distance saves a pet's life. An animal that has safely crossed the road during play or has broken off its leash should not return back on its own. The owner gives the command “Sit!” and approaches the dog himself.
    • One of my favorite teams is Aport!.

    • The command “Lie down!” performed both at a distance and at the leg, its implementation disciplines the pet. After the dog learns it, the command “Place!” much easier to unlearn.
    • The command “Stop!”: with its help you can stop a pet that is rushing at full speed to attack another dog or person. With the help of this team, the basis is created for creating a show stand for pets that are promising for a show career. It is considered difficult for pets of any temperament, since It is not typical for animals to freeze in a static position.
    • Command "Aport!" may be necessary so that the pet can bring required item, and most often the dog unlearns it with pleasure during the game. The most difficult part of practicing it is the moment when you need to take the object from the puppy. To prevent your baby from running around with a ball in his mouth, you need to make a kind of exchange, handing him a treat and quickly picking up the ball. Subsequently, the implementation is made more difficult by teaching the animal to sit down with the toy in its mouth, to walk next to it, without letting it out of its teeth. An additional command is the word “Hold!” or “Bring it!”

    How to teach your dog basic commands

    The puppy begins to be trained from the first days of presence in the new home. Each action is accompanied by a command: when putting it on, they say the word “Walk”, prohibit it with the command “Ugh!”, and sit it down before wiping its paws.


    Over time, the puppy will remember the first commands, but for this the owner must follow several basic rules of training.

    Not all dogs learn equally well, at the same speed or with the same success. This does not mean that the pet is stupid, they just exist pedigree and individual characteristics , which allow the dog to perform certain commands better or worse.

    For example, fox terriers or german shepherds They have a fairly active, choleric temperament. They are better at those tasks that require active actions: calling, fetching. Newfoundland or Central Asian Shepherd are more phlegmatic, they quickly learn to work with endurance, master the command “Near!”

    The owner must take into account the character traits of his pet, be patient and exercise the dog regularly. Only in this case will the most restless or lazy puppy turn out to be great companion and defender.

    Video. Dog training. Motivation. Basics of Obedience



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