When is it necessary to perform the procedure of cauterization of vessels in the nose? Nitrogen cauterization of the turbinates. Operation to cauterize blood vessels in the nose: progress and consequences

Cauterization of capillaries and small arterioles in the nasal passages is one of the effective and frequently used methods of therapy. As a rule, it is prescribed to patients with ailments of the vascular structure of the nose, expressed in its malfunction and not amenable to conservative treatment.

Most cauterization of blood vessels is performed on people with frequent nosebleeds or those suffering from medical rhinitis. Today we will talk in more detail about this method of therapy, indications for its implementation and the nuances of the procedure.

Cauterization of vessels in the nose is an informal name for therapeutic procedures called “conchotomy” and “vasotomy”. The nature of their implementation is slightly different, but both operations are aimed at changing the functioning of the vascular structures in the nasal cavity. When implementing a conchotomy, partial removal of capillaries and arterioles takes place, while vasotomy involves the usual cauterization of them.

The main purpose for such procedures is (less often - other problems in the functioning of vascular structures). At the moment, cauterization of vessels in the nasal passages is often carried out for:

  • hypertension
  • weakness of capillaries and arterioles
  • any pathologies affecting the blood clotting rate
  • high susceptibility to allergies
  • hormonal problems
  • the phenomenon of “dryness” of the mucous membrane due to some external factors (dusty and dry air, poor ecology)
  • consequences of incorrectly taking nasal drops

Simply put, cauterization of blood vessels is required for people with malfunctioning mucous membranes in the nose. To stabilize its functioning, it is necessary to carry out this particular procedure. After external influence and a kind of excision of tissue, the vessels will gradually be rebuilt, the internal tone will be normalized and the mucous membrane will begin to work in the correct mode.

In any case, both conchotomy and vasotomy are very serious procedures, before carrying out which it is important to consult a doctor. If you want to eliminate constant nosebleeds, you should not forget about this.

Laser cauterization of blood vessels

You can cauterize the vascular structure of the nose in different ways. The most commonly used and convenient procedure is the one performed using a laser. Radiosurgery or ultrasound treatments can be fully considered analogues of such vasotomy, but due to their less simplicity, poor comfort in terms of implementation and overall effect, they are practically not used in modern medicine. The laser has completely replaced them.

Laser vasotomy is a truly unique procedure. It is implemented for both anterior and posterior bleeding. This is due to the excellent effect of the laser on both small vessels and rather large arterioles, which often “burst” during posterior nosebleeds. There are no particular difficulties in cauterizing blood vessels using a laser.

To carry out the procedure without incident and with the greatest effect, it is enough:

  • Contact a professional doctor and undergo the necessary tests.
  • Listen carefully to the doctor's preoperative recommendations.
  • Unquestioningly follow his instructions directly during vasotomy.

The operation itself is carried out in several stages:

  1. The patient being operated on sits on a special chair in a comfortable position and fixes his head without moving.
  2. After this, the specialist performing the procedure adjusts the laser device for the patient, taking into account the severity of his problem and individual characteristics.

From the video you can find out how laser vasotomy works:

Then cauterization is carried out directly. To do this:

  • The patient is prohibited from moving and given recommendations on breathing techniques during the operation.
  • Special forceps are used to fix his nose and open his nostrils.
  • A laser tube is inserted to the required depth and the vessels are cauterized.

Laser vasotomy does not cause significant discomfort or pain to a person, which is why it is performed without anesthesia. The duration of the procedure rarely exceeds 1-1.5 hours with all the preparatory and consultation aspects. Surprisingly, a fairly simple or even primitive operation produces a significant and quick effect, helping to eliminate the patient’s problems in a convenient manner.

Cauterization with silver

A specific, but also very simple and effective method of cauterization is vasotomy with silver, or more precisely, with its nitrate.

A special solution based on this substance is able to have a moderate effect on the mucous membrane, helping to eliminate problems with blood vessels, moreover, without causing any discomfort to the person.

Cauterization with silver is implemented in an even simpler mode, namely:

  • The patient dresses in protective clothing and sits on a couch chair.
  • Next, the doctor conducts the necessary consultations with him and prepares a solution for application to the affected areas of the mucosa.
  • After this, silver nitrate is carefully applied to the nasal passages.

As soon as the applied solution has dried and formed a specific crust, the patient is no longer detained and sent home. After 2-3 days, this crust will fall off and will be eliminated from the nasal cavities on its own. Naturally, the vessels will already be cauterized and will begin to recover over time.

There are no special features in silver vasotomy. The main thing is to act according to the doctor’s recommendations and avoid getting the nitrate substance on your skin or clothing. The fact is that stains form where the solution gets in. If they disappear from the skin after a couple of days without leaving a trace, then any clothing will certainly deteriorate.

Prognosis of surgery and possible complications

Cauterization of vessels in the nose is a completely common and primitive procedure in modern medicine. There are no special features or difficulties in its implementation, so the prognosis of the operation is always favorable.

The lack of the desired effect is extremely rare and is usually associated with the lack of professionalism of doctors or the severity of damage to the nasal mucosa in a person.

As for complications after vasotomy, they are very rare. People who have cauterized vessels in the nose sometimes complain of:

  • a long period of tissue recovery, which is accompanied by minor pain or other discomfort
  • lack of desired effect or even increased bleeding
  • an allergic reaction caused by medications and solutions used during surgery

When working with a real professional, the lack of effect from vasotomy and, moreover, the development of complications is practically excluded. If their appearance could not be avoided, you need to consult a doctor again, undergo a simple diagnosis and eliminate the existing problems. As a rule, such manipulations do not take much time, and after repeated surgery or other procedures, the person’s condition returns to normal.


Rehabilitation is an important period after vasotomy, since the success of the entire procedure largely depends on it. To get the maximum effect from the operation and minimize the risks of complications, it is enough to follow all the doctor’s rehabilitation recommendations. It is often necessary:

  • For 2-4 weeks, stop taking any medications that affect the vessels in the nose and, accordingly, its mucous membrane.
  • Do not visit baths, saunas and other places with abnormally high temperatures.
  • Do not drink alcohol for 2-3 weeks.
  • Do not affect operated tissues.
  • Carefully monitor your condition and if the slightest deviation from the norm appears, contact a supervising specialist.

In principle, nothing more is required during the rehabilitation period. The main thing is to follow a proper recovery procedure.

Contraindications to all types of cauterization

Cauterization of any type in the nose has a small number of contraindications. It is necessary to refuse vasotomy only if one of the following factors is present:

  1. pregnancy or lactation period
  2. course of acute infectious pathologies during the operation
  3. exacerbation of chronic ENT diseases
  4. presence of a high risk of hemorrhagic shock (for example, often observed in people with insufficient platelets in the blood)
  5. serious illnesses of a psychosomatic nature that make it impossible for a person to remain in a stationary position for some time

In the case of silver vasotomy, it is also important to exclude the presence of an allergy in the person being operated on to the nitrate of this substance. Such an allergic reaction is, of course, rare, but it still occurs and requires mandatory consideration before surgery. Otherwise, there are no prohibitions on cauterizing vessels in the nose, regardless of the type of procedure performed.

At the end of today’s article, let’s pay attention to the main advantages and disadvantages of vasotomy. Let's start with the advantages of the operation:

  • Minor damage to the tissue of the nasal passages during its implementation.
  • Almost guaranteed effect.
  • No scars, bleeding wounds or similar defects after the procedure.
  • Impossibility of infection of the patient during vasotomy.
  • Carrying out without anesthesia.
  • Simplicity, in some way primitiveness of the procedure, which does not require any preparation or complex manipulations for implementation.

As for the disadvantages of vasotomy, there are only two provisions among them:

  1. Firstly, it is not free. To carry out the operation, you will need to contact the appropriate medical institutions, since in city hospitals it is not carried out according to the policy.
  2. Secondly, there is a small list of contraindications. Even if it is not large, it is still there and makes vasotomy not always possible.

In principle, on this note, the most important provisions on the procedure for cauterizing vessels in the nose have come to an end. As you can see, this type of operation is not difficult in terms of implementation and preparation. For its successful implementation, it is enough to adhere to the provisions discussed above. We hope that the material presented was useful to you and provided answers to your questions.

The medical name for cauterization is conochotomy or turbinectomy. Despite the wide variety of treatment methods, it is most often performed using a laser. Conochotomy does not have such consequences as impaired microcirculation, bleeding, or severe swelling.

Indications and contraindications

Nasal breathing helps warm and clean the air. Therefore, its violation leads to a decrease in the quality of life and an aesthetic defect. Conchotomy is indicated in the following cases:

  • vasomotor, allergic, medicinal rhinitis;
  • obstruction of one or both nasal passages;
  • adhesions;
  • synechia;
  • neoplasms (cysts, polyps, fibromas, papillomas).

The method has undeniable advantages, since only deformed areas are removed. Healthy tissues are not affected, which ensures rapid recovery. Conchotomy immediately eliminates the cause of nasal breathing disorders, and improvement occurs within the first day. The effect of such therapy lasts for a long time.

Laser treatment is not recommended during menstruation, in the acute phase of respiratory diseases, or in cases of blood clotting pathology. Relative contraindications are mental disorders, heart failure, respiratory system.

Cauterization is used in cases where drug treatment does not help. The procedure helps to expand the nasal passages and improves the outflow from the maxillary sinuses. The treatment method is determined by an otolaryngologist. To do this, you need to undergo an examination and take blood tests, urine tests, a swab from the nasal mucosa and pharynx for pathogenic microflora.

Stages and types

A diode laser is used to remove mucous membranes. The device can operate in pulsed and continuous mode. The rays emitted by it affect the vessels located between the cells. They evaporate, thereby destroying the nasal epithelium. A coagulation film is formed at this site, protecting the wound surface from infections and bleeding. As a result, only deformed epithelial cells are destroyed. Other structures of the nose remain intact.

Preparation for the operation is simple: blood tests, examination by an otolaryngologist, a conversation about the procedure and subsequent nose care. If the examination results do not reveal any contraindications, the doctor determines the date of the next visit. Before the intervention, you should not take stimulants (psychostimulants, caffeine), alcoholic beverages, or blood thinners. Conchotomy is performed in the operating room for 20-30 minutes.

It has the following stages:

  • blood pressure measurement;
  • changing into a sterile gown;
  • placing the patient on a table with the head end raised;
  • use of painkillers (local or general anesthesia);
  • facial treatment with antiseptic (70% ethyl alcohol);
  • applying methylene blue to the mucous membrane;
  • cauterization of affected areas;
  • completion of the procedure and observation of the patient for 30-60 minutes.

During the procedure, you need to breathe through your mouth, as vapors can enter the lungs. You also can’t move, so you need to immediately take a comfortable position. Methylene blue is used to stain the areas to be removed. Anesthesia is carried out using 10% lidocaine in the form of a spray. During cauterization, an endoscope or a surgical mirror is used. The tools allow precise control of the laser's movements.

Conchotomy has the following types:

  • Contact.
  • Superficial.
  • Submucosa.

In addition, laser cauterization can be point or linear. The method can be carried out once or in two stages (with an interval of 7 days). The choice of method depends on the pathology and its location in the nasal cavity.


After the procedure, you can go home immediately. Healing of the wound surface lasts from one to 2 weeks. After cauterization, you should not go to the sauna, bathhouse, stay in an inclined position for a long time, perform heavy physical activity, or intense workouts. It is not recommended to take medications that increase blood pressure. Hypertension can cause nosebleeds. You should also not drink alcohol. It is forbidden to drip vasoconstrictor drugs. If the cause of laser treatment was drug-induced rhinitis, the disease will recur.

To heal the nasal mucosa, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • olive oil;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • peach oil.


Conchotomy has virtually no complications. The intervention is easy and quick. If you do not follow the doctor's recommendations, atrophy of the mucous membrane may occur. If hygiene rules are not followed, an inflammatory process develops. Atrophy and inflammation interfere with wound healing and the process is delayed for several weeks. Long-term consequences include difficulty breathing, as hypertrophic rhinitis may recur.

Cauterization of the nasal mucosa is one of the best options for treating hypertrophic rhinitis. This method allows you to improve nasal breathing for a long time without pain and huge costs.

Useful video about conchotomy


I’ve had problems with my nose for a long time now, I was on vasoconstrictors for about a year, constantly dripping and splashing, especially at night. I tried to treat vasomotor rhinitis with both Budoster and Avamis (all as prescribed by the doctor). It helped, but after some time everything resumed.

But, in February 2015, I had sinusitis and I went to the hospital, where they successfully got rid of it and at the same time corrected my nasal septum, you can read about this in my review of septoplasty.

The operational problems were resolved, but at night my nose kept getting blocked on one side. My doctor said that this is not surprising, my addiction to drops and sprays caused vasomotor rhinitis.

Vasomotor rhinitis is a non-infectious inflammation of the nasal mucosa. This is a chronic disease in which the vessels of the nasal mucosa are overactive. It, in turn, develops as a result of exposure to nonspecific factors. Moreover, the root cause can be both external and internal.

And since conservative treatment with hormonal and antiallergic drugs (the same Avamis, Budoster, Tizin Alergy, etc.) did not give long-term results, the doctor suggested that I do Laser vasotomy of the nasal turbinates.

Laser vasotomy of the inferior turbinates is the most gentle and effective way to get rid of vasomotor or allergic rhinitis, medicinal rhinitis, hypertrophy of the inferior turbinates and dependence on medications that not only alleviate, but aggravate the situation.

During this procedure, the doctor cauterizes (destroys) the swollen vessels under the nasal mucosa that are accustomed to working incorrectly. This eliminates swelling and restores proper breathing.

I completely trust my doctor (in addition to correcting the septum, he also removed my adenoid (), so of course I agreed.

Cost of laser vasotomy in my city it’s about 10 tr. for 2015.



We have decided on the date and time, no restrictions on food, etc. there wasn't. Only two points were required here: 1 arrive on time, 2 do not use any cosmetics on your face.

Of course, all this was done in the operating room; I stripped down to my underpants, put on a disposable gown, shoe covers and a cap.


Local, of course))) They laid me on a couch (or a table, I don’t know which way) and adjusted its height and the rise of the headrest. We treated my entire face with alcohol, the doctor put turundas soaked in anesthetic liquid into my nose, a couple of drops fell on my lips and they immediately became numb, just like in the dentist’s office. I waited the right time and took it all out.

Before starting cauterization.

The doctor warned that under no circumstances should you twitch or move, asked if it was necessary to tie your arms and legs, I laughed, but then it turned out that the necessary straps were still there, but they didn’t restrain me, they agreed that if it hurt, then I’ll I'll whine anyway))). The doctor also explained that during the process I would feel an unpleasant burning smell, so I would need to inhale through my mouth and exhale through my nose. For additional eye protection, they put a special bandage on me, so I didn’t see the process itself. I think that's a good thing.

The process of cauterization (actually vasotomy).

The doctor inserted a special speculum into the nose and said that we are starting. I immediately felt an unpleasant smell. It smelled like burnt meat, a roasted human))). I often lost my breathing and inhaled this smoke, my doctor immediately noticed this and reminded me how to breathe correctly and calmed me down. From time to time he adjusted my head by changing the viewing angle.

It didn't hurt! Sometimes I felt a slight burning sensation or tingling, but everything was very tolerable. The only unpleasant moment, looking ahead, I will say that only I am to blame. I still jerked, but not from pain, but from surprise, when the doctor touched the second sink with a cold mirror. Naturally, the laser slipped and I received a slight burn.

Fortunately, the doctor reacted instantly and turned off the laser. It didn’t hurt, it stung slightly, that’s what it looked like. (I repeat, this burn is my fault!)

In total, the vasotomy took about 15 minutes. There was no blood AT ALL! They did NOT put any tampons in my nose after cauterization.

When I returned home and how I took care of my nose after.

I spent a little time in the hospital. My nose didn’t hurt at all and I was breathing great! The doctor examined me again and sent me home, recommending that I put five drops of olive oil into my nose three times a day and come for a follow-up examination in a week. He warned that after the anesthesia wears off, pain will appear and the nose will not breathe for about three days, after which breathing will gradually normalize. He strictly forbade the use of sprays or drops, and said that if you remember about them at least once, the addiction will return. He also said that the scabs will come off and you shouldn’t be afraid of it.

I returned home happy, ate, drank, and after an hour and a half the freeze was released and I felt pain. I won’t hide or embellish it, it was very painful, even my eyes were watering from it, I took a painkiller, which didn’t help much, but the oil significantly alleviated my condition.

The nose was breathing, but not so well, if someone likes to cry, he definitely knows the feeling of swelling in the nose, he seems to be breathing, but not completely. By nightfall the pain had completely gone and my nose was breathing fully! After five days, the crusts came off (leather films with scorch marks and in places with caruncle)))

Bottom line.

The burn completely disappeared after a week, not a trace remained of it. My nose is still breathing perfectly, thanks to my doctor! I forgot about drops and sprays and don’t plan to remember! This is an excellent procedure, the main thing is to find a good specialist and strictly follow his recommendations (especially do not jump in surprise, as I did). Living and breathing is wonderful!

In November 2017, my doctor passed away. For 2.5 years he protected me, observed me, treated me. I managed to become practically a family doctor (he helped both my daughter and sister). This is a terrible loss that I am painfully experiencing at the moment. I dedicate my review, and all the reviews about step-by-step relief from torment with the nose, to him. He was a true professional, could accurately diagnose (additional examinations always only confirmed his words), masterfully performed operations of any complexity, and at the same time was a real Man with a capital P. He did not just treat the disease, he looked for the cause of its occurrence. I have never met more responsive, understanding, responsible doctors. Eternal bright memory to an amazing Doctor and a real Man.

A cheaper analogue of Avamisa spray Nazarel

Homeopathic tablets for the treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis Cinnabsin

Progress of the operation

Before laser disintegration is performed, the patient’s blood pressure is measured, and the course of the upcoming procedure is explained once again. In private clinics, you may be asked to wear disposable clothing.

  1. Before laser destruction, the patient must undress down to his underpants, put on a gown and shoe covers and proceed to the operating room.
  2. The doctor calms the patient. In case of severe anxiety, he may offer mild sedatives.
  3. Positions the patient with the head end elevated. During the operation, it is important not to perform even the slightest movement, so the patient must initially take a position that is comfortable for the whole body. A blindfold is put on the eyes, and the arms and legs can be secured with bandages if desired. If there is a slight burn, don’t worry, it will go away in a week.

    Consequences of a laser burn due to patient restlessness

  4. During laser vasotomy of the nasal turbinates, it is recommended to breathe through the mouth to avoid the feeling of an unpleasant odor and vapors entering the lungs
  5. The specialist administers local anesthesia. It can be in the form of an injection or in the form of turundas moistened with a specialized agent, which are placed in the nasal passages for several minutes before they begin to act.

    Anesthesia in the nose before laser vasotomy

  6. The face is treated with seventy percent medical ethyl alcohol.
  7. To make it easier for a specialist to determine where exactly the nasal mucosa has been damaged, it is stained with methylene blue, which will also improve the performance of the laser.
  8. The doctor finds the anterior end of the nasal turbinate, touches it with a laser and carries out all the necessary painless manipulations inside; the surface layer of the nasal mucosa itself remains intact, all the cilia remain in place.

    Laser touching the inferior turbinate

  9. The doctor monitors the process using a surgical mirror or endoscope. The patient may feel a slight tingling sensation, which is normal during laser destruction.

    The doctor looks at the monitor using an endoscope and controls the laser

  10. Laser work is carried out in the form of points or with the help of continuous exposure of the device to the mucous membrane of the nasal concha.

Benefits of laser vasotomy

After surgery, tight tamponade of the nasal passages is not performed. Laser vasotomy does not cause bleeding. The operation is carried out by sealing and cauterizing the vessels; they do not rupture.

If the course of laser coagulation is good, it takes no more than 10 minutes, leaving behind 1-2 wounds no more than 1-2 mm in size.

According to statistical studies, after laser coagulation, healing and restoration of the mucous membrane of the nasal turbinates occurs in ninety-six cases out of a hundred operations performed.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after laser vasotomy of the nasal turbinates lasts no longer than one week. After the operation is completed, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist for half an hour and is sent home.

Fact! In most patients, breathing is restored within 3 days.

At home, it is prohibited to lead an active lifestyle, bend over, visit hot places, steam rooms, baths and saunas, as well as drink alcoholic beverages that can raise blood pressure, disperse blood through the vessels and cause nosebleeds.

Forbidden! The use of vasoconstrictor drops during the recovery period after laser vasotomy. By doing this you will start the reverse process and the whole operation will come to naught.

The doctor prescribes the use of nasal sprays that can regenerate tissue, as well as instillation of olive and peach oil. In individual cases, the patient may be prescribed additional manipulations.

Consequences of laser vasotomy

Like any surgical operation, laser conchotomy of the nasal turbinates can develop some pathological changes if the recommendations of the operating specialist are not followed:

  1. Atrophy of the nasal mucosa. This pathology entails disruption of the work and functioning of the mucous epithelium. When performing laser vasotomy of the nasal turbinates, it is observed extremely rarely.
  2. Inflammatory process. It also occurs during disintegration extremely rarely. The laser device and surgical instruments are subject to disinfection and have a sterile surface.
  3. Decreased or complete loss of sense of smell. This pathological feature is temporary. It is associated with the presence of soft tissue swelling after surgery.
  4. Feeling of nasal congestion and difficulty breathing. In rare cases, these problems do not go away after laser conchotomy, due to an allergic reaction or repeated hypertrophy.


The cost of laser vasotomy is determined by the following criteria:

  1. Primary diagnosis
  2. Anesthesia used
  3. Surgeon's qualifications
  4. Popularity of the clinic
  5. Geographic location of the city where the operation is performed

The price varies from 10-25 thousand rubles.

Video of laser vasotomy (coagulation, destruction, conchotomy) of the inferior turbinates

If nasal congestion or frequent bleeding is not treated by any therapeutic method, then they resort to cauterization of the vessels in the nose - coagulation (cauterization, conchotomy, vasotomy). This method makes breathing free and is low-traumatic.

The essence of the method

Breathing problems occur when mucous grows in the lower and middle turbinates. By cauterization, it is removed completely or partially - it all depends on the degree of its growth. Along with the mucous membrane, numerous blood vessels located in it are also cauterized.

The procedure is absolutely painless, as it is performed under local anesthesia. Cauterization is usually done on an outpatient basis.

Indications for cauterization of vessels in the nose

Cauterization is used in certain cases:
  • nosebleeds that cannot be treated conservatively;
  • chronic rhinitis;
  • atrophied mucous membrane in the nasal cavity;
  • severely difficult nasal breathing;
  • chronic sinusitis (sinusitis);
  • preparation for correcting the shape of the nose (rhinoplasty).
Although cauterization is a low-traumatic procedure, it is still an operation. The otolaryngologist prescribes it after all possible methods of conservative treatment have been tried, but have not borne fruit.


Like any other intervention, albeit minor, cauterization of blood vessels has certain contraindications:
  • acute infections of the nose or upper respiratory tract;
  • purulent otitis media;
  • acute purulent sinusitis;
  • acute inflammatory process;
  • heart attack;
  • strokes;
  • liver or kidney failure;
  • pregnancy;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • epilepsy.

Types of cauterization of nasal vessels and their features

Several methods are used for cauterization:
  • laser conchotomy;
  • cutting nasal loop;
  • chemical cauterization;
  • thermocoagulation (electrocoagulation) – includes darsonvalization, diathermocoagulation, UHF-Brevilux therapy;
  • US disintegration;
  • lateralization;
  • cryodestruction;
  • radio wave method.

Laser conchotomy

Laser conchotomy means exposure to laser beams. Cauterization of vessels in the nose with a laser can be pulsed or continuous. The effect of the laser slowly evaporates the liquid, and the mucous membrane, like other cells of the body, mainly consists of water. Thanks to the laser, not only hypertrophied tissue is removed, but also a coagulation film is formed. This coating protects the mucous membrane from infection and bleeding.

Laser conchotomy has several advantages:

  • removing only damaged areas;
  • the operation takes no longer than half an hour and does not require special preparation;
  • anesthesia eliminates discomfort;
  • preservation of mucous membrane;
  • long lasting effect;
  • fast recovery;
  • no bleeding of blood vessels.

Laser conchotomy is performed according to a specific algorithm:
  • The patient changes into a special gown.
  • The patient is placed in a certain position. The eyes are covered with a bandage, and the limbs are sometimes fixed.
  • Injecting local anesthesia by injection or placing turundas moistened with the drug into the nasal passages (place for several minutes).
  • The face is treated with alcohol (70%).
  • The mucous membrane is stained to clarify the area of ​​intervention.
  • Laser tissue removal is performed. The operation is monitored using an endoscope or a surgical mirror.
  • Postoperative monitoring is enough for half an hour.
  • The patient can go home.

Cutting nose loop

Today, this technique is rarely used, since the operation is a very complex process. With such an intervention, the risk of severe blood loss is very high, and rehabilitation takes a long time.

The disadvantages of this technique are the need for general anesthesia, a preliminary course of antibiotics, frequent formation of adhesions and scarring.

The procedure may involve a preliminary incision. During the operation, part of the concha is removed using a cutting nasal loop.

Chemical cauterization

For the purpose of chemical cauterization, silver nitrate is often used - the optimal strength of the solution is 40-50%. This method is optimal for bleeding in the anterior parts of the nose. The procedure is quite simple:
  • Vasoconstriction. Adrenaline or Ephedrine are usually used for this.
  • Anesthesia (usually lidocaine).
  • Solution treatment. It is not the bleeding area that is cauterized, but the area around it.


Thermocoagulation is also called electrocoagulation or electrocautery. This technique is based on the action of direct electric current. The mucosal tissue is cauterized by introducing an electrode under its shell, which heats up and causes a burn. The tissue treated with cauterization is scarred, and as a result, the volume of the nasal concha decreases.

The use of this technique implies a disruption of the established blood supply system in hypertrophied tissues. This is achieved by the action of an ultrasonic waveguide. In the vessels of hypertrophied tissue, the processes of sclerotization and desolation begin. As a result, the mucous membrane contracts, and nasal breathing normalizes.

When ultrasound disintegration is carried out correctly, the mucous membrane is not injured and no complications arise. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia in an ENT office.

Ultrasonic disintegration is attractive due to its painlessness, speed and absence of the need to hospitalize the patient.


This method is mechanical damage to tissue. This happens with the help of a surgical instrument. The specialist breaks the concha in the area of ​​its attachment and moves it to the side wall of the nasal cavity. This procedure allows you to increase the space for air entering the body.


This method of cauterizing vessels in the nose is based on the action of low temperatures. They are provided by a special cryoprobe. When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, ice crystals form. As a result, the cell walls of the hypertrophied tissue are destroyed.

Thanks to cryodestruction, the volume of the nasal concha is significantly reduced. This happens due to the fact that thrombosis and bleeding begin in the small vessels of the treated area.

The advantage of cryodestruction is its gentle effect - the anatomy and functionality of the nose remain unchanged. The procedure lasts only a few minutes, but usually requires two treatments.

On the third day after cryodestruction, a mucous secretion is released that looks like clots. This means spontaneous cleansing of the nasal cavity.

Radio wave method

Radio wave (radio frequency) coagulation is a method discovered almost a hundred years ago. It consists of inserting a probe under the mucous membrane of the nasal concha. This probe provides an alternating current that produces radio waves. They heat the surrounding tissues, which leads to their destruction. The venous vessels in the layer under the mucosa become empty, and the shell shrinks in volume.

Do not confuse radio wave coagulation with thermocoagulation. In the first case, the tissues around the probe are heated, and in the second, the probe itself is heated.

Recovery period

Recovery after cauterization of the vessels in the nose is fairly quick. The duration of rehabilitation is influenced by the method in which the procedure was performed.

Regardless of the details of the manipulations performed, it is important to follow some rules:

  • you cannot visit baths, saunas, swimming pools, or swim in ponds;
  • refrain from high physical activity - you will have to temporarily give up lifting weights and going to the gym;
  • you can't run;
  • giving up alcohol.

As a rule, after cauterization of the vessels, certain treatment of the nose is necessary:
  • Saline solutions for rinsing. Typically, experts recommend saline solution, Aquamaris, Dolphin or Aqualor.
  • Neutral processing oils. It is better to use a product based on Vaseline or sea buckthorn.

Possible complications

Despite the capabilities of modern medicine, complications can occur after any operation. Cauterization of nasal vessels is no exception. After such manipulations, the following may appear:
  • Nasal congestion. This complication does not occur often, but it does happen. Symptoms may not only not disappear, but also appear even stronger. The cause is often an allergic reaction or repeated hypertrophy.
  • Problems with smell. In most cases, this complication is temporary and manifests itself due to swelling after the manipulations.
  • Inflammatory process. Cauterization is a surgical procedure, so the body becomes more susceptible to various bacteria and viruses. The possibility of infection through an instrument cannot be ruled out if it is not sterile.
  • Tissue atrophy. This phenomenon is the flip side of hypertrophy. Atrophy may occur due to the destruction of some important cells in the epithelium of the nasal passages.
  • The appearance of adhesions. This may cause difficulty breathing. This problem can be eliminated only by performing another operation.
Cauterization of vessels in the nose is a necessary measure when conservative treatment does not bring the desired result. Thanks to a sufficient selection of methods for such intervention, specialists can find an individual approach in each case.



2024 “kingad.ru” - ultrasound examination of human organs